My Brother, My Brother And Me - MBMBaM 699: The Platonic Dad

Episode Date: February 19, 2024

Don't worry if you missed out on the pop culture zeitgeist in the big sport event! We've got the rundown on everything you missed: not going in twisters, anti-Valentines, Jon Bovie the cow musician, a...nd hedgehog-adjacent tater tots. Suggested talking points: Caffeine Porridge, An R2-D2 Full of Bath Bombs, Skibidi Valentines, Dolly Parton Drifting The Marsha P. Johnson Institute

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The McElroy brothers are not experts, and their advice should never be followed. Travis insists he's a sexpert, but if there's a degree on his wall, I haven't seen it. Also, this show isn't for kids, which I mention only so the babies out there will know how cool they are for listening. What's up, you cool baby? One, two, three, four! It's the start of something beautiful. One, two, three, four. It feels like My life It's better, it's better with you My life
Starting point is 00:00:52 It's better, it's better with you This is true It's better, it's better with two My life It's better, it's better with two Violet! Ah, it's better with you Hello everybody and welcome to My Brother, My Brother and Me, an advice show for the modern era. I'm your oldest brother, Justin McElroy. I don't like letting Griffin go next anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I fucking hate it too, dude. Yeah, I'm taking it back to power. What up, Trav Nation? It's your boy, 1.5 Super Bowl winner, Travis McElroy. Hi. Hi. Didn't we all win the Super Bowl? Well, I'm just saying that between me and Travis Kelsey.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll get there in a second. There's an average. You'll get to my name? Yeah. Between me and Travis Kelsey, there's an average of 1.5 Super Bowl wins per Travis. Oh, I see an average of 1.5 Super Bowl wins per Travis. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Okay. Cool. Well, as we all know, my middle name is Dion. So big ups to Dion Sanders for winning me all of those, I don't know, 0.8% of all those Super Bowls that we got together. Big ups to Dion Sanders. And I'm Griffin Dion McElroy By this transitive property I have had Like
Starting point is 00:02:09 Two and a half really good parts in Trolls movies Yeah that's fair Well in a few Super Bowls Via Justin Manning Everyone's favorite All-star pro quarterback I would like to not split The boob reveal From split the boob reveal
Starting point is 00:02:26 from the notorious boob reveal. I do not wish to show credit. No, that's all his. With Mr. Timberlake, he may have it. Yeah, yeah. He may have that one. There's a few things
Starting point is 00:02:33 about old J. Timms that maybe he can... J. Timms that he can just keep. He can keep that. Hey, listen. Thank you so much. I would never yell at my coach. I would gently say,
Starting point is 00:02:41 excuse me, coach, if you could please. I would like to get back into the football game where I violently tackle people, but I'm going to ask you very nicely. I went to a neighbor's Super Bowl party for about three and a half minutes. And then I'm not going to name names, but some people in my family were jumping on the trampoline. Some of the shorter members. Some of the smaller members of the family jumped on the trampoline and one one of them had a throw-up, and then we had to immediately go home. Must have been the weirdest sort of hosting experience for the host of that party.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Like, what's up? Yeah, man, grab a beer. Can't wait for the big, and you're leaving. Oh, there's Bob and Jessica. I didn't watch this, except I did see the part where the man did yell at his coach and push him a little bit, which I understand, guys. Me, more than any of us, particularly the two of you on this call with me i get it in sports you get yeah hooked in the thrill of the moment but it seems like the stakes were pretty high for that man to not yell and push
Starting point is 00:03:36 um like of all the scenarios that could have gone well having 130 million people and your most famous girlfriend person who is currently alive watching, it seems like a good time to take a deep breath and do... I don't know, man. I think if I was in the Super Bowl, I would be pretty scared. That's a good point. We assume that it's fight or flight, baby. I don't think you always get to choose which one you're feeling at the time. I don't know, man. I feel however all the Taylor Swift fans feel right now as you're listening to this.
Starting point is 00:04:14 This is actually a transitive statement I'm making where as the opinion on those events shift with the Swifties, so too goes my judgment. It's Schrodinger's reaction. I get it. Yeah. Anything the Swifties decide collectively, just assume it has my full third. Yeah. So Griffin, can I tell you what you missed?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. I did not watch a second of this. It was a heck of a football game. There's a lot of football played out there. Not a single game left on the field. Griffin, you missed Plankton showing up randomly causing trouble.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Larry the Lobster just wandering around the field sometimes. Shots of, oh, did you guys not watch the Nickelodeon version where they included SpongeBob characters randomly throughout the game? That's so cool. I wish we had. That's the version I watched
Starting point is 00:05:08 to try to get my children to care at all. The only things BB cared about, one, hey, there's Plankton, and two, why isn't Travis Kelsey proposing? And I was like, because maybe it's the He's so mad right now. It's the Star Spangled Banner,
Starting point is 00:05:23 or because he's in the middle of a football play um because it's a car commercial um lots of reasons i i would rather listen to fucking mr crabs prattle on about how every uh football player is a wimp these days yes and in his day they played a hard nose tackle football i don't't know, for the entire game, listen to Tony Romo prattle on. Yeah. Can I do a joke? Yep. Oh, yeah. Mine wasn't a joke, by the way.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, no, no. But this is, I watched the HBO telecast, and it was sort of the same thing, except you had Tony Soprano popping up there to be like, yeah, yeah, there goes another interception. Yeah. That's when one of the men catches the football that wasn't supposed to. Wait.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Why I ought to. Can I get back to my thing? Yeah, go ahead. Okay, thank you. They had Patrick Starr and SpongeBob doing commentary from the booth, which I guarantee they were like, this is going to be a slam dunk idea. And listen, this is not a judgment a slam dunk idea. And listen, this is not a judgment on the voice actors or their execution.
Starting point is 00:06:28 But it did result in a lot of just like, SpongeBob being like, oh, so he caught the ball. And Patrick being like, oh, he got tackled. That's such a long time. When they go into that place, it's so exhausting to be in the SpongeBob cave and digging out the board. And they were mo-capping.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Oh, yeah. No way, man. Yeah. I would get so tired, even after spending a second inside of Patrick Starr's deranged mind. Terrifying. Griffin, the only thing I want to talk to you about is Jake Moody. Jake Moody is a player that I've been thinking about the entire football game, and I'm thinking about still to this day. So let me give you a quick rundown on Jake Moody, okay, Griff? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Jake Moody is the kicker for the niners right yeah he gets up there and uh he is do he's a good kicker man you would have to you would you would almost have to be at this level you'd have to be right yeah so uh the 49ers go up on the Chiefs 16-13, and he comes out to kick the point after. Important to note, earlier in this game, he had kicked the longest field goal in Super Bowl history. Oh, cool. Only to then, like half a quarter later, the Chiefs kicker came out and said okay here's one two
Starting point is 00:07:45 years longer and like broke his record just had his record broken so he's in his head already moody's in his head he goes out to kick the extra point and and give him a four point lead which is very different from a three point lead yeah because you can get three points super easy he goes out there and it gets absolutely blocked just so just just shut down like don't like like it was a goof like he was doing a fun one yeah for for class i and then he and then i proceeded to spend the rest of my game the game thinking like how his feelings must be going throughout the rest of the game he He's over there finkling on the bench real hard. Yeah, sure. Right. So
Starting point is 00:08:27 it's 16-13. This is not looking good because it gets blocked, right? But then he comes out and does a field goal that puts him back up. Nice. Right? So then I bet he's coming back to the bench like, wow!
Starting point is 00:08:44 Guys! Did you see that kick? Amazing. Really astounding. And then they lose the game by two points. And I bet at that point, Mr. Moody is probably giving it more like, you know, in a way, it's almost better to lose by three. Yeah. Because it's less frustrating. Right. You know what I mean? If we lost by two points lose by three. Yeah. Because it's less frustrating. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:06 You know what I mean? If we lost by two points. There's nothing I can do about that, coach. Score two touchdowns, maybe. There's nothing I can do about that. But, like, this one, history does not hang on that. No way, Don. And there were several moments in this game where the eye of history was going to be replaying that one a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:21 If you are that, to your point, Justin, if you are the one on the team who gets the three points and you don't lose by three points or anything divisible by three, that's probably dope as fuck. You win by three points, that one's for the bucks. That one's going down in history.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I want to talk about the 49ers quarterback, Brock Purdy. First of all, powerful name. What's that name again? Cowboy? Brock Purdy. Sounds like a Pokemon trainer you would go up against all rock type. I'm Brock Purdy. I mean, that's not Brock's last name. But wouldn't it be?
Starting point is 00:09:56 I wonder if You mean Mr. Irrelevant, right? If there is rules in place of like, hey, because I know when you win the super bowl, you have to stay on the field to do interviews and like get handed things. Are there rules about when you leave the super bowl, there's X amount of minutes you have to be present so we can film you because
Starting point is 00:10:16 they cut to Mr. Purdy sitting on his bench, looking very sad while chief color, uh, ticker tape rained down around him. As he sat there on a bench, just Charlie Browning so hard as ticker tape rained down around him. And I kept thinking, leave. You can go.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You don't have to stay there sad. If I lose the Super Bowl, I'm gone. I'm not going to stop running. I'm chugging off, waving. And then he has to do the interviews too. Hey, guys, everybody, that's mean. Let's not do it anymore. Let him go home.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Your questions are not going to help him improve. The Super Bowl's over. You're just asking, so what's it like to lose the Super Bowl? He's like, well, for shittiest thing I've ever felt. It's so shit. Imagine you were called Mr. Irrelevant because you're the last draft pick and then you were a quarterback in the Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:11:13 and they were like, that would feel amazing. He's like, yes, really good. Now imagine it's all snatched away from you. Yes. Now, did we lose by a multiple of seven? No. So I don't take any fucking credit. I don't do any of the three-point stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:26 That was on special teams for not getting a safety. So go talk to special team Stevie over there. Fuck up. I actually did my job. I did my job. We scored some touchdowns. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Damn, guys, that's the longest genuine sports talk I think we've ever had on this show. I know, that's the best we can do. That was really good. But, you know, Dad, if you've been waiting to go watch Reacher, now's the time. Daddy, we're done with sports.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Go watch Reacher now. And I believe Justin's talking to the platonic dad listening not just our dad but every dad listening if you're ready to check out go watch reacher every dad listens to our show at 2.5 speed just hoping to hear reacher and then they know to stop it drop to 0.5 times speed because we don't talk about reacher that fucking often man yeah that's how we give them the kick right now they're able to go back up a level to get to Reacher.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I'm a film student. This is an advice show. I meant to mention. I'm a film student currently taking a sound mixing class. Oh, man. I would love to take a sound mixing class. Yeah, dude. It might really help us. Sound engineering? I so wish I studied that. That is what we do here every week on the show, though, if you think about it.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I wish I'd taken a class to do it well. We mix our sounds together in this pot called comedy. I learned how to do sound stuff on the streets. I'm kind of street smart when it comes to podcasting and stuff. Right, yeah, for sure. The first assignment is to create a sound self-portrait in which I must gather a collection of sounds that somehow describes me.
Starting point is 00:13:08 So my question is, how would you all describe yourselves with sound? And what could I do to figure out what sounds are best for me? That's from Searching for Sounds in Utah. What an excellent question. That is a great question. I've never thought about that.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Justin, how do you describe yourself in sound? How would I describe myself in sound? Yeah. You know how everybody gets really annoyed with a coffee maker when it's making a bunch of noise? Yeah. But they sure do like it when the coffee comes brewing. Oh, boy. That's kind of like, I feel like that grinder sometimes.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I really like that one. It's also nice in the morning. It's a little bit of an oasis because the kids are like, you know? it's a little bit of an oasis because the kids are like you know and just for those 51 seconds twice while the grinder's going making the maximum amount it can grind two discrete times for me to enjoy uh-huh those are those are the those 102 seconds are a real highlight justin enjoys a sort of caffeine porridge uh every morning yeah it is uh a slurry if you will a hearty brew uh i mean you guys don't need to strain it his teeth will do that you know what my son v what laughter gross oh griffin that's so sweet of a child or an adult
Starting point is 00:14:21 comedian such as yourself a child or an adult my sound a comedian such as yourself. A child or an adult. My sound, when I leave this world, the reverberations that I will leave behind of sound will be the laughter of my enemies. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Because they'll be stoked. Oh, so you can create kind of a mini stages of life
Starting point is 00:14:38 where first it's a child's laughter, then it's a grownup's laughter, then it's your enemy's laughter, and that's how we'll know you're dead. Yeah, and the haters will love that, and they'll be laughing their heads off and i'll and you know what i'll float over them like a ghost like uh-oh looks like i finally made my haters laugh looks like the last laugh is my oh boom i didn't realize we were going to go kind of uh uh i don't know metaphorical with this i was just gonna say take a microphone and rub it all over my body
Starting point is 00:15:05 while I record, right? And that's the sound of me. That's what I was thinking. That's cool. Yes, and we'll print that on a gold record and launch it into space, and then aliens will be able to recreate you from the sort of just sound profile of your form.
Starting point is 00:15:18 That's incredible. What incredible technology. Yeah, man. Yeah, aliens, dude. Dude, you heard about these guys? Have you heard about these guys, you heard about these guys aliens they never do it man you never think they must have shitty technology yeah they're listening to us with tin cans on strings if one of us was going to get abducted by the aliens yes oh finally
Starting point is 00:15:37 would travis be the best candidate for it i think on site i think if the aliens are observing this planet and they see the three of us i think it will be more fun in their minds to be like well what if we use that one as the sort of like you don't think graffit represents more of an everyman slice of life of humanity that you for sure for sure but i think the if the aliens looked at the three of us they would be bored with me um they would definitely look at the two of you and be like, okay, they have hair all over. So that's the hairless one. The smooth, pure one. He's gone.
Starting point is 00:16:13 He's out. It's got to be the two hairy boys. And then I think between the two of you, they're going to say, Travis. But when you're doing a science experiment where you like have a rat in a maze, you're not like, give me the coolest rat you could find. Right? You're like, give me an average rat you can find right you're like give me an average sorry Travis you wouldn't you wouldn't say that I would but that's why I'm not a scientist Griffin that's why I'm the bad boy
Starting point is 00:16:34 of podcasting Travis would just be I just feel like Travis would be full Zephyr Beeblebrox in a heartbeat oh yeah no listen I'm way too into it I think that's why I think they'd be like No that guy he's too excited Griffin and I would get to space
Starting point is 00:16:50 Like two weeks later and we'd get on the ISS yes that's what's happening up there Thank you yeah read a book Come on all the clues are there Mr. Policeman Oh yeah this is uh This is Carl Flurg he's from the Flurg definition quick Come over here Flurg you'll love this. He's from the Flurg definition. Quick, come over here, Flurg.
Starting point is 00:17:05 You'll love this guy. He's a riot. Yeah. No, I would acclimate, well, I just don't think I would be first choice. I feel like I would spend several weeks just explaining what a bed is. Yeah. Because this is not a bed. Start over.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Try again. Oh, okay. I need comfort, is what i'm saying i don't think their various like slopes or pods or whatever they're doing is gonna work for me i need them to figure it out no they're not gonna accommodate me in fact if you are get if you see the beam of light blast into your window grab onto your bed frame as tightly as you possibly can and maybe it'll get sucked up in the funnel uh also that's gonna be best case for you up there maybe the aliens will be chill and let you
Starting point is 00:17:49 use your comfort item like i have five comfort i have five essential sleep talismans yeah there's no way yeah there's no way that i'm gonna get cozy on a spaceship guys like my fucking pillow game at this point is so i have a pillow that is very special and when you buy the pillow it comes with a extra bag of stuffing that is just the size of the pillow and literally over the course of maybe two weeks i was like a sprinkle here a little bit here i finally found the right pillow it looks almost identical to my wife's pillow so like i'm not sure how much my alchemy actually made a difference but i cannot i gotta have it i need it so bad or else i can't do my work i have my i have a cube shaped pillow for sleep yes a log
Starting point is 00:18:38 shaped pillow to hold my uh bluetooth headband and my two wrist braces for Carpal Tunnel. Without them, I'm not getting a wink. You're just fucking Ready Player One over there, just jacking in. Jacking into the dreamscape. Sometimes Cindy kisses me goodnight, and she says, I love you, Robocop. I love you too, sweetie.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And my future mother-in-law put a pea underneath my mattress. I can't sleep at all, you guys. Having a real hard time over here. To bring it back to sounds. Oh, yeah. Where are you guys out on white noise writ large? Have to. Sydney and I have had a real divide in our home because any white noise is really grating for her. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Like if I leave the fan on above the stove too long, it starts to stress her out. Me, like, I gotta have white noise. I love that shit. If it's quiet when I sleep. In order for me to sleep, I need what I like to call sensory neutral. Yeah. Right? Where it's not too much, but it's also not too little.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Right? Yeah. where it's not too much, but it's also not too little. Right? Where I have achieved a perfect balance of sound, like temperature, or whatever is in contact with my body, not too much, not too little. The idea of a weighted blanket terrifies me. I'd be so aware of it the whole time. No. It's good.
Starting point is 00:19:59 No, it's choice, guys. It's good. I can't. Sometimes my t-shirt fabric is wrong. You know what I mean? Like, I'm the idea of like, now let me make it so a big flat Stanley's laying on top of you. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I like it cold enough in the bedroom that I feel like I am surviving against the odds. Like I am in a struggle. Oh, you crawled into a tauntaun kind of deal. Yes, exactly. I need that like, if you get out of bed, it is not going to be good for you, man. Go back to sleep yeah do you guys think that luke like couldn't sleep without being inside of a
Starting point is 00:20:30 tauntaun for like a couple weeks after that yeah once he did it once he was like i'm chasing that high that was the greatest sleep every night they bring this jedi master a new tauntaun man he sure goes through a lot of tauntauns what's he doing with those things don't fucking you're not supposed to ask what he's doing he smells terrible he fucking stinks every morning he gave me a firm handshake and some some offal got on me and that was
Starting point is 00:20:55 weird I don't understand but he's so well rested look at his skin it's glowing it's the tauntaun it's the Tauntaun. It's the Tauntaun, I'll never tell. Just so you know, Griff, because you missed it, Danny DeVito
Starting point is 00:21:13 and Arnold Schwarzenegger got back together for an ad. Sounds like I really missed a fucking bang up year for advertisements. I meant to tell you about that. The whole ad was that, it was a minute long, and the whole ad was just that Arnold Schwarzenegger has an accent because he grew up in Austria. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I mean, that's literally, he's like, like a good neighbor. And they're like, neighbor. And I'm like, that's a minute of this, huh? And then at the end, they're like, we have a solution. And Danny DeVito shows up to say the word neighbor. And can I just say, State Farm, you hired Arnold. You knew what this man sounds like. You know what he sounds like.
Starting point is 00:21:48 You know what he sounds like. You know what he sounds like, so why the fuck are you nitpicking his notes now? You know that's how he sounds. Also, is the fiction in this world that Danny DeVito can only say the word neighbor good? When he says the motto, is he like, like a good neighbor?
Starting point is 00:22:04 Why not get him for the whole ad is he like why not get him for the whole ad what why not get him for the whole why not just use him save money arnold schwarzenegger is expensive i assume i've never booked a cameo with him probably very pricey i don't even know if he does can't he may be even too expensive for cameo believe it or not i actually bet at this point they're both pretty busy. Yeah. Only one of them is a governor though. That's a good point. I don't think Arnold Schwarzenegger
Starting point is 00:22:30 is still the governor, Trav. I might be wrong, but I don't. You don't stop being a governor, Justin. You always are a governor. You're a backup governor. That's a great point. Let's do another question. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Or we could go to the wizard's throne. Oh. Hey, let me, wait, slam dunk. This is a real answer, by the way. I thought about this. For your sound portrait, tell a story, right? Long story. And then just pull every um and er and breath and make that into a thing.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yes. And it's every time you make sound without thinking about it it's your portrait boom 100 a plus you're welcome yeah um sorry griffin just two more things because you're out of the cultural zeitgeist yeah uh robert f kennedy the second did an ad and it felt like the radio waves had been hijacked. It was insane. It was just a copy of the Kennedy. It was like his dad's ad, but just his face super imposed in this old weirdo ad. And also Griffin
Starting point is 00:23:36 just super quick. Twisters. Yeah, Twisters. It's coming, baby. Twisters. Guys, the ad for the sequel to Twisters started and Sidney and I were both, of course, on our feet. Huge Twister fans. And I started saying
Starting point is 00:23:52 out loud, honey, if it's Twisters, honey, what if it's Twisters? Babe, what if it's Twisters? And then it was Twisters. A very different experience than when Teresa and I watched it and it finished and said Twisters and she looked at me and she goes, can you believe that? And I said, and I responded
Starting point is 00:24:07 yeah, I really can. I don't know why Hollywood spends so much money on focus groups when they could just get Teresa in there to just be like, wow. This? This is what you did? Alright. Okay. So this is where we're going with this? Is there a cow joke in the Twisters trailer?
Starting point is 00:24:24 It's all cows now. Griffin, the wild thing, though, is they have the little Dorothy, the robot. It looks exactly the same. The technology has not evolved. We're still chucking an R2-D2 full of bath bombs. Maybe that's what happened to the sequel to Twisters, where it's just like they're using that, and they're like, we have drones. Do you guys want a drone? That would be the evolution.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Like, oh, you think we're done? I have a camera that took a picture of God. So we can definitely see inside of this. No, we need to drive inside and release this trash can. Oh, my God. What? No. No, the trash can does science that will save people from twisters.
Starting point is 00:25:03 No, we enjoy the twister. We can put nanobots in the twister. What are you talking about? We have to see what's inside the twister. No, you don't. It's not a black hole. It's bad. We can take a picture of it from on top.
Starting point is 00:25:14 What are you talking about? What's inside the twister is everything that the twister moved over and then went up. That's how twisters work and do it. Yeah. We've done the science now. We can officially say from science, don't get inside a tornado. It's bad in there. Because it is bad in there.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It sucks bad in there, man. It tore up our cool robot. Move away. Yeah. That was the plot of also the movie Volcano, which is they just looked over the lid of a volcano and were like, it sucks in there. Yeah, we got to get out of here. Get out later. Hey, can we talk about something from The Wizard, though?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah. Oh, yeah. What did The Wizard say? Madeline sent this in. Thank you, Mad it's and this one's huge for us we are recording this episode a bit early and i think this will give us punks some fuel for the fire um and that is how to celebrate anti-valentine's day oh oh my gosh that's twisted's twisted. This is written and reviewed by a life coach named Seth Hall. Thanks for your work here, Seth. And Seth is going through Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Maybe you had a recent breakup. Maybe you think the holiday is too idiotic or too commercial. Why not celebrate anti-Valentine's Day? Make it fun and empowering, Seth. I mean, reader, do it, Seth, for yourself. Throw an anti-Valentine's bash.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Why not throw a bash and limit it to people without a significant other? You could also include couples who are sick of the holiday, but not if they will ruin it with cuddling and other romantic oversures. Mark and Ginny. Oh my god, Seth, you sound like the coolest, funnest person to have a party with. Yeah, this guy's a treat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Order a Valentine's Day piñata
Starting point is 00:26:50 and let everyone take turns smacking it a time. Let everyone take turns smacking it a time or two. Make sure there's something fun inside. Have fun with the drinks. How about a blood orange mojito? That's Seth's favorite drink. Okay, can I say what I love about this, just from the Have fun with the drinks. How about a blood orange mojito? That's Seth's favorite drink. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Can I say what I love about this, just from the jump, is Seth is like, hey, I have an idea. And then proceeds to list off something that's been in, I think, legally, contractually, every sitcom or TV show or movie that's ever been made about romance and stuff. But this one's just for single people. Yeah, cool, man. We get it it you can have a party whenever you want there's some people i'm sure who recognize the holiday in that way i am mystified it does sound like seth is suggesting you fill maybe a heart-shaped pinata full of sweet blood orange mojito and then let friends bash it and then lap up the beverage as it's supposed to be. That feels like an orgy starter to me.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Sure. I am all here for anatomical pinatas. You guys know that, right? Yeah, sure. If it's like you smash open, the liver and bile comes out. You smash open the lungs, there's a big rush of air. You smash open the heart and blood comes out. I love this.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah. You smash open a little person-shaped pinata. What's that? It's guts on the floor. All of it. This is fun. It's disgusting, the mental image you have just conjured. Invite someone out to dinner.
Starting point is 00:28:13 This could be another single friend, a parent, or even a casual acquaintance you'd like to get to know better. On Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day. No problem. Nothing weird about that. Yeah. What do you think rebecca this is again in fiction seth is writing this wiki how article for himself to empower himself uh you gotta you gotta you can live outside the culture i think some holidays
Starting point is 00:28:38 are dumber than others right yeah you can live you can you cannot participate but you cannot stridently i think a lot of people say you cannot stridently, I think a lot of people might say, you cannot stridently just decide that you live in a different reality, right? You can't just invite people and be like, actually, I don't do Valentine's Day, so it is normal for us to go to Billy Bob's Wonderland as friends and nothing more. See, this is the thing, right? As soon as you're like, hey, you're my best friend or whatever,
Starting point is 00:29:03 and I know we both don't have plans for Valentine's Day's day let's hang out together perfectly fine and normal yeah normal this second you're like hey this is an anti-valentine's day date for anti and you're like hey man let's just not do that it's also weird to be like i want to get to know you tonight tonight yeah i see the calendar tonight tonight and i know's going to be hard to find anywhere to go because of the everything. Yeah. I think a pretty cool surefire way to do this, February 13th, you hop on a red-eye flight to Tokyo Narita Airport. As you pass over the international date line, where'd it go? Valentine's Day sunk to the bottom
Starting point is 00:29:45 of the Marianas Trench. You didn't even- You skip it? I didn't even do Feb 14 this year, guys. I was in the air. On Feb 14, I missed it. I must have missed that one. I was in the air.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Give gifts to your single friends. You may discover you're not alone. Half the world seems on cloud nine on Valentine's Day. Do they? But that nine on Valentine's Day. Do they? But that's still Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day isn't just explicitly like smooch everybody, right? Or like only smooch your significant other.
Starting point is 00:30:15 It's like being into class today and just handing out lollipops to everyone in class, right? So the idea of like, hey, get this, anti-Valentine's Day. I'm gonna give presents to people I care about. Hey, whoa, guess what, man? That's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Class Valentines have gotten a little bit more forward than they were, I think, in our day. As we were shopping around for stuff to Henry to hand out, there were a few packages that were like, I've got a, I am really crushing on you. And it's like back in my day, I was giving you your toilet. Oh God, Travis.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Do not conjure that. I still to this day don't know what that is, by the way. Oh, you son of a gun. Not fully. I have a basic understanding it's a guy don't tell me i don't want to know it's a guy that comes out of a toilet kids are crazy about him of course it's a toilet man it's skibbity toilet and we all love skibbity toilet
Starting point is 00:31:17 in this house um play the right music you're gonna feel better if you play music with an anti-valentine's day vibe this is true if you're sitting at home or you're hosting a party. Fam, you tell me. Some vibes, some tunes that are anti-Valentine's Day. Everybody Hurts by R.E.M. What makes for a great party? Hey, everybody. Yeah, make sure to grab yourself a drink.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I've got snacks over there. Okay, let's hit the tunes. Everybody Hurts. But let me push back against that, Travis. Let me push back against that, Travis. Let me push back against that, Travis. If you are fighting, if you are throwing an anti-Valentine's Day, I think just listening to music that makes you very sad,
Starting point is 00:31:53 that's, again, just kind of Valentine's Day. To anti-Valentine's Day, you can't just lose at Valentine's Day. Do you know what I mean? And if you're sitting by yourself, you know what I mean, not having a great time, you've lost Valentine's Day. Then you know what I mean? And if you're sitting by yourself, you know what I mean? Not having a great time, you've lost Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Then you need to steal my sunshine. Steal my sunshine is a great, you can't steal my sunshine, right? And like, that's a good- That was also REM, right? No? It was REM, I think. If you steal my sunshine.
Starting point is 00:32:21 That one. You know, you get it. By REM? That wasn't REM. Hey, Griffin, that wasn't REM, and I desperately need you to know that. No, it was L-E-M. It was L-E-M it yeah by r.e.m that wasn't r.e.m hey griffin that wasn't r.e.m and i desperately need you to know that no it was ellian it was lynn yeah lynn but it wasn't r.e.m no no you could also do tub thumping tub thumping is another good anti-valentine's day song juice do you have any before i reveal the correct answers grandma got run over by a reindeer that's now we're fucking cooking
Starting point is 00:32:45 with gas yeah one good way to to to beat valentine's day is to just do christmas on it that would be awesome that's two you get like a christmas you get like a christmas aftershock a couple months later in a year and a month and a half later after it and then you're sitting i want to pitch a good one and maybe we can do this next year. Like there could be two holidays that happen at the same time. Yes. Valentine's Day and my bloody Valentine.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Okay. And it's Halloween again. If you don't want to do Valentine's Day, you cannot do both. Okay. But everybody loves Halloween, right? Yeah. But it's so far away. That's true. What if there was a little Halloween on February 14th? Yes. If you were cool.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Well, it's also- Like, if you were cool- The only scary holiday, like all the other holidays are like love, thankful, like- Yes. Yeah. And if you're like, we need more like, no, this one's spooky, but this one's more existential dread, right? We have different things throughout.
Starting point is 00:33:44 What if we did did just did election day on february 14th i'm putting this idea together as i say it no way and you can only do one and then also we don't have the whole the whole year isn't then election year it's you get that shit done february 14th but if- It would be nice to go ahead and know. Yeah, just know. It would be nice to know. I would just love to know. Which way they gonna get us?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Please, just now is good. February 14th? Yes, that would be cool. I have stuff coming up. I would rather not have this sort of Damocles dangling. Just let us know, yeah? Just know, but it still doesn't change over to the end of the year. So you get some time like, what am I?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Gosh, what am I going to do about this? What they should do. I don't know. Now I know we're shifting away from Valentine's Day, but just one day without any heads up, White House just posts on their Instagram stories like, who do you think should be president? And it's just a poll, and they leave it up for like 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yes. And then it's done, and it's just a poll and they leave it up for like 20 minutes. Yes. And then it's done and it's just like, oh shit, I gotta go vote! And you're running around like, ah, I missed it. Yeah. I voted on the TikTok job. It costs like 30% less to vote there. It costs so much to vote on Instagram. I went on a date with Valentine's,
Starting point is 00:34:59 with my wife on Valentine's Day, so I could not vote this year, legally. Damn it. Shoot. I really wanted to make myself heard. Play the right music. Okay, here we go. Touchdown. See, I want to vote. Democracy.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I love my wife. I should still be able to vote. Whoa, lesser of two evils. I made these reservations weeks ago. This is a tough place to get in, but I still love democracy. Forefathers. My wife.
Starting point is 00:35:30 This is a guy who loves his wife and democracy. How do I choose? Yeah. I'm a citizen, right? Same as you. I got my rights. I love my wife. You love my wife.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Should still vote. I don't know if she's gonna vote or not she's gonna follow it can you imagine if you chose date and your partner chose vote oh no if that happens if that happens i mean that's now we're in the prisoner's dilemma that could be a cool way to celebrate valentine's day is to just incorporate some some uh some trust games into the proceedings by the way guys my wife got me a valentine's day card for the first time in seven years that either of us has exchanged anything for valentine's day that's a hostile act that's a betrayal that is that is a hostile act okay some possibilities include's a betrayal. That is a hostile act. Okay, some possibilities include
Starting point is 00:36:27 Tainted Love by Soft Cell, You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette, What's Love Got To Do With It by Tina Turner. Let's play a game. This is the escalation game. When you guys think I have said the best song on this list, say so, and we'll stop there. Okay, good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:36:43 We'll see who gets it right. Tainted Love by Soft Cell, Tainted Love by Soft Cell. Tainted Love by Soft Cell. You Ought to Know by Alanis Morissette. What's Love Got to Do With It by Tina Turner. That's where I want to say it, because What's Love Got to Do With It by Tina Turner rules. Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Ah, damn it. No takers. Because I can still think of better ones in my head. I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. I mean, that is timeless. It's timeless. no takers i know because i can still think of better ones i will survive by gloria gainer i mean that is timeless it's time still it's since you've been gone though okay if you're cashing out it's since you've been gone say so i'm cashing out it's since you've been gone okay juice are you cashing out and i will survive no no no no there's better ones i can no action by elvis costello No Action by Elvis Costello.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Justin, no takers? Because the next one's the last one. Okay, I'm going to take No Action. Okay, okay, okay. It's My Life by Jon Bovie or Bon Jovi. I can't tell you the same thing. Jon Bovie. Jon Bovie. John Bovey. John Bovey. He's his
Starting point is 00:37:52 Bovey. That's exactly where I went. I'm Joe Bovey. And I'm here to rock your world. And I'm here to run for president. I'm your new president. Quick, get to Quibi and vote. It's $80.
Starting point is 00:38:15 It's $80. A five-year membership. $70 in the TikTok shop, but don't actually buy that big folding chair with no arms. Yeah, man. Anyways, here's the dance and the toilet, I guess with a guy in it. Halftime show 2025 will be Skibbity Toilet. And John Bobey.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I just felt like the way that Skibbity Toilet and Alicia Keys dance together was inappropriate. I feel like Skibbity Toilet's partner is gonna get very upset. All right. Yeah, Griff, tell me you at least watched the halftime show, right? I didn't. No, I got the tail end of it, and they were doing Turn Down for What, I believe.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Which was into, yeah. Yeah, my kids were not pleased with the embarrassment they were feeling from their parents. Because it was lit in our house when they got Usher and Lil Jon and Luda. Like, come on. When Usher came out and did a full-blown skate dance routine? A Starlight Express themed? Like, this one's just for me. I can't believe.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I usually try to watch some of the Super Bowl, even though I've been out of the sport since I've discovered the beauty of hockey. In a few years, I can't believe the one that I just fully tuned out was apparently the best Super Bowl of all time. That is a heartbreaker. I'm just saying that Usher came out like- That was Prince. Yeah, Prince was the best one.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Usher, when he did his skating dance routine, was dressed like a character from a post-apocalyptic movie about skating but also maybe about like uh a flamboyant night show kind of thing so he was wearing like this weird armor looking thing so it was so great and he's like they said we'd never make it here and i was like well if you're being specific probably, no one thought you would be doing this. I actually think he's performed at the Super Bowl halftime show before. So he should have said, they didn't think we'd make it here again because I already did it once.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And what are the odds that I'd get to do it twice? In the middle of, yeah, did the Red Hot Chili Peppers smash through the wall Kool-Aid style? Like, now it's our turn. They went amp to amp. Damn, now it's our turn. Boom, ba-boom, boom. They went amp to amp. Damn it. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Hey, speaking of halftime. Yeah, please. Let's go to the main event. Our halftime show. It is. It's better. It's better with you Call me R-O-C-K-E-T-M-O-N-E-Y So tell me what you want to do with me, please
Starting point is 00:40:52 Well, I'll tell you what it is Save money on subscriptions I forgot about I mean, that's a big one That's a headline I did this announcement this week Okay I did a full inventory Did you just highlight and say announcement
Starting point is 00:41:07 before you said it announcement announcement i don't have to do this is a recorded pocket announcement excuse me but you interrupted yourself you interrupted yourself with a very important announcement i wanted to frame it because it was it was uh easy it was fun it was kind of frustrating because there's a few i'd forgot about for a little while tell you the ones that got me some like educational type services that i didn't know were like yearly that we signed up for during covid that are just like taking 90 bucks whatever rocket money will help you find all those subscriptions and i'll actually cancel them for you they'll they did this this actually they did this for me it was amazing um but it also
Starting point is 00:41:45 helps you manage your finances uh keep track of your spending lower your bills uh you know over five million users uh have used rocket money and saved an average of 720 dollars a year with over 500 million dollars in canceled subscriptions i mean that's i mean canceled people no rocket money does not cancel people just okay sorry yeah yeah yeah cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to rocket slash my brother that's rocket slash my brother rocket slash my brother i would like rocket money like i need a need a sister or brother company to Rocket Money that's like, and here's some irresponsible things you could sign up for, right? Rocket Money is helping me save money.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I need like dumpster money to help me just lose money. What about something that's going to help you make money though, Travis? Okay. I'm listening, sharks. Wait, no, I'm the shark? I've got these fucking candles and they sell themselves without good they sell okay but they don't right don't that doesn't make sense they need a human vessel i've got these smart candles i've got these talking smell me whoa smell me please it sounds
Starting point is 00:43:00 good ooh candles that smell good and sound good. There's something in there. And if I'm going to sell this idea to the sharks, I got to have a website. And that's what Squarespace is going to do me for. Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for building my visual audio candles brand and growing my business online. I can stand out with a beautiful website,
Starting point is 00:43:23 engage with my audience audience and sell anything. My products, content I create, and even my time. I sell all three in my talking candle workshop. I've used, I think we've all used Squarespace. Can do's,
Starting point is 00:43:36 con can do's. And then say, and the tagline is, there's nothing these candles can't do. Wow. That's good, Trav. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:44 There's something there. I was thinking chandles, which is like a chat candle, but that's good trav yeah there's something there i was thinking chandles which is like a chat candle but that's nothing chandler it's a good chandlers these are my these are my beautiful chandlers they smell and look and sound amazing um what were we talking about oh that's right squarespace we've all used it we've all made beautiful websites with it when i say we i mean the three of us i don't think all of our listeners have used Squarespace. If that was the case, Squarespace is really throwing their money right in the fire right now. No, don't tell them that.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Please. You already hooked them. You can make pro-level videos with the Squarespace Video Studio app. You can design a beautiful website with the Fluid Engine, which is just easy drag and drop, beautiful technology. And you can even create little secret grottos for the members in your live. And you can have a whole new revenue stream for your business.
Starting point is 00:44:35 It's like Second Life 2. That's right. We have what we call the First Smellers Club. And the First Smellers Club, every candle that we make, you get to be the first one to smell it um before we package it and ship it so yeah it's a lot of work you have to come to our warehouse and smell candles all day um and it's unpaid so anyway go to slash my
Starting point is 00:44:57 brother for a free trial and when you're ready to launch use offer code my brother to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain. Have you ever wanted to know the sad lore behind Chuck E. Cheese's love of birthday parties? Or, my Saturday mornings are reserved for cartoons? Or, have you wanted to know how beloved virtual pet site Neopets fell into the hands of Scientologists? Or, how a former Mattel employee managed to grow Sega into a video game powerhouse? Join us, hosts Austin and Brenda, and learn all of these things and more at Secret Histories of Nerd Mysteries. Now on Maximum Fun.
Starting point is 00:45:44 The following are real reenactments of pretend emergency calls. 911. My husband! It's my husband! Calm down, please. What about your husband? He loves the dishwasher wrong. Please help! Please help me! Where are you now, ma'am? At the kitchen table. I was with my dad. He mispronounced those words intentionally.
Starting point is 00:46:05 There are plenty of podcasts on the hunt for justice, but only one podcast has the courage to take on the silly crimes. Judge John Hodgman, the only true crime podcast that won't leave you feeling sad and bad and scared for once only on maximum Yes. Yes. yes here's the thing yeah i'm not gonna talk about matt damon and his friend ben no and their donut commercial that is what they want me to do trying too hard and i'm not gonna do it it was dumb and i didn't like it how's that they hard. How's that? They tried too hard. They tried too hard. You know what's fucked up?
Starting point is 00:46:47 You don't even need to tell me anything else about this commercial in order for me to completely visualize every frame of it. It's 100%. Oh, J-Lo's in it too. I mean, but it wasn't funny. It wasn't funny. I was unmoved. So I'm not going to talk about that because that's what they want me to do. I'm going to talk about Reba.
Starting point is 00:47:00 It wasn't funny. I was unmoved. So I'm not going to talk about that because that's what they want me to do. I'm going to talk about Reba. Now, Reba sang the Super Bowl anthem, which you know is Stars and Stripes. Oh, my football's so brown. No, she sang that. Throw it all over town.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And I love Reba. Don't get me wrong. A lot of certified bangers. don't get me wrong a lot of a lot of certified bangers i do think that maybe reba is drifting off a little bit of our national fondness for dolly parton and just like dolly parton can't get to everything and maybe we also maybe reba is a nice country lady that we can also love yeah is this are you another unproblematic country lady reba can. Can you be that for us? Because we can't all have Dolly Parton. So I feel like Reba's benefiting from that. And one way she's doing that is with our friends over at Sonic. Wait, really?
Starting point is 00:47:55 Holy shit. If I was going to guess who Reba was partnering with, I wouldn't have put Sonic in the top 20. I'm vibrating with excitement. Well, you're an embarrassing clown because Reba loves Sonic. It's one of her favorite treats, and you didn't know that. And I guess you're not a real Reba fan.
Starting point is 00:48:15 She loves Knuckles and Tails. Look how happy she is! Wow, no one's ever been so stoked. She's really happy, guys. Usually when I pick up tater tots, my face doesn't reflexively form a grim rictus. Wow, no one's ever been so stoked. She's really happy, guys. Usually when I pick up tater tots, my face doesn't reflexively form a grim rictus. Maybe some of the least fried tater tots I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Those are some pale little guys. She likes a light crisp. We'll make them gummy. Yeah. Sonic Drive-In, the unconventional yet perfect spot spot the unconventional yet perfect spot for a romantic date night is serenading taste buds nationwide this month with the launch of its exclusive reba's sweetheart meal now i will say this i'm glad they clarify it is exclusive because if pizza hut had a reba's Sweetheart meal featuring items from Sonic, I would absolutely lose my mind. So it is exclusive to Sonic because it is comprised of Sonic foods.
Starting point is 00:49:11 I don't want to be a hater here, Justin. Wow. But can we discuss the contents of this exclusive hand-picked Reba meal? We'll get there. Exclusive, hand-picked Reba Mion. We'll get there. This limited edition chamomile curated, which used to mean something, in collaboration with the queen of country, Reba McIntyre, is poised to to be like bedazzled or sequins in some way which is pretty fancy it is fancy thank you reba mcintyre renowned american country music singer and actress which again if you have to
Starting point is 00:49:59 tell me who she is i don't know if that's a great it's just sorry just you want the press release to say reba mcintyre you know reba yeah that would be great actually thank you reba mcintyre no you're right you're absolutely right griffin i shouldn't be unfair she has long shared her love for sonic particularly her signature order the sonic cheeseburger with everything on it and a side of its famous tots drawing inspiration from Reba's cherished sonic experience. What? Holy shit. Just to clarify so we don't breeze past this,
Starting point is 00:50:32 her curated sonic experience is hamburger and tater tots. And milkshake. And milkshake, okay. No, that's not part of her famous order though the world famous order that we can all recite by heart is a hamburger and tater tots famous you know how these music like you got elvis presley and like it's fried peanut butter banana bacon sandwich right yeah of course reba mcintyre and her hamburger and tater tots. Yeah. Drawing inspiration from Reba's Cherish Sonic Experience is a great name for something.
Starting point is 00:51:15 It could just be the name of her next album. Yeah. Welcome to Reba's Cherish Sonic Experience. It's a duet between me and Sonic the Hedgehog. What if she's like, what if Sonic called her, they're like, Reba, we know you're crazy about us. And she's like, no, I've just said I love Sonic over the years. He's so funny, he's so fast, and he loves him chili dogs.
Starting point is 00:51:38 We have chili dogs. Me and Sonic the Hedgehog are going to hit these tuning forks together and hold them real close to your chakras. She doesn't even know that this is a restaurant. She's just holding these up as an endorsement of Sonic the Hedgehog. I give Sonic my full-throated endorsement. Listen. Y'all ever played Gex? Gex?
Starting point is 00:52:04 He's a nasty lizard. Air the Acrobat sucks. Reba's Sweetheart Meal is a heartwarming tribute to her, quote, iconic tastes. Guys, a lot of words are being devalued in this press release because they used to mean stuff. And I don't think my iconic order of a hamburger and tater is it possible that the word reba is being devalued in this press release yeah i mean no it's not being devalued i'm assuming they cut her a check this limited edition valentine's day meal combo also includes the new chocolate covered strawberry shake this indulgent shake features
Starting point is 00:52:44 real strawberries and rich chocolate flakes hand mixed into sweet vanilla soft serve and top of the deck. I'm not. Hey, can we, I'm looking at this picture and something's just occurred to me. Go ahead. The cup that it's in was a solid white styrofoam sonic cup
Starting point is 00:53:00 that they went, oh shit, that doesn't show anything. So they photoshopped a styrofoam cup to appear translucent to show the shake within. Very clearly someone took a slider that said cup on it and slid it to 1% for the purposes of this image. That is a very good observation, Travis. I would like to read to you Rebacintyre's quote in this trash release this milkshake ruins my iconic meal how fucking dare you how dare you my vision
Starting point is 00:53:33 so here's a quote and it may be my favorite quote i've ever read on this show man make it a tattooed on my lower back do not interrupt me until I'm done. My boyfriend Rex and I have known each other since 1991. After getting reacquainted in 2020 at a dinner, he found out I love tots. That started my nickname, Tater Tot. My little sister Susie gave Rex the nickname Sugar Tot. So now we're the tots. Sugar and tater, said Reba.
Starting point is 00:54:06 We both love Tots, especially at Sonic. They're our absolute favorite. We even spent most memorable Valentine's dinner at Sonic and we'll do the same this year. We encourage others to make special Valentine's memories at Sonic this year too. Just like Sugar and Tater. Lower them if some goler sit amat. Oh, wait, shit. Just like Sugar and Tater. Lower them if some
Starting point is 00:54:25 goler sit amet. Oh, wait. Shit. Hold on. Cut it out. I said this. You can tell wherever they plugged in, like Reba said, is where the press person was like, yeah, Reba, can we bring it back to Sonic? Really quick, if that's fair.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Oh, right. Yeah. Rex and I shared a passionate kiss in the backseat of his toy love in front of the employees of Sonic. Wait, no, Reba, walk it back. Reba, walk it back. If you don't get all the guts out of the rabbit, it'll go foul. Then the meat's no good, you see?
Starting point is 00:54:58 No, bring it back to Sonic. No, Reba, Reba, Reba. Now, a few stories from the 19-year hiatus that Rex and I went on. Our paths crossed many times in the intervening period. Rex refers to it as his sexual crusade. But then Sonic has to swoop in, and I don't know. They should have closed with Reba, but instead we closed with Mackenzie Gibson.
Starting point is 00:55:22 February is the month to celebrate love. And there's no better way to do that than with the exclusive Reba's Sweetheart Meal and the chocolate covered strawberry shake. Reba McIntyre is a national icon who is much more affordable than Dolly Parton, but still, who has regularly shared her love for our craveable menu over the years. And we've partnered with her this month to give guests an exclusive Reba's Date Night experience. It is truly, truly unhinged that they could not work this milkshake into the rich fiction of Reba and Rex's romance.
Starting point is 00:56:10 It is- It is, they probably came to her and like, it would be great, Reba, if you said that you also love this. But that would be a lie. I've never had- I don't like the shake. I've never had the shake.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I don't like it. No, Reba, we just need you to say like say something about how you love chocolate-covered strawberries. No. No. If I drank that whole shake, it would clap my ass cheeks all week. Reba, we wrote you a check for $12,500. Yeah. You will say exactly what we tell you.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Include that in your press release. You think I'm doing this for the money? I'm doing it for Rex. I want people to know we've been hiding in the shadows for too long. This is my legacy. Long after I'm dust, I want people saying, let's do a Reba dinner tonight, honey, for this V-Day. They're going to eventually call this day Reba. Because my name and my memory will be
Starting point is 00:57:06 lost in time and memorial, but I'll still have this. This special Reba experience. And your shake will be dead and gone. You hear me, Sonic? Your shake will be back in the ocean. Where it belongs. Back into the void where it belongs.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Back into the carbon atoms that comprise it. I'm immortal now get the picture i gotta go rex is waiting in the car and i left the window cracked my burger and tater tots are iconic you know what that means that in 2 000 years monkeys will worship icons of it there'll be statues to this and they'll shit on your shake. Anyways, it's been lovely working with you. I'm a big fan. Thank you so much. And one person is like scrolling through her phone
Starting point is 00:57:51 to see if they can get young gravy. Just like, we've only got a few days till Valentine's Day. Oh gosh. Please make Reba go. This, she really does. The face she is making is alarming in this image. It's alarming. Thank you so much. You know what's not alarming?
Starting point is 00:58:09 Is my gratitude to the listeners who have enjoyed this episode with us collaboratively. I feel like I really appreciate you being here for $6.99. Oh my god. And boy, when you all see what we have in store for a $700,. Oh my God. And boy, when you all see what we have in store
Starting point is 00:58:25 for a 700, wait till you see. It's gonna be a whole episode. It's a whole thing. Should we just run an episode of the 700 Club, but like a funny one?
Starting point is 00:58:37 A funny one. Or we could do seven episodes of the 100. Like all at once. Oh, that could be cool. I mean like not in a row, like overlapped.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Yes, or we could play the movie 300 two and one-thirds times. Perfect. Or we could watch the Tomorrow Children and see how it holds up. Oh, Tomorrow People? Just because I think that would be sick. Yeah, Tomorrow People.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Tomorrow Children was the developer. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, Tomorrow People. Oh, man, that's a good show. We want to let you know, in case you didn't know, we have a newsletter. And if you want to stay up to date about know in case you didn't know we have a newsletter and if you want to stay up to date about announcements to be the first to know about upcoming projects you can sign up slash macroy newsletter okay yeah you should do it griffin you never know
Starting point is 00:59:14 about any of our genuinely sounds helpful for me that's good i'd love to know what i'm doing oh we got a bunch of merch over the merch store there's the 24-inch poster there's the sometimes it rains in trav nation t uh and 10 of all merch proceeds this month go to the marcia p johnson institute which protects and defends the human rights of black transgender people so go check that out at macro um also we stream and uh post up videos and stuff over at our macroy family youtube channel we got macroy family on tikt We got McElroy family on TikTok and Instagram. And I stream on Twitch, slash the Travis McElroy. Hey, thanks to Montaigne for the use of our theme song,
Starting point is 00:59:52 My Life is Better With You. It is a certified summertime jam of 2024. They already called it. Isn't that wild? Wow. That's true. Certified fresh. It's the first song to ever get certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Which is huge. That's true. Certified Fresh. It's the first song to ever get certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Which is huge. That's huge. We have a wish for Fungalark. Can I read it this time? Oh, yeah. Lift it up. Boost it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:00:17 We decided. Wait, hold on. Stop making noise. We did decide we're going to stop saying the names just to preserve some anonymity for these wishes. To make it a little more magical. But you know, you know if you sent it. Here we go. And maybe, I also think it gives a little bit of universality
Starting point is 01:00:31 to the wishes where it's like maybe multiple people sent the same, exact same wish in. Yes. And they're like, maybe that was mine, right? Okay, here we go. Yeah, sure. Here we go. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Here we go. I wish that I would keep running into the circle-shaped raccoon who lives in the garbage cans behind my apartment. My name is Justin McElroy. I'm Travis McElroy. I am Griffin Deon. This is my brother. This is my brother and brother, is my brother my brother me kissing dad square on the lips
Starting point is 01:01:08 it's better it's better with two. My life. Ah. It's better. It's better with you. Is it true? Ah. It's better. It's better with two. My life. Ah. It's better with you.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Maximum Fun. A worker-owned network of artist-owned shows. Supported directly by you.

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