Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 571: The Snowtown Murders Part II - Selling the Drama

Episode Date: April 27, 2024

Strap in... This week we head into Gold Star Territory as the boys continue the story of The Snowtown Murders and the torture-filled, murder spree led by John Bunting and Robert Wagner. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hold, primates listening! It is I, Numitor 479. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee. And while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake and vivacious to give it. So try our new blend from Spring Hill Jack coffee reptilian in the morning our proprietary blend of lightly roasted
Starting point is 00:00:31 Kokaios will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coaca with all your slippery new eggs Thanks, honey Hot hot I'm cold-blooded. Mmm. Egg's a Spring Hill Jack and last hot gas on the left. I'm ready to get out there and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton. There's no place to escape to.
Starting point is 00:01:02 This is the last hot gas. On the left. Heh heh. Wow, you've pumped your glades. That's when the cannibalism started. Ooooooooh. What was that? Oh, shit! No playback stuff in this one?
Starting point is 00:01:20 No. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo No, I lost we want to go through throwing copper not track by track You don't want to listen to all of live all of all like Val listen to throwing copper. I'll listen to secret Samadhi I you know you are talking mess But I do Unfortunately, you would you talked about about how it, Eddie, about how sometimes you recognize qualities in yourself in some of these stories. Yeah. And I love life.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And I love life, and the, I've always, but I've always said, it is school shooter music. It is for school shooters. It is for rage-filled men that hair can only grow in a three inch circle on the top of their head and they all kind of look like a party favor. And we're going to get into why the fuck we're talking about live here on today's episode of last podcast on the left. Are we finally going to find out where dolphins go to die?
Starting point is 00:02:20 My name is Marcus Parks. I'm here with Henry Zabrasky's live super fan. He's poor man's Maynard. You don't think so? We're going to get a lot of angry emails from tool fans on that one. Poor man's Maynard. Even so. The guy from Lion.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah, I know. Ed? Am I not wrong? Yeah, you're wrong. You think that you don't think, you doesn't remind you Maynard No, not at all. No, but being like a music that you could do Fucking what's it's but you could do figure eights and your pick up true in the doughnuts Yeah, but you could do it in a 7-eleven or something and you're just going around and around around go
Starting point is 00:03:05 Coming back Teresa around go, man, I love you. I love you. I love you. I'm coming back, Teresa. And of course, Ed Larson. How you doing? I don't like either of those bands. Both Live and Tool are featured on the soundtrack to somebody who's showing up in front of an ex's home demanding to be heard out. Well, Live is on the girlfriend soundtrack, tools on the boyfriend soundtrack. So when we last left,
Starting point is 00:03:31 John Bunting and the rest of the morons involved in the Snowtown murders, they just killed Robert Wagner's former girlfriend, Vanessa Lane, one of the gang's two trans victims. In Vanessa's murder, they had been assisted by Lane's latest young boyfriend, a paranoid schizophrenic named Thomas Trevillion. Trevillion had been convinced by Bunting and Wagner, the two main villains in this story, that killing Vanessa Lane was the right thing
Starting point is 00:03:55 to do because Vanessa was, admittedly, a predator. So up to this point, to catch you guys up and to remind you, Bunting and Wagner are two pieces of shit morons that have like, they have mobilized a group of other fellow morons to help them and they're two man vendetta against people they don't like inside of their small town. And at first it sounded like, oh, he's got these kind of,
Starting point is 00:04:21 he has a Messiah-like complex. Savior complex I'd say is more like. The missionary killer, the whole point is that he's doing this for a purpose. I'm a he has a Messiah like complex save your complex Missionary killer the whole point is that he's doing this for a purpose also Adelaide has over a million people in it. It's yes I understand snow town too is just a suburb Yeah, like, you know, it's technically kind of cute and most of the stuff didn't happen there But that you know, but it's not happening guys. The rebranding is not happening. Yeah, it's done It's over but he's immediately gonna jump off his mo. Yeah, he is Thomas Trevillian was 18 by the time the 42 year old Vanessa had got a hold of him But he'd been diagnosed as schizophrenic at the age of 14. So he was in all respects a vulnerable member of society
Starting point is 00:05:01 He was extremely vulnerable for whatever reason the delusion that Thomas had latched onto was that he was in the army, and he would stalk the streets like a soldier on a spy mission, dressed in clothes bought from the army surplus. Oh, you call that a knife? That's a knife! Spoon. Oh, no!
Starting point is 00:05:19 Oh, no! I see you've played knifey-spoonie before. Yeah, I've done that. But while that may sound harmless, I see you've played knifey spoonie before. But while that may sound harmless, Travillion was usually armed with a carving knife, and while he was playing army he'd often hide in bushes and jump out with his knife at the ready when he heard a noise. Ah, you gotcha there, sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Didn't me scare you. Also, this is having fun. It's a bit of a life. Someone needs to clean up this bush as well. This bush will die. Thomas was alright if he was on his medication. But by the time he met Vanessa Lane, he was wearing a literal aluminum foil hat to protect his brain from satellites. So suffice to say he wasn't taking care of himself. It's called big potato couture.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's good, it's fun. It's called baked potato couture. It's cute, it's fun. Now after the murder of Vanessa Lane, Thomas moved in with Robert Wagner, who by this point was shackin' up with a woman named Maxine. Now things went all right for a bit, but in November of 1997, Travillion threatened
Starting point is 00:06:16 to kill a puppy with his carving knife in front of Maxine's daughter. Now Travillion did have schizophrenia, so you very could have thought of the puppy as some sort of like creature, right? That was coming at him all time gone Imagine if you look the little puppy, but you thought it was a little man Like burrowing your other dog's belly like looking for milk. Yeah, you'd be mad at that little man, right?
Starting point is 00:06:41 Then you'd be like, oh my cutie, see a man if he tools you something to move a dog Then and then turns out but then you fuck you're not an army I mean that one of the things that I'm kind of getting the sense of here is that the vast majority in these The people in this story are very aggressive Australia But what's funny about that though is that this is Adelaide and Adelaide prides themselves on being the only city in Australia that wasn't settled by convicts. They call themselves the the free city the city of churches because they were settled by Christians and such. Oh, so they grow their convicts there. Yes
Starting point is 00:07:20 That's what you get when you grow a convict in Australia. Yeah, well thanks to Travillion for that. Well after the puppy incident, Bunting and Wagner offered to take Travillion on quote, a nice drive in the country, and he was never seen alive again. Now in this murder, Bunting didn't kill in service of his mission to rid Adelaide of its pedophiles, nor was the murder a matter of principle. Like with Suzanne Allen, Pedophiles nor was the murder a matter of principle like with Suzanne Allen Travillion was an inconvenience and bunting and Wagner had come to rely on murder as their first choice for solving any problem And so on November 5th bunting and Wagner drove Travillion out to a rural area and Convinced him to slip a rope around his neck stand on a crate and jump off
Starting point is 00:08:02 Hanging himself and you think that was all done with words? I think it might have been. I think they, yeah, I mean, cause that's the thing is how do you get some, I guess you threaten somebody that you would- It's either you do it or we do it. Either you do it or we do it, yeah. I suppose so.
Starting point is 00:08:17 They like waved a beef patty in front of him, you know? Yeah. Yeah. That's nice. He, I imagine they, yeah, they physically forced him to do it Yeah, they probably put her on his neck and said you could do it or we could do it or they just did it Yeah, and it made it look like a suicide. Yeah, or the dog order the hit
Starting point is 00:08:38 Understand the hierarchy of the home Like the laws of power, yeah got to attack the shepherd scatter the sheep Well, the body was then left there to be discovered but since Trevillian had made a few suicide attempts already His death wasn't investigated at all authorities also deduced that since Trevillian had almost $7 in his pockets. This was not a robbery almost $7 in his pockets, this was not a robbery. Nah. Yeah. Was it?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Yeah. It's not coming out. Was it a robbery? Nah, he's got $7 in there. Yeah. All would have taken that. That's Salisbury rich right there. Yeah, right there.
Starting point is 00:09:15 That's like nine speeding tickets a sucker. But we do know that Bunting and Wagner orchestrated Trevillion's death, because every time they drove past the spot where Trevillion was hanged, they made sure to point out to fellow accomplice Jamie Vlasakis that this was the spot where they hanged Trevillion. I wonder if that has the same lasting power as there's construction being done around where my house is, and there's a sign that says, Loose Gravel, and every single time I walk past with Natalie when we walk the dogs ago Oh loose gravel. That's my burlesque name And she stopped laughing she stopped laughing she just doesn't seem to understand that that's a funny bit The more you say it the funnier it gets the sign has to go. Yeah, it's not me
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's the sign has to go. Yeah, it's not me It's the sign you can't also just say gravel. Yeah, you know all gravels loose. Yeah, sure Yeah, blue on loose gravel is rocks The prior to his death and unbeknownst to Wagner and bunting Travillian had confessed to the murder of Vanessa Lane to his cousin Lenore and bunting, Trevillian had confessed to the murder of Vanessa Lane to his cousin Lenore, detailing every step of the murder from the killing itself to the disposal of the body, as well as how they were all using Vanessa's social security pin to cash her welfare checks. I think that had a lot to do with it. I think that he was a weirdo and he was an inconvenience to the, he was a weirdo to them
Starting point is 00:10:41 and he was an inconvenience. And now like the main, it's the vibe has changed. Is that we are now seeing them transition. We were talking in last episode about how John Bunting and Robert Wagner were eventually kind of like, they were gaining the trust of all of these people. Like people were starting to kind of like come to them with issues, quote unquote.
Starting point is 00:11:00 But that's kind of like, they gave them the first taste of power. And then it became I Gotta go kill. Yeah, like immediately they were like, oh we're not with they kind of jump past the sheriff part a lot of times when you're a sheriff before you misuse that power like you got like I would say maybe a six weeks of like opening up a Walgreens or like Highway with the shovel, being like, look what we're doing, you know, have a fun thing, and it's not until six months later that
Starting point is 00:11:29 you like kill a little boy in a chokehold. Now Trevillion's cousin didn't believe him at the time, but after he showed up dead, she went to the police and told them what Trevillion told her, but she was dismissed and told that Vanessa Lane had moved to Queensland because that's what she had said The police were operating off this premise because while bunting and Wagner were torturing Vanessa under Travillian supervision They had forced Vanessa to call her mother and tell her that she was moving to Queensland with a new boyfriend and wouldn't ever be coming Back that was good enough for the cops and the process by at least at that time Yes, and it was a it's not a fun process by which they were coached. So basically they were they were all
Starting point is 00:12:13 murdered in the BTK Fashion for the most part and we'll get a lot more into the actual, you know Nuts and bolts of it here. Yeah, but they slow it was like a slow choke and then a release choke and release and so what they would do is they would choke them sadly and then unrelease have them say a line into a voice recorder choke them again unrelease have them say a line into a voice recorder then they would take that and they would edit it together and they didn't realize that until way after all the crimes until way into the the middle of the investigation Well this seemingly idiotic ruse worked
Starting point is 00:12:49 And I don't know if this speaks to the intelligence of the people of Salisbury North or to their transient to mercurial nature But family members and friends of victims would accept these pre-recorded messages as real communications again and again I think it's because the people they choose were already of a transient nature and in the very beginning they were people that quote unquote people wouldn't miss. And also a lot of these people, like you were saying, they don't miss them. They're kind of maybe happy that they moved. Yeah, everybody's kind of insane. Right now that's also probably why the cops aren't digging in too hard.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Because they're looking around the neighborhood Okay, this looks wrapped up. Let's go back home Concerning people talking about the murders bunting wasn't being especially discreet himself as I mentioned last episode Bunting wasn't being especially discreet himself. As I mentioned last episode, Bunting was talkative, to the point where everyone knew his opinions about everything. He hated soccer, he hated TV, especially soap operas and dramas, hated all of it. Hated almost everything. I don't like it!
Starting point is 00:13:57 I hate it! I hate the television lights! It never listens when I talk! But one show he did enjoy was Australia's Most Wanted. One night in July of 1998, Bunting and his girlfriend Elizabeth, who was, if you'll remember, Jamie Vlasakis' mother, they were watching an episode when a segment aired about an unidentified skeleton that was found in the Adelaide area. Unbeknownst to the authorities, this was the skeleton of Clinton Trezise, Bunting's first victim. And since Bunting had already told Elizabeth Harvey about other
Starting point is 00:14:31 murders, he added this one to the pile, turning to her and saying, quote, That's my annuick. Which is terrible. It's terrifying. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah, it's not not it's the equivalent when I see like one of my friends at a commercial I'm going it's my buddy. Yeah Level of gravity at me like a guy Jason's doing real well for himself these days She was not she would end up being an accessory. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Now aside from crime shows, Bunting was also a big Stephen King fan, choosing the 1998 book Bag of Bones, which thankfully has nothing to do with pedophilia as his favorite. This is one of those where you're such a fucking contrarian that you must choose one of his middling modern books. I've never even fucking heard of it. It's a it's I dislike Bag of Bones. It's a good summer read. It's Stephen King but it's nowhere near his best. No. His best is The Shining. The Shining. Yeah. The Shining. Or the Carrie. I love Carrie. I love... Christine? Hearts of Atlantis is better. Is that true? Have you read Hearts of Atlantis? I don't read.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yeah, I know you don't. I know you don't. Even the stand. The stand is incredible. It's just any... I feel like it's him being like, I like the new dumb one. It's cause nobody else likes it. Nobody else likes me. Bunting also obsessively watched the silence of the lambs to quote-unquote study Hannibal Lecter's mannerisms.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I always like to smell perfumes. I meet a woman, first thing I ask her, I say, Hey, what's that you're wearing? Is it Motorola? What's that you're wearing? Some kind of gunk? What kind of shit gunk what kind of shit gunky go on your breasts Yeah, bitch. I'm so I'm immediately I'm not as swarming And he read Colin Wilson's true crime books to study the habits and methods of various serial killers Seemingly focusing in on John Wayne Gacy And this is of course highly ironic because John Wayne Gacy is And this is of course, highly ironic,
Starting point is 00:16:45 because John Wayne Gacy is probably at the top of the list of serial killers who molested the most boys. Although Dean Corl could probably make a run for that spot as well. But besides pedophiles, John Bunting also hated women, and was said to have preferred the, quote, cold, impersonal companionship of his blow-up doll. Ugh. What do you think the chances are that he also molested children? the quote cold impersonal companionship of his blow-up doll What do you think the chances are that he also molested children? Ah
Starting point is 00:17:16 You know what I struggled with that question. Yeah, actually like I at the very least, you know, I think that he had Urges yeah, I think that he definitely had he wanted to anyone who flips out this much like there's something else going on Yeah, we've talked about this projection is the word projection and I get some it's hard because I got a little bit of criticism When we were doing the Anders Breivik series talking about how does his massive homophobic streak does that belie? What we it's like a classic trope now Yeah, and if you hate gay people, you obviously, there's something in there. Like if you're violently against one specific thing, a lot of times it looks like, oh, I'm very much so into this thing.
Starting point is 00:17:53 But it's hard because it makes people that are gay mad because you're like, don't put him on our team. Just because he's a fucking shithead. You know what I mean, like, why are you doing this? And so this guy, I don't know, again, I'm not trying to rile up her pedophile listeners Applying John bunting to the pedophile community Got a lot of messages about that about the idea of non-practicing pedophiles. Yeah, I read some and it seems to be the the jury's out
Starting point is 00:18:23 And I will also say I am also well aware that a straight man can date a trans woman. Yes, I'm well aware of that. Of course. That's a straight relationship because it's a woman. Yes, that is a straight relationship because it's a woman. Yes. Yes. But seemingly...
Starting point is 00:18:35 It's very complicated. It's all very complicated. You know how you get to prison for pedophilia? Practice. I'm an expert, they say. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Well the idea of like he's the savior of boys. Yes. Fly from your grave. Now by 1998, Bunting and Wagner had tasted enough blood where they were using almost anything as an excuse to murder someone. Plus they had the added bonus of being able to use the bank cards of their victims. See, all the people Bunting and Wagner killed were on government welfare.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And those payments were automatically deposited into the victim's bank account. Coincidence? I mean, it's just the way it worked. But pardon me, wonders whether or not that was a feature into why we're also killing. I think, yeah, it's like- It eventually became a feature. Yeah. Because as long as a body was never found, Bunting could forge documents, alter bank
Starting point is 00:19:43 details, and pose as victims if need be to make sure those payments kept coming in All it's estimated that bunting and Wagner scanned the Australian government out of tens of thousands of dollars And man you could really tell by their lifestyle It's interesting didn't make a bunch of money, but then they didn't buy anything with it. Yeah kind of put it away shovels and barrels But then they didn't buy anything with it. Yeah. Just kind of put it away. Shovels and barrels. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And a bank. That's it. But when it comes to killing for their own reasons outside of their mission, their next victim was neither a pedophile nor was he gay. His name was Gavin Porter, and he was killed simply because Bunting didn't like having him around. I view him as the reason why he was murdered was because he was gaining undue Influence over Jamie Vlaslakis. That's also a big possibility to Gavin was a heroin addict But so was buntings accomplice Jamie Vlasakis Gavin and Jamie had met in a methadone program
Starting point is 00:20:35 But after they left they moved in together and fell deep into the drug world They dealt delivered and even transported sex workers all so they could feed a They dealt, delivered, and even transported sex workers, all so they could feed a $300 a day habit. But while Bunting was fine with Jamie doing heroin, or he at least accepted it, he said that he didn't like Gavin specifically because he was a user. Most likely I'd imagine that it was because of Lasakis, Kowtow to Bunting, where Gavin didn't. And he viewed Jamie Vazlakis as his little protege. Oh very much
Starting point is 00:21:07 So it's his sub son. He was like this guy. He's gonna be just like me He's gonna I can't wait for him to grow up by shrinking down to five foot six Gaining some nearsightedness and losing some hair and he's gonna be just like me But then when he got in with Gavin, I it was the heroine for a while was like John Bunting is one of these guys yeah it's why do we maybe dislike Henry Rawlings sometimes it's because he is pain in the butt straight-edge man right in his way he is very demanding his views of Henry Rollins Henry Rollins is a man that views life like a 13 year old boy All he likes to do is impress his friends by doing pull-ups and he listens to records for fun once a week
Starting point is 00:21:55 I believe that is a very unkind That is not how that is hardcore dude That just believes in pull-ups the and his bros Hanging out where they just hang out and they like I want to say he like eats like a piece of candy Fun record it's not for work a week The opinions of Henry Zabrowski about Henry Rollins do not reflect the opinions of last podcast network Yeah, I for one thing Henry is a Reflect the opinions of last podcast network. Yeah, I for one thing Henry is a
Starting point is 00:22:30 John bunting was one of those truly miserable Fuck-face straight-edge people. Yeah that viewed his actions over all as the like the arbiter of morality Everything that's cool and then what he's doing and people should look up to him for what he's doing. And he did have a hangup about drugs, much like he had a hangup about everything else. Obviously he was an alcoholic and a murderer. Which I would say is his worst quality. I don't wanna seem like I'm on his team,
Starting point is 00:22:59 but $300 a day in heroin, someone's gotta have a conversation with someone. Yeah, this is the first time I've seen $300 a day in heroin, you know, someone's got to have a conversation with I've seen systematic murder and then body dismemberment as an intervention We've doing this cause we care about you everybody loves you. All right now help me burn his testicles If he was doing like 50 bucks a day in heroin, you know, let it slide. Honestly, I even think that that's a lot. A cool $5 a day. All I need is a little...
Starting point is 00:23:33 A little zhuzh. That's all. Can I have a little sliver? And heroin? I just do it smaller than that. Smaller than that. I'm just a little bit, I think it Well Jamie's mother Elizabeth liked Gavin So he moved into the house that all of them were sharing at Murray Bridge
Starting point is 00:23:51 Which I think had, if I've got this right Somewhere between five and seven people living there now There's a lot of fucking people shoved into this house And who says white people don't have culture? There could be a couple in the tunnels And who says white people don't have culture? There could be a couple in the tunnels. But by April of 1998, there was one less person. Because that was the month that John Bunting accidentally stabbed himself with a used syringe that Gavin had left lying around the house.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Now, Bunting's anger was admittedly justified. Yeah. But Bunting took it to the level you'd expect from a man who'd already killed six people. All you have to hear is that OWW in the other room and you know you're fucked. Ganging up on Gavin, Bunting and Wagner tried an ambush in Gavin's car by attempting to slip a rope around his neck, but for the first time a victim fought back and Gavin managed to stab Bunting's hand with a screwdriver. But in the end, Gavin was dragged to the torture shed where he was strangled to death, much to Bunting's great joy and amusement. See, Bunting loved putting his face close to his victims because he liked
Starting point is 00:25:10 feeling their last breaths, and the moment in which that breath stopped was by far his favorite. Turn the music down! I don't love you! I don't love you! I don't love you! In other words, Bunting was through and through a killer and nothing more. There's nothing more to this guy. I think he got hard from it. Now a few hours after Gavin's murder, Jamie Vlasakis showed up to the house at Murray Bridge to find Bunting and Wagner casually eating Chinese food.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Jamie was then taken to the shed and shown the corpse of his friend of four years. And it was like that, it was literally, hey, you wanna see something? Mm-hmm. I'll go something out, I think you're gonna like it. Yeah, and then it's just his buddy. It's your buddy.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah. Two days later, Bunting ordered Jamie to put his friend's corpse in a barrel and store it in a shed at Robert Wagner's house. Perhaps because Gavin was Jamie's friend, he was the one who got Jamie's bank card, and Jamie immediately accessed Gavin's welfare money to buy heroin. Now if you'll notice, the whole mission of killing pedophiles sort of gone off track for Bunting and Wagner. Yeah, I think we're like missing the reason for the season.
Starting point is 00:26:32 But in August of 1998 the mission found its way again when Jamie Vasakis told Bunting that his older half brother Troy Ude had molested him when he was a young boy. Yeah and when I was watching the movie I was laughing a lot until that scene Kind of wrestling is this yeah, you know, what are you gonna do? I don't know how to respond It was you know, you know when I watched the movie you'd prep me on how horrible it was gonna be and then I saw that Scene and I was like, oh, yeah, it's bad It was gonna be and then I saw that scene and I was like, oh, yeah, it's bad It's bad, but it the movie's still good. Somehow. I tell you what that must been a long day on set Oh, yeah, or very short one Actually, I was thinking if we could I think we got it I want another angle What if we do it one shot And so, Bunting and Wagner decided that you'd needed to die, and this time they'd make sure that Jamie Vlasakis was an active participant.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Late one night, Jamie was woken up by Bunting and Wagner. They handed Jamie some handcuffs and a table leg that could be used as a club. You're gonna like this. It's gonna be fun. And they told him to follow. Now at this time, Troy Ude was actually living in the same house as Jamie Vlasakis, which might be why the whole Mollestation conversation came up in the first place.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah, one fight over the PlayStation. Yeah. Troy, and this is to keep things straight he was Elizabeth's son by another man and was therefore Jamie's half-brother because I think Elizabeth had what was it seven kids from five fathers? Something fun like that. She's a popular woman. Yeah I think it was I think it was Elizabeth that was that had that that count. She got that fertile. She got them fertile thick ass eggs. Ready to catch some saints. Catch some worms. Bunting, Wagner, and Jamie went into Troy Ude's bedroom in the middle of the night, and at Bunting's go-ahead, they started beating him.
Starting point is 00:28:52 And after he was suitably tenderized, Bunting ordered Jamie to handcuff his half-brother, but Jamie got overwhelmed and left the room. So, it was Bunting and Wagner who forced Troy Ude into the bathroom and into the bathtub, which had become the de facto torture session location, for I'm sure easy clean up afterwards. Once Ude was subdued and cuffed, Bunting and Wagner told him to refer to them as Lord, Sir, and God, respectively, but they wanted Ude to choose his own alias for Jamie, something that would denote superiority. For some reason, Jude chose Moses, but because this was too Jewish for Wagner and Bunting, the Lord remembered they were neo-Nazis.
Starting point is 00:29:33 They still believe in Moses! He's in the Bible! He's driving me crazy! Jesus was Jewish! They told him to choose again. Aye, aye. You know that's not fair. You choose it again. Can you imagine that? And they say Bowser? Noah, shit! Oh fuck! Oh shit!
Starting point is 00:29:59 So they settled on master for Jamie and the torture began And first bunting and Wagner punched you'd and the genitals over and over again screaming at him to shut up when he made a sound They said the same when they crushed you'ds toes with pliers Now since tape recording a goodbye message who works so well with Vanessa Lane bunting and Wagner did it again with you'd Bunting brought out a tape recorder and made Youd say over 20 sentences like I can't handle it at home no more, leave me the fuck alone, stay the fuck out of my life, and such and such. Now at that point, Jamie got overwhelmed again and left the room, but this time Bunting brought him back and told him to stay.
Starting point is 00:30:41 After stuffing a sock in Troy's mouth and wrapping his face in duct tape, Bunting worked himself into a violent frenzy all while his favorite album played in the background. The incredible synchronicity that we experienced with this series is that on the very day that we recorded the first episode, John Bunting's favorite band played a concert in Adelaide that band was the 90s alt rock group live and Bunting would often play their debut album throwing copper while torturing his victims It's so hard because all I can imagine is I just see Every guy that looks like John bunting is either and I'm sorry Eddie and I'm not coming for you What you thought you guys do look slightly similar, but I'm not a little bit
Starting point is 00:31:28 I thought he was a little guy he is but you guys got the same structure same structure. He's wide Yes, and I I don't know. He looks more like the guy in the last season 90 day fiance who had the guinea pig Sorry man, I like you. Yes, yeah. Because at first you look at him and you're like, oh he likes Wilco. And then he realizes like no, no, no, no, he's not a draft beer, he's not an IPA sort of white, right? He's the live white.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And I think live white is just a step above kid rock white yeah Yes, yeah, and I put in then but really a step below Tony's white He might it would be well he might shift to a new victim Losing their mind alive except literally just like this you can't hear it because it's just Like it's like board standing at the back of a concert. Yeah, slowly nodding Yeah, live white kid rock white right below that stained white That's really something else and then above toadies white is pearl jam
Starting point is 00:32:49 Technically of that and then you can introduce Pearl Jam white to your family Now the reason why bunting loved live so much was probably due to the content of their first single released in 1994 that song was selling the drama which you probably know is a song that goes like I will I walk I feel I took I know I know I didn't like life. Yeah I mean there are me they're just they're fine Alt rock band there's middle there the definition of middle of the road 90s all I'm gonna get more letters about this just the music conversation more than we will have about anything that we talk about With the murders or I don't gender
Starting point is 00:33:33 I don't think it comes into anyone's surprise that I'm not the biggest fucking live fan Yeah, I thought a more appropriate band would have for him to a more important song for him to be playing while he was doing this Was Alice in Chains man in the box Well, maybe he put his victims in the candle Good series of karaoke songs for older men to do Maybe he was just excited to make people unalive But the reason why John bunting loved this song selling the drama was because of the lyrics of the chorus, and I guarantee that almost none of you, even if you've heard
Starting point is 00:34:11 this song a thousand times, know what those lyrics are. I love this song, and have sung this song, I believe I have sung this song at karaoke, and I did not know that these were the lyrics until we look back at I was like oh yeah they are hey now it won't be raped hey now we won't be scarred like that hey and so on and so forth ad nauseam I didn't know it was now we won't be raped hey now we won't be scarred like that Now we won't be scarred like that But to make this synchronicity even more insane and to just wrap all this up and bring it full circle Live is playing here in Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:34:56 tomorrow But while lightning crashes possibly played in the background, Troy Ud was strangled with a rope that was leveraged with a metal rod to tighten it, just like how John Wayne Gacy used to do. And how you find lightning with a metal rod. Bunting, however, claimed that his hand was too hurt to do the twisting, so he told Jamie to do it instead. But when Jamie tried strangling his half-brother to death the rope broke Wagner tried to retie it
Starting point is 00:35:27 But it broke again So Wagner ended up strangling Troy to death while bunting kneeled and stared into Troy's eyes Like the ridiculous edge lord that he is Oh no. Do you think semi-charmed life came on? He's like, no! No! Stop it! Get it off! Stop it! Get it off! Get down!
Starting point is 00:35:50 Get down! I said, that's my radio! This guy was old! Oh god, that type of rap. That type of weird man rap. Troy's body was then wrapped in garbage bags and taken to the garage where it was later placed in a barrel But bunting claimed that the barrel was just the tiniest bit too small to fit the whole body So he cut off one of you'ds feet to make the tight squeeze and tossed the foot into parts unknown
Starting point is 00:36:18 But as they did that they were they were always supreme edge lords about it So every single time they did it I find it interesting because I do think that some serial killers strangely take an almost real ritualistic approach to certain things where there's more of a sacred thing. You know, you could see about how Dennis Rader talked about it being an art form. And, but these guys, every single time they did something, they would never be without a bunch of last podcast style jokes while they were doing it like they would cut off the feet and then the whole thing to be like
Starting point is 00:36:52 Hey, hey, I'm walking here Like fucked up shit with the feet they would do all of this that every time they did it big and it really just showed How I mean they're just gone full. That's why I say it's beavers, they're very beavers and butt heads. They are, yes. Because they're giggling the entire time, they're making jokes. They think that it's all funny and it's all fun and games and everybody likes it. Yeah. And that's the thing, you're super scary and you're laughing like everybody likes what you're doing
Starting point is 00:37:17 and then everybody else is laughing because they're scared of you, but you think that you're being right. You know what I mean? Which is a situation I found myself in a couple times. Who's ever been scared of you Like oh you've been the scared one well no I won't alienating people Anyone religious hates his clothes I know that Good stare at the other day man by them because we had the the Mormon people on the street whatever Joe was witnesses on the street Mm-hmm. I had a good old-fashioned Satan shirt on the same. That's that is nice. Yeah, just look I was like pointed your shirt. Yeah, go fuck yourself. No, I
Starting point is 00:37:52 Know you yeah, you're growing. Yeah, you are growing my wife did give a very I was proud of how firm her No, thank you was the other day to the Jehovah's Witnesses who tried approaching our home. No, thank You was the other day to the Jehovah's Witnesses who tried approaching our home. No, thank Yeah, two Scientologists come at me with last time we were in Tampa might you saw it was like you got real mad Well, because it was during a real mad time period and I remember they came up to me as they were talking to me And I was like don't fucking talk to me Do not follow us walk the other way Well, and see with Scientologists you're allowed to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Just don't get violent. I don't. No. Well, as far as what John Bunting told Elizabeth, who, if you'll remember, was John's girlfriend, as well as both Jamie Vlasakis' and Chora Yud's mother, he said that Troy had gotten into a big fight with Bunting and ran off, and later Bunting would use the recording he made in a fake phone call to Elizabeth to complete the story As far as how Jamie did that met all that make sense? Yes He basically just he lied to her and he said that you we we I mean
Starting point is 00:38:52 It's there's just so many people involved in this and so many stories and so much bullshit the foot go We don't know That's actually been kind of a mystery in this whole thing They actually kind of make a big deal out of it Sometimes it'd be like we got no idea where that foot went. Like, it's gotta be dingo. They could have just thrown it in the pit. They still were burying some things in the backyard.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah. Well, as far as how Jamie felt about the whole thing, he told Bunting that he enjoyed taking part in the murder of his half brother, but according to what he later told authorities, he was lying because he was too scared to disagree with such a cold-blooded killer I think there's a there's a solid demarcation 50-50 in there. Mm-hmm. Well, I think there's also the difference between Fantasizing about murder actually being a part of it And I think that's what happened with this guy is that like the fantasy of it and thinking about this person who had hurt him So badly when he was a kid thinking about killing him is
Starting point is 00:39:47 That's somewhat cathartic everyone does that everyone fantasizes about shit like that like you know Extreme violence murder on somebody who's hurt you or wronged you or anything like that Everyone has those sorts of those sorts of thoughts But the vast vast vast vast majority of people never carry them out. No, it's wrong Yeah, you can't you can't do that. But Jamie Vilsackis found himself in a situation Where somebody pulled him dude into that and it's sink or swim Yeah and you know you find yourself in a position where you're sort of your hands or
Starting point is 00:40:20 Forced to do certain things and then I find in a way somebody like him if you're in that environment You have to find out a way, somebody like him, if you're in that environment, you have to find out a way to like it. You have to find a way to survive and thrive in this environment because thriving means not getting murdered. And so you have to stay ahead of the extremely dangerous people
Starting point is 00:40:36 that you are now involved in, which is the slippery slope, which is also why he did the thing later on of flipping. Yeah, well he's a real fucked up idiot who also just buried his best friend. Yeah, you know He's not and that also knows for a fact. He is for certain a potential victim He is right on that list and actually he is hovering between next each time if he does something wrong He's bumping up on that list who's gonna get killed next Now in 1998, Mark Hayden came back into John Bunting's life. If you will remember, Mark Hayden was the taciturn dullard who'd helped John Bunting
Starting point is 00:41:13 dig the tunnel, and he'd assisted in the disposal of the corpse of Clinton Trezise. But after years of doing god knows what, Hayden was now hanging out with Bunting and Wagner almost constantly, watching TV together or playing video games for hours at a time. In another somewhat confusing living situation, Mark Hayden was living with his wife, who was also named Elizabeth. As well as her two sons, her sister Gail, and Gail's teenage son Fred Brooks. This just shows that America Is really not that far from Australia
Starting point is 00:41:50 Trailer Park people. Yeah, it's the same thing Trailer Park family trees look like a spider's web all stuck to the Leg of a fucking the inside of a leg of a big old man. Yeah, I mean that's what we said We've been in Australia once and Australia is very out of every country that I've been to in the world Australia is by far the closest to America. Oh, yeah, it's America jr. It's America without the guns. Yeah And the entertainment. Well, they got some good stuff. I love the music, You know, I love Tame and Paula and all the sniffers King gizzard I love you. Oh, I love a mole in the sniffer. So I see them Yeah, that'd be great if they're playing over there, but I mean what's you know, how good is their TV really?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Well complicating matters more was the fact that bunting was also having an affair with Gale and was telling his Elizabeth that he'd gotten a job as a truck driver and that's why he was away from home so much. Bunting's wife didn't question this claim because money was still coming in from all the murder victims welfare payments. They're drawn I think on like 5 or 6 accounts by this point. But unfortunately, since John Bunting was spending so much time at Mark Hayden's house having inadequate sex with Gale, he soon became convinced that Gale's 17-year-old son, Fred Brooks, was a pedophile, with no evidence whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Yeah, they just did not like him. This of course put Fred in mortal peril. Now the dullard Mark Hayden was already all in on whatever scheme Bunting had for murdering whoever had been marked for death So he agreed to store the barrels with the bodies of Vanessa Lane Michelle Gardner Gavin Porter and Troy you'd in his garage So remember that the bodies and the barrels are now in Mark Hayden's garage And presumably Mark Hayden also didn't question bunting after Fred Brooks vanished on September 17th 1998 and here my friends is when we enter into Gold Star territory very much so
Starting point is 00:43:55 Seven Seven murders. Yeah, we're getting there. We're getting there Yeah And because what we know is that he put the bodies because they did too I forgot how they source the acid that they would pour over the bodies. I think they just I think they Just bought it. But the thing is that they use the wrong at kinda acid They used hydrochloric acid when they were supposed to use sulfuric acid Yes sulfuric acid is the one that eats everything really eats everything but with the hydrochloric acid it just made it Well, I mean you want you wanted soup and they got gumbo. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:31 Remember the soup that had the big chunks It's like that. Oh, yeah, I think it was called chunky man But they apparently they put it in there and one of the truly worst problems with these barrels Is that everywhere they'd sit they'd leak? So every house that they went to the first time they would they started it It would you know obviously takes time for these bodies to be slowly Suvying inside of these barrels and that what they would do is they'd leak out the bottom and so they'd have to eventually leave because everywhere they went would smell like rotting flesh and John Bunting had no sense of smell.
Starting point is 00:45:13 So every time he would always have to ask Jamie, Jamie was literally his canary. Or he'd go to Jamie and say like, hey you're smelling dead bodies in here. Because he couldn't do it. And Jamie would be like, oh, it smells as bad as it was yesterday. Oh, it could be worse. These guys love to dig. Why not put it in the ground?
Starting point is 00:45:32 Because digging is very loud and a lot of people notice digging. Yeah. All right. You know, arguably killing a bunch of people you call pedophiles is loud as well. Well, depends on how loud the pedophile is. So after tricking Fred into joining them A bunch of people you call pedophiles as loud as well. Well, I'm defensive how loud the pedophiles
Starting point is 00:45:49 So after tricking Fred into joining them at bunting's home in Murray Bridge Bunting Wagner and Jamie did a little song and dance in which they took another page from Gacy's handbook showing Fred How much fun it was to put handcuffs on yourself? And so when Fred joined in and put himself in handcuffs yourself and so when Fred joined in and put himself in handcuffs Wagner wrapped his arm around Fred's neck while bunting shushed for Fred to not make a sound bunting then told Fred that he was a pedophile and Needed to quote go to the clinic As they had most times before bunting and Wagner took Fred to the bathtub
Starting point is 00:46:26 Stripped him naked and bashed his genitals until they were grossly swollen. But with Fred, Wagner and Bunting took it to the next level by sticking lit cigarettes up Fred's nose and inside his ear. After that, Bunting grabbed his tape recorder and forced Fred to recite the same sorts of statements as he had with the rest, like, Hey mom, it's me. I'm on my way to Perth met a pretty nice chick fuck off and leave me alone but after finishing the messages and giving up all his bank details Fred's toes were crushed by Robert Wagner crushed with pliers which seemed to be Wagner's favorite part but the escalation on this murder didn't stop with the cigarettes next Bunting pulled out an electrical transformer called a variac capable of delivering up to 260 volts of electricity.
Starting point is 00:47:11 One of the variac's alligator clips were attached to Fred's penis while the other was clipped to his testicles. The first shock was set at 20 volts, but over a period of hours they steadily increased the voltage while grilling him about his alleged and from all indications Non-existent pedophilia, you know, it just hit me Robert Wagner the actor. Yeah just now, huh? Yeah Just saw number two from Austin Powers Literally heart to heart as we were doing. Yeah. Yeah as you were just describing it I don't know why it took me to literally this moment and then all of a sudden I'm just seeing Robert Wagner do all this
Starting point is 00:47:51 You know what hit me during that is that in Australia? They're probably crocodile clips They don't have alligators I want you to understand that. That's kind of like Reddit comments we receive. I want you to understand that. Every second of this by the way was recorded by Bunting and he listened to it afterwards as a sort of serial killer game tape.
Starting point is 00:48:14 But after the electroshocks Wagner delivered the coup de grace one of the worst and weirdest tortures I've ever heard a serial killer use. Taking a metal party sparkler, Wagner shoved the handle inside Fred's penis. Then he lit it and let it burn down to the very tip. Then he did it again with a second sparkler. But when Bunting restarted the electrical shocks, Fred started screaming uncontrollably, so
Starting point is 00:48:45 Bunting shoved a sock in Fred's mouth and wrapped his head in tape. Syringes filled with both bleach and water were then injected into Fred's testicles and legs, and finally, Frank died, most likely from asphyxiation. This was all because John Bunting thought that Fred might be a pedophile Which is why I've been saying for years. You can't just go around Calling people pedophiles unless you yourself have dressed up as a little boy With little you got pigtails that you've got a wig on you got a big lollipop and you were then Freshly molested by this pedophile while you were disguised
Starting point is 00:49:26 as a child. One thing I know is that there's two guys standing in a room and one's a pedophile and one's not. I'm usually going to say the one with the sparklers is the pedophile. Fair enough. Anybody that has brought bubbles out that doesn't have a toddler. Now after being wrapped in garbage bags, Fred's body was put into the trunk of a rundown car in the yard until it was later towed away by Mark Hayden.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Hayden then dumped Mark's body on his garage floor until they could afford to buy another barrel and when they did, Fred Brooks joined the other six as body in the barrel number seven and that really shows just how much collateral you need To be a serial killer and about how gatekeeping doesn't just stop in the entertainment business If you don't the funds like oh, yeah, sure I would have loved to have started serial killing when I was in my early 20s, but I needed a full-time job Yeah, you gotta get that barrel money. So how fucking dare you think, all you fucking nepo killers that go out there with your fucking,
Starting point is 00:50:32 oh, I killed other people and I'm taking their government money, and that funds me, oh, you're government funded. So think about that, you're not a socialist, do better. Be better. Now remember, John Bunting had been having an affair with Fred's mother Gail, and Bunting told Gail when her son mysteriously disappeared that he'd last seen Fred getting into a car with some woman. Fred, he said, was also on a lot of speed and seemed really aggressive and was saying something about leaving town. Yeah, holds out. Yep.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Gail tried calling Fred's cell phone but was greeted by a strange abusive outgoing message Which had of course been recorded while Fred was being tortured to death Gail then made a missing persons report with the police but three days later the house where Gail was living got a call On the other end was Fred's voice, but the person who answered was Gail's sister Bunting had edited a tape together of Fred saying a bunch of mean shit. Which sounds again it sounds really fucking dumb. It sounds like a prank a morning zoo DJ would play. Yeah it sounds very similar to Sal Governalli like they're just playing sound bites. They're doing the thing that you do in sound bites. Who is your daddy and
Starting point is 00:51:38 what does he do? Yeah yeah yeah. Never trust an an editor We're sneaky But apparently it was enough for Gail's sister to say like oh, yeah, I guess Fred's okay She just shrugged called the police and told them to cancel the missing persons report because Fred had called up and said that he was Going to Perth which is on the other side of the country and he wanted everyone to leave him the fuck alone That's like one of those things that I just don't understand where it's like I guess that's they just weren't Fuck alone that's like one of those things that I just don't understand where it's like I guess that's they just weren't Rough group it's a real rough. That's a rough group. It's a real rough group I feel like I'm not these people are kind of in it's a very very rough group I've already talked about how I don't believe in Jackie's freedom if she's been brainwashed like I believe that she needs to be saved
Starting point is 00:52:20 Right from one of these things I think it flip out if someone she did one of these things We're got a weird strained phone call that sounded like she was under duress. Yeah, like you'd become like Liam Neeson Yeah, you go find him. Yeah. Yeah. No, no these people call actually called the police and said never mind Yeah, before I called it off. All done Now like most serial killers the frequency of bunting and Wagner's murders were increasing Where before there had been years between killings, it was now down to a matter of weeks. In October of 1998, less than a month after Fred Brooks, Jamie recalled that he and Bunting were driving around when they spotted a man named Gary O'Dwyer. Just like every other victim, Gary was personally known to John Bunting,
Starting point is 00:53:03 in fact he was his next door neighbor. Bunting, however, became obsessed with how quote unquote gay Dwyer looked. Talked about it quite a bit in fact. And he was soon talking about how much O'Dwyer looked like murder victim and actual pedophile Troy Youde. But Gary O'Dwyer, he was the one. This poor guy. This guy was a poor soul. Poor soul. Poor soul poor soul horrible realtor I hate this bungalow now. I know he was yeah, he was
Starting point is 00:53:36 Severely fucked up. Yeah in a lot of different ways But in the end like he's just some dude Yeah, I mean he'd gotten addicted to drugs and alcohol after being the victim of a vicious hit-and-run He'd suffered from epileptic seizures since he was a kid. He had a bad limp He couldn't do math anymore like he literally had had it had fucked up his brain So he couldn't do any sort of executive function. Yeah, he was just dumb. And this all seemed gay to him? Yeah. I don't know how any of the, I agree with you. I don't know how any of this translates to gay.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Can you imagine getting hit by a car like, like, dramatically, but then all of a sudden, it's just like you making delicious radicchio, like, salads, like you, like, going out to out to like, you know talking about really wonderful vacation spots and pump How much you love going to fucking the Cape and like, you know, like all that kind of shit But Gary also had an uncontrollable Temper making him again an inconvenient person to have as a next-door. Yeah he was, he's, yeah that's the problem. It's not, the only thing he did wrong was be a bad neighbor, but only a bad neighbor
Starting point is 00:54:51 like a dog's bad. He just was not, he was all fucked up. He probably has brain damage. Yes he did. He absolutely had brain damage. Well I mean that's what I said in the last episode is that Salisbury North seemed like at this time to be a place where they just kind of shoved people like just put them in Salisbury North Give them some welfare payments and we can just forget about these but we can forget these people exist
Starting point is 00:55:14 You know what's happening here. This is the cast of meet the feebles This is meet the feebles Wow, that's incredible This is Meet the Feebles. Wow. Wow. That's incredible. Well, according to Bunting, O'Dwyer was a quote, pathetic, epileptic piece of waste. And Bunting fantasized endlessly about murdering Gary.
Starting point is 00:55:34 He then set on the task of getting to know Jamie to see if they could kill him without drawing too much attention. And to see if his disability checks were big enough to take the risk. I got it. Let's send our most charismatic member. let's send a little heroine boy, out to be our spy! Sadly Gary O'Dwyer had no idea he was being cased, he just thought that Jamie was a new friend. Oh god, he also just had the idea that Gary O'Dwyer didn't think he was going to be cased.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Cased for what? Yeah, Jamie was merely the bait, and after Bunting decided to go ahead with the murder Jamie was the one tasked with taking Gary out to the pub and inviting him back to Gary's place for a nightcap Well, this is how much of a pussy John Bunting truly is where he needed this person with a literal physical and mental disability to get drunk before he could go add and physically dominate a person that also was smaller than him. Yeah. Bunting and Wagner soon joined them at Gary's house, but after just a few minutes of drinking
Starting point is 00:56:34 and talking, Wagner stood up and grabbed Gary by the throat, which caused Gary to go into a seizure. Once the episode subsided, Bunting and Wagner put on the handcuffs, pulled Gary's mattress into the kitchen, and laid Gary on top to ask him about his alleged pedophilia. I suppose to see if they could shoehorn this murder into their overall mission. Kind of sounds like Abu Ghraib. Yeah. Gary got the same incredibly cruel treatment as Fred,
Starting point is 00:57:00 with the shocks to the genitals, the sparklers, the cigarettes, the toe-crushing, everything. And this I think is actually the greatest irony of the whole Snowtown murder saga. See the men who weren't pedophiles got the worst torture. This was because they had nothing to confess to and Bunting and Wagner kept going harder and harder to try and elicit a confession to something that didn't happen. All so they could justify what they were doing. But they didn't need the justification, nor do they even care to get it. They just like the process of torturing, and it does sort of feel like it was an endgame in and of itself. But they only did it to the guy- like the guys who were actual pedophiles, like Troy, like, you know, like, Eude.
Starting point is 00:57:41 He didn't get the horrible treatment that the other guys got. Because they were on the first half Mmm, I suppose so here. This is the natural now We're seeing the natural escalation of serial killers to the point where John bunting is And Robert Wagner are both so bored with what they're doing or and that they're looking for ways to make it more exciting for them But they don't do it with the next victim. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, they're all over the place I think it really is they're trying they're toward they're trying to get some sort of confession out of them And so they're just going work because the other guy cuz you just like yeah
Starting point is 00:58:13 My brother yeah, I think they're just trying to justify it. Yeah, sure I mean, they're gotta be like just so bored. It's all comes from that. You know, they're sitting there with just one live CD Be entertained Bored this all comes from that. I'm you know, sitting there with just one live CD Trying to fucking like be entertained. Yeah, I got one PlayStation game Cubertover Twisted metal to Like what's its puns no tub dumping what else is all chumbawamba? What now that's England that's England What's in the then? Come on? Oh lane Dexys Midnight Runners Yeah, I suppose
Starting point is 00:58:51 Boys toto yeah, oh, they're Australian really yeah, yeah grong grong. I like them a lot But at any rate around nine o'clock Jamie said he felt ill and he left the house But after Gary had been tortured to death Jamie was brought back to help loot Gary's possessions Within a few days Gary's body was in a barrel in Mark Hayden's garage But as it turned out no recorded tape messages were necessary The only connection Gary O'Dwyer had to anyone was to his former foster mother He was 29 by this point. And from what she said, it just didn't occur to her to report Gary as a missing person.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Well, they weren't in communication anymore. By that point, Gary sort of was living on his own, and his problems have made him not super easy to take care of. I got lots of family I haven't talked to in months. You know? Yeah, of course. But that's not to say that nobody investigated any of these missing people after Vanessa Lane disappeared It was discovered that money was still being withdrawn from her account nine months later in Adelaide
Starting point is 00:59:55 Even though she'd supposedly moved to Queensland video surveillance showed that the person withdrawing the money was Robert Wagner So a detective had a team shadow Wagner six times over six months in 1998. But since there was no direct evidence of a major crime, the surveillance was limited and requests for additional manpower were denied. Yeah, I don't really understand what happened with the beginning of this idea. Well, I do understand. I think that's what we were saying before. They don't care that.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Yeah, Vanessa, when was that? And if this was America, the cops would have just beat the shit out of them and found out some stuff then. Honestly, I don't know if they put it past the Australian police every once in a while to knock a guy about. But had police looked a bit more into Robert Wagner's life, they would have certainly found John Bunting. And they just may have been able to prevent the disappearance and death of Mark Hayden's wife Elizabeth. Now, John Bunting had always hated Elizabeth Hayden, and while that might have been enough for him to kill her at this point, it's probably more likely that Elizabeth was killed because she knew too much.
Starting point is 01:00:57 She did seem like a fine woman, maybe? I have no idea. She was married to Mark Hayden. Yeah, she's not a full accomplice, but she had an almost Miss Piggy like obsession with John Bunting. Mm-hmm. She was sexually Obsessed she saw that man This is the second time you've used Miss Piggy as a way to describe a sexual attraction between a woman and a man Well, it's cuz of the way it was. Elizabeth Hayden was a lot like,
Starting point is 01:01:28 oh, Johnny! Like, it was very much she was interested. I don't think Miss Piggy could take John Bunting personally. I would love to see it. I would pay that, save that for March Madness. Next year. Next year, Miss Pig piggy is gonna be Well the reason why Elizabeth knew too much was not only because there were six bodies and barrels rapidly decomposing in her garage
Starting point is 01:01:57 But because Mark Hayden had also told his wife about the murders Presumably after she asked what the fuck was stinking so much out in the garage? Well, for so long they kept saying it was kangaroo. Yeah. So they were saying that they were culling kangaroos and had kangaroo meat around and so it was just rotting in the sun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Which they were doing, right? I think that there was some in there. Cool. And so, sometime in late November 1998, Bunting told Mark Hayden to clear out of the house and take Gail with him Hayden did what he was told and went for a drive with Gail and while he was gone His wife was tortured and killed in her own bathroom Her body was then drug out to the garage and placed in a barrel marking body number eight Now with this murder bunting and Wagner couldn't really do the
Starting point is 01:02:45 whole voice recording ruse because there were too many people who'd just seen her. So Bunting, Hayden, and Wagner came up with a story and told police that Elizabeth had left home drunk one night and ran away with a new boyfriend. These guys truly have more sex than any group of supermodels you have ever met. There is something about this style of white trash That just not just this style. It's I Seven kids. I know yeah growing so horny growing up in a town where there's like a lot of these types of people around They're all fucking all the time. It's not even there's in breeding. There's everyone's everyone
Starting point is 01:03:23 Everyone's fucking fucking horrible. Is's everyone's everyone everyone is fucking fucking horrible Is it what what is it about it? Cuz it's like boredom and it's like it's just straight instinct Yeah, I guess you think that's what it is. It's just no impulse control. So no No, no control at none of these people have impulse control I don't start fuck I remember like all the kids that were in like the bad neighborhood where I grew up they were fucking like 12 Yeah, yeah, it was like terrifying There's no way that like John bunting was like good at sex no no
Starting point is 01:03:52 I don't think any of them were particularly good at so yeah, I don't think he really cared about the female orgasm Yeah, but maybe he had one of those weird fat dicks the ones that are like really big in the middle potato dick potato dick Well when their first story was proved to be full of holes They changed it to something far more complicated Involving a visit to Mark's father and a fight and a girlfriend and all sorts of extra people way too much to keep straight And Mark Hayden at this point like He when he saw his wife's dead body reportedly he laughed well He also apparently didn't like it and they would all make fun of her
Starting point is 01:04:33 They all got together and would make fun of her the way she dressed the way she talked That's not well because this story wasn't adding up Elizabeth's brother reported her missing and the police started asking more questions. Questions soon turned into statements and statements turned into searches. Specifically, police got a search warrant for Mark Hayden's home where the bodies and the barrels were being kept. Police arrived and found Elizabeth's purse, ID, bank cards and wedding ring. Luminol was also sprayed around the house to check for traces of blood
Starting point is 01:05:07 and traces were found in the laundry room. Investigators then opened the door to the garage and even though they smelled the stench of death and found maggot casings scattered about the floor, the bodies in the barrels weren't there. That's because Bunting and Wagner had already moved them to Snowtown. And that's where we'll pick back up for the conclusion to our series. We have a lot left to cover.
Starting point is 01:05:34 This is a huge story. We were going to do this in two, but there's just so much. It was going to be a two and a half hour episode. So this was, I'm excited for this. This is a story that I find interesting Sadly, no, it's fascinating Absolutely fascinating the books good, you know, I'm reading the last night like Natalie's like what you eat and how's this like? Oh, do you want me to scribe? Yeah?
Starting point is 01:05:56 And then up at this look we're gonna come back we're going for a little bit of a break But we're not the show is not but us as humans are and we're gonna come back with episode Three of this after next week, but you'll you will like it next week next week Well, we might as well go ahead and tell people what next week is gonna be next week is our the LPN spring break Whole network goes and takes a little bit of a vacation And so for that week, we've pre-recorded an interview with John Wayne Gacy's last lawyer. This is honestly it was fascinating. It's fascinating. It's with the the woman who tried to save John Wayne Gacy from the death penalty.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Great interview. She's got a new book out. It's a lot of fun. We hope you guys enjoy it but after that we're gonna come back with the the snow town murders part three and the next two series after that I'm so excited for what we have going this spring so much cool shit. Yeah And it's all cooking. Yeah Cooking it's cooking hearts. Thank y'all so much for listening Do not forget to go to slash last podcast on the left to watch full video of these episodes podcast on the left to watch full video of these episodes where we're recording. You see our jaw will shake. You can go to TikTok and Instagram and follow us at LP on the left and be sure to check
Starting point is 01:07:13 out LPN TV on Twitch. That's slash LPN TV. We're also available on YouTube after the shows have aired. And of course go to last podcast on the left left comm to see all of our tour dates for this Year, we have a ton in North America. We're coming and we're coming to Australia. We're fucking coming to Adelaide So we can't wait for that shit. Yeah And we're also doing Yeah, we'll meet him! We'll meet him, yeah! Hi Mark, hi! Mark, Mark, hey! See if we can get him for the show! Yeah, that'd be great! And we're also doing England this year in October.
Starting point is 01:07:51 We're gonna be doing two dates in London in October, so make sure to go check out those dates to see if you can make it. And we're also, I'm so fucking excited, we're doing Reykjavik this year, finally, after years of talking about it, we're gonna be doing the Harpa, we're gonna be doing the big fucking concert hall, I mean we're not doing the big room. The big big one. We're not doing the big room. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:10 No, no, no, of course not. Uh, but all y'all out there in Reykjavik, I know you like to wait till the last minute! We're going out and buy your tickets now. Yeah! Can't wait to come and eat a bunch of lamb, and I'm fucking, I'll show you guys- Shicklefish. I can't wait. No, I'll show you guys fucking Icelandic hot dogs
Starting point is 01:08:26 All right fucking incredible. Are you just gonna show us? October 18th and 20th in London and October 22nd in Reykjavik so can't wait to to see you all out on the road this year. Yeah. Also side stories live May 9th. At the Netflix is a Joke special at the Masonic Lodge in Los Angeles. We're going to have some special guests.
Starting point is 01:08:53 It's going to be really fun and go check on this new project. We've been working on. It's called You're going to want to just type that into your URL. It's been a minute. I was looking at it this morning. Yeah, I was on, also I was on page seven this week. Go listen to that. Nice.
Starting point is 01:09:08 It was a lot of fun. And this week you can catch me at Outback Steakhouses all across Los Angeles doing research, getting the barrel onion soup. Yeah, you're gonna love it. And don't forget to listen to Brighter Side as well. That's right, we're rocking and rolling. Two shows a week now brighter side stories on Wednesday and brighter side proper on Friday It's gonna be great. It's gonna be great y'all see fuckers. Hail Satan. Okay
Starting point is 01:09:34 Nobody I got nobody. Yeah, nobody this time. I got no one to know hailed the cop maybe Maybe he's still fucked up. You know, I'm gonna go ahead and say I want to give the do I like the toadies Yeah They're good Texas band play Lubbock all the time. Yeah, hell the toadies. Why not? Also? Rem is better. Rm is by far the best at all those bands. Do you think so? Yeah, I'm a massive Rm fan Yeah Rm hell Rm. I still like all and Shane's most. I don't like them. I don't know if everyone does hurt.
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