Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 236: Finn Wolfhard

Episode Date: March 27, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Acast powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Have you ever heard about the time Australia went to war with a bunch of emus and lost? Have you heard about the World Cup where the refs wore suits? What about the magical chess playing machine that bamboozled Napoleon one time? These are all real things that actually happened and I get across all of them on Half-arsed History. If you want to learn more about everything from the history of the toilet to the history of nuclear weapons, there are hundreds of episodes of my Tinpot history podcast waiting for you. Have a listen to Half-arse history today, or don't, I can't tell you what to do, I'm
Starting point is 00:00:34 not your dad, but if you fancy it, Half-arse history is out three times a week and it's available wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Welcome to the Off Menu Podcast, taking the lasagna sheets of humor, the Bolognese source of podcasting. I wonder what we're making. Chopping up the lasagna sheets until they're thin, ribbon pasta. Like spaghetti, mixing it with the Bolognese and that's the the podcast Spaghetti Bolognese. Ha! Tricked you.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Egg Gamble there, never try and predict him. My name is James Eggcaster. Together we own a dream restaurant, and we invite a guest in every single week and ask him their favourite ever, start a make or dessert side dish and drink, not in that order. And this week, our guest is... Finn Wolfhard! Finn Wolfhard, brilliant actor of course. What an actor! What an actor, what a presence on screen. What a guy. Oh, Stranger Things, are you kidding me? It? Are you kidding me again? Ghostbusters? Anyone? This kid's got the world at his feet. Works with some amazing actors as well, always a brilliant ensemble when Finn's involved and then
Starting point is 00:02:03 unfortunately, it's dropped off a cliff recently with Ghostbusters. Yeah, his career is about to take the note. Finn's not aware of this, but his career is about to take a massive nosedive. We call it the Cinderella effect. Yeah, so as soon as you share the screen with Acaster you're in big trouble. That's why you're sticking to podcasts. Yeah, absolutely. That's definitely why. You refuse to be on the screen with me yeah because you know that that will be the end even when we've started filming videos of the podcast to release video clips there was a big debate over that because i thought it's the end of my career if i'm on screen with Acaster yeah that's why you never see us in a two shot no it's always just single shots well you
Starting point is 00:02:43 know no you're very good, James. Yeah, I am great. And Finn Wolfhard is brilliant. We're very excited to have him on the podcast. However, if Finn does choose the secret ingredient ingredient that we deem to be unacceptable, we will be forced to kick him out of the restaurant with no dinner. And this week, the secret ingredient is eggs with maple syrup, maple syrup from season one of stranger things. Yeah he dumps it on there, he loves it. Yeah. People are not impressed by it. Also Finn's Canadian so maple syrup the perfect link. Yeah maybe we should ask that if that was like what was some of the thinking behind that is Canadian roots met with the American eggs, classic American eggs. You've done this before James, when you've said we should ask the guest something,
Starting point is 00:03:28 even though we're recording the intro after we've recorded the episode, and I know for a fact that we didn't ask him that. He's right here. Was that like a whole thing about American eggs? Was it American eggs and Canadian syrup? You're talking about you coming to Hollywood? I think this is a part of my story. Is that why you pour the maple syrup on the eggs? Oh yes, yes, yes. Why? Yeah, I wrote that in because I told them that this will be one day when I'm old gray dying on a bed, I'll be able to look back and go, I did it perfect.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I love the idea of you getting them to write something in in Stranger Things in season one when you were what? 15? Oh, 12. 12. 12 years old. Write this in for my story. Yeah, well, yeah, it was part of it.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I wanted to sort of, I wanted to kind of lay breadcrumbs from what my career would become. Yeah. Then these guys are smart. It's all there. It's all in strange. It's so there we go. Little sneak peek of his voice there. If you want to hear more of Finn's voice, just keep listening because we're about to interview for an hour. This is the off menu menu of Finn Wolfhard. Welcome Finn to the dream restaurants. Hello.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Welcome, Finn Wolfhard, to the dream restaurant. We've been expecting you for some time. I imagined you coming out of like a big, you know, one of those cakes, those big cakes. Oh yeah. And then hanging out the middle, you know, like fake, like, cakes. Yeah. That would be good. Isn't that like a sort of 80s stripper thing?
Starting point is 00:05:07 I'm thinking specifically about The film under siege never seen it Specific under siege one of our youngest guests Bursting out of a cake that's what it is. All right, actually fed probably not. He's watched your show that one movies thing Yeah, but I haven't seen under siege. Yeah, you should watch under so like a seagull. Yeah, no, it's not is it really it is a cigar film. Yeah Little bit trivia for you. I've never seen it, but it's been on VHS of my parents house since I was born So no one's seen it Watching that did they rent it or buy? Very well, it's quite weird to me that they have it because it's not neither of their taste in films, right?
Starting point is 00:05:49 But it was always they rent to every week Yeah, back. Well, I guess yeah back when you like rented stuff from the library. Yeah, there's another thing in you. Oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, just to rent videos from the library. Yeah. Yeah, maybe they've read under siege at the library We use rent videos from like just the corner shop. so they just have a tiny little section at the back oh really videos and she's going to the under siege section the under siege section just go and look at the back of under siege yeah yeah what kind of cake would you like to start oh someone else's jump out of it's something if james if james is jumping out of a cake or who, right? Or a dream person to jump out of a cake. For sure. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Who would you most like to jump
Starting point is 00:06:32 out of a cake? Nelson Mandela. Okay. Yeah. Great. What kind of cake would you like to jump out of? I'm a red velvet fan. I feel like. Oh yeah. Yeah. A good cream cheese icing. I feel like, well, maybe not to be surrounded by maybe like a like a German chocolate Mmm, very specific. Yeah chocolate that I picked but I feel like that would be best Is that like a dog sort of like a dark? Yeah. Yeah, which I don't even like dark chocolate, but I think that there's Sometimes for whatever reason the cake can sort of break that up. I don't know why. You're inhaling it. You're going to be breathing it in for a while. See, this is the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Do you want a cake you like? Because if you've got to sit in there for a while and burst out of it, is the temptation not going to be nibble through it? Eat your way out. Like the insects in the giant peach. Right. Eat your way out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Because I think if I saw someone bursting out of a cake, I'd be surprised and quite impressed. If I saw someone slowly eating their way out of a cake, I'd just be quite disgusted. Be like 8th and 2nd, I mean, cut the vinyl's butt. Yeah, exactly. Man, we're really going back to under siege Ace Ventura. We are old men, Finn. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 That's what I remember. Sorry, I forgot. We don't know any of these new fangled films. Yeah, these new, these new what? These new frickin' Netflix films. Yeah, we can't? These new fricking Netflix films. Yeah. These new jargon. We can't work any of that.
Starting point is 00:07:48 TikToks. We have no idea who you are. Someone told us about who I was. Your little nephew told me who I was. And you're like, ah, this guy might be on the podcast. Yeah. That's how he recommends people to you. So German dark chocolate cake. You's how he recommends people to me. So, should fucking go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:05 So, German dark chocolate cake, you can sit in there for a bit. Yeah. First out of that, you'll feel okay. Yeah, I think it also, I think seeing someone burst out of a chocolate cake, I think is sort of, it's exciting. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Absolutely. Yeah. And final question on this. Whose birthday would you like it to be? If you're bursting out of the cake, whose birthday do you want it to be? And if you like, we can narrow it down to like we could say Paul Rudd Yeah, just pull that we're talking about this Paul Rudd's birthday name drop It was James and I are doing a film with Paul Rudd and one of the producers
Starting point is 00:08:39 asked me and another person the cast McKenna to sing like a song for him and me and another person that cast McKenna to sing like a song for him and Like I just felt like I just like I don't know if I wanted to do that I don't know if really Paul wanted wanted it. I think he definitely didn't I think it would have been a really sweet thing I think on like their part, but I sort of I felt like Paul definitely just wanted to get out of there Yeah, cuz he just like you know I feel like once you get to a certain age you're like I mean, I'm 20, but I feel like also when you get to a certain age, you're like, I don't, we don't have to talk about this for a long time, birthday wise, let alone do you want like a song to be sung? Yeah. Unless you're like their kid or whatever. And it was like their idea.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think it was a good call on your, on McKenna's part to not do it. So you didn't do this? No, we didn't do it in the end. Also, I didn't even get my, my, like I didn't even, my work schedule didn't even line up, line up. So I wasn't even there for it. You would have had to come in to do this song. I would have had to come in early to sing that song. And then I would have waited a few hours while James did his scene for my next scene. So I would have just come in for the, for the song. And the song was Happy Birthday by the Beatles. Which McKenna didn't know. Yeah, so it would have been, also when they bought the cake out, they played the song just over speakers. And Paul didn't look happy about that. So I don't think he would have loved it.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It was like, oh, come on guys. Come on. I don't think if you two had gone like, today is your birthday. I don't think he would have loved it. So what's he doing if you burst out of a big cake. Yeah. Oh, so yeah, so Paul is the I think no He wouldn't like it and I think that that's the revenge sort of yeah, I didn't get to sing the song Yeah, so now I'm gonna do that really make him feel uncomfortable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:19 The cake that's good. Yeah, you German dark chocolate for his birthday I think that's good. I think that's good. So it's you, German dark chocolate, Fuller's birthday. So it's more specific. Yeah. Yeah. Also all I could think yesterday when you guys told me that you'd been asked to sing it, I just thought, Oh man, I, cause you guys have done a film with him already. You know him. I was like, it'd be really funny if I did it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Like if it was like, I would know cause like McKenna had a guitar and everything and was going to do it with accompaniment But if I just did a cappella just me also because I've never known you to sing anything sincerely Yeah, so every time you sing it. It's always like To do it like that to stop yourself being embarrassed I think we're a few steps closer to like James you play you play drums Yeah, we should bring a big drum kit to like, James, you play drums. Oh, we should bring a big drum kit in for you so that you can play with us.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So for someone else's birthday, someone else's birthday. When it's Akroyd's birthday. Oh, a big crystal head kick drum. That's the only way Akroyd is going to be interested in the whole thing. Is if somehow it's a big advert for crystal head. Yeah, that's what it will be. That's what it is. Happy birthday to the head. To the classic head. Have you got a voice to put on?
Starting point is 00:11:34 Are you a foodie, Finn? Do you like food? I do. I really do. I'm becoming more of a foodie as I'm getting older. It's the same, I mean, you get to a certain age, I think maybe 16 is the cutoff where you're like, maybe I should stop eating McDonald's all the time. You know what I mean? Or like, maybe I should stop. And you're like, oh, there's other food out there that you can eat and it's better.
Starting point is 00:11:59 What was your go-to McDonald's order back in the day? McChicken. I was never a big, I've never been a Big Mac fan. Don't like the sauce. That's a hot take on this. Yeah, that's quite controversial. I don't think you realize what you're throwing out there. Sorry, don't like the sauce.
Starting point is 00:12:09 A lot of people listening to this are going to be like, what the? Well guess what, I'm not on Twitter, so you can fucking complain into an echo chamber that I won't see. That's for you guys, not for me. I was telling them. But, but. You've been working with James a while now, do you know his McDonald's order? No, we for me. I was telling them. But, but... You've been working with James a while now. Do you know his McDonald's order?
Starting point is 00:12:28 We haven't been to McDonald's yet. James? Every time McDonald's comes up, I make James tell the guest his order so I can see the look on their face. Can I guess what it is? Yeah, you can if you want. We love guessing games.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Are you a Filet-O-Fish guy? I would respect that more if that was his order. I get less. It's less than that. Yeah. It's less than that. It's lesser than that. It's lesser than the filet. People are very angry about this. What is, oh it's like a plain cheeseburger, no nothing, no anything? That would also probably make people less angry than what my actual order is.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I go in, I get the grilled chicken wrap with a bag of carrots and a diet coke. Yeah. You see my a diet coke. Yeah. You see my face? Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. You see carrots? Yeah, it's like Adam McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So here's the thing. It's also like, it's fine. I mean, it's like, it's one of those things that's fine. But go anywhere else then. Get a bag of carrots from anywhere else. Or like, go to Nando's at that point. Yeah. If you're getting grilled chicken.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah. Context. Sure. I basically only go to McDonald's when it's quite late after a gig We're like stuck in an airport and I'm just like I can I just know that I'll feel bad if I eat something really unhealthy So I get the healthiest who I can at McDonald's. I know that doesn't excuse it. I Feel like I'm not going for a normal McDonald's trip and getting that sucks cuz it's like you're like it's not like you're You're allowing yourself to because every time I go normal McDonald's trip and getting that. It sucks because it's like, it's not like you're allowing yourself to, because every time I go to McDonald's,
Starting point is 00:13:48 I know I'm committing a crime against humanity. Yeah. So, but I kind of, I let myself feel that. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, I'm so bad. You know, I do the whole, I'm so bad thing. But that's so interesting that you don't let yourself sort of just go for it.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Yeah, you got to lean into it if you're a McDonald's. If I'm sober, you see. If I'm drunk, whatever. Yeah. Then I'm sober, you see if I'm drunk What is whatever? Yeah, then I'm going, I'm going. Two bags of carrots. Oh, I'm going double carrots. We always start with still or sparkling water Finn. Still always. I've never been a sparkling and that's gonna be a huge That's gonna be oh get ready for the Twitter debacle on that And that's gonna be a huge that's gonna be oh get ready for the Twitter debacle on that Huge sparkling water fan. I just yeah, I don't like the way it makes me feel how's about you? It's sort of euphoric. I'm just kidding no I
Starting point is 00:14:38 I just don't like the intense. It also doesn't feel like I'm Getting hydrated at all and people say I understand and people say it's like oh it hydrates you just as much as water or whatever It doesn't feel like that to me. Mm-hmm. You know I understand and people say it's like oh it hydrates you just as much as water or whatever it doesn't feel like that to me you know I don't know if it's subjective it's not well it feels like if there's that many bubbles in it surely air is taking up space where there could be water yeah so it's not gonna hydrate you I think my brain knows I think intellectually I know that and so that's why I'm yeah that's it yeah always I always choose the still I think you know Generally speaking more people be on your side for the still water
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, even though it's been pretty split on like who's chosen on the podcast But I think generally you're more mad at the people if you're choosing the still water. Yeah, right. Yeah I mean, I think um, I think it's the fancier thing to do When you when you pick sparkling? Yeah, I think that's the fancier thing to do when you when you pick sparkling. Yeah, I think that's the fancier Yeah, thing what anything in the water now. I'm a playing guy. I'm a plane plane Jane Like I like water nothing on it. Yeah, nothing on it. Nothing in it. No ice. No, I don't take ice I I like once in a while some mint some mint Sometimes you ever go check into like like Marriott, you know like a courtyard Marriott and they have in the lobby they have like the
Starting point is 00:15:48 Lemon mint water lemon cucumber mint water. Uh-huh. You're just like this is great I don't know if any if these three should go together at all But they're all together. So I'll take it like I love the lemon and mint thing as soon as there's a cucumber in one of those Things I want to tip it all out onto the floor. I think you're not your anti cucumber I know I love cute I love cucumber as a food, but it's easy to put it in water the opposite really cumbers as a food I'll take them in a California roll. That's an interesting. That's the only I'll take them in I don't know why some child
Starting point is 00:16:18 Really only thing that I would take them in is it California roll now Now that's sushi right? Yes. I mean it's like some fucking American, some guy from California probably was like wrapped crab in rice and was like oh this is Japanese food now. Oh so it's crab is it? Yeah imitation, I think it's imitation crab usually. Is it because it's disguised in the California roll? Yeah exactly. So it's like they've snuck it, they've snuck it in in. They snuck it in, I can hide it with some soy sauce. Yeah. If it wasn't in there do you think you'd notice? If what do you mean? If you were blindfolded. Oh yeah. I got a California roll and I took all the cucumber out of it and went here's your California roll Finn. I'd still notice it. I think it's just because of the, there's just
Starting point is 00:17:02 something about maybe the consistency is better. I don't like cucumber when it's just because of the... there's just something about maybe the consistency is better. I don't like cucumber when it's by itself. There's something kind of slimy. Texturally it works in a California roll. A bit of a snap, a bit of a crunch. Exactly, exactly. There's something there. There's nothing there. If it's like, if it's very cucumber forward, then there's a bit of a version, I would say. You're definitely a foodie if you're using phrases like cucumber forward. Yeah, yeah. It's quite cucumber forward. This cake is quite cucumber forward. Actually, I changed my answer.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I would pop out of a cucumber cake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The wettest cake in the universe. Yeah, that's fair. You'd be crawling through that like Andy DeFranco. Yeah. Okay. Do you want that water from the hotel, that lemon mint and do you want that as your?
Starting point is 00:17:48 That's reserved. That's reserved for the hotel lobby. You don't want this for your dream? Like you say, plain Jane. Plain still water. Which I'd love to hear you say to someone in a restaurant by the way when they come over to take your order, just go, I'm a plain Jane. Yeah, I'm a plain Jane. Like a bag of carrots and a chicken, grilled chicken wrap,
Starting point is 00:18:07 nothing on it. That's me, plain Jane. That's what they call me in my daughters. Do you ever go crazy and put the carrots in the wrap? Ed, cut this is not Sodom and Gomorrah.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Cut this. What the hell are you talking about? This is my daughters at one in the morning after the gig. You're not sitting in now are you? No, I'm not sitting in. I'm eating them in the Uber if the driver will...
Starting point is 00:18:31 You're not, what? If the driver permits me. Hang on. So you ask... Have you ever eaten in an Uber, Finn? No, I'm not a psychopath. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yes. Why can't you eat in an Uber? Well, because you're in the Uber. What's your rating if you're eating in Ubers? What is it generally? Well generally, what's the kind of average Uber rating? For you. Well, because you're in the Uber. What's your rating if you're eating in Ubers? What is it generally? What's the kind of average Uber rate in like- For you. Well, for me, well, I was right up in the high fours
Starting point is 00:18:51 for ages of like bobbing around the fives and then frigging- Bobbing around the fives. I left Nish Kumar in it and let him carry on in my Uber to get to his house and he made the Uber driver stop at an M&S Freaking service station and then the uber driver marked us down and I was right down in the low fours I thought who cares I'm gonna start eating my cabbage
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah, like now you're the two's. Nish compromised my score. Is it possible to like be in the twos before your uber just gets taken off? Surely no one's ever been under like a 4.8. Yeah, yeah. I feel like that's... Cause no one's gonna pick you up if they can see your rating. Yeah, mine is the minute. Yeah. We'll check ours in a minute.
Starting point is 00:19:33 The worst thing is now you can look at the more specific statistics so you can see how many like fives and ones you've got and stuff. Alright. Oh, that's worse than I thought. Okay. Mine's worse than I thought. Yeah? 4.84. Ooh. That's pretty bad. I's worse than I thought yeah for four point eight four. Oh
Starting point is 00:19:45 That's pretty bad. I'm just gonna give a deal for us four point seven eight Finn what four point eight four hey all right? I feel like a four point eight four is usually it's it's just because some of them late Yeah, boy, how is that happening to me little carrot boy? Oh, yeah, in the car I just had to pick up this fucking carrot boy It's a driver's. Yeah, you know, they're coming together. I'm scrolling down here. There's a load of fives I just think this is what I've given them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're desperate for this for you to get a five So you're just god damn it. Yeah. well bit of a shame James That is a shame pop it up a little bread pop it up a little bread fin wolf
Starting point is 00:20:27 I don't even know what the first one is yeah So bread first of all Bread is bread, but yes, yes bread. What is the other thing? Poppadoms have you been for any Indian food while you've been in the UK? I have at the beginning of the meal did they bring out some massive crispy sort of thin things? Oh, interesting. Yes, I do know those. Yeah. Okay. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:49 That's them. Still bread. Yes, I thought it might still be bread. Did you go to Brick Lane in the end and get a curry on Brick Lane? I have gotten curry, but I did not go to any of those places on Brick Lane. Fair enough. Were you trying to recommend places? Finn was going to Brick Lane and I said...
Starting point is 00:21:04 James texted, go to any of those curry places That is a terrible tip What did you say? You said, no you didn't say that I said Google best curry on Brick Lane and go there Yeah, yeah, because they're all Which is kind of a mean thing to tell someone to do Also, when I said it, I thought not only is that not helpful, but also... It's like you're trolling him. You're wasting a meal. Also, Ed would be completely
Starting point is 00:21:30 appalled of me. Yes. Which he is now because like Ed would know where to go. No, what you also said was that there's no best curry plates in Brick Lane. Yeah. That's what you said. There's so many. Yeah. Well, that was the reason I think why you told me. Yeah. It doesn't matter. I don't know what it currently is. I don't know what currently is the best curry on Brick Lane. It used to be whatever, yeah. Yeah, yeah, so I thought just go wherever people are coming and saying it's the best.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah. Yeah, go to Brick Lane, Google best curry. And you know what I did? You know what I did? I didn't do that. Yeah, good, because you know him now. Because I feel like I would have done that and I wouldn't have done that also.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Yeah. So. You would have had that thought and then dismissed it. And then went, why would I do that because I would I think I would have done that and I wouldn't have done that You would have had that thought and then dismissed it Why would I do that? Why would I just ask a friend if they know a good place? That's like the first thing you start with yeah, I don't go to a friend to say hey Give me a recommendation and they say Google it because I start at Google. Hey, how do I how do I look up something? I don't know It's like asking your friend to drive you to the hospital and they tell you to get an uber. Yeah. Yeah As long as you have yeah, that's how we're just what did the carrots carrots give you good eyesight Yeah, yeah, yeah the front make orange if you too many. Yeah, that's true by the way
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, yeah, my brother when he was a baby apparently my parents say that well I don't know if that's like a joke your brother went orange because he ate too many carrots Yeah, obsessed obsessed with Bugs Bunny not joking yeah He was obsessed with Bugs Bunny and was obsessed with eating carrots, and he ate so many that my dad and mom both told me separately So it wasn't like a haha. This is like parents. Yeah, it was either. It's a the greatest long call of all time Yeah, or the misremembering. Yeah, but it's true to them I feel like sometimes families have jokes that go on for so long. They become real in their head
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah, and I think maybe your brother going orange because he ate too many carrots is one of those He loved Bugs Bunny. Yeah, because he loved Bugs Bunny. You loved Bugs Bunny. Yeah That's how they got into eating carrots as well. They said you'd be... Because most people it's like eat your spinach you'll grow it to be like Popeye or something. Yeah, that's what I did. Yeah But this was eat your carrots you'll grow it to be like Bugs Bunny. Yeah, it that's what I did. Yeah. But this was, eat your cabbage, you'll grow up to be like, what's funny? Yeah, it's the opposite. See, that's a little window into my family.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. It's very different sort of, it can be a kind of wisecracking rabbit if you feed these as opposed to a strong man. A strong sailor. Yeah. A strong sailor. Would you rather be, there's a Twitter poll for you.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Would you rather be a strong sailor or a for you, would you rather be a strong sailor or a wise, cracking rabbit? That's a good point. We're sort of Popeye and Bugs Bunny. Are you Popeye? Yeah, because I've got my stripey shirt on as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you're the strong sailor and the wise one. I've got Popeye shoulders. You're definitely Bugs Bunny.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't think for a second I was going to be, but that's why I asked, confused if you were Popeye. Yeah, so I was like- Who's Elmer Fudd trying to hunt you down? That's the question. Bonito. No.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Okay, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you want bread? Yeah, I'm a bread guy. You want bread. Do you want any specific type of bread before the meal? Do you have a favorite bread? I love sourdough.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I think that's the best bread for me. Yeah. You know, I don't wanna to make one big bold claim. Sure. You can do that. This is your episode, man. So if you want to be impractical. Sourdough is the best bread.
Starting point is 00:24:50 The best bread. Do you have anywhere that you like to buy sourdough from? There's a bakery right by where I grew up called Bigsby Bakery that makes freshly baked sourdough bread. It's delicious. We go there like first thing in the morning to get this bread for your dream meal.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah, they've got really good steak sandwich there as well. It's another recommendation, let's say. What's it, but aside from steak, what's in this sandwich? It's arugula and a bit of horseradish aioli. Nice. Get a little kick. Yeah. Get a little cream.
Starting point is 00:25:23 What's arugula here? Rocket. Rocket. That's cooler. What's a vougla? Rocket. Rocket. That's cooler. That's a cooler way of describing it. Yeah, it's a stupider name though. Well think about that. Calling a leaf rocket is crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah, a vougla sounds like an actual thing. Yeah, it sounds like a leaf. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Rocket is. I'll tell you, listen, I'll take rocket. Rocket sounds cooler to me. I mean, there's also, what was the thing we were talking about the other day at work?
Starting point is 00:25:42 They're like, at work fighting Um, that's what work is. Yeah. Uh, what was the, um, the beans? What do you guys call string beans here? Oh, fine beans. Fine beans. That was the, uh, that caused a lot of a hoo-ha on the menu where it said, uh, you can get fine beans. Fine beans. Right. It was on the catering menu and everyone was like, what the fuck? beans. Fine beans. Right. It was on the catering menu and everyone was like, what the fuck? What are these? Fine beans? What, they're just fine? Yeah. Everyone immediately. I'm
Starting point is 00:26:09 on good beans. Every American was like, you think you're better than me? Like everyone immediately. Is James actually in this film or do you just make him stand by the catering room and you're translating everything? I tell people to Google it. Yeah. Google it. Bill Murray. Yeah. So you want the Bixby bakery bread, brilliant. Do you want it with butter? Do you want some salted butter? Salted butter, I think, is always... I hate unsalted butter, because then there's just no... It's just oil then, at that point.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, I know what you mean. It gives me olive oil by itself. I would rather that. I do agree with the unsalted butter, like even when a recipe calls for that with unsalted butter, and then they get you to add salt later anyway, it's like, I'll just put salted butter in. Absolutely. I truly think that the reason why people make unsalted butter is because they bought it on accident. They're like, oh, it's the other shit. Well, whatever, I'll just use this instead. I have bought it by accident before and even then I'm getting the pot of salt that I have in my house. It's still is open. It's a bummer. It's like, and then it's like what you butter bread, like toast in the morning and then you have to do unsalted butter.
Starting point is 00:27:08 No. No. No. Imagine lobster or crab with unsalted butter. It's nothing. It's a nothing food. That's nothing at that point. Yeah. I mean, I mean, crab is still great by itself. Lobster still great by itself, but you're just dunking it in oil.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah. At that point. Yeah. Well yeah well you know sometimes that can be good I know that best sandwich of my life was when they just dumped it in oil well yeah but that's fun that's what kind of oil was wait what sandwich what sandwich we dunk it also don't you talk about what do you mean by dunked I got it in this place I've never seen it before You're an improvisatist It's a fake improvisation I was walking past the old Vic towards Waterloo station There was a little sandwich stall
Starting point is 00:27:51 I asked for one of these sandwiches And he ate this big bap And it was full of ham and salad And then he didn't Well, he didn't do this in front of me It was cling-filmed He pissed on it He gave me it. It was saying film that he gave it to me and I wrapped it a bit into it. It was full of olive oil.
Starting point is 00:28:11 That was like, it's like he just dumped this whole sandwich and a vat of olive oil and then wrapped it up and a bit into it. Was this an actual sandwich place or just a man just on the side of the world where it was delicious. It was such a good sandwich. I'm going to get this sandwich out of his shopping. It was a. It was such a good sandwich. I'm going to get enough of it. We got this sandwich out of his shopping trolley. I'm going to get enough of it. It was a proper oily, it was full of oil. It sounds horrible. I don't know about how you feel about this.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I hate when there's too much oil. I hate it. One time I was eating at a restaurant in Brooklyn with a few friends and I had steak that was just dripping in oil. It was like, what is this for? I want this to taste like meat. Like I want to see exactly what I got it for, which is spoiler alert steak. Yeah. I used to work in a kitchen in a pub and there was a guy who wasn't the main chef, but it was
Starting point is 00:28:58 like, you know, second chef, but would be in charge as you would say, who would be in charge when the other guy wasn't there. And he was like a real like cutting corners dodgy guy. So like the main chef was really good, made a beautiful steak. The other guy, I saw him on several occasions chuck a steak in the fryer and fry it in the deep fryer. To cook it first.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Was it to save time? Yeah, just do it quickly, do it like that. Send out oil all over it like you're talking about. Oh my goodness. And also, doesn't save time, it always gets sent back. Yeah, of course. And obviously it would get bollocks every time
Starting point is 00:29:32 by the management for it going, you're frying steaks again. I would leave. I think I'd actually be like, this is evil. It's pure evil. It's the sort of thing you see on like, kitchen nightmares. Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:44 He would absolutely. But you assume it's one of those scenes that has been created Kitchen Nightmares. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He would absolutely. But you assume it's one of those scenes that has been created for entertainment purposes. Yeah, it's funny. Sometimes when I'm watching those clips, I'm like, Ah, it looks kind of good. Like, there's something in me that's like Gordon Ramsay eating like something that was like, it's always a bad sign in the episode where they say like, it's fresh frozen. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I've seen a lot of this show. But they say like, oh, it's fresh frozen. He's like seen a lot of the show but they say like oh it's fresh frozen he's like well then it's not fucking fresh or whatever yeah I don't care if it's okay you know like if it's fine yeah there's salt there's G I feel probably be fine it depends how the restaurants presented right if that if it's just you're just going somewhere randomly to get something it doesn't really matter doesn't matter in the amount of like random places that I eat at airports that are just like so I could eat
Starting point is 00:30:28 I could just be eating Play-Doh at that point And I'm just happy to be putting anything in my stomach. Yeah. Yeah, so I have a pretty low bar Maybe yeah, if it was like called Finn's kitchen nightmares for you going around going that's not bad actually Your dream starter. I'm thinking back. I'm trying to put myself sort of in in my shoes at the time. This is amazing place in Toronto called Annabelle's Pasta Bar. It's in West West Toronto.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And it has just one chef, one guy one guy it's a small small little restaurant and For a starter they do bone marrow and it's so good. I'd never had it before There's the actually that was the last time I had it too. I've only had bone marrow once Actually, I ordered bone marrow again and there was no bone marrow. It's just the bone I was like, so what is this? Yeah, yeah, everyone's fallen for that prank at least once. Yeah, it's a prank. Yeah, well they said it out And yeah, oh god, I got the bone again You push through to sort of get it all out the bottom and it just immediately hits bone. Exactly. Yeah, but this is amazing
Starting point is 00:31:39 It's like but it's buttery put it on some bread as well. That's some unsalted butter that I would have Yeah, it's basically bone marrow. But then you your soul on that as well, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Absolutely love by Mario I did it at home the other day. Did you yeah, that's amazing. You did it. I went to the butcher's Okay, I bought some bones and Well that I got them cut rather than like lengthways, uh-huh. I got them cut just like chunks of bone. 180 in the oven, 20 minutes. And then I did some steaks on the barbecue and I just put the bone marrow all over the steaks.
Starting point is 00:32:14 And it was delicious for like 10 minutes and then the bone marrow really started to harden up and the texture was unpleasant. Who else was there? My friend, Freddie. Don't know this guy. We'll talk about this after. Freddy? Who is that? Yeah, my friend Freddy.
Starting point is 00:32:27 You know Freddy? He's one of my wine friends. Oh yeah, okay. His wine friend's a different crew. Look, because I got given a very old bottle of wine for my birthday, and I said, Freddy needs to come over and open this. And he went, yeah, that's going to be fucked. And he came over, opened it, it was disgusting, undrinkable.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Really? Interesting. Classic Freddy. Classic Freddy. You always invite him over to open up a good bottle of wine. And he came over opened it was disgusting undrinkable really interesting. Yeah, but didn't Freddy Good bottle of wine always ends up being shit Something is Freddy's fault. It's classic It's always been Freddy isn't it? Switching it out. It's pretty did Freddy bring a bottle of wine with him. That was a replacement
Starting point is 00:33:00 I mean, I bought another replacement and that was also caught. Oh, so all of it was yeah, but we had plenty Don't worry about us guys Congealed bone marrow But the best way of doing it I should have done it just put it straight onto a hot toast Yeah, so that's how they served it and they put it on focaccia. Oh lovely. Oh, wow Really really good if you want more bone marrow while you're in England You should go to st. John which is like the place that did it first pretty much. They're the og they're the og bone marrow guys Interesting. Well, I'm pretty sure cavemen were the og
Starting point is 00:33:33 Sure, but they're not roasting it though are they? I do actually have a favorite. There's a random, I have a favorite YouTube video and it's this guy who's like out in the Arctic and he is He's living out there and he's like, you know a few months ago He's like killed a deer but he's been living off of it for you know months Oh, would you like it if this is your favorite YouTube video? And so he gets down to the bone and he's like, said you know you can actually eat the the marrow raw like and said so he literally he puts the it's in the Arctic
Starting point is 00:34:08 He puts the bone on two rocks And then puts another bone and splits it in the middle and just eats it directly and it's the most satisfying So maybe some people will find it gross. I think it looks delicious. Yeah, I actually think it looks amazing Yeah, it's like frozen bone now. Maybe it's because he just like sells it so well He's a call. This is so good So it's your favorite YouTube video cuz you like watching the man eating the bone marrow and he really like loves it. Yeah, he really loves Cuz I thought this is gonna be like this guy is gonna have a nightmare He's there he goes you know, you can eat the bone marrow raw and he's gonna like shit himself break it
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah, that's amazing. You can shit well like It's like it's all like the bones. That's my favorite. Do you guys ever watch the show alone? No, no alone is great because it's like they get 30 people who are like I like to think I'm pretty outdoorsy and they drop them in the middle of nowhere for real Oh nothing was literally nothing Yeah And they give them one camera and they have to document their entire journey and the last person standing wins of the sum of money
Starting point is 00:35:10 it's like negative afraid but like with without being naked and there's no other cameraman and it's just them and they have to they're afraid every they are afraid yeah and there's also yeah they have to make everything they are afraid they're not naked sometimes they're naked yeah what's amazing and you'll find it every single season you'll have one at least one character That's way too cocky and is like yeah You know I've been doing this for a long time or like you know I've been living off the off the grounds in Colorado Whatever this is nothing to me, and they get really confident And they find some I could be like a bug or something, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:45 like they're trying to find anything to eat and they're like, yep, this is gonna be good. This is gonna be good. And they're showing the camera like, that's good eats for the night. And then it gets a hard cut to like, ah, ah, like three in the morning and night vision of him like grabbing us and like,
Starting point is 00:36:00 something was not right about that bug. It's like, yeah, I wonder why. If you watch that show, at least one, at least two people have that every season. They're like, this looks good. Oh, cut two. And they get airlifted away. It's just one thing.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And by the way, sometimes it happens like halfway through. So they have to like go back and do like a re-feeding program, which is essentially you have to learn how to eat again. Wow. Um, and so- Cause they ate the bug. They ate the bug. Well, that's cause, no, because they're not eating anything.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Right, okay, so they're like trying to get anything. But when they do get something, it's this like, I got this thing. It's gonna be so good. Oh, my stomach. It's this like yeah, I got this thing Is this quite a lot of bone marrow they're giving you or is it quite because sometimes I think people can be like you say You're just the bone and you're like there's hardly any marrow on this. I mean people could be very stingy Yeah, I would say it's just enough. It's too There might be one big bone that's split in half and they serve it to you in the bone, like
Starting point is 00:37:06 halved in the bones and you just scoop it out with a spoon and you spread it on the bread. Perfect amount, I would say. I would say if there's any more, it would be kind of gross. I think because this is the dream restaurant, I think we should say across the whole menu, the amount of food should be just enough. A perfect amount. Yes, it is just just you're absolutely correct. You're absolutely correct. Because that's what everyone wants.
Starting point is 00:37:28 To overboard on your steaks when you put the bone marrow on. Sounds like you went. Sounds like you put Vaseline on your steaks. Yeah, yeah. It genuinely looked like that by the end. Yeah, because that's what it looks like. When it hardens up it's like, you know, congealed. And it was unpleasant to eat.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yeah. I just imagine you being like, oh, I do not scraping it off the steak. Yeah, you did the stakes perfectly So next time I'm gonna do it on toast, but I will be doing it again. But it would be the starter Yes, well, let me know don't invite fucking Freddy round. Yeah Yeah, you don't like invite me over yeah Yeah, you don't have to kind of have the tiptoe around No, no, I never tiptoe around James. I don't want to Have you footed? Yeah Clump around him. Yeah, you can't yeah, you know, it's Freddie and I wouldn't get on
Starting point is 00:38:15 Well, so I'm not wasting the good one on you. Yeah, this is I have no idea what you're a boxed wine Literally only time I could ever tell if a wine is good is if it is literally the best what like I've ever been like that's a good wine is when I've been in a ridiculously bougie situation and someone has gone Here's a very very special ball. Yeah, they bring it out and I go. Oh, yeah, I can finally taste wine Anything below that is the same. I don't know if it's bottom shelf top shelf I have no idea whatsoever. But when someone goes this is big Drink it go. Oh, yeah, I can tell that that's good to be fair twice to me
Starting point is 00:38:52 Right, so Ben Ben Benito is now making out that after I've been told I then like make out like I get like going Oh, yeah, this is good. No, no, no, I'm saying you, you know, anytime my palette has ever gone, all that is delicious wine and better than any other wine I've had is what it's been a fancy pants wine. Oh, but it's presented to you as such. I think Penise is saying in a blind taste test, would you be able to pick out the incredible fancy pants wine? I guess we'll never know. Well, I mean, I think so.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I think so. So what you're saying is nothing. I think so. I think so. So what you're saying is nothing. You're saying that was nothing. I think I would be able to tell. Yeah, I think you would be able to tell. I would just go along with it. What does older wine taste like? Is there a difference? The things I don't know a huge amount about it. I'm probably in a similar situation to James where if I'm told it's lovely, then I can. I've never had like a, if we're gonna eat after this, well maybe we'll try, we'll try a blind taste test.
Starting point is 00:39:49 We'll try an old bottle of wine. Yeah. A bottle. It's an entire bottle of wine. Yeah, a bunch of bottles of wine. Yeah. We get five bottles of wine. The cheapest and most expensive on the menu. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Bottle each. Blindfolded. Straw. It's the most impractical way. Yeah, yeah. I don't know any restaurant that would let you do that. Order two. Can I please have the most, the oldest bottle of water?
Starting point is 00:40:12 We get them to take away. We do it in the Uber. Oh. Oh yeah, of course. And plus carrots. Yeah, yeah, that's what we do. Yeah, on your account. ACAS powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend.
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Starting point is 00:41:08 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Your dream main course. So I've been hearing a lot about this main, sort of the rules of this restaurant. If it's a dream restaurant, can I have sort of anyone around? Yeah. Well, any pals? Well, just yeah, a pal. A pal I was running. Who would you like? Well, okay, a friend from high school. Okay, my friend Dane from high school.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Classic Dane, as you guys know. Dane's there. This is before the main course even comes out. He's eating dinner. Oh, Finn, good to see you. Hey, good to see you too. I just got a raise from my job. Order anything you want. Order whatever you like. That's not a course. This is on Dane. This is on Dane. That's not a course, is it? Well, hold on. Oh, hang on. So are you introducing a new course? Yeah, but that's not- Which is the Dane this on Dane yeah that's not a course is it well hold on oh hang on so are you introducing a new course yeah which is the Dane course the Dane course is that he's he's good thank god right so he's at another table he's at another table and he's joining me for like he's
Starting point is 00:42:16 back but he's joining me for like a 15 minute period but he's like because he got a raise or anything exactly yeah well he got a raise and there's an uber that's outside, but he is he's offering me anything. Yes Okay, I like this. I do like this what I need more details about Dane. What sort of guy is he? What industry does he work in? Yeah, Dane is a college student. So yeah, maybe he's got the raised things Yeah, well, he's got extra money. Okay inheritance. Maybe a family member has passed away now Hmm if he was in the situation of a family member passing away and he had inheritance Do you think I've been in that situation would I go into a restaurant see my friend and go my grandma just died Yeah, whatever you want 100%
Starting point is 00:42:54 No, of course not. Of course not. I guess the bigger question is You know, I'm not sure if part of my dream meal would be a friend becoming bereaved My dream meal is a friend friend becoming bereaved my dream meals bearing his soul about his yeah yeah okay fine it's not a day meal then okay it's a it's a Jeff Bezos meal Bezos is in Bayez is gonna buy the meal I feel like there's someone in between those two who you could pick no there's only two it's either day in or basis I would say there's no middle I think he's exactly between I don't think basis is gonna come in and see a guy from a hit
Starting point is 00:43:27 Netflix show and start trying to write whose Amazon yeah by this anything he'd be like you know send a fucking plate of shit over to that kid yeah and then you look over he'd be like giving you the little white flag it has a little white flag with the Amazon. Okay. Fine. Then, uh, the, the head of Netflix, Ted Sarandos, Ted Sarandos is, yeah. So he would definitely do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's real. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:03 This is real now. Cause he doesn't, he happens to be in the same restaurant. Yes, he doesn't want to Like but he wants to be like Finn I'm over here get whatever you want. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, I'm ordering This is a Mexican or that you guys ever have haritas here. I'm Mexican soda. Oh, do you guys ever have Haritos here? It's a Mexican soda. Oh yeah. Oh, okay. Glass bottle. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Grapefruit. And then two tacos come out. They're small. Yeah. Pinch size. Yeah. Carnitas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:36 From this place La Taqueria in Vancouver. It's on Yukon street, I think. There's a few. Yeah. And then Jeff. Did I say Jeff? No, it's not Jeff. Ted. It's Ted now. It's Ted now., and then Jeff. Did I say Jeff? Not Jeff This is very different and I am in huge loyalty by the way if anyone hears this if anyone hears this I
Starting point is 00:44:55 Am in loyalty to Ted Not to Jeff or anyone else Or Dane especially Listen, I love Dane, but he's not in a position yet. I Know well I've been talked to him in a few months. I don't know if he has not yeah If you listen, I love you good. Yeah, man. You'll get through this man. Yeah with the Rays or not. Yeah Okay, so Ted yeah, I grabbed That's some pickled onion. Yeah. On
Starting point is 00:45:26 it. Red pickled onion. Delicious. Yeah. And just really good, really good soda. I think this is like, it's a light, it's a light bite. It's a light snack. Yeah. And it's like a thank you. Yeah. You know, sure. I think that's fine. And also I think, you know, Ted Sarandos, if he shouts you, goes, whatever you get two tacos and and a Mexican soda easily be like Yeah, you're still in um you still in the black there. Yeah, you still got money I think I'm not a very flashy person like I said, I'm playing Jane. Yeah I'm not gonna not gonna go overboard. Yeah, I went to the ivy with my parents today Oh, that was weird for me still it's the Ivy. So I didn't know your parents
Starting point is 00:46:06 were here. They're here. If you want to meet them after this, they'll be here. Oh yeah? Yeah. There's two choices. There's two choices. You either eat them or you don't. So that's a cheat. That's my little cheat. And is it because you couldn't decide like you were like, there's just too many things to eat. So you've gone for 10 seconds. You need to get tacos in there somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah. Yeah. And this particular place is, would you recommend this to anyone going to? Absolutely. Yeah. La Taqueria. There's also specific, I mean, this is a different, this is different. This is not part of my meal.
Starting point is 00:46:43 There's a place in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Breaking Bad. Yep. It's the only thing. Truly though, that is the only thing that's going on there. It's a beautiful state, but it's built on the economy that is Breaking Bad. Yeah, it's all built on math. Yeah. But it can be a wonderful city and there's an amazing... I was staying in this house when I was shooting something and I stayed by this place called Barbacoa El Primo,
Starting point is 00:47:08 I think it was called. And they only sell Barbacoa tacos. They're small and you can buy them by the pound. Wow. And they just serve, it's the most incredible thing you've had. It's so amazing. I liked, I said the La Taqueria tacos
Starting point is 00:47:22 because they're just classic and I grew up eating them. But both are, both are. So you wouldn't want to on the Sarandos meal. Maybe to add on. One of them? I would say, yeah, yeah, maybe a third. But it's crazy about the Barbacoa tacos. They're even smaller than the tacos that I'm talking about at La Taqueria.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Right. So. I feel like we could throw one of those on. Yeah. Yeah. Put the Barbacoa one. Ted's a generous guy, right? Yeah, he is Put the barbecue on. Ted's a generous guy, right? Yeah, he really is. He's a generous guy.
Starting point is 00:47:47 He's excited about Stranger Things, you know. He is. Okay, so that's just Arandos' course. Yeah. So then the main course. It's a hard one, actually, because I feel like there's so many, I was like talking to my dad about it. I was like, do you remember any specific good meals we had?
Starting point is 00:48:03 He was like, we're really lucky. Like we traveled around and had really amazing meals. So here, I'm going to pick right now. This is it. Have you got a list of potentials? I do. I can't prepare it. This is actually not potential. This is what it is because it's the most recent. I went to Japan with a few friends and just went for vacation and we went to Yokohama for a day It's like a port city outside of Tokyo and there's this amazing Ramen place we went to there's so much amazing ramen obviously in Yokohama, but we went to this specific place and it has This it was like soy broth a lot of times you have like tonkatsu broth, which is like pork
Starting point is 00:48:44 It was like soy broth a lot of times you have like tonkatsu broth, which is like pork This is like um clear soy broth, which I guess is Yokohama style or something I don't know, but it was just really very good, and this is the first time I've ever used this dickhead um umami thing Oh, yeah, you know I don't think everyone who says umami is a dickhead I don't think that at all, but there's part of me That's like you just don't know what it tastes like And it's making you sound smarter than you are yeah, and so guess what I used it and it did yeah Yeah, I used it, but it's so good I like it really it was one of those things that you couldn't really place why it tasted so good It was like buttery, and I don't know where they got the butter from yeah
Starting point is 00:49:23 Ramen so there was. It was ramen. Salted. So I don't think there was any. Yes, it was salted butter. It was bone marrow. But it was so good. It was really good. What else was in this ramen? It does sound delicious.
Starting point is 00:49:34 It was just, it was a clear soy broth and then noodles and then two pieces of pork and then like scallions. And that was it. But the broth was the thing that was incredible about it. The broth is the star of the show. Yeah. Broth is the star of the show. I love it. I love ramen.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah. I know man. So good. I'm sure. Are there good places here? There's a couple of good places, but I think if you, if you go to Japan, yeah, I think Japan. Probably the one that you've had there described. You're not going to find anything here that touches that I even had like amazing
Starting point is 00:50:07 Ramen in Tokyo Airport on the way. Yes, I'm like for breakfast. I just had ramen. Just incredible. Did you play in Tokyo? No, no, I was just there for holiday. But yeah, just amazing. It's such good stuff. There's a few good London chains Yeah, mom and daddies and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. I've been seeing that sign a lot. I haven't. Yeah, that's good. It's been sort of drilling into my brain. You know those sort of... They're just brandings everywhere. So now I'm like, now you have to go there. I have to go there. Yeah, yeah. My brain's seen it enough. The original Bone Daddies on Pizza Street in Soho is very good still. Yeah, you say Pizza Street? Pizza Street.. Sorry Peter Street. Oh god rather than pizza Street That is that is a place I would go to yeah
Starting point is 00:50:48 But if you if you're opening a ramen restaurant, you're fucking crazy if you open on Pete's tree The best ramen restaurant all of London isn't on Pete's yeah Best pizza on pizza Street, just Google it yeah And pick whatever one yeah just whatever one i guess google best pizza on pizza street i'm not fucking helping you out i might not like that for this fucking film i'm not paying enough i'm not getting paid enough just standing there telling everyone what fine beans are yeah yeah trying to live my fucking life i guess i'm not fine beans guy i've got a clue how to do this Fine beans. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah Your dream side dish now
Starting point is 00:51:38 My I have a few friends in Chicago and they've taken me to like I think some of the best food I've ever had Has been Chicago There's a place that I love going to, there's a few called Parsons Chicken and Fish. Just got really good fried chicken, a really good fried fish. And I would get the nuggets. Nuggets are so good, like they're the best. Usually chicken nuggets, I feel like they're sort of an implied like, yeah, you know, you're going to get here.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Yeah. But they're just great. They really, they're just great. I love that we started this podcast with you saying becoming more of a foodie. I feel like this is a few steps up. Just a few. It's bridging the gap between McDonald's and into the sort of yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Talk us through the nuggets. Why are they so good? They just, I don't know, they taste like chicken. I don't know how to, you know what I mean? Sometimes you're eating a chicken nugget and you're like I don't know what the fuck this is but I'm gonna eat it. It's just good, fresh chicken. I don't know how to describe it. What's the batter like? Batter's crispy. That's what makes a good chicken nugget to me as well.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Like also a good chicken nugget is Chick-fil-A. That's a good fast food. If you're going for fast food chicken nuggets, Chick-fil-A because it just tastes like actual chicken. Yeah, but yeah, it's really good. The Parsons in general is a really good, really good stuff. They also have my drink too my drink of choice oh wow we're not even moving on I know I know place wise but but that's sort of a must be staying in the same location for that so when you go there yeah must be quite exciting to get you get the nuggets and the drink and this yeah dream drink yeah the same time and be like this is two what the reason why I
Starting point is 00:53:02 got the I get the nuggets as a saw like You know if it was the main that I would get the sandwich chicken sandwich, but I do a sandwich But you know so what's in really? Another shout out for a sandwich. There's no sandwiches on this menu But there are two places that you've mentioned to where you go and there's a good sandwich on so you a sandwich guy I have huge sandwich guys Huge sandwich guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you had that written all over your face.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Huge sandwich guy. I've picked up on a few mentions of a sandwich guy. If you want a good sandwich in London, there's a guy who's just under a bridge, he dipped it in oil for you. Oh. If you want to go, if you want to go down there. This guy sounds amazing. Who is this guy?
Starting point is 00:53:37 They're the old Vic. I haven't seen him for a while. His name's old Vic. His name's old Vic. His name's old Vic. Is that his old, is that his old, old Vic sandwich? Old Vic sandwich. Do you want that sandwich dipped, son? I would say yes, if he'd offered's Old Vic. The name's Old Vic. Old Vic Sammy.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Do you want that sandwich dipped, son? I would say yes, if he'd offered it to me. Sounds like Jason Statham. Yeah, it is. It's Jason Statham's new cabbage. Yeah. You want one of these? It's dipped in oil.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Do you get any dips with the nuggets? Yep. They have honey mustard. Delicious. They also have ranch. Also delicious. Made there, I'm pretty sure. Homemade ranch.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah, homemade ranch. I think, don't quote me on that, but whatever it was. Imagine if that got you in trouble. Yeah, it was like, I went to Parsons Chicken and Fish and Lincoln Square and it wasn't homemade. It was out of the bottle. Let's move on to your drink actually. We're already in the location. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:27 So we just pivot in slightly. They make blended drinks like frozen, like slushies that are so good. They have a Negroni one that's really good. Well, the one that I, and they have this one called the Dr. Coconut. These fields, that one sounds fake, but I agree. The Dr. Coconut is like, um, just like
Starting point is 00:54:45 a rum based, you know, kind of peanut colada vibe. The best thing there is called a chichi colada. That's what I would have. And it's basically lime, moscall, like orange bitters, and like peanut sort of peanut colada mix all mixed up. And it's the most delicious blended cocktail ever. This is going to be so up your street. Yeah, I'd love it. I absolutely love that. It's so good. So even, I mean, the coconut one's great too, but that one just kind of puts it over the edge, I would say, of like good drinks. Also just good mixed drinks too.
Starting point is 00:55:15 I mean, like they have, I would say like, I mean, I'll save it. I'll actually, I'll save it. I'll save it for later. Okay. But, but, but, um, you have to remind me because this will... it'll be... Technically it's a drink, but it's... no one... you don't like sip on it. It's more of a shot. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I love, like, yes, like, alcoholic slush drinks.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah. Absolutely great. And you don't see them on... Blue Crew. The Blue Crew. Oh yeah, the Blue Crew. I don't know if you told them about this. No, I haven't told them about the blue crew.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Actually, why would you? What's the blue crew? Actually, don't tell, James don't tell them because. I'll tell them about the blue crew. I have to now. A bunch of us went for a meal before going to see Abba Voyage. Obviously.
Starting point is 00:56:00 As all great stories start. Obviously I knew you were going to Abba Voyage. Yes. And I spent all night while you're at Abba Voyage laughing about you going to Abba Voyage. Yes. And I spent all night while you're at Abba Voyage laughing about you going to Abba Voyage. Yeah. Yeah. Ed did a gig with Kamail. Kamail told him we were all going to see Abba Voyage.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Made him laugh. Immediately he get texts from Ed and Nish asked me about you lot are going to Abba Voyage. Immediate text back, yes. That's the first time I'm meeting Paul Rudd. Yeah. And it was. Yeah, it was the first time.
Starting point is 00:56:23 And guess what? It was awesome. Yeah. It was just terrifying. I walked in. So first of all, I got to the restaurant, Smoke and Goat. Great restaurant. Great restaurant. Yeah. Got there. I was like, I wonder if we'll be the first here. As soon as you walk in, there's a girl freaking out to a mum that Ant-Man's in the restaurant. So we're not the first. Go over to the table and Ant-Man's in the restaurant. So I'm like, okay, sorry. So is he. So we're not the first two. Go over to the table and Finn's friend Fred and Paul are there. Kamau joins us and my girlfriend and I.
Starting point is 00:56:53 And then I see on the menu is a cocktail. Yes. It's called something blue. I can't remember what the first word was. Blue something. Look it up. Bonito's good. We did have it.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You guys had it as well? We've been there. Yeah, I know we've been there. Do we have the blue one? I think we had, we might, or I definitely, I don't think I had it maybe. I don't know if I've had it before, cause I wasn't prepared.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I jumped on the bandwagon immediately. So I ordered it just cause it had tequila in it. If it turns out you've had it before, it's the perfect James O. Castor story. Yeah, of course it is. Yeah, yeah, it's absolutely perfect. I forgot I had it before. Cosmic blues. The cosmic blues. I wanted of course it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's absolutely perfect. I forgot I had it before. Cosmic blues.
Starting point is 00:57:26 The cosmic blues. Yeah. I wanted the cosmic blues because it had tequila in. Yeah. And then everyone jumped on it. I immediately went, because sometimes I like copying people. Because this is a restaurant I also didn't know. So sometimes I'll get the locals' favorite.
Starting point is 00:57:41 The locals' favorite. Yeah, so locals' favorite. Everyone apart from Kamail orders it. Kamail. As a stance. He took a stance. Yeah. I am not getting the blue. But he didn't know it was going to be blue. Oh, is it actually blue? Yeah. So this is the thing. I didn't know it was going to be blue. So that's where it went bad for me because everyone's copied me. Kamail's like, no, I'm having something else. Yeah. And I was like, oh, you don't want to be in the blue crew with a blue, because it was called that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:08 But then they come along and they literally are like neon blue ridiculous. I was like, oh no, I don't know these people well enough. Now I've made them all get this blue drink. Yeah. And started calling yourself the blue crew. Called us the blue crew. Lunch there drinking the blue drink. He doesn't, he's not, he's not happy with it.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Delighted about it. No. You know, he's trying to keep a low profile. Yeah. He's there with a the blue drink. He doesn't he's not he's not happy with it. I didn't like it about it No, you know, he's trying to keep a low profile. Yeah, he said with a neon blue Like he's fucking holding the tesseract You're the Thanos snap to his Everything disappeared after he We all were bummed, I would say. Yeah, no one was happy about it. However, it was so funny.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah. As a bit, we kept, we just kept, I finished the whole thing. I was like, I don't like this, but I'm gonna keep, because we're the blue crew. Also, we were committed to being the blue crew at that point. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. At least I was.
Starting point is 00:59:00 I don't know if there's any fake motherfuckers at the table. I was the only one that was Rod was fully in no he was in he fell in to me. Yeah, maybe one foot out at the waist Yeah, also I mean for a full Yeah, if the if the listener wants a full kind of like image of who's at the table I said like just like yeah Finn's friend Fred Fred Fred plays the The guy in the first series of white lotus who goes canoe with the kid who's yeah That's who that is. Yeah, so that's funnier to me as well. I've made him do it. Yeah He loved it. Yeah, you know, you know, he loved it. Yeah, he's sweet
Starting point is 00:59:35 And then you all bought matching jackets we did we didn't buy them we were given Oh without that makes more sense It would have been hilarious if we bought them They're the upper jazz because I bet they're really expensive. Because if, if you hadn't. I really do. If you hadn't been given them, you know James would have tried to make you all buy them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:52 If he did, and by the way, I would have. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause you told me. You're in the blue crew. I definitely would have converted. Duh. You and Fred. Duh.
Starting point is 01:00:00 You and Fred definitely would have bought them. Yeah. Everyone else I think I lost their trust by then for you two it's all in your head it's all in your head Bluey is he Bluey? I don't know I'm Bluey now yeah, we all got our nicknames in the Blue crew I'm Bluey, blue boy, Blue balls
Starting point is 01:00:18 who's Blue balls? Blue balls is the FH this guy, very unruly Blue Boy's Fred. My girlfriend is Bluezee McCusey and Paul Road is Blur Blood. Blur Blood? Blur Blood. You dream dessert. So I get this whenever I'm back in Vancouver. What's going on yeah stomach and stomach is roaring that's a good sign to eat that's a good good menu yeah that's how that's how this pocket since you actually eat every
Starting point is 01:00:54 person you have if it's good menu yes exactly shut the door there's like a there's a little bit you know there's a's a little dungeon down there that you keep on. And then I film myself eating the marrow and put it on YouTube. Yeah, that's my favorite video. So, okay, yeah, so whenever I'm, I have a local, you guys don't have Dairy Queen here, do you? No, but have you been? Yes, I think we've told the story in the podcast before when Dara and Brian tipped an entire Dairy Queen onto a carpet to prove that it would stick in the thing.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Oh, that's, yeah, my friend used to work at Dairy Queen and said that once in a while, because you know, if you've never been to Dairy Queen before, listeners out there, when you have a Blizzard, it's like a blended sort of ice cream with, you know, chocolate or cookies or whatever, but it's like, it's kind of a harder consistency whatever or it's like whatever it's ice cream but the whole thing about is that if you tip the cup upside down the ice cream does not fall out yeah it's like the whole thing about Dairy Queen I've never seen it fall out before well I've seen close I've seen very close when it 's falling out so yes yes no time exactly yeah it's not so
Starting point is 01:02:05 immediately after you're done if it's a really hot day maybe but my friend you sort of Dairy Queen and there's a few times that I was a Dane it was not day maybe you got a raise from Dairy Queen that's what I was thinking different guy. So it wasn't Dane, it was Cook. Yeah. But it wasn't Dane. They've never been in the same room. I get this question all the time. It's so annoying. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. They hate each other. Yeah. I could do one, but it wouldn't be as good.
Starting point is 01:02:45 No? No, I don't. Say it. I don't have one, but I was just thinking, there's no point. All right, James and I in the blue crew. Yeah. I'm not in the blue crew. I can't make that joke.
Starting point is 01:02:53 So close to a bucket out. So okay, yeah, so there's a Blizzard that I order. Like, Dairy Queens are huge in like Texas or the Midwest or like random places. And then for whatever reason, BC Canada like BC they're huge in Vancouver They're like everywhere. They're Queens British Columbia British Columbia. Sorry before a cast before castor before castor. Yeah almost worked After castor that almost that was no one gonna say BC stands for blue crew for fuck's sake
Starting point is 01:03:24 You're in the blue crew and you're missing opportunities like this. That was an open goal This is why the blue crew can't last through We need to get added to the blue crew Sneak the blue into this drink. I wouldn't have one of those drinks if it were yeah, that sounds disgusting those drinks Oh my god, you're such a baby. Yeah, like you Yeah, that sounds disgusting those drinks. Oh my god. You're such a baby. Yeah Oh, that's right. It was like a lot of lychee. Yeah So there's a place there's a the local dairy queen That's by my house and by my the place that I went to like elementary school that would go to grow up
Starting point is 01:03:57 Go into all the time. I found it out about this thing I was like eight and then the guy who owns it Simon does this thing like eight and then the guy who owns it Simon does this thing you go and he like he's like what do you want and you're like oh can I get a whatever Reese's pieces and he's like well I have this thing it's called the Dunbar Blizzard and I was like oh and it's like it's um or I think it's Oreo with Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and cookie dough mixed in. It's like all mixed in. And it sounds, you know like when you mix so many things together and it kind of just tastes
Starting point is 01:04:33 like nothing, that's not that. Like it's just really good. Very, very good ice cream. And that's what I would usually go for. It's like a, it's a hometown hero for me, I would say. He really is actually, he's a legend amongst my, amongst my neighborhood. Because he was like the ice cream man in the neighborhood. Yeah, yeah. He fueled many kids' childhoods with ice cream. You're always happy to see Simon. Always. Yeah. Always. The Reese's Peanut Butter butter cups is doing it for me. Absolutely perfect. So good. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:07 The salty the sweet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we don't we still don't do enough with that sort of thing in this country I don't think no. Yeah. Well, actually that's such a you guys have like the well you have the crispy M&Ms Yeah, I love it still no peanut butter M&Ms. I tell you this still I've known Finn for a couple of weeks Yeah, I'd say that's the millionth time I've heard him mention the crispies I'm not even- He absolutely loves them I was about to say that
Starting point is 01:05:33 He loves the crispy M&Ms so much I've mentioned it so much around Jake for whatever reason It's not normal. I do love them. Yeah, yeah This is the right guy to mention that sort of stuff around though Oh I respect it. Yeah, yeah where I sort of- the obsession obsession. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely respect it. I think it's great I see at the Dunmore Blizzard very good. I love it. I think all those ingredients Yeah, obviously, I love Reese's but like the cookie dough in there. Yeah, and what's the third thing you said? Oh the Great more and more now like actually fast becoming my favorite
Starting point is 01:06:02 Go to Ben and Jerry's is that the switched up if I see a tub of switched up which has Oreos in it well it's basically just got like the ice creams on the outside and the pot is in the middle. Oh yeah exactly. But yeah there's loads of Oreos in there. Chocolate chip cookies in there. The thing like a fun fact when I was 15 I would come home from high school or from where I have like if I was work if I was doing straighter things or whatever I would not even I would eat for I think for two weeks I ate a pint of Ben and Jerry's a day Wow and I developed lactose intolerance You can't use intolerance. Yeah gave myself it and this is what it was
Starting point is 01:06:42 This is and I'm since totally fought like I can eat ice cream be totally fun and It was such a mystery to me on why? What's going on? Why is my stomach hurt so much? And everyone's like I wonder if it's the amount of ice cream you're putting into your system You like the guy on that show you'd be like which one another pint here. We go. It's gonna be absolutely fine. Cut to, whoa! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm that guy, I'm that guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's going on? I'm some Chunky Monkey guy, just like an Indian for fun.
Starting point is 01:07:10 God, you're the best! Ah! It's true, yeah. Yeah, cut to me on the bathroom floor. Yeah, well that's the thing, that was the hard part. I mean, nothing ever happened to me. Like, it just hurt so bad. Yeah, it was probably not a good idea. I's probably not that you know there was a funny shit story
Starting point is 01:07:28 But there was it um and all my friends were like yeah It was what it was like oh, it's one of those things They're like stop eating Ben and Jerry's like that like oh that can't be it that has to not be it And they're like that is it and then guess what I stopped for like a few months stopped eating ice cream And then I tried again absolutely fine Yeah, I just needed some you see to tap out for a bit. What's these in a stranger for this? So if you're watching my face during three you see the pain The other kids they all look concerned I noticed in season three yeah like
Starting point is 01:08:03 Intervention here is eating But the reason why I got sidetracked about that is there was like the Oreo or the like a sir's tech It's second. It's chocolate chip cookie. They're called milk and cookies. I don't know if I have that here Not here. No, but milk and cookies the best ben and still you know, it's crazy about that I still like it. It's not like I turned myself off. Yeah. Yeah, it's like the you have to stop yourself. Yeah, eating the whole pint Yeah, cuz I'm so bad Yeah Would you have eaten the egg o waffles Never eat the egg o waffles on the set so your face makes me not want to say anything
Starting point is 01:08:42 So your face makes me not want to say anything Why? Ever again Cause you're doing your cheeky face James You made a face And I bet you've wanted to ask this for so long Yeah No, no, no, no On the podcast where we've had people on who have been on Stranger Things
Starting point is 01:08:54 We used to ask them like, you know, Joe Quinn Yeah I asked him if it was Dustin's hands playing the guitar Yeah Hilarious So you asked me if I'm eating I just realized I'm eating them off set
Starting point is 01:09:03 And you want me to know the answer? No No Yeah Benito's just happy that we're getting towards the end of the podcast So you asked me if I'm eating... I'm eating them off set. And you want to know the answer? No. Benito's just happy that we're getting towards the end of the podcast and we haven't done the Benegorgon yet. Oh yeah, nobody would do the Benegorgon. I know what the fucking Benegorgon thing is. Don't do it. Don't do it. Stop saying it.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Stop saying it. Do it for whoever you get on Next from the show that I'm on. Oh wait, here's the last show that I'm on. Oh wait Here's the last thing that I'll say food wise. It's it's actually it's a shot. Oh, yes There's something have you guys ever had Malort before I've heard of Malort. I've never had Malort Okay, Malort is like originally from Poland. It's like a shot, but for whatever reason it's like the Chicago shot and you have it sort of as like a welcoming whatever. It's kind of like a liqueur. It's not really doesn't really it doesn't taste like a liqueur.
Starting point is 01:09:50 It's not thick. It's not sweet. But it's really bitter. That's the whole thing about it. It's like super, super, super bitter. And everyone tells you that it's good. And you're like, I know it's not going to be good. And then you have it for the first time.
Starting point is 01:10:04 And it technically isn't good. But then you have it for the first time, and it technically isn't good, but then you realize the aftertaste is like incredible. And that's why people do it. Because what happens is you put it, you throw it back, you taste it up front and it's like so bitter and it's horrible. And then that goes away and you had this amazing feeling slash taste on your tongue.
Starting point is 01:10:24 It's almost like grapefruit or something. If I were to end my meal with something, I think it would be a shot of Malort. Great! That's the way to do it, I think. We've got to try that. Yeah. I think, you know, yeah, it's like one of those things where everyone's like, yeah, for years people would tell me about Malort and be like, it's so good.
Starting point is 01:10:41 I'd be like, no, it's not. Like, you know, it's one of those like adults say that it's good because they think that they have to yeah, cuz they're an adult Yeah, and then you have it one day and it's not bad. Okay great. Well. We meet your menu back to you now You got a drink it you're the blue crew Crosshatching you got to drink it. You're the blue crew Water still with ice plain Jane pop norms of bread sourdough from Bixby bakery with salted butter Starter bone marrow on focaccia from Annabelle's pasta bar then we got the Sarandos course Ted Sarandos Getting you two kind eaters tacos from the taqueria and one barbacoa taco from barbacoa el primo. Is he leaving then? He's left by then.
Starting point is 01:11:25 He's gone, yeah, yeah, he's out the door. He's gone by the last bite I take of my barbacoa, I go, hey, and then he's out the door. Yeah, that's a classy move. Yeah, right? By someone, something as he leaving, that's good. That's a surrender, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:38 And a grapefruit, haritos. Main course, soy broth ramen from Yokohama. Side dish, chicken nuggets from Parsons chicken and fish with a honey mustard and ranch dip drink chi chi colada also from Parsons chicken and fish then dessert we're going for the Dunbar Blizzard made by Simon at the Dairy Queen and then right at the end Malort! Yep. A shot of malort blue, brackets blue. Brackets blue.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Benito, you killed death. Yeah, but Benito writes it all down. I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have given that away. No, I think- I think people know now. Yeah, I think people know now. Because that was someone reading their own stuff that they had written at the end.
Starting point is 01:12:18 No, that's a sale. Actually, we just had that crazy conversation the whole time you guys were writing at the same time. That would be impossible. Yeah, we've done a whole transcript time. That would be impossible. Yeah. We've done a whole transcript of what's been said here. You guys should have one of those like court transcriptions on a big... Set in the corner.
Starting point is 01:12:32 They can't have a microphone there because they're really loud with the typewriter. Finn thank you so much for coming to the Dream Restaurants. Thank you for having me. Thank you Finn. Well there we are. What a great menu. Delicious menu. Thank you, Finn. Well, there we are. What a great menu. Delicious menu. I especially liked the little cheat course
Starting point is 01:12:51 that was snuck in there in a believable scenario. And I want to go to a lot of those places, that place in Chicago. Yeah. Sounds really good. For the nugs. Yeah, for the nugs. I mean, I'm going to try every single one
Starting point is 01:13:03 of those alcoholic slush drinks that they do. I can't wait. Next time I go to Chicago, beeline for that place. Straight from the air. I'm gonna get the plane to land outside of that place. I think you've got too excited there. I think you've got too excited there. Listen, man, I'm a ghost buster now.
Starting point is 01:13:22 You could do that. You could pull that sort of shit. You got a ghost buster on board. Why are you doing that voice? What? Please tell me that's the voice you do in the film. Yeah. Yeah. I have to be from New York in the film. Yeah. Do some more of the voice. Oh fuck. It's a lot of ghosts. They taken over the city. Paul Rudd. You better go after them ASAP. Don't let me down Rudd. Don't let me down. In a dream world, that would be the voice that you're doing and you would call Paul Rudd, Paul Rudd in the film. My character would just call him. And every time you see Paul Rudd just
Starting point is 01:13:54 wince. Yeah, fucking do. Stop calling me Paul Rudd. They couldn't get me to come in and do ADR for some reason. So it always has to stay how I said it on every take. You keep mentioning the blue crew. Yeah. Why is the fucking bloke crow when you need him? We're in trouble. The big marshmallow man. He's toast. Well I don't know when Ghostbusters comes out, but I'll certainly, I'll certainly be in the cinema every day to watch it. I'm doing that in it. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:14:22 It'd be great. Finn is still in the room. Finn, don't tell anyone at work that I just did that. I'm getting fired. The voice is not, not like that. Yeah. That's true. Is it really? No, but yeah. Sometimes when it gets animated. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's my normal voice. Yeah. The character is me in a flight suit. I love it. I love it. So you said I'm going to be there every day. Yeah. I'll go, I'll go to the cinema every day. I'm excited, I love it. You said I'm gonna be there every day. Yeah, I'll go to the cinema every day. I'm excited man. Yeah, go every day. I'm so excited. I'll sit there with my big blue drink. Yeah, you'll know what it's about. Turning around to everyone else in
Starting point is 01:14:56 the cinema going, this guy's in the blue crew. Of course, Finn did not say eggs covered in maple syrup. Yeah, yeah. not even one shout out to maple syrup He's a disgrace to his home country. Yeah, good luck getting back in now when you go home bad luck It's gonna go pretty badly. You didn't shout out the maple syrup. He did shout out the the local DQ The local taqueria. Yeah, that's true. Actually quite a lot of local bakery. Yeah fine. Those are shout outs We will see you again next week. Next week. Bye. Bye. Hello, I'm Sarah Pascoe. And I'm Cariad Lloyd. You might remember us from the peak of our careers, appearing on the excellent Off Menu
Starting point is 01:15:50 podcast. It's the greatest we've ever felt and we know we'll never achieve that again. But if you remember those episodes and enjoyed what we did, you might be a fan of our book choices and our new comedy podcast, Sarah and Cariad's Weirdos Book Club. Imagine us not talking about food but talking about books. But with the comedians you know from off-menu like Nish Kumar, John Kern, Sophie Juker and more. We're not copying them, we're doing our own thing. It's totally different.
Starting point is 01:16:14 It's about books. It's about books. There's no genies involved. It's a space for the lonely outsider to feel accepted and appreciated. Just like James A. Custer's bedroom. Eww. A place for the person who'd like to be in a real book club but doesn't like wine or nibbles. You can read along. Share your opinions. Or just skulk around in your raincoat like the weirdo you are.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Thank you for reading with us. We like reading with you.

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