Guys: With Bryan Quinby - Guys: Episode 57 - Beatles Guys with Nate Ruess

Episode Date: March 12, 2024

We had Nate Ruess from the band Fun on to talk about Beatles Guys, he has made this so easy because he isn't promoting anything but I will tell you that he has a podcast We ound some of the best forum guys that we have ever stumbled on. Some real sassy OPs and some really weird forum posts plus we got some Noland in there There is much more Chris at and of course And for more Guys content, streams and SHOCKTOBER: a deep dive into shock jocks you can click and

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello welcome to guys oh that was my british i was trying to do like a British thing. Welcome to guys. Sorry. That was your British impression. I was going to do Paul McCartney. But you did like, you realize you did Dracula, right? Yeah. Like that's the voice you did was Dracula. That is like what I genuinely could not tell even with context clues like you know it's a brit i still could not figure out that that was a british voice
Starting point is 00:00:50 i am uh brian and i have uh the long and boring song lover chris james hi well listen i do kind of love a long boring song i'm not gonna lie like my long boring song oh there's one in particular because i was gonna long and winding road i see because i like i was strong i was trying to say how i like brian eno and brian eno sort of has long boring songs like music for airports is one of my favorite songs to listen to so that's not completely inaccurate and we have from the band fun and claim cast nate ruth what's up uh yeah the long and winding road has got to be the worst song maybe of all time they hate it like there's a whole group of people that fucking hate it well they should they should you know what yeah i've been one of those people before i think that
Starting point is 00:01:42 um sounds like a fucking soap opera it's an awful song yeah you think it's the worst song by the beatles or the worst song period because there's some pretty bad songs i've heard no there's some awful songs there's another one that he had that is kind of the same like fool on the hill is probably like the same now i've heard of now who who would who was responsible for that that's a paul Paul McCartney. That's a McCartney jam. So I did. That was one of the things that I was trying to find controversies that weren't Paul versus John. Right. Which, by the way, nobody knows this because I don't say it all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And I'm not a Beatles guy. But my daughter's middle name is Lennon after John Lennon. What the fuck? At the time, I was going through some shit. Not of the Lennon, Stalin Lennon. What the fuck? At the time I was going through some shit. Not of the Lennon, Stalin Lennon, a variety. Yeah. That's what that probably would be more like what I would do if she was
Starting point is 00:02:33 born when like 2011, when I was doing that, you're not a Beatles guy, but I mean, at some point I guess you were then, because that seems like a real heavy-duty Beatles guy move to name your child after John Lennon. I, one, I like the sound of her name.
Starting point is 00:02:52 When you say Gwendolyn Lennon Quinby, there's something I like about the sound of that. It is a good middle name. Yes. Aside from that, I have to say, yeah. My daughter's middle name is Imagine, so. Yeah. And also, I think, like, I liked the name is imagine. So, yeah. And also I think like,
Starting point is 00:03:06 I liked the things he said, you know what I mean? Like at that time, like imagine all the people like, yeah, that kind of stuff. It was like really idealistic stuff. And at the time I was getting into that thing and I was just like,
Starting point is 00:03:21 I was just like, you know, I'd be good. I like the Rolling stones a lot i know you told me you told me you were listening to the rolling stones while you were doing research for the the beatles guys episode yeah exile on main street i listened to while i was doing this that's some good stuff i mean conceptually i'm a stones guy but like the truth of it is i still like my baby music so the fuck the Beatles.
Starting point is 00:03:46 You can't be mad. That's one of the things I wanted to start this. Because there's one guy that keeps saying, I'm not going to be able to listen to this show. And I'm like, if you're a fucking weird freak Beatles guy, then you might get offended. But most people are in some way like the Beatles. We talked about it on another podcast like it's not strange to think the beetles are one of the great rock bands of all time it's a very common thing so i mean yeah to like the beetles is fine i like the beetles i there's plenty of songs from the beetles that i like a lot i like like four songs i don't listen to them a lot i
Starting point is 00:04:22 like happiness is a warm gun great song great song always a heroine so if there's a heroine song i'm into it there's no songs about heroine probably that i don't like and uh you know i like hey jude i don't know how much of the long and run i didn't listen to a lot of this stuff people know i started i was in a corn i would never have listened to the beatles when i was a teenager there was a beatles kid in my school and everybody treated him like such a fucking oddity it was so weird to all of us did he like was he like showing up did he have like a mop top by the way corn corn is like the beatles of new metal so that's right like okay so is that a compliment yeah yeah that's a compliment they invented this shit you know exactly they detuned that bass like uh the beatles uh what did the beatles do
Starting point is 00:05:19 that that nobody else did at the time i don't even know nobody knows it was the mop tops mostly nate it was just the mop a lot of people don't know what they did at the time and they're just like i just like them you know i was a huge beatles guy obviously there was a point in my life where it was all i wanted to listen to it was all like i read about i would like be on tour reading books about the beatles and all that um oh we got some book reviews some beatles book reviews coming up a little later on sweet uh so on the beatles reddit they do a thing where every other day they rate a song from one to ten that's nice that's nice shout out to reddit shout out to the reddit chat monsters and uh we got some really good infamous reddit guys
Starting point is 00:06:06 today oh do we have some because it's a music thing it's like music music like forums and subreddits have the craziest people they have like infamous characters you know what i mean i just sorry to cut you off brian but um nate i'm interested in this because obviously people know you were you were in a very popular band um probably not quite as popular as the beatles but like very but like like maybe in the most popular band in the world at one point i mean i i think i broke a beatles record at one point in my life. Thank you. Oh, I'm going to teach you why that is. There's a few people that explain why that's not that. You can't really compare it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 The Beatles never won a Grammy, which just proves. That proves right there that you are. It also proves why a Grammy is fucking worthless. But I'm curious if you ever, because obviously there were and probably still are many, you know, there's probably a subreddit or whatever. Did you ever make the mistake of going on and reading like a forum about your band or you? No, no, I like no, I stayed away from like reviews or anything. I like I'm too self-aware about most things so it's just like that was the one thing where i was just like i just gotta let go and and
Starting point is 00:07:29 like whatever fucking whatever i want to say smart move absolutely a smart move as i mentioned the reddit chat monsters i did make the mistake of somebody posted about it in the discord and they said hey check out the subreddit for not this podcast but rather for murder brian why is there a murder brian subreddit well brian there is and they like you a lot but there are some people on there who are not a fan of old chris i just want to give a shout out to the reddit our murder brian i went on there i made a post i talked to some of the chat monsters on there um so i just want to give a shout out there is an active r slash murder brian so weird man i i would have thought there would be a guy's one so on these by daily song discussions i found the long and winding road so we're gonna read a couple
Starting point is 00:08:18 of like reviews of the song and like i said a scale of one to 10 dozy donut says seven, a good song, but doesn't really move me like some of Paul's other piano ballads. I'm sorry. Can I interject real quick? You can't. Someone once told me this and I, and I, I adhere to it, but you can't rate something a seven. No, no. It's not a real rating. I absolutely agree. That is a cop out. A seven is a cop out rating it's it's like i i know how you really feel if you tell me it's a six or if it's an eight yeah i decide we've decided
Starting point is 00:08:50 on three stars here oh yeah we decided on an entirely different rating system so three stars one is bad two is good three is great and everyone uses that so then you can actually it means something because everyone's using the same it's the same thing it's the six seven eight yeah yeah yeah uh this next guy goes uh ivan botsky trollop says it's okay more like a boring wing song like lennon later said so that guy is saying uh it's also true sayonara despair said the only song from them i actually despise. Sounds like a syrupy Rod Stewart ballad. I respect anyone that likes it, but I can't hear past the first 10 seconds without
Starting point is 00:09:31 cracking up at how overwrought it is. But you respect people who like it? That's kind of a cool attitude. I think this is like the worst shit in the entire world, but I respect the people who disagree with me entirely. That's what I like about the Beatles guys is they're pretty respectful.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I mean, that's one of the most respectful things I've ever heard. You know, you very rarely get people respecting the people who are there just like are completely wrong. If only the world was more like that. Totally. Well,
Starting point is 00:10:03 here's a bad review from Ivan Bovsky. He says 4.5 out of 10. So that's bad. That's a D plus. Yeah, that's below 50%. And if you're a Beatles guy, then that means that it's really bad. He goes, yawn. Might be the worst song they released as a single.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Love Me Do and The Ballad of John and Yoko certainly are contenders for that. Across the Universe deserved to be the single instead of this. I'm a Paul guy, but sorry, this ballad is totally over the top, meandering, and boring. Always seemed to me as more suitable for Red Rose Speedway with a twin song and My Love or any Wings release. That's Red Rose Speedway. This guy's just bragging. You're getting too into the... He's saying song names.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Oh, that's a different song name from the beatles or is it mccartney maybe mccartney so so was that is this song the beatles or is it mccartney solo it's the beatles but it sounds like a mccartney song gotcha okay and then the guy just ends with something that was so fucking controversial he in this he goes oh inspector actually improved this slow boring song so what is that what is that you can't reference phil specter with oh he said i thought he said inspector oh specter okay so phil specter okay yeah well yeah and the people do not like uh let it be they like let it be naked. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:11:25 So what does that mean? Help me out here. I don't know what you're talking about. I think Phil Spector mixed let it be. And I think let it be naked was when Phil Spector didn't touch it. Oh, I see. So it was before he put his mix on it. And he killed his wife.
Starting point is 00:11:41 He killed his wife, correct? And he didn't kill his wife. He killed some woman that he met and took her home and then oh my apologies showed her his like gun collection or something it's like a yeah i don't want a thing for guys who kill people i feel terrible i i misspoke i apologize to mr specter for saying that he killed his wife he in fact killed a woman that he just met he just put a gun to his wife's head that's all he did yeah great documentary about him on uh what's that fucking uh paramount plus great documentary do not subscribe to that we don't have we don't have in Canada I don't think but it's three episodes showtime if wherever you get showtime I got that on crave crave tv go to crave and do it
Starting point is 00:12:22 here's a question somebody asked on the Beatles Bible or also known as the Fab Forum. Did Ringo have a nanny when he was a baby? Good question. Why? Why? Wait, is there more to it? There's more explanation why they're asking that question. Of course.
Starting point is 00:12:41 He says, does anyone know if Ringo had a nanny when he was a baby little boy? And if so, would anyone know the name of the baby little boy? That's one of my favorite posts. I don't even refer to my kids as baby little boys. Did Ringo have a nanny when he was a baby little boy asking the important questions okay and then the rest of it is if so would anyone know the name of the person why he wants to hire them yeah i don't understand is this like some sort of inside joke or something do you know what i mean like would you have to be a heavy duty beatles guy to understand that it's like a reference to something no because there's an answer for it right here apple scruffler jr says he most likely didn't have a nanny because he was
Starting point is 00:13:34 from a working class background and was hospitalized frequently as a child so he probably had no nanny is ah okay that's a person just answering it that's kind of an interesting discussion to have i i do not i cannot figure out why somebody would want to know that i think i have a he had like this one song called like good night or something where he's just singing like a lullaby so maybe maybe someone's trying to get like maybe an old nanny said that she wrote the song. I see. Okay. And then they're trying to collect some back publishing.
Starting point is 00:14:10 That makes as much sense as anything I can think of. Yeah, exactly. Definitely. I do have to say that there's this next question we're going to, this next question I'm going to ask is, so it's a thread about why Ringo always wears sunglasses. Here's our first answer. He goes, I've heard that people with light blue eyes can develop photo sensitivity. One former member of another band I like also has blue eyes and wear sunglasses exclusively now. And so yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:40 photo sensitivity due to camera flashes as the reason that said another connection between Ringo and that other musician is that they had a history of substance abuse. And maybe just that's kind of, I guess, unique for them as music. It's not really very prevalent in music. So, yeah, that's kind of a unique trait that they each had. So this is the first post. Rising Sun replies and says, I don't like this thing from Ringo. It's kind of not showing your inner self. He has always been a sincere one.
Starting point is 00:15:10 In the Scorsese film about George, he wears the sunglasses even inside. Probably it's caused by photosensitivity, but he wore the mask very often just in the 70s, surely for not showing the abuse's effects. And today I think he doesn't like how he looks. He must have had a great, he must have great, great wrinkles and an eighties TV interview beside with George.
Starting point is 00:15:34 The journalist asked him to take them off for a moment. I saw it on YouTube, but he didn't want to. And then nobody responds. So rising sun replies to his post again. And he says, no journalist asks about a taringo somebody should someone should ask about the glass well i know somebody else a certain radio host he takes him off sometime and he looks as old as fuck yeah i was gonna say man cow we're
Starting point is 00:15:58 talking about oh man he wears he wears the sun never sets on the cool for man cow never well very rarely and when he takes them off you immediately know why he wears them all the time because he's got these beady little eyes and they just they just so scary looking and i i think i've seen we you've seen ringo without his glasses right i don't know i mean probably in the past yeah right i remember like like playing drum like playing drums for the beatles yeah yeah yeah he would have been he but but so i wonder if yeah i think it is just that that's his look kind of they're right that he was when he was you know everyone wore sunglasses when they're all high on drugs all the time or whatever back then
Starting point is 00:16:40 and he did it for that reason and then he just it became his look you know yeah well nobody replied to rising sun after that last one so rising sun replied again oh good so just making their own thread here with no interaction at all i've got a photo of me and my sweetheart on the screen i sweetheart that's how it's spelled s-w-e-e-E-E-T-A-H-E-R-T. I sweet a heart, my little boy. My little baby boy, my sweet a heart. My baby little boy, my sweet a heart. This is how Beatles guys talk.
Starting point is 00:17:12 It's sensitive. I like it. I do too. He goes, looking at myself, I've thought it's not a bad idea after all the ringos. I think I'll always put my sunglasses on too from now on. So Rising Sun has switched over and he is now a sunglasses indoors guy. I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Maybe he got his mind changed by somebody else in the thread, perhaps himself. Well, and the next the next person in the thread says, oh, that reminds me. I do have one of Ringo with a shorter hair and a beard and without glasses from 1983. So you can kind of imagine what he looks like now and they posted the picture so I guess you're supposed to age him in your brain
Starting point is 00:17:53 it's easy you don't even have to do it in your brain anymore Brian you can do it on FaceApp you know what I mean you can use any of that thing you just take the photo from 83 and put the old filter on him and boom that's what he looks like well and you know everybody can be very happy about that. So we have a guy we're going to, we're going to check into a guy that we know of as a Beatles guy, Chris.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Sorry. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no guy he loves the beatles please don't please don't do it and he's gonna explain who the fuck is this guy oh he knows everything about me you will never believe his knowledge of rock music and karate and christianity and communism actually i learned yesterday too we watched this guy on stream he was brought up initially in the Rock Guys episode, and we watch him very regularly. His name is Michael Noland. Everyone, I'm sure, already figured that out from my reaction. And he is obsessed with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Starting point is 00:18:58 and people being inducted into it. No, he's one of those guys. Oh, you would never. He is the guy. He is the guy. Guys, I's one of those guys oh you would never be like the guy that he is guys i'm guys i'm one of those guys a rock and roll hall of fame guy i i i had a vote for the rock and roll hall of fame oh my god he probably fucking hates your ass if you if you did anything incorrect no because my issue is my father-in-law is mick jones who wrote all the songs in foreigner
Starting point is 00:19:27 father-in-law is mick jones who wrote all the songs in foreigner okay so is not in the rock and roll hall of fame oh we know that's one of the fans he brings up all the time we know that yeah he's right and that we did say he is right you can go back on the episodes and you can on the streams and you can listen i i agree that foreigner should be in the rock and roll hall of fame so the i i forgot that that you have that connection to Mick Jones. So you and Michael would see eye to eye for sure. You would just have to say to him if you told him that Mick Jones was your
Starting point is 00:19:54 father-in-law, you'd immediately be so cool to him. You shouldn't tell him about, don't tell him about your music. Yeah, no, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. Yeah, don't tell him like and especially because you did the song with young thug oh don't don't mention that he's not like him like he oh he doesn't he hates that hip-hop artists have been allowed into the rock and roll hall of fame
Starting point is 00:20:18 it makes him so that's pretty wild i he hates that he hates that he does YouTube videos on it every week but he also talks a lot about a few rock bands the Beatles the Rolling Stones Led Zeppelin just all the exact ones that you would expect like an old classic most cliche rock bands yeah absolutely when I went to look at his playlist he has 25 videos about the Beatles and then he has like 15 about John Lennon and like he just it's every day so let's check in to see why the Beatles and then he has like 15 about John Lennon and like he just it's every day so let's check in to see why the Beatles have no true peers from current pop art oh that's hey hang on that's kind of throwing some shade your way Nate that's what I mean when I say these stats these records don't even begin to tell the whole story, let's take a look at just one such record.
Starting point is 00:21:06 The record of the Beatles having more top 10 hits than any other band. But that same article brings out... I just want to make sure that Nate doesn't get scared. In case you're wondering, it is slowly zooming in to his face as the video is going, and it will never get to his face it will always go back and it will it will always feel like it's zooming towards his face and it never gets there and it can be quite frustrating do you think that this is like an ai editing for like youtube or something i think he doesn't know he doesn't i listened to him talk
Starting point is 00:21:42 about ai yesterday and he is not he he said he wants an old school youtuber like he's been around doing this for a while he does his edits and stuff he can see he's got a pretty sick uh setup there he's got a good little setup i admire that that the beatles as far as just being artists are only number four on that list. Number three, Madonna. Number two, Taylor Swift. And of course, number one, Drake. You see, the flavor of the article praises the Beatles and at the same time kind of cuts them down, in my opinion. Articles like these don't take into consider three vital...
Starting point is 00:22:24 The term is take into consideration. Yeah. He's going to, his three reasons are so good to consider. And we finally get to hear a mad at another woman. That's not Dolly Parton. Oh, or,
Starting point is 00:22:36 or Missy Elliott. He gets mad. Yeah. He's usually mad at Missy Elliott and Dolly Parton. And just to be clear, he's got a lot of respect for Dolly, just like he does.'s got a lot of respect for dolly just like he does what's uh willie nelson but they don't belong in the rock and roll hall of fame
Starting point is 00:22:51 nate period well you know what yeah no when i got when i got my first ballot i looked at it and i was like there's some of this stuff doesn't belong in the rock and roll hall of fame i'm not gonna vote call it the music hall of fame and then i and then i never voted after that so you never you never have voted no no i've never voted literally on anything in my entire life that's actually very admirable now now that is so you were given an opportunity to vote do you remember any of the names that were on the list the year that you got that you were i want to say radiohead the zombies um like there was a couple of things where i was like okay like i'll do that but i think that there was something where i was like that's not rock and roll and then you just said you just spoiled your whole ballot i love
Starting point is 00:23:34 that michael would have so much respect for you i um like i got it's so weird because i got asked somehow this is i'm not name dropping i'm just telling a story okay so I got asked somehow. This is I'm not name dropping. I'm just telling a story. OK, so I got asked to go sing with Beck at he was doing a Lou Reed tribute at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Wow. And he asked me he asked me if I would go sing with like backups for him, along with two other guys from this band Jellyfish that I used to be obsessed with when I was younger, still kind of obsessed with. from this band jellyfish that I used to be obsessed with when I was younger still kind of obsessed with um and so uh Miley Cyrus was in the dressing room next to us smoking so much weed wow and uh and Beck got like a contact high he's like a Scientologist he just starts wandering around like he's like like and he's got to go on stage soon too and next he's like
Starting point is 00:24:25 sitting down like eating he's totally he's like totally contact hideout um and then the so paul mccartney was there and at the end of the show everybody was supposed to go up and sing with him and i was like i'm not gonna do that and all i remember is like someone like pushing me like ushering me on stage and in front of a microphone to like seeing like the na-na-na's of Hey Jude. And I don't know if that video has circulated anywhere. And you did that though. You have sang with Paul McCartney before. Yeah, apparently.
Starting point is 00:24:56 He's a good singer. I mean, that's fucking a pretty crazy and cool story. And it's cool to hear of, you knowiley cyrus you know being such a fucking head like just smoking so much that she got back fucked up it was pretty wild um uh but yeah so then then then they were like oh yeah now you uh are able to vote for the rock and roll hall of fame and i was like okay cool and then uh and then when i saw that like foreigner hadn't hadn't been inducted yet i was just like oh oh, this is bullshit. Not doing it.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, you should. Oh, fuck. We should like hook. We should hook you up with Michael. Go on a show with him. Oh, you don't want to do that. I mean, even if you agree with him on everything, you probably don't want to be around him. Just ask him how he gets those hair tunnels on his shirt.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Well, I just don't. I just don't want the slow slow the slow zoom in on my face oh yeah sorry you have to get that if you're on the show yeah that's actually when he has other people on the show he has them on like he'll do an interview with them he doesn't do the slow zoom you won't get the slow zoom but another thing that you won't get is the chance to speak because he does not give his guests a chance to speak that's the thing i love about him so here he's gonna name the three reasons they have no peers considerations first of all the hottest artist out today probably is taylor swift right yep how long has taylor swift been around now folks she's been around for 19 years a long time compare that to the six years the beatles
Starting point is 00:26:29 were out as a worldwide phenom i mean taylor swift has had over three times the time to get to where she is today um okay yeah we can do simple math time there's certainly a time but wait it's over for album sales yeah yeah and also they're gonna say there's more people there's more of a population but yes but there's also way more bands and there's also way more do you know what i mean like oh yeah like way more options for stuff to buy as well so i do feel like although pop music like taylor swift i think still probably benefits from there being so many people comparatively to before yeah that's what that's one of the reasons he's he's got a little more here he's so mad at taylor swift now but it doesn't stop there folks let's go back to the year 1964. That's the year the Beatles are alive. He wishes he could do that, by the way.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's the only thing he wants to do. That's all he wants to do. Let's go back to the year 1964. That's what he wants so bad. Or 1973 or whatever. He needs to be back in that time. It's the only time he was happy. On the world scene, do you know that the population at that time
Starting point is 00:27:46 was about three and a quarter billion people on planet Earth? By the time the Beatles were done in 1970, 50 more million had been added to the population. Still under four billion. Now, I have an argument against this this i know it makes some sense but i will have i will say as you said there are a lot more bands and the beatles it's not like the beatles have lost popularity over the since night so they've had actually three decades selling records well this is this is such a like freakonomics argument it's
Starting point is 00:28:26 just who fucking cares oh well that is a great you could say that that is that sums up michael nolan yeah every single thing he talks about who fucking cares man get some real shit to care about well i went and searched my favorite word in the subreddit. Not wife. There wasn't a lot of that stuff in here. Yeah, wife is a big one usually. But that doesn't make sense because men and women alike love the Beatles. And this wouldn't be something you're not buying a lot of stuff. Maybe box sets, but it's not going to cause a lot of friction. I do have a second favorite word, though, as people know.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And that is the subject of Sgt. Pepper's overrated. So overrated is a word that yeah overrated will give you some good results on the reddit i don't get the hype behind it at all apart from fixing a hole with a little etc and maybe a day in the life the rest of the album comes across as just not being interesting enough you gave it you said four songs and that's pretty good yeah i mean that's pretty good i mean i don't know i mean of course there's some albums where yeah i like every song and i listen to it start to finish but if somebody puts out an album and i like four of the 12 or whatever i consider that to be you know that's good yeah that's good that's a win for sure here's his reasons he's got seven
Starting point is 00:29:45 reasons and every one of them as nonsensical as the last number one lsd is just a cool bro take on their drug taking despite protestations to the contrary i don't think it's aged well may have been edgy at the time so it's not what i can't figure it out i was in this guy with diamonds is what they're talking about the song song Lucy and this guy would die. No, they're talking about acid. They're talking about acid in general. It's a cool bro take. And number two.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Well, wait, wait, wait. I don't know. Wait, he might be. Is Lucy in the sky with diamonds on Sergeant Pepper? I believe it is. I think he must be talking about that. Right. Because he's talking about a song.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, he is referring to a song. So he's saying it hasn't aged well. what's not true at all that's actually not true that's not true at all in fact lsd is much more yeah like accepted now and like it's used in like clinical stuff even sometimes i don't i don't think that like i don't know that seems like a weird thing to say he used a lot of fucking annoying words in that as well. You're about to get really annoyed now. Number two, she's leaving home is a teen angsty song.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yep. Let her leave home and try to find a place to rent. Again, the psychology of 20 somethings hasn't aged well either, but nice strings. Perhaps the lyrics overshadow the music. What? What is his? What is is this guy is this the guy
Starting point is 00:31:07 we were just watching a video on okay let's go back i'm back all right number we'll go back to number five getting better a pass by the beatles standard so not a good enough song for the beatles number six a day in the life a tune, nice orchestration, but fairly mundane lyrics trying to be deep, but really the band taking the listeners piss. Similar to Sun King and Abbey Road. The Beatles do this quite often, and it's hard to take them seriously as a result in such instances. I don't know that they're looking to be taken super seriously. I don't know if this guy, honest to God, I don't know if this guy's a Beatles fan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Well, he did say, so Sergeant Pepper's never quite did it for me. It's far below the standards of Rubber Soul, Revolver, Abbey Road, Help, Let It Be, Magical Mystery Tour, White Album, even PPN with the Beatles. I don't know what that is. So Hard Day's Night. I don't know what PPM is. Thoughts? with the Beatles. I don't know what that is. So hard days night. I don't know what PPM is thoughts and, uh, artistic breadfruit nine says pepper has to be considered within the context in which it was released. Nobody had done anything like it before. It's truly sweet. Generous. I, I, that's a Latin thing. I guess, uh, generousis i don't know the production is outstanding and full of innovative approaches the album was not intended to be a collection of songs but a unified whole
Starting point is 00:32:32 listen to in that way it's magnificent it may not be your favorite and that's fine but it's without a question the most important album of all time without a question question. I like when people speak in that way. That's cool. What's that guy who said that taste is... Oh, we got one of those. I'll do that guy next. By the way, PPM is please, please me. Ah, okay. The OP says,
Starting point is 00:32:58 evidence of why it's meant to be taken as a unified whole? It doesn't tell a continuously developing story t.s elliott's the wasteland for example is at first the disparate collection hang on hang on how why we're talking about t.s elliott now what are you doing man just listen to the fucking music and enjoy it upon a closer examination a common thread runs through them recurrent characters recurrent motifs what is the recurrent youth and sergeant off using motif when you're describing this yeah i don't even know what that means oh i hate this how is when i'm 64 connected to lovely rita
Starting point is 00:33:38 so i don't know i don't care wait is that a that is his question i don't care i don't care i mean all of mccartney's songs are like silly songs about like someone that he was sitting next to at like a coffee shop yeah well now our our original poster starts to get a little heat guy goes us just so you know this is the opposite of karma farming and he goes yeah group think and saying trite but meaningless things is the way to grow karma and he goes yeah group think and saying trite but meaningless things is the way to grow karma on reddit never cared much for that i'm more interested in having genuine discussions ah yes i'm not looking to appease the masses i'm here to have a spirited debates about the motifs of the fucking beatles albums oh god i listen this guy this guy needs to i don't
Starting point is 00:34:27 say this too often on guys this guy needs a good shit kicking someone needs to shit kick this guy well he does get a reply and says your op seemed to be arranged such as to have genuine doesn't seem to be arranged such as to have a genuine discussion more a shout from the rooftops that you've got a hot take especially your take on lsd original poster replies he goes oh so sorry to hurt your feeling oh facts don't care about your feelings i mean honest to god music message board guys this is how it all goes this is this is all this is no matter what fucking music message board it is yeah it is i matter what fucking music message board it is yeah it is i maybe that's just message boards in general but those are always the message boards
Starting point is 00:35:09 that i go to music like either like if it's like just like to check on like some guitar stuff or like gear or whatever and it's just it's just this fucking shit it's just the same fucking shit it is how many guitars you got nate we did a guitar guys episode where we learned about how many guitars do you have i have oh god i don't know not many probably a lot of them now i have you're you're of course you know you don't i don't i don't know how active you are in making music these days but you're a professional musician regardless so fair fair to say you don't have to hide those guitars from your wife you're allowed to tell her that you have all of them actually no no no straight up no i gotta fucking hide i literally like if i order so okay so this is awesome so i i always just i would always just
Starting point is 00:35:59 write songs in my head and then i would i would just like sing them to other people tell like sing the parts that everybody would have to play and in the last year i was like what the fuck why didn't i ever just learn how to play guitar so i so in the last year i just learned how to play guitar and in doing so i was like well i've made a profession out of this the rest like my whole life so i can justify just like buying a bunch of guitars and my wife is just like, I have to find the package and run it inside and down to the basement before she can see it. I know when anything's coming
Starting point is 00:36:32 so that she can't see the guitar shit that I'm purchasing. You're a guitar guy. You are a guitar guy. You're turning into a guitar guy. I've become obsessed. This show's turned me into a real weirdo. I own challenge coins now. I have magic tricks that I'll like do.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Whatever I end up looking at, I'll become sort of, I want to do it. Like I wanted to do magic really bad. See, I have a magic finger here and I have a challenge coin, which has Kevin Smith on it. I have a question about the challenge coin. Because it's something that I always hear. Take it off. Lose that thumb.
Starting point is 00:37:09 No, honestly. Oh, no. I can't tell you how it's done. I'm not professional to do the thumb thing on the call. I've told you that before. It's a real thumb. As soon as you said I do magic, I'm staring at the box, just being like, let's see it. Let's get started.
Starting point is 00:37:26 What? Okay, real quick. Like I digress. But what the fuck is a challenge coin? Just quickly, quickly. What does it do? Why do you need one? Is it just you don't need one? You don't need one. Nobody needs you. It's heavy. That's why you need one. I've never heard someone say they need something because it's heavy. If you have to flip a coin, you're going to bring out a quarter, which is ridiculous. Yeah, you're going gonna bring out a quarter which is ridiculous yeah you're gonna bring out a quarter it's gonna look stupid i'm gonna bring kevin smith out see can you also show it to him up close tell me that looks anything like kevin smith no closer closer closer um i know that looks nothing like kevin smith nothing like kevin
Starting point is 00:38:00 smith so the the just to be clear nate basically what it is it's it's a it's like a collector thing that people do it's a way to extract money from an audience essentially is you sell them and call them collectors or whatever you guys could do challenge coins and put like you guys on each well we actually have talked about it because we talk about challenge coins so much that people in the discord and stuff have mentioned that they would like to have a guy's challenge i would i would i would buy one i would do whatever i want to the chive the chive has a lot of them the chai don't know if you're familiar with the yeah it's still it's still around and um and they have like bill murray ones chris farley challenge coins and they're like some of them are really like one of 50 and like and they're
Starting point is 00:38:45 really expensive like thousands of dollars it's just complete nonsense it's meaningless that's true i mean it's just the name is so misleading it is it is it makes it sound like you're gonna play a game when it's really just pressure friends right you're and you're just collecting something yeah pound house says this is amazing bait kudos on your success at trolling and the downvotes you've gathered original poster replies and says unlike some sad and brain dead redditors that you are intimately familiar with i don't base my happiness on reddit upvotes it's sad that you're incapable of articulating a good defense oh fuck what's this guy's name what's this fucking guy he deleted the account he deleted so he's it's deleted but he's still wow all it took was calling you a troll to get passive aggressive
Starting point is 00:39:31 ad hominems out of you oh these Beatles guys are great articulating a good defense to you would be like taking talking to a wall covered in shit very Very futile. I hope you have a better night. Get some good sleep. Well, that's nice. Yeah, that is actually... That'll probably help. Yeah, he's a bit tired. He might be acting up because he's overtired. So that's good advice.
Starting point is 00:39:54 OP has a response to that. He says, wow, you're an interesting little specimen of a weapon. Of a little baby boy. A little baby little boy you're an interesting little specimen of rabid frothing at the mouth beetles quote fan off your meds again oh god off your meds again ad hominem this is but this isn't every reddit that you guys read no no no they're not all like
Starting point is 00:40:27 this i mean they're all they're all this is is this like this is uniquely brutal it's a uniquely like annoying because like the other guys that we look at might just say go fuck yourself or something like really oh that's awesome that's a good way to just end the conversation yeah i guess maybe if we went to the reddit for like whiskey like maybe whiskey guys or whatever burman guys a little bit yeah but maybe wine guys a little bit but yeah these guys this this particular thread that we are right now is is probably the most annoying one that we've in my opinion that we've ever had on the show. And I'm not even exaggerating. He's not even done.
Starting point is 00:41:07 He says, we need more. It's cute that you cry about ad hominems, having instigated them in the first place. Did you also blame the stronger boys in school when they gave you a good bust up in a fight that you started? Go cry to your wife, sad sack. Well, that's kind of a weird, at the end he's saying i do believe that you do have a wife unless he knows him you know what i mean because normally it's like go
Starting point is 00:41:32 cry in your basement or whatever you sad pathetic like it is like go cry to your wife i do go cry to your hot wife go cry to your beautiful wife listen i i got a lot of problems with you i can tell from talking to you that you definitely have found someone and you're very happy together. Well, the guy goes, still thirsty for more, huh? Open wide, sport. I'm not married, but my girlfriend and i compared you to mean mr mustard and all the lonely people from eleanor rigby pretty apt comparison we thought we also surmised
Starting point is 00:42:13 you you have never been married and the only woman you have loved who has loved you is your mother because your mother should know this was fun while it lasted, but I find this rather tiring. So now it's time to say goodnight. So sorry for calling you a troll. You're clearly a very sane and well-adjusted adult. Uh-oh, sarcasm detector is going off. Sarcasm detector. It's very cool that he used a bunch of Beatles titles in the middle of that. It was funny.
Starting point is 00:42:43 That was badass. This wasn't the OP, right? No. The OP does responding as you again. I don't think you have a girlfriend, but if you do, you're going to lose that girl. You need help. So maybe go see a doctor with the National Health
Starting point is 00:42:57 Good Day. You need help. Go see a doctor. But wait, they're both going back and forth with the Beatles references. This is amazing. Actually, he said that he said that he's the one who said that he had, you have a go cry to your wife.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Yeah. And then, and then the guy's like, I don't have a wife. I have a girlfriend. Very weird thing to say. Just, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:17 There's no need to differentiate there. Actually, we have yet to tie the knot. You know, that doesn't matter in this thread. Then he's like, yeah, I actually have a girlfriend. And then the guy's like, I don't believe you have this thread but then he's like yeah i actually have a girlfriend
Starting point is 00:43:25 and then the guy's like i don't believe you have a girlfriend maybe he's saying i believe you're married maybe the original poster is like don't try to act like you're not married i know that there's no woman who could resist you she would make make you put a ring on her finger sir well we do everybody always wants to know the answer to this question. He goes, if I may ask a personal question, how old are you? This is another person talking to the original poster. OP says, I'm in my mid to late 40s, which is insane that he's spending this amount of time fighting with everybody. That's a weird age to be doing it. The 40s are like the age where you you shouldn't be doing that
Starting point is 00:44:05 nowadays you can get away with it in your 30s you know you could have that arrest you could be one of those arrested development kind of guys or in your 50s but your 40s you got to be working yeah your 40s are not that's your 40s are the seven in a rating system you can't you can't be doing those things no you gotta be working because i heard my first beatles lp when i was nine revolver have discovered the band solo work only recently i first heard sergeant peppers on a cassette tape in my early teens i was figuring out that they had solo stuff because i was underwhelmed then and i am underwhelmed now so that's the end of the conversation one of my favorite conversations of all time.
Starting point is 00:44:47 That was an underwemmed. Brian definitely did say underwemmed. I did. Underwemmed. Flub, flub, flub, flub. Flub heads. Cheers. Dale Raines wrote a book called The Beatles Trivia Book.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Uncover the history of one of the greatest bands to ever walk this earth. And I'm going to read a few one-star reviews from this let beatles trivia book is this a generally well-reviewed book i like to okay 4.6 555 votes out of five so scott says the seller was fine book is stupid the trivia is not organized in any useful manner which i found to be a very like what what would how would you how would you like uh maybe by maybe by era by era maybe or by album or by member or something like that he was upset that the trivia was too random yeah well peter curtis says very very little i didn't already know that's a fucking badass thing to say it's such a badass thing to say like you buy a book and you're like i already knew all this well mystic v says uh don't
Starting point is 00:45:56 buy this book the title alone should be enough to stop anyone from buying this book to say that the beatles were one of the greatest bands to ever walk this earth shows how little the author knows about the greatest band of all time there's no one else who's even close so okay so he's wrong on the fact of one uh using a qualifier for greatest band in the title that was okay i mean some would argue that it's subjective. No, it's not. It's objective. All the songs, the story behind every Beatles release, 4.7 out of five stars.
Starting point is 00:46:33 But there's some bad reviews. Doc K says, well, the pictures are nice. The discrepancies in the star ratings one sees for this book can only be accounted for by people who actually know the facts behind the Beatles songs parentheses, not the authors that appears and those who simply want a nice looking coffee table book or bug squisher having hundreds of books in my basement, John, Paul, George, and Ringo. The best thing this book accomplished for me was to give me exercise walking up and down the stairs to confirm mistakes while getting me to reread the excellent Mark Lewis own book.
Starting point is 00:47:10 These authors site. I love this guy. I know he's not actually doing it. You know, he's like making a point, but I love to picture him reading a fact in the book and then going like, wait a second and walking down into his basement, finding it in all his books, like opening the book and then going like wait a second and walking down into his basement finding in all his books like opening it up and then being like yeah that's wrong and then walking back upstairs and then reading another fact and being like whoa hang on a second that's not right and then going back and doing it again he goes uh um he goes at, the mistakes are pretty funny. On page 178 for Mr. Moonlight, they talk about how at the 1964 recording session, that song was recorded between Please Mr. Postman and Mr. Mustard. If one assumes they meant mean Mr. Mustard. That is pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I've got to admit, that is a pretty funny mistake. Oh, it is. They left off the word me. That's funny. That's pretty funny. Wow. They said Avery Road was recorded in 1964. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Actually, they recorded Leave My Kitten Alone that day. Some of the mistakes are simply poor jobs of reading their sources. On page 24 about I saw her standing there, the citation is that John and Paul sagged off school and wrote it. Well, since John was nearly 22, plus was never much for class anyway, and Paul was 20, neither had seen the inside of a school in some time. Sagging or otherwise, a few of the errors are not really mistakes, but just poor writing. On page 1644 they say no reply was recorded september 30th 1964 while the caption says on june 3rd 1960 poll pool see these are so these guys are so long-winded i flow yeah no i know like
Starting point is 00:48:59 i'm not even putting that on you it's like getting through this fucking mess of words fucking crazy to like like be an editor for the book after it's already been released really is and listen i was expecting him to have some better examples i mean none of this stuff like no i mean it's like like fact checking in the amazon review is fucking weird. Very weird. An honest man says errors on every page. I've read over 20 books about the Beatles. This book has a buddy. I know somebody who's read a hundred. No primary research.
Starting point is 00:49:38 He couldn't even get the facts correct as a secondary source. No new photos except for irrelevant photos of other bands yeah you probably won't put that in there well i'm by the way i'm not buying this book based on the reviews i it's wrong it's there's too much wrong stuff yeah that seems seems to me like the the beatles like i would i would actually use these negative reviews and say now i'm not gonna buy this book i I would, too. And if I were the Beatles, you know, a couple of them are still going. Ringo and Paul are still around.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I would maybe consider legal action against the publisher or maybe reissue it with the corrections in there. Yeah. Let's go look at the Steve Hoffman forum. One of our favorite forums from the audio file guys episode. And he says, have you ever felt beetle fatigue? Yeah, I believe this,
Starting point is 00:50:30 but that kind of made people very mad. He goes, never, never felt Beatles fatigue until I subscribed to this forum. The surreal levels of beetle obsession over here must be a psychiatrist goldmine. Okay. So he's basically
Starting point is 00:50:46 saying you guys are a bit too much into the beetles yes i listen to every i listen to the beetles every day from 1989 to 1996 then i realized that i had to stop listening it wasn't enjoying that's fucked up like i mean that's fucked up i i like you know how many days and that's fucked up like i mean that's fucked up i like you know how many days and that's like over 2 000 days that's like 2 500 days in a row listening to the beat i mean that's not that sounds normal that sounds awful that seriously sounds like like like a hell i'm trying to think of my favorite like musician of all time or my favorite bands of all time and yeah there's no music i could listen to every single day for seven years nothing the beatles though are one of those bands that like
Starting point is 00:51:30 that would get fucking annoying as like completely annoying i probably because i was 15 at the time i probably listened to corn for two years because another new metal album didn't come out after it for a long time you know so i remember listening to him for like two years uh and i don't think i've listened to corn and well i mean other than for my other podcasts but you know um oh animal collective is that is a band the only band that i ever listened to for like nine straight months every single day uh apologies to the queen mary and i've i've maybe mentioned this before but i listened to it when i walked to my horrible warehouse job i had to get off the bus and i had to walk for 45 minutes in this like
Starting point is 00:52:17 industrial park and i listened to the album start to finish every time on the walk there and the walk back and i can't listen to any songs now because when i listen to them it makes me feel sad and like upset like you feel like i'm going to this horrible warehouse yeah i listened to uh in like 2005 i discovered tusk by fleetwood mac and i listened to that for probably like a year straight yeah and then i couldn't listen to it anymore like i like now i can bear like very rarely like listen to it because't listen to it anymore. Like, I like now I can bear like very rarely like listen to it. Cause I listened to it so much. So like to take,
Starting point is 00:52:48 you know, however long for Beatles fatigue, that's like, I guess that's commendable, but I would go crazy. Yeah. I would too. So here's a person asking for some advice on the Steve Hoffman forums.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And he says, uh, introducing the Beatles to an urban gen c new gen z newbie so he is urban so you gotta you know so that that's a black person an african-american person is that what they're trying to say yeah like is that i mean what do they mean by urban what are they what are they trying to say by urban i mean usually when old white people say urban they mean a black person yes he goes i work in a diverse office where most folks are in their early 20s to 30s many of them have never even been exposed to the beatles but assume it's lame old boomer music and are geared towards
Starting point is 00:53:40 contemporary genres ranging from pop to techno to metal to hip-hop. My question is, if you can only play one song for someone in that demographic to demonstrate how great the Beatles were, what would you pick? For some reason, I'm leaning towards Dear Prudence. No. No way.
Starting point is 00:53:58 That's awful. You want to put the fucking office to sleep? I think happiness is a warm gun, but that's only because it's that's we talked about earlier. But that's I think my favorite song by the Beatles is happiness is a warm gun. I think it's a wonderful song with a button, you know, has different parts to it even. So it has some like some diversity within it. I think that could hook some people for sure.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah, I don't know. for sure yeah i don't know i mean i don't know yeah i guess it's catchy too at the end and everything yeah yeah i think that i think though that honestly like i i don't know i i don't know that they want like i think that they're they'd be aware of the beatles you know what i mean i think the beatles are one of those bands where if you want to listen to them you will no matter what your age is you know i don't know i don't know that i don't know that for sure like like brian like your your daughter she would know the beatles she listens to the beatles yeah so yeah and that one yeah so that i think that the younger generation knows them they're so famous you know yeah yeah yeah so synth freak says uh tomorrow never knows them
Starting point is 00:55:03 falling up with the Chemical Brothers, Setting Sun, to show some parallels with something they might relate to a little easier. You think they're going to relate to the Chemical Brothers? Tomorrow Never Knows was the first techno song of all time, according to these people.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I don't even know. I don't know that I know that. What's it off of? It's off of the white album i want to say it's off either white album or revolver it's the last song okay so or no it's not even i don't even know if it's the last song but it's it's like a it's fucking crazy it's a brilliant song yeah truly a brilliant song and way way ahead of its time but i i don't know if like if someone put on the chemical brothers after that i'd just be like angry strap mangler says my personal opinion from experience drum machine beats are an aural crutch when you ask someone who only listens to drum machine beats to listen to
Starting point is 00:55:57 something without one it won't keep their attention as they'll be too distracted by the absence of a drum machine beat what that's not a real thing not a real thing like wait a second where's the drum machine beat all i hear is all i hear is all i hear is a drum that's not coming from a machine it's an aural crutch what it's an aural crutch okay it's like you're you're like uh you know uh this person maca fan says uh again i've shared on these forums that i taught high school and it was an urban school i introduced many of my capital letters black students to the beatles and mccartney i remember how many of them were surprised to hear the original version of can't Buy Me Love because they were familiar with the version by the group Blackstreet.
Starting point is 00:56:47 As I said, I get a kick out of experiences like that. I mean, listen, that's... Why did you do Black students in all these? I'm not sure, but I mean, listen. I think that anybody... There's plenty of of people there's plenty of black people who like the beatles and i don't think i think it's more of a generational thing probably um i just i think this whole line of discussion that these old white people are having a little bit fucking great it's a little weird to me a little uncomfortable you know well country rocker says
Starting point is 00:57:25 if it's not a tiktok video lasting no more than 30 seconds the gen c people i work with don't seem interested in anything it's suppressed play them a fucking beatles tiktok song for 30 seconds i'm sure there's plenty of them on there what are you talking about Well, Billy Norman 20 on our Beatles said the early songs have ruined their public image. Perhaps this is an unpopular opinion. I think the early stuff is preventing some people from correctly identifying them as a creative rock band. Songs like She Loves You and I Want to Hold Your Hand are the cause of the misconception that they were just a sixties pop boy band doing music for kids and grandmas? I don't think anybody thought.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Everybody knows all about the Beatles and every, you know what I mean? It's not like there's not people who are like, Oh, they kept going after I want to hold your hand. They made some more stuff after that. Like we're all familiar with their journey for the most part. Saying grandmas is
Starting point is 00:58:25 really weird because you would think the grandmas would hate it you know and he goes i want more people to realize that they are closer to bach and mozart than garbage like abba and the carpenters what do you mean i mean they're closer to the abba and the carpenters they're wrong role a lot closer to bach and mozart the carpenters. They're rock and roll. A lot closer to Bach and Mozart. No, because ABBA and the Carpenters have female singers. Oh, yeah. And Bach and Mozart don't have any singers. Wait, no, it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I mean, yeah, it doesn't seem to make sense, but who knows? Garbage, like the ABBA and the Carpenters. Please list specific names of garbage songs these artists produce. Oh, yeah. Yeah, here we go. Somebody's popping into Defend Abba in the garbage.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Billy Norman, our original poster, says literally every song by them. They're just commercial childish pop music with no musical originality. Wow. Every song. Do we have any response to that, or is that it? You're just personally not into commercial pop music that's fine but to say songs like fernando we've only just begun our garbage like it is a fact is pretty dumb oh yeah i totally agree with that well then you're you
Starting point is 00:59:36 might want to hear billy norman's reply to that and he goes because i prefer only objectively good music. Compared to the late Beatles, Jimi Hendrix... Oh, no, no, hang on. We got another one. Nate, there was somebody who said that food taste is objective. It's just objective. We love this. This guy is saying that there is no subjectivity
Starting point is 01:00:01 to whether or not music is good. Is that what I'm understanding, Brian? Yes. Completely objective. Some songs are good and some are bad, and we all agree on that. Because I prefer only objectively good music compared to the late Beatles,
Starting point is 01:00:18 Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Nirvana, etc. These pop bands are objectively inferior in every musical respect that's not even true necessarily like it's not even true because there are certain you know nate would know more than this but there's going to be certain like musical aspects that they might actually be better and more proficient in than like a garage rock band or something like that so i don't even know that that's like 100 true to say that they're not as good musically. Is it? Is it, Nate? Yeah, you can't say that even remotely.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah, because I like most of the music I like is like garage rock. Like I got really into like, you know, question mark in the Mysterians and like stuff like the Electric Prunes, which I think is the funniest band name song the most and and stuff like that and i would say that people would consider them to be not as good as a lot of these bands i like the monkeys a lot like a lot it does it does feel yeah it almost feels like it depends on your experiences in your life and your personal preferences and if there's some subjectivity no oh you guys are really you need somebody to defend like the objectively good objectivity yes i am the objectivity defender so you don't know their music or you would have named the tracks you don't like how would you define childish pop music would it be a silly love song or a tune with a I I V V chords like rock and
Starting point is 01:01:45 roll? I don't run four or five. Maybe Billy Norman says, gimme, gimme, gimme by ABBA and sing by the carpenters. There are many more, but I don't know their titles because I don't listen to songs by singers and
Starting point is 01:01:58 bands. I don't like as for childish pop music. It's basically any pop music that I find childish. Hey, there you go that cannot argue with that specifically teen pop in general meaningless and repetitive love songs disco girl groups boy bands k-pop etc it's basically baby little boy music anything that's like little baby is it baby little boy yeah baby little boy yeah baby
Starting point is 01:02:25 little boy yeah not little baby boy well at least somebody responds and said john lennon said sos by abba was one of his favorite pop songs nice way to get him oh that's fucking that is actually like how do you come back from that that is brilliant forum debating brilliant how you come back just because john liked them doesn't mean i have to like them too. Yes! Okay. There is a comeback to that. No, but your assertion of quote garbage is wrong. I don't like Jocko Pastorius, but his music isn't quote garbage.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And we get a reply to that where he says the difference is that he was a talented jazz bassist. Pop music like ABBA and the Carpenters is just a commercial product with no musical depth. Depth. It doesn't have any musical depth. Fuck off, man. That's not true, though. There's lots of clever music, especially in ABBA's library. I don't know how true that is, but isn't that within the scope of pop music?
Starting point is 01:03:24 It may be better than the village people but that's it oh shit so he's like listen i'll give you it's better than the village people the village people the village people are everyone like they are the lowest of the low we all hate them we can all agree they suck so i'll give you that they're better than them well we do get a guy that says everyone and their dog know late beatles songs here comes the sun come together let it be something hey jude what are you on and he replies this is his last reply he says they're not enough i think songs like a day in the life and happiness is a warm gun should be known by more so he's more of an edgy he likes his happiness yeah i mean he's
Starting point is 01:04:05 with us he's with us he's like he's so yours so that guy who was like so insufferable he's like one of our guys it turns out it is well happiness is a warm gun guys yeah yeah and i i think that is literally guys that like songs about i think happiness is a warm gun is the song by the Beatles that people who like the Stones more. You know what I mean? That's their Beatles song. But personally, and this is really controversial with these people, I like the Beatles early stuff. I hate it. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:04:42 Yeah, I do hate it. I hate it. I want to hold your hand. I love that song. Those are the songs I like. That is objectively awful music. Objectively terrible. I think you guys need to look up what objective means.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Everybody hates it. Yeah. Well, the Beatle, R the Beatle says, how do I introduce somebody who only likes rap music to the Beatles? Well, you guys are going to love these. This personally only person only listens to rap music and says that the Beatles are, quote, white people and, quote, old people music. They never listen to a single Beatles song either. I have faith that they'll like the Beatles, but they're so against anything that's not rap or newer music.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Anything that's 30 plus years old is for old people only, apparently. So we're going to get two suggestions. One is I am the wall. Expert, techspert, choking smokers. Don't you think the Joker? And then he goes, if they appreciate rock lyricism, give them the internal rhyme schemes. And hey, Jude, and I've just seen a face. If they appreciate 60s R&B, give them Drive My Car.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Happiness is a Warm Gun. Oh, Darling, Twist and Shout and Get Back. And the next. Get Back is a good song. I like. I do like Get Back. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Like, here's a question, though. These people who you know who only like rap music, why don't you just leave them alone? That's what I was going to say. If someone fucking came to me every single day, as this person probably does and talks to them the way that they do, I would also be like, fuck, man. The Beatles is just old people music.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I don't want to hear it. Old people music. Just to get this person away from me. Just leave them alone. people music yeah i don't want to hear it just to get this person away from me like just leave them alone let them listen to what they want to listen to stop trying to force your shit on other people like you can you can have kids and then you can force your music on them by playing it in the house that's true i do i do it every day it doesn't work i gotta tell everybody it does not work it does does. My kids are like upset. They love System of a Down. See, my daughter, like really weirdly,
Starting point is 01:06:50 like the first like music she got really, felt really strongly about was like the Cure and Joy Division and stuff, which I went through like a Joy Division phase and a Cure, never went through a Cure phase. And it's like so opposite of what i would be ever playing around the house she doesn't like like just horrible shit like corn what corn's not horrible she doesn't like she likes different kind of music fan she listens to blimp biscuit to
Starting point is 01:07:18 quote rage i see yeah um uh yeah i mean i guess my first my first CD was a cure CD and it was like after the cure was cool. I think it's I think that, yeah, your daughter knows what's up if she's like me and she does. We know he's got good taste. My first cassette tape was rancid. As we know, I had that rancid tape. Which which which one? I had Ruby Soho on it, whichever one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Yeah. I was like going wild for that. We talked about it a little bit on our Scott episode. Yeah, it was pretty good. I like that. Well, here's somebody. This is going to be our last little section. We've seen people try to get them into rap, and now it's time for a discussion.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Now it's time for a real debate, okay? Not like that last debate, but an even more important debate. Wait, there's two of them I want to do. Where the fuck did I put that? Okay. Okay, Beatlemania. This is normal, Nate, by the way, in case you're wondering.
Starting point is 01:08:21 I mean, you know what? It's well-researched. I appreciate it. It is a 50-something page thing. beetle mania versus taylor swift craze i don't know if we have time for this i'm not sure i kind of gotta go for the people who were alive how would you compare beetle mania to the current taylor swift craze do you think the the Beatles were more popular in their time? It feels like the whole world is revolving around Taylor Swift right now, and it's hard to
Starting point is 01:08:49 imagine someone being even bigger. So we've got some answers here. The first answer is from MX Mixtape, and he says, ah, yes. Let's the beatles with the ultimate capitalist shill can't wait to see her 2023 private jet emissions report let's go private jet emissions let's go i'm with this guy i'm with this guy let's see her emissions report before we even continue this discussion. By the way, back in the day, that's all those bands did was fly private jets. I know. The Beatles were – I'll bet the Beatles are on – I bet Paul McCartney is on private jets. As we speak.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Oh, 1 million percent he takes private jets. Yeah, maybe once a week even. Ah, yes. Let's the beatles with the ultimate capitalist shill can't wait to see her 2023 private jet emissions report or which album she's convinced her bands to buy a fourth copy of under the guise of quote artist rights but yes let's compare this nepo baby whose daddy bought her career for her with the beatles give me a break he's right i mean i don't think you can compare them i think that it should be serious for a second i think like media and the way that like media is shared and everything is so much different now that it
Starting point is 01:10:19 is really sort of hard to compare the popularity not if you use numbers like like the one guy did yeah yeah you just start pulling numbers out i guess it does make it easier if you look at her 2023 private jet emissions report that's something that you know we could definitely put up against any beatles and uh the original poster says it's just a thought I don't know why you're so sensitive sensitive to Taylor Swift you can't deny how big she is right now no you can't electrical electrical quote 3653 says I could be wrong but in the he does not believe he's wrong anybody that starts I could be wrong definitely believes they're totally right yeah 10 in roughly 10 years of the beatles career i think swaths of americans could rattle off several beetle songs
Starting point is 01:11:12 honestly as a white middle-aged dude i don't think i can name three taylor swift songs okay ggg drop drupal and this is something we'll never be able to answer the three of us says beetle mania was entirely organic while the taylor swift craze seems arranged now i am not inclined to believe that beetle mania was entirely organic no i don't think so either i'm gonna say absolutely not i'm gonna say they had some help from some rich people then as well as corporations and whatnot yeah i mean i think that their manager was very very very well off uh like i think he was a nepo baby yeah i think it's obviously different now the way that stuff works you know it's more so now just in general you
Starting point is 01:12:03 know corporations have found their way more into like music and entertainment and stuff but yeah i mean that's i don't know this is such a good argument well this guy goes doesn't even register everyone heard the beatles back then and they were everywhere i'm a music fan and i haven't heard a single note by taylor swift now that that's why it's also a lie he probably just doesn't know he has because there's there's songs where i did not realize they were by taylor swift and i've heard them a number of times on the radio or like when i'm out or whatever on like tv show you know whatever it is and then i found out later that it was taylor swift um but yeah congratulations to
Starting point is 01:12:43 him for not knowing stuff i mean that's pretty cool that he's never heard this popular stuff i don't know what he wants weak tiger says i know though and he's the original poster and he goes i know the whole world doesn't like her but she's constantly on the cover of a lot of media shown when just at a football game etc i know you probably think you're cool by rejecting modernity but you can't deny her popularity right now so i don't know i that the answer you know michael nolan believes that the the uh population is so big now that she has an advantage and she had 20 years and uh so we who knows who i mean i'm going with michael nolan's uh argument let's check back in with him real quick before we go i do have to go so
Starting point is 01:13:34 oh you liar i need to watch too much of it okay we won't madonna number two taylor swift and of Number two, Taylor Swift. And of course, number one, Drake. You see, the flavor of the article praises the Beatles. The Beatles were out as a worldwide phenomenon. I mean, Taylor Swift has had over three times four billion. Where are we today? Well, we have a population of over 8 billion people. So any artist out today has more potential fans to begin with than any artist, including the Beatles in the 19th century. Wait a second. Why can't you just say the internet exists nowadays so everybody can hear it?
Starting point is 01:14:26 And also, people don't buy... This is about album sales, right? Yes. People don't even buy albums anymore, famously. The music industry has had to totally shift because album sales have dropped so much. So if anything, it would be easier to sell a lot of albums back then. This is a bad argument he's making. Yeah, this is a bad argument he's making this is a bad argument you can't just you can't just use math and then just say that it's like that your argument's
Starting point is 01:14:50 correct i don't care how good your hair tunnels are you can't just do that we gotta have nate on the stream on a nolan stream sometime yeah you should come on a sunday night stream people would love it talk a little bit of nolan nolan i'm all about him so a lot of people like him and a lot of people very much hate his guts just one more minute here one makes a big deal about what a cultural impact taylor swift has made but if you compare how she's covered in the media today to that of how the Beatles were covered by the media in their day she pales in comparison not only were the Beatles constantly interviewed and placed on specials and in every TV show they could wind up in but they they were in the morning news. Is he actually trying to say
Starting point is 01:15:46 that she doesn't do interviews because she's such a big celebrity? He's saying that the Beatles would show up for the opening of an envelope, but she won't. I don't understand what this argument is. This is awful. The way celebrity works now is everyone's so
Starting point is 01:16:02 accessible. The big, huge celebrities, they make a point of not being accessible, not having social media in the same way that other people do, not doing interviews so that that way they're still considered to be celebrities. So this is just this is complete delusion from him. OK, one last. The noon news, the evening news, and the late, late news. They were on every single magazine.
Starting point is 01:16:29 And we don't even have the late, late news anymore. Yeah, we have 24-hour news cycles now. And yeah, I'll thank you to know that they're way too busy covering all the nonsense political stuff to even talk about entertainment. They're way too busy reporting on the fall of the world yeah still by the way they do talk about taylor swift on there all the time in the news right now in any story you walked in in those days and they would even televise debates between intellectuals debating on whether the beatles were good for our society or not and other intellectuals one in particular dude
Starting point is 01:17:15 they are literally doing debates on taylor swift in like right-wing media right now about whether or not she's a psyop it is like dominating the fucking news on the in conservative media she's a psyop by the way she's definitely 100 psyop we all we all know what the word means we all understand the definition and we know we know what how to use it and she is one well that is beatles guys see we were so nice to beatles fans i can't think of any group we've been nicer to yeah we were listen i thought those people on the message boards having those music debates were awful and annoying but yeah i got no problem with people who like the beatles as we discussed we like them too we like their music how can you
Starting point is 01:18:03 not like them you know they made good good songs them too. We like their music. How can you not like them? They made good songs. They have some songs I like. A few songs. I gotta say, okay, so I got turned off of the Beatles because one year I was sitting
Starting point is 01:18:18 behind them at this awards thing by Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. And every time the fucking camera would go up on them, they'd start doing like, like, like that type of shit. They're like 100 years old, and they're still doing that. Like, yeah. I'm sorry. But that's just like, I honestly lost all respect for them. Because they just be like sitting there like, during the show, but then as soon as the camera showed up, they'd be like doing their fucking Beatles things like,
Starting point is 01:18:44 can you imagine doing that for just relax man relax yeah just relax you really do like i think in your mind you're probably like i need to do something but in in a real person's mind you're like i'm not gonna i'm just gonna act like it's not here i'm just gonna act like the camera's not here yeah there is a temptation i believe and they're probably just programmed themselves they are they're absolutely but why would you even like at that point i was like i had to be like begged to go to that thing because i was why would you even go so over this shit like just somebody kill me tomorrow you know these guys are so front and fucking center i don't even know i don't even think they had anything to promote yeah i just like to be there where the cameras will be on them and they get recognition
Starting point is 01:19:30 or something like that you get popularity according to um our buddy michael yeah you know and it is also like there are always people who are like if i got the amount of money it took i would disappear forever probably and then there's people who are like they if I got the amount of money it took, I would disappear forever, probably. And then there's people who are like, they just Howard Stern is like the big example of a guy with billions of dollars that should go away. Right. Because he's bad now, but he's still like, he's still doing it. Like, he can't stop doing it. He doesn't even he doesn't even seem to like the show that much like
Starting point is 01:20:05 sometimes i feel like when he's doing his show it's almost like he's saying oh oh oh i hate this sorry that's a call back to a shocked over actually over but but yeah it is one of those things that's like uh like howard stern also doesn't do interviews so that is like the other i that that like when you get that level of there's a level of fame where you have to just stop doing them because people it's like the it's the power of no in that situation where you you literally like you if you make yourself inaccessible but you've made yourself so accessible in the meantime yeah like otherwise you're going tocessible, but you've made yourself so accessible in the meantime, yeah. Like otherwise you're going to burn people out on you.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Yeah, and Paul and Ringo, they just don't need to do anything anymore. They don't need to please anybody anymore. It has to suck to be like such a – like I have to still please everybody. Yeah, it's insane. It's insane. Have the amount of money that they have where it's just like i would never please another person again like it's like my father-in-law i like when he like he's written the fucking bigot like cold as ice all these unbelievable songs he's made
Starting point is 01:21:17 so much money and he still goes out on tour with a whole different band from the original band yeah they're still selling out like like arenas and shit like that but i'm but he here i like retired at like 35 yeah i'm looking at him at 75 and he's still playing shows i'm like what the like yeah i don't get that i don't get it at all i don't understand it if he couldn't do do that yeah like this is my worst nightmare but that's what i've always said about stern and we also cover the shock jocks we cover i find so interesting because anthony kumia is a guy who's incredible but he's so disgraced and like uh he could probably go away but he just won't go away. Because he needs it.
Starting point is 01:22:07 It's like his life. It's like his blood or whatever. Yeah. And I think when these guys stop, they die. And I'm not like, if I stop, I'll die. I'm more of a, you know, I'm going to stop someday. Yeah. That's the goal.
Starting point is 01:22:21 I'm going to stop someday. Yeah, well, I mean, that's the goal. Nate, you mentioned you're retired, but where can people find you in your retirement if they want to check you out these days? I'm on private. Yeah. Yeah, you're on private. You're not that easy.
Starting point is 01:22:40 You do the Clayton cast. Yeah, I got nothing. I like to fuck with them, you do the you do the claim you do the claim cast yeah you do yeah i mean yeah i'm i got nothing i got nothing i did though i i like to fuck with them so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna talk about the podcast okay yeah that's okay and i do want to mention as well that nate did like the coolest thing ever that has ever happened on my channel which is when he sang a parody about jj and his shirts to the tune of um tonight like his his fun song and i'll tell you what that was like that's the only thing that's ever happened on my channel that made like people outside of like my you know circle online just flabbergasted and just my mom still talks about it to this day
Starting point is 01:23:26 like that that's an incredible thing so i just you're the fucking coolest guy for doing that thank you thanks for coming on of course thanks for having me guys i'm like yeah anytime anytime i'm always happy to talk about we gotta get you on on a sunday night what is next week chris do you remember what are we recording this week? Oh, it'll be... Who knows? Let's not say. Just don't say and then you don't handcuff me. I know because I just checked to see what I said. There's literally no need to say. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:23:54 People can just do it. I like to let people know, but I don't remember. The Patreon. Crypto, guys. And slash murderxbryan and slash murder X, Brian for Sunday night stream. And we'll see you next week with crypto guys.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Bye. Bye. Bye.

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