Doughboys - KFC 3: Saucy Nuggets with John Early & Claudia O'Doherty

Episode Date: May 2, 2024

John Early (@bejohnce, Stress Positions) and Claudia O'Doherty (@dingdongitsclaudiaodoherty, Killing It) join the 'boys to talk Sydney,, and childhood crushes before a review of... KFC. Plus, another edition of Snack or Wack.Watch this episode at ad-free episodes at Doughboys merch at on Doughboys via Gumball.fmSources for this week's intro: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. Want to watch this episode? Check it out on our YouTube channel at slash doughboysmedia. Looking for inspiration? Craving something new? When you visit Audible, there are endless ways to ignite your imagination. With over 750,000 titles, including bestsellers, there's a listen for every type of listener. Discover all the best in audiobooks, podcasts, and originals featuring authentic Canadian
Starting point is 00:00:32 voices and celebrity talent like Brendan Fraser and Luke Kirby's latest sci-fi adventure, The Downloaded. A first listen is waiting for you when you start your free trial at In December 2020, Richard DeLisi was granted release from prison after serving 31 years of a 90-year prison sentence. His crime? Smuggling marijuana. Convicted at the apex of war on drugs hysteria, DeLisi's three-plus decades of incarceration was one of many examples of human beings immiserated for growing, distributing, or even carrying cannabis. All of which is to emphasize the strangeness he must have felt stepping into a world of
Starting point is 00:01:16 casual acceptance of pot, an America in which the marijuana holiday of 420 has become thoroughly sanitized and corporatized. And so this year, on 420-2024, the world's second largest chain restaurant launched a dispensary pop-up in Venice, California to promote its sauce-coated chicken nuggets. Bounded in the Bluegrass State in 1930 by a stolen Valor Colonel who perhaps should have been incarcerated for literally shooting a man with a gun, it's true, the company launched its first franchise in Salt Lake City in 1952,
Starting point is 00:01:47 and has since grown to have a presence on every continent. In recent years stateside, the nearly century old Bird brand has leaned into cheekier, winkier marketing, usually incorporating the long dead Colonel himself. The saucy nuggets dispensary represents its edgiest attempt to date, a pseudo riskyrisky embrace
Starting point is 00:02:05 of weed culture conducted while thousands still linger in federal prison for marijuana-related offenses despite the Biden administration's much-touted claims of clemency. In fact, the restaurant's home state of Kentucky, the K of its acronym, still has yet to decriminalize the drug, though pending legislation will allow it for medical use in 2025. In that sense, the world DeLisi rejoined hasn't changed at all. An economic hierarchy where the law shackles the poor for using a drug, while corporations are free to suck the joy out of counterculture to market fast food less healthy than the drug itself. This week on Doughboys, we return to KFC once again for the new Saucy Nuggets. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I'm Jon Early. And I'm Claudia O'Dorey. How are all my doe heads out there today? Today we've got some crazy guests. You know, before we get to our guests, I do have to introduce my co-host, our co-host. That's right. Claudiaio, Dorney. Yeah. Where is I?
Starting point is 00:03:28 John. Sorry. Wives, we got the wild bunch in here today. Wild bunch are in today. It's going to be a kooky app. It's going to be one of those apps. But it's going to be a hoot. My co-host, slightly less green Shrek, the Spoon Man,
Starting point is 00:03:43 Mike Mitchell. Come on. That's Mike Mitchell. Come on. That's just me. Come on. Who came up with that? I'm not sure the format these emails are supposed to be is not me, are supposed to be in. Should the roast be the subject or the body or both?
Starting point is 00:03:54 Either way, keep up the good work. Sorry y'all are slowly killing yourselves for our enjoyment, but we really do enjoy it. Thanks y'all, cheers. Blake H. from Redwood City, California. Blake H. eat shit, first of all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Second of all, you see that silence at play, too? Because it was mean. A little too mean. Yeah. And I was confused. Thank you. Well, I think the rhythm was perhaps a little thrown off. So I think that was a good thing.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Oh, you're defending the joke? No, I'm just saying, I think probably it came in kind of a different place than it would normally come in. Because John and I started yelling at the beginning. I think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which I loved for the record. It's kind of fun. I really enjoyed it came in kind of a different place than it would normally come. Because John and I started yelling at the beginning. I think so, which I loved for the record. It's kind of fun, something different. It was fun, yeah, mixed it up.
Starting point is 00:04:29 No, yeah. You also pick these, correct? Amelia sends three options. Do you want me to give you the other options? You can see if I picked correctly. Let's hear the other two options. So this is the audience roast. Yes, roast at
Starting point is 00:04:45 There's a roast spoon man. And here are the other two options. Roast option two, Ariana Nachos Bel Grande. Like it better. What is Ariana Grande and then the Nachos Bel go in there? I thought it was just a little confusing. It was kind of a mouthful.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I think that it makes more, it makes more sense. What's your actual name? Is it Grande? Yeah. Yes. Mitch. Ariana Nachos Belgrande. That was from Alex at Lameraw.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Much better. This one I thought was really mean and I didn't want to, I'll say it if you want me to say it. Let's hear it, come on. Ozempic's final boss. That's pretty funny. You like that one. I don't get it, actually.
Starting point is 00:05:20 What do they mean by final boss? I'm like the final challenger. They're like the last. So is final boss a phrase used commonly in the world? It's a video game thing, yeah. I see, and that's why I get stout on it. It's been coming back a little bit because the Rock, right, is that why it's now been in the lexicon a little bit more wise?
Starting point is 00:05:35 The Rock is the final boss at WrestleMania? I guess, but I think it's also just generally been in like nerd culture lexicon for decades. Sure, yeah, yeah. The Rock Obama. I am Obama. The rock. Is that a name for you? That there was literally a sketch. They did the rock on what?
Starting point is 00:05:52 On the great website, funnier die dot com. I believe was that right? Oh, no, wait, it was SNL. Oh, my God. It was SNL because accent wise, we were saying everything different. So that's where my brain went. I think it was an SNL Dwayne Johnson hosted. Yes. A lot of fun. He's strong.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And he's very tall. He is a guy. How tall is he? I think he's 6'4". Wow. He's a big dude. What's it like up there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:21 What would it be like up there? It would be crazy. You're seeing everything different, the top of people's heads. Well, you're a tall drink of water. You're like 6'2 and a half, 6'3. It's a little colder up there, I guess. Yeah, the air is thinner.
Starting point is 00:06:32 The air is thinner. You get dizzy. You can see people in crowds easier. That is true. You also get looked at more of a monster in some ways, I feel like. Like, you know, like people are, I told Y exist.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You ruin concerts for me. That's true. I like to sit during concerts a lot of the time. On the ground? Sometimes on the ground. Yeah. It depends on where I am. I mean, like a chair, preferably.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Preferably? Preferably. Yeah. My priest, I kind of have a priest. I don't go to church a lot. Does he have some? He's like 80. Does he look like the priest from the exorcist?
Starting point is 00:07:10 I think he's so dreamy. Oh, he's so dreamy. He's so cute. Are you talking the young one or the old one? The young one. The young one, okay. Oh, okay, because the old one, is it Vanna? Max von Sydow?
Starting point is 00:07:21 Vanna White. Claudia, it is not Vanna White. We're trying to get the facts right here about extra shit. Max Von Sydow. Max Von Sydow. It's not Vanna Anything. My friend, when I was a kid- It's not.
Starting point is 00:07:37 One of the first porno mags I ever saw was, my friend had a Playboy magazine, like his dad's Playboy, and it had a Vanna White pictorial. Oh my He had she was wearing like all sheer garments, but you could See me the letters No, they did not they did not have like the wheel of fortune. She turned around an eggplant emoji That's funny. That is funny. Is that is that crunchy?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Is that grotchy? It's just anachronistic. Exactly. They didn't really have... I take issue with that. They didn't have emojis then. Well, OK, maybe it was a picture of an eggplant then. I don't know. It could be...
Starting point is 00:08:12 You know what? They didn't do pictures either. I know. It's a crazy idea. I know it is now. I know it is. Before, I felt so confident. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:21 You stripped that away from me. The rock is... Well, they stripped a lot away from Ben and White, but they stripped it. Yeah. The Rock is six foot five, and I always loved this photo which he posted because this is The Rock next to NBA legends,
Starting point is 00:08:34 Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal. Wow, Shaquille is so big. And look, he's positively dwarfed by these two titans, although he himself would be the biggest man in this room by a landslide. Wow. Wow, imagine me in that photo. I wouldn't even be in a landslide. Wow. Imagine me in that photo. I wouldn't even be in frame.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah. You might have been in that photo. You could have been. I know, I was there that day. You think you'd be below frame? Yeah, look at the frame. Can I see the frame one more time? I gotta re, hold on.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I closed the tab. You feel like kinda white right now. Because there's a screen. Audience. Because there's an open screen next to me, I'm like. I know. It's hard not to look. It's the great scandal next to me. I'm like The great scandal of our lifetime we have to get rid of we have to get rid of phones no more podcasts Here's what I say no more film there there it is yeah, I would maybe like the top of my ponytail would be in that photo
Starting point is 00:09:25 What are we saying no No more filmed podcasts. I know, it was annoying. Back to the intimacy of the sound. There's a rash on my face today. I had to buy a concealer to cover it because I'm coming on a podcast? Isn't that wild? Like, I think about that all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It used to just be able to look like shit and I had to like shower this morning. I didn't have time. And that was what gave podcasts this beautiful, vulnerable, raw quality. Right. It was kind of voyeuristic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And now we're just, look at us. John's outfits cost $3,000. That was in dollars. I fucking paid for a stylist for this. Oh my God. You both look terrific. You both look great. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Can you imagine if I did full HMU and a stylist for this podcast? Ha ha ha ha. We appreciate, I think it's about damn time, don't you think, Nick? I'd love to get a hair and makeup artist. No, I mean, okay. Emma, hit them with, will you hit them with a drop, please? But for everyone. Hit them with the drop. I did a hotbox. Oh my, oh my God. Is it good? Yeah. Is it good? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Is that Darcy? I. Is it good? Yeah. Is that Darcy? Did a hotbox. 365. Oh, is that Darcy? Is it good? Yeah. Is it good?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah. I did a hotbox. Hotbox. Hotbox. Is it good? Yeah. Is it good? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I did a hotbox. Oh God, yeah. Is it good? Yeah. Is it good? Yeah. I did a hot box. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:10:47 We think that maybe that was Darcy. That's what we- That's my guess. Darcy Carden. That is my brother's name as well. Oh, that's right. Not Carden, but Darcy for sure. That's right.
Starting point is 00:10:57 What's up, Spoon Man? And the whole Doughboyz fam, question mark. I made this drop after hearing Mitch say, I did a hot box in the Emily Yoshida episode. Shout out to fellow Iowans. We got a voice twin. We got a voice twin. We got a voice twin.
Starting point is 00:11:10 We got a voice twin. Shout out to fellow Iowan Emily. Thanks for the laughs. Thanks for all the laughs. Aw. Sifo, Sifo-deus, like the Star Wars character, Jedi master Sifo-deus. Did I say it wrong?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Yes. I'd have to read it. I'd have to look at it. PS, phase three of Star Wars, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Did I say it wrong? Sifo-Dyas? I'd have to read it. I'd have to look at it. PS phase three of Star Wars, the High Republic is upon us. Sifo-Dyas. We went on the Star Wars ride. We did.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I would say it was. Stupid. Lackluster. Which Star Wars ride? Which one? The one that's inside. Yeah. Totally inside.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Did you pilot or no? I was shooting, I was like, uh... I think I know what that is. You're doing the Millennium Falcon one, you're not talking about the one where you walk around, right? This is your first experience with it? Yeah. I have said I think Disney Star Wars is bad. The park and all of it.
Starting point is 00:11:57 But the park is not very... and that ride is bad. You don't like the world of Batuu? Batuu is fucking boring. Wow. What is Batuu? It's the canonical world for the Star Wars land. It, like, takes place. That's a world you're in. I'll actually explain it to you multiple times.
Starting point is 00:12:12 They got really too present. Look, let me introduce our guest formally from Killing It, Claudio D'Ordio, in the new movie Stress Positions. John Early. Hi, John. Hi, Claudio. Hi, Claudio. Hello.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Thanks so much for being here. Thanks for having us. Thanks for having us. We love to be guests on, I wanna say, doughboys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So they got too precious about the Star Wars universe
Starting point is 00:12:33 and they wanted to make sense. So it takes place in a specific timeline on a specific fictional planet that they invented. Instead of, Mitch, like what we've talked about, there should be like a Cloud City biome, there should be like a Tatooine biome, they should just cram all, there should be Endor, they should just throw it all in there.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Hey, you want to see fucking Yoda? Everybody knows fucking Yoda. You can't fucking see fucking Yoda. Too bad he's not the timeline. He's a force ghost right now. I really regret bringing up Star Wars. I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:57 But it wasn't my fault. Someone had an A special name. It's true. Oh yes. But, and you didn't like that ride. The ride was just very lackluster because the screen, you're like flying and shooting and you're meant to be like, whoa, I'm flying.
Starting point is 00:13:11 But in fact, you're just like, it's a screen. I want to feel more terrified. I was more scared. There's another one, right? That's Space Mountain. That's not Star Wars. That's not Star Wars. I've got something.
Starting point is 00:13:23 What's that? I think Disney United should be called Mountain Land. That's not Star Wars, but. I've got something. What's that? I think Disney United should be called Mountain Land. All the rides are mountain things. Splash Mountain, Space Mountain. That's three mountains. Wow. Well, Magic Mountain is a separate Six Flags park,
Starting point is 00:13:34 but I think the point is taken. No, it isn't. It's not. No, it is not. Okay, all right. Wikes. It's not. That's been corrected.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Don't you fucking do that to me. I'll do it at you. I'll do it back at you. Ugh. Ha ha ha. How rude of you. Jimmy is baffled by the new arrangement here. We're in a different studio.
Starting point is 00:13:53 She doesn't trust why I do much. She doesn't trust me. She doesn't want to sit next to me. It's a T-1000 sort of thing where the animals can. Come on, come on, Jimmy. Come up on the perch. Come up here. Come sit next to me.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Claudia, I have a specific thing for you, which is that we've talked about Hungry Jacks on each of your podcast appearances, both solo and with John. My parents took a vacation to Australia, and my mom sent me this photo. This would be great. This would be great for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:18 If Jemmy sneaks between you. If Jemmy gets up between Claudia and I. I'm gonna be livid. I know. Jemmy, Jemmy, come on. Jemmy, look. She's gonna do it. Oh my gosh, she's gonna do I. I'm gonna be livid. I know. Jemmy, come on Jemmy. Jemmy, come on. Jemmy, look. She's gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Oh my gosh, she's gonna do it. She's gonna cozy up there. She's doing it. Good girl, good girl. Oh my god, this is so good. This is adorable. You're such a good girl. John, sorry you sat on the couch with the dud.
Starting point is 00:14:40 We're gonna have to, we have a long time. I cannot believe she's that sad. That is so cute. Too bad you sat on the couch with the dog, dud. a long time. I cannot believe she's that son of a bitch. That is so cute. Too bad he sat on the couch with the dog, Nick Weiger. How dare you? You know, because she wants the body heat on both sides, so I think we'll make this more inviting for her. You should stop sitting so close to each other.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's just hard not to. I'm kind of snugged in here because of the microphone arm. It's sort of swooping around. Because of the microphone arm. He could adjust that. It is very uncomfortable. It's fully adjustable in every direction. And what, I'm going to be over here,
Starting point is 00:15:11 leaning like this? Well, why are you moving your ass over? No, I got to be looking in your direction. You're making our guests uncomfortable. No, I love it. OK, so my parents took a vacation to Australia. Where did they go? My mom texted me, I don't know, but they texted me this.
Starting point is 00:15:28 All right, Nick. No. Because this is the full details I have. Whopper on sale, BK Australia, and they sent a picture of a hungry child. Is that the only photo they took in Australia? That looks like Sydney to me. The only thing they sent me.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Me too, actually. But I'm only, oh yeah, because John recently came to Sydney to meet my family. Since our last appearance, I went to Sydney to meet my family. Since our last appearance, I went to Sydney. Wow, what was that like? Absolutely incredible. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I stayed at an Airbnb about three houses down from her family home, her parents' house. And it was so much fun. And we had, honestly, the best I've ever had, like in Sydney. Sydney is a food town. We didn't do any, I guess Clems is fast food. Clems is fast food and I've talked about it on the podcast before.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Clems, okay. It's fried chicken. So try to remember everything that you said too. I do remember that. That was great. It's... It's... Clems is a Sydney based fast food,
Starting point is 00:16:24 but it's like, it's only one branch. There's only one. So it's one tree trunk. Right, like an individual location. But literally, it's the only thing that comes close to KFC. Which we will incidentally be talking about today. All right, that brings us to our next segment. Oh, it's KFC!
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah! Are we there on the timer yet? No, no, sorry, sorry. No, it's okay. Do you know who Sydney is their least favorite city? Oh, nevermind. Who? Ghostface. Hello, Sydney.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I got it now. I have a really good impression of him, but, of Ghostface, but it's too rude, I don't think I could be like. You can do it. What do you mean too rude? It's fairly perfect. I got called less green Shack moments, Shack.
Starting point is 00:17:12 But everyone who did Ghostface, they go like, hello, Sydney. But actually, the more Ghostface thing is, he goes, shut the fuck up, you fucking bitch. You know what I mean? It's okay. I'm listening to you, you fucking little. You know, when he says, he was back here. Shut the fuck up, you know, it wasn't as good as I remembered. She's in Twisted Metal.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Uh, Sydney's ghost face. Oh man, that would be wild. Is that her name? Neve Campbell. I never met her. Wait, really? Yeah, they wouldn't let me meet her. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Well, you're also in completely different arcs. She was there, and they were just like, stay away from her. Oh, she was physically there. Oh my god. No, no, no, no. That would be crazy. I was going to have, you know what's funny is, there was a dinner where I was going to get to have dinner
Starting point is 00:18:01 with Sydney Prescott. Wow. But one, we had a show in Chicago. That's right. Two, I got COVID. That's right. Three, I was supposed to do a crypto ad with Gronk. What?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Good, that fell through. We all agree. The happy accident. We agree that it was probably a happy accident. You would have been the one person who got in trouble for advertising crypto. Yes. Like everyone else gets a pass.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Right, Larry David. And I had an issue with it anyways. You knew that for advertising crypto. Yes. Like everyone else gets a pass. Right. Larry David. And I had an issue with it anyways. You knew that, the crypto of it. Yeah. Gronk coin. And didn't, you can bleep this out, did he? Did he have a crypto app?
Starting point is 00:18:39 Maybe I'm making that up, but I don't know. We don't need to bleep out. You guys mainly do whatever Diddy does, right? We don't do what Diddy, we don't do what Diddy know. We don't need to bleep out. You guys mainly do whatever Diddy does, right? We don't do what Diddy, we don't do what Diddy does. We don't do what Diddy did. Don't do what Diddy did. We don't do what Diddy did. We don't do the Diddy.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Don't, no Diddy for us. Did he do what Diddy did? No. Wait, that sounds like a support of Diddy, what you just said. No, I said, did he do what Diddy did? What Diddy did? It doesn't seem like it's you.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Did I do what Diddy did? Nick loves Diddy. Yes, and then I'm saying no. Nick loves Diddy, what you just said. No, I said, did he do what Diddy did? What Diddy did? It doesn't seem like it's you. Did I do what Diddy did? No. Yes, and then I'm saying no. Nick loves Diddy. We can leave it on that one. I did. We ain't going nowhere.
Starting point is 00:19:15 We ain't going nowhere. We can't be stopped now, because we do boys for life. All right, that brings us to part two of the podcast. Let's get some of those fan calls in. We've got Sasha on the line. I'm sorry. I can't say this anymore. Meanwhile, Gemma and I's never been happier. She's so content.
Starting point is 00:19:38 She's so snuggled in there. Is she sleeping? She's as sweet as can be. She's just like, oh. I love when dogs sleep and they get really hot. I Yeah, you know that I famously I one time I was trying to show a group of people at a dinner how kangaroos are hot Fresh off of coming back from Sydney. I didn't see a kangaroo, but I was very Australia
Starting point is 00:20:03 Wallaby I did see a wallaby with Joey in its very Australia-pilled. Did you see a wallaby? I did see a wallaby with a joey in its pouch. Oh, sorry, a joey's a baby wallaby. I'm sorry. So I was trying to tell a group of people how kangaroos are kind of hot and buff and ripped. They are hot. Yeah, they're hot. And then I was using my friend's phone
Starting point is 00:20:26 to show people, I was like, see, you know, and I was swiping these pictures and I go, oh, see, and it was because it was a picture from underneath, like a chest. And I was like, see, like, can you see? And he goes, that's my dog. Wow. It was really uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:20:44 So now John's dating the dog. Yeah. And let's just say, we're really happy. Are you dog, are you a dog owner? Either of you all have dogs? No, I can't handle the responsibility. What's the pet count? Cause I know Mitch is a cat down.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Two here. Zero, but I'm, you know, I'm foreign. Sure. And because of Depp's dogs, because you know how Depp, you know Depp's dogs. Johnny Depp? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:08 He brought them into Australia, right? He took it. So we have very strict quarantine rules because it's an island nation, but he just ignored them because he thought he could do anything because he's Pirate of the Caribbean. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And then so he brought in his dogs on his private jet, and then he blamed Amber Heard. They were still together at the time. It was when they were together. Beautiful couple. They are amazing. Sunny Hill. I hope they get back together.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Me too. It's kind of a will they won't thing with them. Yeah, yeah. There are modern day Ross and Rachel. Exactly. They got back together. It would be very funny. Quite a story.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Quite a story. You guys put us through hell to get us back. But I'm sorry. Today? No, I'm saying Depp and Herd. Oh. He's talking on their behalf. Oh, got you.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah. I thought you meant we put you through hell to come back. No way. This is a privilege and an honor. And we got to eat my favorite food on Canada. Yes, you did seem to very much want to eat KFC. I feel like the decision was made before. I kind of just told Nick they want KFC.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah, and you said you didn't find it. It doesn't really fit in the algorithm. I mean, there was some algorithm talk. Because it's always. You're not going to say anything about the algorithm. You talk about the algorithm all the fucking time. I did use the term SEO, which is search engine optimization. But it's like, but.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Search engine optimization. Also, by the way, someone just texted you SEO. Do you, would you know what the fuck that stands for? Well, you've been working and making internet content for a decade now. You think I know what SEO means? No, I don't, Mitch. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That's why I planned on explaining it to you. Wow. You love explaining it to me. Go on, continue to explain. Amber and Johnny right here. Despiring? I did get, I've said the story of the podcast a couple of times, but I was at a wedding
Starting point is 00:23:01 and the wedding photographer came up to me and there was this old man looking at me and the wedding photographer was laughing and said, uh, he asked if you're Johnny Depp. Wow. That's insane. What were you wearing? Did you have like a pirate hat on? I had like longer hair is the thing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Kind of Depp-y hair and then I also had like pink sunglasses so maybe I looked a little bit. You're drinking out of a bottle. You're drinking a bottle of rum as well, right? Yeah. Big dangly earrings. Right, but also I think it was like there were some, whatever, there were a couple celebrities there, so he probably like, oh, it's another celebrity.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Who were the celebrities? No one talks to a celebrity. Andy Samberg was there, or buddy David Phillips was there. Oh, right, I was there too. You didn't mention me. And also, you were there, weren't you? Nope. Damn. We weren't invited.
Starting point is 00:23:51 We weren't invited. There was a pony there named Rodeo that I liked quite a bit. That's right. What the hell? Mitch told the story. Well, OK. We talked about this on the podcast previously. Mitch, do you want to recap or do you want me to tell it?
Starting point is 00:24:05 You can tell it, you tell it better. So at the wedding, Mitch comes up to me and it is at a lovely sort of rural sort of farmhouse environment on the grounds of this farm, this family farm. Mitch comes up to me and says, parents of the bride yelled at me. I instantly believe this because that could totally happen to Mitch. And I was like, oh, what happened? And the bride yelled at me. I instantly believe this because that could totally happen.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And I was like, Oh, what happened? And there's this little pony named rodeo. Uh, and he says, they caught me sucking off rodeo. They caught me sucking rodeo's dick. Rodeo's got to be a girl because she's a pony. Yeah. Oh, our ponies girls. I don't think they're necessarily just a mini horse, right? Or was it a pony girl because she's a pony. Yeah. Are ponies girls? I don't think they're necessarily girls.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I think it's just a mini horse, right? Or was it a pony? Might've been a pony. I think ponies can be boys or girls. Mini horse versus pony, what's the difference? I think a pony is just a mini horse. I think they're different species. Oh.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I can look it up. It had an eye missing, right? Yeah, it was missing an eye. Did its eye pop out when it came up? That sucks. Did his eye pop out when it came up? Did it suck it up? Yes, Claudia. In the history of anyone getting sucked off, if eyes ever popped out.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Well, if it's really good, that's what can happen. And she would know. Mini horses are smaller than ponies. Wow. By about half. Imagine if there was one on this little table. That would be so cute. I think they'd cuddle up right here. Sorry. horses are smaller than ponies. Wow, okay. Imagine if there was one on this little table.
Starting point is 00:25:26 That would be so funny to you. I think they'd cuddle up right here, sorry. We're gonna get her over here. I'm being a jerk today? You started the show off calling me less green Shrek. That's what was the spoon thing roast. That's the thing that we do every episode. Why am I being a joke?
Starting point is 00:25:41 That was the thing, that was the fan. Thank you, thank you John. Sorry, it's hard with the couch position. I know. Why am I being a joke? That was the fan. You're always giving me side done. Thank you, thank you, John. Sorry, I just, it's hard with the couch position. I know. In Vites fact. It's not, look, Wikes, I make peace with you. It's not couch V couch here.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I love you. I love you. And I love you too. I love you too, Mitch. I love you as well. Everyone got silent. Not saying. Not returning.
Starting point is 00:26:03 What, oh, okay, so I want to talk about KFC, but I want to generally talk about fried chicken, because I have come to infer that this is a favorite food of yours. Yes. It certainly is. Is it number one? Because I think it is for me.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I think it's my favorite food. Probably number one for me is spaghetti. Wow. Spaghetti, wow. And that was why Jollibee was such an exciting time for us. So perfectly pairing. Because it's so good. But the spaghetti is weird, though, remember. Yeah, us. So perfectly caring. Because it's so big. Yeah. The spaghetti is weird though, remember?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah, it wasn't good, essentially it's in ketchup. So that was not good. But today is not about Jollibee. Right. KFC, it's just my brother and my sister, they liked McDonald's. I loved KFC. So there was always a war whenever fast food was available
Starting point is 00:26:43 and they would always win because it was two to one. Because fast food is always associated, you just think of burgers and fries. And you don't think of actually, and to me that is like, I love burgers and fries. I love them quite a bit actually. But it's kind of like not food or something. You know what I mean? It just transcends food for me. There's no bones. And KFC always has a kind of exoticism to me because it's, yes, it's a fast food chain,
Starting point is 00:27:15 but you're really getting real food. You're getting a real meal. The visceral animalistic nature of tooth on bone. It feels less like made in a weird machine. Oh, I guess you do, yeah. That's how you know when to stop. And veins. Yeah, veins popping in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Oh, god, that's horrifying. Sorry. Veins, I don't like the veins, personally. I don't either, obviously. I wish it was more veins. That's a new thing they do now. It's just a bundle thing they do now. It's just a bundle of veins in batter.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Can I get mine vein style? Thanks. Wait, hold on a second. Veins, what are you saying? Vein. Oh, bone and chicken. Just like. Just like. Picked on bone.
Starting point is 00:28:03 What? What? Didn't KSC have he have, isn't he ate the bones? He ate the bones was their campaign, yes. What the hell? Who did, what? This was an ad campaign and it sucked, but it was basically early 2000s maybe, and it was basically when they introduced boneless.
Starting point is 00:28:17 And so the idea was people were eating boneless chicken and being like, I ate the bones because they didn't realize that there were no bones in the KSC chicken. The implication being the people are stupid? I guess so. There was like a dumb guy ad, right? I think it was a dumb guy ad.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I bet we know who that guy was. Probably, yeah. I just hate this tender movement. I don't want tenders. I want bones. I agree with you. I agree, agree, agree. So this is a big thing.
Starting point is 00:28:42 We both ordered tenders today. We did get tendies and I got it as a control versus the saucy nuggets. Why are we calling them tendies? That's him, that's not me. Is that you? That's not KFC. That's not KFC? No, it's me, but we call it tenders if you like.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Nick. Oh, Nick. Yeah, I know. I think it's fun. Grow up. No, I don't wanna. He spilled a cup of wine the other night while reading a manga.
Starting point is 00:29:06 That is true. So he's grown up, he's like half and half. A cup or a glass? Glass. I have the stemless wine glasses at home. Yeah. Does it have the finger grooves? No, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Do they make those? That's a great way to warm your wine up. Really? Yeah, that's the point of the stem is to not warm it up. Yeah. Obviously not. Are you drinking red or white wine? Red wine.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So I'm not drinking white wine out of a stemless glass. So you could, yeah, exactly. I'm not a fucking animal. Yeah, good. All right, good, good, good, good, good, good, good. He's a spiller, he's a bit of a spiller. I'm a spiller, this is the thing, I'm just like, I knock shit over all the time,
Starting point is 00:29:39 I'm always spilling, I shattered a glass in that studio yesterday. This one, one of these? One of these? No, well it was the drinker stank glass, but it was a Doughboy's yesterday. This one, one of these? One of these? No, well, it was the Drank or Stank glass, but it was a Doughboyz brand new glass. It is broken completely. I do just want to take a second to promote the podcast
Starting point is 00:29:51 Doughboyz. Yeah. It's an amazing podcast. They've got really cool guests on. It comes out weekly. It's on right now. Yeah, they eat fast food and review it. It's very fun. And as everyone gets involved involved the audience gets to send in really mean little things to everyone.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Yeah. And it's really cool. It's like, so check it out. Yeah. Anyway, sorry. Sorry about that annoying promo. I just we had to do it. You know what? I love it. I love it. I'm all for it. I wish more guests would do it. Here's a funny thing.
Starting point is 00:30:24 What? Birds came from dinosaurs. I was more guess would do it. Here's a funny thing Birds came from dinosaurs. Oh My god, I honestly do think that's crazy Settled scientific theory or is that like the Ian Malcolm hypothesis from Jurassic Park and some paleontologists think it, but not everyone agrees. I think it's true, because they're like, oh, turns out they all had feathers. So this is the consensus opinion now.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah. Interesting. Wait, Emma? I was gonna say the last time John and Claudia were on was the origin of bird fuck. You came and had the bird fuck dream. Yes, yes. Yes, wow. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Did you guys keep talking about it? I mean, I listen, of course, in the podcast. It's now our homepage. It's now our official URL. Oh, wow. I think it got purchased during the podcast. It did. It did, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Do you ever make a roast chicken and it's still got the feathers in it, so you have to like, it's got the quills. Ew. And you've gotta like pluck them out. Yes, that has happened to me. It has happened to me as well. Especially if you buy really like, organic chicken. Yes, that has happened to me. That's happened to me as well. Especially if you buy really like organic chicken.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah, and then you're plucking them like a medieval wench. Crazy, but we shouldn't, it should be fine, but it grosses me out. Yeah, it's too disgusting. It's in that sort of, you know, many holes problem. Oh, tricky tickety-to-mo.. Tiki-tiki-timo. Tiki-tiki-timo. Tiki-tiki-timo.
Starting point is 00:31:46 It's very tricky, tricky. And then you're like, ugh. And you're like, ooh. You're talking about the phobia of seeing a bunch of tightly clustered holes. I can't remember what it's called. Something like that, triktonophobia or something. Shout out to the medieval wenches
Starting point is 00:32:01 for doing all that work. All that plucking? All that bird plucking? Yes. Thank you, bird plucking? Yes. Thank you. Did you get that one? I don't know what we'd use it for, but we could get it. You can just redirect it to
Starting point is 00:32:13 I'll pay monthly. You'll pay monthly? Literally. Money's not an issue for me. Emma, how much? looks like nobody owns it, so we could get it. Birdpluck. Oh, sorry. Birdpluck, not cluck. Sorry. We don't have good luck.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Also looks available. How much, how much would that cost us? I don't know. Let's find out. Let's get it. Let's waste. Is this coming out of the Patreon? I mean, everything does, I guess, in a way. I mean, not everything. would be one penny for the first year for a three-year contract, $21.99 a year after that. I think that's worth it. Is the bit worth $22 a year? For at least a year.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, $22 a Casey's salary a year. Is it worth it? Oh yeah, this is deducted from Casey's salary. Casey, come on, Casey. Come on, Casey. Casey. Casey. If you give the thumbs up. This is solid. Alright, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Yay!, now the redirecting home to So if you have a typo, you'll end up where you need to be, Yeah, if you have a typo where you put P and L instead of F, you'll be safe. That's a very common typo, you know, to do P and L instead of F. You never know safe. That's a very common typo, you know, to do P and L instead of F. Oh my god. You never know what autocorrect is gonna do.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Can I tell you that my genius porn plan when I was in middle school was? Please. Please. So I would, in order to look at, and you can bleep this out, gay porn. I would type in, I would start, because all you have to do is a starting address and then it can take you anywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Exactly, sorry, to be clear, the family computer. I would type in hotmail, m-a-l-e dot com. And that was a real porn site. And I would start there and then go on a you know whatever go right? And then the plan was if my parents found that now I would also clear the history whatever but if I forgot to do that there was some sort of mistake if my parents ever Found that I would go oh my oh my god. I have a hotmail account ma il and I And I end up on these crazy
Starting point is 00:34:30 I end up on these crazy sites where people are sucking and fucking, I don't know what was happening, I was cracking up. People's eyes are popping out. But that was always my plan if I were to get caught, I was just trying to check my fucking email back off, mom. It's really smart, you got plausible deniability. I like that. Because often when you try to write IL, you write L-E. L-E. Right. What can they say to that? You're not gay, you're not gay.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I'm not gay. You're not gay. Also clever on the porno companies. Who was like your girl crush? Who was your like fake girl crush? Well the thing is, I never really was faking my girl crushes. It was like, I was kind of like saying I had crushes on girls
Starting point is 00:35:07 in a kind of unconvincing way, but I didn't really know I was gay. And then once I knew I was gay, I stopped doing that. But the final few pre-realizing I was gay, I think you know this, Ashley Judd. I was like, she's so amazing in Simon Birch. It was Ashley Judd, it was Juliette Binoche. Wow. She's aged like fine wine.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And then I think I was like Britney Spears, but what I was actually thinking about was Justin in my head. Yeah. Were you a Britney Spears crusher? I don't know if I had a crush on Britney Spears. No, I was not Britney. You may be too old.
Starting point is 00:35:44 We're also too old. I think for me it was Trini the Yellow Power Ranger. How about you? I liked the pink Power Ranger. That's not the girl. She's the one from Felicity. Yes. Oh, wait, what? Yeah, she's the friend and Felicity's
Starting point is 00:35:55 looking for her birth mom. Yeah, she's looking for her birth mom. And she finds her and the result's on as nice as she might. Is her mom Jane Cosmerek? I think she might be. And she like doesn't might be, and she doesn't want her back. But then does she want something? Maybe money. Like to hang out a little bit?
Starting point is 00:36:12 She's like, no, no. But maybe we'll hang out. We can have coffee once. Have you revisited that show? Yeah. It's worth watching in modern times if you're not familiar with it? Yeah. It is. It's incredible. Wow, okay. It's fabulous. Worth watching, like, in modern times, if you're not familiar with it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It is. Wow. It's fabulous. I have to say, like, it's very, um, you know, it has a kind of teen, like, cozy kind of weekly, you know. Sweaters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:37 But there's an extra layer of, like, they treat their audience with respect. Like, it is a, she is a complicated character. It is a deep show. It's incredible. And her performance is insane. Carrie Russell is an incredible actress. Do you know the pilot? No, I don't at all.
Starting point is 00:36:59 The pilot is that she has a crush on Scott Speedman at their high school, and they, like, never talked. And then he's... And she's already set to go to Stanford because her parents want her to be a doctor. She lives in Palo Alto or something. That's like, yeah. And then, and then he signs her yearbook, even though they're like never spoken. And he leaves this long thing.
Starting point is 00:37:17 It's like, I always like noticed you and you seem so smart or, oh no. You're fine, you just push it back on. It's fine. And by the way, I want to say, I'm bringing this background to fried chicken. Please. I have a plan. I love it.
Starting point is 00:37:30 And then he's like, he signs a yearbook and then she reads it and goes crazy. And then she follows him to NYU. NYU. Wow. That's- Guess where John went to college. NYU.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Wow. Who's Felicity now, bitch? Come here. That was, yeah. Go space, go space. Who's Felicity now, bitch? That was my, that was, yeah. Ghostface, ghostface. I'm Felicity, motherfucker. But, but then, so the first episode is her showing up at NYU and then Scott Spieman's like, hey, it's like, it's genius. It's like actually kind of scary and like uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Anyway. Did he write like kind of like any sort of tender message or was it just like that? He wrote anything No, it is tender. It is tender in the way that hot boys are like know how to make you feel exactly Cuz you know like really handsome men are like this is so nice for you talking to me It's not that good I see Scott Speedman constantly in LA. Really? Right in this area, not to dox his ass.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I've seen him once in this area as well. And I was like, this is like a scene from Felicity. I'm like looking at him and he's not looking at me. Is he fast in real life? Yeah, he was speeding around. Speedman. Imagine if that's your last name and you get pulled over by the cops.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I'm just speeding, man. Yeah. You know what, I would be okay with it because he gave that copper a nice laugh for the day. He'd see it and he'd say, this is pretty funny. This is pretty funny. What are the odds that you would be speeding? Who's your child crush?
Starting point is 00:39:00 My child crush? I don't know. I think we're meeting when you were a child, to be clear. It's funny because I did like, as a kid I remember liking Suzanne Somers on Step by Step. Oh, sure. Oh, cute.
Starting point is 00:39:13 It's boring too, I think I liked, like when I first saw Baywatch, but I don't, like childhood crushes are like harder to, Payne Anderson when I first saw Baywatch was like a big thing. Carmen Electra just followed me on Instagram. Wow. Wow, wow, saw Baywatch was like a thing. Carmen Electra just followed me on Instagram. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I was like, I keep checking to see if she's still following.
Starting point is 00:39:30 How can this be real? Bugmane's old flame. Bugmane dated Carmen Electra. No. In real life? Yes. Wow. For how long?
Starting point is 00:39:40 I don't know if people know this. Can we not disclose this? I mean, it's great for bug. Leave it in. Leave it in. Can we not disclose this? I mean, it's great for bug- Leave it in. Leave it in. You guys have pants on? Yes. Where else I heck them?
Starting point is 00:39:51 Leave it in. Leave it in. Look, things haven't gone the way I wanted them to today, wags. This is, bitch, this is going great. Our guests are being funny. We got to step it up, you and me. You guys are being funny. No, you guys could be funny if you tried.
Starting point is 00:40:07 This is the thing, Mitch. When you get to, you get to dynamos on the podcast, you just gotta sit back and- You gotta let them go. Let them rip. Yeah, we're beta boys. We sit back and we let things happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Mitch, listeners, did you know learning actually makes a sound? It's true. Listen to this. That's the sound of you learning a new language with Babbel. Be a better you in 2024 with Babbel, the science-backed language learning app that actually works. Don't pay hundreds of dollars for private tutors or waste hours on apps that don't really help you speak the language.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Babbel's quick 10-minute lessons are handcrafted by over 200 language experts to help you start speaking new language in as little as three weeks, and Babbel's designed by real people for real conversations. Wow. Babbel's tips and tools are approachable, accessible, rooted in real-life situations and delivered with conversation-based teaching so you're ready to practice what you've learned in the real world. Mitch, you know what I love about Babbel
Starting point is 00:41:10 is the courses are convenient. They help me learn real-life conversation skills in my chosen language, Spanish. Makes it easier to order food, ask for directions, speak to people here in Los Angeles without having to consult language apps while you're on the go. Well, Wags, studies from Yale, Michigan State University, and others continue to prove Babbel
Starting point is 00:41:31 is better. One study found that using Babbel for 15 hours is equivalent to a full semester at college. And you don't want to go anywhere near a college campus these days with all those protests. No, thanks. Babbel has over 16 million subscriptions sold, plus all of Babbel's 14 award-winning language courses are backed by their 20-day money-back guarantee. Wigs and all those protesters out there, here's a special limited-time deal for our listeners.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Right now, get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription, but only for our listeners at slash doughboys. Get up to 60% off at slash doughboys, spelled B-A-B-B-E-L dot com slash doughboys. Rules and restrictions may apply. Hey Mitch, I feel like during the summer, pretty much everything I'm doing outdoors is making me thirsty.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, I'll tell you what the issue is. That blasted sun. Curse the sun. Curse the sun. Giver of life, but also. Give her a piece. Give her a dehydrator in chief, I'd call it. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:34 And you know what? Summer requires extraordinary hydration because of the sun. You know what I like about the moon? That's built for everyday dehydrating moments, yes. The moon is cool. The moon's real cool. When the moon is out. The moon's real cool. When the moon is out, there's never a doubt.
Starting point is 00:42:50 The moon is cool. And when the sun's up high, you can't deny, it's gonna be hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. Anyways, I think that we've expressed that the sun gets you hot in the summertime. It sure does, and the moon keeps you cool. Liquid IV hydrates you with benefits like electrolytes, essential vitamins, and clinically tested nutrients. With three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink plus eight vitamins
Starting point is 00:43:17 and nutrients in a single stick, it's clear why Liquid IV is the number one powdered hydration brand in America. Wags, that's right, and you know what? It's so easy to just tear open a packet of Liquid IV is the number one powdered hydration brand in America. Wags, that's right. And you know what? It's so easy to just tear open a packet of Liquid IV, pour it into a cup, mix it up with some ice cold water, and drink it down.
Starting point is 00:43:33 My favorite flavor? Strawberry. It's a hydration multiplier. That's right. Gets you even more hydrated. And it's easier to stay hydrated while traveling. And you know what, Mitch? We like the taste.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I love the taste. And you know what? Mitch? We like the taste. I love the taste. And you know what? I love that I'm getting all those electrolytes and I'm not getting filled up with sugars. Yeah. I love the smell too, and it helps you out, not just while traveling, but after a big night out. You know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. The moon is cool. Cool, cool, cool. The moon is cool, cool, cool, cool. The moon is cool.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Cool, cool, cool. Tear, pour, live more. One stick plus 16 ounces of water hydrates better than water alone. And WISE has got three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink. Eight vitamins and nutrients, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and now sugar-free. We got white peach, green grape. Wow. Raspberry melon and lemon lime.
Starting point is 00:44:33 That's right, Wiggs. Turn your ordinary water into extraordinary hydration with Liquid IV. Get 20% off your first order of Liquid IV when you go to and use code DOEBOYS at checkout. That's 20% off your first order when you shop Better Hydration Today using promo code DOEBOYS at
Starting point is 00:44:53 I love Liquid IV. You know why? Why? Because it's cool. Cool, cool, cool. And the sun is hot, hot, hot. Uh, okay, let's talk about KFC. Okay, let's get back to it. You know what? When we're all set and done, and when Doughboys is done, I'm going to write you a nice note, too.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Oh, that's so nice. You're a smitch who's sweet. When it's all said and done, when do you think you'll stop doing this podcast? Great question. We thought we were going to stop doing it five years ago, and the question is, or the actual answer is that it's just hard to turn that cash fountain off once it becomes like a reliable source of income. That's so sweet. Exactly what our listeners want to hear.
Starting point is 00:45:33 We don't want to do this anymore. We just keep doing it. Yeah. Because it has its own momentum because of the Patreon spigot that goes directly into our checking accounts. Wow. Yeah. It's tough. But I mean, this is the thing, Mitch.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It becomes like a baseline, you know, of income in an industry where employment can be tenuous. Oh yeah. Claudia and I have talked about doing a podcast. I've already told you that it would be a hit podcast. You should absolutely do it. You should do it here at HeadGum. What's it called, Pasta Girls?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, Pasta Girls. Oh! That's really good. Think about your podcast without us. How good would it be? Oh my God. Well, we'll think about it. Okay, but you could be guests like most weeks.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yeah. I'd love to come on the podcast. I'd love to see you. Actually, maybe not. Yeah, we have to talk about it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, don't cut that bit of the podcast. I will say, and Emma can speak to this as well, the biggest pain in the ass of any podcast
Starting point is 00:46:25 is booking guests and scheduling guests. So if you have a format with pasta sisters, is that what it was? Sister. Pasta sisters. Sorry, pasta girls. Pasta sisters is good though. If you have a format with pasta sisters, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:46:35 That might be a restaurant. If you have a format with pasta girls. It is a restaurant, we can't call it. Like if you set it up where most of your episodes don't have guests, that becomes a lot easier. Well the guest is the pasta. The guest is the pasta. Yeah, yeah, like if you, if you set it up where most of your episodes don't have gas, that becomes a lot easier. Well, the guest is the pasta. The guest is the pasta.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Yeah. That's the whole thing. We do a different noodle every week. That's a great idea. That's a great show. That's a show that instantly has an audience. Sounds pretty great. But, uh, just avoid releasing on Thursdays if you catch my drift.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Wait, how are you on Thursdays? New Doughboys come on on Thursdays, midnight. Does that matter? Do all podcasts come out on Thursdays? No, there's different days. You just kind of pick your day and people expect it then at a certain time. Yeah, and then they become ravenous for it.
Starting point is 00:47:20 That's the thing, yeah. If you've got it. Yes. Right, sure. You guys have it, but let me tell you, not everybody does. It's the juice. She gives me a rundown of who has it
Starting point is 00:47:29 and who doesn't have it. Wow. Wow, I do like to talk about it. It is brutal. Wow. But it's an incredible binary. Yeah. Who has the juice, swags, in this world?
Starting point is 00:47:39 Who has the juice? Yeah, in the entertainment world. Who's got the juice? That's what we're looking for. We're gonna say this right now? No. Oh my god, no. We're going to say private.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Something very main to talk about privately in a main way. That's between us and the NSA. Exactly. Two here's all. Well, our guests certainly have the juice. Thank you. Yeah, we have it. And we all had some KFC.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And KFC was last officially reviewed on the podcast in 2022 with their new Beyond menu. Do you remember that episode, Mitch? Right. They have now completely discontinued their Beyond proteins, as has the entire Yum brand quartet of restaurants. Who is in the Yum brand?
Starting point is 00:48:19 It's KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and now The Habit. That's the fourth film. That's their burger concept. What is The Habit? Yeah, what's The Habit. That's the fourth film. That's their burger concept. What is The Habit? Yeah, what's The Habit? It's nuns? It's like a... It's burgers.
Starting point is 00:48:30 It's a burger concept, yeah. But made by nuns? I mean, they could lean into the nuns. I know. Back in The Habit? They could be huge. Sixter Act 2. Pasta Sister Act.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Sister Act 2. Have y'all watched sister act recently? Sister act two. Why are you talking like that? You okay? What's going on? I'm taking a lot of supplements. I know.
Starting point is 00:48:53 I thought they were supposed to clear up your head. They are supposed to. I'm taking- How do you trust these supplements? I'm taking a nasal spray that has silver in it. Emma's gonna check to make sure I don't turn blue. I just, it can't possibly be good. It's gonna be a whole, what was that documentary called?
Starting point is 00:49:07 Love has won. It's gonna be, love is gonna win again. I'm scared. Look, I'm not gonna turn blue, Hope. I don't think I'll turn blue. Yeah. You blend into the wall suddenly. Can you do that?
Starting point is 00:49:21 Mike, can you make me blue? I'll ask him. All right. It would be cool if you could make me turn, slowly turn blue me blue? I'll ask him. All right. It would be cool if you could make me turn slowly, turn blue. Yeah, it would be a cool episode thing. If you had a clip of that, I'd post it. To stories? To grid.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Actually, I'm kidding. I cannot make that promise. You don't have to, in fact, you don't even have to retweet that the Doughboys or re-ex that you were on the Doughboys. Because you're such a big hit podcast, you don't even need it. We don't need it anymore. You know I love retweeting it
Starting point is 00:49:56 because the fans go fucking nuts. They love y'all. They really do. They love guests. Thank you. That's really nice. I feel so beautiful. It feels so nice to be part of the family.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I feel beautiful to be part of it. Can I just say that cardigan is doing amazing things for your eyes. Really? Speaking of blue. Because it's deepening the blue of your eyes. Very nice cardigan. This is new.
Starting point is 00:50:19 It's the Shaggy Dog cardigan. And it's the classic brand, the, forgetting. J-Press? I can't see. brand, the, I'm forgetting, J-Press? I can't see. J-Press, I think it's J-Press. It's really hard to read from here. Oh yeah, J-Press. J-Press, it's like very Kennedy, it's very like JFK.
Starting point is 00:50:35 It's gorgeous, do they make women's at all? It's got such a small frame, it's so hard to be made aware. No, no, I think they do make women's. They do? Can I film a fabric? Oh, I love it. I mean, comfy? Yeah, and it's not itchy, even though, I love it. I mean, comfy? Yeah, and it's not itchy, even though it seems to me. What the, is this a freaking episode of the Pasta Sisters?
Starting point is 00:50:49 What the fuck's going on here? Oh my God, I'm sorry. We're talking about KFC fried chicken, stay on top it. Sorry, okay, so. Okay, let's talk about KFC. Beyond Menu's done. Beyond Menu's done, they've got, they've abandoned all their flat-face proteins.
Starting point is 00:51:04 And did they do the whole thing? Nuggets. They did, yes. Tendies, et cetera. They had a whole bunch of that shit. They don't have the ones with bones. No, they never did a bone simulacrum from some sort of plant these years. Oh, I'd love a bone simulacrum.
Starting point is 00:51:16 And the bones, like the Fun Dipstick that sugar's saying. Yeah. Yeah. We most recently, Mitch, KFC was a presence on the podcast. the KFC Famous Bowl had middling success the Yum Brands All-Star Game. Famous Bowl? Yes, that's the one that is, it's chicken on top
Starting point is 00:51:32 of mashed potatoes and corn with gravy all over it. It's just like a big pile of KFC ingredients. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds pretty good. It's okay. That was part of this year's tournament of champions for whom the Bell does much better as 2024 the tournament of champions night,
Starting point is 00:51:46 Doki, Aero, Taco Bell, Saucy Nuggets were introduced on April 1st. So Mitch- Of this? Of this year. Of this month. Of this year. Hot topic.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It's April. We're recording in April. This episode will be out in early May. So this is about as topical as we get. And this is where the previously discussed SEO comes into play. So it's engine optimization. So there are five sauces.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And Mitch and I also went to the KFC saucy nuggets dispensary pop-up for 420. We'll have an episode about that in the Doughboys double in the near future. But I wanna go back to why KFC in general, because you wouldn't know about the saucy nuggets newspaper. You weren't looking for that. I don't care about that at all.
Starting point is 00:52:23 You just wanna talk about KFC generally. I've begged you every time I've come on this podcast for what, seven years? I don't know. I don't know when I started coming on. It's been a while. But it probably since- Maybe longer.
Starting point is 00:52:34 We definitely did a pandemic episode. Okay, so that's what, 2015? We're nine years into the podcast. That's wild. Have I known you the whole time? Yes, we shot Love in 2014, babe. Your first Doughboy's appearance looks like it was 2016. Oh, it took me two years to let me on the show.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Baja Fresh! Baja Fresh! Yes, it was Baja Fresh. I did not like that. It was also confusing because you kept saying, can we go to KPLC? And I was like, what are you talking about? You know how people put, they confuse F with PL? Oh yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah. Wait, what are you talking about? Comment type O of F, you put PL instead of F. So she was like, keep KPLC. Yeah. It was a callback. It was very good. Callback.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I didn't get it. But here's what, so I've asked you every time, you're always like, we just did it for Munch Madness. But like, it's always like this, I'm always missing out. There's always some Cajiness. This time we had to just be like, you have to let us do KFC. I told Nick, I said, it's KFC or nothing. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:53:41 We got KFC right in Australia. Didn't we get it after the Paul McCartney concert? Or did we get Clems? I think we got KFC. We got KFC right in Australia. Didn't we get it after the Paul McCartney concert? Or did we get Clems? I think we got KFC. We got KFC and we got Clems a couple of days ago. Wow! Post-Paul McCartney. Post-Paul McCartney, we got KFC and we put... He said at the end of the show, he said, Go get some KFC on your way home.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I don't believe that he said that. Like, whatever Paul says. And then they had a hologram of John going, Get KFC. original recipe. Yeah. Blackbird more like a fried bird wise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Anyway. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Wait, anyway, so we had KFC in Australia. We had KFC literally at the airport at LAX on the way to Australia. Oh, yes, because it's one of the best parts of flying from LA to Sydney,
Starting point is 00:54:28 which is my most common plane I go on, is that I'm like, I'll get some KFC. Because there's a KFC in the airport, in the international terminal. But something really awful has happened. Also, John would have noticed, there was mainly Australians in the queue, because Australia loves KFC. We knew this the queue. Cause Australia loves KFC.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah. I knew we knew this. We knew that Australia loves KFC. We love KFC. And so, and it was just Australians in the queue. And then you could hear people being like, there's no bone in. There's no bone in chicken. It was like, there's no bone in chicken.
Starting point is 00:54:59 They had no bone in chicken. Like on the menu or they were out? On the menu. Wow. This is the airport KFC? At the airport. It might be a security risk. It's a travesty.
Starting point is 00:55:12 I guess it's true. You could like chew it and like sharpen it and then take it onto the plane. Yeah. Or just throw a bone at someone could hurt. Yeah, the pilot's head. Yeah. But it was, you know, I still got it, I still ate it.
Starting point is 00:55:26 The wedges, okay, in America, do you just have wedges? We had wedges for a while, now we've got fries. We've got fries. Now there's magic special fries or something. Wait, are the wedges gone? I didn't see the wedges on the menu when I first got it. I think the wedges are gone. Oh, look right now, wedges might be.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Is that what used to be the KFC fry, was like a potato wedge? Yeah. I don't remember that at all. Which is not a good idea. I don't like them, I don't like, wedges might be. Is that what used to be the KFC fry, was like a potato wedge? Yeah. I don't remember that at all. Which is not a good idea. I don't like them, I don't like the wedges. It's too salty, it's too seasoned to go with the simply stunning chicken.
Starting point is 00:55:53 It is stunning chicken, you're right. It gets soft. The thing about KFC is the original recipe, bone in chicken is. Too thick, it gets soft. My favorite chicken on planet Earth. You love the KFC chicken. I don't. Were you just trying to get Jemmy to your, was that what that was?
Starting point is 00:56:07 You went, oh no, but I. You're trying to get the dog to come over to you. No, you're making like a horny joke is the thing. Yeah. Kind of like a lewd remark. When you were saying it's too thick, I was gonna say, you'll never hear me saying that. But I just literally show me another fried chicken
Starting point is 00:56:29 on planet Earth that's as nice as KFC. I could do that. I don't think that's a heavy lift. Do you think that's not possible? Do you, like, what about some of the beautiful chicken we've had here in Los Angeles? You still think it's better. The KFC in Australia is better.
Starting point is 00:56:48 I would expect it to be. I mean, I'd say Clems is better, but Clems is just like a nicer version. Right. Using probably like a slightly nicer chicken. And like more complex batter. Now, what did you teach me about the batter of KFC? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Something about like 22 spices or something? 11 of spices. Their blend. Okay. They used to mix it up on the concrete patio outside the offices. What? The original KFC? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Colonel Sanders, Secretary Claudia was the person who showed it. Her name was Claudia. Was the person who showed him the recipe. Wow. And, you know, obviously she should have been on all of the. The buckets. Signage, et cetera. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Claudia was trying to help me plan an Australian vacation and it kind of became a. It's a disaster. It became a war between Claudia and my mom a little bit. What's the issue? He keeps asking me the same question and I keep giving him the same answer. I was like, what should we do in Australia? My mom wants to go to Australia. It's a bucket list place.
Starting point is 00:57:50 She wants to go to. A bucket. KFC bucket. It's a KFC bucket list item. She wants to go to Australia. And then I asked Claudia and, and she was like, I don't know what your mom wants from me, but she gave him a very nice five minute thing. And I did give a good five minute.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And then I did forward onto my mom. Yes. Because, and unfortunately within the five minute voice memo, which was specifically sent to Mitch, I did criticize his mother, but not in a truly mean way, but I was just like, you need to stop asking me the same question. Because I do keep giving you the same answer. I've given you a very helpful answer.
Starting point is 00:58:35 What's the question? The question is, where should we go in Australia? We don't know. But I guess it's like saying, what should you see in the United States? It's a similar thing. I've answered many times. Yeah, you did, you did.
Starting point is 00:58:46 And then you just ask me again and again. Take it up with my mom, all right? I don't want to. Oh! Oh! That's fucked up. She loves you. I mean, she might not want to go to Australia anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:58 She loves you. Mrs. Mitchell's gay. I love her very much. She's a good hang. Wags and her get along very well. Really? They get along famously. Yeah. Does her get along very well. Really? Get along famously.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Did you think you were Johnny Depp? Yeah, I wonder what the, I mean, that's like such a big question. I mean, what do you, can you give your general advice? We saw the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Oh yeah, we saw Pirates of the Caribbean, the ride, we went on it. You saw it.
Starting point is 00:59:24 It was pretty good. I didn't realize, I mean, look, I haven't seen the Caribbean, the ride, we went on it. You saw it. It was pretty good. I didn't realize, I mean, look, I haven't seen the movies, so I don't know what I'm talking about, but like- It came, it was long before the movies was the ride. Yeah, I know the ride came first, but I liked, you know, it's very rich storytelling. Yeah, it's good. Lots of alcoholism amongst the people on this island, in the Caribbean. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:45 They change it, because there used to be like men chasing women and they got woke. It went broke. It went broke. But they also added Johnny Depp, which inadvertently became its own sort of thing. Oh God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:57 That's less woke. Have they kept him there? He's still there. He's still there. He's changing Amber Heard. And is he animatronic? He is, and it's actually a really impressive animatronic. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I thought it was Nick. It's great. And like, wasn't really talking back to you, which is normal for Nick. He was acting very similarly. Yeah, exactly. There's an animatronic Johnny Depp, like picking up a turd in a bed.
Starting point is 01:00:23 There's like,atronic Johnny Depp picking up a turd in a bed. There's like... Look, we do need to talk chicken. Yes, we do. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah. So, yeah, the point is we love fried chicken and we specifically have recently, I think, you know, I've been on a very Claudia-led journey into the kind of glory of KFC. Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Because today I did the thing that I've always recommended. Yes. I brought a lemon. You brought a lemon. Yes. And we cut it up. Where'd you get that lemon from? My fridge. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:52 It was actually two thirds of a lemon. So I was walking. She literally walked in and the door was holding him. I mean, I live a long way away. I don't live anywhere near here. When I was walking into the offices, I had an exposed lemon and I was like, is it going to get like contaminated by the air?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Right. Yeah, yeah, but LA is small. Because you know, they just said LA is the most toxic city in America. I love that. Isn't that cool? Yeah. Number one. It's the most toxic?
Starting point is 01:01:15 Yeah, just air, et cetera. Damn. So cool. So anyway, freezing lemon on KFC is really beautiful. It's divine. Would you not agree? I didn't really like it. I made you all do it. It really perked up.
Starting point is 01:01:26 You did, yeah. It perked up. It was nice. I don't like lemon chicken in particular. You have an aversion. What do you mean when you say lemon chicken? Mitch has a food poisoning issue. I barfed a long time ago.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Well, explain what lemon chicken is. Chicken cooked in lemon. Lemon chicken. Like a lemon pepper or like a. What do you mean? So it's like a piece of breast pounded out and sauteed in a lemon butter sauce? Yes.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Is that what you mean? That's a completely different thing. OK, I'm sorry. But those flavors, those flavors together. Maybe if Claudia left LA, it wouldn't be as toxic. Lemon chicken. I just, guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken.
Starting point is 01:02:15 I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were talking about the chicken. I thought you guys were know this is what drives me crazy. Are we talking about the temperature we cook at or are we talking about spice? Who the hell, who are you talking about? It's a mean Nosrat. The big guy, it's a well known cookbook. Yeah. There was a TV show of it as well on Netflix,
Starting point is 01:02:34 the entire platform we met on. Oh my God, and you keep saying we are not looking at me and I was on episode five of Love. It's true. That's how I met John. You had a crossover with Birdie and Randy. That's the issue. Were you in that episode?
Starting point is 01:02:49 Episode five of love. The party episode. Season one. Party episode. No, I was in a fast food. I meet you later on. But I was in a- In the episode?
Starting point is 01:03:00 No, I was in a fast food, like, do you remember this? It was like a, what is it called when they, like, do you remember this? It was like a, what is it called when they, like when you sample stuff, the, you know. You go to multiple places. No, no, no, no. Market research. Oh, market research. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:12 And my character was market research person. That's right, so we met there, I guess. That's probably what happened. What? Look, I don't know. I don't remember the story. I don't remember either. All I know is that it was one of TV's greatest love stories.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I know. And look at- Randy and Bertie. You were a couple and you're reunited here on Doughboy. It's true. It's really like that. Yeah, it's like- Damn it!
Starting point is 01:03:34 It's true. Oh. Mitch just posted up with a high five and was not reciprocated. We're just in sync. So the five saucy nuggets flavors are honey sriracha. Disgusting revolting. You liked one.
Starting point is 01:03:51 It was okay. I overall agree with you. There's three new ones. One of them we can thank your great continent for, sticky chicky. Sticky chicky is supposedly Australian in origin. There are three new sauces. They are honey sriracha, Korean barbecue,
Starting point is 01:04:04 and sticky chicky, which is a sweet and sour sauce. And then there are two returning flavors from the bench, Nashville Hot and Georgia Gold. Nashville Hot, Georgia Gold, both good. There are other three disgusting. But when you say returning flavors, do you mean those were dipping sauces, but now are being used in this?
Starting point is 01:04:21 Is it a seasonal item? They had a seasonal sauce, and it was not for saucy nuggets. It was for a different sort. Saucy nuggets totally new. Saucy nuggets is a completely new menu item. Two of these sauces are being reused in this new context, but they originally like you get like bone in bird or tendies with Georgia gold or Nashville hot.
Starting point is 01:04:38 It's also, it's one that I look, I know people are gonna really come for me when I say this, but I don't, across all cuisines, my favorite thing is never something that's made crispy and then drenched in sauce that I do not have control over. Yes, this is our big issue, Claude. This is the core issue with the nuggets. The whole thing about nuggets,
Starting point is 01:04:59 first off is that they are a finger food. And these become like something that you need a fork for, or you're just gonna be, you yourself are gonna be a sticky, a sticky chicky. Finger food, you got your finger up there making your point right now. I just let a lot of the people know. It's covered in sauce.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Well, they do know because now it's filmed. Well, they do know because now it's filmed. Still the bulk of our audience is audio listeners. So it's a good thing to bring up, Mitch. You can see your cardigan. Your cardigan looks great. The cardigan looks really good. And for the people who are just listening.
Starting point is 01:05:30 You love fools talking about the cardigan so much. Okay, so when- Wait, you like that reference. The core issue with the nuggets. The claws. They're not a finger food anymore. Now they're saucy and they're gonna cover your hands with goop.
Starting point is 01:05:49 The other thing is, yes, the texture of them gets all soggy because you want something crispy that you can sauce before your bite. Control your own sauce. Exactly, you get the right amount of portion, but now it just becomes this sloppy mess. And the whole experience is like eating Panda Express orange chicken, but with your hands.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yes. The bummer. That's what I was gonna ask, is this like, what is this referencing? It felt like, is it referencing like Chinese food? I don't know. I don't think it's referencing anything specific. Well, there's a Korean flavor.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I think they're sort of trying to get on the sort of Korean fried chicken train. Which is very big right now. It is very big. On Instagram, I feel. Sure, yeah. Or maybe that's just my algorithm. But that is actually, is that, is that, is also,
Starting point is 01:06:29 but is that something that's, was that one of the returning flavors or no? Korean barbecue was a new flavor. No, there's three new flavors. Okay. Honey sriracha, honey green barbecue, and sticky, cheeky, sweet, and sour. But the, but yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 01:06:39 and you will come across styles of fried chicken like that, but I, Korean fried chicken is not saucy by default, right? No, it's normally kind of like Nashville hot chicken. It's like caked in like. Extreme batter. But does it have a, it's not always got a liquid sauce on top of it. I don't think always, but like.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Often. Often. Often it's been like, so it's like some of it's got some sauce on it. And so you've got a combination of soggy and crunchy. Yes. I'll say this, the Georgia Gold is the one that I, when we went to this event together,
Starting point is 01:07:14 the Georgia Gold was my favorite, it remained my favorite. Was the event like a bowl, a cotillion? Yeah, were you invited? We actually were invited, it was an influencer event. By KFC. We got invited by the Colonel himself. Oh event? Yeah, were you invited? We actually were invited. It was an influencer event. By KFC. We were invited by the Colonel himself. Oh my God. What did you wear?
Starting point is 01:07:30 We dressed as the Colonels. We went as Colonels. It was in Venice. So I wore something kind of beachy. But I don't remember specifically. Cute. You were in like an all blue, bright blue. That's what it was.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I had a blue polo and I had a blue floral shirt. Oh, a man wearing blue? Revolutionary. The one color you all feel like you can wear. Okay, you know what? God's fired at all of us. We're all in blue. I know. I know. I think I'll go for the blue shirt. I wear other colors.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Maybe not today, but I do wear other colors. I'm gonna just throw this out there. If you don't get in line today, you're banned. If you don't get in line for the rest of the episode, you're both banned. No! I've been such a good little boy. You're both banned if we don't get this right.
Starting point is 01:08:25 No way. Wise. We should form a band. That'd be fun. That would be cool. Do you play an instrument? Called the chicken bangs. Mitch has great pipes, Mitch has a very, as I-
Starting point is 01:08:36 I do. That's beautiful. John can really sing. Really? Yeah. Wow. Okay. It's whatever. I can really sing. Really? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Okay. It's whatever. Oh, good. I thought that I didn't like any of the saucy nuggets. Like overall, I'm just like, even the flavors I liked, I was like, there's no reason I would get this. And as a control, I got a tendy and just dipped it in some sauce.
Starting point is 01:08:57 And I was like, this is a much better experience. And I don't even like the tender all that much. I'm much rather have their bone in chicken. I wish I had honestly just kind of picked some chicken off the bone and dipped it in the sauce. That would have been the very best version. I have to say though, I'm such a little flavor hoe that I kind of...
Starting point is 01:09:17 That's what the fans should be called. Flavor hoes. Um, which ones do we like? The golden showers. The Georgia gold and Nashville hot. Georgia gold. And then Nashville hot. Those two, I, I like the flavor so much.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Okay, here's a problem that I actually have with fried chicken sometimes. Yeah, okay, let's say it. And I think, I'm curious, Claudia, for you to tell me the science of this and how to correct for this. And I think I'm curious, Claudia, for you to tell me the science of this, how to correct for this. And I imagine it's some sort of brining situation. But like, I, you know, love the batter.
Starting point is 01:09:53 And then sometimes I feel sad when I get to, especially like white meat in fried chicken. There's just a kind of like watery, kind of nothing. Bland. Bland flavor once you get through the batter. And like, that does make me sad sometimes. And I wonder how you can account for that. Well.
Starting point is 01:10:13 So tell me at Dodger Stadium. Well, I think that is to do with like brining or not brining, right? The batter like, all the time. KFC's not brining. I don't think they'd be brining. I mean, who knows what they're doing. This crosstalk is crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Okay, so you're having private conversations about something else you're doing We're trying to talk about chicken thoughtfully Extremely earnestly talk about chicken on your show about chicken It sounds like you're gonna ban us Yeah you're banned You're banned from pasta girls? Yeah And guess where we're gonna do pasta girls?
Starting point is 01:10:40 Where's that? Forever dog Oh my god What a betrayal We're like Naughty Dog girls forever dog Double birds at the producers you guys AC and Emma this whole experience has been hell Staff you're really gonna be banned. Yeah, you're banned. You're banned. I was being so good until then. I got really pissed off. You said, I love the batter. I said, sounds like me.
Starting point is 01:11:09 I don't understand. Nick really liked it. I liked it. I thought it was good. Whisper back and forth to each other. Oh, that's funny. That's very funny. I didn't understand what you were saying.
Starting point is 01:11:17 By the way, showing off your cardigan now, you're showing off these nice shoes. J.M. Weston's. J.M. Weston, J.P. Press. What's up here? Whoa. What's that? Is it called J.P.? J. Press. J. Press, what's up here? Whoa. What's that? Is it called JP? J, J Press.
Starting point is 01:11:26 J Press. J's all over the place. I gotta get some issues. J Early. J Early. Wow. Are you also, as far as, are you an, well, today, I'm very late, man,
Starting point is 01:11:37 but your name is John Early. Yeah. So I was wondering what that is. Is that like Scott Speedman? Is that like an albatross for you? Oh, yeah. Well, he's clearly, I mean So I was wondering what that is. Is that like Scott Speedman, is that like an albatross for you? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Well, he's clearly, I mean, I bet he's genuinely fast. I think he even runs in Felicity. Remember he runs around the track. Oh, he's in the plate, yeah. Yeah, that's really interesting. I am often late, I think. Did you ever get like, cause there was a thing in my-
Starting point is 01:12:00 But he does get the worm, because early bird. Because he's got it, he's got the juice. Yeah. He's got it, he's got it. Oh yeah, he's got it, that's why he gets the worm. And I come early. Was that ever used against you, that was ever weaponized, like you're really something
Starting point is 01:12:22 and they're like, they're like John Earl-y. All the time. That would be really annoying and they're like, John, early. All the time. That would be really annoying. Substitute teachers. Not so early today. It was always a substitute thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:31 That's funny. Because they have the worst personalities. Yeah, yeah. And they're like reading the role for the first time, it's like everyone's made that joke. No one's laughing. Yeah. Shit, she loses you for the rest of the day.
Starting point is 01:12:40 It would be funny if you were- Why do you assume it's a woman? They, or maybe, my dad was a teacher, my mom was a teacher, 50-50 chance, I thought that I was- What did they teach? My dad taught history, my mom taught English. What's this hand doing over here?
Starting point is 01:12:56 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 01:13:02 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Making a move? No! On the podcast? Never! This is fucked up! I told you from day one of love, let's keep this professional. You're being crazy. Just because I stretched my hand around Jemmy. It was up there and you know that. You know it. Check the footage. Check the footage. Delete the footage. Please delete the footage. I didn't do it and we don't have to check the footage. Right. You did kind of do one of these though. You kind of put your arm back.
Starting point is 01:13:40 I wasn't doing it. Now you're doing it to John. No, I was demonstrating- I was demonstrating. Nick, what the fuck? I was demonstrating what you were doing. You were way further, you were like way over here. This is crazy. I had a kid in middle- there was a kid in middle school, there was a substitute teacher, and his last name was Christensen, the kid, and he was misbehaving.
Starting point is 01:14:01 His last name was the kid? No, no, the kid's last name was Christensen. The substitute teacher had the kid was misbehaving and said to Christensen, you're not being a very good Christian, are you today? It was a scandal, because it's a public school. You can't bring that up. A gay, not church and state,
Starting point is 01:14:16 you have to keep them separate. But they were just joking. They were just joking, but he was also like mad at the kid. Yeah, yeah. Can I tell you the first time I put my arm around a girl in middle school, we were at, I think, Dunstan checks in, the movie.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Of course. Or maybe it was, is there Eddie? Is that, was the other ape movie? It was one of the ape movies. What was that one? Oh wait, the one, remember? Oh, Ed, there was Ed, which was the Matt LeBlanc pitcher.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Oh yeah. Yes, I think we maybe were at Ed. We were maybe at Ed. We were maybe at Ed. They really don't do that anymore. Yeah. The guy I was with was like, do you want gummy bears? And then I like reached my hand around,
Starting point is 01:14:53 and then I just kept it up there. And then I just remember like so much sweat just coming out of my right arm. Oh, pouring onto her shoulder. Pouring onto her shoulder, basically. Nightmare. But that was my first time doing it. It'll work? I've had my armor on. But that was my first time doing it. Did it work?
Starting point is 01:15:07 I've had my armor on. You had sex in the theater? No. I was in seventh grade, I believe. So, oh, what the fuck? Dude, at that point, I was having crazy sex. No, but you know what? I enjoyed the film.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Where were we with the FC? Mind blowing. Oh, you're fine. Well, I was actually, okay, so I was in the middle of saying that basically, like, because as much as I really, really loved the addition of lemon, however, that was not provided by KFC. That's true. It was provided by me. It was provided by CFC.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yeah, and I worry if they try to put that into the menu, it would become some kind of synthetic lemon that they squirt onto the thing through a pump. Right, right. I was listening to CFC. But it's just Claudia instead of fried chicken. It's not like you, because your initials weren't actually. Claudia fried chicken.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Oh no, CFC, that works. Claudia fried chicken. It works. Isn you, because your initials weren't actually... Claudia Fried Chicken. Oh, no, CFC, that works. Claudia Fried Chicken. It works. Isn't that what's in Hairspray? Yeah, it's the bad ass. Yeah, so it's bad association. Yeah, and now we're fine. The ozone completely re...
Starting point is 01:16:15 They healed it. They closed it back up. But I just, like, I was excited. I know texturally, I know your complaints are very valid, and I wasn't like, I would never go back and get those. Yeah, they were disgusting. But like, I did like that flavor so much, and because of the sauciest of it, the flavor was very thorough.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I was like, I like them, I think, more than anyone else here. Yeah, I think that's true. But the flavors that I didn't like, I really didn't like them. Yeah. Sticky chicky was disgusting. And you say that this is not an Australian thing. You say that this is- I've never heard the phrase in my life.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Maybe it sounds like an American writing an Australian line, possibly. Here is the copy for what the flavor actually is. A balanced combination of sweet and tangy flavors, including pineapple, garlic, vinegar, and chili. If you love the taste of sweet and sour, you're going to love this. The person at the influencer event told us,
Starting point is 01:17:07 the rep at the influencer event told us that this was an Australian flavor, or it was maybe popularized in Australia. All that said, even the flavors I liked, I would rather, instead of having to commit to a full order of one flavor, be able to ask, even if I'm paying extra for dipping cups, get some different sauces,
Starting point is 01:17:25 have like two or three sauces that I like, and then dip my order of standard nuggets within those sauces. It's just a better execution of this concept. Yeah. I got an idea, warm sauces. You get a bowl of warm sauce. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:17:36 I think it's fun. I've got an idea, you shut the hell up. You hear this sound? That's the sound of a band hammer coming down on both of you. She said it, I didn't say it! No, I didn't say that. I take it back. But you know what my issue was? Squeezing that lemon on it. That lemon was too old. It tasted fucking old. No it didn't. It tasted fucking old. How many days? Yeah right, I'll ask you for it else. It tasted fucking old. No it didn't. It tasted fucking old. Yeah right. Ask everyone else.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Did it taste old? Pfft. No. You're fucking banned. It was a bit old, but what am I going to do? Throw out two thirds of a lemon after slicing it off two days ago? Yeah, you could have warned me that you had a fucking old lemon before you squeezed it on my chicken.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Well, I'm gasping. that you had a fucking old lemon before you squeezed it on my chicken. Gasping. Oh yeah, I'm scared. Okay. Well, food waste is really bad. So it was good for me to use an old lemon then to get a new lemon. I think. The lemon made a tangible difference. I liked the lemon.
Starting point is 01:18:40 I did not notice it being old. It wasn't. I was just trying to get her, Nick. But here's my question with those nuggets we were having, is that the normal, is a normal nugget a KFC these days? Because I'm probably thinking of the KFC nuggets I've had in Australia, which is never what I would choose because I would just go for the bone-in, of course. Me too, yes.
Starting point is 01:19:00 But like, is that what they are? Or are these saucy nugs, whatever they're called, absolutely disgusting. They are, they are. Are they in a new shape? I believe they're the same form factor, I believe they're the same size. And KFC nuggets have famously been criticized for being smaller than the average nug.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Like versus a Wendy's nugget or a McDonald's. But you're getting more batter. You're getting more batter. It's not the whole point. It's to like actually become more and more disconnected from the real thing that you're eating. Yeah. I guess so.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Mm, I don't know. Yeah. I guess people who like chicken nuggets like a kind of more McDonald's synthetic, mechanically separated chicken. You're getting a crisp from those McDonald's nuggets. Yeah, it's a different thing, isn't it? It's like sludge in a little form. You don't like McDonald's, you don't like McDonald's nuggets. Yeah, it's a different thing, isn't it? It's like sludge in a little form.
Starting point is 01:19:45 You don't like McDonald's? No, we've talked about nuggets on the show before. You don't like pizza, though you also have had an interest in pizza lately, so I don't know where you stand. She has changed her tune on pizza, I will say. Well, well, well. Which has been huge to the show. And let me guess, you like Friends now, too?
Starting point is 01:20:00 I do like having friends. The show Friends? Well, I don't hate friends. I just was, what was, what did I say about it? So this was a, this was a, we did an episode of our Patreon where we brought you on to talk about the Doughboyz pilot. And no one, no, the friends pilot. The friends pilot, I apologize. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Yeah, we're not going to talk about the Doughboyz pilot. And Mitch had said as a prelude that Claudia loves friends. And then he came on the show and you were kind of like, it's, I, it's okay. Yeah, we're not gonna talk about the Doughboys pilot. And Mitch had said as a prelude that Claudia loves Friends. And then he came on the show and you were kind of like, it's okay. Yeah, I'm like, I watched it. Yeah. And then we had you on for pizza,
Starting point is 01:20:32 you didn't like pizza. Right. Yeah, you've had me on for pizza, it feels like 50 times. I believe it was once. Okay. But I do enjoy- I can't think of the Doughboys wiki. Do you know what I really am looking for?
Starting point is 01:20:45 What's that? An amazing mushroom pizza, no tomato sauce. Cheese and mushroom, yum. Yum. Yum. It's done well, but if not, if the cheap version of that is disgusting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Sure, of course. Baja Fresh, true food kitchen. A cangels. That was gross. No pizza places yet. You did our McDonald's tournament. Of course. Baja Fresh, True Food Kitchen. Okay, interesting. That was gross. No pizza places yet. You did our McDonald's tournament. Yes, that was, yeah. And then Jollibee,
Starting point is 01:21:12 and then you also did our pizza tournament. That's when you did the pizza tournament. You did the pizza tournament and then- Goed down pizza twice? Or what? Well, you would've had a lot of pizza for that. You had a few different pizzas. Oh, I see, I see. At least four slices. So that's the impression I'm getting.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Or Munch Madness the slices, right? Is she in the Five Timers Club as a guest? Like, I see. At least four slices. So that same person I'm getting. Or Munch Madness, the slices, right? Is she in the Five Timers Club as a guest? Like, SNL? I guess so if you count the, no, in the main feed for sure, the collab apps with Earley, definitely the Five Timers Club. And then if you include the Patreon,
Starting point is 01:21:36 where we did How You Dough In, about the Dough Boys, or I'm sorry, the Friends pilot. Is this only my second appearance? My third appearance? This is your third appearance. You did a solo appearance, right? me to watch. Is this only my second appearance? My third appearance? I think this is your third appearance. You did a solo appearance, right? It's solo.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Yeah, I did Raising Canes. That was a lot of fun. And then we did Jollibee. Yeah. You guys have had the run of the fried chicken market on the show. I know. I will have always been aiming to get here to the KFC.
Starting point is 01:21:58 This is big, and I will say this, I don't know if KFC's- And that's why, after this, we'll never come on the show again. KFC, has it ever made the Golden Plate Club, Nick? That's another question. What does that mean? If it hits the threshold of four forks or higher from Mitch, myself and the guests or guests,
Starting point is 01:22:16 then it enters the Golden Plate Club and it is there until it is removed on a subsequent review. I don't think it's in the Golden Plate Club. I'm just gonna give a rundown of everything that we had. I got a big box, big bent tenders box that came with five tenders, mashed potatoes and gravy. That's the only thing that they forgot today was a large mashed potatoes and gravy for you guys.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Yeah, and the mashed potatoes is very yucky as well. You know what, I thought it was okay today, but. Oh man, I think they've fallen off. They have 100% fallen off, but I thought that it was an okay version of it today, but they've fallen off from where they were. We got a large mac and cheese, which is not good. I don't like the mac and cheese.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Sadly terrible. You were lemoning the mac and cheese. Yeah. I was shocked by it. Yeah, I mean, it needed something, like anything at all. It had zero flavor. It was just like a waxing plastic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Cheeseless. Yeah. A silly, cheeseless mac and cheese. I don't know if it'sily cheese-less mac and cheese. I don't know if it's gotten worse or the mac and cheese has always been bad. Boston Market had a good one. I was just gonna say that Boston Market was like, it was that kind of almost synthetic, I mean it was.
Starting point is 01:23:17 What is Boston Market? What is Boston Market? I have to laugh. That's why, yeah. To keep myself from getting pissed off. Boston Market started as Boston Chicken. It is a rotisserie chicken and sides concept, but it also has things like,
Starting point is 01:23:34 you can get ham and prime rib and stuff there. It's honestly like Clems, like the side, it's served in the same way, like Buffet, or they scoop it for you. Yeah, like family style dinner plates. They've fallen, they've also fallen, a lot of closures. I think they're gone, right? They're almost gone, I think.
Starting point is 01:23:47 But that was huge in America when I was a kid. So you like it. I loved Boston Market. And it was good. And it was big for me. And it was good mac and cheese. The mac and cheese was like rotini or the kind of a tapie. Yeah, and then rotisserie chicken, no fried chicken. I like rotisserie chicken
Starting point is 01:24:03 because I can eat pretty much the whole wing. Yeah, it's really fun. I love to eat the bone of a wing. You eat the bone. What do you mean? Like, you know how a wing is this? It's like the fat section and then the pointy section. Sure.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Yeah. This is the pointy, like this is the point. If you roast it well enough, or you get a long enough cooked roast chicken, I eat that entire bone. No. Yeah. You're a bone eater? Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:24:32 That act out looked like you were eating a gun. I know. Imagine, in America, a gun. That would actually be really powerful. Yeah, you never got hungry. Exactly, you'd never go hungry. Thank you. Thank you, anyways. That's the scary thing to say. That's crazy though, that you can eat the bone. Thank you. Thank you. Anyways.
Starting point is 01:24:45 That's a scary thing to say. That's crazy though that you can eat the bone. Well, if you cook it enough, because it just becomes like crunchy. Yeah. Right. I mean, I'm sure you have to be careful not to like pierce your esophagus. Yeah. But I love it.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Crunchy. Well. Crunchy bone. I've tried to have like, you know, I've had like shrimp where they say you can eat it with a shell on and stuff like that. Sure. And I can't, I don't do it that well. No, I can do that. Sometimes soft shell crab.
Starting point is 01:25:10 I'm like, guys. All right. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like sometimes it is delish, but other times it's like, what do you, what are you trying to make me prove? I know. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:20 I'm soft shell crab. It's got to be pretty soft for me. Yeah. You want the crab to be soft? I want the shell to be soft shell crab. It's going to be pretty soft for me. Yeah. You want those crab to be soft? I want the shell to be soft. Yes. I need it to be soft. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Um, anyway. Is that your favorite chicken like portion? The wing? You had to pick one. Yes. I do like the wings. I love the wings. She's obsessed with wings.
Starting point is 01:25:41 I, and I love to roast a chicken and then I'm secretly just snapping the wings up and eating them before I give it to her. Oh, that's funny. You were really ready to go. When I walked in, you were like, can we eat now? As soon as I walked in. Well, because I got in,
Starting point is 01:25:54 I came here at 12 o'clock, I was asked to do. I was parking. There was no parking for me in the head gum offices. It's fucked up all around, I agree. Everything was fucked. Yeah. I was hungry. I told you I wasn't going to eat breakfast so I could really enjoy the food. Oh yeah. I didn't eat breakfast, but that's normal.
Starting point is 01:26:13 But you never do because you're trying to cut. Interesting. We had eight, Wags had a yogurt before because I am on a tech chain. What kind of yogurt are you eating? I do like a full fat, like a Greek yogurt. And then I do like, I had some mixed berries. I just kind of threw it in there. And I do a little drizzle of honey.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Yeah, that's gorgeous. You should also put a mix of seeds and nuts on there. Oh, see, interesting. I've been having some issues with the nut intolerance. Is it interesting that walnuts is so good for the brain and they look like brains? That is a lot of fun. Wait, what are seeds?
Starting point is 01:26:44 Walnuts. Walnuts. They're great for your, and they look like brains. That is a lot of fun. Wait, what are seeds? Walnuts. Walnuts. They're great for your brain, and it looks like a brain. And they also look like lungs. And they're great for your lungs as well. Sounds like you're lying on one of these facts. No, I have a bit of a nut intolerance I've developed as I've gotten older, so like I have to be, you know.
Starting point is 01:27:01 What kind of nuts? Like kind of everything. I know all of it was. Get some seeds in there. I was trying to set you up, what kind of nuts like kind of everything Oh, you mean like a horny sort of no no no D's nuts like a We back it up. We am I can we just like yeah, we'll just had a round Okay, I have it developed something kind of a nut intolerance lately. What kind of nut do you use nuts? Oh, I didn't know you were in a I like that you pointed out. Okay, I'm too happy.
Starting point is 01:27:30 So I thought that was part of the bit. I know that Nick has yogurt because I'm on a yogurt text chain with him where he texts yogurt every time he has it. So I know that he had it. I had squirrel yogurt parfait a couple days. Like, like. From the brand is squirrel, the company is squirrel.
Starting point is 01:27:51 The restaurant is squirrel. The restaurant squirrel. But do they make that like at the restaurant or is it something that you get out of a fridge? No, no, they make it at the restaurant. Oh, interesting, and it was good. And what goes else in it? That famous moldy squirrel jam.
Starting point is 01:28:10 And then nuts and stuff like that. It's good. It's been pretty good. I didn't eat anything before this. We had an eight piece chicken combo. Well, no combo, just an eight piece bucket. Yes, but some of it was extra crispy and some of it was original recipe.
Starting point is 01:28:24 We don't know why that happened. That is weird. That was an aberration. In the bucket? Yeah. Extra crispy versus original recipe? Yeah, one is pale and disgusting looking and one is golden and heavenly.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Wow. The extra crispy is like the double stuffed Oreo where you're just like, oh, it's gonna be great cause I get more of what I like. It's more batter. And then you have it in practice, like this is not as good. I don't want the Ooga Potchka.
Starting point is 01:28:44 It's pale. It doesn't taste, to me, it tastes like it is not the 11 Herbs and Spices. Yes. So like, it sucks. I agree. I don't like the extra crispy. And that's how the 10-year-old by default.
Starting point is 01:28:54 I get it. No one told me that when I was digging through that bucket. And that sucks. I made sure you got original recipe, so I said to the bottom. Thank you. It wasn't our fault. I think they gave us four and four.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Yeah. Okay. And I'm with you. I'm, you, you, you converted me. I think that Jemmy may have farted just to let you know. Okay. Just to let you know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Look how sweet her eyes. I'm just gonna not breathe for a minute. Yeah, just do it through your mouth. How did you know? Did you hear it? Did you feel it? I inhaled something. Oh, you smelled it.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Okay. He felt himself farting and then he said it. That's not, I did not. I did not. I'm never gonna- She looks pretty content with it. I'm gonna never blame Jemmy for fart ever. I still haven't braided. I think you are good now.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Can you imagine if like dogs, we just had no shame about farts? It feels like they kind of- I don't think she has any shame. She'll just let it rip whenever. It feels like they kind of... I don't think she has any shame. She'll just let it rip whenever. It feels like they don't. They don't? No, why wouldn't they? Why are you laughing about that?
Starting point is 01:29:52 No, because she said, could you imagine? I said, I... Did you say, can you imagine if dogs had... Oh, no, no, if we liked dogs. We would like dogs. Oh, that is a horrible world. It's kind of the way I think, man. Ha ha ha!
Starting point is 01:30:04 We need to get the resistor to IV and get rid of phones. Get rid of phones. This is Claudia's big thing lately and I agree with her. It's the great scandal of our lifetimes. It's stolen our brains. I think it has affected my vision. I have a stigmatism now. Yeah, that's not good.
Starting point is 01:30:21 My dreams are literally just notifications. I do a phone-free Sunday. I don't look at my phone at all the whole day, have it off and it's the best. It's not. My dreams are literally just notifications. I do a phone free Sunday. I don't look at my phone at all the whole day, have it off and it's the best day of the week. Where does the Apple watch go? Around my wrist. But I'm not checking it. I don't check any notifications.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Yeah. You don't? No, no. Kind of pissing me off that you actually are getting my texts on that fucking thing when I'm like, quick, I need to know today on Sunday. I get notifications off. Oh, that's nice. I don't see any. You know what? I appreciate your no phone Sundays. You put it like, quick, I need to know today on Sunday. I get notifications off. Oh, that's nice. I don't see any.
Starting point is 01:30:46 You know what? I appreciate your no phone Sundays. You put it in a drawer, I like it. Everyone else. We're gonna have to get to no phone every day though. I love this. I know. Look, I'm just gonna say, how about, can we still call each other?
Starting point is 01:30:57 Okay, this is what phones can have. Phones can have calls, they can have text messages. Although I would argue we need to get rid of texting too. Okay, let's get rid of texting. I like it, but we need to get rid of it. We have to get rid of it. Okay, it can only have calls, maps. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Calls and maps. That's it. What else can you have podcasts on it? Yes, you can have calls, maps. Music, podcasts, sure. Okay, this is the new phone we're calling. The phone is called Flavor Ho. And it is only calls, maps, and podcasts. Isn't that our band?
Starting point is 01:31:35 Okay. Flavor Ho's, yeah. But like the band's putting out a phone. Okay, I like this. Calls, maps. Podcasts. Podcasts. Music. Music. Music, yeah, podcasts, music. That's it. What if you want to go to an event?
Starting point is 01:31:48 I think we even get rid of the camera. Get rid of the camera. I'm good for getting rid of the camera. No social networking, no nothing, but maps. That is like the one thing I'm like, I do would love to have a map. You know what is specifically affecting restaurants? The QR code menu drives me bananas. It's unacceptable, we have to get up and leave
Starting point is 01:32:08 whenever we see it. And you have to unashamedly ask for a paper menu. Yeah. And I get really, I mean, and this is like not fair to like the waiter, but like, but when someone hands me or when it's a QR code and I go, is there a paper menu? And they go, no, sorry. I always get, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:32:28 I'm always like, oh, that's so heartbreaking. Like really nasty. I get really, I'm like, it's just, we're all on our phones now. Yeah, sure. I get so angry and then you're literally, everyone's like. It's so annoying. It's bad. I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:32:40 I agree with you. Awful. And yet you invented the QR code. I know. I did not invent QR codes. And you're raking in so much money every time someone uses one. I wish that I was raking money every time someone uses a QR code. I would be a millionaire.
Starting point is 01:32:52 How would I even begin to create QR codes? With just drawing them. Yeah. I did not draw. I have nothing to do with QR codes. The app, the KFC app is decent. It's a decent app. Okay, that is one app. The app, the KFC app is decent. It's a decent app. Yeah, the KFC app is fine.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Okay, that is one app you can have. The KFC app. The KFC app. Do you do a lot of app ordering? Not with, no. Like delivery. No, just in general. No, I only have like the delivery apps,
Starting point is 01:33:17 but I don't have like the KFC app. The restaurant specific ones, yeah. Cause there's a lot of fast food, like, I don't think KFC has a great like point system. A lot of them do have good rewards. Yeah, McDonald's, Dunkin'. You all know. We gotta get hard work on that.
Starting point is 01:33:31 That was good. Post on the text. Yeah, I liked it. I was gonna say, you gotta get hard work on that. At the points system. Points. Okay, here we go. We got the eight piece bucket.
Starting point is 01:33:39 It was half extra crispy, half original. I liked the original. I liked the lemon that didn't taste old. Lemon was great. Squeeze onto the chicken. All the the lemon that didn't taste old. Lemon was great. Squeeze onto the chicken. All the nugs would kind of feel the same way on the tenders. I just want to get to the tenders. Yes.
Starting point is 01:33:51 The tenders were not good today. I don't like the tenders. They were not good. I don't like them in general. They were, they just, they felt a little bit like the... Bland. Bland and a little bit flimsy and pale. Pale in color. It was, and the breading wasn't, it wasn't, it didn't have a right crisp on it. Like the bland and a little bit flimsy and pale.
Starting point is 01:34:06 It was in the breading wasn't, it wasn't, it didn't have a right crisp on it. It was, there was, there was a lot of issues with them. We also got the chicken little, which is like a chicken slider. I thought that sucked. I hated it. It was disgusting.
Starting point is 01:34:16 I was okay with it. John and I were okay with it. Oh yeah, yeah. I'm okay with it because to me, it's quintessentially Southern. Like the blandness of that, of like, fried chicken and mayonnaise and pickle on a bun. Like...
Starting point is 01:34:30 I actually liked the pickle. I liked the pickle. I thought the bun was just way too bunny. Way too much. The bun evaporated, but was also waxy. It was, the bun was disgusting. I wanna make sure, we're talking about the little chicken. We're not talking about the spicy chicken sandwich.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Not the spicy chicken sandwich, it was a different thing. I was the spicy chicken sandwich. I thought they both had bad buns. We didn't chicken. We're not talking about the spicy chicken sandwich. Not the spicy chicken sandwich. It's a different thing. How was the spicy chicken sandwich? We didn't, Nick and I didn't try the spicy chicken sandwich. That was fucked up because I ate the most. I ate it all. I thought I had one bite, I ate the rest of it. How was it? I have to say, it was my favorite thing I had today. Uh, here's why.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Jimmy's favorite thing she had to date, it's just jeans. Looking up a storm over there. Really cute. She does this every, I don't get to wash these things if she does it every week. Jimmy's favorite thing she had to date, which is jeans. Licking up a storm over there. That's so sweet. Really cute. She does this every, I don't get to wash these things if she does it every week. Did you wipe your fried chicken hands on your jeans? Is that what happened?
Starting point is 01:35:13 Yeah, that's what I wanted, Jimmy, to lick me, so I wiped my fried chicken on my jeans. Get real, Nick. That's ridiculous. There's dog fur on your shoulder. How did it get there? It might be cat fur from From my kitties. All right, you guys are gonna give me attitude, I'm gonna give you attitude right back.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Ah! Oh boy Mitch, Mother's Day's coming up. You got sweaters, candles, the dreaded bathrobe. Unfortunately, Mother's Day gifts can be a little predictable and boring. That's why an Aura frame is the perfect gift to mix things up this year. Name the best digital photo frame by Wirecutter. Aura frames are guaranteed to bring joy to moms of all ages. Dreaded bathrobe covering mom up?
Starting point is 01:36:02 Ugh. Get that sweater off of you. Too many layers. Wiggs, that's right. You know what? I'm guilty. I've given my mom too many of these boring gifts. Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Some sweaters, some candles, some dreaded bathrobes. I've accidentally given my mom the same gift twice. Wow. It's really embarrassing. Or you end up getting like, oh, I guess I'll give you a gift card. I don't, you know, like, it doesn't feel like there's any love behind that. Well, guess what, Wags? I've also gifted my mom an Aura frame.
Starting point is 01:36:30 That's right. Wow! This is the truth. Aura frames are wifi connected and come with unlimited storage so you can share as many photos as you want from your phone to mom's frame. Not only will she be grateful it's not another sweater, she'll also love that an Aura frame
Starting point is 01:36:44 means she gets to see more of you. That's right. Right now, Aura has a great deal for Mother's Day. Listeners can save on the perfect gift by visiting to get $30 off plus free shipping on their best-selling frame. That's Use code Doughboys at checkout to save. And you know what, Wags? My mom liked her old frame so much. This is true.
Starting point is 01:37:05 She got my sister one and now my sister's got one in her dining room. Wow. Terms and conditions apply. Send photos you want from your phone to mom's frame. In fact, Mitch, I'm gonna send your mom a photo right now. The hell? Enjoy Mrs. Mitchell. I love you, mommy. I love you, mommy. You're talking to right now. The hell? Enjoy Mrs. Mitchell.
Starting point is 01:37:26 I love you mommy. I love you mommy. You're talking to your mom, right? Yeah. Yeah. Hey buddy, it's Weiger and the Spoon Man. Hey, you can eat stress-free this spring with factors delicious, ready to eat meals.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Every fresh, never frozen meal is chef crafted, dietician approved, and ready to eat in. Every fresh, never frozen meal is chef crafted, dietician approved and ready to eat in just two minutes. Wags you can choose from a weekly menu of 35 options including popular options like calorie smart, keto, protein plus or vegan and veggie. Discover more than 60 add ons every week like breakfast, on the go lunch, snacks and beverages to help you stay fueled and feel good all day long. What are you waiting for?
Starting point is 01:38:08 Get started today and fuel up for your springtime goals. Get chef-prepared meals on the table in two minutes with factors ready to eat meals so you can get back to doing what you love this spring. Hmm, let me go ahead and grab my detective looking glass. I am on the search for gourmet meals. Oh, there they are. Yes, Wiges.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Factor has meals that feature premium ingredients like filet mignon, shrimp, truffle butter, broccolini, and asparagus. That's right, Wiges. No fuss, no mess meals. Factor meals eliminate the hassle of prepping, cooking, or cleaning up. Simply heat and savor the good stuff. Tailored to your schedule, customize your weekly meals with the flexibility to get as much or as little as you need.
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Starting point is 01:39:19 That's code doughboys50 at slash doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next box while your subscription is active. We should, we gotta, bitch, we're up against the clock. We gotta get to our final box. John's gotta get the hell out of here. He's promoting a film right now. I still have, I still have time.
Starting point is 01:39:40 We got a segment and we got a feedback to end. We got a lot of bullshit to go through. We gotta get to our final box. But I really like the spicy chicken sandwich is all I have to say. It felt got a feedback to end. We got a lot of bullshit to go through. We got to get to our final thoughts. But I really like the spicy chicken sandwich, that's all I have to say. It felt like a hot chicken sandwich. Their chicken sandwiches on the entrance were pretty decent.
Starting point is 01:39:52 And the new fries, I've got something to say about them too. Go for it. Okay, they're not bad, and I'm glad that there's a fry option over wedge, but still, I don't need these highly seasoned fries next to the most delicious chicken of all time. Just give me a normal potato fry. Simple fry, please. Got it. but still I don't need these highly seasoned fries next to the most delicious chicken of all time. Just give me a normal potato fry, simple fry please.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Got it. Mountain Dew, go. Oh yeah. The Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning, is that what it's called? That's right. I got it right this time, Sweet Lightning. Sweet Lightning.
Starting point is 01:40:17 This is a KFC exclusive Mountain Dew flavor that we did talk about on the Yum Brands All-Star Game back in the tournament. Grease, some of the Greases, I think some of the Greases was shot at not far Marshall High School, I believe. Oh yeah, the end of Grease. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:31 Oh yes, the end of Grease. Yeah. A wop babaloo bop, a wop bam boom. We go together. Yeah, they're like when the car flies into the air. No, it's really fun. Does anyone want a Coke or a Seltzer? I think Jemmy farted again, I believe.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Or maybe she just yawned. I will stop breathing again. I'm going to really quick get a Coke. But y'all keep rolling. Oh, I'll get you one. Really? We also, we're going to take a break after we give our final thoughts.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Let's give our final thoughts. Let's give our KFC final thoughts. Yeah, so here's how this will work. We'll each go around. We'll say our closing argument, if you will, on this particular chain and end up by giving a score from zero to five forks. And can I ask, are we basing our scores
Starting point is 01:41:10 on the saucy nuggets or KFC generally? I'll say what I was planning to do. And I think this is a good template for everyone to follow, but you can make your own rules. I was planning on giving a separate fork score for the saucy nuggets and then for KFC at large. Okay. Okay. John or Elise, seated to my left,
Starting point is 01:41:24 your thoughts, your fork score. I have to say, and I'm going to keep talking as I receive the Coke. Did you want a Coke heavy? That's what you wanted? Oh, I wanted it real. Oh, wow. The best drink there is.
Starting point is 01:41:36 I know. Real quick, hold on. You said ew? Yeah, I don't like it. Oh, yeah. Do you like soda at all? Not really. Really?
Starting point is 01:41:42 What's your default beverage? Oh, water. You don't like, this is the thing, you don't like the effervescence. Really? What's your default beverage? Water. This is the thing, you don't like the effervescence. You don't like the sparkles. I just love the effervescence and just like, I'm like, I don't have a sweet tooth. What happened? I swallowed it too fast.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Oh no. Ow, ow. This is why I don't like it. It's burning. That's why. No. Mitch. I'm sorry, we're sorry. It's burning! That's why! No! Mitch! I'm sorry, we're sorry!
Starting point is 01:42:10 We apologize! It's dangerous. Oh my god. This broadcast is causing so much pain. So I once again just want to reiterate what I said, which is that there's something so thrilling to me
Starting point is 01:42:25 about getting fast food where you're getting sides, like in a kind of family style way, like the mac and cheese, the mashed potatoes, instead of all these like little perfectly contained little like robot food feeling of other fast food. You know what I mean? So I just, I love KFC. I love the batter. I love it, I love KFC. I love the batter.
Starting point is 01:42:45 I love it, I love the experience. Even though of course there's like a, there's a blandness. I wonder what would have happened had I not been late and it was more hot, you know? The constant question, same on Top Chef. I'm like, what's hot? I know. So, but, so how many forks?
Starting point is 01:43:03 Out of five forks. KFC, I'm gonna give four. Wow. Wow. Is that too low? No, no, no. No? Oh no, definitely. I don't think it's ever been in the Golden Play Club, I might be wrong.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Oh, I'm gonna give it four, and then the Saucy Nuggets, I'm gonna say three. Wow, that's high. Wow. I know. That's higher than I expected. That's higher than I expected. Claudia, your thoughts, your fork scores. OK, I thought the saucy nuggets were disgusting.
Starting point is 01:43:28 The golden showers one was the best one. It's not golden showers. Because it was the least sweet, and then the rest just got pretty sweet pretty quickly. And I just don't want that. If I want something sweet, I'll have a chocolate ice cream. Oh my god. That's fair. I'll have an ice cream sundae, or a slice of cake, or a cookie with a chocolate ice cream. Oh my god. That's fair.
Starting point is 01:43:46 I'll have an ice cream sundae or a slice of cake or a cookie with a glass of milk. That's fair. So, okay, and in that spirit of that, I give the nuggets one fork and I give KFC five forks because it makes the nicest chicken on planet Earth.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Five forks for KFC. Do you have other American chicken concepts in Australia? Is there a Popeyes? Is there a Churches? Is there a Bojangles? Absolutely not. Oh my God. We've got O Porto, which is like... One's coming to LA.
Starting point is 01:44:15 One's coming to LA. If you don't give me that fucking episode... It's all yours. Well, yeah, you can have it. It's us two. We'll decide if we want to split you up or not. I feel like we might have more order if we just get one of them.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Do we need to have equilibrium between the number of Claudia solo episodes and the number of John solo episodes? No. No, I wanna come back as a duo. Okay, okay. I will only come back solo if Claudia dies. Yes. That's sweet.
Starting point is 01:44:43 And I say the same about that. Yeah. Wow. That's sweet. And I say the same about that. Yeah. Wow. That's sweet of you. All right, fine, you know what? And I've always said that. Yeah, if John dies, I will come back solo. That is very sweet.
Starting point is 01:44:53 And you know what? We'll allow it. We'll allow it. You guys now will always be booked together. Oh my gosh. Thank you. Thank you. Unless someone's out of town or dead. Mitch, I looked it up.
Starting point is 01:45:02 KFC and the three times we've given it a proper review on the podcast has never made it in the Golden Play Club. And you know why? That's a travesty. It, dead. Mitch, I looked it up. KFC and the three times we've given it a proper review on the podcast has never made it in the Golden Play Club. And you know why? Not to travesty. It's Mitch. Mitch has not gone higher than three and a half forks. Well, well, well. So I am going to go now
Starting point is 01:45:16 and I'm going to let you take it home. Oh my God. And so you can be the ultimate armada. The devil is the one at least expects. Of where this ends up. Oh. That's the truth. What, you don't like this?
Starting point is 01:45:32 Wags, you're up. You think you're the one, like, people would least suspect? I guess they probably thought it would be me. They probably would think you would be the devil if I didn't do that. Look how shitty my shoes are compared to John. Hey, hey, hey, hey, none of that. I know.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Yeah, you should get some nice shoes. What are you waiting for? I got new ones, I got some new ones. As far as feet are concerned, Mitch has his scuffed up old Adidas. John has his lovely, lovely shoes. I want some of those. Body has gone shoeless, a thing that most guests,
Starting point is 01:45:54 the guests have never done, this is unprecedented. Mitch has now joined you. No nonsense. And I've got my tootsies out of more than sandals. With nail polish. I do, yeah, I got a little petty. Did you do it? No, I went to a place.
Starting point is 01:46:04 How many toes do you have? Looks like six. I have five and five, but maybe the way they're arranged. Seriously look like six. And you also counted them below the table. Well, they were squirming, so it was like, whoa, so many toes. I don't know, I don't want to give you a face full of my feet, but I have five on each foot.
Starting point is 01:46:22 My shoes kind of smell after I took them off. Me thinks the lady does protest too much. I'm moving them so quickly so we can't count. You're moving them so quickly so we can't count. One, two, three, four, ah, ah. It's six. It looked like six to me now. Nick's got six toes.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Nick's got six toes on each foot. I'm fine to start this rumor. It doesn't affect me much. I am going to say the K. It doesn't affect me much. I am going to say the KFC Saucy Nuggets, look, everyone over there at that event was lovely to us. Were people enjoying them at the event? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:46:54 I think fine and large. Did they provide forks for the nuggets? What's that? Did they provide forks for the nuggets? No, they were finger food and they were a little sloppy. We're breaking down that whole experience on a Patreon episode. Yeah, there'll be a Patreon episode.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Okay. Okay. slash doughboys. I am going to give the saucy nuggets. I just think they're a flawed concept. We're cooking your coffee. I think it's a flawed execution. That's insane.
Starting point is 01:47:21 Sorry, sorry, sorry. No, I think it's not even a flawed execution. They're flawed at the conceptual level. They should not exist. They are a thing that should not be. Saucy Nuggets for me are one for all. They know it's a fucking year long thing. There's no way.
Starting point is 01:47:34 It's a cash grab. It's a cash grab. And that's what sucks about these novelty ass, like cinnamon crumbles or whatever. At like the places they're like balls. We actually were supposed to get apple pie bites and we didn't get at like the places. They're like balls. We actually were supposed to get apple pie bites and we didn't get them. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Ew, from KFC. I don't want the KFC apple pie. I'm sad. I'm glad we didn't get them. You said, you said, ew. I know. I realized they were probably amazing. The saucy nugs real quick.
Starting point is 01:48:00 Saucy nugs are one fork for me. KFC in general. There's just better fast food chicken is the thing. There's just better fast food chicken in America. I'd rather have Popeyes, but like buy a lot. I think Popeyes is consistently a better product and a higher tier of fast food. And I also think Yum brands in general
Starting point is 01:48:21 has fallen off a cliff and they are continuing their descent at least stateside. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! You scared Jemmy. No! You scared Jemmy.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Jemmy left the couch. She's going to Weigler's side. Jemmy, come over here. Jemmy. Jemmy, you're safe over here. We already do sanctuary. Sanctuary. Sanctuary.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Jemmy. Sanctuary. Come on, Jemmy. Jemmy. Jemmy. Jemmy, we won't yell at you. Jemmy, come here. She's coming back to decide the traumatizer. Sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary He's coming back to decide the traumatizer come here come here Jimmy. There's no pillow anymore everyone stop being loud for Jimmy She doesn't want to sit next to your fucking six toes. Oh my god Claudia what have you done?
Starting point is 01:49:01 Claudia what have you done Jimmy has joined me on the couch? It was because of what Nick said about young friends. What a good girl. I love you, Jemmy. There's a warm spot where Jemmy once was. Jemmy will come back, I can tell. We'll see. She wants to be here.
Starting point is 01:49:18 I mean, she's not cozied up yet. She is still on tune. Remember how she was between you and I? All that tootin', I'm wondering if she needs to go outside. I need to go outside. I'm going to, look, we're running out of time here. I'm just going to get to my fork score. I just don't think KFC is up to the standard it used to be.
Starting point is 01:49:35 And I also just think there's better fried chicken available here. Name it, name it, name it. And I think all the sides are bad. Pop those. I don't think there's any reason to go higher than three forks for KFC. And honestly, even there, I think I'm being charitable,
Starting point is 01:49:46 but just because the bone-in chicken, I think is still pretty competent. Three forks for KFC. Go ahead, go ahead, Zuma. I'm gonna let Mitch go last, and then the devil is the one least expected. Sausage? Oh, my saucy nugs is one fork.
Starting point is 01:50:00 My KFC in general is three forks. Go ahead, Mitch. Does Popeyes have bone-in chicken? They do, yeah. You should try Popeyes. You should try Popeyes. I know, we should definitely. I've never had Popeyes. It's great. I've had Popeyes have bone-in chicken? They do, yeah. They do, of course. You should try Popeyes. You should try Popeyes. I know, we should definitely. It's just superior. I've never had Popeyes.
Starting point is 01:50:07 I don't know if I've had Popeyes. It's great. We should do it. You gotta try Popeyes. I've only had Chick-fil-A. Chick-fil-A, I don't, I mean, you're from the South, so you may have some. And I know that they're bad.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Yeah, well, Chick-fil-A is why I like that little chicken sandwich. Right, yeah. Because it reminds me of like the blandness of Chick-fil-A. That is a good chicken sandwich, and their mac and cheese is very good, I would say, about Chick-fil-A. Popeyes introduced their chicken sandwich in recent years.
Starting point is 01:50:26 It was obviously this huge sensation and I do love it. I did think it's a really good chicken sandwich. Yeah. Quite the curve ball from you, Wags. Uh, I'll get to my plan of thoughts. Um, I, my plan of thoughts, as I said, um, I actually came around a bit on KFC this time because of the lemon, because of our guests. It would have made the Golden Play Club
Starting point is 01:50:52 because I'm saying four forks. You're going up to four forks. Oh my God. What's your score for the Saucy Nugs? My score for the Saucy Nugs is two, two and a quarter forks. Wow, you went higher than I expected. I liked the Georgia gold ones
Starting point is 01:51:06 because they were actually, they stayed. Georgia gold. Georgia gold. Because they stayed the crispiest of the nugs. The rest. Seems fun to say it like that. Georgia gold. There you go, I knew you wanted to say it.
Starting point is 01:51:18 Do it. Georgia gold. It was fun to say. Yeah, it was fun. Everyone should say it, make a video of yourself saying Georgia gold. It was fun to say. Yeah. Everyone should say it. Make a video of yourself saying Georgia gold. And send it in to We definitely can't get that one, I don't think, but we'll look.
Starting point is 01:51:35 You could put the videos up on You could put them up on... You know what? Actually, yeah. Send in your Georgia gold reads and we'll... We'll put them on Jordan. We'll put them on I think they have to live on because I don't think we want to maintain Send in your Georgia gold reads and we'll put them on
Starting point is 01:51:50 Bird fuck calm because I don't think we want to maintain two separate URLs, but we can redirect Pluck redirects to bird You now own That's right, from that Fountain of Cash Weiger reference that we... It's going to I've had something in my eye for the last 20 minutes, and I've not made a big deal about it. Need a break? And both of y'all stood idly by. Yeah, it's probably one of your cat's furs flying through the air and landing in the air.
Starting point is 01:52:25 Wally and I wouldn't do that, first of all. Second of all, we need to get this guest out of here. He has to promote his movie. It's called Stress Positions or whatever. Yeah. Four forks. You go four forks. The nuggets are a disaster.
Starting point is 01:52:39 Give us one sauce in a glass. I was right to scream, Nick, you've done a bad thing today. You did. You know, I could go up to four forks and put it in the Golden Plate Club, but I don't think it belongs there. I appreciate this.
Starting point is 01:52:49 We can't rig the show. No. All right, it's time for a segment. You're fine with extra toes, but not extra forks? I had a normal number of toes. Looked weird to me. Or do I? Six is normal.
Starting point is 01:53:02 Everything's beautiful. All right, we've got some, we got a food stuff we're gonna decide if you should put in your mouth. We got, it's snack or whack, and hey, we got some three different varietals of KitKat. Now here's the issue, Mitch. You and I are gonna have to share because we only got three
Starting point is 01:53:14 because we thought we'd have one guest for this. Since we have two guests, I'm gonna give each of them one of these for themselves, and then you and I can split the third. So we've got three different KitKat varietals. KitKat white? E white, not excited about that. There are four Kit Kat bars in each package. Yeah, that's pretty good to me.
Starting point is 01:53:30 So if you wanna just open one. Kit Kat birthday cake. Now I'm a big enthusiast of birthday flavor, but that sounds like a flawed concept. And then Kit Kat chocolate frosted donut. Okay, last one. I'm not complaining. Like me, okay? Let me circulate these.
Starting point is 01:53:43 Here, I'm just gonna pass these all over Mitch, and then can hand me your your leftovers. Can I have a hundred? So I get a one donut one birthday one white this is really dangerous we taste test in chocolate with She like she did she even sniffed out She's too motivated for chocolate. She, like, she didn't, did she even sniff that when she was sitting next to me? No, she didn't. She was usually pretty good. I'm gonna start with the chocolate frosting.
Starting point is 01:54:07 She was very interested in KFC though. Because I think that will be the nicest. I'm starting with the white because I think it's gonna be the worst. Where do y'all stand on Kit Kat in general? I like it. I love Kit Kats. Do you like Kit Kat? Are we crunching into the microphone?
Starting point is 01:54:20 Where does the Kit Kat jingle rank among jingles? I think it's a pretty good jingle. Give me a break. Give me a break. Give me a break. Break me out of my peve so that Kit Kat bar. I think this is disgusting. Yeah, I don't like it. Which one are you having?
Starting point is 01:54:29 The donut one. It does taste like a chocolate donut. Yeah, but. Just give me a normal Kit Kat. No, no, you're fine. Kit Kat white, not that bad. It's probably simpler. The donut one is just like.
Starting point is 01:54:43 Very sugary. It's got, for people listening on is just like. Very sugary. It's got, for people listening on the audio feed. All right, Mitch is tossing over a white one. I'm gonna hate it. Wow! That was amazing. Gotcha. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:54:54 Okay, now. John pulled a Charles Woodson and intercepted it. That was really something. Who's that? Kick out white has chocolate between the layers. Yeah. He's a football man. There are two different, as a winery now.
Starting point is 01:55:08 Really? The Wigery. Wow, I will say this looks very cute. It does look cute. Are you a birthday cake? The sprinkles are very cute. I'm a white and I know I'm gonna hate this. Do you hate white chocolate?
Starting point is 01:55:21 White chocolate is not good. I don't hate the chocolate frosted donut. I don't think it's good, but I don't hate it. I mean, it's sort of impressive and it does recreate the sort of flavor of a thin insipid chocolate glaze. Yes, it does. But it's bad.
Starting point is 01:55:36 Yeah, I don't see any reason to get this over the default, which is always my metric for- Birthday cake so far is my bottom, it's bad. I'm gonna say that for last because I'm a big enthusiast of birthday flavor. If you like white chocolate, you could get this, but I guess you would have to be deranged. All right, I'm gonna have the white one now.
Starting point is 01:55:53 Birthday cake sucks, sorry. Yeah. I still don't like the donut the most. I think the white one sucks. You liked birthday cake, Jon? I didn't like it, I just think that it's not as bad as the donut. It is cute looking, visually it's cute.
Starting point is 01:56:06 It's absolutely adorable, usually. I know I'm gonna hate it. Okay, I'm moving on to white. So the birthday cake one has some little sprinkles in there and then I was just trying to say earlier, the chocolate frosted one is kind of separated into two different layers. There's like a base layer
Starting point is 01:56:19 and then a darker chocolate layer up top. Do you think if someone's ever playing a character in something and they're based on you, John, the director might say to them, do it earlier. Yeah. But they think it's gross. And the camera turns around, I'm the director. Could you do it earlier?
Starting point is 01:56:42 Gemini. So what's the game here? Do we rank them? Yeah, we say snack or what it was just saying that the white chocolate is my favorite me, too It kind of is the most successful one in that it just is what it is Yeah, and I'm gonna say wax across the board. These are all wax for me. Mm-hmm weirdly Kind of like birthday the most. Cause you know what? It reminds me of one of those frosted, like animal cookies. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:57:09 Yes. Of course, with the little sprinkles. And that is a very specific texture. The tooth going through the waxy white chocolate into hard sugar sprinkle. But maybe that's what it is. It's like biting into a memory. These all kind of suck. I don't really like it.
Starting point is 01:57:23 They're all bad. These are bad. They're wack. Yeah. Yeah, I all kind of suck. They're all bad. These are bad. They're wack. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. All wack. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:57:30 What was that? I said Proust's Kit Kat. Mm. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas. Santa? Santa?
Starting point is 01:57:40 Santa? Santa? Sorry. I'm not, I don't have some sort of, I don't have. Kame on Santa? Yeah. Just cause I get cast as Santa all the time, is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:57:49 No. You could play Big Daddy in Tennessee Williams, what's that, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof? Oh yeah. We should do a revival of all four of us. Yes. Oh. Maggie the Cat.
Starting point is 01:58:02 Yes. I'm the alcoholic's closeted husband. Nick the roof. No! No! No! No! I was curly in Oklahoma back then.
Starting point is 01:58:12 I was too! You was curly hair! And yet neither of you have truly curly hair. Although do you? When yours is longer. I've never seen your hair long. I actually do have curly hair when I grow it out. Oh my God, you with long curls, oof.
Starting point is 01:58:24 Ew. Ew. Grow it out. Oh my God, you with long curls, oof. Oh. Yeah. Grow it out, give everyone a treat. It looks like shit when I grow my hair out, I feel like. Maybe I will grow it out this summer. I was schooled at Oklahoma and I played bassoon in the orchestra. Hi, that was Snack or Wack,
Starting point is 01:58:38 just like a restaurant of value feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Today's email is from Dave in Burbank. Wow, Dave writes, hi gang. Hi. In 1994, my best friend Joe quit the job we shared at McDonald's for 25 cents more per hour at the Carl's Jr. up the block.
Starting point is 01:58:51 While being trained, Joe told his manager that, as a customer, he often found a couple of fries mixed in with his onion rings, or fried a zucchini in with his cross-cut fries, et cetera. And that's why that happens, to which he replied, Oh, I like to walk by once in a while and toss a few wrong items into the other bins just to keep it fun for the customers.
Starting point is 01:59:09 And proceeded to grab a handful of fries and throw them in with the fried zucchini. He couldn't tell if she was fucking with him, but he adopted the practice for the rest of his tenure at the restaurant. My question for everyone is, as the manager of a chain restaurant, what sort of fun extras would you add to your daily routines
Starting point is 01:59:23 to keep it fun for the customers and staff? Love to you all, and thanks for the fun. A little sunglasses emoji and a peace emoji. How about that? That's a dangerous practice, because what if someone's allergic to potatoes? All fun and game until, yeah, you got a zucchini. A potato allergy?
Starting point is 01:59:37 A zucchini allergy, an onion allergy. Isn't the funnest thing in the world though, when you get that order of fries and you got a single onion ring in there? For those of us who don't have allergies. Potatoes or onions. Yeah, I do think that is fun and I'm glad. All right, okay.
Starting point is 01:59:53 And now John's arms up around me. And for the people who are just listening. Sorry. No, but I think that's fun. Yeah, I think it's fun too. I think that's fun. Yeah, I think it's fun too. I think it's fun. It is fun. You know what?
Starting point is 02:00:09 What would we do? The question is what would you do? The question is they're asking us to invent something. I'd say there was cake, but it'd really be Pepsi. I'd put cake on the menu, but I'd be secretly serving Pepsi. Every time anyone ordered water, I'd give them a chocolate shake. That's pretty fun.
Starting point is 02:00:29 So thirsty. That's fun. I think that I would, Nick, you know what I would do? Yeah. I would give people a surprise dessert sometimes. Ooh, and just dessert. Oh, that's fun, just a bonus. They've not ordered dessert and you get a dessert.
Starting point is 02:00:40 Yeah, that's great. Hey, you got a little piece of cake. Sometimes people do, you know, I feel like that's the thing I've gotten the most of like gone to a restaurant. I'm being very nice to the the the waiter or waitress Yeah, I try to get their number. I'm not trying to get their number at all. That's not true That's not true Claudia Maybe Clyde I went together and she I I had a crush on a waitress, but I didn't ask her for a number Oh, wow, it's the truth.ress, but I didn't ask her for her number. Oh wow.
Starting point is 02:01:05 It's the truth, I would never, I didn't do that. There's nothing wrong with asking for a number. That is true. I think for a service employee, it can sometimes cross the line, right? Yeah, it's not, I don't want to go to my job and the people who are like paying me based on how nice I am to them are asking for a number.
Starting point is 02:01:19 Right, right, I guess it would have to be after the check. After the check's been paid. Yes, yeah. You have to leave your number for them. Yeah, yeah. You don't have for theirs. And then they can just to be after the check. After the check's been paid. Yes. You have to leave your number for them. Yeah, yeah. You don't have to for theirs. And then they can just throw it in the trash. Yeah, we used to collect them.
Starting point is 02:01:31 That's funny. You know what you do? You leave your sunglasses there, and then you leave, and then you come back. This sounds insane. I'm like, no, I forgot my sunglasses. With the money Mitch spends on sunglasses, this is not a good plan.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Yeah. Yeah. He buys the most expensive. So hold on a second. I forgot my sunglasses, also I love a good plan. Yeah. You know? He buys the most expensive. So hold on a second, I forgot my sunglasses. Also, I love you. What are you supposed to do when you come back? No, you just take it from there. You know what my trick is?
Starting point is 02:01:52 Yeah, I forgot my sunglasses. What's that? I clog the toilet. And then I go, oh my God, I clogged the toilet. It's overflowing. But I go, and I'll come back in the morning and help you guys clean up. That's the way to do it.
Starting point is 02:02:05 It's so romantic. Do you need me to sleep over at yours tonight so it's easy for you to come in with me? We can get breakfast on the way or whatever. In terms of fun things at a restaurant, I always appreciate a little personalized message written on something. Like on my cup, if there's just my name,
Starting point is 02:02:24 but then it's like Nick. Don't come back. But then there's a little smiley face or something. Like on my cup if there's just like my name, but then it's like Nick. Don't come back. But then there's a little smiley face or something. Oh yeah. Don't come back. Stop forgetting your sunglasses. I'm a model customer. Oh, there was something though recently
Starting point is 02:02:36 that I got takeout from and they wrote like, was that with you? And they were kind of like inspirational messages like with marker. Oh, that sounds very familiar, yeah. Like you made a good choice today. Yeah, it's like shut up. I was with you and there were kind of like inspirational messages with Marker. That sounds very familiar, yeah. Like, you made a good choice today. Yeah, it's like shut up. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:02:50 Shut up. Don't condescend to me. Yeah. I hate that shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I like is a good sit down place, a good waiter bit, but I wish there were some new ones. You know like a waiter's like, you finish the whole thing.
Starting point is 02:03:02 Oh, like I see you clearly hated it. Yeah. I give it to them every time Oh, like I see, clearly hated it. Yeah, and I'm like. Yeah. I give it to them every time. I love it, I always love that. I'm like. It's good. I go crazy.
Starting point is 02:03:12 Yeah, we got one up in Ojai where they were asking about a dessert and the guy was like, oh, it's fine, it's good. It's vegan, it's gluten-free, it's sugar-free, it's dairy-free, it's flavor-free. I was like, that's really good. That's pretty good. Though he's shit talking the menu.
Starting point is 02:03:28 He's shit talking the menu, but he's also like, I'm being honest to you, which is like a fun, a thing you want from your server. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Um, any other fun things that the waiter or waiter. I've tried to get this one started, which is like,
Starting point is 02:03:42 I've talked about this in the podcast before, and maybe there's a context to get work in a restaurant, but, um, like if someone like orders like a really healthy item, like if someone orders like, like, I'll just do the Mediterranean salad, I'm on a diet. Uh, you get him with like, yeah, like, I tend to yo-yo diet. Yo-yo, give me that burger. Yo-yo. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:01 As if it's 1993 or so. Like, John, don't you say something all the time. You have a bit that you always do for waiting and they never understand what you're doing. Oh wait, yeah. I can't remember. Oh, oh, the allergy thing. What is it?
Starting point is 02:04:15 What is it? Whenever they're like, any allergies, and I go, just to fakeness. Oh, that's funny. That's funny. That's really funny. That's really funny. It always like, what?
Starting point is 02:04:25 Yeah, it was also like fakeness isn't really, you don't hear that often. And also it's like the most serious question they have to ask. Yeah. And then they're like, what? I know what I would do. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:36 I'd say open your mouth and then I'd shoot some of their drink in through a straw into their mouth. Wait, you do that to waiters or you want waiters to do that to you? If you were a waiter? If I was I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 02:04:49 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 02:04:55 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 02:05:02 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll ask for it to go. That's really fun. That's funny. It makes me laugh. It's funny. I used to, as my little thing when I was done with my food, but I've had like a little bit of pancake left,
Starting point is 02:05:13 I'd carve it into an N like my initial. Whoa. And so I'd leave a little N on the plate. Wow. Kind of unsettling. A calling card. I forgot about my all time favorite bit that doesn't involve the waiter, but the table next to you is asking for a bite.
Starting point is 02:05:26 Oh yeah. That is really fun. It really makes you laugh. Just like to a total stranger, like can I have a bite? I feel like if a waiter, if he was feeling the energy, if the waiter did that to you, like he could maybe get away with it, but you'd have to really be like sinking with the family,
Starting point is 02:05:40 whoever the party was. That would maybe scare me because there are psychos in the world who maybe would just ask for a bite. Yeah, sure. So I'd be afraid to do it. I got a phone call.
Starting point is 02:05:49 Well, it's good timing, Mitch, because- Auburn, California. I don't know who it is. All right, here we go. It's good timing because we've got to get John out of here. If you have a question or comment about the World of Chain Restaurants, you can email us at feedback at or leave us a voicemail at 830-GO-DOE. That's 830-463-6844.
Starting point is 02:06:00 We're going to give you the six out of here. And coming up next month on Doughboy's Double, last year we did Mank, our month on David Fincher's filmography for May. This year it's back, Mank 2 Pink, a full month about the films of Alexander Payne, starting this coming Tuesday with the Tracy Flick of podcasting, Jess McKenna on Election. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:06:20 Mank 2 Pink only at slash doughboys. Neither of you are banned, and also Nick, we gotta have them plug Yeah, I know I'm getting let me get to the fucking end of show business our producers Emma Erdbrink our associate producers Emilia Marino our engineers Casey Donahue our video editors Mike Dorfman our guests Claudio Doherty John Early Please plug whatever you want to plug and thank you for giving us so much of your time. Oh my god Thank you for having us. I want to say that my movie stress positions is come is in LA at the Panicking the landmark sunset.
Starting point is 02:06:46 It's in New York at IFC. It's in Albany, New York. It's in Atlanta. It's in Austin, Texas. It's in Cambridge, Mass., Chicago, Illinois, Columbus, Ohio, Denver, Colorado, Philadelphia, PA, Portland, Oregon, San Diego, California, San Francisco, and Tampa, Florida.
Starting point is 02:06:59 Stress Positions, released by Neon, starring me. Wow. You're starring in this movie, congratulations. Thank you. Stress Positions, check it out. Very exciting. Yeah. I don't think I really have much to plug right now.
Starting point is 02:07:10 That's OK. And that's chic. That's cool. Really exciting. I was just trying to help. You went crazy on me. I know. Just fucking trust me.
Starting point is 02:07:17 If you find an end card into a pancake later and I'm missing, you know what's happening. That'll do it for this episode of Doughboys. Until next time, for The Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weiger. Happy eating. See ya. I'm your host, John Early. And I'm your host, Claudia.
Starting point is 02:07:28 Or Jordy. That's okay. Hey, buddy. Want Doughboys merch? We're talking hats, shirts, sweatshirts, patches, glasses, all sorts of stuff. Aprons. It's all available at slash doughboys. That's slash doughboys.
Starting point is 02:07:45 That's slash doughboys. Sources for the intro are in the episode description. That was a hate gum podcast.

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