Knowledge Fight - #911: March 19, 2024

Episode Date: March 22, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to hear some of Alex's thoughts about Elon Musk's interview with Don Lemon, and how a court just accidentally affirmed the second amendment....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 9-1-1 on 9-11. Welcome back, final segment with Leo Zagami, our Vatican expert, an expert he is. We don't get experts on that are experts at BS. We get people that are experts on being accurate for years and years and years. And he is. Leo, in the last five minutes we have here, big picture. How's the New World Order going? How is humanity doing in the fight against it? I am Jesus, but we have also the Mahdi. And who is the Mahdi? The Mahdi is Osama bin Laden. Alhamdulillah, we are against Satan both me and Osama bin Laden
Starting point is 00:00:34 and I was the one who signed the order to bring down the Twin Tanya. So it's my sole responsibility, but when you understand the full picture in 2012, you will thank me for it. Trust me my friends. Not, not, not knowledge-fied. 9-11. 3-11 is 911 days after 9-11. The globalists are obsessed with numerology. They did 9 on 911.
Starting point is 00:01:08 311 was 911 days after 911. Or excuse me, 411 was 911 days after 911. The Madrid bombing, 7-7, 7-21. I mean, they do the same stuff over and over again on the two-year of 9-11. The New York lottery came up 9-11. The Chicago mercantile closed on the two year anniversary. The 9-11 never happened before.
Starting point is 00:01:36 They love to flop this in our face. That's why September 11 took place right around 9-11. Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Jordan. Dan! Jordan. Quick question for you. What's your bright spot today, buddy? My bright spot today was that bespoke new intro for one episode from DJ Danarchy. I think you and I had become aware just accidentally maybe that it was going to be episode 9-11 and we made a conscious decision not to do anything about it. Not like to do any kind of...
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it seemed like it would be a little bit like... Well, we already covered the actual day on the show, so there wasn't a whole lot to do. Right. But then out of nowhere where get an email from DJ Tiana What are you supposed to do can't turn that down not gonna? Let it go
Starting point is 00:02:30 He's not gonna let it go by without a commemoration of some sort if you can get acapella drops like that You have to it has to be it has to be played well And we must be shared I mean in the matter of a minute and a half we cracked the case Who did it who did 9-11. We know. Oh, god. It is so full-throated confession. Sometimes, sometimes it really does only take a minute
Starting point is 00:02:54 and a half to encapsulate just how insane things are and how normalized we've made them. Just like that dude just be, oh, yeah, yeah, yep, yep. Makes perfect sense. He did it. And it's just one of the many things we've learned in our time doing this show. So what's your bright spot?
Starting point is 00:03:09 My bright spot, well, I mean, aside from that, I would probably go with the return of the amazing race. Oh, I didn't realize. Yeah, I didn't realize until just recently. They just come back, they're racing. Phil Kogan has the best fucking job in the world That's job in the world by the world. He doesn't have to run around like these people to a wide margin Yeah, he even looks sometimes
Starting point is 00:03:33 He looks disapproving Italy at them for like not being fast enough like dude He loves those tense moments where he gets to pretend someone's gonna been eliminated, but it's a non elimination legs. Yeah fucking guy Yeah, you know you are Tenth you're still. Fucking guy. He's living it up. You are tenth. You're still in the race. Oh fuck you man. You're still running. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Fuck you. Just, he can eat that moment up. He does seem to drink it. So good cast this season, what are we talking about? I think, you know, I've only seen one episode. It's tough to get a feel for them because you haven't, you know, the first, you need to find the first real meltdown. Sure. And the opening had a, I mean, I can't, I can't, I don't even know if I can not spoil it. There was a straight
Starting point is 00:04:13 up Austin powers moment. No, somebody, somebody got, no, somebody parallel parked a car and then got into in a tiny enclosure and then got into the situation where they kept going forward and then reversing backward and then going forward and then reversing backward and not moving. And then someone walked by and went, get in my belly. It was so absurd. That's an Austin Powers moment? Yes, that's an Austin.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yeah, remember in the first movie. It's definitely not the first thing that comes to mind it's the first thing that i think of it's just that that moment doctor evil laser sharks no no one million dollars forgot about the laser sharks jacks with freaking laser babe that's right man how are we dead who throws a shoe how old are we a million other races that come up first before sure sure oh three times. Yeah So that that's good. I had to leave the room I had I couldn't watch it because it was happening in real life Mm-hmm, and they didn't see it coming like it was it was happening like you could see it happening
Starting point is 00:05:16 Mm-hmm just back out man back it out back it out. That's why you need those people who are like Standing by the wayside telling you you're good If you see one of them, you have messed up in life. So, speaking of messed up in life, here we are. Yes. We're talking about March 19th, and part of the reason for this was,
Starting point is 00:05:36 on our last episode, Alex left halfway through the show. Right. And so I was like, is he gonna just stay away? Is he gonna be gone? What's gonna happen? Right. So I wanted to, you know, check this episode out, I was like is he gonna just be stay away. Is he gonna be gone? What's gonna happen, right? So I wanted to you know, check this episode out see what see where we were at
Starting point is 00:05:53 see how the landing happened and then also I Watched the interview with Don Lemon and Elon Musk sure and I figured that might come up and it does yeah And so yeah, we're gonna talk about that. That was a bad interview On a number of fronts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I believe that I didn't watch it. It was not pleasant to watch not be not not from a Not from a I don't know. I don't know what the unpleasantness how I would categorize it, but it's just it's uncomfortable Yeah, was it was it? informative in some way um it could have been more sure sure but did you take something from it that That was of value um nothing. I didn't know before which is that Elon has a pretty thin
Starting point is 00:06:38 Explanation for what he deems believable right? That you come away with pretty clearly I don't know, I do think that there was just something off, the two of them don't have great chemistry. That's unsurprising. But I also don't know how much chemistry you're ever gonna get with someone like Elon Musk in an interview chair.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Ah, you know, I feel like, and a lot of people might disagree with me, but 17th century kings and queens in Europe were actually very kind people and not whimsical at all. So I think they're easy to talk to. Here's something that I think I may have come around on while watching the interview. I don't think that guy, Adrian Dittman, is Elon Musk. I have more of the mind that that's not the case after this interview.
Starting point is 00:07:21 At least we're getting closer on one front. So we'll get down to business on this getting closer on one front. Yeah. Alright. So we'll get down to business on this here episode, see all the ins and outs and what have you, but first let's say hello to some new wonks. Ooh, that's a great idea. So first, Blake Burrito is down with Selene Worship, but Jordan's Very Good Pups also deserve our praise. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:07:39 You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Not true, but fair. Fine. Whatever. Next, shout out to TribulationFarse who sent me to knowledge fight a definite path towards mental health for me. Oh, hey, I thought that was sarcastic, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Your favorite sexy architect, Nikolai Karpatchia. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. I thought that was going down a sarcastic path, but then it got sincere. No, it makes sense. Yeah. And Dave from IT did 9-11. We know that's not true. It is the Ozakami. I thought that was going down a sarcastic path, but then he got sincere. I appreciate it. No, it makes sense, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And Dave from IT did 9-11. We know that's not true. It was the intro. It's the perfect day for it. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And we got a couple of technocrats in the mix, Jordan, so thank you so much, too. It's my understanding that the traditional 10-year anniversary gift is leveling up from a walk to a technocrat. So happy anniversary, James Love Lily! Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. And I may have a problem. I've binged about 400 episodes in the last four months since I found you guys. I'm sorry I have not become a technocrat sooner. Love the show. You guys are the best. Thank you so much, you are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. I don't like to hype things, but people are designed to hype. I am going to paint once a week on air
Starting point is 00:08:47 and I'm gonna let callers call in, we'll also take emails and request what you wanna see me paint. One, two, three, Matt Damon. Matt Damon. There you go. So party time, I'm gonna get in your guts. And the Nazis, in my view, were thugs
Starting point is 00:09:02 that shook people down to a lot of really bad things. But they did good things too. We're gonna stop dissing the Nazis all the time okay I'm thinking about doing some shows too where I run the whole thing myself just hit record and sit in the dark with just a few candles and candlelight and talk about the nature of the world universe I mean you know a big old juicy ribeye folks is as good as you know sex with your wife and let's just get down to reality here I'm gonna go Donkey Kong King Kong crazy in about 45 days America sucks. We're all racist. It's over. Does it mean I want to go live? Say in some places in Asia where you get off the plane over there folks. They karate chop you. Thank you so much Yes, thank you very much. So we start off here on the 19th and Alex, you can tell from his musical choice that
Starting point is 00:09:49 there is a vibe. Oh no. There's a vibe. Oh no. It's Tuesday, March 19th, 2024. I'm your host Alex Jones, broadcasting from the unbattled Info Wars Command Center World Wide. 2024. I'm your host Alex Jones broadcasting from the unbattled Info Wars Command Center worldwide. Amen. Amen.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Humans are so capable of beauty and strength. But to the heights of scale we also plunge into the depths of wickedness. It's reckoning that we are the most powerful of all. We are the most powerful of all. We are the most powerful of all. We are the most of wickedness. It's recognizing that internal contest that will allow us to transcend. All right, ladies and gentlemen, the quickening is here. The news is absolutely over the top
Starting point is 00:11:01 and sane. I have prepared massively for this broadcast and know this I come to you trying to be as accurate and truthful as I can be. These are very complex issues but at the end of the day it can be boiled down to good versus evil. So I'm going to be as accurate as possible. I think Alex actually I mean he's a big Lana Del Rey fan. Yeah he is. I think there's a sincerity to that fandom totally we've chronicled a lot of Lana Del Rey and Specifically emotional moments when he vibes with I think there's a fair amount of self-soothing and self-care that is done through those dulcet tones That's how you got a deal that's how you got a deal and I support it
Starting point is 00:11:44 I was gonna say if we were in a high school kid's basement and he had just had a breakup, I would be like, yeah man, you just you got to deal with it the way you got to deal with it. Right, you're just sitting around the hookah. Yep. And you're listening to Lando Del Rey and then out of the silence you just say humans are capable of such beauty. I don't know. I don't know what we're doing here. I don't know if any of this is real. But yeah, Alex tries to be accurate about everything. But really, everything's complex. Sure.
Starting point is 00:12:16 But it boils down to good versus evil, which is not very complex at all. No, no, no. It's increasingly simple these days. So I thought like, wow, I mean, I've hundred and eleven episodes of a show about him not being accurate It does feel like there's a wealth of inaccuracies. I was wondering where that thought process was going Okay, when I make a mistake or I get something wrong. I Get so mad and so upset when I accidentally say something that's not true And it was just a minor thing I did yesterday, reading a graph wrong. And what I was saying was accurate, but I flipped it around that I got so upset
Starting point is 00:12:53 that I went off halfway through the show and left. And I was just thinking before I went live today, what should I talk about first or so much, but I think it was that to watch a Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow lie with relish and enjoyment in their eyes and invert everything on purpose, I realize is demoralizing. And I've really gotten to the point where I may just start having the crew give me transcripts of their lives so I don't have to look at them because I've been analyzing the fact that I'm a person in my whole life that's never really depressed. I don't really know what depression is. Kind of like I didn't
Starting point is 00:13:35 have allergies until I was about 20 and I thought people that had allergies were hypochondriacs until I got them. I'm like, whoa, these really hurt. They don't just burn your eyes, you get a headache, you name it. Once you develop them, you're like, well, this is very real. I wouldn't call it depression, but I get a feeling of like an ashtray has been dumped on my brain. You know what I mean? It's just, but that's what evil does. It knows how to demoralize us. We have to go back to the source and to God and pray for God's spirit to wash that away and make us strong to fight it, but not let it get to us. And I said some prayers last night. I said some prayers this morning and I've really been re-energized by the Holy Spirit. That's good. So a couple of important points here.
Starting point is 00:14:16 The first is that Alex is acknowledging that he got something wrong about his coverage with the graphs that he was reporting to his audience to show that other racial groups think white people are evil. It's a good thing for him to acknowledge that he got something wrong because he got it entirely wrong, but in this situation he's required to explain what it was that happened. What was he wrong about? How does his reporting need to be corrected in reflection of a mistake that he made that resulted in him leaving the show an hour and a half early? Any reputable outlet that was taking this seriously at all would include this in the
Starting point is 00:14:47 conversation, but Alex can't because if he did, he'd have to admit that the correction really is, I had no idea what those graphs were and I was just making shit up to stoke white fear. Instead of doing what he needs to do to make a satisfactory correction, Alex just starts whining about Don Lemon, which is pure deflection. It means nothing. The second point I want to make is how nothing is real to Alex until it affects him personally. starts whining about Don Lemon, which is pure deflection. The second point I want to make is how nothing is real to Alex until it affects him personally. This is a trend of his narcissism.
Starting point is 00:15:11 He doesn't think depression is real because he didn't experience it, so he thought other people were faking it. He didn't have allergies, so he didn't believe that other people did. There's hypochondriacs. This belies a critical inability on Alex's part to empathize with the experiences of other people who aren't like himself. If other people describe an experience that he hasn't or doesn't also experience, it must be made up.
Starting point is 00:15:34 This is a pattern that pervades all areas of people's lived experience, not just allergies and mental health, and if Alex is recognizing that he was wrong about these things, he should maybe open his mind up a little bit and consider other ways he's written off other people's experiences because he didn't personally feel it, and because he didn't feel it, it's not real to him. Right. The problem even further though is the second step where, okay, so he has experienced the same feeling that you have before, but if you respond to it in a way that he doesn't deem appropriate, then once again you are evil, you are wrong,
Starting point is 00:16:08 and you are part of the problem, you know? Oh, you went to see a therapist or a psychiatrist? Wrong, you should have gone to God. Now that I know you're not lying to me about feeling bad or whatever, you're wrong even more. And my man, you came in with Lana Del Rey. I mean, I don't even know what to say. It's not the first time.
Starting point is 00:16:27 You've been depressed. I mean, but it is always a good reminder, you know, like people do have religion for a reason. It fills a need, unfortunately, that maybe... Whoa. Maybe she's feeling something else. So Alex gets to some news. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And one of those things that's in the news is that Justice Brown Jackson talked about free speech. What'd she do this time? She hates free speech. Oh, about time. And let's move to the Supreme Court in an hour and 45 minute hearing yesterday that I listened to all of it when I got off area stay because it was happening during the show. So I didn't get to hear it during the show.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Then Owen did a great job. I sat in my office in between watching Owen and in between, um, watching the hearing, I went back and forth, I, or listening to the hearing, they put out audio, I listened to the whole thing and wrote some notes. This was incredible tyranny on display. And. With some recent good Supreme court rulings, unanimous rulings that Trump can't be taking off the ballot without being convicted. I thought that was a sign they might do the right thing, but we saw conservative
Starting point is 00:17:36 justices and leftist justices saying, well, if there's an emergency, the feds are the truth and so they should be able to go in and shut down whenever they want. Like false COVID narratives, but they lied about where the virus came from. They said it wasn't manmade. They lied about the shot. Said it was tested when it wasn't. Now Obama admits we just did the biggest testing ever on millions of people. Then he lies and says it's safe.
Starting point is 00:18:04 So this is about the government going into political speech and activist speech and consumer speech and saying if something the public saying is quote hamstringing the government's mission, I thought the government represents we the people, well if the government has an overriding right, government represents we the people. Well, if the government has an overriding right, she tells the state attorney general is bringing the suit to override your speech. So there's a dead giveaway that Alex didn't watch this hearing and is actually just responding to memes and headlines he's scammed. And that's the he's saying that Justice Brown Jackson said that people who post things like COVID misinformation, hamstring free speech. That's the misrepresentation that's been flown around in social media and Alex is
Starting point is 00:18:49 just repeating that talking point. But if you went to the primary source, you would know this is incorrect. She was saying that the argument of Louisiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguinnaga, his view on the First Amendment would hamstring the government. The question at hand has to do with the fact that the government can obviously, like they can't dictate to entities like social media companies that they remove protected speech, but they can attempt to persuade these entities to remove protected speech that represents a public danger, right? They could do that.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That's the distinction. Iguanaga's argument is that the government can't do that. And Justice Brown Jackson replied that, quote, my biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways. You understand? I'm fascinated by people because corporations are people in this regard, but the government is not people. And I'm going to throw this out at you. I don't think that the people
Starting point is 00:19:46 Who are running things actually respect that that the law exists outside of their control? I think they just want to do what they want to do. I think that's kind of the how do you how do you mean? Well, I mean, I think they just make up rules like this guy is like hey this time they're people and this time You're not people and ah and they can just argue that. In terms of companies? They can just argue that in front of people? That seems crazy. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:10 What this boils down to is that does the government making a request or trying to say, hey, this is bad, shouldn't do this, Does that have implicit force behind it? Of course, yes. If the government asks you to do something, does that mean if you don't do it, they're gonna send jackboots at you? I gotcha, yeah. Yeah, and the argument that the Solicitor General
Starting point is 00:20:37 was making is it always has the threat of this force behind it. So it's always a demand, more or less. And that view of the First Amendment would hamstring the government and their ability to communicate, quite frankly. of this force behind it. Sure. So it's always a demand. Right. More or less. Right, right, right. And that view of the First Amendment would hamstring the government and their ability to communicate, quite frankly. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So that's the mischaracterization that Alex is running with, but I'm sure he watched the entire thing. I'm sure he listened to it all. Yeah, I mean, I imagine that the question of does everything the government say end with dot dot dot or else, that's probably tough to really figure out.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Comes out of tone, which is hard over text sometimes. It kind of feels like it might, yeah. So Alex talks a little bit more about the Supreme Court story and then jumps on to a couple other foreign grievances. So what's the takeaway here? The government's a separate entity from the people it knows best and when it decides it is then going to do what it sees best and going to put a gag in your mouth absolutely over the top naked brazen
Starting point is 00:21:40 bravada hubris chutzpah filled evil. I mean, if you want the government to be separate from the people and in charge, we use a lot of places you can move like Cuba or Venezuela or communist China, North Korea. And remember all over the world, it's the same operating system. Oh, you got a British flag on your fish and chip shop.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Come get a British meal. That's mean. Because people don't want to hear the word British in your own country. Oh, you said you support the nationalist party that's almost number one now. It's surging in the polls. It's come from nowhere the last 10 years
Starting point is 00:22:22 to being the second largest party. Oh, we're going to go arrest you because you did a TikTok video saying I support the nationalist party in Germany. That is like mainline Republican in a comparison. I mean, it's like I wouldn't admit that is way more hardcore. I wouldn't admit that either. Don't admit any of this. And Musk is defending the lady who is defending the young lady who's a lester, by the way. What a shock. Who would admit that? She's 16 years old in high school.
Starting point is 00:22:52 So that's what's going on here. So Alex pivots from being wrong about the Supreme Court story into some areas of foreign interest, continuing his roundup of things he saw on social media that he's decided he's mad about. The case of the UK fish and chips pot has to do with a place called the Golden Chippy, which is an eatery in Greenwich. They painted a mural of a fish human holding a Union flag along with the words, a great British meal.
Starting point is 00:23:15 The shop owner didn't have approval to paint an advertising mural where he did, so the town council told him to remove it or alternatively, quote, the business owner is welcome to apply for advert consent in line with the conservation area he's in. He didn't have permission to put up this mural. That's all that's going on. But this naturally is a culture war issue. It's a painfully local zoning type issue that no one outside of Greenwich, that area should
Starting point is 00:23:39 even give a shit about. But now here we are being lied about, about this to us and it's exaggerated on infowars because Alex saw a tweet and he's decided that it's a war on British people because that it makes him feel vulnerable as a white person I'm gonna say I'm gonna say what's crazy about this what's craziest about this is not what you might imagine what's crazy about this is that those people in regards to this story care more about those zoning laws than they could ever care about this culture war bullshit these zoning laws are so society is held together by zoning i mean like no and i'm i i can't i can't quite express to you how much these people
Starting point is 00:24:20 specifically care about zoning laws it's's important. It is incredibly important. They will argue zoning laws for years. Nothing to do with the flag, the British word, or the fish human. Nope, nope. If you want to paint on that wall, it is going to take years of argument with people who have nothing better to do than argue about the wall. Maybe it might just take like an application. It will not.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I guarantee that by a million. You're talking about the US bureaucracy maybe it's true I'm talking about the UK bureaucracy I'm talking about the local council council no no no I just know local council shit I'm gonna I will we'll get emails from people saying you don't even know how much blood has been spilt over whether or not I can sign this in what font. There will be blood over this. So as for the AFD thing, that has to do with a 16 year old girl in Germany who was taken out of class after having posted some potentially inflammatory things in support of the AFD party.
Starting point is 00:25:16 She wasn't arrested and the police have said that it was more of a thing where they were trying to make sure she was aware of the possible ramifications of her online activity and like incitement based issues. Maybe it was more than they needed to do, but I don't know the exact dynamics of free speech laws are in Germany or how that applies to minors there. I have no idea. I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to be like, go Nazis. That's what I'd think. Well, more to the point. The AFD is not a milk toast conservative party. They're a very extreme right wing nationalist party in Germany and they have tons of ties to straight-up neo-Nazis.
Starting point is 00:25:46 For instance, in January, Roland Hartwig, a close advisor to the co-head of the AFD, Alice Weidel, had to cut ties with her because it came out that he was at a meeting with Nazi activists. According to Politico, he was at a quote, meeting of right-wing extremists at a hotel near Berlin in November where they discussed a master plan to deport millions of people including migrants and unassimilated citizens. He wasn't the only AFD figure at that meeting and someone else who was there was Martin Sellner, a major figure in the identitarian movement who had received a donation from
Starting point is 00:26:17 the guy who went on to carry out the Christchurch massacre and who Elon Musk interacted with on Twitter last week. Weird, weird connections. Good stuff. In October last year, an elective representative with the AFD, Daniel Halemba, was arrested for being a member of a fraternity that displayed Nazi materials, and according to The Guardian, had neighbors
Starting point is 00:26:35 complaining of often hearing the Nazi-Zekiel victory salute. Earlier that year, Bjorn Haak, the head of the party, the AFD party, in Thernigia, got in trouble for using Nazi slogans at a rally. At least two members of a coup plot organized by the Reichsberger movement were politicians from the AFD movement, from the AFD party, excuse me. This is mounting.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Alex is watering this down a little bit because he wants a party like this to be seen as milk toast right cuz he This is kind of what he wants right right right? I think at a certain point. We should be like okay I understand you're different from Nazis You're not Nazis right but because of so many things being the same as Nazis Yeah, we're going to treat you as though you are Nazis now. Well, and you're a hyper far-right Nationalist party in Germany that associates with Nazis tough to tough to get away from that. Yeah If it weren't for people who weren't Nazis being mad at you, you would be Nazis. I know it I think there's a chance. Yeah, so Alex complains a bit more about this the the the golden chippy the
Starting point is 00:27:46 So Alex complains a bit more about this the the the golden chippy the the place oh And the Union Jack on the side of a fish and chips place saying get a great British meal Like you're driving along oh, there's a Chinese restaurant get a great Chinese meal boom I See authentic interior Mexican top rated I get on my phone. Is it top-rated? I'm going there. I want interior Today I want authentic Mexican food one of the best Mexican places in Austin. It's been there forever Maxwell Rancho, what a plug says on the entrance authentic Tex-Mex. Oh my god. Oh, let's arrest him Again, you want authentic British fish and chips you come here. No, you're not allowed to even have any culture.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Everything's cultural appropriation. This is sick, folks. It's a mind virus. It's their new religion to force it. We're all guilty, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the ADL, the UN, and the EU, they're our boss, and they tell us what words to use. Stop following their directives. Stop using their words. Call the flight attendant stewardesses.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Call firemen firemen just because they don't like it. They got, they say, don't use the word manhole. They say milk's racist. It's a cult folks of psychological warfare laughing at how they screw with us. Stop it! It only gets worse from here. It's a malice takeover. China owns on record funding it as well.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Hosed that years ago. Now it's public news. Yeah, man, Mao is just sitting around like, let's get him to not say manhole. Ah, boy. I can't wait until we get to the controversial are people wearing backpacks on the subway too much. I feel like Alex is rallying people around a centralized principle of be an asshole.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I mean just if somebody asks you like hey don't just call me a flight attendant or whatever I'd like it just if somebody I don't know what to do I don't know what to do if you need to be a good cuz you have the mind virus if you need to be a dick I don't know. I just don't get it. Well you've succumb to the Maoist plot unfortunately and I don't recall Mao ever being like so what do you guys want to be called? Yeah So what do you guys want to be called? Yeah Also, I do think that complaining about the fish and chips place like this is probably more exciting than What Alex could be doing which is taking a real like right-wing position about like zoning laws sure and so he can have
Starting point is 00:30:21 The same rant about how the micromanaging and the zoning law like you did I think it's probably more profitable to turn this into a war on the British white probably probably so that's where we are Yeah, so Alex has a lot of clips from the Don Lemon interview Oh, no, and there's there's a there's an interesting kind of awareness That's lurking in the background of this clip that I find deeply upsetting I've got a bunch of Don Lemon clips here And this is him Elon Musk talking to Don Lemon. Let's play
Starting point is 00:30:56 clip 14 And now think about this Don Lemon approaches him and says I want you to sponsor my show on X. He says, okay Don Lemon approaches him and says, I want you to sponsor my show on X. He says, okay. He goes out and attacks him for an hour straight. He says, you know what? I don't want to be associated with you. I'm not going to sponsor you now.
Starting point is 00:31:11 He calls that censorship. But throughout the entire interview, which I watched last night, boy, that was time lost. But Elon was very, very patient with Lemon. Over and over again he said you refused to censor it's your responsibility it's a virtue there's all this evil you're gonna get all these minorities killed when you say the borders open it's gonna kill illegals what the hell does that mean and Musk was just done with him so here's lemon calling for censorship in these clips coming up and then turning it
Starting point is 00:31:47 around that it's censorship that Musk isn't going to pay him to do this. But that's all Lemon knows is this trick of divide and conquer. So all of this, I mean the only thing I agree with Alex about is that it was kind of a waste of time. Watching that interview was not, I didn't love it. But there's an awareness that is behind this that I'm talking about that is Alex knows that Musk is paying people to make these shows. So what does that mean? What does it mean that Elon Musk is essentially trying to produce media that goes at his whim. It's kind of fucked up to consider.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I was a little bit confused why more people weren't like, oh, seeing a billionaire behave this way is a pretty much the perfect example of all that's wrong with everything that's going on right now, right? I mean, you didn't watch it. You don't know how he behaved. I mean, I think I saw one clip of him going, and now, right? I mean, you didn't watch it. You don't know how he behaved. I mean, I think I... I saw one clip of him going, and I was like, I got it.
Starting point is 00:32:49 He did go, eh, a few times. I got it. I got it. I got all of it from, eh. Yeah, one of the characteristic moments, I think, that I... I'm not sure I've seen a ton of people going over, is he refers to Twitter as a PVP platform. You know how, like... A peer versus peer platform. You know like here versus peer platform Yeah, like in like a video like on D in Diablo. Yeah, Diablo You know there's like an area where you can play against other people you can like kill right kill other people who are online
Starting point is 00:33:16 Right and he views Twitter as that and I think that that mentality is exactly kind of what I'm I find that to be a kind of bad bad mentality I think that does it does kind of make sense though like it is pretty clear I think if you if you kind of step back and look at the way Twitter's algorithm kind of treats you is People who fight get filtered towards people who fight so they fight. And they spend more time on Twitter. And Elon Musk bought it because it's play to win. Exactly, because it is like, I want to fight. I want to fight and be the smartest,
Starting point is 00:33:52 and then the only way for me not to lose an argument is to own the place, because the only way for me to win a basketball game is to take my ball and go home whenever I start to lose. It's such a mentality that I find corrosive and I don't care for it. Maybe, I mean, I also didn't care for the PvP areas in Diablo when I was playing it either.
Starting point is 00:34:13 That's fair. Maybe it's just, maybe it's how I'm oriented. I don't like that fighting. But he seems to love it. It seems to be what he's all about. No, I mean, just historically speaking, I think giving spoiled whiny babies infinite power has worked out for us in the past as a race of humans. Sure. Yeah. And Don Lemon did another interview, I think it just came
Starting point is 00:34:34 out today. I was watching a little bit of it, his second episode. Sure. Sure. And he was talking about the Elon Musk interview. I thought like this is, let's all just be done. But there were a couple of good points points I think that it was that he got like Elon Musk was bored right like he wasn't fighting with him Yeah, and I think that was what the problem with the interview was right like that Don Lemon wasn't fighting with him right right right and There's no way to be the winner unless except for walking out and then firing the guy well But that's a thing According to Don Lemon at the in the intro of the episode. He said that there never was an exclusivity agreement Okay, they said that they maybe there was a talk of it or something, but they never were in an agreement that then was
Starting point is 00:35:24 Like canceled. All right, but I don't know if Alex knows that Elon Musk is gonna pay pay people to make content, what does that mean for his relationship with Twitter? What does that mean for Tucker Carlson's relationship with Twitter? How many other people are being sponsored by, produced by, Elon Musk? I think that's a pretty worrying concept. I mean, I think it would be especially worrying for Alex if he was being shadow banned as opposed to being Given a massive contract to make content for Twitter Well, I mean despite talking about Don Lemon and he almost doing an interview Alex is not bringing up that he's shadow
Starting point is 00:35:57 Weird so maybe that whole like I give him a weak thing. Yeah, maybe you on fixed it Yeah, I mean he has made a lot of Nazis come back to a platform where they were banned. And interacted with them. Yep, yep. Said, you're great. So we have some sun issues. Sure. The moon is a good...
Starting point is 00:36:16 Oh, not his sun. No. No, the actual sun. The solar system. Right, right, right. There was just a total eclipse of the sun, the moon in front of the sun, last year. system. Right, right, right. I'd have to look at the sun, you can see it, and then it was finally a perfect corona around a black dot on the ground. But if you go back to the most ancient times, the mystery schools were set up thousands and thousands of years ago where mathematically they would mark down the Greeks,
Starting point is 00:36:56 the Aztecs, all of them, the Romans later, the Chinese, when it was coming, and then the witch doctor would say next week the god will, the Chinese, when it was coming. And then the witch doctor would say, next week the God will, you know, cover up the sun or the snake gobble eat the sun, depending on the culture. And people would all prostrate themselves in front of it and beg and plead.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And so now Homeland Security, the National Guard's out over Texas when this happens coming up next month. And it's the end of the world all this fear. It's all a psychological Manipulation John bounds report is very important. I'll be getting into it later It's up on info or to post it right now on X Solar Eclipse 24 and actual guard can be brought in as huge crowds expected to gather April 8 solar eclipse could impact power. Here's why
Starting point is 00:37:44 expected to gather, April 8th solar eclipse could impact power. Here's why. And it goes right over Austin, right over Waco, right over Tyler, right over Texarkana, because that's how the shadow gets cast. It doesn't do it everywhere. And there's solar eclipses going on on the planet every week in different places. But they treat us like a bunch of ignorant savages and are hyping all this up and God knows what the Globals are going to pull because they made major, major preparations for this. Uh oh, they've made major preparations. Something's going on, man. So that article that Alex references about the eclipse affecting powers from CBS News and the article answers why there's a possibility.
Starting point is 00:38:29 That's because the Electric Reliability Council of Texas or ERCOT has a bit of a checkered recent history with challenges to the grid. In the context of this total solar eclipse there will be an impact on solar generated power and they predicted for about three hours on April 8th, this will be an issue. Solar accounts for about 6% of the power in Texas, but given the predictability of this event and the lead time, ERCOT doesn't expect there to be any issues at all. This is all in the article that Alex is covering. But I guess he's amping it up as a possible time that the globalists will launch their
Starting point is 00:38:59 long overdue attack on the power grid? I look forward to him forgetting he ever said this in a few months. This is just being just shit talk. I'm more interested with this, there's tons of solar eclipses like all the time that we're just not hearing about. Am I missing something? Maybe some smaller, there was an eclipse last year that was smaller. Sure, sure, but I mean like... No, every day somewhere.
Starting point is 00:39:23 But like, there's a reason that we're all talking about No, it's like a because you're a fool. No, I mean it's gonna go across the whole That's why you're talking about also also If if you say and the eclipse is gonna go over Waco you're saying something I don't know what you're saying, but you're saying something. Maybe. You're saying there's some sort of magic that's making it go over Waco because something happened at Waco. I don't know, because he also included Tex Arcana and Tyler. Sure, but why else would he? Because it's near Austin.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Sure, but so are other places. I don't know. I think that you might be reading too much into that. How can you be reading? Okay, fine. I think that might just be a coincidence of a city. You're bringing your baggage to that. Fair enough. Fair enough. What do you know about Tyler? I don't know anything about Tyler, but it's not what I don't know that is important here.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It's what I do know that is important. You know what I know about Texarkana. What do you know about Texarkana? I know they're thirsty in Atlanta. I 100% swear to you thought that Texarkana was like a abbreviation hmm right yeah but it's not they went with yep yep yeah I think there's a couple cities like that yeah I know I think I've been to one in Colorado but I can't remember the name of it anyway you know it's kind of fun
Starting point is 00:40:39 like a little mashup yeah I like a, no. I like, yeah, I like a little poor made talk. So we get to the talking about the Don Lemon interview. And Alex sets up his first clip here. We've got so much other news to get to. So getting back to Elon Musk, Don Lemon is a globalist. He's a member of the system trying to create division, trying to create guilt, trying to make people hate America so we can absolve America by giving up our rights and do whatever he says. I'm going to start the clip over clip 16 where, oh, America was founded on slavery.
Starting point is 00:41:13 America was founded on evil. It was going on everywhere else in the world, but America started the process of ending it only other country more further ahead of us on this was England and Mexico of all places. And more further ahead of us on this was England and Mexico of all places. So that's the reality of this. So you don't have a guilt for what eight generations ago did. If your dad wouldn't rob the bank, you didn't know you're not in trouble,
Starting point is 00:41:42 but they want you to bow down and go along with this agenda. So Musk is explaining this to Don Lemon, and Don Lemon's playing stupid, that slavery, everybody alive on earth had ancestors that were slaves. But they want black people to think they're particularly been abused, so you're a special class, so you're going to get special things from the globalist that sets the precedent for the social credit score. You're being used. That's why almost every spokesperson for corporate media and corporate products is black now. The globalists are stealing your identity.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Here's the club. Yikes. So Alex's own argument kind of falls apart because he's not focusing on the actual issue. If your dad robbed a bank, you aren't guilty of robbing that bank. However, if you own a home that was bought with the proceeds of that bank robbery, your life might be fundamentally benefited from that bank robbery. And if the impact of that crime that you benefit from involves the historical exclusion of wide swaths of the population from being able to participate in the economy and all sorts of other issues, you're essentially living in a
Starting point is 00:42:44 privileged position enabled by a crime that hurt tons of people. It's not that complicated and that's why Alex always brings us back into the territory of guilt and accusations that you're a bad person because you're white. It's nonsense, but dealing with the point behind that facade is essentially impossible for him. And he even, like, he'll say things like that like you're dead robbed a bank you're not guilty and there's just very clear implications that he's so close to. Yeah I mean it's if you can't recognize like oh after they freed the slaves then instead
Starting point is 00:43:18 of owning slaves they just had people that worked on their land who they could hit whenever they wanted to for another hundred years. Like, then you go, wait, I don't know how much slavery just ended, as much as like it was still now. Nah! Nah, not really. Oh, no? Okay, never mind. Not according to Musk! Oh, good call then! I thought it was everybody who's dealing with this problem.
Starting point is 00:43:40 So let's get to Musk's clip. Hmm. Here's the clip. I think we should, we should, we should, we should, uh, this is a constant, uh, subject. I think we need to move on. I think we should, you know, um, treat people like people. You don't agree that there's, this country was founded on racism and founded on slavery and in many ways inequities? That still continue on to this day?
Starting point is 00:44:13 I think every country at that time and I think even today was extremely racist. Every country. And obviously slavery was present in about half this country. And it was not present in the North. It was racism for sure. But I think we want to look to the future rather than the past. And instead of engaging in positive rehashing of the past, because in fact, if you look at history, if you study history broadly, everyone was a slave. Everyone. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Well, not everyone was a slave. No, everyone was a slave. OK. We are all descended from slaves. Yeah, well all of us Yeah, but just a question of when is it was it more recent or less recent? That's it, right? So that's just nonsense and wrong I think if you can take Elon Musk about as seriously as he presents himself to be taken He's saying that there was no slavery in the northern states in the United States, and that indicates a very serious lack of awareness about the history of the country and the issue that he's expounding on.
Starting point is 00:45:30 There absolutely was slavery in the north, but the dynamic of it was different, and in many places it was banned earlier than in the southern states. A large aspect of that was that the north didn't have as many large plantations, and the southern economy was far more dependent on that enslaved labor. If Musk is entering this conversation with the kind of perception that he's showing on this issue, then I don't know if it's wise to take too many of the other things he's saying seriously. He doesn't have much of a grasp about the subject he's talking about, but he has a
Starting point is 00:45:55 lot of feelings about it, and those feelings are mostly reinforced by shit he sees posted on Twitter which he owns. And that's something that I think runs through this entire interview. Here's another clip from Lemon's interview that I thought was kind of shocking and that Lemmon, I don't think he pushed back on in a sufficient way. So the things that you post a great replacement theory, you claim that Democrats, President Biden's immigration plan open up the border, you said that they're the president is getting and Democrats are doing it to get more votes. But undocumented immigrants cannot vote in federal elections so how is that possible? Right. Well you're conflating two
Starting point is 00:46:32 things. One is great replacement theory. The other is, which I don't subscribe to that, I'm simply saying that there is a sense of here if legal immigrants wish I think have a very strong bias to at least everything I've read, very strong bias for Democrats, the more that comes to the country, the more they're likely to vote in that direction. It is, in my view, a simple incentive to increase voters to Democrat voters. And yes so questions like how so there's a few there's a few ways of this works. One is that when the census is done the census is based on all people in an area whether they are citizens or not. So if
Starting point is 00:47:19 there are a concentration of people who came here legally in a in a particular state or in a particular state that state will actually then get an increased number of House seats. So the House seat apportionment as proportionate to number of people not the number of citizens. So that the the the illegals it will only go to place like California and New York.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And the... If you just look at the math, if you look at the apportionment with and without illegals, I believe California would lose... I believe the blue state, there would be a net loss of blue states of approximately 20 seats in the House. This also applies to the electoral college. So you say, well, this also applies to electing the president, because the same, the electoral votes are also done by apportionment the same way that House seats are done. So all this is just false. The assessment that Elon is working off of, with his idea that 20 or so seats would be
Starting point is 00:48:22 swayed by including or excluding undocumented immigrants comes from the Center for Immigration Studies, a designated hate group started by white nationalist and noted eugenicist John Tanton. More legitimate research carried out by outlets like Pew Research have shown that excluding undocumented immigrants would result in Texas, Florida, and California losing a congressional seat and Alabama, Minnesota, and Ohio gaining one. It would be a net zero in terms of gain or loss for red or blue states. Also, Musk is just wrong and citing propaganda put out by a hate organization founded by eugenicist, and that is allowed to stand.
Starting point is 00:48:58 As just, it's his perspective. This is what I think based on the reading that I've done. And the problem is that the pushback I don't believe is sufficient. You can hear in this next clip how Lemmon responds to Musk's very clearly inaccurate and bigoted talking point. If, as is the case, a disproportionate number of legal immigrants go to blue states, they amplify the effect of a blue state vote. And the math, as I understand it, you can research this obviously very easily on there.
Starting point is 00:49:27 It's like, it's pretty straightforward to research this. But my understanding is that there would be, that the Democrats would lose approximately 20 seats in the House if illegals were not counted in the census. And that's also 20 less electoral votes for president. So the legals absolutely do affect who controls the House and who controls the presidency. It does not affect the Senate.
Starting point is 00:49:54 In blue states you're talking about. I don't believe that your information on that is right. That's not a strong denunciation. That's somebody saying, I think what you're saying is wrong, which holds no weight. Like in this situation, Musk has asserted this thing and now you can push him on it. That's what the benefit of being in this situation is. Where did you get this information from? Why do you think this?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Saying I think that's wrong is letting someone off the hook in a situation like this. When you're in an interview setting, be like, oh, okay, why? Where did you get that number from? Oh, some shit I saw? I don't know. Some dumb account I follow on Twitter? I think what's fun about this is that this is kind of the problem that Alex was pretending was the problem earlier, like the implied dot dot dot or else
Starting point is 00:50:45 hmm, it's just applied in a very kind of different circumstance like The crazy thing about this is that Elon lives in a space where it literally does not fucking matter Well, you know like like okay you if Don Lemon does a great job and is like see look I've proven to you you're supposed to be a person with like science shit. You're fucking shit is Tesla. Right? Right. Right. Right. Right. So fucking evidence and shit. Here you go. This is proven in the same way that like there's gravity like it's done. Right. He's going to go like fuck whatever and then go continue believing the bullshit. Right. And if, if if it was like if he wasn't a billionaire who owns everything
Starting point is 00:51:28 Then you'd be like aha we can neutralize his ability because everybody knows he's a fucking idiot But he's just gonna be a billionaire tomorrow and still believe bullshit Yeah, I think the the advantage of in that situation at all Like the interview setting is that you have a place where he wants to be taken seriously. Right. And you do all this, being a shithead and trolling and all this shit on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:51:55 but when you're sitting across the table from someone who is not fighting with you and not engaging in the PVP style shit that you maybe want to do on Twitter, you want to be in the situation where you're like, no, I have these really smart things to say, and when you're allowed to say things like what he's saying and not be forced to be like, ah, smart thing, prove it, or whatever,
Starting point is 00:52:21 you're giving him an out, you're giving him a pass, I find it frustrating but that's the or else is oh you piss me off. So I leave You know like oh you push back too much So now he does start to say that towards the end like when he's asked a question He's mosque is like we have a couple minutes left to choose your questions carefully. Yeah Yeah, there is almost an implicit like the power dynamic is this you know that's why that's why it is like I you know a capture you know they the the White House press corps the the capture of it you have to be close and part of being close is making these people like you
Starting point is 00:52:58 And if you don't want them to be if you don't want them to not like you you have to be nice You know you can't want them to not like you, you have to be nice, you know? You can't be like, hey, Elon, you are a fucking con man who has gotten billions of dollars by telling rich people what they want to hear. You had access because you had a fucking emerald mine that gave you a platform to continue telling rich people what they want to hear, despite the fact that it's transparently bullshit. Your company is actually worth nothing. So all of your wealth is pretend. He implies you might be making a flying car. It's
Starting point is 00:53:27 Pretend you bought this very platform With money that's not yours that you are not going to pay back because it's not even real well sure I mean you can't say that did probably not Probably would it probably be an end to the interview pretty quick if you came in with that energy. It would probably, yeah, I don't think I would be allowed to interview him. Now, I have one more clip here from the things that I took out of the Lemon Musk interview. And it was just something that I found really shocking. So this stuff that he's presenting, Mosk is presenting about like, you know, the undocumented immigrants, 20 seats, all this,
Starting point is 00:54:08 DEI is causing us to get unqualified surgeons. I'm sure that's happening all over the place. Right, and all this stuff. And he has nothing to back up any of this. There is just like, I have a feeling about this, that kind of thing. And here is what he says when pressed. What evidence do you have though that they're lowering the standards?
Starting point is 00:54:31 There's no evidence of that. Well, I believe there is. There's no evidence of that, Elon. What is the evidence? I believe they have literally lowered the status at Duke University. And that is what the article is referring to. There's no evidence. Are you saying they have not lowered the status at Duke University and that is what the article is referring to. There's no evidence about lowering standards and I think that there is... Leave that as a false statement you're making. Okay well we'll figure it out. Yeah I think the interesting thing is when this is posted on the X
Starting point is 00:54:57 platform there will be a whole bunch of things that rebut what you said and what I said so people could then make their own decision based on the replies and the rebuttals and the community notes. I think that's fair. But I do think that- No! On this particular topic, I do think that you and Ben Shapiro are reaching in about this
Starting point is 00:55:14 because there was a, what Ben posted said that people were, he gave instances of people who were deliberately harming people. Nowhere in the thread does Ben suggest at all, I should say, that anyone is being killed as a result of DEI. That's purely speculative. There's research on DEI in medicine and there's no evidence that standards of being lowered. Okay, that DEI is affecting medicine actually like only 5% of doctors are black in a small percent Yeah, I think you'll find that when this is posted to the X platform that people will reply to it with evidence Okay, maybe I'm wrong. Let's see. Okay. So that to me is this this bizarre
Starting point is 00:56:08 Okay, so that to me is this this bizarre mentality that mirrored so closely the way Alex behaved in the January 6th debate He was just saying a bunch of shit and then when other people would say shit back Oh, Twitter's gonna get you that kind of thing It's it's why why are you going into this interview and making these claims that like oh, here's my backing for this Some shithead will say things on Twitter Like, oh, here's my backing for this. Some shithead will say things on Twitter. Ah. Someone on Twitter will get my back later because they want to fight for me in the PVP sphere.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I was looking through the thing and I saw this video that it was like, it was showing a dog stretch and it was like, this stretch is the I love you stretch. And it's like, I saw that and immediately I was like, I don't want to look into this I don't care if this is true. I suspect strongly this is bullshit But do you know what it makes me feel so good to think that every time my dog does this stretch He's saying I love you that makes me feel good
Starting point is 00:56:59 I'm not going to go on an interview and be like aha, let me tell you something that is 100% true. This thing I saw one time. And then have the, and then be like, no, no, no. See if at the end of this, you're going to go online and you're going to feel real stupid when you see that video. And somebody's like, see, this is true. Because there's a bunch of sick fans who I've allowed back onto the website that I own who will roast you. I bought people for this purpose. But that mentality from like Alex is escapist and... No, I understand that's what I'm saying. I understand wanting to believe something that makes you feel good.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I get it. I do too. You know, I think I think that the the angle is the same between Alex and him. Right. But the difference is that Elon owns the site That's the problem So much shit. Yeah, I don't I see I just can't I couldn't I Couldn't do any of these interviews. I feel like it's morally wrong to be in the same room with these people I did like as as if you do if you do moral I do think I do think I think it's wrong to be in the same room and not like I think you can make an argument towards that and but I also think that you know, I'm not giving enough credit to Don lemon for making he does ask some questions that are pretty good. Sure about the
Starting point is 00:58:18 EEOC complaints and the harassment Rachel harassment the people have reported at Tesla factories and Elon's answer to that is just like, I've never seen it. See? Done. But he did ask that question. Sure. You know, like there isn't a shying away from some of these topics. Sure. It's just that there isn't a like a follow through on nailing down.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Who cares if you saw it? Right. I mean, but isn't that that's to me is the problem with this interview is that it fundamentally is Purposeless because there is no like there's no stakes. I don't see any say well I mean for Don Lemon there may there might have been stakes But might have been millions of dollars of stakes for Don Lemon But according to him not but like you know like I've always felt like if the idea is You're doing an interview with somebody who's really powerful,
Starting point is 00:59:06 you have the access to bring this and that means that you're either getting information that is valuable to people or you're revealing something that's valuable to people. And a lot of that is also a threat of like, if you look like a complete idiot, everyone's going to know you're a complete idiot. Those are the stakes. You prepare, learn things you have you have information to back stuff up If the stakes are literally like I own this website. Mm-hmm, and whatever I say People will tell you it's true after the fact and that's no stakes, you know, not really. Yeah So we get back to Alex's coverage of this I took a little bit of a detour through a couple of those clips that Alex doesn't play. Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:48 And it gets back to him Just going over the same sort of territory and there is a legacy of slavery that still continues on there's a legacy of racism That still continues on in this country. That's and that's undeniable Well, if we keep talking about it non-stop. It will never go away If we keep making that the central thing it will never go away Why do you believe that I think I'm speaking civil state of the fact so I Think I think we want to get away from making everything a race or a gender or whatever
Starting point is 01:00:25 as here and just treat people like individuals. Yeah, that's what Martin Luther King said. Judge people on the character of their deeds and interactions, which makes perfect sense. You know, there's a several what they call soul food restaurants in Austin because they don't have southern cooking. It's just southern cooking. And I go to black owned businesses, we cater it in here. Because I like collard greens and fried chicken. And that's not a black thing. That's a southern thing. It's a white
Starting point is 01:00:58 and black thing. But I go there because they have good food. I don't go to the diversity signal. I go to a Chinese restaurant that's owned by real Chinese people because it's original and it's delicious. I go to a Mexican food restaurant owned by Mexicans because it's the best in town. Who even thinks that when they're going in a restaurant? But they want it to be all about that. We're now in the UK. They're ordering people to take down the Union Jack and sign saying a great British meal
Starting point is 01:01:27 fish and chips. I'll be honest with you. I don't think British cuisine is in the top hundred, but yeah, fish and chips is about the best bangers and mash is great sausage and gravy. What is happening? How is this even like the way his brain goes? does he think that's what's being discussed? I mean Foods I just I everything about this makes me so angry not least of which like I know It's part of what he can do so well, but it's like no soul food specifically is black food
Starting point is 01:02:02 It is not southern cooking soul food is because slaves brought shit from Africa to here to make food from because they didn't have the, the soul food because it nourished their soul. You're going down the side track though. I know, but don't take that away of all the things to take away. It's a detour from I know it's so terrible. So I think what's going on is that Alex has that golden chippy?
Starting point is 01:02:32 Story yeah, basically and so yeah, everything is veering back to food It's even happening In America is Chinese food that's made from Chinese immigrants who made it here. It is not Chinese food. It's American Chinese food. It's American food. All food in America is American food. That's the idea, man.
Starting point is 01:02:54 You're getting lost in the detour. That's the idea. It's so, ugh. Getting lost. So there are some things that Alex doesn't think that Elon did a good enough job on. Yeah. And one of them is defending his ridiculous point about DEI causing bad doctors or something. Let's go for it.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Now, Elon does an okay job here, but he wasn't definitive enough. They've lowered standards in the military, law enforcement, the legal departments, engineering, they're teaching with fuzzy math and Common Core, now for 20 years, that two plus two doesn't really equal four. And here's an example today. Supreme Court bar exam will no longer be required to an attorney in Washington State. You don't even need to pass a test because they say it's racist to make you pass a test.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I was recently in court for a family law issue and sat there all day, because our case was in the afternoon, but it could have been called early. So I sat there eight hours in court and it was white young men, white young women, black lawyers that were young folks. It was like idiocracy in the court scene.
Starting point is 01:04:06 In fact, pull up idiocracy court scene. They literally couldn't talk. They were black. They were white. They were morons. They graduated more lawyers the last 20 years, look it up, than existed in the entire history of this country. And they don't even have to pass a test now.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Now they're saying they're going to hire schizophrenics to fly the airplanes. It's not like airlines said we're going to go out and have a jobs program and pick highly skilled black people to put them through a program and those that pass the test and you would get them to pass it can be airline pilots. No. They're simply saying we're going to have schizophrenics fly the airplanes. We're going to have people without any training fix the parts on planes. It's to destroy civilization for the general public and the globalist on words.
Starting point is 01:04:57 So the Washington Supreme Court commissioned a study that found that the requirement of the bar exam is an exclusionary burden that disproportionately affects black law students and recommended allowing an alternative pathway to completing a law degree that requires 500 hours of apprenticeship and three additional courses. This isn't lowering standards, it's adjusting them and no law schools are required to even do anything. It's creating an alternative pathway but schools can still require the bar. It's it's nonsense Yeah, and there's a bit of a bit of a history of the bar being used as a Over history so this one's a little bit strange for Alex to use as an example
Starting point is 01:05:37 Their good marshal wasn't like invited to take the bar. They weren't like oh, please come on down sir Yeah, the the history of creating barriers to people being allowed to be in the profession of law is a rich history in the country. Yeah, I mean I'm amazed at this because it's like, wait a second, you're telling me like five minutes ago all doctors are liars who are paid for by the government trying to steal money from the Medicare system. And then five minutes a year later, you're like, oh, they're lowering standards. From what?
Starting point is 01:06:12 To what? Sure. That is a question. What standards were you stoked about? The ones where all the doctors are globalists who are trying to force vaccines on you. There's an Open Mic Eagles lyrics of just like, y'all want to say the N word. That's all it is. And it is just like, you have to say, oh, there's black people, there's white people
Starting point is 01:06:32 because you just want to say black people are stupid. But we won't let you just say that without people pointing out you're a racist. So instead you just add and white people and then we let you get away with it because we're all insane. Well, I think it makes sense Also another little thing that we learned here in part of the clip that I didn't include is that Alex was supposed to be in it Idiocracy. Yeah, that does sound right. Yeah So Alex tries to Help Elon's argument
Starting point is 01:07:05 Good luck. Good luck. Good luck. No, it's going to go well. So they're not going to have tests now for law school. And here's Don Lemon. This is all a talking point. This is all the same message. It's all official.
Starting point is 01:07:17 It's not a weird liberal that's whacked out. He's got the corporate big banks running him, telling him what to do a globalist agent in in in the X camp And he sits there and says why do we need Standards for doctors and then musters like well, I'm just saying we lower standards. We promise we know they've lowered standards We know our life expectancy is down. We know there's the number one cause of death in America is medical malpractice in law enforcement the average cop can't do one pull up. I just could do a hundred. The whole gym will be clapping. I can still do five. I'm a fat ass. You see the women in the SWAT team events can't even do a basic
Starting point is 01:07:58 obstacle course. But that's the new woke system to sabotage competitiveness in humans, to sabotage the human system humans, to sabotage the human system, to force us into the depopulation robot takeover. It's all admitted. So here's the clip of Elon Musk talking about it. I believe that if we lower the standards for what it takes to become a doctorate. Are you saying if we lower the standards? Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:19 But do you believe people are dying because the standards are being lowered? I don't think that is an issue, but it could become an issue. Okay. But the actual evidence and history shows. Lemon's sitting there playing dumb. He's not stupid. Like, wait a minute, you mean standards? If we lower standards, bad things happen? Excuse me. You know, a lot of firefighters even need to be able to pick up a person because they got a statement of burning building. They've gotten rid of that in most jurisdictions. And then firefighters bitch at Leticia James, they go, we're going to fire their ass.
Starting point is 01:08:53 How's any of this connected to anything? I don't understand. It's all over the place. This is an incredible scatter shot of various touch points that he has about the women's SWAT teams. Yeah, I was trying to make the point that he wishes that Musk was making, but Musk wasn't and Musk was floundering. I mean, do you think he would have been happier if Musk was like, ah, women can't do SWAT teams? Like, I think he would have. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Even if there was even less backing up. Yeah, probably. Did you see the video did you see the video women with the, yeah. Swat team exercises where there was one team that was bad? Bring that, bring that, give that to a billionaire and let them say it to Don Lemon and let the world explode. Don, let me put this up on my phone.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Let's just have this all be done with. Oh, it is exhausting. Yeah. So the sort of disconnect there is that it's not that Don Lemon thinks that there shouldn't be standards, it's that they aren't being lowered in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion. And Musk is saying, first of all, yes, they are, and second, maybe problem. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:10:05 But also being too unwilling to stand behind like, I'm going to say this is happening because then I'm gonna end up, that's gonna be too much, I can't defend that. Although I don't understand why he doesn't because he can just say, people show you on Twitter tomorrow. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:20 That seems to be a sufficient dodge here. Yeah, it is kind of confusing why he would engage and what you would choose to engage in. You know what I mean? Because you've already chosen in advance not to engage in some stuff. You're just not going to do it and you're going to be like, fuck you and then leave. So why do you engage in what you do engage in? I think because he wants to have fun.
Starting point is 01:10:46 I think that's fun. This is fun for him. Okay, okay. So you think it's because he wants to have fun and it's not because he wants to look cool or smart or good or anything? I think there might be overlap. I think looking cool and fun smart to your dum-dums on Twitter is probably pretty fun. He is an endless vacuum of need for appreciation.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Yeah. Is probably pretty fun. He is an endless vacuum of a need for appreciation Yeah, and I think that saying those things to Don Lemon will get him appreciation From the people who comment tomorrow on Twitter, right? All right, so I think that there's a satisfaction that comes out of that. Oh man if you how well God if you had a billion dollars, and that's what you did Oh God, if you had a billion dollars, then that's what you did. If it's bleak. That is so dark. So here is Musk just sort of floundering around
Starting point is 01:11:32 about his feelings about DEI. And then Alex comes back to try and save the ship and it doesn't really work. We're in the middle of a war, people. Continue. I believe that if we lower the status for what it takes to become a doctor. Are you saying if we lower the standards? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:51 But do you believe people are dying because the standards are being lowered? I don't think that is, yes, an issue, but it could become an issue. Okay. But the actual evidence and history shows the exact opposite if you look at how minorities are treated by the medical system. Most doctors now are white and there are lots of mistakes in medicine. So you're saying that my doctors have bad medical care? I'm trying to understand your logic here when it comes to DEI because there's no actual evidence of what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:12:27 No, I said, so if the standards, like let's say, I think that particular thing was referring to surgeons. Let's say a surgeon in training is asked to do a series of operations out of the supervision of a senior surgeon, and they get a bunch of those operations wrong. If that happens, and yet they are still approved to be a surgeon, the probability that someone will die, I think, at some point is high. OK, I understand that. But that's a hypothetical.
Starting point is 01:12:59 That doesn't mean it's happening. I didn't say it's happening. You didn't say it was happening? I said it will. I said if we lower standards, people will die. But why respond to something or put something out there that has not happened? Because I could say... Because I don't want it to happen.
Starting point is 01:13:20 I think we don't want to lower those standards. Okay, if you look at the history of the medical industry, especially when it comes to black Americans, it shows the exact opposite. If you look at the Tuskegee experiment and all that, only 5% of doctors in America are black. All of them are white. So are you saying that if the majority of doctors are white, are you saying that D... And there's still these inequities, right? And people still... There's's still mistakes are you blaming DEI for that? No I'm very basically saying that if we lower standards for what it takes to become a board-certified surgeon or you know an oncologist or something where that were
Starting point is 01:14:02 the kind of disease we're talking about if you make a mistake causes someone to die then that's enough by the way that's not true the fact that only 5% of the doctors are black and and of course everywhere I go it's Indian doctors and the great doctors so and Indian doctors done two surgeries on me a bicep and a hernia and because I just went and saw who was highly rated and they were listeners Oh, so I think Elon comes off pretty poorly in that exchange, but I think that lemon was also playing around to some softball Playing a little softball But I'm more interested in Alex's response there instead of responding to musk's pretty weak performance
Starting point is 01:14:42 And and constantly dodging back to what if. He latches onto one thing that Don Lemon said and claims it's false. He said that it's not true that only 5% of doctors are black and then apparently to prove that he says he's been to multiple Indian doctors. Also the 2023 figures from the American Association of Medical Colleges reflects that 5.7% of active physicians are black or African American. Alex just reflexively is making up that Don Lemon is lying about this statistic because he knows the audience will just accept his version of it. And after the clip that he played, Alex has not, he doesn't have much to work with.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Yeah. There's not, not a lot going on. It's tough to save that. So you pivot instead of actually addressing like okay Elon sounded like an idiot. It is interesting because I think I wonder like it does seem that Don Lemon is very confused by what seems very straightforward which is Elon Musk is working backwards and saying that yes black people are underrepresented because they are inherently worse at surgery due to blackness.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Yeah. As opposed to like, wait, are you saying that white people should be? Yeah, like what are you talking about? He is, he is, Don Lemon, to your face, this man is saying that black people are not as good at surgeoning for whatever reason he wants. Yeah, and I think that Don is trying to take a side road around. Right, because you can't just say, oh, you're a giant racist, aren't you, Elon? Because dot dot dot or else.
Starting point is 01:16:10 I think, or maybe not the dot dot dot or else. Maybe a feeling or a suspicion that it would be more fruitful to go the other way. Sure, sure. But as we see the proof of the pudding. Right, right, right. From the eating. Going in the side door is not gonna help you any more than kicking down the front door.
Starting point is 01:16:27 So Alex doesn't actually go over all that much of the interview. I think. It's just kind of a couple of these points. Because there's another big story out of the courts. All right. And this one I actually was very interested to hear Alex's take on.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Okay. All right, when we come back, it's a complex issue, but I'm gonna nail it. I think you'll probably agree with me. We'll open the phones up in the next few days. I'm going to have this topic. A Obama appointed judge ruled illegal aliens who are here illegally committing crime, even though federal law says you can't do that, can own a gun. Now you're like, what does that mean? I'll explain why they did that
Starting point is 01:17:07 and why it shows the one dimensional thinking of these people. So you know what? I actually support that. We're Mad Max world. Nobody should be restricted, even felons, because felons are going to have guns anyways. So they've undermined themselves with this, but that's how contrarian they are. Under law and under the constitution, you need to be a citizen to own a gun. But if you're going to flood us with people and they're here, okay, they're a person, the right of the people to keep their arms may not be infringed. Okay. So fine.
Starting point is 01:17:37 But now you just destroyed your argument that all of us that are citizens can't have guns. I'm going to break this down straight ahead. And so much more. No one is saying you can't have guns. I'm gonna break this down straight ahead and so much more. No one is saying you can't have guns. I have no idea how this is both... I believe we're being... this is being expressed as both not at all a problem and yet somehow we're talking about it as if this is an issue. It's... it's... it's not a problem. Right, it's not a problem. Alex thinks that this is some kind of a big dunk because the court ruled that this undocumented
Starting point is 01:18:10 immigrant who he had a gun and they said he can't be charged with a gun charge because he didn't have a violent criminal past. And I think that here's the thing that I find interesting is Alex's rationale for this and being in support of it has to do with everyone's gonna have guns anyway. I do like that attitude. Which is not the angle he should have. I wouldn't. The point is supposed to be that our Bill of Rights is an enumeration of rights that exist with or without the government. Inalienable. These are human rights. God-given Yeah, absolutely. So this should be something that that's where Alex is coming from right as opposed to a
Starting point is 01:18:54 Carers are gonna have everyone's got guns. Anyway, yeah, that's strange to me it seemed like a perfect opportunity for him to Go against the grain a tiny bit because of the xenophobia and anti-immigrant stance of the show and his audience and be like, no, no, no, we stand on principle here on this one. And instead it's kind of neither. I would be interested in understanding the thought process behind a creator endowing you with inalienable rights, but only if you're an American if you're a citizen if you're a sit especially yeah Birthright citizen, right? Actually, you know what?
Starting point is 01:19:30 It's got to be two generations back. Like what are we doing here in that? It does this right is not it doesn't make sense with the way that Alex is supposed to believe. Yeah in in Rights, I'm gonna be honest with you I don't think a lot of these fascists really actually believe that human beings have inalienable rights now Probably not I think they believe our rights are very alienable quite yeah So Alex comes back from break, and he's gonna get into this and it's gonna be a slam dunk And I noticed something was up, okay? Oh no. Oh god, what happened? Globalists are going to take us for all that we got.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Alright, I talk about this at least once a week. I see a story, and I've seen two the last few days, that I would call a Rosetta Stone. That if you understand these stories, you understand the entire enemy mindset, their philosophy, their modus operandi. And you got to know the enemy's modus operandi because it's very, very OCD. It's very myopic. They follow the same plays over and over again, because it works until we get in a bad enough position to analyze it and reject it all. Like don't drink that, it's poison. Don't drink antifreeze, it'll kill you. Don't pour gasoline on yourself and light it on fire. You need to reject it all, but you've also got to know then what to counter it with.
Starting point is 01:21:06 So, the Leticia James, last week, goes to the New York Firefighter Association union and gets resoundingly booed and they chant Trump, Trump, Trump, because they see the injustice. The head of the union says, we're going to have you fired or demoted or your pay cut. We're going to hunt you down. The firefighter said, screw you, we're going to sue your ass. We have a first amendment within three days of that happening. Happens Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, they back off and say, fine, because the firefighters started marching to ticker tape parades. The people said this is wrong and it rallied the people because when the firefighters got
Starting point is 01:21:59 threatened with firing, they said, screw you, go ahead, let's go to court. So that's an interesting retelling of that story So this is a Rosetta Stone though, right? So you understand the if you understand this story you understand everything I 100% do not understand this story I understand the story. I just don't understand how it's a Rosetta Stone for Alex. No, well, I suppose that's yes That's what I mean. Yeah, because if I'd like his description Right. Okay, this is The same they do they OCD right, right? They do the same thing because it works
Starting point is 01:22:31 Until it's so bad. We reject it like Covering yourself in gasoline and lighting yourself on fire. You got get rid of all of it. I don't understand Do you have to light yourself on fire before you can learn not to light yourself on fire? And then it's like, oh, this fire is bad enough that now I have to get rid of fire? I think you're getting lost in the weeds a tiny bit. I'm getting very lost in the weeds here. I think, okay, so this is obviously a preamble to talking about the undocumented immigrants
Starting point is 01:23:03 that I've got. Obviously, yes. So that's the second Rosetta Stone story. Right. That's where I have the difficulty because you obviously know that that's the story that he's ramping up to talking about. Sure. So this exists in the preamble to that. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:19 And I just, I don't know. I find it difficult to put it together. Maybe I just don't see through the crystal. But then you also gotta know how to counter it. Right. Which I guess is threatened to sue in this case. Is that what's going on? I mean it must have been for the Letitia James story. Right, because of the firefighters.
Starting point is 01:23:38 According to Alex. Right. I still don't understand how the fire, I think he just talked about the fire because he was gonna talk about firefighters? I don't know. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. I don't know. But he does get to the immigrants can have guns, the undocumented immigrants can have guns story.
Starting point is 01:23:54 Yes, that's a slam dunk. So he thought about this a lot, and here's his conclusion. So I really thought about this for hours last night, and it hit me that, let me look at her record, okay, she's anti-gun why would she do this because she sees that let illegals vote let illegals do whatever they want pissing in our face but she's just ruled there it is a well regulated militia being necessary the security and free state a well-regulated militia being necessary the security of a free state which means the free people
Starting point is 01:24:23 where the government's not the boss the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. So she means it as I'm going to take citizens' guns and I'm going to make illegal aliens the police and military and we're going to selectively let them have guns but not you. But at the end of the day, a criminal, whether they're an illegal alien or a white bank robber or a black shop robber, it doesn't matter. There's criminals of all colors. Evil comes in all colors. It's an Alex Jones quote. Evil comes in all colors.
Starting point is 01:24:53 That's an Alex Jones quote. They're going to violate the law anyways. That's why I've always said, yeah, they passed the law in the thirties to make felons not own guns. Hell, in the old days, you see it in Westerns is true. Like in high plains drifter, the criminals get out of jail after five year prison sentence and, and, and the warden gives them their guns and they
Starting point is 01:25:13 say to him, pull up high plains drifter prison scene. It'll come up. Skip the break. It's real short and they're getting out of the prisons. This is real. This happened. This is real.
Starting point is 01:25:25 This happened. This is a... Written by the great... Plain Eastwood, but it's based in history. They're getting out of prison and they give them their guns. But notice that the wardens have got their guns ready in case there's a problem. They're shotguns.
Starting point is 01:25:44 And they say say where are our horses and they say what do you think you've been eating the last five years that's actually how it worked that's how it worked this show is a fucking meme review and talking about movies that Alex vaguely remembers yeah I would prefer if it was a movie review show sure instead of a movies a real-life review show Movies are not real life though are not real life apparently they are though high planes drifter very real accurate Based on reality should yes what this has to do with this judge Okay, who's anti-gun although Alex is not?
Starting point is 01:26:22 Established this in any way right He's just claimed that she is. She wants to give migrants guns, but take them from you so they can be the police. Makes sense? He's thought about this deeply. That does make sense. It is not just xenophobic, anti-immigrant and racist ideation that Alex has that is coloring his interpretation of this story that he didn't even read.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Ah, no, no, no, evil comes in all colors. That's an original Alex Jones quote. That's an Alex Jones quote, yeah. You can quote him on that. Yep, well, okay. Is it a rule for Clint Eastwood that all his movies are accurate? Like, what about the movies with the monkey?
Starting point is 01:26:59 Do monkeys actually do that? Any which way, Belouse? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do monkeys, documentary. Do they become friends? Yep. Okay. Yeah. All right, what else? Any which way but loose? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do they become friends? Yep. Okay. Yeah. All right What else? Any which way you can?
Starting point is 01:27:08 That's right. There were two monkey movies. Two monkey movies. Two orangutans. What a world. Might have even been a third. I think there might have been. Yeah. I saw that as a kid. Yep. Yep. Yep. I Would prefer to watch Smokey and the Bandit. No, let's watch any way. That's a documentary. That's what our 9-11 episode should have been. A breakdown of any which way but loose. That would have been a good one, yeah. Yeah, better than this. As if it was real.
Starting point is 01:27:30 So Alex thinks that they have made a classic blunder. With the courts. Yes, the globalists have made a classic blunder. Because they were so desperate to allow undocumented immigrants to have guns, they have accidentally affirmed your immigrants to have guns, they have accidentally affirmed your right to have a gun. I don't understand how you could be this backwards about it.
Starting point is 01:27:52 She thinks she's giving special rights to these people, but she's just undermined themselves. And she's now quoting the second amendment that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. She's saying you're a citizen, you can vote, you get welfare, you're, they're as good as the citizens. So she uses Supreme Court ruling to say you can have guns because the people are the citizens. The illegal aliens are going to have guns anyways, folks. And a lot of them aren't criminals other than passing the border. I say fine, let the chips fall where they them are criminals other than passing the border. I say fine.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Let the chips fall where they may, but don't take my gun. So this is again, the illogic of the left. How they only think one step. Oh, we'll give you legal scorns. Ha ha ha. That'll piss off the conservatives. But you just admitted to the sanctity of the second amendment. No luck with high planes, Drifter.
Starting point is 01:28:44 No boss. no luck. You actually found it. Crank it up. Play it. Never mind. Crank up High Plains Drifter. Bridges? You calling boys? I can't believe this. I can't believe this. I really just cannot believe this.
Starting point is 01:29:01 This show is very dumb. I don't understand how any... You know, like this happened to me just a lot yesterday just this like this can't be real mmm cuz because because when I was a kid when I was a kid people told me they assured me this is not how things work. Mm-hmm. They assured me that adults were in charge They assured me that this what we see around us right now is not how things actually work, right? I feel like this no one warned you there'd be days like these Mm-hmm. I was stuck in the middle opposite of the friends theme. Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yeah, no, I mean I get you it's weird. It's just so weird. Yeah. Yeah, so I guess they accidentally have Affirmed the right to people that have guns which already existed. Okay, sweet. All right I still don't understand how we are managing to talk about something that he is happy with as though this is an issue Well, be An issue for him. Right. It's supposed to be an issue for me. Yes. But it's only an issue for you. But it's an issue for him. And he's making it an issue for me because he has to believe it's an issue for me. Right. Interesting. Yeah. What a weird world. These judges though, they're so're so dumb that who's dumb here so does that who's dummy
Starting point is 01:30:26 Is that who's making the blunder you don't get it? They don't get that they've affirmed the second amendment They really did he knows that Legal aliens can have guns they already got him You just pissed in your Cheerios. You just screwed the pooch. You just bought the farm. These people are dumb. Now are there black women they can get as good judges? You better damn well believe there's some really good black female judges. But this is the archetype of the George Soros judge that they put in this against free speech against you
Starting point is 01:30:59 having a gun. But the illegal alien, they can have a gun. The illegal immigrants can carry guns. Federal judge, federal judge, illegal immigrants can carry guns. And they call it a Supreme Court ruling saying the right of the people to keep in their arms shall not be infringed. Absolutely amazing. Yeah, so this district court judge Sharon Sharon Johnson Coleman, is a black woman. And so maybe he has a little feeling around that. If I understand correctly, the sequence of events goes thusly.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Yeah. The court does something that I think is right. This judge is fucking stupid, and I'm not just saying that because she's a black woman. I believe that's the- That's a large portion of the path, but I think that there's a sort of subplot underneath it that Alex actually isn't okay with this. It does feel like it's easy.
Starting point is 01:31:54 He's like, oh, if only it wasn't a black woman who did this. Well, no, I also think, well, I think he's caught between two worlds, which is I hate immigrants. Black women and immigrants are evil and I also love guns They have them both now I don't know what to tell you. He's very he's very tortured on this on this point, but he's fine. He's happy about this He's celebrating it God I see this is one of those things where it is like you can only get to this point if it's too if you're Already too far gone. Mmm. If you're you can only get to the point where you're like okay somehow the court does
Starting point is 01:32:31 something that I think is right and I still hate them because of black people like if you're there you're you're just already too racist well I think that Alex just can't say I do think that the Bill of Rights applies to me though that I don't like right right he does he think that like immigrants undocumented immigrants have free speech does he think they have freedom of religion I mean the founding fathers didn't whether they did or not in practice does he believe those things right right because I think that would be telling yeah, yeah I don't know anyway. We have one last clip and Alex pivots on from
Starting point is 01:33:15 Talking about high plains drifter and load of nonsense. Yeah into spawn con Black Swan events. We're talking central bank currencies. We're talking about all of it. There's a zero edge article today. U.S. economic condition screen buy gold. Look at the headline right here. But Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD economist, is here with us. A great mind and a great sponsor selling billion gold and silver right now. That's pretty transparent. That's about as clear cut as you can get.
Starting point is 01:33:31 That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point.
Starting point is 01:33:39 That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great mind and a great sponsor selling billion gold and silver right now. That's pretty transparent. That's about as clear cut as you could get. Yep. Look at this big headline that says buy gold. You see it right here. Now let me talk to Kirk Elliott,
Starting point is 01:33:55 a wonderful gold sponsor who sells bouyad. Tell them Alex sent you. So that's the rest of the show. Oh boy. I can't imagine. I can't imagine in this world reading a Zero Hedge headline being like, buy gold, and thinking, they want me to make money. They are really out to look for my interests. Oh, is there a put in Zero Hedge at checkout for a discount? What benevolent folks? As a reader of zero hedge, I believe literally everyone
Starting point is 01:34:28 in the government is out to get me and steal everything I have. But somehow this person put an ad out for buying gold because they have my best interests in mind. Well, it's just like Alex and everybody else in the right wing is really interested in your family eating during a collapse. Oh, yeah, because the collapse, you need to eat.
Starting point is 01:34:45 So that's why they say that. What a world. What a world. Ugh. Ugh. So anyway, I don't think Alex covered the Don Lemon interview well. Yeah. And I also don't think he did the thing that... This is what fucks with my head.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Yeah. He stormed off the show an hour and a half early the day before right and he opens this show Talking about getting something wrong and having to leave yesterday as though it physically hurt him to be wrong Right like he was he was like throwing up in the bathroom like no well no because he watched Supreme Court thing you didn't watch you're right. But he acts like it was really affecting to him. There's no further discussion of it, and then he proceeds to get all kinds of things wrong.
Starting point is 01:35:30 It's very strange. That dynamic just doesn't work for me because he brought it up at the beginning of the show. If he hadn't brought it up, no big deal. He does that all the time. He will storm off the show or be wrong about things And then just the next day. Yeah, it's a reset like it's a fucking cartoon. Yeah, it's episode of the Simpsons No continuity absolutely um But he does bring it up
Starting point is 01:35:56 Which is fucks with my head which is so weird because of all the things to specifically bring up as having gotten wrong It is the one where it is fundamental to his belief system that everybody hates white people and is told to hate white people. And so this graph backing that up is huge for him only to discover that the graph says the complete opposite. So if you know that you are wrong about that, that it means the complete opposite. You should deal with it.
Starting point is 01:36:22 People don't hate white people. That is fundamental to your belief system. There should be at least some exploration of like, what did you get wrong? Right. Or pretend you didn't get it wrong, or just ignore it. No one would care?
Starting point is 01:36:34 No one, they would totally not care. Right. If I wasn't paying attention, watching his show from the previous day, if I wasn't paying attention, I wouldn't even notice he left Yeah, cuz it would just be like oh, you probably had to go somewhere or whatever. He didn't have a blow up He didn't storm off the set. Yeah, I don't know been regularly scheduled for him to leave. Yeah strange
Starting point is 01:36:55 Yeah, that is weird anyway probably no meaning to it never never gonna get to the bottom of it these mysteries will forever last Yeah, but we'll find some new mysteries later on another episode. Next time. But until then, we have a website. Indeed we do. It's Yep, we're also on Blue Sky. We are on Blue Sky as an other right.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Yep, we'll be back. But until then, I'm Neo, I'm Leo, I'm DZX Clark, that Neo Leo thing from Leo's Agami. Oh, that's true. The architect of 9-11. Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex11. Woo, yeah, woo, yeah, woo! And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Chansus, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Hello, Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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