Last Podcast On The Left - Transmedium - Fast Movers & USOs: An Interview with Darcy Weir

Episode Date: May 1, 2024

Henry & Eddie sit down with Investigative Journalist, Documentarian, and UFOlogist Darcy Weir - to discuss his new film "Transmedium: Fast Movers and USOs", the many slices of the UFO phenomenon, and... decyphering fact from fiction in the ever-expanding world of UFOology.Rent or Buy "Transmedium: Fast Movers and USOs" today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, did you know that you can watch last podcast on the left and side stories on our Patreon right now? Yes, that's slash last podcast on the left. But over on TikTok, you can see the hottest, tightest, funniest clips from the show right there. It's TikTok. TikTok. It's at LP on the left.
Starting point is 00:00:23 It's the same as our Instagram. You already follow the Instagram. Why don't you go follow TikTok? But it's on TikTok. Yeah, because... Seal is...believing. Yep. So just go check it out. Watch it. Go send our podcast to China. I love TikTok the Crocodile. It's my favorite TikTok. That's the only one he knows. I love TikTok the crocodile. It's my favorite. That's the only one he knows Hey there intrepid patreon listeners Thank God for you Every day I wake up and I don't go on a spree of mayhem
Starting point is 00:00:58 Because of you my incredible patreon subscribers Hi, I'm Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. Hello, how are you doing, buddy? I'm doing good. Big day for you today. I am very excited about talking to this gentleman who's an expert. Well, he's a jack of every single UFO trade,
Starting point is 00:01:18 which again makes him my favorite person, but also probably like, you know, you got to get him in there. He's ready to talk about aliens. He's going to take over Thanksgiving. That's for certain. I would love to be at Thanksgiving with you. This is the director, investigative journalist, and the documentarian, you just made the brand new documentary, Transmedium, Fast Movers and USOs talking all about our submerged friends that are harassing the US Navy. Everybody, this is Darcy Weir.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Thank you so much for being here, man. Thanks for the intro, Henry. Ed, nice to meet you guys. Good to meet you too, Mr. Weir. Good ginger beard, man. Yeah, it's getting a little bit of white in it, but you know. Embrace it. It makes sense
Starting point is 00:02:05 with the UFO territory, man. You learn some things and you get a few white hairs. It's like being president ever since I started to get mine. I feel like people take me this much more seriously. So keep them. I mean, it helps if somebody takes you seriously. So maybe I'll just die the whole thing white. Dude! Go full, full, bleached! Maybe I'll take after my grandmother and do like a pearl head dye and then you know go white on the beard. Man and then that's like it fits, documentarian. Call me Q-tip. Yeah, you mean my bro Q-tip? He knows everything about US usos dog. I mean like yes, and he can't rap
Starting point is 00:02:48 Hey, this never stopped anybody before yeah, that's true So I do even try to approach what you cover within the world of youth ology We it's all of it you you pretty much run the gamut of the entire phenomena Within your series because like you also run to see, you directed a series called Beyond the Spectrum, which is great. That covers a lot of stuff just within that little umbrella sphere. Yeah, kind of like re-released it in a bunch of separate docs because I had originally dealt with a distributor, a film distributor, and then kind of left them
Starting point is 00:03:27 and relaunched a lot of these documentary ideas in terms of, I guess, like different slices of the UFO phenomenon. And the original Beyond the Spectrum stuff, you can't really see anymore. It's been taken down, but it- Yeah, I went looking for it. It started with the idea of things existing in our reality
Starting point is 00:03:54 that were beyond our visual and our mental spectrum, right? So the human eye can see between really far in the red spectrum of the color of light called infrared. As soon as you go into infrared, you stop seeing that end of the spectrum. And then into the very other opposite of the color spectrum is like purple, and beyond that is ultraviolet. And we're basically dealing in wavelengths that the human eye can't pick up. And it seems that different UFO hunters throughout history have been using cameras that access
Starting point is 00:04:40 that light spectrum infrared, and they can usually pick up these UFOs. And then NASA, for example, they created a camera called the FarLight Ultraviolet camera, which they nicknamed a GlowCam. And they took that into their space shuttle missions, like the STS missions that were arming the, well, building the International Space Station. And when they used, whenever they turned on the glow cam and they were outside the Earth's atmosphere, they were seeing so much stuff. And I documented a lot of that sort of UFO activity
Starting point is 00:05:24 that was happening outside our atmosphere that NASA was capturing on their state of the art cameras capturing a light spectrum the human eye can't even see in. And they were tracking them and some of these video clips that I've put together in this documentary series, you can see them like literally focusing in and following UFOs, but that behavior seemed to sort of change over the years. Is that the type of stuff that looks like donuts?
Starting point is 00:05:55 They have those like weird things that look like donuts that kind of go in and out that look like that. We, for some reason, we can't see them, but they're literally beyond the spectrum of our site. Yeah, I mean, you're probably thinking of one of the most famous UFO videos is called STS-75. And it's the space shuttle mission where they launched this giant tether that was supposed to, it had this like globe on the end of the tether and they were going to suspend it in open space and when they activated it, it was supposed to try and pick up electricity that was innate,
Starting point is 00:06:35 that was just naturally in the void of space. And the moment they turned it on, so much electricity shot through it that it shorted out the tethers. Basically had like a breaker box at the base of it connected to the space station just in case there was too much electricity that came through it. So it didn't fry the whole space station. And the tether blew up and disconnected and then basically flew off into space. So the rest of that mission that they were recording this video, they're tracking the space tether in the middle of space. And you see all these
Starting point is 00:07:23 like sort of, for a lack of a better word, space donuts flying around the tether in the ultraviolet light spectrum. It looks like black and white footage. Yeah, it's weird as hell. Yeah. And, you know, a guy named David Serreta became pretty famous for breaking down that footage. Another guy, a fellow Canadian who was kind of stocking NASA's space camera footage, his name's Martin Stubbs. I met him, I interviewed him for my documentary series called Secret Space UFOs. And-
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, cause you have a whole world on the secret space program as well, which is kind of like the idea that there is a separate entity within either like either outside of NASA or within NASA or within what we now call the Space Force, whatever that's going to be. That right. Like, isn't the idea that they are operating and doing things outside of our awareness? Yeah, I think what people don't realize is that NASA was extricably linked with The Air Force since its inception. I mean it started as NACA in
Starting point is 00:08:39 1958 the Air Force launched NACA and then a year later in 1959 It became NASA the National Aeronautics Space Administration, right? Yes. And because of their link to the Air Force, they follow the same classification protocols with safeguarding data from the public. Because, look, this is the tip of the spear in terms of science. They are the military's best nerds. You know what I mean? Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yes. And when these nerds- Used to be Germany's best nerds. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, originally it really was a lot of Germany's Nazi nerds, if you want to call them that from logic paperclip days, they were bringing them over post World War II. Wernher von Braun, who was the head of the two rocket program that was trying to bomb London with rockets. He ends up getting absorbed into NASA
Starting point is 00:09:47 and was the person responsible for putting us on the moon. I mean, it was his advanced rocket program within NASA that allowed us to take off from earth and send men in a capsule around the moon for the first time, right? We haven't been back since, apparently. So yeah, I guess like that whole series, Secret Space UFOs, I made five different documentaries in that.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It just spans from the very beginning of NASA's inception with the X-15 missions, going through to the Mercury program, Gemini, which was called the Bridge to the Moon. They were testing out how to do missions in space, in cislunar space, orbiting around the Moon, perfecting that, doing extra vehicular activities. And then finally, the Apollo manned missions where they're actually going to the moon, they're landing on the moon. And, you know, I've spoken to all these interesting guys that state, well, the moon has ancient technology there. And that's why the Americans wanted to get there first
Starting point is 00:11:02 because they wanted to maybe seize or capture some of this alien stuff that they were finding on earlier missions, like structures that looked like they were created by some kind of intelligence before us. So yeah, there's a whole mystery to space and NASA has to, I think, play dumb and pretend that, A, there's nothing to see out there except for prosaic things like asteroids, comets, and natural space weather phenomenon and then, you know, dead planets and no intelligent life, right? Whereas I think I'm convinced that they found signs of other life out there. They've probably found ancient megalithic structures sometimes on the moon. And I think they've also been part of the UFO cover-up on earth whenever certain events have taken place.
Starting point is 00:12:13 NASA has been asked by the public as an authority in science. Never a straight answer. And they give a, yeah, they give us, they give an answer that doesn't seem to even be scientific. It seems to be like a cover up. It seems to be like a cover story. And they did the very same thing.
Starting point is 00:12:34 You know, I started off my documentary transmedium with NASA's UAP conference where they took the time to debunk the go fast UFO. Yes. They called it a radar artifact. Right. Yeah. They said the object was traveling no more than like 40 miles per hour, although other scientists have done same like basically trajectory and you know, all this different science considering the FLIR technology and the type
Starting point is 00:13:07 of craft that was tracking it and said, no, this has to be going over 100 miles per hour. Regardless, we don't have any drones that are spherical. We don't have traditional flight surfaces without wings. In other words, we don't have something that can fly spherically against the wind at even 40 miles per hour in the middle of the ocean where we're carrying out these flight exercises in guarded, sensitive military restricted areas. Oh yeah. And there's a lot to unpack here, too. There's a lot to unpack because because yeah, that's even faster than our submarines where it's like they literally go. That's the peak of our like our underwater technology goes like 40 knots. But should most if it does exist,
Starting point is 00:13:56 which it seems like these things do exist, why would NASA tell us? Like, shouldn't they? Shouldn't they? If they do work for our country, shouldn't they be keeping it a secret? Other countries don't know. I'm kind of on the other side being like, I feel like if NASA has all these secrets, talk about a way to become the most funded government program is to being like, you got to go through the, to get to the aliens, you got to go through us. You got to give us a lot of money to develop a welcome center for the Palladiums. It's funny because like that is the argument that Seth Shostak uses. Right. And I interviewed Seth Shostak in his home for the secret space UFO series I did before. And he said like, why wouldn't NASA admit this? Right. If NASA admitted this, then they could get all this funding from the government and the whole world could get behind them and we could get to the bottom of the alien
Starting point is 00:14:49 existence in our own space, in our own atmosphere or outside our Earth's atmosphere, right? But the thing is, right, it's just like what Ed just said, right? I think it's a complicated game because if you listen to whistleblowers or the testimony of credible people that have been studying this phenomenon, like Richard Dolan, for decades now, the cover-up, it would serve two primary missions, right? One would be to facilitate that we do not have anything exotic, that we are only using technology that is fossil fuel based and therefore making sure that our adversaries think that we're weaker than we are.
Starting point is 00:15:39 If you believe that like this guy, David Grush forward right? Yeah. He said there are special access programs that exist. He's interviewed many witnesses that are part of them. They're not really great works environments to work under. These people sign non-disclosure agreements that are binding for life and they didn't necessarily even know it was going to be like that until they got into the program and then they're kind of like trapped. You know what I mean? Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:13 So you got guys like this coming forward and they're saying, yes, we have crash retrieval programs and we have for decades, like since the Pope was running the planet in the 1930s. And essentially the coverup facilitates making sure that any of that technology that we have been reverse engineering and we have been perfecting is ours. And that technology is protected from our adversaries knowledge, right? Because according to a lot of the UFO lore, America is kind of the,
Starting point is 00:16:48 we have a lot of that technology more so than China or Russia. According to, yeah, people like David Grush and many others that have spoken before him. Right. Um, but what people will, you know, if they listen to his recent disclosures, he's been saying that in the 1930s, for example, well before the fabled Roswell incident that happened in the 1940s, there was a UFO that crashed in Italy and Mussolini scrambled his forces to recover the craft. The Vatican then took it and they held it until they handed it over to the Americans because it is widely known
Starting point is 00:17:38 at this point that the American military industrial complex are the best in the world at taking on projects like this. Cause we got the money. We got the money, baby. Look at that military budget every year. It's like almost a trillion dollars. Okay. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:58 It's fantasy money. It's not even, we're at a point where you're just like making up a number and they're just, they could just get that. They just make the money for them to have. Yeah, it's like make it happen. And they make it happen. They probably are trying to reverse engineer some of this stuff that they've caught. But, you know, you listen to guys like Bob Lazar. He's a really interesting person who's whistleblown on his experience with a supposed reverse engineering
Starting point is 00:18:26 program. Some people say, oh, I don't believe them. But in the end, I think he definitely experienced something. It's a possibility that some of the information that was presented to him was false in order to use some form of counterintelligence just in case their personnel leaked this in the future. But I think he still went through something trying to analyze an exotic craps propulsion system. And it's like that was the 80s, but even then, we've got AI and all kinds of technological
Starting point is 00:19:09 advancements now that can help us discern what this stuff really is. I think disclosure may come with the help of AI in some way. Can I ask that where is our hard disclosure? Like, I know that we've been threatening. Grush has been saying that there's good. Well, I guess the term now is catastrophic disclosure. Yeah. That they use the idea of it's all just going to come out.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Like, I, because, you know, we've all been the UFO world for a long time. We've been hearing about this disclosure that's common. They're like, it's got, it's garbage right around the corner. And we haven't got it yet because obviously it seems like, uh, we had a hard time with a novel virus. I don't know if we're going to have a really good time with aliens or like wrap up your head. No, I don't think we will. And I think a really good time with aliens or like wrap up. Yeah, no, I don't think we will.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And I think we'll have a hard time with the next pandemic because people just are. It's like we're at an all time mistrust with our government. If you look at the history of this phenomenon, you know, things happened in 1947 where the Air Force came forward and said, we recovered a crashed flying saucer. The next day they republished the story saying, Oh no, it was just a weather balloon. Yeah. Fucking assholes weather balloon my ass. Yeah. That's a racist term in ufology. Right. Exactly. But that racial slur was widely accepted back in the day because people believed their government, believed people were, you know, everybody was a countryman, right? Now we can't agree on anything. And it's really like a super divided Western world. You've got
Starting point is 00:21:03 the United States divided, you've got the United States divided, you've got the Canadian public divided, you've got the British public divided. It's actually kind of perfect for our adversaries to infiltrate our social media and turn the screws to us psychologically, right? But with this subject in terms of where we're at with disclosure, I think catastrophic disclosure is a little bit dangerous. Yes I don't think it's the right way to go I think it really does need to be a drip feed and I think that drip feed really did start in 2017 I mean I was working on these docs the first documentary ever made Was made for YouTube back in 2012.
Starting point is 00:21:45 How did you even get it? Like, how did this, you get this UFO bug? How did you get the, the, the ufology virus? Yeah, the mind virus. Well, I came out, I came out of the box ready for UFOs as a, as a child. I was ready to go. I mean, look, I, I loved, loved, I think our science fiction has been laced with the notions that we're not alone for a long time, right? I mean, whether you're watching
Starting point is 00:22:13 something like Star Trek or you're watching something like X-Files, it's just like an open sort of secret within our entertainment, but within fiction entertainment. But I mean, in 2009, I was starting to build my very first documentary. I heard about this guy when I graduated university. I heard about this guy, Phil Schneider, who's talking about like, you know, helping build these deep underground military bases. And in the midst of his construction efforts, doing some geological surveys out at the Dulce, New Mexico area where that old Archuleta Mesa, the Dulce Archuleta Mesa is located. He came into a cavern that had these like evil aliens and they started a firefight and he got blown open.
Starting point is 00:23:10 And he had a Walter PPK with a nine shot modified clip. And he, I went in there and I'll show you the scars. And then when he does that thing, where it's like, it kind of felt like what Bob Seeger does against the wind on when he when he shows the scars everyone's Just like yeah, I knew he'd do it He's like this is my hand Yeah, I know it's like oh shit aliens fucking blues. Yeah, we're like oh my god those aliens flayed our men, but um But like you know he's fascinating though
Starting point is 00:23:41 We wanted to cover him honestly on the show, but his story is extremely tragic. Like, Phil Schneider's story is very, very sad. It's a scary story because in my opinion, there was some truth to what he was saying, but obviously he beefed it up with this sort of like James Bond slash Rambo character that he created for himself at these UFO conferences back in the day. And look like these UFO conferences are still going on today. He started, he started to be, we're going to be out one. We're going to be a contact in the desert. Yeah. We're going to be, we're going to be living it up with pistachios in our hands at the best UFO
Starting point is 00:24:22 conference. I fucking can't wait. Honestly,, it's gonna be a blast. But you know, Phil started this interesting war and you know, he really that war. Would you say that the Dulce Bay story was kind of, it basically was discovered by Phil Schneider in terms of like, that's what put it into the lexicon? Like the Dulce Wars and. You got to understand that even the, uh, the Manhattan project was being carried out that out in that area, right? The Los Alamos, um, the city of science that was created to build the original
Starting point is 00:25:00 nuclear bombs, that was all out that way before, you know, Dulse, New Mexico was just along the way. And there's rumors that there's, you know, an underground rail system that connects Los Alamos to Dulse, New Mexico's supposed base. I'm still like a firm believer that there's something under the Archuleta Mesa out there. Um, and you know, there's, uh, look at the people that live there. They, they still talk about all kinds of really creepy stuff that they see at night and people and like, um, you know, you got the skinwalker lore out that way. You've also got UFOs that are being seen coming
Starting point is 00:25:42 over the Archuleta Mesa all the time. It's a little city. It is. Yes. Paul Benowitz, this famous guy that got duped by Richard Doty, he talked about the Dulce, New Mexico Archuleta Mesa paranormal phenomenon until his demise. So it's like, it's been something that's been pretty speculative, but there seems to be something there.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And his story is tragic because he dies. And you know, we just want to know, was he onto something? Was he suicide or did he really take his own life? I mean, he- Well, because he wasn't he strangled by his own really take his own life? I mean, he wasn't he strangled by his own oxygen cord? Like he did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah. Which is grisly, right? That's a horrible way to go. And it does seem like a whack style. You already have a catheter, you know, come on. I'm the guy alone. If you're getting choked, but someone chokes you with your catheter, they're mad at you.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Yeah. That might be the fact. Yeah. That might be the case. And you know, I look, we were talking about disclosure and I've spoken with Steve Bassett about this and Bassett, you know, who also says disclosure is happening every day of every year now. But the big D disclosure from the president never actually has happened. Yeah. We also, as said, you know, you can strangle yourself with your own catheter report if you really want to.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And it's like, yeah, but there was just so many other things. Like when I first started that documentary, you know, full circle here, you're asking me how I got into this. I reached out to and I did my detective work and found Cynthia Dreher, who was his late wife, who he had a child with, Marie. And she said, you know, I believed everything he said. He warned us that he didn't want to kill himself and he was happy and he was making progress with what he was talking about. And she, when the detectives, the Clackamas County detectives came upon his body, there was blood on the floor. His head was faced down in his own wheelchair. Not really a situation where you would, if you were trying to do it yourself, wouldn't
Starting point is 00:28:13 you lie yourself up in the bed, lace yourself with drugs and kind of set yourself up in some way that when you fall asleep, you can't take your catheter cord off your neck or whatever. But that wasn't the case. They found his face, face down in his own wheelchair and his wheelchair was beside his bed. So it was a straight. It's very suspicious. It's suspicious, you know, it's a little bit different from just walking into an apartment, seeing somebody hanging. Then you're like, okay, this person committed suicide. Um, so they did a better job with Epstein, but he's in a wheelchair. He can't, they did a better job.
Starting point is 00:28:56 His neck real good. Um, yeah. So you have these situations where it just doesn't add up and then she, they got the coroner at the funeral home was who found the catheter around his neck. The police did not because his neck was so swollen. He was a bit overweight. That's when they started an investigation to see if there was foul play. And his ex-wife, who was his friend, they shared a kid, she really launched an investigation and wanted to find out what was going on here. So she reached out to the detective in the Clackamas County that was assigned to this case. She wanted to see the
Starting point is 00:29:37 coroner report. She wanted to see his blood toxicology and urine samples to see if there was drugs in there, to see if he had really laced himself up. They lost the blood and urine samples, which is strange again. And then when his death was pronounced in the newspaper, it set up natural causes. So it was very, just a whole bunch of weird stuff. Um, and, um, you know, he could have just straight up been, he could have just straight up got somebody angry about the idea of just even talking about the tunnels. Like it doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:10 have to be aliens. Like just talking about the nature of our underground bunker system, which is apparently extremely extensive. Like, you know, like all of these giant boring companies, literally what they're called, like these big big huge, like that's like a entire conspiracy theory is within the world of the guys, the companies, the construction companies that build our super secret underground bases are like, that's like where the secrets are. Like that's actually where the secrets. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And those safes. Do you worry about this? I mean you've made what? Ten documentaries 20 20 20. Do you worry about this happening to you? Do you feel like you're being watched? well, uh you know, I released trans medium and The week before I started speaking to people on shows like this, my main desktop that I do all my editing and I'm like, you know, compiling all my video footage and graphics and visuals and 3D effects and stuff was hacked.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I literally walked into my office, turned on this OLED TV screen I use for my editing, and the mouse was moving, and they were inside my email and going into my Google Drive. It was like the creepiest thing I've ever walked into, and I have a whole life prior to producing this stuff. Yeah, yeah, you have another life. You have an outside of UFO life. Yeah, I worked in IT, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Like I just worked for corporate head offices and security is important when you're working at these places and I never saw- So you're saying that UFO documentaries haven't made you a multi-millionaire. Ha ha ha ha. But I don't understand. Oh man, I wish. Ha ha ha ha. I thought that this was my way in.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I thought that this was where the money was. I tell you what, Henry, it is a stressful and a paranoid labor of love. That's what it really is. It's crazy. The community itself, you know, you release something and 50% of the people are attacking you and 50% of the people are like high five, you know, so it's, we walk this walk as well. I know that. It's not the greatest, but it's an interesting world. You know, it's like that, um, what if,
Starting point is 00:32:41 and, uh, fact is stranger than fiction sort of place to talk about ideas and um, you know, the idea that our reality is really just manufactured and control. So I find it fascinating. Oh yeah. Like, can I honestly like, and this is not like, uh, this is not like a skeptics attack because I always, every day I change about what it is I actually believe. Does all of this research, does it clear things up or does it make things more hazy? Like I'm both like, the more I read, sometimes I wonder like,
Starting point is 00:33:18 cause I become like a Robert Anton Wilson style, agnostic across the board where I'm like just fucking anything but bore me, you know, like, you know, like, let's just have it be something fun, you know? Yeah. Yeah. You know, like put some salt on my meal. Maybe sprinkle a little bit of big foot in my life today. Yeah. Yeah. So look, I, um, I'm pretty agnostic at this point, too. I don't have some allegiance to any certain person or sort of a spiritual belief. I'm actually skeptical about spiritualism and all that stuff. I would say that I'm more of like a science-minded person. I'd like to think
Starting point is 00:34:06 there's something physical to this phenomenon. But, um... Like, what's the thing you think that you learned? Like, what is the all of this year's... What's like a thing that's like been elucidated by all of this research? Well, look, if we get more testimony from people like David Grush, more testimony from people like David Grush, I think that would elucidate the idea that what many people have been saying over the decades is true, that we are interacting with a non-human intelligence on the planet, whether that's the War of the Worlds Orson Welles style ET, extraterrestrial, or just something that lives in our oceans that's non-human. And that's what the transmedium documentary is about. It's like, what if there's something that's here?
Starting point is 00:34:59 And it has mastery of a domain, not only in our skies, and we've been talking about that for many decades, seeing things UFOs flying around in our atmosphere, but maybe the oceans, which is 71% of our planet. Yeah. And it's out of sight, out of sound, just like these underground bases would be, right? I think there's a lot of things that I initially probably believed, but now I'm kind of like, you know, like, I probably believed that Phil Schneider got into a firefight with aliens, but now I'm like, no. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I'm like, no. Yeah, right. And I initially believed Billy Myers story, but then you talk to guys like Mr. Horn and I'm like, whoo, crazy. Yeah. It's a nice that you can still have crazy alarms. Isn't that nice? After all of these years, you still be like, all right, you're crazy. Yeah. But look, men in black, right? That phenomenon of somebody showing up to an experiencer's front door, whether that's them just seeing a UFO and taking pictures
Starting point is 00:36:18 of it somewhere over North America or people that have actually. Witnessed extraterrestrial beings and been harassed by men in black I think that's a real phenomenon and I think. What the men in black are it is just. Many different. Servicemen within our intelligence or our security
Starting point is 00:36:42 agencies you've got- you know, your first line is Air Force OSI, Office of Special Investigations. They would probably be trying to cover up special craft, high technology craft that the United States Air Force is testing out. Therefore they go out, they convince you it's a UFO you looked at Oh, we need those pictures. It's for national security. They confiscate your data
Starting point is 00:37:11 Michigan plea, right? Yeah, then you got guys like John Callahan who worked for the FAA, I think and He he was you know read into the whole JAL airlines, Japan Airlines incident over Anchorage, Alaska, where an object the size of like, I don't know, two football fields that look like a giant glowing sun in the try and evade these UFOs that were shooting lights into their cockpit. Like it was extremely stressful, that thing that was all recorded by the FAA. Guess who comes in to confiscate that and hold a special meeting with John Callahan and all the upper brass that were investigating that commercial flight incident, the CIA, right? So that's a different layer of security that wants to control this subject. So you got the
Starting point is 00:38:17 FBI, you got the CIA, the FBI is like the old wink wink nudge nudge X-Files type people that are the G men. Yeah, G men, right? You know, you got the NSA, you've got all kinds of slices of security intelligence that are trying to keep this subject under wraps. So I think the men in black phenomenon is real. It's just you know, and then when it gets into that sort of alien men in black thing, the woo we woo men in black. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not saying I discount that, but, um, I think there's just more credibility to, um, our intelligence
Starting point is 00:38:59 trying to control the narrative on this subject as much as they can. So the things I've learned are, A, we probably have our own craft that we're testing out that are, you know, spooky aircraft that people might think are aliens. And then we also probably have interacted with the non-human intelligence to some degree, and that's been covered up by, you know, the information gatekeepers in the world.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Oh yeah, because all it takes is one, remember Roger Clinton? All he's gotta do is get in there and destroy our relationship with the Grays and we're all screwed. You know what I mean? Like they gotta be really, really careful who they let in front of these NHIs.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah, those NHIs. Yeah, yeah. Some of them were good, some of them NHIs. Yeah, those NHIs. Yeah, yeah. Some of them are good. Some of them are bad. I find that interesting. I also like the idea of like if they are real, like who you can trust and who you can't. Like once you're in that world of ufology, it is hard because like when you start being like, well, I actually am a friend with a Nordic.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It's the reptilians you can't trust. Then you're like, oh no, like are we in disinformation zone or are we, am I actually talking to somebody who knows an alien? Yeah. Well, what if that reptilian is a vegan, you know, just eats broccoli? Why? There's gotta be some don't discriminate. So, all right, I'm also, I'm new to all of this. So it's an honor to speak to you, to be honest with you. But so telescopes are better than ever. We see everything. Obviously, there's nothing in the Milky Way, but what are their planets out there that were like, that could
Starting point is 00:40:40 be where they're from. You know, is there any like suspects? Is there any worlds that we're looking at that like, oh, maybe they're coming from there also or planets plural because who says that they all come from the same place? Yeah. And so it's like, what, what are people, what are ideas of that? Because I'm dumbfounded. I mean, there's been myths and fables of all sorts and kinds of origins for non-human intelligence in the ufology history, right? You've got, not that I believe it at this point, but you've got the fable Val Valiant Thor that it came from Mars. And if people, no, he came from Venus and if people know he came from Venus Venus purple he's a purple guy
Starting point is 00:41:28 and well the valiant Thor he left Venus because there was a change in government and then he came to the he was working with the US government in our intelligence community he was purple and incredibly soft hands he wore an invisible suit so he could breathe on Earth. Yeah, I'm talking galaxies away, you know. So if you want to talk about like one of the major stories that people listen to in terms of experiencers or abductees that have met a non-human intelligence. Betty and Barney Hill, they were abducted in the 1960s, and they, that's an African American and white couple. So they claimed that their captors came from Zeta reticuli. Now, the interesting thing about their story, which kind of blew the socks off of some of the researchers at the time that looked into this, when Betty was just describing the star system that they
Starting point is 00:42:33 were from, these non-human intelligence, they stated that they come from a binary star system, which at that time in the 1960s, we didn't even have the technology in astronomy to identify that Zeta reticuli is actually Zeta reticuli A and Zeta reticuli B, a binary star system. So that's a really strange detail that came out of that incident in which science later confirmed, yes, there is a binary star system there. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And these. That's just some weird ass stuff. That's like true high strangeness. Yeah. I mean, that's like a point where you're kind of like, are they telling the truth? Oh, my camera's acting up here, boys. Oh, shit. That's fucking the top, man, my camera's acting up here, boys. Oh, here they come. Oh, shit, that's fucking the top, man.
Starting point is 00:43:28 We're getting fucking shut down, man. They heard me. They heard me. Don't let Bezos know, dude. Damn. All right, let's lower this light. Jesus Christ. Yeah, yeah, you look good.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Honestly, you look good. We're going from my DSLR to a webcam... I like this is how we all really are. Yeah. So essentially, you know, that's... And the interesting thing about their claim is they were one of the originals that said these beings had large oblong shaped heads. They had large black, not, they had almond shaped eyes that were much larger than ours. But on top of that, the difference between their eyes and what people always claim as seeing a gray is that they actually had like pupils. They weren't like the grays that have these big sort of like lifeless looking black, like built in Ray-Ban eyes, you know what I mean? For all we know they're sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Well, also honestly, Eddie, that's what they do say. They do say that they have some kind of biomechanical like suit or they are robots themselves, especially grace. Yeah, they might be artificial intelligence, you know, for all we know they could be us in the future. I always like, I think that story is compelling to the past. Michael P masters makes that sort of argument, right? That maybe this is us where we've evolved so far. We want to come back and as like an anthropological study once we create time machines, we want to see what was it to be human at this point
Starting point is 00:45:14 in time in history, and they're observing us. And, you know, the cavemen that we are, we blow them out of the sky and then we start observing them, right? we are, we blow them out of the sky and then we start observing that. But yeah, I think you hear about stories like Zeta Reticuli being a destination that they're from. Sirius is a star system that you hear about certain races being from. And I think that would have been the fabled Nordics, which I'm not even 100% sure are real. But look, I've spoken to experiencers that state that they've spoken to human looking aliens, like that they literally have had dialogue with something that's not from our planet, but is human.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yes. And we just did the, we did the story of, what was it? It was at radiation. What was the name of that? It was radar Harry. It was like a ghost horse. This guy was the tall whites where it was a guy was talking about Charles Hall. Yes. Yes. When he was working out in the silos, and then he was meeting these tall...
Starting point is 00:46:29 They were like indoctrinating him, and like, he was like meeting with them and hanging out. It was very interesting. I love those types of stories. So, I lived in Australia at one point, and I interviewed when I was in Australia. I was kind of following the Westall 66 beat. I was really interested in their major mass witness sighting, which was during the day, maybe one or two saucers touched down behind a school, behind a secondary and a primary school, like, you know, grade one to three and high school in this area called the Grange outside of Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:47:10 And, you know, over 200 students and adult teachers saw this. Men in black sort of people intercepted and took away cameras and told the witnesses not to talk about it. It was a whole thing, right? So I was interested in that story. And I was part of this like New South Wales, uh, UFO group, and they would, they would sometimes have, you know, people in to speak and discuss UFOs from
Starting point is 00:47:43 other parts of the world. And Charles Hall came and I invited my friend, this guy Andrew Dennis, who lives in Bondi Beach now. He's another Canadian, but was living out there. And I was like, do you want to come to this crazy UFO lecture? This guy Charles Hall is going to talk about his experience with the tall whites these like aliens that look like humans that are like a bit more frail and but they live in the middle of the desert in like a
Starting point is 00:48:15 Military base that's you know a joint program between humans and them Yeah, I read like two of those books because he had like five, but he has like five books. I read two of them. It's crazy. So long story short, my favorite part of Charles Hall's speech, which I even recorded and I still have on camera on one of my hard drives from all these years. He talks about being in the mess hall with the aliens and he's like, you would not believe how much these Nordics like strawberry ice cream. I mean, it's good. They go to the ice cream machine and they would fill up their coat so much. I've never seen aliens eat so much strawberry ice cream. I love you. I love it. I never, it doesn't get old. There's new things in each corner, man.
Starting point is 00:49:11 When I was watching this lecture, I was watching and as soon as that part of the speech happened, I looked over at my buddy, Andrew Dennis, and he was looking at me and we were just, yeah, yeah., this is serious. Remember, this man thinks that you but, you know, it is I find it compelling. I find all of this, honestly, I'm a sucker for it. I love it. I do think that I'm with you. Something's going on.
Starting point is 00:49:36 We've said like, I don't know what it is. But I, you know, I think everything can be considered with a grain of salt and also an open mind. I think that you can look at it both ways and understand that there's stuff there, but be skeptical. Yeah, totally. I mean, like. The truth is out there, OK, we know to some degree. We need to get that techno X file on to like a soundboard. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:07 We know that there's some truth to the phenomenon, whether that's like a really deep cover up of our own technology that we've made breakthroughs with like anti-gravity or aliens coming to this planet and us meeting them secretly, covertly, and then saying, there's nothing to see here, folks. I mean, there's probably truths to both of that. But what you get is you get people that enter the scene, that exploit that, and they're going to tell their own flavor of the story. They're going to capitalize on this and
Starting point is 00:50:47 become, you know, they're going to get their 15 minutes of fame. And you get that with everything. You get that with Bigfoot. And I think there might be some truth there to Bigfoot. You've got you get that with cryptocurrency. I mean, there's a guy that said he created Bitcoin that's been going to court for the past five to six years and keeps being told by the court, you have no proof you created Bitcoin. But you have people that see something that's big, that's possibly real and happening, and they come into it and they do their thing and it's probably always gonna happen and I think eventually we're gonna get more truth out of you know this fruit we called ufology. Is there anything that to leave
Starting point is 00:51:37 our audience with like we'll wrap up now you're gonna want to check out Trans Medium it's really good I weirdly think that some of its natural phenomena that is mimicking us. I weird. I really think there's stuff out there that is just like we just don't understand was in the ocean, but a lot of it's very compelling. It's a great documentary. And I guess maybe one thing I maybe you could leave our audience with before you leave is what's one tip that you could give people to help quote unquote winnow towards
Starting point is 00:52:08 the truth? Like what to you, what's a way for people to look at a bunch of information and say like and try to figure out what is real and what is not real or like, you know, like, you know what I mean, I think like, what's really important is to measure what we have done verifiably in, in, in science throughout history, you know, so we've created these amazing computer systems and communication technologies and video so that the world is a global village. We can pick up the phone or open our computers
Starting point is 00:52:52 and we can communicate with each other instantaneously as if we're in the same room, which we're doing right now, right? Yes. This is exciting. This is technology that's acceptable. But then what powers all this stuff that we're communicating with around the world? It's a fossil fuel industry. So I think what you can look at in terms of technology, I think there's a type of technology that's accepted, that's protected by our worldwide economies so that we live within this box. And I think it's true that we're kept there.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And I think there's a possibility that we might be broadening that spectrum of belief, that spectrum of truth as that spectrum of truth, as we go into the future, because artificial intelligence is gonna speed up the progress of everything. I think AI, unless it turns on us and there's some kind of catastrophic 9-11 type of event that spurs from AI,
Starting point is 00:54:03 I think we're going to have advancements pretty quickly in things that in the public, we've been not allowed to have, right? So, fusion and energy, we did the breakthrough with that recently in the UK. If you have artificial intelligence, pushing that further and synthesizing that to a greater degree for cheaper.
Starting point is 00:54:28 We could be getting like renewable energy that completely changes this old world of fossil fuel economy. And I think opening up our consciousness to the idea that we're not alone in our universe, not alone on our planet to some degree, that will allow us to open up our sciences, our mainstream academic sciences, and allow us to push out into space like we haven't done before. Really start to try, you know, Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars. I think that will become more of a reality. Bring it back. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Yes. I think that's, when you start to think about disclosure, it might aid in our ability to navigate the cosmos, so to speak. That might be a reason why the Pentagon or people within the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies want this to be broadened and more widely known in society because it will help, you know, push mankind to a new era and allow us to accept certain scientific truths that weren't accepted before. That's really great.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Mr. Weir, thank you so much for being here with us. Eddie, you go, you want to leave with anything? I, you know, I'm very, I'm very happy to have met you. I think that personally as a new UFO guy, I believe in, I think the concept of aliens and UFOs being here make a lot more sense than God. And so it's interesting for me to learn about this stuff. I'm excited for when we can finally become the aliens and go to other planets and find
Starting point is 00:56:28 aliens ourselves. Dude, we already are bro. We're an alien. We're aliens on this rock bro. Look at octopus. Exactly. I mean, I also feel like the earth is 4 billion years old. There could have been societies in the past.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Whoa. Now he's getting, now he's getting down. We're losing them. I mean, dinosaurs are 65 million years. We're losing them. I mean, dinosaurs are 65 million years. We can barely find those bones. He's turning into Graham Hancock. We got a Graham Hancock. We got it. We got a Graham Hancock. Yes, I do. It's been an honor to meet you. I can't wait to hang out with you. Thank you so much. We should do a couples massage at the contact festival. Let's do it, man. Trust him in the dark. You can trust
Starting point is 00:57:10 him in the dark. I, I dude, thank you so much. Check out trans medium. It's on Amazon prime. That's how I rented it. And it's a great deal. And then honestly, if you want to know anything about UFOs, he's done it. So you just go through the lexicon. Is there anything you want to plug? Is there with socials or is like a website you want people to go to? Yeah, sure. People can hit me up on Twitter. It's a at occult journeys, which is my like studio name where I develop all these really crazy documentaries about. And my website's and then it's Darcy Weir films on Instagram. So dude, see you at contact. Let's let's hit up some lectures and I'm there to learn.
Starting point is 00:57:55 I can't wait. Yeah. I'll be bringing vape. Don't worry, man. Come on, bro. Thank you so much. Good to meet you. Henry.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Pleasure. Come on, bro. Dude, thank you so much. Yeah, good to meet you, Henry. It's a pleasure. Fly from your grave. And that was Darcy Weir. He did a good job. Yeah, I like him. I, you know what? I trust him.
Starting point is 00:58:14 You know what's funny is that he might know a little bit about the UFO phenomena. You think so? You know, I sometimes wonder, cause I know everything he's saying. You know, like I, he was, he went through like a bunch of different concepts. And it's like, I... He went through, like, a bunch of different concepts. I'm just like, yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I started to recognize a couple names. See? But I still don't... I couldn't tell you what they are now. I'm going to send you some more documentaries. I like documentaries. I like documentaries. Yeah, me too. I prefer documentaries.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So thank you, Patreon subscribers. Wow! You... You, individually... Are the aliens. Yep, you're there. You're them. Yeah, you don't know it I'm telling you now cover the call the government on yourself. That's right, man. You are the ones I already did it called the government on you and your family English isn't real what you actually are hearing is Sounds like these
Starting point is 00:59:08 I know less now. Goodbye everyone else it This show is made possible by listeners like you Thanks to our ad sponsors You can support our shows by supporting them for more shows like the one you just listened to, go to

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