Knowledge Fight - #917: April 10, 2024

Episode Date: April 12, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to find Alex still out of studio on vacation, but popping in to announce his intention to sue the FBI and CIA....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shane we are the bad guys Knowledge fight Need money Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan. Jordan. Welcome back knowledge right I'm damn sure a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of Celine and talk a little bit about Alex Jones
Starting point is 00:01:07 Indeed we are Dan Jordan Jordan. I have a quick question for you So what's your base? What's anybody want to go first? My bright spot is like a dragon infinite wealth I went back to it. Oh shit. I went back to it because if you recall you texted me about this Yeah, but I think I was half asleep when I read the text. That's possible. I don't remember exactly what you said. It was at 3 p.m. I might have been taking a nap. I'm not sure. No.
Starting point is 00:01:30 So if you recall, when I bought the original game, I was like, I don't need a booklet or whatever it is, a lot of those add-ons. The advanced edition. Totally. I don't need experience. I don't want any of that. But they did hide a new game plus feature behind that. I remember that I didn't recall or I didn't see that in advance.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Right. I think I told you about that. I'm fucked up. Maybe you were half asleep. Maybe I was half asleep. You texted me too early. Or maybe I bought it. All right. Whatever. Right. I don't need to bog down in the details. But I they did release the like you can update now and pay an extra ten bucks or whatever You know the new game plus that was the problem was they didn't allow you to just toy the little you have to buy it Another game. Yeah, so they buckled, you know, you're allowed to do that and I had reached a point in F7 rebirth where like you're on hard mode and they go from like increasing the difficulty to just making something more difficult
Starting point is 00:02:27 Right like it's oh great. This is just more time-consuming. It's not just harder more giant or health bars great Yeah, you've you've done it. Yeah that kind of thing So I needed I needed to like be free of that for a little bit took a look there, man I can spend all day and done dooko Island. All day. Just chopping down trees, my man. You might like Animal Crossing then. I might. Because it's basically just Animal Crossing.
Starting point is 00:02:54 See, the problem is I can't then go somewhere else and do an RPG battle in the same game. That's the gold of it. Having that option is kind of nice. Yeah, it's just golden. So how's your island looking? I mean, obviously your five stars this time. I'm doing it different Okay, cuz cuz now in the new game plus you can keep all of your stuff so you can start with a fresh slate Without having to build it up to get more stuff
Starting point is 00:03:17 Sure, you don't have to clutter the island as you as you and then I'm like, oh I don't want to fuck with this and remove this every goddamn time I'm a hassle. Yeah, so you get to rebuild it from a blank canvas man statues everywhere. Nice Gigantic statues that breathe fire. That's pretty sweet everywhere fire breathing statues. I didn't even know that was an option Yeah, if you play the game right you can have fire breathing statues kind of like a dragon There's no bad time to point at each other. Right. What's your right spot? Well actually it's kind of, this is, you've made me think about video games.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Right. It's been a while since you've gotten into a video game. You've kind of like left him behind for a while. I feel like I might be over video games. Just for good. Get out of here. Maybe that's just a statement of my emotional state. You're kind of over just about everything right about now. I've got
Starting point is 00:04:12 a little bit of a brrr. But I plugged in, I remembered that I have a Switch. Right. So my bright spot is the possibilities of what games could possibly be on there. I was thinking about, because I never did like get all that far in Sonic Frontiers. Sure. And I do like a nice open world Sonic game. Sure. I'm one of the few proponents of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. You are.
Starting point is 00:04:36 You know what? Here's my pitch to you. Yeah. Because here's what I think. I also don't think I got that far in Zelda the breath None of it I got a little ways into it and I get overwhelmed by having too many options Yeah, I was like I can't build anything. These are things that are probably worth Re-exploring possible my pitch to you is this yeah, I think cuz I recall this several years ago We had been in a situation of you not being particularly interested in video games, right? And then Fire Emblem three houses came that's true
Starting point is 00:05:07 I think you go back to that you run through that one more time see where you're at I kind of I had that thought I Did think of like how much I enjoyed that you really did yeah, yeah, it was it was quite good Yeah, you told me all about it. Ah Yeah, maybe maybe I should do that who knows anyway Whatever the case. we'll see. The possibilities are almost as endless as. And that's the exciting thing.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Exactly. So Jordan, today we have an episode to go over. Ooh, interesting. Alex has still been out of studio. Oh my God. This is, oh, I was texting you that it's like, it's so unfair, it's been so unfair for so long, it's like I'm not even mad about it anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I am furious about this. He's supposed to be back in studio today as we're recording this. Right, right, right. But he's been on vacation, he's been in Hawaii. Sure. And so all week, most of last week, it's just, poof.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But on the 10th, April 10th, he did do a bit of his show. A special report kind of thing. Well, he had to, kind of. Popped in. Because big news, bro. Sales are down. I don't a bit of his show. A special report kind of thing. Well, he had to, kind of. Popped in. Because big news, bro. Sales are down. I don't know if you heard this. Big news? Do you have the big news? No. Okay. This will all be fresh. Okay. He might be suing the CIA. So. I'm sorry. Yes! I'm in! We'll get down to business on all this, but before we do, let's take a little moment to say hello to some woks. Oh, that's a great idea. So first, the Felacious Trump podcast. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, Marchand Von Friedhoff. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Thank you very much. Thank you. And not a bit. You guys have a hard job and I hope you're taking care of yourselves. Thanks for the laughs. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Thank you very much. We'll see what's on the switch. Right? We got a couple technocrats in the mix Jordan. So thank you so much. You're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much See what's on the switch, right? We got a couple technocrats in the mix Jordan So thank you so much, too It took my husband two years seven months and 18 days to get me to listen to knowledge fight and now I'm sending him Subliminal messages through your podcast love your wife. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat and Ali Wen an archo Positist poetist whoof that was a, that was a tongue twister. Thank you so much, you are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I don't like to hype things, but people are designed to hype. I am going to paint once a week on air, and I'm going to let callers call in, we'll also take emails, and request what you want to see me paint. One, two, three, Matt Damon! Matt Damon! There you go. Party time. I'm gonna get in your guts. And the Nazis, in my view, were thugs that shook people down to a lot of really bad things.
Starting point is 00:07:34 But they did good things too. We're gonna stop dissing the Nazis all the time. Okay. I'm thinking about doing some shows too where I run the whole thing myself, just hit record, and sit in the dark with just a few candles and candlelight and talk about the nature of the world universe. I mean you know a big old juicy ribeye folks is as good as you know sex with your wife and let's just get down to reality here. I'm gonna go Donkey Kong King Kong crazy in about 45 days. America sucks, we're all racist, it's over. Doesn't mean I want to go live, say, in some places in Asia where you get off the plane
Starting point is 00:08:08 over there, folks. They karate chop you. Thank you so much. Yes, thank you very much. So, yeah, so Alex might be suing the CIA and the FBI and all sorts of other things that are definitely going to happen. I understand doing that because we all wanted to in the past for one reason or another sure but Man, every time you play that it's like God just do the painting show just solve everybody's problems
Starting point is 00:08:34 Do the painting show turn our show into like a weird fan podcast will be like the Alex Jones painting show All kinds of like art theory, oh really I'll start learning about art be great. I'd love it Yeah, so what happened is that there was a project Veritas style Undercover video sure that came out of a guy And he is supposedly works with the CIA, works with the CIA. And he had admitted that they were going after Alex
Starting point is 00:09:11 and there's some discussion of involvement with the Sandy Hook case. So this has come out and so Alex obviously has to get on the show and talk about it. He went on a guy named Benny Johnson. He's a commentator who's worked for like the Blaze. Sure, sure, sure. All sorts of other right wing outlets.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah. He went on his show to do an interview the night before and Alex ends up playing that interview on this episode. So we're sort of hitting both of those bases by covering Alex's content from April 10th on his show. I like it. So here's where he starts off as he comes into studio.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Well, not studio. He's phoning. Hawaii audio. Yes. 208 days. 208 days. 12 hours, 59 minutes, 42 seconds. Most important election in world history.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. I'll be back in Texas. 208 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes, 42 seconds, most important election in world history.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I'll be back in Texas, back in the seat tomorrow. I'm joining you from the road on this April 10th, 2024 transmission. How many times did I tell you the whole Sandy Hook lawsuit operation was run by the CIA and the FBI, and now it's all admitted. It's gonna be discussed by MTG
Starting point is 00:10:26 during the FISA warrantless search hearings today. She's been talking about that on X. This is a big deal. They're in a lot of trouble. You're intending to take legal action. This shakes up a lot of things. So first things first, it's not admitted that the whole Sandy Hook case
Starting point is 00:10:44 was run by the CIA. This group called Sound Investigations did a Project Veritas-style undercover video which purports to show a guy who identifies himself as a quote contracts officer who works with the CIA. As is often the case with these kinds of reports, the video is heavily edited and it involves conversations with this guy from three different occasions during March 2024. Sure. It's very difficult to ascertain any full context from the things that are being said, so I need to make that large caveat right off the top. Right. In the video, the guy says this
Starting point is 00:11:16 about Alex's case though. Okay. So with Alex Jones, you were watching him long before anything ended up happening. Probably. It wasn't my office, but we would have been well aware of what he was doing. And the goal with him was what? Just to bankrupt him? Oh, pretty much. And we let the families do it. What? We let the families do it. Were they encouraged to do that by the Bureau? Like nudged? We don't encourage people.
Starting point is 00:11:40 But we just say there's no federal statute being broken but you do have the option for a civil case. It's a pretty good case. Nice. In our opinion. So, oh, that makes so much sense. I have a cousin who's a lawyer. So that's a lot of cases. they're kind of encouraged by the FBI? Yeah, like, there's nothing federally, federal law we can do, but civilly... We can go at them that way. And they did? So the FBI was happy? We didn't care, we were like, oh...
Starting point is 00:12:19 Basically the citizens did your job? Yeah. Wow, so you can encourage a civil lawsuit. Not encourage. As you can. Okay. So there's a very non-nefarious reading of what's being said in this clip. Sure. You could hear that explanation as someone saying that they got a complaint about Alex
Starting point is 00:12:35 from Sandy Hook families or someone involved, but replied that there wasn't anything they could do from a law enforcement standpoint, but they could sue if they wanted. Right. I find myself unconvinced that this is a confession for a couple of reasons. The first is that there's a plausible innocuous reading of what he's saying, and there's not enough context to persuade me to accept the villainous conclusion that's being presented by people like Alex. Second, this guy explicitly says that he had no knowledge of watching Alex, just that he
Starting point is 00:13:01 assumes that some office would have been aware of what he was doing. Totally. This is not someone with first-hand knowledge about the subject that the video is presenting him as being a witness about. Third, even according to this video, this guy wasn't employed by the CIA or FBI at the time of the Sandy Hook lawsuit starting. They show what's alleged to be his LinkedIn page at the beginning of the video, and if it's accurate, he was an operations technician at the FBI from May 2021 to June 2022, and then a procurement specialist from June 2022 to December 2022. He was at the FBI for under two years and
Starting point is 00:13:36 his time there wouldn't have overlapped with the time that the lawsuits were initiated. There's no CIA on his LinkedIn page. That's just something that he asserts himself in the video. And his current job on LinkedIn was listed as immigration services analyst with the department of Homeland security. Prior to the FBI is LinkedIn page says that he worked with compensation and pension in the department of veterans affairs, but he was only there from April, 2020 to April, 2021. And there's no previous employment shown in the video that just have a screenshot of his LinkedIn, which is now taken down. Right. Well, yeah, it would have to be because you're going to lose your fucking job. Yeah. Yeah. None of the information presented gives any reason to believe
Starting point is 00:14:14 that this guy was employed at a relevant agency at the time that would give him the ability to be a witness about any of this stuff in any meaningful way. Yeah. I find myself unconvinced. any of this stuff in any meaningful way. I find myself unconvinced, is what I'm saying. I love that idea of a nefarious reading of that because to me, that idea of like, hey, can you guys do anything about this very obvious crime? And they're like, no, it's not illegal.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Aren't we crazy? I don't know, maybe you could sue him, right? And it's like, I get that you write that as nefarious, but if you've ever had your car stolen in Chicago, like you go to the cops and you're like, can you do something about this obvious crime? And then they laugh at you. They don't even give you any options.
Starting point is 00:14:58 They're just like, obviously not. That's not what we do. Right. Yeah. So this guy in the video, he also says a lot of other stuff. Okay, let's hear what we do. Right. So this guy in the video, he also says a lot of other stuff. Okay, let's hear some of it. Well, some of it is about like, the FBI can entrap people
Starting point is 00:15:14 by giving a nudge and things like that. You know, he doesn't come off great in terms of the way that this is presented. Who knows exactly what the raw footage and all of it, because we've seen this game played by James O'Keefe a number of times in the past, and it's very difficult to make any solid conclusions about stuff. But as it relates to Alex, that is about as damning as things get. And that's not indicative to me of the CIA and the FBI being behind these cases.
Starting point is 00:15:45 No, I don't understand. So I guess it's just kind of like, got to be new. It's always got to be new, right? But it's like, okay, we know in like 2004 during the absolute Islamophobia terrors that were going on, the FBI absolutely entrapped a few people at least right we know that for a fact right shouldn't that just be enough Right isn't that disqualifying like you can't entrap anybody zero entrapment is okay, right? It is you aspire for zero you aspire for zero right so at the very least they should be more held accountable over that time period Right I agree, so why do we got to bring up some bullshit now?
Starting point is 00:16:21 over that time period, right? I agree. So why do we gotta bring up some bullshit now? Well, because it involves Alex and he needs a new storyline because the fucking eclipse didn't cause the New Madrid Fault to go off. Oh God. Or any FEMA exercises or martial law takeover drills
Starting point is 00:16:34 or anything like that. Totally. And his bankruptcy is coming to a head. Have we forgotten the eclipse? Is it just a fun event now? Not a mention. Just moved on. Not a mention.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Just moved on. could've been anything I don't know if that's entirely indicative of all of this content I don't know if like Harrison Smith is still talking about it Geyser getting still still So this is obviously the main story this is the main thing that's Focus yeah, yeah, gotcha. But there's other things. Okay. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I'm sorry? He said Alex's name. Okay, we got to hear it. Yep. Here's the clip of Trudeau attacking me yesterday and debating Pierre Polymer, who's set to be the next leader of Canada in all the polls, all the numbers, and then we will give you a little history refresher with the clip mayor who's set to be the next leader of Canada in all the polls and all the numbers. And then we will give you a little history refresher with the clip of the Nazi officer who massacred people in Ukraine. They give a standing ovation. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:17:35 The parliamentary budget officer's report, which confirms 60 percent of Canadians pay more than they get back. The prime minister said, and I quote in 2015, Canadians need a PM who will meet with the Premiers. What happened? The right honourable Prime Minister. While the Conservative leader continues with his misinformation and disinformation, the reality is the Parliamentary Budget Officer said that 8 out of 10 Canadians do better with our price on pollution and the Canada carbon rebate. But speaking of misinformation and disinformation, any responsible leader that receives an endorsement
Starting point is 00:18:15 and support from proven conspiracy theorist and liar Alex Jones would have immediately denounced that. But that's not what the leader of the opposition did. He did absolutely nothing because those kinds of endorsements fit within his political strategy. Seems like they're clapping a bit. Sure. All right. I wouldn't have gone that route if I were to doubt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I feel like that's an unnecessary I okay so Normally in plenty of circumstances. It's like Alex is just navel gazing just because but but I think part of that is because Alex has been Doing this for too long. You know like sometimes I we've we've had our names mentioned somewhere And I've been like oh, it's not interesting right And I imagine if Justin Trudeau had mentioned our name. Well, no, that's why I'm not shitting on this too much. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is crazy. This is the head of Canada talking some shit. You shouldn't be doing that about a guy who maybe is, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Here's the issue, though. I think that if Pierre Polivier had said Alex Jones is fucking great, then maybe you have something that is relevant to critique. Sure, sure. that if Pierre Polivar had said Alex Jones is fucking great, then maybe you have something that is relevant to critique. Sure, sure. Alex saying that Pierre is good isn't Pierre's fault, necessarily. You know, it's just, it's not, it's off the beaten path a little bit. I don't think it's a good attack.
Starting point is 00:19:42 No, no. Also, I would argue, I would argue that it looks better for him if he has no idea who Alex is and this doesn't need to denounce It right if he immediately denounces it you're like, oh, so you're watching a lot of Alex a well I don't know that's debatable that is debate But but yeah a lot of times when there's stuff that Alex is is talking about that is just sort of Looking at himself and being excited about himself. A lot of the times it's kind of like, eh, who cares? This is Prime Minister Canada.
Starting point is 00:20:13 It seems silly. If anyone mentions your name who also has the capability to even accidentally press a button that shoots nuclear weapons, that's notable. That's worth talking about. Yeah It's it's strange. Yeah a little mistake I would say you guys should like work on tax policy. I don't know. What did they do? He's doing some of that. I bet I bet so As Alex is on the show. I realize like oh oh, he's not actually going to host that long. He's just going to play the interview that he did with Benny Johnson. So he throws to that.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us. I'm on the road, but I'm back tomorrow. And I'm your host, Alex Jones. Thank you all for your prayers and your support. It is April 10th, 2024. I did a really interesting interview I thought was very informative with the extremely successful and viral and extremely smart Benny Johnson yesterday that really goes to the heart of the deep state's coup against America and their war against America. We're about to air majority of that interview and then Owen Troyer is going to be back in the second, third and into the fourth hour today. Yeah, so Owen Troyer comes in to take over after they play Benny Johnson's interview.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And yeah, this Benny character doesn't say much. Okay, so he's just kind of there to let Alex roll. Yeah, I think that Alex, at a certain point, I heard Benny talk and I was like, I think it's been about 20 minutes that Alex has just been holding court Great just talking in one run-on sentence. Oh my for about 15 20 minutes Jesus. It's outrageous. Yeah But it starts off with Benny talking a little bit and here's some of his commentary So what is one of the biggest black boxes in American life right now that you're not
Starting point is 00:22:05 allowed to ask questions about? That would be January 6th. Ask too many questions about January 6th and it doesn't matter if you're the most popular TV host of all time, you'll get fired. Ladies and gentlemen, we've been confused about the official narrative around January 6th for a very, very long time. Nothing really adds up and there are still so many questions that remain to be answered. Yet we now have a little bit of footage from January 6th, and we can look through that footage,
Starting point is 00:22:35 and it doesn't make things more clear. It actually makes things more confusing. Like this clip, for instance. Here's a clip of a man, apparently a very dangerous protester, a violent protester because he's been handcuffed, going to the door of the Capitol with two armed police guards, getting let out of his handcuffs, and then fist bumping the police officers. What exactly is that about? You can see the fist bump right there. There go the handcuffs, and the cops talk with them, chat with them, pat them on the back, clap them on the shoulder,
Starting point is 00:23:12 and send them on his way. Why is this masked man allowed to leave? Why is this masked man allowed to go free? Presumably, he was behaving in a violent manner if he were in handcuffs. Presumably, was behaving in a violent manner if he were in handcuffs. Presumably there was a reason to place him under arrest.
Starting point is 00:23:29 What would cause a cop to just liberate him? To let him go. To liberate this man. Alright. So this footage is nice. Oh, they're confusing it all. We've talked about it in the past. It's not even new.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Benny's doing a good job of performing confusion here, but this is a bit silly. Yeah. Also, they're just like constantly assuming he must be violent because he's handcuffed is doing a lot of assumptive work. I like that indignance. Can you imagine a police officer handcuffing someone who does not deserve it? Good heavens, sir. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Also, he's clearly referencing Tucker when he says if you question January 6 January 6 you'll get fired, but Tucker didn't get fired for that, okay? I think there's plenty of evidence that people can question January 6 all they fucking want and they face zero consequences for it Including Benny himself. He's kind of a living example of they're not being a consequence for a lot of people who use the c-word about Their bosses though lose their jobs true happens all the time a lot of people who are Very actively involved in a thing that gets you sued for millions and millions of dollars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Your job security, despite being the quote unquote most popular TV presenter of all time. I swear to God. Which I debate. I had no idea who he was talking about cause in my head I was like, Carson's dead, may I? Carson was not alive during January 6th. I'll tell you that right now.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I would say Jay Leno is even probably more popular than Tucker. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So anyway, why was this man liberated? We now know. What would cause a cop to just liberate him? To let him go. Well, ladies and gentlemen, now we know. According to bombshell reporting out as of today, a CIA agent actively, former FBI employee says there were approximately 20 undercover agents in the January 6 crowd boasts about taking away Alex Jones's money says the CIA is targeting Tucker Carlson. This is bombshell reporting from sound investigations. It reveals that former FBI employee and contracting CIA officer Gavin O'Blennis
Starting point is 00:25:36 has claimed that there are at least 20 FBI agents in the January 6 crowd and that Alex Jones was persecuted by his own government and Tucker Carlson is on a watch list. So this is why the cops were fist bumping that guy, because he's probably one of the 20s. He's probably one of the dangerous 20s. It's a bit of an unearned conclusion, an unearned leap that's being made here. But here is what the guy says in that undercover video about January 6th. I thought you said that there were FBI agents in the crowd at J6. There always are when there's a big protest in D.C. video about January 6th. So they had like, oh that was just 20? Yeah, just go through there and see what I can hear, you know that kind of thing. Wow, that's yeah definitely they needed a thousand at least.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Wow. See that's also capital issues. To go to more? They're in charge. So that yeah. Why they didn't have more on hand? I don't know. The bureau didn't really want people knowing that they were in the crowd.
Starting point is 00:26:42 That would be overstepping their bounds. Little bit. Do people know that? Why? Do people know that the Bureau was in the crowd? Nope, they probably never will. Do you know agents that were there? Really?
Starting point is 00:26:57 The agency knew. So assuming that everything that the guy says in that clip is accurate, there's still no reason to assume this proves that the guy in the video getting fist bumps from a cop was the FBI agent. That's unearned. Also, critically, according to the information presented in the undercover video itself, this guy did not work for the FBI on January 6th, 2021. If the information they're presenting is accurate, then he was doing pensions for the VA at the time and wouldn't begin work with the FBI for another four months. Any
Starting point is 00:27:28 information that he's presenting is not firsthand. So if it's being used to prop up any of these pretty major claims, it requires some other substantial corroboration. And I see an absence of that at this point. Here's what I'm thinking is going on, right? Because I think there's a fundamental disconnect, right? So way back when, whenever the FBI and all those agencies were like, ah, domestic terrorism is the number one threat, right? What that I assume meant is they would be like investigating more of those, right? So that means that they would be looking for more informants.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Informants are like people who are already nearby or in the group because they can then testify in court. They're not commando operatives sent by the FBI to, if there's a riot, fight off 300 people at a time in order to turn the tide of a battle. It would be just a guy who was there who later on would be justifying like, hey, I was there when that guy was doing the thing, right? Maybe or... Commandos.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah, could be commandos. Could be commandos. Yeah, you never know. Could be. Yeah, use your imagination. Listen, I could be the idiot here. Come on, what's more fun? Here's more fun if there are commandos.
Starting point is 00:28:40 So further, dude in the video doesn't really boast about taking Alex's money away, though he does say that the CIA isn't really boast about taking Alex's money away though He does say that the CIA isn't interested in Alex anymore because he's broke well Yeah, he also doesn't say the Tucker's on a watch list. Here's the closest we get in this clip Yeah, would be like a big influence that you're Influencer that you're after you like I don't know like I Don't even know these names like a Fox News person or like a Tucker Carlson or like...
Starting point is 00:29:07 Oh, I'm sure he's in the right. Right. You always want the biggest and loudest. Like that, what was his name? The one that said the Sandy Hook didn't happen. Alex Jones. Yeah, so we were after him. You are? Are you still after him? Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Because he's broke. He got found guilty and had to pay like a hundred million dollars. So why are you after him? We're not anymore. Just to get the money from him? Yeah. So I'd be curious what he means by we're after him hardcore. I would like a clarification on that. What does that even mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Right? But when he's asked about Tucker Carlson, he says, I'm sure he's on someone's radar. I don't know right but when he's asked about Tucker Carlson. He says I'm sure he's on someone's radar I don't know I Know I like a good bar talk where you get you just shit time. Just like oh, yeah, totally Yeah, I bet that guy was right up there like okay, okay fine all right What kind of what kind of backing you got on any of this this is borderline my dad could beat up your dad levels of idiocy. It's something that is very good to raise eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:30:13 But past that, you need a little bit more than this for the kind of claims that are being made. And it's just, I don't feel like, even if everything that's being presented in there is accurate, the information about this person's LinkedIn page, all of that, I don't think it justifies the conclusions that Benny is making. Here's what Benny would have to be saying in order for the FBI to have been going after Alex, because we were literally at the trial. You worked on the evidence for the people who would have been
Starting point is 00:30:48 told by the FDI to go after them, right? That's kind of the idea there is that these families reached out to the FBI and the FBI was like, you got to go after those people. Sgt. Chris Right. Sgt. Chris Right. Which is in in its own way a form of Sandy Hook denial In any times are we going to do this it is in a sense and then and that they were found guilty and This guy who wasn't there at the time. Yeah happens to know all of this. Yeah, it is Very cavalier Lee totally just blazeaseily throwing this out at a restaurant. It's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I've been working for government law enforcement agencies for two years, so I can feel pretty confident that I can just shit talk. All right. Yep. So Benny brings in Alex, and I will say that a lot of this is his normal spiel about how wrong he's been. We've heard it a hundred times. Right. So many are saying that they hope that Alex Jones sues the hell out of the FBI. Joining us now to confirm whether he's going to is Alex Jones. Alex, thank you so much for taking
Starting point is 00:32:02 the time to be with us today. We know that this was supposed to be a time of peace for you, but I guess there's no peace in war, right? And apparently the Intel agencies have said they are at war with you. Your response? Well, we've known this for really seven years. They even had congressional hearings six years ago admitting that they had designated myself and Trump as Russian agents with no proof. They had armed services committees in the House where they called us disinformation agents and admitted that Obama put forward two plus billion dollars in the Defense Authorization Act, the last thing he signed in 2017 in January, set up the Countering
Starting point is 00:32:41 Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act that then tied in to the repeals a few years before by Obama of the laws that bar the CIA from engaging in domestic propaganda or targeting the American people. So I'm on record, even before I was sued and had default judgments in rigged trials where the judges found me guilty and the juries found out how guilty I was. That was their only decision to make. I've said hundreds of times that it was the CIA and the FBI and it would take an hour to go through it all.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, there's a lot to go through. Yeah, so this is just the normal Alex spin about the case and he rattles off his talking points of any ad nauseum. And to be clear, Obama didn't do what Alex is saying. In 2013, there was an amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act that allowed US citizens to receive stuff that's made by government entities like Voice of America if they request it. This wasn't an authorization of disseminating propaganda to a domestic audience as much
Starting point is 00:33:34 as it was a recognition of the fact that the internet exists and it was essentially impossible to completely keep this content from citizens. The Countering Foreign Propaganda Disinformation Act was attached to the 2017 NDAA and most of what it did was establish a global engagement center which was to quote lead, synchronize, and coordinate efforts of the federal government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining US national security interests. None of this relates to Alex being sued about Sandy Hook but it kind of sounds really official. It sounds kind of smart and like there's a lot
Starting point is 00:34:08 behind it. Kind of like how Alex used to try and impress people by rattling off his favorite subsection. Subsection 50 paragraph, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It was very impressive. Yeah, it is. It's kind of the inverse of our usual problem where ostensibly very dangerous things are named very boring things, whereas this very somewhat menacingly named thing is like, and you can email people now. The countering foreign propaganda. From email address, you can email them a pamphlet. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Well, yeah. I mean, what kind of nefarious name does it have? The National Defense Authorization Act? Exactly. It's a little bit. It's not, yeah. But I mean, it's not like the Helping Children Breathe Act is the one where they like stab children.
Starting point is 00:34:58 You know, like that's, yeah. Right, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Alex has heard prior to him being sued that he was going to get sued. And someone who was a section chief at the CIA told him. Okay. All right. I'm listening. I barely ever covered it. It was a big internet thing. And I said I could see how, as much as we get lied to, that's the case. So when you see every newspaper attack, every TV channel, it was the invasion of Iraq in
Starting point is 00:35:26 2003, that much propaganda, I knew it was about setting the precedent. I knew the government was involved. Then I saw the FBI and the feds and people in and around it. Then I was told by a former section chief of the CIA, and I've interviewed a lot of those people and talked to one off record, they get ready to be sued. It's an agency operation. They're running the CIA. Now, there will be a lot of those people who talk to one off record. They get ready to be sued. It's an agency operation. They're running the propaganda. The FBI is implementing it.
Starting point is 00:35:49 You're going to be defaulted. They're gonna get giant judgments and they're gonna try to shut you down. This is bigger than you. So I knew that a year before I got sued. I said, this is all gonna happen now. So this was just a mid-level guy, though he is a contract manager.
Starting point is 00:36:03 He's not a contractor. He manages major contract operations. So he's a contractor. He manages major contract operations. So he's a boss because he's a leftist. And so when this information came out and I'm told they're about to at least even more on Thursday, I already knew this was the case. I already understood it. Just like we have total proof of the feds running the feds direction on January 6th, just like the January 6th committee.
Starting point is 00:36:22 There was a fraud was even duly put in, because Republicans are supposed to vote for who they want on the committee. They couldn't. They destroyed all the transcripts and videos of the January 6 testimonies, including my testimony to Congress. Can't get that. It's been destroyed. What? Has it? That's complete bullshit. I was going to say, has it been destroyed?
Starting point is 00:36:42 No, it's super easy to find a transcript of Alex's testimony before the J6 committee. The right-wing media just adopted that story. It's a fraudulent narrative, but that story that they destroyed all this evidence. And Alex is just, I guess, partially because he probably knows that's not true. It doesn't matter if you just add your own little personal touch to it. It's like, my transcript's gone into brah. It took like three clicks to find. It's very easy to find. So also, I my transcript's gone into brah. It took like three clicks to find. It's
Starting point is 00:37:05 very easy to find. So also I wonder who that CIA section chief is. I'm interested as well. It's probably Steve Jenick. Yeah, I would assume so. But I noticed though, Alex loves that fucking job title. It's like Lieutenant Colonel. Yeah, it's like a Cold War thing, you know? It's not the, it's not the director. That guy doesn't get his hands dirty. But the section chief, he's the guy who's like, go kill that guy.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It's his aide de camp. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He also loves that one. If it's a military person, it's a lieutenant colonel. If it's an intelligence agency, section chief. This is the way that sources are named in Alex's world. Okay, let me pitch you on this. All right, cause I'm trying to figure out, sources are named in Alex's world. Okay, let me pitch you on this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:45 All right, because I'm trying to figure out, okay, so let's say that feds are in on it, right? Again, we were at the trials. The evidence that we saw was 99% shit that he just said. So maybe if we're saying that the FBI is involved, that would require some sort of surreptitious evidence that was gathered outside of that. So we have perhaps the text messages, right who released the text messages a fed norm No, Raynald's idiocy, but I wasn't I thought it was norm sent it to renole Oh shit, it might have been yeah
Starting point is 00:38:21 I don't I don't remember exactly the path that I traveled down But it was one of his lawyers But he if he he could totally throw renal under there and call him the Fed I think that's a great move on his part. I guess you could I think that's where you gotta go Yeah, sue Raynall it may it may be what's happening. I don't know I like it. So I also don't believe from my memory of the path through the beginning of this suit and everything. Right. I don't believe that Alex did have an awareness of everything that was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Absolutely not. Absolutely not. His story was a little different back then. Mm-hmm. But oh well. Yeah. So look, all of this comes down to PR firms. We've heard this.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Sure. We've heard Alex say this before. down to PR firms. We've heard this. We've heard Alex say this before. Not the PR firms. So what happened with Sandy Hook is, I barely covered it. Years later they go, how do we demonize Trump by demonizing Jones, by connecting Jones to Trump and then demonizing Jones? They even bragged about this in major news articles, how they did this. The PR firms, some of the top ones in the world, after they rigged those cases, bragged,
Starting point is 00:39:23 oh, this is how we did it. We didn't like Jones. We didn't like Jones. We didn't like Trump. We went and took what he said out of context, blew it up really huge, acted in the president's tents, like I was doing things I never did, ran all these stories, got him sued, rigged the court cases, wouldn't let us defend ourselves, told him I had hundreds of millions of dollars that I made money off these people. That was the main thing on my show.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It was a blip on the radar screen and then now we learned that it was a weaponization training grid on myself to get all the agencies and networks and big tech to work together to silence me to to deplatform me to demonize me and then once that one domino fell they'd be able to ban everybody else. Again, Benny has not spoken in quite a while. I've not heard of him in a while. So it sure would be helpful if Alex could ever cite the articles that he's talking about or even specify what PR firm this is. Seems pretty crucial.
Starting point is 00:40:15 This is all nonsense. And the reason I'm sure of that is because when Alex was on Jimmy Dore's show, Kurt Metzger asked Alex what PR firm he was talking about and Alex floundered and didn't provide an answer. Metzger really wanted Alex's answer to be Midas Touch since they were the people who had attacked Joe Rogan, ironically using video that they got from Alex of Joe being racist. Because Alex could tell that was the answer that Metzger wanted, he implied that that was who he was talking about, which makes no sense because Midas Touch didn't exist
Starting point is 00:40:40 when Alex got sued. If what Alex is saying is true, there should be no problem at all for him to produce these major news articles about them admitting that they ran this whole operation against him. It would be really advantageous for him to be specific, but weirdly, every time there is a question about it, he, oh, I'll get the name, I'll figure it out, I don't know. I would throw that in. I don't remember. I don't remember the name of this giant Democrat party controlled operated PR firm. Yeah, that has
Starting point is 00:41:09 Monopolized a great number of years of my life. Yeah. Yeah I feel like he'd remember the day I I like the idea Because this is the part that you know Like there's so many times where he just moves so fast that you don't stop and think about stuff. Where it's like, are you telling me that the PR firm, like there's a PR firm out there that's like, all right, here's our section where it's like, oh, Cameron Diaz, what's the weird people? She hasn't been a people for like 10 years.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And then there's the like, here's where we rig trials section. Right? Like what kind of agency are they? Well, here's the rub. The PR firm is a CIA cutout. Right like what kind of agency are they well? Here's the the rub yeah the PR firm is a CIA cutout all right, so So if you're see suing the CIA then you must know the name of the PR I would assume you'd sue them too. You'd have to yeah We'll learn what that is as well Kurt Metzger learned it he sees that well, he says he's going to this next clip
Starting point is 00:42:07 Oh interesting. So they staged January 6th. They stole the 2020 election. They tried to steal 2022 completely They're already rigging things in cyberspace. They're already blocking news. They're already sending out the mail Mail-out ballots. They've already got the bird flu all hyped up and ready and they're're going to try to run the exact same playbook again. But now that this has come out, this is a FBI agent, a CIA boss. He's a contract manager over large contract operations. That's a boss. That's like a mini section chief saying all of this and admitting all of this, like it's no big deal. He needs to be suspended by Congress. I am planning to launch a lawsuit against the CIA and the FBI.
Starting point is 00:42:51 We have to bring all this out. Sure, sure, I'm fine. It's somebody trying to make deputy ops. That's who it is. It's always the section chief is like, ah, if I nailed this case, I'm gonna be right there. I feel like Alex might be very much embellishing possibly this guy's status.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I think so, and I think there's a self-serving reason to do that, he's a boss. He's a middle manager, at best. He's a contract manager for a company that- The contract officer. And I think that from my understanding of listening to him talk, that means that he would go to vendors
Starting point is 00:43:28 and sort out contracts. So it's not like he's- Contract killings. I mean, sure. Obviously that could be the context. Otherwise it's very boring. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I mean, because he was in pensions and compensations at the VA prior to this. Right. so it would make more sense for him to be again in a Data and numbers kind of it does seem like that but again all I have to go on is a very limited snapshot that's provided in that undercover video, so I It's difficult to draw many conclusions about anything, but Alex is drawing a lot now Let me throw this out at you, right? Who knows where the bodies are buried the requisitions officer because that's the person who's got to ask for shit like oh We need a bunch of body bags over here. Haha. I know who murdered all those people
Starting point is 00:44:18 It was us well on the on the LinkedIn page. They provide was procurement officer And they don't say so. Well, whatever. Maybe it's office supplies. It could be. It's very likely in his office. Who knows? So, Alex, he doesn't want this. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Fight. No. I mean, obviously he does, but he doesn't. I don't want a war with the government. I don't like having to take these crooks on, but it's a clear and present danger to everybody and it's something I've gotta do. It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Starting point is 00:44:51 But history's shown, people that live on their feet, they live a lot longer and are freer than people that live on their knees and end up being slaves or killed. Living on your knees is what gets your ass killed. And I'm not living on my knees. This is going viral. The UNBUSTA has responded. This is going viral. Excuse me?
Starting point is 00:45:05 Musk has responded. He wants an investigation. He's calling it very disturbing. We know he's their new big target along with Trump. And so the harder they hit Musk, the harder he hits back. So the globalists are making enemies a lot, lot, lot faster than we are. Liberty is incredibly popular everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I've been on a week and a half vacation. Only take one a year. It's over a week long. And I am in a very nice place in America. I'm in the U.S.'s 50th state. And I have literally shook over a thousand hands. The bellhops, the people that work here, the military, the police, every person at the pool,
Starting point is 00:45:38 every bartender, even TMZ said, yeah, people are walking up shaking his hands saying, dude, good job. I mean, I could walk out right now to the restaurant bar down there and just stand there. And I had 30 people lined up with autographs and photos. And it's not about me, but people hate the deep state and know it's bad so much that when they see me being demonized everywhere, it had the opposite effect of only making us stronger. Oh, yeah, I see how that's not about you. So Alex absolutely wants a war with the government. Yeah, I mean, that's the idea.
Starting point is 00:46:09 His entire career has been predicated around fighting the government. Saying you don't want it is absurd. This is the greatest thing. Like, honestly, sure, I feel like that's the next chapter, right? I mean, it has to be right. The Sandy Hook lawsuit has come to a close Yeah, the bankruptcy is running its course and
Starting point is 00:46:30 Probably will be resolved in a fairly timely fashion We like it's coming towards the point where a decision will be made seems like it so there is a need for a new Chapter yeah, yeah, because otherwise it's just gonna be chasing after all this dumb bullshit like the eclipse and what have you. Yeah. So obviously, this would be a great next overarching thing for Alex to, I'm gonna fucking turn myself into another Lenny Bruce.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I'm going to just sue the government and see what happens. I just, I don't understand why he's not in a situa- like, cause to me, you know, you look out across the Lion King land and you see that the light's not touching everything anymore. There's very little light, right? So you, you convert all of your convertibles into like, you know, gold and shit and you leave the country and you just disappear, right? And then whatever they whatever they can take they take from you and you just see you just become a new guy Lose a lot of weight
Starting point is 00:47:35 Get a hair transplant. He clearly loves the islands. Yeah, go find an island Absolutely get tan and red until you explode like a like a failed Wonka character I do I think I mean Alex said he's going down with the ship so he's not gonna do that terrible idea so the other thing though is you were making a joke about how like with the eclipse they were all saying that like Zuckerberg's heading for his bunker and it turns out Alex did go to Hawaii. He did. He did the thing. He did the thing. It's kind of funny. I think he might take World War II vacation here. I love a good...
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'm in the United States of America in Hawaii, a place that we absolutely conquered not long enough ago. Right. Yeah. 15th state. And I believe in sovereignty. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But not really
Starting point is 00:48:27 Sort of whatever we want is ours So I mean look I I guess my take on this is this is thin as a basis for suing the government Definitely, but go ahead. Good luck. Yeah, that's my feeling Maybe one of their attorneys will fuck up so bad that you could win something. I do think it'd be so bad that you could win something. I do think it'd be an interesting waste of time. Yeah, they really probably wouldn't delay the trial as much as he might hope. The CIA wouldn't be like, ah ha ha, we can't find any of the documents
Starting point is 00:48:55 that Alex wants. They'd be like, yeah, let's go. Let's go, bud. I think it would be interesting. So in this next clip, Alex talks about some of the things that happened during his trials and such. In Hawaii?
Starting point is 00:49:10 No, the court stuff. And then Benny talks for the first time in a very long time. I'm interested. You just said you were planning on suing the federal government. What would a Alex Jones versus the US government look like? Well, I'm talking to different law firms right now that specialize in this. In fact, when I get off the feed with you, I'm going to get back on the phone with the
Starting point is 00:49:31 lawyers, it's obviously a civil rights violation. It's a government racketeering operation using cutouts. And look, I mean, they come after my mother, my father, my wife, in these mediations, they said, listen, just come out against the second amendment and we'll drop all this. They've done that repeatedly. And they've even said, listen, we're a mafia and there's nothing you can do to stop us to my face in front of my lawyer, in front of my past.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And so they're very arrogant. I mean, these are the sellouts, these are the traitors, these are the people that really love being under the corrupt FBI's wings. I wonder what that comment was. Yeah. Because I don't think it's accurately being conveyed. I wonder if someone just like was fucking with him and said something about a mafia or something. I imagine it being if you exasperate a person, even one as professional as possible, eventually
Starting point is 00:50:24 they'll just go, yeah, we're the mafia. Right. It's the same kind of thing as when Alex would say he's out at abortion rallies and people would be like, I love killing my babies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fine. I love killing my babies.
Starting point is 00:50:38 If that's what you need for me to escape. I'm a demon. Yeah, I just want to go. I just want to be gone from you. Right. I also don't think that anybody ever said, just come out against the Second Amendment and we'll drop this Pretty dumb Also, I think the reason that his parents would be involved in any kind of like legal stuff
Starting point is 00:50:59 Oh, yeah, his dad owns the supplement company that they owed like 50 million dollars to weirdly Yeah, and then his mom owns like the company that owns that yeah, yeah, so there's you know there is kind of the like family members holding Holding stakes and things yeah, so I mean it's not just like rank persecution of someone's family Guys are you think you're a. Your family is a business. It's a single talent business, I guess, according to your own depositions. I like the idea of Alex like, I'm talking to law firms, because in my head you just smash cut to Simpsons, like clown college.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Barnes. Norm. People are like throwing pies at each other. Woo, woo, woo, woo, yeah. throwing pies at each other Yeah, I do I do wonder what kind of a team he could put together if he was gonna sue the CIA I Could be for Cochran's dead right Cochran's dead right right well, I mean OJ just died today, right? Yeah, I heard about that He's not gonna be on the traders. No no Could you get I don't know who could you get I feel like it has to be it has to be a the traders? No. No. Uh, could you get? I don't know. Who could you get? I feel like it has to be, it has to be a down home country, Southern lawyer, somebody who's like,
Starting point is 00:52:12 nah, I'm no big fancy federal lawyer. It's gotta be one of those. It should be. Yeah. I think Barnes is itching for the job. You don't think he's got the trigger for the job. So, um, Benny asks how this, uh, could, like what grounds are you looking at for the suit? Grounds. So when you say you're going to file a civil rights lawsuit against the government over this, this is something you've clearly talked about. You've retained counsel on this. Would you go on First Amendment grounds that they eliminated your right to free speech, the right to a free
Starting point is 00:52:45 press. And it seems like so much of what you do is, of course, crystallized in the First Amendment first for a reason. I've been talking to four different law firms and I'm literally supposed to be on the one of them five minutes ago. I will come back with you tomorrow. I'll come back with you today. I love your show. It's huge. But absolutely, I've got to get the wheels on this thing rolling. And we've had a lot of options. but again, it's not for me. It's about to put it out in court and show the evidence and then drag them out in the light with discovery and show what they've really done.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And it's about congressional hearings and it's about stopping these rogue agencies that have become domestic KGB operations. And if Elon Musk wants to help me, I know he's been back in a lot of lawsuits, you know, out there for freedom. I would love to see the truth came out. Good country you got there. I told him in that two and a half hour interview we did three, four months ago with Mario DeFauld, he said he wanted to hear, you know, the long story. So I told him, I talked like 10 minutes to him the truth about what happened and the PR firms.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He goes, oh, yes, the PR firms, which is the intelligence agency's mouth, and how they did all that, how they created this. Alex Jones didn't exist. Oh yeah, you know, it should be pointed out that in that spaces conversation with Elon that Alex is talking about, that was another example of a time when Alex was directly asked what PR firm he's talking about that admitted to running all of this and he failed to provide an answer. Weird. One suspects that maybe there isn't an answer. Could be. This is just a talking point.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Could be possible Yeah, I mean Elon is seems to be back in some stuff Great also There was just the transcript of his deposition. Yeah that Mark took that got released That was certainly some interesting content in there I can't read it because right because if we if we... Because on the off chance that it ever becomes... I mean, okay, if it doesn't, if the actual video doesn't become available, then we'll get people to do a reading of it. I guess we could commission that. Because it's absurd. I don't know. It's absurd the idea that we can have the transcript, but we can't have the audio. Whatever. It's the way... I'm not gonna argue. It's the way these things work.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I'm not gonna argue. I know a lot of people have asked if we'll do an episode about it Maybe if it becomes available, I would love to I think it would be very interesting the transcript looks electric Oh god, I everything I hear cuz I can't even I can't even read a little bit. That's the idea That's the goddamn idea. I gotta stay true to the goddamn premise I can't believe that you didn't even catch some little things. Nope. I've been off the internet real hardcore for the past few, you know, we've both been like in a head space.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Sure. My way of dealing with it has just been leaving the internet aside. Right. Well, there's some interesting revelations. I believe it. Let me ask you a question. Yeah. All right. Is there anything more
Starting point is 00:55:26 Living on one's knees than hoping that a billionaire will back your fake lawsuit. It's not fake Okay No, I mean we will see we will I do think that they're I Do wonder about Alex's ability to pull off a lawsuit like this. Sure. I just mean more like without some intervention of a billionaire. Right. But I mean, you know, his whole like stand up, stand on my own two feet thing.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And it is like you're asking, you're asking your God King whose feet you're literally licking while we talk. So much so that you lick the boot of guys who sound like him. True. Yeah. I just do want to clarify. Yeah. He's not really begging Elon Musk to help me. He's throwing it out there. He's throwing it out there. That's true. Right. I mean, I don't want you to mischaracterize. The secret isn't begging. Yeah. I got you. I got you. So it's not totally living on your knees. But there is, I do think that without some kind of heavy investment, he would have a difficult time pulling off this kind of a lawsuit. Now, that shouldn't be a barrier to entry if it is a legitimate lawsuit, but I'm just not convinced that it is a legitimate
Starting point is 00:56:36 lawsuit at this point. Sgt. Chris McClendon I mean, isn't the idea that if it was a legitimate lawsuit, the CIA would just kill you? Sgt. Chris McClendon I think based on everything Alex has led me to believe about the world, yes. That's the idea, right? Yeah. It's only if it's an illegitimate lawsuit that they won't kill you. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I mean, in the real world, if it's a legitimate lawsuit, you would assume the CIA would have to pay all the court fees. Yeah. That's kind of a big deal. So I don't know. I'm interested to see where this ball lands because I don't think... I don't know. Yeah, I'm interested to see where this play this ball lands a lot because I don't think I I don't know if he's could pull off not doing this now but at the same time doing it seems like a
Starting point is 00:57:16 Rigamarole seems like a lot of Hassle, I just don't see how I mean considering his lawyers fees as it stands now Mm-hmm, although I mean considering his lawyer's fees as it stands now. Although I'm imagining his lawyers are like, well we might as well just keep working for him on the off chance eventually he pays us. You know, because it's... I mean it's a big payday I think probably to sue the FBI and CIA. If it works, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Although I imagine he might be awarded the ceremonial one dollar. Or it might get thrown out of court with prejudice. Very much so. That's also possible. So you're saying that Alex is doing a little licking of boots. He's doing a little boot licking. Of Musk. I don't know if that's true. You don't think so? No. He just thinks that he's Godzilla fighting against globalists.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Fair enough. Look, here's how the list goes down, okay? Of America's presidents. He goes, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and anyone's almost there. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and then it goes Tucker Carlson, and then it goes Alex Jones, and then it moves down from there. I was just talking to Joe Rogan yesterday. It wasn't a private minute.
Starting point is 00:58:17 I guess it's private conversation. Say it, but the point is it was like, thank God for Elon because he's taken all the heat for us. I mean, Joe understands that. So do I believe it. Elon doesn't want to be the number one target. When he gets attacked, though, he's going to hit back. So I guarantee you, Elon's happy.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Trump's out there taking the main brunt. So it's Trump and then Elon that are up there, like the Godzilla's fighting Megalon of the three, you know, headed dragon. You know, Peter. We're like, military fighting with Godzilla with our missile launchers, you know, shooting at the dragon, trying to help Godzilla. So it's like Trump and just like two Godzilla's are out there fighting the globalists.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And I'm like an army general, what fire the missiles, fire the missiles, the three-headed dragon. I mean, three-headed dragon like zaps you in electricity. Our troops are all blowing up. I mean, if you think about Godzilla movie, that's basically what this is. I've never thought about it in kaiju terms.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Thank you, Alex. That will create meme content for the rest of all time so we thank you they wanted to shut me down they saw me as the kaiju seven years ago and I have a look at the camera pulls back with his little kaiju like we defeated this kaiju and I'm like kind of bloody on the ground hurt and then my daddy comes along it pulls back and there's trouble And then daddy comes along and pulls back and there's Trumpet on must WRAAAA And then I don't know what to do, it's ridiculous
Starting point is 00:59:26 Think of an analogy, like, the kaju looks big as it zoomed in and he pulled back I have this little kaju with this big giant mosaic Ha ha ha ha ha ha We're gonna have to animate it We're just, we're gonna have to get the animation going I will buy a ticket So I think Alex might have gotten over Dune and gone to see Kong Possible
Starting point is 00:59:44 Godzilla Kong. Godzilla X Kong or whatever it is, yep. Maybe there's a new movie on the horizon. Oh man, you can see why I've been avoiding the internet if this will make meme content forever. Yes. Guys, have fun. Such good Godzilla meme content.
Starting point is 01:00:00 And how dare Alex pretend he doesn't know King Ghidorah. He does. I mean, come on. If he's got Megalon in the tank. He's got Ghidorah in there, too You know, I think I was I was just thinking about this. I remember Whenever people were like, oh you got to find a way to go viral, you know back in the early days Whenever things would occasionally go viral and you're like whoa and everybody do that and then you got to find a way to do That I feel like these people figured out a way to do that and they just manufacture it so much That like just the idea of it is ridiculous
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yeah, like the idea of a meme going viral now is like who fucking cares. Yeah I know I I wonder if that's just our brains. Yeah With social media. Maybe that's the case, but yeah, it does feel that way. It doesn't feel like things blowing up. Is that meaningful anymore? I mean, we could just be old, you know? But everything gets worse when you get,
Starting point is 01:00:56 everything gets less exciting when you've been around too much. Maybe for the youth, there's a new form of virality. Totally, there are TikToks and the whole thing. Oh, the TikToks. Oh, with the dancing. Even that's probably like 10 years old. Because I saw it in a Godzilla Kong movie.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Right. Parody. Yep. So, that's when he comes back from break, Owen is hosting and you've reached the culmination of this as a post script they did release another video with this guy on Thursday when we're recording on Thursday, okay, okay this morning they did but Yes, it had nothing to do with Alex and it was about Ukraine Okay, and so it does not advance our story at all with Alex and his pending lawsuit against the
Starting point is 01:01:44 Government but Alex claims that there are other things to be released our story at all with Alex and his pending lawsuit against the government. But Alex claims that there are other things to be released. So we will see. We will see. I'll reserve judgment. I, I, I'm fascinated. I wonder what the, I assume that it's going to be that the CIA is behind Russia or like behind Ukraine fighting back.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Sending advisors to Ukraine. Okay. All right. like behind Ukraine fighting back sending advisors to Ukraine okay all right so it's not like the the Alex Jones are like because of the far-right version is usually like the CIA is causing all of this in some way right right yeah so in this case it's just like actually the regular and that was in like the New York Times yeah yeah they send people to the ice yeah we do that like all conflicts right like there's an American shows up and is like here's a bomb You know sure yeah, maybe it's not the best thing
Starting point is 01:02:30 but also not related to Alex and his his difficulties, so I await further Context and information about that mm-hmm So yeah, I mean we have I, a little bit of the abbreviated episodes on Monday and Friday this year. But Alex is like, he's been on vacation. What do you want me to do? I mean, I'm angry enough as it is. This is something that has the potential to be big story for Alex. And I think I think we got we got some legs here. We're in the need for a new season in his, his, his trouble.
Starting point is 01:03:08 If he goes, I think he, he's gotta go people versus Larry Flint kind of way. Right. You know what I'm saying? But instead reverse it. Larry Flint versus people. That's what I'm saying. Like Lenny Bruce towards the end of his career took all the profanity laws and stuff became over like eclipsed his career. It did drive him insane and ruin his life. I think that's what Alex needs to do. It does seem like a good way for him to move forward. It's the next chapter.
Starting point is 01:03:33 I like it. So I guess, I mean, we'll see what happens. But for now, I guess Alex might sue the CIA and the FBI. Best of luck. Until we, we'll be back for another episode, but until then, we have a website. Indeed we do. It's Yep.
Starting point is 01:03:50 We're also on Blue Sky. We are on Blue Sky. It's Knowledge Rights. Yep. We'll be back, but until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark. I am the mysterious professor.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Woo! Yeah! Woo! Yeah! Woo! And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex.
Starting point is 01:04:06 I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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