My Brother, My Brother And Me - MBMBaM 706: Climax, Denouement, Spider-Man Test

Episode Date: April 8, 2024

No one needs to spend eleven years digging for treasure when there's a trove of great content right here! We've got films with plot points that revolve around CPR, the best fishing lures you've ever s...een, and the death of a brand new but beloved character. Suggested talking points: Hey I'm Compressing Here, Freezus Take the Wheel, Slamming Can, The Curse of the Curse of Oak Island, Zestfully Dead Palestine Children's Relief Fund:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The McElroy brothers are not experts and their advice should never be followed. Travis insists he's a sexpert but if there's a degree on his wall I haven't seen it. Also this show isn't for kids which I mention only so the babies out there will know how cool they are for listening. What's up you cool baby? One, two, three, four! It's the start of something beautiful A small acquaintance has blossomed It's ripened into a precious friendship
Starting point is 00:00:33 I could've never seen what was coming for me Hangs at the skate park, hangs by the beach My life, it feels like Life, like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like it feels like It's better, it's better with two. By way of, it's better with you. Hello everybody, welcome to my brother, my brother, me and advice show for the modern era. I'm your oldest brother, Justin McElroy. What up, Trav Nation? I'm your middle-est brother, woof woof, big dog Travis McElroy. Hi Trav Nation, good morning. It's Griffin McElroy. Thank you, Tripp, for having me, Travnation. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:01:27 What did you bring us as offering? Three apples! Delicious. Travnation, I've brought news of Madame Webb from the wilds. Oh, wait, come in. Sorry, we don't need to rush the news. You're just the entire traveler. Come, rest.
Starting point is 00:01:43 If I may sup and bathe. Soak in our basin. My... My women have had a long journey of defending me from the Outlanders, and they require sustenance and rest. Yes. Okay, that's... I'm trying to decide if this is problematic or not. Go on, Traveler.
Starting point is 00:02:03 What? Your women? Perhaps in your land, you prefer to treat your women is problematic or not. Go on, Traveler. What? Your women? Perhaps in your land, you prefer to treat your women like shrinking violets, but where I hail from, they are fierce warriors. This is cool. Yeah, man, I'm into it. Wait, hold on, I'm into this.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And I get to just watch and listen? Let me roll for intimidation. Yeah. I wanna know if it's true. That kicks ass. No, okay, I... You're in that head space because of Madam Web, I feel like, maybe.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah, I feel like Madam Web has, I wanna tell you guys everything about Madam Web, because it's finally out. Yes, please. And I feel like if you don't wanna know about Madam Web, I think you should, you've probably decided that you're not gonna see Madam Web, and that's probably a good decision. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 But I might try, I might try to make a pitch. If you don't even wanna hear about Madam Web, know that we sat here stone cold five minutes trying to think of another thing to talk about in the intro. And there's just none here. It's just Madam Webb out there today. So let's address question one that Travis asked me off mic, or maybe he's a good one.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Why did you watch Madam Webb? Good question. Yeah. Good question. Let's start there. The hardest thing, I saw someone do a TikTok video recently that said the hardest thing about being married, and it's like, oh, well, so you have to pick something to eat and that's true.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Yeah. But the second hardest. Every night you have to look at your partner and say, what are we gonna do for dinner? As though you've never ever had to figure it out before. So in, the second hardest thing is picking something to watch.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Now when Sydney and I are, we have similar tastes and we're in locked in with the show that we both like, we're watching it. Madame Web came about because we had been, we just found something that we felt the same about. It was a, we both didn't wanna watch it the exact same amount and for some reason, it made sense.
Starting point is 00:03:40 We watched it because of that. It's the two negatives. It's the two negatives. Make it positive. Yeah, exactly. Make it positive, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, some things about Madame Web that I think is important to know
Starting point is 00:03:50 is that nothing happens in it. Oh, cool. That's one of the chief things you should know about Madame Web is that nothing happens in Madame Web. And sometimes you want that in a movie, just a nice relaxing, nothing. I get to the end of one of these superhero movies, guys, and I'm fucking tired. They've worn me out watching them run around and throw their shields and stuff at people that makes me exhausted
Starting point is 00:04:12 Right, so she what the things that happen in Madame Web. They're cool. Yeah are There is a the bat the main okay I'll tell you the plot of Madame Web so. So, Madame Webbs' mom is a scientist in a jungle, and she's looking for super mega spiders that can cure disease because her daughter has a degenerative disease, her unborn daughter has a degenerative disease that she's trying to find and cure for with the incredible power of the spider.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You could just say we've got kind of a Morbius situation going on. So, the super spider is located, but then a mean man steals it from her so he can have the power of that for himself. But he shoots her, but she's rescued by, I don't know how to say it other than, there's sort of like, Spider-Men who live in the jungle.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Sure, okay. Called Los Aranjas, okay? So he's just saved by them, and then they use their incredible spider magic to try to save her along enough to live with the baby. Now, hold on, because I've never known- The magic of spiders, the magical spiders.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I've never known Spider-Man to be a wielder of the arcane arts. Interesting. You think that would have come up, because there's been a lot of times where Spider-Man has hung out with Doctor Strange, and you think it would come up, that Doctor Strange would be like,
Starting point is 00:05:24 and I know you to also be a practitioner of the magical spider arts. I'm not saying that there is much of a biological explanation for Magus bit by Special Spider, and then can shoot a very tensile jizz from his wrist that lets him swim around New York City and stop thieves. There's an eternal logic to it, I guess. Right, but I guess it is magic,
Starting point is 00:05:46 if you think about it, is what I'm saying. Flash forward. Fast forward 20 years. Welcome to New York. Hey, in the city, it's the 90s. In New York. Spider-Man are slinging from buildings. They're shooting their webbings.
Starting point is 00:06:04 We try to calculate the time. I think it's around like early 2000s. We see Madam Webb, she's a firefighter, ambulance driver with her partner is, you'll never guess, it's Ben Parker. Oh, no. Oh, cool. Famous uncle, famous uncle, sorry. Not the clone. I've never known him without a nephew.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Adam Scott as Uncle Ben, who when we first see him is in the back of an ambulance trying to save a life by delivering one-handed chest compressions. Holy shit. Is he a superhero? Sidney said exactly, that's a hell of a thing. Yeah. I said, really, you don't see that a lot?
Starting point is 00:06:42 He was using his other hand. He said, see what happened. He was using his other hand to eat a New York hot dog. Hey. Hey. Hey, I'm compressing-y. Yeah. Yeah. And so.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Staying alive, staying alive. Yeah, you're supposed to do CPR to that. Oh, you are? I just am always kind of singing, staying alive, cause I'm a New York guy. Now, what do you think Adam Scott's experience was in the short 30-second window of, you're going to play Uncle Ben in a Spider-Man movie.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Beep, beep, beep. But... But... He was the catch. So we know that there has to be a Spider-Man movie from Sony every couple years, or they lose Spider-Man. Yes. So that is why these movies exist.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And Sidney thinks that Spider-Man has to be in it, which is, we'll get to that. Ben Parker, we find out, has a sister. Ben Parker's brother Richard is gone. His sister, Mary, the sister-in-law Mary, is pregnant with Peter Parker. Now, the first conversation we see Madame Webb have with Ben Parker, he says,
Starting point is 00:07:42 well, I've met somebody new, I'm really into her. And she's like, what's her name? And in the audience, I'm like, it's Mae. And then it stares at his face for like five seconds while he makes like sheepish looks and doesn't say Mae. Ben Parker is in the movie, so the movie can remind you that it thinks you're an idiot. If it will not, he's not gonna say that.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Later on, there's a very similar scene where they're talking to Mary Parker and they play a game about what they're gonna name the baby. Oh, nice! You know what they never, you know what Orn is never said in that scene? You know what Orn is never said in that scene? You guessed it, Peter.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Nothing happens in the movie. Madame Web doesn't have any superpowers that she can use. So they introduce magical Spider-Man in the jungle who use spider magic to save her. Yeah. Yes. But that has can use. So they introduced magical Spider-Man in the jungle who used spider magic to save her. Yeah. But that has no impact. Awesome. She at one point attempts to climb up a wall
Starting point is 00:08:33 and just kind of slides down it. In one of the movies few entertainers see. Now wait, I will say most movies do have that scene in it. Where they do, most movies have beginning, middle, and end, a climax, a denouement, and a Spider-Man test to see if the character. I remember in the marriage story with Adam Driver when they were like, I hate your fucking guts,
Starting point is 00:09:00 I hope you fucking die. Hold up one second. I just gotta check one thing We all remember the classic scene where he's like good soup. Thwip. Thwip. Thwip. Why are you making that noise? I'm driving. I'm just trying to And that's what I just want decade I have a timer that goes off just to see if it kind of came in my 40s That's what kicks ass about Sam Raimi's first spider-man flick as he was like, oh, hold on, hold on guys, Spider-Man test, holy shit, it worked! And the audience just loses their mind,
Starting point is 00:09:28 like guys, you'll never believe this, I went to a movie today and the Spider-Man test worked and it was Spider-Man! This is, I'm so glad that we're bringing this up because I've been meaning to talk about this for a while. I think the Spider-Man test in Inception is connected to the Spider-Man test in Shudder Island. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I think it bookends the two and just shows a connection between Inception and Shudder Island. We can discuss off one. And we also know, I do wanna be clear, the Spider-Man test can also refer to when two Spider-Men have a conversation, not about Spider-Woman. Yeah, so few films pass it, but when they do,
Starting point is 00:10:05 it's so meaningful. There's just one, I can think of. There's three. Two of them are animated. Two of them are animated and one, yeah, they're all very recent. This is new technology. So we see the bad guy is equal.
Starting point is 00:10:19 He has this nightmare where three Spider-Ladies kill him. Okay. And this, yeah, so it's- Been there, man. Yeah, sure. Only three? Wow. So these three spider ladies,
Starting point is 00:10:31 he has this dream he's gonna kill these three spider ladies and he's like, I gotta find these spider ladies and kill them first, cause they're gonna kill me and I'm freaked out about it. And then nothing happens for a really long time. What are you seeing on the screen? What sounds are you hearing and sights are you seeing? Yeah, was the projector broken maybe?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Here's what it is. Madame Webb will watch the bad scenes from the movie. She will experience the bad scene. And you, the audience, will experience the bad scene in the movie. And then the movie will restart to like 30 seconds before that and you will watch the bad scene again. And then Dakota Johnson will say, I'm be damned. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:12 But again, shit, how much movie do we have left? Fuck, an hour and no powers, huh? Shit, all right. And then she finds those three spider ladies and you'll never guess it, but none of them got powers either. Cause that's in the future when it's interesting. Whoa. When the movie is interesting, And then she finds those three spider ladies and you'll never guess it, but none of them got powers either. That's in the future when it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Whoa. The movie is interesting. Dakota Johnson has spider powers. No, has psychic powers where she can see the future. And then there's, she has three, not spider powers. Gotta be related to the spider magic in the jungle. It's related to the magic spiders. We don't know how the three of them gets spider powers
Starting point is 00:11:43 because we never see it happen. They're just kind of in the movie. Yeah. Okay. Now this is the most important thing, is that Adam Scott was doing this chest compressions on somebody, okay? Okay, yeah, yeah. And then she did chest compressions on somebody
Starting point is 00:12:00 on the ground outside of a disaster and brought them back to life. And then she falls in a river and Adam Scott pulls her out and she dies. But Adam Scott brings her back to life with chest compressions. People do see chest compressions two other times in this movie. There are like six scenes. There's a scene, guys, where Madame Webb in trying to protect her three spider surrogate daughters teaches them?
Starting point is 00:12:25 CPR it's the closest we get to a scene of people getting superpowers. Yeah That's how it starts man you learn CPR you get a little high on the hog and then you fuck it and then you go Out there and you start trying to fly you do many spider-man tests So she goes to a cave in the jungles and and there's a guy there, and he's like, Wait, why does she go there? Yeah, and so she goes to a spider cave in the jungles, and there's a guy there, he's like, Fuck, man, you are so powerful.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And she's like, really? Because I feel like I'm just kind of going nuts and seeing things in the future, and then they restart. No, man, you know CPR, and that's where it all starts. He's like, when you figure it out, fuck you're gonna be cool. And she's like, now? He's like, not now.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Not now, but later. Dang, you're gonna rule. She's like, can you teach me how to use my powers? Like you assume he's the Ben Kenobi or whatever. And she's like, he's like, ah, no, no, no, I can't. I can't do that. Oh, I wish I could. He's like, he's like, ah, no, no, no, I can't, I can't do that. Oh, I wish I could. She's like, he's like, when you're ready,
Starting point is 00:13:28 you'll be the most powerful. And he like, he's like, I'm sorry about this. And he punches her so hard, her spirit flies out of her body and into a lake. And the result of that is nothing. Nothing changes as a result of that. She just kind of goes back into it. At the end of the movie,
Starting point is 00:13:44 now we're getting into spoilers for the end of the movie. So I want to tell you what happens at the end of it. Can I tag out? No, you're still in. At the end of the movie, the bad guy, Ezekiel, is threatening all of her surrogate spider daughters at the same time. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Does he have three guns? How does that work? It's like, they're like all in danger. Well, he took the spider magic, I think, so he probably has extra hands, right? They're all in danger. Madame Webb still has done nothing for the whole movie, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:12 In my head, when I saw there was 10 minutes left, I literally couldn't believe it. It's impossible. We're still in act one of this film. But there are three of them in danger. What happens is that Madame Webb realizes that she loves her mom so much that she is able to split her essence into three.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Now, those three essences don't actually do anything to help the spider ladies. They just kind of like super support them. This looks cool. And then the bad guy Ezekiel is mad about that. So he punches her so hard in the stomach that she goes back together into one. Okay, so so far we've seen her is one of her powers
Starting point is 00:14:49 that when she's punched, it either knocks her spirit out of her or pulls her spirit back in. Yes, I think it's a power. If ethereally punchable is not a great power. Yes, it's not a great power. And then what happens at the end of it is that she, she notices there's a giant Pepsi sign above the evil Spider-Man Ezekiel.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And then she's scooting away from him. And then she scoots to the exact place where the sign is going to fall. And that's how she beats him is that she scoots to a place where a Pepsi sign falls on him. And if I'm the Pepsi co, I do not think I want my brand used like that to crush. To crush, now hold on, Juice, hold on,
Starting point is 00:15:30 because I have the same thought. But if you're PepsiCo and you find out that the Pepsi sign smushes the bad guy. Is the hero of the movie. Does more than Madame Webb does. I think you're back on board. Yeah, I think I'm into it at that point. Is the guy that she meets in the cave,
Starting point is 00:15:51 Saul from Better Call Saul, and he's like, you're gonna be really good at staging insurance claim accidents? Cause that's what it sounds like she has set up. Cause they're gonna sue, she's a scammer. Gilles' family is gonna be able to sue PepsiCo for maybe billions.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Everything. Oh, you guys are worried because she falls off of the thing. Oh, I wasn't. When the sign crashes down and kills Spider-Man and she falls off. Wait, kills Spider-Man what? Evil Spider-Man. Evil Spider-Man. Okay. She falls into the water and her spider daughters bring her out of the water
Starting point is 00:16:23 but she stays dead forever because none of them can do anything about it. So it's sad how it ends. No, just kidding. That you see P.R. and bang her ass back to life. And then in the movie's final shot, you see all three of them with spider powers
Starting point is 00:16:39 and Dakota Johnson in giant ass red glasses and a red cape. Did I mention it made her blind? Falling in the water. She's blind now, but that's fine. She's in a wheelchair. Not the couple of times she's been punched and it affected her spirit. No, she's in a wheelchair. She's got huge glasses and she looks cool
Starting point is 00:16:56 and she's floating around. And then the movie starts. And then the movie ends. No! That's what happens, is what happens is the movie ends. And they're like, okay, time for the movie. Justin, are you ready? And they're like, I'm actually not ready
Starting point is 00:17:09 because I don't want to watch any more of it, but I guess, fine, no, end of film. That's the end of Madame Web. Think of it this way. Madame Web 2 mathematically is gonna have two movies worth of kick-ass stuff that happens in it if none of it happened in Madam Web One. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Delayed gratification. This is, it is superhero origin story edging is essentially what they have conducted here. Two other brief notes. The man in the cave tells her that when she accepts great responsibility, she will have great power. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Oh, so it's kind of a reverse of traditional, maybe, like because normally Uncle Ben would put a lot of extra pressure on his teenaged nephew of saying, hey man, with great power, you have to save everybody in the world. But instead he's saying, when you're ready to save everyone in the world, then good news. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:18:06 Imagine the backpack of cocaine that must've been consumed after that line was written in a room like, guys, I fucking got it. Toss down the jam sport. Stan, you took three weeks of vacation after one day of writing? Yeah, you took three weeks vacation after one day of writing? Yeah, you don't understand.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I wrote this line. Well, I just read it, and I'm gonna take a week's vacation. Yeah, I know, man. I'm not deleting it. Because I hired you, so I deserve it too. Listen, in one of these final moments, May Park, sorry, Mary Parker, Peter's mom,
Starting point is 00:18:41 is rushed to the hospital. Do you wanna take your shirt off and then continue telling us about? Because she's about to give rushed to the hospital. Do you wanna take your shirt off and then continue telling us about? Because she's about to give birth to the Spider-Man. Yeah. And they never say his name or anything. They ask Madam Webb, so how's Ben like being an uncle?
Starting point is 00:18:56 He loves it. It's all the fun of being an uncle with another responsibility. And then she says, and then she says, if only he knew. Like it's a joke because she can see the future, right? responsibility. And then she says, and then she says, if only he knew, like, it's a joke because she can see the future. Right? That may joke that Mary's going to die and Mary's going to die.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And then later Uncle Ben dies. But hey, Spider-Man, when the baby is born, you do see the baby very briefly. And then Sydney leans over me and she says, okay, that explains it. And I said, what? And she said, well, they have to put Spider-Man in the movie for it to count for their contract, right? I'm like, I'm not sure it's exactly how, she's like, no, no, no, this is what it is. That's Spider-Man, so they gotta get Spider-Man in the movie. So Spider-Man is in the movie, legally speaking.
Starting point is 00:19:40 It's a Spider-Man movie, he's in there. He's got it. And so it contractually satisfies their legal obligation to have Spider-Man in the movie. I'm not a Spider-Man movie, he's in there. He's got it. So it contractually satisfies their legal obligation to have Spider-Man in the movie. I'm not a copyright or contract lawyer, but that is the best explanation for the existence of the movie, I think.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Yeah. That could be made. Okay, the presence of baby Spider-Man, we can debate whether that, the movie being released is 100%. Like, I think they would look you dead in the eyes over at Sony and say, oh yeah, we had to release that. We did, we did have to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Justin, I have one question left and it is CPR related. At any point in the movie, does anyone do the thing where it looks like the compressions aren't working and they get so mad that they kind of start pounding on the person's chest like a gorilla and then that works? No, Trav, the chest compressions always work. Okay. 100% of the time.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And it doesn't just keep their blood pumping and oxygen going enough for them to get to the hospital. It brings them back to consciousness. They're fine, yeah. The one time, there is one time it doesn't work. It's early in the development of her psychic abilities, and she sees her friend get into an ambulance and leave the scene of an accident
Starting point is 00:20:50 and then get drilled by an oncoming truck. She sees that happen and then time resets, and she's talking to God, she's like, oh man, that was so weird. Well, see ya. And he's like, okay, are you sure I shouldn't wait another few seconds? She's like, no, no, no, no, go ahead. Go, go, go, go, go, go. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. And then he goes and he gets hit and she pulls him out of the thing
Starting point is 00:21:13 and he's bleeding and she's doing chest compressions. They're not working. On a man bleeding out. And she realizes that if she doesn't act on these visions, people could die so badly that even CPR can't bring them back. Unthinkable! Devin Sawa figured that out right away in Final Destination, and it takes Madame Webb watching someone die twice before she connects the dots.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I can't believe I have to tell you this again. Whenever Devin Sawa is in a movie, he is not playing himself every time. I don't know why you have that stuck in your head. But he looks exactly the same. Okay, but I remember watching that. Like if I see him in real life, and I see him in a movie,
Starting point is 00:21:50 he still looks like Devon Sawa. He still looks like Devon Sawa, I get that, but we watched Idle Hands together, and you were kind of insufferable, because you were like, why would- That one was a wild one. You were like, why would Devon Sawa do that? And it's like, he's an actor following a script.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I didn't know that Casper was the ghost of Devon Sawa. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Our friend, our friend, Emma Gill, who recommended the movie, pointed out, Gill said, I want to repeat, the CPR was somehow more distracting than the fact that his villain had his feet out the whole time, which I thought was also really interesting and also good. Yeah. The villain's puppies.
Starting point is 00:22:23 They're just out. His toe beans are just there. The bad guy, the bad guy. Anytime he's not dressed as evil Spider-Man, he's in a full power suit, but with the puppies blazing. Fucking hell, boys. We have been talking about Madame Web for 23 minutes.
Starting point is 00:22:40 You have, you've been listening to Madame Web for 23 minutes. I've been talking about Madame Webb for 23 minutes. I've been talking about Madame Webb for 23 minutes. Yeah. Oh man, next year, max fun drive, stretch goal. Guys are gonna watch Madame Webb with me. Oh boy. It's a hoot and a half.
Starting point is 00:22:54 All right, so this is an advice show. Yeah. I know nothing about fishing. However, on the beach I live near and go for a lot of walks on, there are often two fishermen fishing into the ocean. Often want to make conversation with them about their fishing. And ask them if they've caught anything good today. How do I bullshit my way through a conversation about fishing?
Starting point is 00:23:15 That's from Curious About Carp in Cornwall. I like to include questions in the question list from time to time. I thought it was just a little bit easy layout, just a whoop. Yeah, sure. Easy layout. Yeah, I feel super qualified to a little bit easy layout, just a whoop, easy layout. Yeah, I feel super qualified to do this. Well, no, here's the thing about this. A couple things. One, they don't wanna talk to you.
Starting point is 00:23:34 If they wanted to talk to human beings, they would not be quietly sitting on a beach. One of the more solitary activities. Yes, fishing. One of the few activities that if you talk too much, it stops working. You can't do it. It doesn't work anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:46 It doesn't. Secondly- And I tell you who's always, this is a rule that everybody knows pretty good, because I have noticed that dads are biologically required to let kids know that there can be no talking. Yeah. Dads seem really insistent, in fact, that any talking at all.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Our dad, I remember, with the three of us, would do a lot of reminding us that we cannot talk, because it was here to fish. Maybe reminding one of us more than the others here for time to time. Sometimes I think that dads maybe just don't want you to talk. That's so interesting, because I don't feel that. I love when my children talk, I think they dads maybe just don't want you to talk. That's so interesting, that's so interesting. Cause I don't feel that. It's so interesting. I love when my children talk, I think they're pleasant.
Starting point is 00:24:27 But also secondly, I would say fishing is also among, and there's several other activities like this, but where the person talking to you about it loves when you don't know anything about it. Yeah. And they can tell you everything about it. Yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Most people forget that you, people don't necessarily like really like telling people about stuff they don't know about. I hate looking like I don't know about everything in the world. And that's my great struggle because I think I'd be happier if I just packed all of them. Because there's a ton of shit you do not know about.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Like a ton of shit. Like a ton of shit dude. Most of it. I would say just, yeah, just statistically speaking, most big stuff. Big wide swaths of the culture that I have just taken a flyer on even. Yeah, taken a flyer, yeah. I know nothing about fishing, but my algo has started
Starting point is 00:25:19 to serve me up, piping hot TikToks of people making lures, cause that's good shit right there. Ooh, really? Yeah, a lot of. That's fun. Guys, my algo beats ass. I'll scroll through that shit, and it'll be like sports blooper,
Starting point is 00:25:34 and then it'll be like, here's a jazz chord progression that we've been cooking up in the jazz kitchen. And then it'll be like, wanna watch me make a lure very quietly for a minute and a half? And I'm like, yeah, I do. Cause these things guys, some of these things,
Starting point is 00:25:47 I wanna bite them. And I know it would hurt like a lot, but I wanna bite it. If I was a fucking fish, there's no way. You shiny fish. My algorithm for some reason, just as a side note serves me up videos referencing trends, but not the trend themselves. Where it's videos of like, oh, I wish I could participate in this trend, but I don't know not the trend themselves. Yeah, sure. Where it's videos of like,
Starting point is 00:26:05 oh, I wish I could participate in this trend, but I don't know what the trend is. So even my algorithm is like, you're out of touch and so are we. Yeah, it sounds like it's not a peg, man. I wanna say that I think that what you need to do is a cultural exchange. Like I would like to talk to somebody who fishes
Starting point is 00:26:19 in real life and they tell me about that. And then they have to listen to me tell them about the fishing mini game in Stardew Valley that I'm very good at. That's yeah about the different locations and what where you can catch it or reigns and what kind of bait you should use and what are your chances and how the bar works. You do any uh you do any sewer fishing with that bad boy? Oh yeah you gotta get together. You get any slime jacks? Where What about mutant carp? Krobus will be very impressed. Another version of this is you walk up right next to them while they're doing their thing on the beach.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And you put a finger up to your lips like, I get it. Shh, I get it. No talking here. You pull out your phone, you start playing a little Pokemon Go. We're both mastering the wilds, as is our God-given right as humans. Okay, all you get, this is easy.
Starting point is 00:27:08 You just set a Bible down between you and say I'm something of a fisher myself. That's cool too. I'm not a fisher of a fisher of men. But can you do it in the accent of Willem Dafoe doing some proselytizing? Okay. I'm something of a fisher myself
Starting point is 00:27:26 No Fisher of men Travis you're saying that cuz you can see me and I don't look like Willem Dafoe But I sound a hundred if you try try with your eyes closed Hold on Travis was about to cook Travis is cooking up something in the kitchen that also doesn't sound like Willem Dafoe What do you got? You know, I'm Something of a fisher myself. That's pretty good. It's better than Justin. Right at the self-loss, but it was good. You know, I'm something of a fisher.
Starting point is 00:27:53 You know, I'm something of a fisher myself. It was a firefight. You know, I'm something of a fisherman myself. But he's turned British for me a little bit. Yeah. Do you know, sometimes movies and TV give you the wrong impression that old men that are by themselves and seem sad
Starting point is 00:28:11 just need one friend to love them, and they're so lonely, and they got a picture of their wife that died in their pocket, you know what I mean? That kind of guy, and they're just like, kindness, pass it on, it's just one old man you gotta talk to. And we forget there's a lot of old men by themselves.
Starting point is 00:28:26 They kinda wanna be like that. They don't show that time. Do you know how many forced social experiences you have to go through the first 75 years of your life to get to a point that when you're standing by yourself fishing, everybody goes, he's earned this. He's earned this. That's all I'll say past 75.
Starting point is 00:28:44 If someone tries to talk to me, I'll say, I've earned this. Yes. You don't have to talk to him. That's all I'll say past 75. Yeah. If someone tries to talk to me, I'll say, I've earned this. Yes. You don't understand. You don't get to see Morrie Wednesday through Monday. He is fucking chilling and having the time of his life. Tuesdays, he's basically doing community service by hanging out with a younger person.
Starting point is 00:29:02 If you are a Fisher, please email and let us know, because my assumption would be you have to fight and scrape to carve out that hour to just go fish by your fucking self. Yeah. And my assumption is that, like Travis said, they do not want you to talk to them while they are fishing. Yeah. Please, if we are incorrect or correct, email in,
Starting point is 00:29:22 educate us about fishing because we obviously know. I tell you, this is where this collapse of sort of hat please, if we are incorrect or correct, email in, educate us about fishing, because we obviously know. I tell ya, this is where the collapse of sort of hat culture has let us down. Because I feel like- We were all thinking, and I'm glad you said it, Gatsby. The little tip, it's so not, it's not fucking pro, I'm not great Gatsby.
Starting point is 00:29:41 We're not tipping hats so much anymore. In most of the country, I think. I don't go outside. Did you know, as a common misconception, his first name is actually Greg? It's Greg Gatsby. Yeah. That's interesting. Did you guys, when you guys were envisioning the fisherman
Starting point is 00:29:58 in your mind's eye, just quick mind's eye check, he had like a cap on, right? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Bucket of hats. Bucket of hats, for sure. Little fly fisherman's like vest and shit. Oh my God. Even though he's on the ocean, sitting on a chair. Wait!
Starting point is 00:30:13 Get a hat. Yeah. The hat, the floppy hat that you put the lures into it. Oh, yes. Yeah, we know the one, yeah. Right? And then you walk past the dudes and give them a doff of the hat, like,
Starting point is 00:30:26 oh, a fellow fisherman. I'll leave you to it, good sir. I have some fishing to get to. Okay, except like, you know what you do. And then you cast your lure onto the sand of the beach facing the opposite direction. No, you have to know, I say- You don't wanna steal his fish.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Oh, you're still water fishing? It's adorable. My favorite spot is over that bluff, just beyond where your eyes can see. Don't come over there. Yeah, go and check on me. I'm gonna be there all day, maybe at all night. I love to fish. Let's take a quick trip over to the money store.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Yeah! Oh, shit. Travis, slow down. You just passed the post office and I've got to go there. It's better, it's better with you Oh shit. Travis, slow down. You just passed the post office and I've gotta go there. I've set aside two hours in my schedule to go inside and wait for my... We're not stopping, Justin. There's no time. Please, Travis, I gotta do this.
Starting point is 00:31:16 No, the Joker is attacking the city hall. We have to go right now to watch. We're not gonna help. How am I supposed to ship my packages, Hawkman? If you need to ship your pants, don't you worry about it, because you can use on the Bat Pewter. Whoa, Hawkman, why are they letting you use the Bat Pewter? Well, Batman's sick and he's letting me borrow his car. Cool, wow, it's really funny.
Starting point is 00:31:40 As long as we put back gas in it, ice job. I'm Mr. Freeze. Okay, great, great, great. Are you in the back seat? Are you with us? Yeah, I'm chilling. Okay. Is Mr. Freeze with us now? Perfect, can we speak with Mr. Freeze?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Sure, yeah, let me get him back here. Ice to meet you. It's ice to meet you as well, Mr. Freeze. Mr. Freeze, do you use No. Oh, you really should. No, I'm a bad guy. They don't want me to use it.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Okay, yeah, cool, cool, cool. Well, you should because it takes care of mail. Oh shit,'s website just fell on me and killed me. I'm Mr. Freeze. Yay. Yay, I'm so glad they got that sign. They have a mobile app too. Can the mobile app fall on you as well?
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah. No. Okay, all you need is a- Now, Trav, I don't have a scale though. Is this gonna be a problem for me? Cause I can't wait to know. Oh, Justin, my new sidekick, Hawk Boy, is what I'm gonna call you.
Starting point is 00:32:39 You know, Bird Boy, let's go with Hatchling. Hatchling, don't you worry about it. They'll send you a free scale and they'll seamlessly connect with every major marketplace and shopping cart if you sell online. Wow. Yeah, you can get rates you can't find anywhere else, like up to 89% off USPS and UPS rates.
Starting point is 00:33:00 So now let's take this dead ass Mr. Freeze to jail while you read the mandatory call to action section, So now let's take this dead ass Mr. Freeze to jail while you read the mandatory call to action section, Hatchling, I'll drive. You gotta read, Hatchling. Make the same no-brainer decision as Hawkman and over one million other businesses with Whoa, sign up with promo code mybrother,
Starting point is 00:33:21 careful for a special offer that includes a four-week trial duck Plus free postage at a free digital scale. No long-term commitments or contracts I'm shot go to Sam's comm click the microphone at the top of the page and enter code my brother Get me to a hospital. I'm bleeding out. But where can I find a doctor hatchling? Well, good news. It's too late for him He's that he's him. He's dying. He needs the salvation of Jesus Iced. Oh, I see, Jesus Iced.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Luckily, I know CPR. You drive, Mr. Freeze. Take the wheel. I don't know how. Freeze us, take the wheel. Ah! Listen, if you need to get your affairs in order, one, you need to seek the salvation of Jesus' ice.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yes, I need a will. You need also a will. Exactly. Freezes Christ is better than Jesus' ice. Freezes ice is cool. No, that's too far away. It's too much different from Jesus. Look.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I am. We don't know anything. We've established this so many times in this one episode and we've done 705 of these bad boys already. You know, don't you know us by now? This is like exhibit AAA 745 in the court docket of us not knowing anything. Listen, it is very difficult when you are trying to build a social network of healthcare
Starting point is 00:34:54 providers. I call them my friends and I call them even my best friends, some of them. Wow. My dermatologist and my good buddy. I would say that there are some things that my doctor knows about me. Sure. Or maybe those closest to me. Absolutely. I would be afraid to tell them things that my doctor knows about me. Sure. Maybe those closest to me. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:35:06 I would be afraid to tell them. Yes. That's heartening. ZocDoc is a free app and website where you can search and compare highly rated in-network doctors near you and instantly book appointments with them online. Couldn't be easier, couldn't be faster.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I did this, I've done this a half dozen times just living in DC when I moved here I don't know any I didn't have any doctor friends now I do because Zoc Doc hooked me up and they let you search based on like what insurance you have and It lets you just see all the doctors you can book an appointment right through the app It's super super super easy the typical wait time to see a doctor booked on ZocDoc is between just 24 to 72 hours. That's it. You can even score same day appointments. It really is a great service and if you live in a city where you have trouble, you know, finding the right healthcare for you, you should use ZocDoc because because I have it, and it does kick ass. Go to slash my brother,
Starting point is 00:36:06 download the ZocDoc app for free, then find and book a top rated doctor today. That's Z-O-C-D-O-C dot com slash my brother, ZocDoc dot com slash my brother. Hatchling died, by the way, just to make it clear, Hatchling. Oh no, why would you kill off a beloved character like Hatchling? There's 11 more of them in the case, bud.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Don't worry, I can just hatch another one. Are you tired of being picked on for only wanting to talk about your cat at parties? Do you feel as though your friends don't understand the depth of love you have for your guinea pig? When you look around a room of people, do you wonder if they know sloths only have to eat one leaf a month? Have you ever dumped someone for saying they're just not an animal person? Us too. She's Alexis B. Preston.
Starting point is 00:36:52 She's Ella MacLeod. And we host Comfort Creatures, the show where you can't talk about your pets too much, animal trivia is our love language, and dragons are just as real as dinosaurs. Tune into Comfort Creatures every Thursday on Maximum Fun. What is up, people of the world? Do you have an argument that you keep having with your friends and you just can't seem
Starting point is 00:37:17 to settle it when you're sitting there arguing about whether it's Star Trek or Star Wars, or you can't decide what is the best nut, or can't agree on what is the best cheese. Stop doing that. Listen to We Got This with Mark and Hal only on Max Fun. Your topics ask and answered objectively, definitively for all time. So don't worry, everybody. We got this. We got this.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Uh, do you guys want to talk about Oak Island for a second? Yeah. On, on my for sure. Yeah, for sure. Cause we have a question here. There was a Canadian Island where rumor has it pirate treasure may have been buried about 300 years ago. This person is making so many assumptions about Oak Island, but let's move on. I also love that very, very, you didn't know. Hey, question asked, you didn't know,
Starting point is 00:38:09 but you did put, you put in parentheses here, Oak Island, as though the second Canadian Island came, maybe not even that far into it. Justin was like, Oak Island, is it an island? It is Oak Island. My great uncle, now appropriately deceased, was a treasure hunter on the island. Appropriately deceased? I don't know why it says appropriately deceased. I assume because it's great uncle now appropriately deceased was a treasure hunter on the island. Appropriately deceased?
Starting point is 00:38:25 I don't know why it says appropriately deceased. I assume because it's great uncle, because there's a great uncle applies of a certain age. There can be great uncles that are still doing it though. Yes, but with great uncle comes great death. That's a fair point. He's a treasure hunter on the island in the sixties. So I-
Starting point is 00:38:47 Justin might be able to name this fool. I wish there might, there was more details here because I would assume we're talking about somebody in the original syndicate, which was Blanket Ship and Nolan and the other guys. I don't know which one he would be, but the original people who were not the original people, the original people go back, not the original people, the original people
Starting point is 00:39:05 go back to the 1800s. But so we've got somebody in that 60s group that maybe split off and did Triton later, but we'll see. The hunter on the island later produced a booklet outlining where he thought the treasure is buried. The booklet is logical and gripping. Pirates, stone markers, science, spiritual mediums, underground tunnels,
Starting point is 00:39:25 all de rigueur for this island. My dad still has a copy. There's also a reality TV show revolving around the search for this treasure as of 2024, the show's in its 11th season, no kidding. My dad has emailed the TV show about it, but has received no response. How can I get my dad's treasure booklet onto TV,
Starting point is 00:39:43 preferably without watching the show? That's from Craving Cartographic Consequence in Canada. And I feel like we could get this done. Oh, do you mean now, Justin? I wanna clarify here. We can get it done getting the pamphlet in the hands of the O'Kiilen people, or we can find the treasure.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Well, I like that, Trav. I do like that we have this one piece of evidence that the, uh, the, the, the, the Lagina brothers do not have. Travis. Yeah. Are we the Nicholas Cage in this circumstance, or the other ones? We're the bad guys, I think,
Starting point is 00:40:18 come swooping into Oak Island to steal Jesus's, the spear that killed Jesus or whatever. Travis. Right. Exactly. Yes, exactly. We're the bad guys? Travis. So, I think so, yeah. to steal Jesus's, the spear that killed Jesus or whatever. Right, exactly, yes, exactly. We're the bad guys? So. I think so, yeah. We're the bad guys.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Here's what I think we should do. The guys are there filming a TV show, and they are having so much fun running around and playing on their island. It doesn't seem like it. I've never seen anything on that show that looks like an old man having fun. It always looks like an old man saying like,
Starting point is 00:40:43 well, maybe, no, fuck. You should watch it more, because when these guys start slamming can, as they call it. It's, no, no. When these, Griffin there, I cannot tell you how many scenes there are. Is that a sex thing?
Starting point is 00:40:57 Is it a sex thing? I cannot tell you how many scenes there are of someone sticking a very long metal tube into the ground, pulling up a big tube of dirt, and then everybody sidely looking at the dirt. It's a lot of scenes. No, Justin, you've described every episode of this show that I have ever watched in a hotel
Starting point is 00:41:11 because there was nothing else for me to watch at the time. Right, so what I'm saying is, these guys are having so much fun running around looking for the treasure. Slammin' kids. We show up on the other side of the island. It's not that big. And we show up, and here's what we have, okay?
Starting point is 00:41:27 One, we have a booklet from this question askers great uncle who's appropriately dead. Tastefully dead. Tastefully dead. Zestfully dead. And then we have something else that the Laguitas and their team don't have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Guns, lots of guns. Whoa, holy shit! That was crazy! Wait, Justin, how confident are you on a scale and to tell that their team does not have guns? I'm not confident. So what we have is a team of 50 disgraced Navy SEALs. Okay. A lot of guns.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And these guys are all former disgraced military. Yes. They were dismissed from our armed services with extreme prejudice because they were terrible human beings. But they're going to help us for the right price to take this island by force. Yeah. Can we land on one of those planes
Starting point is 00:42:15 where the whole back opens up and like tanks and stuff roll out of the back of it? Oh, that's cool. Now, I'm not going to hurt anybody. They don't need to know that. I'm not going to hurt anybody. But I am guaranteeing this will be a storyline on the show. And the 50 soldiers, they're all community theater actors
Starting point is 00:42:31 that we have hired to do this for us. It's getting a little Barry for my taste, but I do love this plan. There's no way they can't feature this exciting, this would be the most exciting thing that ever happened on the show Exponential yeah, a huge margin the whole thing on its fucking ear now Justin you've got a lot of thrill You've watched a lot of curse of o'kylan if you had to establish a certain sense of danger and you had to kill one
Starting point is 00:42:58 Of their team who would it be? Now it is known the one of the things that is known from a factual perspective is that six people have died in pursuit and legend has it, so facts or if history has it, that the treasure will not be found until a seventh has died. Now, this has gotten sticky as this show has gone on for 11 years and a lot of old men have looked for this treasure.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Yeah. We've lost a few on the path. Treasure related? There's this, no, what is that question? Well, that's the sort, now we're splitting hairs. That's interesting, isn't it Travis? That is a fodder for much Reddit discussion, is does this one count?
Starting point is 00:43:39 Yeah. I don't know if this is the one that counts, but the intro keeps saying that, so apparently it isn't though what someone cooler I guess or so I think you got to fall into it Well, you have to fall into a hole Hold on just finish that thought you have to fall into a hole and then the seventh person does it
Starting point is 00:43:58 Right, that's what that's the that's the line of duty Yeah Hit the ground so hard and then coins just shoot out of your body if you're number seven. We all remember when they chucked a bunch of scuba divers into a big old hole to see what was down there, and it was very dangerous. If one of those guys had died,
Starting point is 00:44:15 that's probably gonna be it. Now that would be a bummer though, because they weren't really established as characters. It would be a little sad. Well, you would have time in the editing bay when one of them died to then maybe, to beef it up leading up to it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:30 So anyways, Justin, which one would you shoot? I don't want- I'm not gonna talk about somebody I'd really kill, because we're not gonna kill anybody, remember? It's just the thread. It's play pretend. Okay, then if you were gonna stage, if you were gonna stage it to establish drama.
Starting point is 00:44:43 The answer to this question would only make me feel bad. It won't mean anything to the listeners. So we're not gonna talk about that. Here's what we'll talk about. What do you think's down there? Templar gold, man. What do you think is templar gold? Cause I think it's bones.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I think bones? Bones for sure. Bones, Justin. Six people have died in the pursuit of this thing. So there it's bones. I think- It's bones? Bones for sure. Bones for sure, it's bones, Justin. Six people have died in the pursuit of this thing. So there's some bones. I'll say there's probably about 1200 bones, and plus change.
Starting point is 00:45:12 My theory that I have been touting for a long time, it's the Ark of the Covenant, but it's filled with bones. So they would find the Ark of the Covenant, open it up, not the Ten Commandments, it's all bones, but they do feel like it's the Ark of the Covenant. Think of it, if they open it up and there's bones in there, Justin, are they disappointed or are they excited? Travis, I watched them do a three episode arc
Starting point is 00:45:32 about a coin they found. I think if they find fucking anything, they will be absolutely stoked. Do you think that there would be a moment if they pulled something up from the bottom of this Oak Island pit? They pull it up and they're like- Which pit, the money pit or one of the other shafts? The money pit, the main shaft. And They pull it up and they're like- The money pit or one of the other shafts?
Starting point is 00:45:45 The money pit, the main shaft. And they pull it up and they're like- We have explored the main shaft extremely thoroughly, Trav. I don't think we've ever- Hey, hey, Johnson, can you dance with me to the song I'm playing? I just need it to be in some way grounded in reality. We have explored the money pit.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You don't even know where the money pit original shaft is, so go on. They uncover- Let's say we're in the original shaft, whatever that is. They uncover the treasure of Oak Island. Witches. Witches.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Sure, whatever, witches. And so they pull it up. Dirt witches from the ground. How long do you think they celebrate before the reality that the show is now done, is canceled, saying sin? Probably, I mean, you're suggesting they're making more money on the show than they would
Starting point is 00:46:28 from the accursed treasure of Oak Island. Yes, considering that if this show had not aired, there's no way they could have funded an 11-year long search. Watching it is an incredibly meditative experience because what is always in your mind is this, history would spoil this show. Reality would spoil this reality show
Starting point is 00:46:50 if anything ever happened on it. Because there's no way the discovery, the editing would out, so watching this show, you know, for a fact, nothing is gonna happen. Like, you know nothing is gonna happen. You know that phrase, the greatest treasure
Starting point is 00:47:06 was the friends we made along the way? Yes, yes. That's only true of this show. I hopped on this wagon again at a hotel in what I can only assume was season nine or maybe 10, and these dudes talk to each other in a fucking like sibling twin language that no one else can comprehend.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Just like, yeah, stinky Jeff and his special cubes. And it's like, what the fuck are you, what the fuck does that mean? This is like when Dirty Mike fell in the money hole, junior money hole. I don't remember that, because I wasn't there, I didn't see that part. Justin, who's the Australian digger man?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Oh, Gary Drayton. He is Australian treasure hunter Gary Drayton. And his specialty is what? He's a metal detection expert Gary Drayton. That's how he's always billed on the show. And he talks about the Bobby Dazzlers he finds all the time. Anyway, this is a great show. And if you're not already watching it, there's plenty of time to catch up before the big reveal of the time. Anyway, this is a great show. And if you're not already watching it,
Starting point is 00:48:05 there's plenty of time to catch up before the big reveal of the treasure. Which is? And I do, what? Which is? I do also wanna talk about Billy Gerhart. Billy Gerhart is a heavy machine operator. He's the guy that drove the bulldozer.
Starting point is 00:48:21 And he never had any opinion about anything that was happening. They would just tell him to dig a hole and he never had any opinion about anything that was happening. They would just tell him to dig a hole and he like, but Billy was on the show for so long that he started getting dragged into discussions and he, and eventually Billy, the guy who operates the truck is in the room where they're talking about discoveries because everyone in the audience love Billy so much. Right. Like the Reddit forum for this show,
Starting point is 00:48:49 they just everybody loves Billy, so the producers show start putting Billy the forklift, the heavy machine operator in the, what they call the war room, where they're planning for their discoveries. So the dynamic is always like six dudes, always dudes, talking about where they're gonna let some treasure. And in this circumstance,
Starting point is 00:49:06 I actually don't think that's so bad, because I think it would actually bring, it would bring the cause down a little bit to include some women in this particular discussion and train of thought, right? This is like, you look at a room full of dudes putting a lot of time and money and effort into this, and you're like, yeah, that tracks.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Billy is now in the war room, but still is resolute on not contributing anything to the mystery part of it. Until they get to the subject of holes being dug, at which point he will nod solemnly, yes, I will dig the hole. Yes, a hole shall be dug there. It sounds to me then.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Oh, now you're speaking my language. It sounds to me then, the play, we, the three of us, and this question asker, we can't cut them out, but we totally, but we totally fucking could if we wanted to. If we needed to. If we needed to. If we're down to it.
Starting point is 00:49:58 We take the map. Sounds like the only one we need is Billy, and his big truck, and we say Billy, here, and he's like, yep, and he does it, and we get the treasure, which is Bones, and- Oh, so Gary's gonna be so disappointed, cause Bones ain't metal. What's the better-
Starting point is 00:50:16 He would never have found them. You guys dig up the treasure of Oak Island. It is coins, which is pirates' money. You is the play- Or Bones, which is pirates' money. You, is the play. Or bones, which is pirates'. Bones, which is pirates', coins, which is pirates' money. Or the pills that are pirates' medicine. They buried those too.
Starting point is 00:50:35 A lot of people won't talk about that. Limitless. Limitless pills. Do you, go public. What's up everybody? I found the accursed treasure of Oak Island. It was bones and coins and some pirate medicine. And then you're famous and the show is over
Starting point is 00:50:52 and you are known as the hero of, or do you never tell a fucking soul? And you follow this hunt for the treasure with schadenfreudian glee that you know that you are solely, keep digging. Oh yeah, that'll be it. this hunt for the treasure with Schadenfreudean glee that you know that you are solely, keep digging. Oh yeah, that'll be it. That'll be the whole four, sure, go for it, Billy.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Griffin, slight middle grounds. I would find the treasure, take one coin, bury it like 10 feet. Oh my god. Oh, Trav. I know. This is diabolical, man. You shouldn't do this. But I would do it again and again in the same spot every season and a half.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yeah. In the exact same spot. I guys, I've been really fighting. I've been really fighting the urge while recording this segment of thinking about, I feel like this is my end. This question has been- Huge for question aspect is my only end. You can get a finder's fee
Starting point is 00:51:49 of appearing on Curse of Oak Island. This is all I want is I wanna be like, this podcaster found a document from a listener, it's unearthed and we brought him here and he's an expert. That's cool dude. I just wanted to say, they let lots of people be experts on that show and I would just like to do it.
Starting point is 00:52:05 We have not wielded the McElroy Brothers will be in Trolls energy in quite some time. I think that it has, I think we have recharged and refreshed that particular reservoir, and if this is what you want to spend it on, I think that's pretty good. I see, I fully support it.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I mean, I'm trying to figure out a way that I can communicate to the Oak Island producers that I may be to the Oak Island producers that I may be laughing on the outside, but I'm not gonna make a joke of their fun game. Oh no. No, you can't bring Travis and I, like Travis and I cannot come on this show.
Starting point is 00:52:37 No, no, no, you guys are not invited. No, no, no, no, no, no. We will embarrass Justin if we did this. Right. If anything- You'll embarrass me, you'll mess it up. Producers, I think you should be more concerned that Justin is gonna bring so much heat that you won't know what to do with him.
Starting point is 00:52:50 That is a good point, Justin. The producers of this show are probably very wary of having another Billy situation on their hands. Yeah, yeah, my star might rise too meteorically. Yeah. That is a fear, that's a concern for sure. That is the curse curse of the curse of oak island that a lot of people don't know about I'm assuming like this island. I'm assuming this discussion is burning up the reddit They have the drunk island thread over there every week where people get
Starting point is 00:53:19 Extremely wasted and then watch the episode and live chat about it. It's a fun vibe. Cool. We're all having a lot of fun over there. Cool vibe. You know what else has cool vibes? This podcast that we make together. Cool. Oh. Yeah. I love that. You like that?
Starting point is 00:53:33 I do. It's kind of a segue. I love it. I don't know. You know what has cool vibes? This segue I'm writing. A very cool. Dude, what do you guys wanna talk? You know what?
Starting point is 00:53:41 I'm gonna talk about the fact that we're gonna do some live shows coming up. Very, very soon. We're gonna be doing the fact that we're gonna do some live shows coming up very, very soon. We're gonna be doing the Bim Bam and Taz in Chicago during C2E2 later this month. I'm just about to buy tickets for that, my brother and me show in Chicago. I was pretty excited for it.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Oh, bad news, you dork. It's sold out, cause we're so fucking popular out up there in Pizza City. I don't know, he keeps saying that, we've peaked. But hey, Taz, still tickets for that. So that one hasn't peaked. Taz has peaked. Taz, yes, absolutely, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:54:11 But that's okay. Catch Taz on the way out, because my brother and brother, those guys are- The stakes are low. Now the stakes are low. You can get in, some people say get in on the ground floor. No, I disagree. I say get in when it's going past the ground floor
Starting point is 00:54:23 and it's down- And then you don't have to worry about it. It's in the basement now. I say get in when it's going past the ground floor and it's down. It's low, it's in the basement now. Now you get in. We are going to be playing Taz versus Dracula with those characters in a sort of one shot story called Taz versus Moby Dick. You can imagine what that's gonna be about. Ma-bim-bam, sold out, fuck you. April 25th. There's not a lot of tickets left for Taz.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Taz, there's not a lot of tickets. April 25th, Taz, there's some number of tickets. Maybe it's a lot, maybe it's a little. Don't not fuck you. April- Thank you. Thank you, this is the opposite. April 26th to 28th, we're gonna be at C2E2. We're gonna tell you our schedule for that when we know it.
Starting point is 00:54:56 You don't need a badge for C2E2 to attend the live shows. You do need a badge for C2E2 to attend C2E2. We've also got shows coming up in Vancouver and Tacoma here coming up in May. And then in June, we're going to Kansas City, Chesterfield, Missouri, and Tyson's, Virginia. Tickets for the Chicago show are on sale now. Tickets for all the other shows go on sale Friday,
Starting point is 00:55:16 April 12th at 10 a.m. local time. Go to slash McElroy Tours for tickets and more information. We've got some exciting new merch over at the merch store for April, including a Geralt and Tyler Thrasher stuffy bundle. You get a stuffed Geralt and Tyler Schrodinger cat blind box, which includes one of three possible cat plushies.
Starting point is 00:55:36 We've got the Taz versus Dracula poster by Zachary Sterling, the Rest in Peace Miggy sticker from Macaroy Family Clubhouse, which by the way, if you missed last week's episode, we had Ron Funches on, it was an absolute hoot. You can find that. Please watch that show. Yeah, on our MacRoy YouTube channel under the live tab.
Starting point is 00:55:55 The wombat pin with dangling cube poop things designed by Trisha Swinger. That's from a conversation on Wonderful Griffin and Rachel had. And 10% of all merch proceeds this month go to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. So check that out at Thank you to Montane for these for our theme song,
Starting point is 00:56:14 My Life Is Better With You. It's a great track from just one of Earth's great humans. And thank you all for listening. Thanks to Maximum Fun for having us on the network and thanks to everybody who supported us in the Max Fun Drive. Should we put one up to? Yeah, let's raise up a wish.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Can I hit this one? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I got one for fungalore here. This is a wish the listeners sent in. I wish Charleston chews were just a little less chewy. My name is Justin McElroy. I'm Travis McElroy. I'm Griffith McElroy.
Starting point is 00:56:53 This has been My Brother, My Brother. Make ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, My life is better with you

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