Bad Friends - Dave Attell Joins the Pod Today on Patreon

Episode Date: April 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In today's economy, saving money is like an extreme sport. Coupon clipping! Romo code searching! Hip kick skill! Speed! Sweat! Unless we're talking KUDO's new phone, internet, and streaming bundle. With the HappyStack, you can sit back and stack up the savings on KUDO Internet,
Starting point is 00:00:18 a sweet phone plan, Netflix, Disney Plus, and Amazon Prime. All starting at just $99 a month. Stack more, spend less. The Happy Stack only at Coodle! Conditions apply. What are they called? Transition lenses. And that's very progressive. These aren't transition. They're gonna stay this way the whole time. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I have to change glasses. Takes all the cool out of sunglasses. When did you do the, when did you, have you ever had the transition lenses? I had them for a while and then I was told they're not cool. Why, why are they not cool? I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I don't know, some girl told me that and I listened to her. Oh, you gotta listen to girls. Yeah. Yeah. Are you married? I am married, yeah. I can't believe it. It's hard gotta listen to girls. Yeah. Yeah. Are you married? I am married, yeah. I can't believe it. It's hard to believe.
Starting point is 00:01:06 What a miracle. Yeah. You know where he had his wedding? Where? Downtown LA, Fourth of July. The only way to go. They fit right in with all the tents down there. Yeah, really.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah. Got a good tent for the weekend. Is she Jew or what? She is not Jew. Okay. But thank you for asking. Not Jew? Not Jew.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Wow. Wow. It's a status symbol among my people. Not Jew is the step up. Okay. That's what you're supposed to say, not Jew. Yeah, not Jew. Bobby is interested in dating a Jewish woman.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Can you help him? Never had one. Acquire him, really? Never? Never one Jew. Wow. I think you could do that. How?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Do you though? I know how you do it. Yes. Do Jewish women like Asian men? I'm Palestinian. Whoa. Opposites the track. That's pretty tough, Bob. How do you though? I know yes, the Jewish Palestinian Opposites attract We do want to get him he's never dated a jewish girl and I said why why we're in los angeles like how not and he just What he says he can't land any jewish girls

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