My Brother, My Brother And Me - MaxFunDrive 2024: BoCo Highlights!

Episode Date: March 22, 2024

Happy MaxFunDrive everyone! We've been on the network approximately forever, and because of that our back catalog of bonus content can be pretty overwhelming. To help you out, here's some clips from t...hree of our favorite pieces of bonus content from years past: The recreation of the Episode 400 Margaritaville Blue Carpet, where we were joined by special guest Matt Doyle; Prankee Doodle Dandy, where we forced our way through social anxiety to prank call people; and the long-lost Detroit Star Wars Spectacular, which we released as a bonus goal during 2019's drive, because only members are allowed to experience that catastrophe.If you want to hear more, you can become a member at to get access to the full episodes, plus so, so much more. MaxFunDrive ends on March 29, 2024! Support our show now by becoming a member at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, this is my brother, my brother Me's 14th max fun drive. So there's a lot of bonus content. Boko. If you're a 14 year old shouldn't be allowed to drive. No, no, but this year you you're driving straight to laugh city. We make new bonus content every year. There is a wide variety of stuff in there. Some real, some real wild ones, if you've ever listened.
Starting point is 00:00:27 For example, there's... Last year, we redid episode 400, recreated our Margaritaville blue carpet episode with Matt Doyle performing as everyone besides us and us swapping our parts so we play different brothers. It was a psychological experiment. It was. There's Pranky Doodle Dandy, there's lots of stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Pranky Doodle Dandy, don't gloss over that. That's our entry in the prank universe. That's true. Yeah, there's a lot. You get to hear a Release stretch goal from 2019. There's our Detroit Star Wars spectacular, which only live show We are possibly anyone's ever done. Okay, it's they're all really good. Please take a listen and We will be back right after to remind you to please join
Starting point is 00:01:25 Is that maybe Matt Doyle? Nobody looks like the pictures. Matt Doyle? Maybe, maybe Matt Doyle? You say his name like 14 more times and maybe it'll just become true. Accurate. I'm thinking we need to be on the other side of this rope. You think that we would be?
Starting point is 00:01:41 So here's the, let's set up the scene for folks at home because remember we're recording an episode of the podcast. Okay, Travis is going across the rope. Yes, this is the right move. Okay, there's a rope and Travis is going on the other side of it. You gotta be more of a presence. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:55 We're kind of his producers. We're supervising producers. Okay, Travis is... Travis is across the rope that is protecting us from the beautiful people. So terrifying. Travis is very, all right, now listen, from this point forward, we can't talk about being scared. Nobody's gonna yell at you. Everybody's a crosser rope.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Now we're a crosser rope too. Yeah. Okay. Oh, now he looks like he's doing interviews? Okay, Miss Hughes. Miss Hughes, right? Miss Hughes, yes. Maybe don't mention we do a podcast now.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Let me think about it. Oh, no, okay. There's so many different iterations of how I'm gonna introduce us out of my head. Is this Hughes? No, I think, I don't actually know. I didn't do, we're brothers. I'm not, I'm not sure of the name.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Don't, yes, okay, yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, I'm gonna get this. Okay, Travis, Travis, it's okay. Can we ask you some quick questions? Hi, how's it going? We do an advice podcast. Whoa, what is this? It's a microphone.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We've never done this before, so we're gonna- We're recording a podcast. Very nervous, this is our first one. We do an advice podcast called My Brother, My Brother, and Me. We were wondering what advice would you give to our listeners as far as good activities to do on vacation?
Starting point is 00:03:05 Getting away to Margaritaville? Oh, I love this podcast question actually. So I definitely... I'm a huge hiker. I love to go hiking. And I think if you're on vacay, the best thing to start the day is by going up for like a little exercise, a little walk, and that way you're burning out the hangover from the night before. Nice.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I love that. You just work hard and you play hard. Well, but it's not working. You're out, you're engaging, you're being good to your body. Yeah. So you're not. That is a novel concept for the three of us.
Starting point is 00:03:43 This is the best advice we've ever actually had. Be healthier. That's good. But you got to be with people. Otherwise, it feels like punishment. It feels like work, right? But if you're with people, then it's just fun. And if you're alone, you also have to be worried about bears.
Starting point is 00:03:56 But with people, you're less likely to be attacked by a bear. Avoid bears. Bigger. More bears. Speaking of, our second question is, what sea creatures do you think are most dangerous? Roboto! This is Roboto! God damn.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I mean, I'm wearing a mermaid dress, so I think mermaids, right? Mermaids can be fairly terrifying. Wow, that's a really good point. They are scary, actually. That's not an obvious choice. They'll sink you into a trance. You walk right into the water. Exactly. I love it. Excellent. Thank you very much. Cool. And what's your podcast called? It's called My Brother, My Brother, and Me. Oh, duh. Like,
Starting point is 00:04:38 it's written on the sign. Okay, cool. Jimmy Buffett was on our our show and we asked if we could come to this and we didn't really think through the practicalities We're actually doing it a podcast on the red carpet. Yeah, this is not really our milieu, but we're hanging in there You're nailing it. Thank you. A lot of people walk past us before you stop. So this is kind of the first oh Yeah, thank you. Thank you for stopping Yeah, thank you. Thank you for stopping. Hopefully I... Ah! Oh!
Starting point is 00:05:05 Oh! Very normal. Hopefully I will, you know, start a trend for you. Good luck. Thank you, I appreciate that. Spread the word that we're regular normal people. Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:05:16 Thank you. Take a chance. We could say we're Kam's Hams, a local ham business in Huntington, and tell dad. You didn't have to explain that, everyone knows what Cam's Ham is, come on. There's a Huntington based ham business
Starting point is 00:05:30 called Cam's Hams, we need to call him and say that you are Cameron, Justin. Cameron, Hamron. And you do have a new ham you'd love to name after the man if you can get his explicit permission. Okay. All right. And what's the name of that ham gonna be?
Starting point is 00:05:47 We need to, good crank work, Justin, is all about the preparation. So we do need a name for the ham. Well, we can call it Clint's hog. Clint's hog is great. Yeah. So just let him know that this is Cameron Ham from Cam's Ham, and we'd love to name Clint's hog after you
Starting point is 00:06:07 So go ahead and do that. Go ahead and call him up. All right, I call him Did you guys just add dad's cell? I don't know his number. I don't know dad's phone number. Yeah, okay I'll add him real quick. Hold on Hold on. I think I found it. It's such a long time. I haven't seen him since we filmed the TV show All right, you got it juice. Yeah, I got I found it. It's been such a long time. I haven't seen him since we filmed the TV show. All right, you got it, Juice? Yeah, I got it. Crank that fucking idiot. Make him look like a real puddle of mud.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Please, you guys gotta bring the energy down a little bit or I'm gonna go into it so fucking hot. Yeah, you guys sound like Cameron Hamm. He's a stoop business man and he keeps it chill as fuck. This is like the third- Now, Justin, I wanna set you up for success. Do you wanna do the voice first for us? Oh, that's good, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:48 No. Justin, slice it. Justin, slice me off with slice of Cameron Ham, please. I think it's here, I think it's like, hey Clint, it's Cam. Very good. Holy shit, that's really good. I've never met Cameron Ham.
Starting point is 00:07:04 You disappeared into that Justin Day Lewis. All right, now be quiet. Everybody be fucking quiet. Okay. Please don't get on unless I need somebody else to talk through the details. Yeah, if you call me in on coming is Jamrin Ham. It's Cameron's brother.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Hello? I glant. I glant. I glant Cam. From Cam's Hams. I'm sorry, Jitty, you gave me your number. I hope it's alright. Can I call you out of the blue? Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:07:37 We've made a couple times different promotions for the restaurant. Sorry, my son keeps getting on he keeps getting my life Yeah sure. Daddy get you the meat. This camp. This camp and I got a real exciting thing. Yeah Clint I'm sorry man I got a root canal earlier it's kind of messed me up but I got to finish my work and the gases are still. Anyway I got a new ham I want to name after you because you're such a legend in this town and you're work means so much I'm sorry I'm getting worked up your work means so much to so many people and I just wanted to I was hoping and if you'd be alright if we could name a brand new ham I just gotten stuck I wanted to name it after you what uh what kind of ham it's a new it's a new kind it's a Chinese ham we just got in
Starting point is 00:08:55 dry aged real primo stuff I'm gonna name it Clint's Hogg Clint? Wow, that's, um... It's huge. Yeah, I'm, I'm, yeah, I mean, is there like, um, a financial compensation? All right, all right, all right. Now I heard this about you and I was ready for it You I'm gonna be able to say that you and your beautiful boys can eat at my restaurant That's funny. Cleo. I've never called it a restaurant before but I guess that's how I see it now Is it is it a restaurant? I think of it as I've never thought of it as a restaurant, but now I do Clint and I'm a stand, isn't it? I mean like thought of it as a restaurant, but now I do Clint. And, um, it's kind of a stand, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:46 I mean, like more of a necessary Clint. That's not necessarily cruel. Um, anyway, you can eat there for free any time you want. And my beautiful boys, you said beautiful boys. Are you sure you you're not, but tell me the name of it again, what is the name of this ham going to be Yeah, well, it's funny. I Didn't tell you Clint's hog, but we've been my wife started flailing wildly when I said it out loud So I'm a little worried about it. We may need to change it. Maybe the adventure ham
Starting point is 00:10:26 For the beautiful work that you told me, boys. Yeah. Um, you know, the radio show you knew with your sons, right? Yeah. Um, are you sure this isn't just, you know, you trying to get close to my, my sons. I mean, people have used me before to, you know, like, getting good with my kids. Are you sure this isn't that? Alright, dad, you got us. You're on scene. Hang up, hang up! What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:10:57 Hang up! No, no, no. We're gonna get in trouble! Let's break down how this happened. Welcome to Anatomy of a Bad Idea, starring Griffin and McElroy. On Tuesday of this week, I was looking at all the great tweets that my friends and colleagues were doing, and I saw one go up from my brother Justin that said, Hey, this Detroit Mabin Man show is gonna be all Star Wars themed. This is our first time going to Detroit.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Let's show up hard. And I said, Oh, great. Usually we run things by each other, or maybe we don't. Maybe this is just- Usually it's just like, we have such a good internal compass of like, will they be okay with this?
Starting point is 00:11:52 And you know what? 99.999999% of the time, we're all right. But y'all are what Malcolm Gladwell called an outlier. People ask us sometimes like, you guys have done a lot of live shows. Do you still get nervous and we'll tell them, no, not really. Cause we know what we're doing every time.
Starting point is 00:12:12 For this one? Detroit, I stand before you. Motown, Hitchfield USA, Comeback City of the USA. Paris of the Midwest. I feel a little bit, Cloud City of the Midwest. I feel, I feel a little bit... Cloud City of the Midwest? I feel... I feel a little... nervous. I have... We have some Star Wars themed questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:37 We have some regular questions. We have a ripcord. Yeah, yeah, that's our escape hatch. The expediency with which we transition to... some regular questions. We have a ripcord. Yeah, that's our escape hatch. The expediency with which we transition to regular questions will be an interactive fortune of the show. And it's how bad the panic attack that is currently blossoming inside my chest blooms forth in front of all of you.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Now, here's the thing. We also don't want to take for granted that everyone in this room has seen Star Wars. This is interesting. Please, and I know you'd be nervous to identify yourself, so maybe just a quick sharp woo if you've never seen a Star Wars movie before. Fuck, that was a lot of you shit. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So let me give you a quick rundown. Fuck. Of what happened in the farm boy TV. Travis hold on, you're trying to move on very quickly, but let's take a minute to really just soak in this. Well you guys soak in it while I... Okay. I'll tell you everything else. So there's a young farm boy who represents Jesus.
Starting point is 00:13:38 There was shit before that. There was shit before the Jesus farm boy. No, there's not. And so Jesus farm boy loses his uncle and aunt. Somewhere. And he's really sad. And then a green guy is like, raise that plane. And he does it.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And then a dude in a mask is like, rawr. Yeah. Oh, there's also an old man there. Shit. Okay, wait. Let me start over. So Luke has a crush on his sister. If you like that shit, weirdo,
Starting point is 00:14:17 there's so much Boko waiting for you, including stretch goal content. There's episode commentaries of the Mabim Bam TV show with us and our pal JD Amato, show runner on that. A particular television program. There's home movies of ours from when we were children. Yeah, those were there. There's an extended cut video of the naming of 2023, which features both the crushing
Starting point is 00:14:40 and the triumph of the human spirit. Yeah, and there's new stuff this year. And if, I don't know, depending on how the drive goes, even more stuff by the end of it. It's a lot, it's great. And we really appreciate your support. Of course, the Boko isn't the reason you support us. You support us because you love us
Starting point is 00:14:56 and you want more great stuff. Well, you want some more of us. Yes. So head on over to forward slash join right now to become a member. We really appreciate you. And thanks again.

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