anything goes with emma chamberlain - heeled sneakers and tooth gems, trendy or timeless

Episode Date: April 28, 2024

welcome back to a series i have here on anything goes called trendy or timeless, where i take current fashion trends that are happening in the zeitgeist and i figure out whether they're a trend, so...mething that will be cringey to us in six months, or if these trends are actually timeless. let's waste absolutely no time and get right into it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to a series I have here on Anything Goes called Trendy or Timeless where I take current fashion trends that are happening in the zeitgeist and I figure out whether they are a trend, something that will be cringy to us in six months to a year, or if these trends are actually timeless. And in 50 years, we'll look back at these trends and say, you know what? That was chic then, and it's still chic now. This episode is brought to you by Secret. Secret deodorant gives you 72 hours of clinically proven odor protection.
Starting point is 00:00:36 How epic is that? And it's free of aluminum, parabens, dyes, talc, and baking soda. It's made with pH balancing minerals and crafted with skin conditioning oils. So whether you're going on a run or you're running late, do what life throws your way and smell like you didn't. Find secret at your nearest Walmart or shoppers drug mart today. Let's waste absolutely no time and get right into it. Okay, starting with piercings. It's been a trend for a couple
Starting point is 00:01:08 years now to have a lot of piercings, whether it's a nose ring or it's a septum ring or it's a bunch of ear piercings covering the entire ear or it's a belly button piercing, which just recently came back into style because that was not cool for a little bit there. And then it very quickly came back. Piercings in general. Now I'm not talking about simply having your ears pierced. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'm talking about fashion choices with piercings. I'm talking about the whole ear being covered in piercings. I'm talking about the nose ring. I'm talking about the septum ring. I'm talking about the belly button piercing. These are fashion choices. I feel like simply having your ears pierced is very standard. Like most people have that. It's not really a trend. Arguably that's timeless. It's when piercings are taken to a next level. Okay. That's what we're discussing here today. For a long time, I thought piercings were
Starting point is 00:02:03 timeless for the most part. Like you could stack up your whole ear, you can get a nose ring, you know, you can get a belly button ring and it's timeless to have the piercing. What is trendy is the type of jewelry that's in it. And I think that that's still true. But I think I've actually come to the conclusion that piercings are trendy. Like all sort of fashion piercings are trendy. Nose ring, belly button, stacking up the whole ear. I actually don't think it matters what type of jewelry that you have in there.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I think it's always trendy. Now, that's sort of what's shifted in the last few months for me. Because again, before I used to think it didn't matter how many piercings you had or where they were, it was more about the jewelry that was in them. Like a simple little gold hoop or a simple little diamond stud is timeless, right? It doesn't matter if you have 10 piercings in the ear.
Starting point is 00:02:56 If they're all timeless jewelry that's simple, like I just described, you can't really go wrong. It's the stuff that's loud and extreme that's more trendy, like, you know, having a big dangling butterfly out of your belly button. That's trendy. Having a little hoop in your belly button, that's timeless. I still think that that is true that the type of jewelry impacts how trendy the piercing is. However, I'm starting to think that piercings in general are kind of trendy. Like, I recently decided to take my nose ring out and I had my nose ring for years, like since I was 17 and I'm 22 now. So that's five years of my little nose ring. I always had a little hoop in
Starting point is 00:03:36 there, a simple little hoop, nothing wild. And I remember my dad told me, he was like, you're not going to want to wear that for the rest of your life. And I was my dad told me, he was like, you're not gonna wanna wear that for the rest of your life. And I was like, really? I think I'll be wearing my nose ring until I'm like a parent, I'm like 50. And he was like, maybe, but I don't know. And I was like, interesting, okay, we'll see. Because I think we were discussing a long time ago
Starting point is 00:03:58 whether or not a nose ring was trendy or timeless, basically. I ultimately think he's right, because I had a photo shoot and they asked me to take a nose ring was trendy or timeless, basically. I ultimately think he's right because I had a photo shoot and they asked me to take the nose ring out and I was like, okay, I hadn't taken it out in so long. Like, I forgot what I looked like without it. And I took it out and I was like, I like this better. I just like this better. And at this photo shoot as well, they asked me to take out all of my earrings, basically. So I had like, I have four holes on each ear. I used to have more, but they all closed up and got infected. Really
Starting point is 00:04:30 like just absolutely pus everywhere. So infected. So that was very unfortunate for me. So they also had me take out all my earrings. So I basically had no jewelry on. And I was looking at myself for the first time with absolutely no jewelry in my face. And I was like, I really like this better. And I ended up just putting back in my main earring, like in my main hole and something in my second hole. And I was like, this is just so much cleaner and it's not really drawing too much attention, but it's still, you know, sort of frames the face.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I was like, I don't think I'm actually gonna fill those extra four holes. Like I think I'm just gonna leave those empty and I think I'm gonna leave the nose ring out. Like, I think I like the simpler look. And so I might be going through a phase where I'm just craving the bare minimum and that could simply be it. But I don't know. I'm not so sure. I actually do think that piercings are trendy. Now, the good thing about piercings is that you can take them out. It's kind of a safe trendy thing to have.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I mean, I do have a hole in my nose that you can see. Looks like I have a really big pore on my nose from where the nose piercing was, and that's kind of unfortunate, but it's ultimately gone. And I bet that hole will get smaller over the years. So it's a low risk trend. I mean, you are altering your body, but it's ultimately gone. And I bet that hole will get smaller over the years. So it's a low risk trend. I mean, you are altering your body, but it's low risk. It's not like getting tattoos, which are also often very trendy. That's higher risk trend. So I think
Starting point is 00:05:55 it's safe to play around with. I don't think there's any harm in it. I actually do though, think that they're trendy. And I don't know, I think very simple, very understated piercings are ultimately timeless. But I don't know, like when I think about, let's say 2005, when people had like, tongue piercings and, and lip piercings and eyebrow piercings, like, that's not cool right now. That's not trendy right now. I think that that is simply proof that piercings come and go as trends. Even belly button rings. I mean, they're back in now,
Starting point is 00:06:31 but they were out for like five to 10 years. They were in in the early 2000s and then when the whole like Y2K thing started happening again, everybody loved the belly button piercing again. I really think that the only timeless piercing that you can really rely on is just like a piercing on the lobe of the ear.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I think that the rest will come and go. But that's not to say that I don't like them. Like I loved my nose ring. There was a period of time where I wanted a belly button piercing. I wanted a really simple belly button piercing with just a little ring in it. But unfortunately they told me
Starting point is 00:07:04 I didn't have the right anatomy for it, which was unfortunate. So I never got it. But it's not that they're not cute. But I just don't think that they're timeless. Like I think that you will ultimately want to take them out at some point, either because you grow out of it, or because it's not cool anymore. Or because it's hard to maintain like having 50 earrings in your ears or having a nose piercing, it's like they fall out, they get infected sometimes, they get irritated sometimes. Like it's not a convenient thing to have always, you know, they can be uncomfortable. Anything that's like uncomfortable or inconvenient is usually going to be trendy because it just
Starting point is 00:07:42 can't stand the test of time. Like people don't want to put up with it for that long. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see what happens. But it was a weird epiphany for me because I was convinced I was going to have my nose ringing for the rest of my life. And now I'm kind of like, I don't know. Not really that into it anymore. Okay. Next we have huge goggle like glasses. I'm talking about like almost like a shield, like any like very large goggle-esque sort of glass
Starting point is 00:08:11 or shield like glass that covers like eyebrow to like pretty much the bottom of the nose. Like, you know, like these big frames, right? It's funny because what was really trendy, I don't know, three years ago was like the super, actually maybe even five years ago now, the super teeny tiny glasses, right? And now we've gone in the opposite direction where the huge goggle-like glasses are in. I think majority of these are trendy. However, I love a big goggle-esque sort of glass.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I think the ones that are more like a shield are more trendy to me, just because they're very, I don't know, they're sort of faux futuristic in a way, they're kind of race car driver in a way, and they're just not versatile enough maybe to be, you know what? No, hold on, no. I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:09:03 You know what? I'm sorry, no. I think huge goggle esque glasses I actually think that they might be timeless. I think it depends on how goofy they look I think that there are some that are so goofy that it's like these are obviously trendy But I think that there actually are some that are timeless like I'm thinking of like a huge like 60s goggle mod pair of glasses. I think those can be timeless actually.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And even like a shield sort of glass, you know what? If they're not super reflective, maybe like they're all black and more simple. I actually think that that could be sort of timeless. I'm conflicted on this one. I'm conflicted on this one. I'm conflicted on this one because I might just like them so much that I want them to be timeless. Like I kind of have skin in the game with this one
Starting point is 00:09:55 because I actually really love a big pair of sunglasses because like five years ago when the tiny little mini teeny little glasses were in, I probably would have said that those are timeless. And looking back, they're so clearly not, right? Like the super, super tiny glasses. We ended up sort of leveling out at like a slightly larger, less extreme sort of tiny pair of glasses
Starting point is 00:10:17 that I do think are ultimately timeless, but they're not as extreme as the ones that were trending like five years ago, you know? I think the same thing is gonna happen with the big sort of goggle shield big glasses where we're going to end up leveling out at a point where all the really extreme ones are going to just go out of style and then we'll be left with something that's a little bit more wearable and that will remain as being timeless. I love them though.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I think a lot of glasses are timeless. I think it actually comes down to like the materials that are used. Okay, let me explain. Like, for example, a pair of sunglasses that are like a classic aviator shape, right? That's pretty timeless. Like you can't really argue that. The shape itself.
Starting point is 00:11:03 However, if the lenses are like reflective, like you can't really argue that. The shape itself, however, if the lenses are like reflective, like rainbow, like monochromatic, like the chromatic sort of like rainbow, bright, flashy lenses, now it's trendy. If the lenses were just black, they'd be timeless. Same thing with like, if you were to take a small little pair of glasses, like a teeny tiny little 90s pair of glasses,
Starting point is 00:11:26 like what was trendy five years ago, those with blue lenses, like bright blue lenses, that's trendy, cause it's flashy and it's loud. Those with black lenses, that's timeless. So I actually think with glasses, it comes down to the details. And I think that that's why this one was so tough for me. Because like a big pair of goggle glasses
Starting point is 00:11:46 that are like all black, kind of timeless. If like the lens is ombre brown and then like, I don't know, it's like trying to be ultra 70s or something in a way that's almost costumesque, now that's trendy. You see what I mean? Okay, moving on, we have to move on. Next we have boxers. I've been seeing a lot of boxers.
Starting point is 00:12:06 This has been going on for a while now, but I've been seeing, like, a lot of people wearing boxers as pants, you know, like wearing a cute little tank top with a pair of, I don't know, usually blue boxers with stripes and stuff on them and the little buttons on the front. Maybe like a little white scrunchie sock and like a Birkenstock. OK, that's like a summer outfit. That started honestly, maybe two summers ago now. We've been seeing that for a while, but a new advancement is seeing boxers like poking out of pants. So like you'll have a baggy jean with the boxers poking out specifically on people who
Starting point is 00:12:43 normally wouldn't wear boxers. Like obviously dudes have been wearing boxers and having the boxers poke out of the pants for God knows how long. But we're seeing it with girls as well who aren't normally wearing boxers, right? I actually weirdly kind of feel like the boxers are no... Okay, I think the boxers as pants, like as shorts, I think that that's timeless. I can't imagine looking back at that later. It's just like such a classic, it's a classic pattern for one. You know, like they're always in these classic patterns. They're in pale blues and whites and plaids and like very timeless patterns that will
Starting point is 00:13:22 never go out of style. So that's number one. Number two, the way that like the details on them, the little buttons and stuff, that's very timeless. They're pretty understated. They're comfortable. I think that they're timeless. Even though I don't recall ever seeing like people wearing boxers as pants, like maybe shorts that are sort of similar, but never like a classic, almost like men's underwear boxer as pants. I've not necessarily seen that in like old magazines
Starting point is 00:13:49 necessarily. Maybe it exists and I just haven't seen it and I'm being dumb right now. So I'm sorry if that's the case. I haven't seen that before. So it seems somewhat new, but I don't think we're going to cringe at that later. I think it's timeless. My only issue with the boxer trend is that it's very hard to make them flattering. Like it's hard to find a pair that flatters the butt and like looks good. Like they'll look good from the front. I've seen people talk about this on Instagram Reels actually like talking about this trend and how it's like hard to make it flattering. And it's so true.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And I've always thought that. I'm not the only one though apparently. It's just they always look bad from the back. And so that's the only thing about them that I think is challenging. But I don't know, I think it's cute and I think it's timeless. However, having them poking out of the pants,
Starting point is 00:14:34 that I think is trendy. Do I think it's cute? Yes, I actually do. I think it's cute and I like it. But I think we will look back on that and think it's a little goofy. Part of me wants to say that we won't because again, like going back to what I said about the boxer,
Starting point is 00:14:48 like they're so classic and you know, they're ultimately underwear and it's like underwear is obviously timeless. I will say like, I think that the boxers poking out of the jeans and stuff is way more timeless than the trend of having like exposed underwear straps like you know the trend of wearing low waisted pants and then wearing like a high waisted not a high waisted but a thong of sorts or underwear of sorts usually a thong
Starting point is 00:15:17 that has a really high string waistband. So then it's exposed on the hip like it comes up over the hip and you can see it it's visible That's been very trendy over the last few years that is not timeless. I don't think it's cute. It's fun But I do think that we're we're gonna cringe at that later a bit more Because it's such a specific sort of style and aesthetic. It's a bit edgy to You know to be showing your underwear like having your thong like popping out of your pants sort of style and aesthetic. It's a bit edgy too, you know, to be showing your underwear, like having your thong like popping out of your pants.
Starting point is 00:15:49 It's more edgy. And I think stuff that's edgy tends to not be timeless because I don't know, I think people go through phases of wanting to be edgy, wanting to rebel. It's not like that's a trend that's like ultimately comfortable either. Like I've tried it before, like trying to have like, you know, the exposed, like whatever it's uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You're pulling the straps up on the hip, like trying to keep them exposed. Like it's not convenient. It's not comfortable. That's very trendy to me. The boxer less trendy, but still a trend. I think anytime underwear is exposed or bra is exposed, anytime, oh, bra straps even showing. That's another trend right now too. Bra straps, thong showing, all of this. I think it's cute. I think it's fun, but I do not think it's timeless.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I think that that will come in and out of style for years to come. Just depending on what the general mood of people in the zeitgeist, you know what I mean? Are people in a rebellious mood? Okay, then they're gonna start showing bra straps and they're gonna start showing underwear straps. Cause those are like, it's one thing to have like your underwear sticking out on accident, like that happens to all of us.
Starting point is 00:17:00 It's another thing to like have a bra strap sticking out on accident. That's another thing. It's like that just happens. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about making a conscious effort to like have your bra showing or to like have your underwear strap showing.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's different. I think it's too inconvenient and it's almost too sort of rebellious to be timeless. I feel like I sound like a grandmother, but I'm not, because I'm not saying that I don't like it or I don't think it can be fun. Like I fucking get it, I get the vibe. I just, it's, there's something about it that
Starting point is 00:17:35 because it's so, it's such a statement and it's such a choice, I think that it becomes stale quickly. You know, it loses its, it loses its allure when too many people are doing it, when it becomes overdone, and then it needs to go into retirement for a bit. Because actually, you know what, that just made me realize something about it. I think the reason why that's a fun trend
Starting point is 00:17:57 is because it's rebellious. Like, that's why it's fun. That's why it's cute. That's why it's cool. So when it sort of loses its edge because it's a trend and everyone's doing it, it just kind of becomes boring and everyone stops doing it. And then eventually it comes back in again because it went out of the zeitgeist for a minute and then it's like, oh, you know, and then when it comes back, it's like, whoa,
Starting point is 00:18:19 you know what I'm saying? All this to say, I think the boxers are a little different because I think that they're like less of a statement. It almost feels more like layering to me because it's not really edgy. So I don't know. I actually think the boxers poking out of the pants might be timeless. I'm going back and forth on this one
Starting point is 00:18:38 because my gut is saying that it's trendy, but my brain is telling me that it's actually kind of timeless. So I don't know, I'm conflicted on that one You all have to let me know Okay, next we have mini shorts I've been seeing a lot of mini shorts coming back and you know, I sort of forgot about the mini short in a way Not because they weren't being worn because I think that they are ultimately timeless
Starting point is 00:19:02 Like I mean mini shorts like a mini short short, right? It's such a broad umbrella, like what a wide umbrella that is. There's so many different types of mini shorts, right? So there's always gonna be some that are trendy, but there's also always gonna be some that are timeless. I forgot about them because for the last few summers, I feel like it's been more trendy to wear a longer short. And so I was so focused on that,
Starting point is 00:19:29 that I wasn't even thinking about the mini short. I think mini shorts can go either way, but I think, I don't know, there's a fine line between trendy or timeless with them. Like when I think of trendy short shorts, I think of a pair of super overly distressed, like Daisy Duke-esque sort of denim shorts. Those to me are trendy.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I think of a pair of short shorts that have a bunch of bedazzling on them, or they're like super early 2000s, like they're like true religion cutoffs. Like, I don't know. I think that they can sort of go tacky quickly, which again can be fun. Like that can be totally fun.
Starting point is 00:20:14 However, we can cringe at that later. Whereas like a cute little, let's say like a red pair of like bored short looking short shorts, like with a cute little white waistband, like something classic like that, that's timeless. A pair of denim cutoffs that are short, but not overly distressed, like just a classic pair of denim,
Starting point is 00:20:38 nothing too crazy about them, right? Just like simple, classic denim mid waist jean shorts. That's timeless. just like simple, classic, denim, mid-waist, jean shorts. That's timeless. Like a little pair of plaid shorts, timeless. A little pair of like white, cottony, maybe even linen-y sort of like short shorts, great. I think that all of those are timeless, but I think anything that's too stylized
Starting point is 00:21:01 is just simply gonna be trendy because the silhouette already, it can go trendy very quickly just by nature. Okay, next we have, I'm gonna have to describe this and I hope that you'll follow. Open front sleeve tops. So imagine like a top, okay, let's imagine this. Let's close our eyes.
Starting point is 00:21:21 A long sleeve shirt, except the only thing that exists are the sleeves, okay? So like, there's nothing covering the boobs or the abdomen. It's just like a shirt that only covers the arms. And a lot of times it goes over the head, but it's very small. It's like, if you, let's just say this, if you were to put one of these on by themselves,
Starting point is 00:21:43 you would be showing all of your boobs and all of your like stomach, like you'd be completely exposed. It's a layering piece, ultimately. I've actually worn one before, I think on my Instagram. It was like a sweater that fell into this category. These, to me, are trendy because they're so pointless. I've been saying this, I always say this about things that're so pointless.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I've been saying this, I always say this about things that are ultimately pointless. Like I said this about the double belt trend, like wearing two belts. It's like that will not stand the test of time because it's not serving a purpose. I think things that serve a purpose are almost always timeless. Not always, but it's just very unnecessary
Starting point is 00:22:24 because a lot of times, okay, a lot of times you'll be wearing like a tank top and then you'll put one of these sort of frontless, long sleeve tops over it. And it's like, well, just wear a long sleeve shirt. I get it, I've worn them before. I get it, it's cute. It can be cute for layering and it can add dimension.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And I like that element of it, but it is ultimately pointless, which is why I think it is just simply a trend. Okay, next we have intense sort of acid washed denim. I'm not talking about like the acid wash that we know from the 80s where it's like a super light pair of denim with this sort of like electric white sort of acid wash on them. I'm not talking about that acid wash. I don't even know how to describe these. The sort of more modern, like extreme denim wash seems to be more of this like dirty orange, like almost grease stained looking wash on denim.
Starting point is 00:23:26 It's kind of has sort of like an acid, it almost looks like bleach was thrown on a pair of like pants and it sat for like one minute and it didn't all the way go through, but it kind of left like a weird orangey greasy feel to them. I can't explain it. I was talking about this with someone the other day because I recently got rid of so many pairs of jeans because majority of them did not fit me anymore. And so I ended up with almost no jeans, which was crazy because I literally was like a denim collector when I was younger.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So it's like kind of wild how many I got rid of, but it was time to go out and get new jeans. And I was looking online trying to see like, okay, are there any brands that are selling jeans that, you know, what's happening? What's happening? And I, I considered buying a few pairs of jeans new. I usually buy vintage jeans, but those can be challenging sometimes because it's hard to find ones that fit properly. It's like a journey. It takes a lot of time Also, sometimes they don't have the best
Starting point is 00:24:32 structural integrity like sometimes you'll find a pair that fits but then like Six months later they rip in the ass or something Because they've been warned for so many years. So there's pros and cons mainly pros, but some cons to Having only vintage denim and so I was like, you know what, maybe I'll go and buy some new jeans. Like, instead of going on that hunt for the vintage pairs that are good, maybe I'll buy some new pairs and like have them forever. Like that was kind of the vibe, right? I was looking around and I was like, all of these washes on the jeans are so trendy. Like they're not timeless. Like if you want a pair of jeans that already
Starting point is 00:25:06 look sort of worn in, they don't have it down. Like the only way to get that look in a way that doesn't look trendy is by buying old jeans. Otherwise it can look too manufactured and it looks trendy because I think anytime anything is fake, it's bound to be a little trendy. Like another example would be a t-shirt that has a bunch of rips in it, sort of simulating like a worn-in t-shirt, but it's a bit, you know, it's clearly manufactured. It's clearly a new shirt
Starting point is 00:25:37 that has rips put in it by the brand, okay? You can tell when a shirt is genuinely vintage and like worn in and has holes in it, or if it's a shirt from a store that has rips put in it by urban outfitters, you see what I'm saying? That will always be trendy. Like when there's an illusion happening of like something being worn in
Starting point is 00:25:58 or something happening naturally. Like it's mimicking vintage clothing. And for whatever reason, which is shocking to me because I feel like we have so much technology today. I'm shocked that they're not sort of replicating the look of something being super worn in better because they're not. Like, jeans that are supposed to look worn in, it looks fake worn in. Like that's actually a style on its own
Starting point is 00:26:25 And I don't know it's just not timeless to me like it's it's not timeless to me because it's not real I don't know. There's something about that that I think Will not stand the test of time whereas like going and getting vintage jeans that are actually just worn in I do think that that's timeless And you can tell that they're authentically worn in. Same thing with like, you know, if you want a cool ripped up t-shirt, you can find a trillion of those in the thrift store. You know what I mean? And it actually looks authentically ripped up, right?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Anyway, so going back to this sort of intense, acid washed sort of oily, greasy looking denim, it's sort of mimicking distressed jeans but it's not really distressed, it's faux distressed right? It falls into that category but in an even more extreme way where it's like something that I don't even think could happen in nature. I don't even think they're like trying to mimic something that would happen in nature. It's more just a way of treating the denim. I just don't know. I think the only denim that's timeless
Starting point is 00:27:26 is the classic colors like blue jeans, black jeans, white jeans, whatever, or those in various forms of natural distressing. Like I almost think the best way to go is just to buy either pre-distressed jeans, right? If you want something like fully, truly timeless, buy them pre-distressed if, right? If you want something like fully, truly timeless, buy them pre-distressed if you want a distressed look, or buy a bunch of pairs new and just wear them like every day
Starting point is 00:27:51 and wear them in yourself and get them dirty and paint in them and go hiking in them and do all this shit and break them down yourself, you know? To get that sort of more like distressed stylized look. I think that's sort of cool. Am I gonna do that? No, I'm going to hunt for the pre-distressed ones because I'm lazy.
Starting point is 00:28:09 But I think that that's the only form of timeless denim. Do I think though that different sort of intense washes of jeans can be cool? Yes, I've worn these things. I think that they're fun, but I'm already starting to sort of cringe at them. Like it's already starting to just look kind of stale to me. So there we go. Okay, next we have track pants and track shorts. There's sort of a lot of sporty stuff going
Starting point is 00:28:38 on more than just track pants and track shorts. However, they're the most popular things that I'm seeing. Like sort of just like a classic Adidas or Nike simple pair of track pants, like straight leg, usually in classic colors like black, blue, red, et cetera. I'm gonna go ahead and call these timeless. I think that these are timeless. It kind of reminds me of a pleated skirt. It's like the pleated skirt feels very tennis, very schoolgirl, school uniform vibe, preppy. And it can be styled in ways that are trendy.
Starting point is 00:29:20 But I think that it's ultimately a closet staple because it's so versatile and it can be Mixed and matched in so many ways, but I don't think okay. Imagine a pair of track pants or track shorts With a white tank top and like a pair of sneakers. Are we ever gonna look back at that and cringe? Absolutely not imagine a simple pleated skirt with like a little cute crew neck sweater, a scrunchy little sock and a sneaker. Are we ever going to cringe at that? I doubt it. I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It's just, it is sort of timeless. This is making me realize a good way to test if something's trendy or timeless. If you were to pair a certain trend with an otherwise simple outfit, what would happen? Let's take track pants, for example, right? I use the white tank top in simple little sneaker as an example. The track pants just fit into that simple outfit so well. And you know that if you look back on that later, it fits in very well with a simple outfit. It feels classic. Let's take something like intense acid washed denim, right?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Pair that with a white t-shirt and boots, let's say. It's such a loud piece of clothing. It's so extreme that that pair of pants overpowers the simple outfit. It doesn't just seamlessly blend into the simple outfit. That to me is a sign of trendy. Another example would be, let's say a pair of leopard print pants.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Same idea. It's like it overshadows the simple outfit. Therefore, I think that makes it trendy. I'm not sure that that's a great test 100% of the time. Listen, the patent on that is pending. Okay, it's not fully proved yet. You know, we haven't done enough studies on it and bringing this to the scientists
Starting point is 00:31:05 at Stanford University. They're going to get back to me. It's all good. But I think that that might be a good test. We'll try it a few more times and see how it stands up, see how it holds up. But I'm going to go ahead and say track pants and track shorts are timeless. I'm seeing them paired in more trendy ways, like people are wearing them with little ballet flats, which is definitely a trend, you know? That sort of combination is unusual. It's something new. It's definitely trendy. But I think as individual pieces, they're timeless. Okay. Next we have classic, authentic camo. I'm not talking about camo like the blocky like camo that you see on a third grader's backpack.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I'm talking about like hunting camo. Okay, like the camo that like people who go hunting wear, where it has like a bunch of branches on it. Do you know what I'm talking about? That camo that's been very trendy recently. I think that all camo is trendy because it's a pattern that was created ultimately for a certain function. Like camo was created to help people who like hunting to hide in the woods better from prey that they want to shoot. Okay. Or in the army or, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:32:26 people were wearing camo to blend in to their surroundings. Like, I think because they serve a specific purpose for specific people who are doing specific things, I also think because it's rooted in, like, violent activity for the most part, I don't know. I don't necessarily see it being a timeless thing as a fashion statement. Like obviously camo is gonna be timeless
Starting point is 00:32:51 for people who enjoy hunting, or obviously there's no fashion trends for people who are in the army. They're wearing that for function simply. Like that's a different thing, okay? But for, you know, people frolicking around New York City, like wearing a camo long sleeve shirt, they're not hunting and they're not in the army.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I'll tell you that. So because it ultimately has a function and it's not being used for that function, and because it's rooted in violent activity, I think at a certain point people will be like, wait a minute, why are we wearing camo? This is a little weird. Like I could see that happening as like a unit like as a as a whole people will be like wait This is kind of weird. Like why are we wearing this? Like this isn't for us. Like I'm not I'm not a hunter
Starting point is 00:33:36 I don't hunt why am I wearing this? The only thing that makes me think it could be timeless is that there is sort of a surplus. I feel like of Camo things all different types of camo like I feel like, of camo things, all different types of camo. Like I feel like every time I'm at a thrift store, I see so much camo shit, which makes me think it is kind of good and cool that it's a trend because it's like, you know, we're buying those things from the thrift store and putting them to use, which is cool. But I think it's trendy. For the reasons that I stated, I think it's trendy. Do I have anything camo? I don't. I remember camo was really like the classic,
Starting point is 00:34:08 like blocky camo that again, you see on a third graders backpack, that was so trendy in like 2016. And everybody had those like bright colored camo pants. I really hope you remember those. If you don't, maybe consider yourself lucky. That was super trendy. And that came and went so fast, like in a year.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And for a while there, people were really put off camo. Like no one was wearing camo. You would not see it around. Because it had such a moment and then it really just didn't. And then camo sort of came back. I don't know. It's coming back now.
Starting point is 00:34:43 But it's more classic camos. So we'll see. We will see what happens. Next we have Lace. I've been seeing so much Lace and I don't know. I feel like Lace was not having a moment for a while there. And it's definitely back. I actually do think that Lace is timeless. I think that there are ways that it's used that are not like for example, I Saw I was gathering my items for this video and I saw this pair of pants They're like a yoga pant almost like a flared yoga pant with like a lace waistband And I remember those being popular in like 2000 what I don't know six probably I can't even remember and it's back That is so trendy, you know, like probably, I can't even remember. And it's back.
Starting point is 00:35:25 That is so trendy, you know? Like it's kind of kitschy, it's kind of extra. I think lace in that way is trendy, but lace in like a corset, like a lace corset, or like, I don't know, like lace tights, or for layering and stuff, or, oh, it also depends on the color of lace. Like I think black lace, white lace, beige lace,
Starting point is 00:35:50 like even red lace, like very classic colors, timeless. But on the specific pair of pants that I was just talking about, the yoga pants, it was bright neon pink lace, okay? Anything neon pink, anything neon colored ever is trendy, period. I will say nothing further in my opinion, very trendy. I think lace as a whole is timeless though. If it's in like a neon color, yeah, that's trendy. But for the most part, I actually
Starting point is 00:36:14 do think lace is just so classic and it also is so beautiful. Like it is very beautiful. And when it's used in a way that's classic and cool and sort of understated, wow, it can be so incredible. I'm into it. I'm into it. I love it. And I think that it is timeless when it's done right. It's been around for so long. You know, Lace has been around for so long. And I think when something has stood the test of time for that long, and it has come up over and over and over and over again for that long It has to be timeless Next this is the trendiest one of the day. Okay, I can't believe that these are back
Starting point is 00:36:54 I'm absolutely shaking in my boots literally healed sneakers, okay These were trendy for about three minutes back in the day. I don't even remember when I feel like it was a fever dream. I cannot remember when it happened. Sneakers with a heel, Converse with a heel,
Starting point is 00:37:15 Skechers with a heel, like literally looks like a sneaker, but it has a heel. These are so trendy, it's unbelievable. And they're back in right now. I'm seeing them everywhere. I am seeing them everywhere, and I'm speechless to see these back again. I really thought that these were gonna be
Starting point is 00:37:32 a one-month wonder in like 2007 or whenever they were happening, but no, they're back. They're totally back. And I feel like they've been back now for quite a few months, and they're not going away. They haven't really hit mainstream though. They're not like full mainstream but I'm seeing them and it is shocking to me. I actually, I ultimately do not like them. Actually I hate them to be honest. I've seen people style them
Starting point is 00:37:59 cute like I'm not a full hater. I don't hate the people wearing them. I hate them okay but I actually respect their bravery and they're being, you know, they're exploring and they're making it work and it's kind of impressive. So to the people who are wearing them, fuck yes. Don't listen to me. Keep pushing. I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I will never wear them. But these will be gone tomorrow again. I can guarantee you that. They're too goofy. They're too silly. I wonder if heels, like high heels will ever go out of style like altogether. I don't know, probably not.
Starting point is 00:38:32 They're too classic. I wonder if there'll ever be a phase where like, I don't know, like the heel goes out of style. I just don't know what would replace it. Yeah, no. Those are just timeless. Like they'll never be, nothing, I don't know what would replace it. Yeah, no. Those are just timeless. Like they'll never be, nothing, I don't know what would replace them,
Starting point is 00:38:47 what would take their place. I'm, listen, I'm just saying this because I want them to go out of style and I want nobody to wear them anymore because then I don't wear them either. No, I just shouldn't wear them now. That's ridiculous. But okay, next we have mid to low waisted pants
Starting point is 00:39:09 with a flare at the bottom. Like a little boot cut sort of flare. This is a very popular pant silhouette right now. I have, I believe, one pair of pants like this. You know what? I actually think that this silhouette is timeless. I don't think, like, unless they're too low waisted. If they're too low waisted, then they're trendy, because I think anything that's super low-waisted or super high-waisted, like those types of extremes, trendy. But if they're like a mid to low-waist, and they're in like a simple color, and the design is not too overwhelming, I think that's a timeless silhouette.
Starting point is 00:39:44 That wasn't necessarily in for a minute. However, I don't think that they're ever out all the way. Like a full on like 70s, like flared pant, like flare where it's like flared out really wide. It's like bell bottom, it's flare, flare, flare. That's trendy. Again, too extreme. It's like that has a moment
Starting point is 00:40:06 every once in a while and then it is gone. Like those are not trendy right now, I don't think. But like a little cute, minor boot cut flare, I think that that's always in. It's just, it's cute and it's feminine and it's fun and like, and it's versatile. And I think for the most part, those are never going out. I think it depends on the color and the pattern and the material. I think that that all comes into play. Like I think the silhouette is timeless,
Starting point is 00:40:33 but I think when it comes to individual pieces, it depends on the actual fabrics and color choices and things like that that are made, but overall timeless. Next, wide belts. I'm talking about like a wide belt, like three inches wide. You know, a lot of times you'll see them over a mini skirt. I've even seen them worn as tops, sometimes over like a dress, maybe like lower on the hip.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Really wide belt. You know, I think with accessories, it really comes down to styling, whether or not it's timeless. Like, if you have a really thick, simple belt, like I'm thinking of this really thick, red leather belt, like it's wide, it's like probably two or three inches wide. Now, it probably is like three inches wide, and it has like a big, you know, silver buckle on it. For some reason, that feels timeless to me. It does.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Whereas like I think about maybe a really big belt with like a bunch of studs on it or something. That's obviously not timeless to me. I think that they can be timeless, depending on how they're styled. So like what you pair them with. And then also, again, what's the design what's what's going on with the design? Like is it something simple like a red with a silver buckle that's sort of just classic colors simple
Starting point is 00:41:54 whatever or is it something with studs on it and like Charms hanging off of it and shit and it's like crazy. I'm gonna lean on Big extreme belts being trendy because I think for the most part they are. But I think that they can be timeless if they're styled properly and they're the right color scheme and stuff like that. But then again, a big belt is so unusable, you're not even really using it for anything. Again, it's not holding your pants up like the belt intended.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So maybe it is just trendy because, again, anything that's not really serving a purpose and it's sort of just Slapped on there is sort of doomed to be trendy, right? So maybe it is just trendy Let's just say 80% trendy for that one Okay. Next we have tacky shit like purposely tacky shit. I'm talking about like t-shirts that have like a bunch of rhinestones on them. And like super like early 2000s like have a bunch of rhinestones on them. We'll have like sometimes like a cross on it or like a quote on it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:58 And people buy these things. I used to buy them too because they're tacky. Like it was on purpose. It was like the point of this is that it too, because they're tacky. Like it was on purpose. It was like, the point of this is that it's like early 2000s tacky, you know? They'll be like frayed denim with like rhinestones on it, like hats that, I don't know, have like a crown on them and like a bunch of like rhinestones all over them. You know what I'm saying? Like purposely tacky stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:24 By now, you know what I'm going? Like purposely tacky stuff. By now you know what I'm gonna say, okay? This is obviously trendy. I think it's like funny though to lean into things that are silly like this every once in a while. Like even though these things are ultimately very trendy and will last for literally a blip of time, which is why it's like, yeah, maybe don't go buy these things.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Maybe go into like a gift shop and take a selfie with, you know, one of these hats on or something, but like this is ultimately a trend. So maybe don't buy it, just take a pic in it for the memory. I think it is fun though. That's the thing. Like it's a terrible idea to participate in the trend, go purchase these types of things.
Starting point is 00:43:59 But like if your mom has like something like that from 2005 and you want to put it on, then like hell yeah, participate. But like going out of your way to participate in it, it's gonna be over any minute now, it's already almost over, you know? Because it's so tacky. Like there's a way to do funny tacky that I think works. Like being tacky on purpose is a trend right now.
Starting point is 00:44:22 You know, you see people wearing like, people are starting to wanna wear yoga pants with the lace sort of waistband or like a super dramatic, big, juicy couture purse. These things are coming back into the zeitgeist. And it's fun. I get it. It's fun. It's nostalgic and costume-esque in a way and it's fun. Like, I get it. It's fun. It's like nostalgic and costume-esque
Starting point is 00:44:46 in a way and it's fun, but it comes in fast and it goes out even faster. If you want to be like silly and fun, but also be timeless, my recommendation is stuff that's a bit less loud, like funny in a different way. So like for example a Really well fitted t-shirt that says something funny on it. Oh, that's great. That's funny, but that's timeless You'll never even want to get rid of that or like I have this bag that has a banana It's a simple black bag, but it has like a real banana on it Like it looks like it has a real banana on it The design of it is very simple and it is a goofy thing but like I think I'll use that bag for years because it's simple and it's weirdly versatile.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Like I can wear that bag with anything shockingly. Like it goes with a lot of stuff. So you can be sort of funny and silly with your fashion without buying something that's going to be out just as fast as it came in. You know. Next, Harley Davidson. Harley Davidson has been in for like six years now, and I think it's kind of going out now. I don't know, like I still really like some Harley Davidson stuff. Like, I like the motorcycle vibe, like the motorcycle jacket, and like the motorcycle
Starting point is 00:45:59 t-shirts, like the old ripped up Harley t-shirts. Like I do actually like them, but I think that it kind of got overdone, like I really do. And I want that to be timeless because Harley Davidson is like such a classic brand and I don't know, they've made so much cool stuff over the years, so like you can go and buy such cool vintage Harley Davidson stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:22 But I do think that it got overdone and I think that it is now something that's trendy. Like I think before it became a real trend and everybody was buying Harley Davidson stuff, it was timeless. But I almost think this recent cycle of it becoming really trendy made it a trend because it was so overdone.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I don't know. I'm bummed though, because I like Harley Davidson. Maybe because my grandpa was like a motorcycle dude. So I'd like, he always had a Harley Davidson stuff. So I'm like, maybe I'm emotionally attached and it's just a trend. I mean, it kind of reminds me of like Von Dutch. You know how everybody was wearing Von Dutch hats
Starting point is 00:46:56 and stuff, I did, oh my God. Oh my God, I'm remembering an outfit I wore once. I wore like a Von Dutch hat, true religion jeans and a Harley Davidson shirt. It was like so, I fucking loved it. And it was, and I knew it was trendy in the moment. I was like, this is gonna, I'm gonna regret this later. I actually don't regret it cause it was fun, but so trendy.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Like I would never wear that now. That's ridiculous. All of those things are trendy, too stylized. Next we have lots of charms on bags. It's been a huge trend recently to have people just clipping on a bunch of stuff onto their purse, like key chains, their keys, like little cute memories, memorabilia. And I think this was inspired by Jane Birkin, who basically she was the inspiration for the Birkin bag.
Starting point is 00:47:42 The Birkin bag is like the most expensive purse sold by the brand Aaron Mays. It's a very sought after bag. It's a very popular bag, which is crazy because they're like starting price for them is like, I don't know, $8,000. They're very expensive. And then they go up to like, I don't know, I think the most expensive one is a few hundred thousand dollars. Anyway, Jane Birkin used to carry around her Birkin. She had like a black, I believe, I think it was a black Birkin, I don't know, simple like big Birkin purse, right?
Starting point is 00:48:12 And she had a bunch of stuff clipped onto it. I remember the day I saw that, I was like, that is fucking amazing. Like I love that. Like personalizing the bag, making it her own, putting your own little memorabilia on it. She always carried that bag with that stuff on it. And it was like building over time.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Like she would add more key chains and clip more things onto it. That's becoming a trendy thing. And it's definitely like manufactured. Like people are now buying charms, like buying things to clip onto it. In fact, I've been very tempted to like, try to find key chains and stuff,
Starting point is 00:48:45 although I've decided I'm just going to wait and let them find me because I love this so much and I've been wanting to do it. I don't have anything to clip onto my bags right now, but I love this trend and I actually do think that this is timeless. I think personalizing anything, adding pins, adding buttons buttons adding keychains adding Things like that. I I think that that's timeless anything that feels personal I love that and so I don't know I love this I think it's timeless and I will hopefully participate but I'm gonna let it happen naturally and organically, although I'm like excited to do it
Starting point is 00:49:23 So I am like trying to find key chains and cute things to clip onto my bag as soon as possible, but I will let it happen naturally. Okay, and last but not least, we have tooth gems. I think similar to having a lot of piercings and stuff like that, tooth gems are very trendy. It reminds me of like when I was in, I think, third grade and everybody was obsessed with getting tinsel
Starting point is 00:49:50 put in their hair, like shiny tinsel, so that like your hair would look shiny. Like it had like glittery little pieces of tinsel in it. Probably lasted like two weeks or something, maybe even less. But then very quickly, like that was not cool anymore. It was like third grade, that was all the rage. By like fifth, you wouldn't be caught dead, you know?
Starting point is 00:50:09 And I think it's sort of the same thing with Tooth Gems where at some point it's just gonna be like, wait, what are we doing? What? No, we can't, this is not, we're not doing this anymore. Or maybe it's not that extreme. Maybe they'll, maybe now that like they're popular. I never remember Tooth tooth gems being popular before.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I feel like this is somewhat of a new thing as of the last, I don't know, 100 years. Maybe I'm wrong. Oh, they were popular in the 90s. Okay, it was a 90s trend. See, I didn't know that. I'm glad I looked it up. I think that they will go out of style again. However, I do like them. I think that they will go out of style again.
Starting point is 00:50:45 However, I do like them. I think that they're really cool. Like, similar to how I liked the nose ring for a while there, you know what I mean? Now I'm kind of over it, and I can't exactly tell you why. But for some reason, it's like I woke up that day and was told, hey, you need to take your nose ring out. And something had shifted in me,
Starting point is 00:51:04 and I didn't want to put it back in at nightfall. You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't know why these things happen. I don't know why we decide, eh, we don't like that anymore. But we do. And I think that that will happen with the tooth gem. Ultimately, similarly to how we are with piercings, where it's like, one day we wake up and we're like, wait,
Starting point is 00:51:21 I don't like that my full ear is covered in piercings. It's like too much. I want to simplify. I don't like that my full ear is covered in piercings. It's like too much. I want to simplify. I don't, this is like too loud and like too attention grabbing. I don't like it anymore. I think that we will feel that way about tooth gems. However, I liked them.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Like I saw this one photo of this girl who had like on her forefront teeth, she had tiny silver stars on all of them. And I was like, ultimately, I want to go get that. Like, that's so cool. It looks so good. I think it's so like fun. And it is fun to like accessorize in areas that you normally don't get to like on your teeth or even like on your nose. Like that's why I was excited to get a nose ring, belly button, like all these things are exciting. It's like, we love to accessorize ourselves and decorate
Starting point is 00:52:04 ourselves in fun little ways But I think those ways that we decorate ourselves the more extreme they are the quicker will become sick of them because they're very loud and Hard to ignore and so also like getting a tooth gem removed is not fun like I had a teeny little tooth gem on one tooth for like a few months because I got one for free at like an event actually. And eventually I had to get it off because I was like, okay, I can't have this forever.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Like I'm kind of sick of it. I need to get rid of it. Kind of hurt to get it taken off. And maybe that was just my experience, but like, it didn't feel great. Wasn't fun. So not starving to go get another one. Like having to go to the dentist in extra time,
Starting point is 00:52:48 I'm not, I don't love that. The last thing I need is to go to the dentist in extra time per year to get a tooth gem removed. It's already traumatic when I go, like I don't know what, once or twice a year, how much are you supposed to go? I don't even know. And they tell me that my gums are receding
Starting point is 00:53:02 and I'm scared because I don't know why they're receding. I guess I brushed too hard. Like I don't need to be told that again. It already stressed me out enough I'm trying to take care of my gums and they just keep receding. It's genetic I think I don't know but I don't need to hear about that again any more times per year than I already do. Okay, so That's why I will not be getting any more tooth gems anytime soon, but They are cute, but they're also trendy. So anyway, that's it. Those are all of my trendier, timeless things of today. I think it's safe to say that most things are trendy.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I mean, I kind of realized that today. I was like, wow, I'm being kind of harsh. Like everything's trendy, but I'm realizing more and more that like very few things are timeless. And that's okay, because it's like, it is fun to participate in these trends. And like, I don't think that there's anything wrong with enjoying something
Starting point is 00:53:51 that's trendy. However, I'm in a phase of my life where I'm like, I'm trying to shift the way I think about clothing and the way I think about fashion, so that I'm not consuming as much clothing. Because I used to consume a lot of clothing because I wanted to keep up with the trends and I wanted like that was my goal. I think that that's why it's valuable to be analytical of things that are happening in the zeitgeist, you know, trends that are trending because they're enticing and they can be cute and they can be fun. But it's like, we can buy all of it we shouldn't buy all of it and I think being analytical of the trends is important so that You're making smart purchases and you don't end up with a bunch of waste that doesn't help anyone. You know what I mean? Because ultimately that's what buying like ultra trendy things is it ends up just becoming waste and let me tell you I am NOT
Starting point is 00:54:44 An angel there. I'm no saint, okay? Because I have participated in so many trends and bought so many things that I've ultimately just gone and donated like, eh, don't want that anymore. I'll just donate it. It's like, it's just not a great, it's not a responsible way to shop.
Starting point is 00:55:00 So I'm trying to get better about that. And maybe hopefully I can inspire you to get better about that, although you're on your own journey and I'm not judging you and I love you regardless. Anyway, all that to say, let me know what you think. Do you agree? Do you think some of these things are timeless when I said they're trendy, vice versa? Let me know you think you can let me know on the Instagram at Anything Goes. And yeah, follow Anything Goes on Instagram too if you want anything goes and tune in to new episodes every Thursday and Sunday. You can stream anywhere you get podcasts, but videos exclusively on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Check out my Instagram if you want at Emma Chamberlain. See what I've been up to. Check out my coffee company, Chamberlain Coffee. We might be in a store near you. So go check out our store locator on or just order straight to your door. Delish coffee, matcha, cute accessories for your little morning routine.
Starting point is 00:55:53 We have it all, not all, but we have a lot of it. So go check that out and hey, you know what? As always, it's a pleasure. Thank you for letting me ramble to you for the last hour about fashion. I love you, I appreciate you, and's a pleasure. Thank you for letting me ramble to you for the last hour about fashion. I love you, I appreciate you, and I love hanging out with you, and I can't wait to talk to you in a few days.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Okay, love you. Talk to you later. Bye.

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