Red Scare - Did You Know That There's a Jewish Tunnel Under Eastern Pkwy

Episode Date: January 20, 2024

The ladies discuss the Chabad synagogue tunnel, the Jewish Hollywood letter, and more....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're back. We're reporting live from inside the Jew tunnel. And we're drinking some Josh wine to bring the meme cycle to a full full close. What's up with the Josh memes? Um, I think I'm not that cynical. I think it is like some organic engagement with the fact that Josh Wine is objectively funny, kind of always has been. Kind of been on the back burner. But like, I feel like there's some understanding in the collective unconscious that Josh Wine is funny.
Starting point is 00:01:02 But cynically, I'm like a genius marketing ploy. They've done it like. Josh company. Josh company, yeah. They're gonna get people to buy Josh as a joke because they know no one's buying it for real. But it's probably the- Yeah, remember like 10 years ago when Colt 45
Starting point is 00:01:20 started marketing to white millennials? No. It's like a beer that black people drink, you know? Maybe it's like that and Josh is covertly marketing, yet again to white millennials, even though it's target demographic is like white boomers. I don't know if it even has- Who drinks Josh?
Starting point is 00:01:42 I mean, I have from time to time. I feel like everyone kind of, it's a very populous wine because it's like, there's nothing to indicate it's better quality, but it's like a slightly higher price point if you're like in a real shit home. Yeah, it's like 14 or $15. Yeah, like at a gas station, you're like, I guess we'll get the jaw. They really know their, their market. They've cornered the market.
Starting point is 00:02:05 That's so gross. On like last resort. You know what the real mid-wit wine is? That like people who think they're smart drink? Bougelet, like... Chris. What's Chris? It's like Josh, it's one of those like...
Starting point is 00:02:18 They sell it at mid-market wine shops, not like nice hipster ones. Yeah. So much of wine is a not like nice hipster ones. Yeah. So much of wine is a scam. It is, yeah. But there's that one that looks like very kind of ornately French, and it really ranges in price point, but it's called something like Bougelet, like,
Starting point is 00:02:36 and I'm convinced all that's just like the same crap from my barrel. Yeah, definitely. They're like, it's barreled in France. Bottle in France or whatever. Barreled. Fuck, I'm brain dead. They put wine in barrels. They put wine in barrels?
Starting point is 00:02:53 No, I know. What's the other kind of like mid-market wine? Not barefoot. There's another one. Barefoot's low. It's low, yeah. I don't, there's like the two buck chuck's low. It's low, yeah. I don't, there's like the two buck chock
Starting point is 00:03:07 they famously sell at Trader Joe's that's actually like decent. Oh, like Robert Mondavi, that one. I remember my uncle drinking like Robert Mondavi, like unapologetically and unabashedly. Our true stuff. The thing is, we, you know, we drink these natural wines.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Yeah. With these aesthetic labels, but it's just kombucha. No sulfates. It's just kombucha. Yeah, that's... It ain't shit. It's just fermented stuff that's like marketed to us and we respond to which money we want to. I mean, I'll drink anything.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I know. And I like to spend an extravagant amount on alcohol. So they turn the anti-Semitism machine on? Yeah. It's been a big week. Did you know there's a Jewish tunnel under Ocean Parkway? I mean... That's the big news story this week.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah. The Jewish channels, which people really tried to suck the fun out of that too. So quick. Yeah. Well, I was, we were in LA. It was the night before our Brian Johnson interview. And I like woke up at like 3 a.m. When I stopped being drunk or like was still half drunk and
Starting point is 00:04:30 Then looked started looking at my phone Mm-hmm and saw the two coming out of the sewer. Yeah, and got really scared Just got really like oh my god, why yeah when she and like he did give I mean it is what oh my God, what? Yeah, lynchion. Like he did give, I mean it is. What's my boyfriend doing here? Yeah. It sucks that it is anti-semitic to say, but it's like verminous activity, you know? Like anything subterranean, anything like already
Starting point is 00:05:00 the Haasids like creep everybody out and are like a hostile presence kind of and in New York. And even like mainstream normie Jews hate the Hossids and try to distance themselves from them because they give all Jews a bad name. They're extremists. Yeah. Though I have to say, my hot take is that this made me distinctly less anti-semitic in a weird way because I was thinking about the whole anti-semitic caricature industry,
Starting point is 00:05:38 like the happy merchant and how that trickled down into anti-semitic Pepe's and all that stuff. And that kind of feels like overkill in retrospect because they're their own anti-Semitic caricatures. Well, yeah. We don't need like white nationalists and racist denons on the internet drawing cartoons. They'll do it for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It kind of defies the purple. Well, the thing, I mean, the most annoying part of like the ADL like anti-Semitism watchdog economy, because that was sort of that. First, there was like the wave of articles, a massive anti-Semitic response, and then very quickly these articles, before we had even figured out what was really going on, writing about the anti-Semitism, like doing this meta commentary
Starting point is 00:06:35 about how the real issue isn't that there's tunnels underground and we don't know why, the issue is the anti-Semitism. And on the ADL's website, and they always do this, it's like the one, the thing that does make me feel anti-Semitic is the way that these organizations will frame the idea that Jews are powerful as an anti-Semitic trope when they just simply are.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Like they're not, I don't think they're like a cabal, it's like coordinated, but it's like, it's just like willfully to deny reality to say that the Jews like aren't powerful and to say that they are makes you anti-Semitic. Yeah, it's not, it's not exactly coordinated in like a formal or official sense, but they communicate like a swarm of ants
Starting point is 00:07:22 or a school of fish through weird center, Jewish center. They're clicky. They always have been, they are entrepreneurial, resourceful. They help each other. They are like, you know. Also the ADL death protests too much. And fundamentally they're like paranoia is self flattering because at the end of the day your average Jew is like not that powerful and can amid it,
Starting point is 00:07:48 much like most people just saying. But broadly speaking, the average Jew is more successful than the average any other person. Yeah, well, the two people are saying that. I'm just noticing here. No, no, you're right, right. But also I know what mean yeah like a lot of most
Starting point is 00:08:08 Jews are like comfortably middle-class Yeah, and some of them are like a little not even that smart and some of them are a little bit more of the bohemian Inclination and then their parents are fuck ups and they like are down really mobile mm-hmm, but they're still kind of like bookish they have certain kinds of capital. Yeah, that and the the letter signed by 260 Hollywood celebs, which we can get to later, are both classic examples of how Jews are totally complicit in anti-Semitism, but also totally oblivious to this fact. They have to know what they're doing. One would think, and yet if you look at the example of like Bill Ackman, right, who ran
Starting point is 00:08:59 that entire successful campaign against Claudine Gay in Harvard and started lashing out at other institutions. And now he's like doing a weird thing where he's trying to make excuses for his wife's blatant Wikipedia plagiarism. Yeah. And kind of victimizing himself as them like. And I'm like, do you even see yourself, bro? Take a look. But we've basically just summarized the thesis of the Coddy Heap book that I keep referring to. Oh, good. OK.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah. So we don't have to go on. Jews are blind to how they inspire and create anti-Semitism, or what they like to call anti-Semitism. Like they do any sort of conflict or tension is fundamentally anti-Semitic. Or the fact or just stating the simple fact that they have a special, that they're a privileged class.
Starting point is 00:10:00 That they're an exclusive club that demands special pleading. And then when surprise, surprise, other people exclude them from stuff, that they're an exclusive club that demands special pleading. And then when surprise, surprise, other people exclude them from stuff, they get all like bent out of shape. Who'd cast the first stone? I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:10:18 But in the case of the Habbadnex and their tunnel network, it really was, yeah, like, especially now on Elon Musk's ex, I feel like these sort of things proliferate much faster and become like amplified. Right, and people were sort of speculating as to the purpose of the tunnels and... Well, ready people invoking the blood libel right away. We're getting into the Talmud I'm trying to I still don't know what the Talmud is. Well, I it's like a user manual for the Torah
Starting point is 00:10:56 It's an oral tradition. It's an oral law That was passed down Kind of like sucking off babies. After the bris. They love their oral tradition. After their temple was destroyed, they maintained an oral tradition and then finally wrote it down into this Talmudic text.
Starting point is 00:11:18 That's really kind of like a dialogue and like full of a lot of like mundane autistic like squabbling about various aspects literally a Talmudic network like a physical instantiation of it. Yeah, but it also does say you know then you're trying to figure out what the fuck it says in the Talmud and then you end up on like some of the most anti-Semitic websites you've ever seen. Websites I didn't even know, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm literally on like fucking, I'm on a list now because I was like trying to figure out what it said in the Talmud and I went on like neo-nazi blood cult
Starting point is 00:12:02 Jewish lies expose like pictures of like Jewish guys with like red eyes and like oh my god Yeah, people were basically speculating that there was maybe pedophilia involved or child trafficking because the tunnels are allegedly connected to a children's museum. That they were torturing Christian children down there. I'm really not buying that conspiracy theory because again, all of that is out in the open. They have a straight up religious ceremony around that. They're not exactly keeping it a secret. They don't need like an elaborate and obscure network of tunnels.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Well, they're not allowed per the tall. Oh, my God. Okay. Sorry. Per the Talmud as the Talmud expert. They're not allowed to rape Jewish children only non Jewish and only if they're like, three years old. So the brist isn't cutting it, that's what I'm saying. But I actually, I don't think that, okay?
Starting point is 00:13:25 I don't think that, okay? I don't think that. And I kind of understand what they were up to. And I got some context from some Jewish insiders. From some Jewish incels. And basically, well, I guess this is the sort of, this is the party line. This is like what, this is the narrative that I basically see as being plausible, even though it isn't quite out of, but it does when you just think about like, well, the bizarre stuff Jews be doing, which again, their own fault. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:05 But there was like young kind of extremist Habadnics who apparently were Israeli. Yeah, and we're here on like student or tourist visas. I read that New York Post article where the rabbi of the synagogue was like, this gives Jews a bad name, we gotta get them out of here. And he was like doing like damage control and trying to distance his congregation from this like motley band of extremists.
Starting point is 00:14:32 But the shul in Crown Heights is like the HQ of the Habad Jews. Right. Because this rabbi, Mashiach, you see him all over like town or is it like Messiah is coming. Yeah, yeah, I know exactly who you're talking about. It's that guy, that guy used to live there and died there. And um,
Starting point is 00:14:55 a few years before he died was like, I guess, hell bent on like expanding the shul. Yeah, so they're basically just following his. Yeah. And they're like teens and like religious extremists and they're like full of, you know, weird fervor. And then the news emerged that they hired illegal migrants to dig the tunnels,
Starting point is 00:15:22 because they kind of hacked away at it for a couple of days and gave up because you know Jews are not known for their athleticism, but they are known for yeah, you know efficiently outsourcing Yes, they had like at hand like and getting things done Mexicans like eating and sleeping Up in there. They were living apparently.
Starting point is 00:15:45 The tunnels I guess went to four different hostage owned properties that were all kind of within the radius and they housed the migrants in like one of those facilities. And made them do the tunnels. They are seeds out there in all white crying. But the idea and apparently there's a lot of like, if you are like an insular, highly religious Jew
Starting point is 00:16:20 who studies the Talmud, there's I think a lot of stuff in there about expanding the Jewish faith physically and you know that they, I think they were just kind of like, in a, I believe that they were experiencing some kind of like mystical fervor that motivated them to like undertake this project of like, they thought they would find some kind of like redemption or salvation. Right. They thought they would find some kind of like redemption or salvation. Right. They thought they were doing the will of the Mashiach. They're a band of intense and horny young men who have like the will of God pulsing through their veins.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Exactly. Mashiach wanted them to build those tunnels. But does anybody know what the tunnels are really for? They said it was to enter the, secretly enter the synagogue or something. I don't know. That's where it kind of, that's where it kind of falls apart. Cause you're like, well, why?
Starting point is 00:17:23 But then you're like, I guess it's just their thing. They just be burying. Yeah, they're like, uh, it's in their DNA. A relatively esoteric and mystical sect. I don't know. Um, yeah, they're like, cobalistic, you know, they're into all sorts of wacky crap. I'm sure. I wonder if I could pull up this take from friend of the pod seasonal click farm
Starting point is 00:17:47 worker. We're just simply not privy to it until they like violate some building codes. Well, how did they get discovered? That's I couldn't really figure out. But allegedly they were threatening the integrity of Some surrounding structures mm-hmm But some things not something isn't adding up But I'm willing to give the Habbatniks kind of a pass on this one even though it's all of the same like even the fact that they were
Starting point is 00:18:20 You know doing construction without a permit is very Jewish. You know, cause they don't think the rules applied in that. Welcome to LA. Here's the tweet. Everyone wants a network of secret tunnels and very few people have them. I love the way the Haasids pursue their impulses with this almost childlike sense of possibility.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You too could have tunnels. Like bro, I don't want to tunnel. I don't want to tunnel. That's the most like. Anglo ass take on the they have the Faustian spirit. They have spirit and they I don't know. They have Hutzpah. Yeah. And honestly, sometimes I see some of these young Hasidic guys.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And they're like, I'm really looking pretty good. I don't know about that. Not all of them, but sometimes like, I don't know. You've never seen like, kind of a group of them and they kind of, in the suits and everything, they look like the strobes. They kind of like are indie passing almost. And you're like, who is that? And with like, with like, like, like,
Starting point is 00:19:35 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 00:19:43 like, like, like, like, like, like, involved in the story I found to be particularly hot but I have seen like hostage look at the airport and stuff where I'm like those luscious curls and they're I've said this before but they're not allowed to look at me. Do you want to be with them or be them? I just want them to look at me. You're just mad because they don't like it. They're like the only men who don't pay attention to you. I know. Though there were, I was at a bar a couple days ago and there was in a very like normie part of town
Starting point is 00:20:28 part of town and there was some like chatted kind of like bodega bro style guys who also were they were avoiding me like he said it Mendo they like were not maybe they thought I was trans it's like they like and I was like finally I kind of like interjected. They were like talking to like friends of ours too, you know? And then finally I kind of like ended up interjected in a conversation. And I totally botched it and like Kanda said into them
Starting point is 00:20:58 about how they probably work in an office or something. Yeah. But yeah, the Hossids, yeah, they're like back when they used to have Uber pool in LA. Sometimes I'd be in the car with like a religious Jewish person and they just back like I wasn't there. It just drove me nuts. They're with their sweaty palms.
Starting point is 00:21:20 They'd be like on the phone and talking about Shekels. Yeah. Back in the day when Tinder was first coming on the scene and all of my girlfriends were on Tinder and all of my guy friends were on Tinder, they would show me photos of the hot, hecetic guy of Williamsburg. And I never got to the bottom of that.
Starting point is 00:21:41 We need an explainer for that. There's this really hot guy who was like a Hasidic guy on Tinder. I'm gonna, I'm gonna Google it, I guess. It was some like Madasiahu lorp. Oh, I had a request before I forget. Can one of you Photoshop wizards make a meme of that scene from the shining of Jack Nicholson sitting at his typewriter, but instead of all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,
Starting point is 00:22:19 it says you are Jewish? Can someone do that for me? That should be easy enough. No real results honestly for hot Hasidic guy Tinder. Yeah, maybe that's like buried. They suppressed it. Yeah, and hot Hasidic guy. The busted young men were charged with a variety of offenses,
Starting point is 00:22:44 including criminal mischief, attempted hate crime, attempted criminal mischief, And hot has the coast the busted young men were charged with a variety of offenses including criminal mischief attempted hate crime attempted criminal mischief and reckless endangerment cops had busted the New York Post knows what they're doing. I know. So good. Um, yeah, there was that sexy police officer in one of the early viral videos. Oh yeah. That guy who kind of looked like Microsine. Yeah. He's like, we don't do that in America. He's like, no, he's like, we got to clear the whole shool out.
Starting point is 00:23:17 We want to get this fixed tonight. But then, oh yeah, then also people are like, why are they filling the holes up with cement so fast? We need to do an investigation. And I was like, no, you don't. We don't need an investigation with sat on there. Fuck, I forgot what you said. Maybe I'm naive. Maybe they are up to some like sacramental Judaica down there, but it's not. I don't care. It's not, it's on my business. I know, I don't really care. I just, I was there for the lulls and the memes.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I don't live in Brooklyn. This was like a rare meme cycle that I was living for. Like, like I said, the whole like Gypsy Rose meme cycle makes me so like depressed. Well, yeah. The only good take I saw about that was that her husband looks like her mom. Ew. I partook also when we were in LA, did end up watching some of her lifetime series, which was just disgraceful.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I just watched it to make myself feel bad. Yeah. I was binging on Del Taco and then throwing up watching the Gypsy Rose Lantern special. What took the wind out of my sales a bit with the gypsy stuff is that she's such a willing participant. In her own, like, celebrity. Yeah. She loves that she's eating it up.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I mean, I don't blame her because that's like, like, she just got out of prison. She's basically been living in a tunnel for eight years or whatever. And in a way, she was like, very morbidly groomed for it. No. Orbitly groomed for it You know her mom like Spent her life kind of making gypsy's life with living death so that she could achieve fame and Extracting attention by proxy. Yeah, so now that she's out of the picture like gypsy still has you know She's been hardwired to seek like
Starting point is 00:25:24 Attention fame. She's a born star. But what about the rest of us who didn't have munchaus and smums? What are we doing? We're just watching. Yeah, we're... Well, also, I think so many people want to kill their parents. They like... I think there's... There is a lot of morbid curiosity, but then beyond that, I think people identify with gypsy in a way because we all have felt like- I'm like, Braun has talks about this.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah. Not all, you know, some people had, were neglected. Some people have different issues with their parents, but I think a lot of people felt like smothered and like not literally munch-housened by their parents, but like think a lot of people felt like smothered and like not literally munch-housened by their parents, but like basically they felt- Not me. Well, they felt trapped in the same way that I think Gypsy reflects to them.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Me neither. Yeah, I felt neglected. Yeah, Mo, that could have used a little more attention. But I don't think, I think Gypsy's mother was like an extreme of a spectrum that like a lot of people fall on. Yeah, definitely. I think just in general, like the story of like human dynamics, like social relations is one party trying to smother the other one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:43 In one way or another. And people make their children into these kind of vessels for their own, you know. I mean, conservatards are like the best at this. God knows. Shameful. Though, you know, sometimes I barrel out of the house in the morning on the way to daycare
Starting point is 00:27:02 with my child who's dressed like a stupid little wigger and I'm like, what am I doing? What do you mean? Like why does he have to have paint-swattered pants and like a Japanese fleece vest? Well you have come on. You have to, he's your son. You guys address him. And you want- That's like 25% of the rationale for having a baby that you get to like put stupid little outfits on them. That's definitely a big draw for me is I'm like, I'm going to curate the shit I buy monkey. Yeah, I mean, I see these monkeys wearing clothes.
Starting point is 00:27:42 That's why I love that short and squat pit bull. That's become a meme celebrity as well because it sort of reminds me of having a child. That's another major way in which I am split with a lot of the right is that I love pit bulls and I don't. I don't care if they maul people, I don't care. They're protecting their boundaries with violence. They're based at Bronze Age mindset.
Starting point is 00:28:12 When they're mauling that infant, that dog is exhibiting Bronze Age mindset, okay? So, so leave it alone. And- It's a proud Aryan warrior. Yeah. On the Indo-European stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:26 And the ones that are like inbred, i.e. selectively bred, to me the most freakish and monstrous little like they are. Those dogs, by the way, are truly selectively bred because their heads sway so much that the males can't technically mount a female. Yes, a guy has to jack them off. So you have to be a turkey-based. Yes, completely, no.
Starting point is 00:28:48 They're eugenic freaks. They're abominations, but they made it into the world through sheer will. And they're here to fucking stay. Selectively bred the most eugenic population on earth. It would be Palestine I mean pitpills Anna I'm just playing I saw a video of young Houthi rebels oh my god straight-up little boys who were like five to ten years old and
Starting point is 00:29:24 they looked so cute I know I've seen some like Palace like a mosque kids with like machine guns that are also really cute. You're like synchronized dancing. What? Gotta love it really really cute about like child soldiers like child soldiers. Well, I saw years ago, I was watching like an ISIS propaganda video where they had a little toddler, like a three year old. They like opened up a little suitcase and there's a little gun in there and a toddler grabs it with his little hand. And then like, it's horrible. Oh God, then yeah, there's like a guy,
Starting point is 00:30:14 I mean it's a snuff video, but there's a guy tied up and the toddler shoots him. But it's really well produced and kind of glossy, you don't get the feeling. They're not like in some like caves or in some like kind of sophisticated like open, it looks like kind of like Guantanamo-esque. But yeah, the little babies are so cute when they kill. Like literally.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Wow. And you know, yeah, he's slayed. He's slayed. He slayed. He slayed. I hate that new genre of meme that's like pictures of like Rosamund Pike or like Selena Gomez on some red carpet. And it's like she mothered well. Yeah. And she like flew into Slariaote or whatever. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:11 She did a lot of her can. I'm just jealous because the Zoomers are so like ingenious with their wordplay. I know you are jealous. And I'm like, how do you know about these current events? She's Sandy hooked us. We learned mothered it down. Oh, yeah. They're too advanced. But yeah, the Golden Globes, which I did not watch, felt very trumped up.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Say more. Just a lot of the celeb commentary felt disingenuous to me. But maybe that's cause I'm extremely out of touch and like don't care about celebs. No, you're right. It is like totally out of touch and like fake and gay. Who the fuck is Joe K? Joe Koy.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Whatever. Oh, he's like black, howie mandel. He's all I know about him is that he used to date Chelsea Handler. Oh my God. And I think he suffered from depression. Comics these days are always talking about their like mental health crises.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah. It's like we know you're depressed. That's why. Issues of chronic depression is like, we get it, you're a comedian. What are you talking about? You are clearly like something's wrong that you're getting up there like being a clown.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Yeah, it goes without saying. You're a jester. We know. A sad clown. Yeah, Joe Coy, I guess he's like some new woke multicultural comic. I don't know much beyond that. But I do. Well, he's not some new woke multicultural comic. I don't know much beyond that, but I do.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Well, he's not that kind of old. How's he hosting the, yeah. I don't know. And then, yeah, Selena Gomez and Timothy Shalemann, Kylie Jenner, like looking at each other video. Like it's all like I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'mann, Kylie Jenner, like looking at each other video. Like it's all like I'm like, who cares? Who cares about any of this crowd? I know, and then you watch like the clips on X
Starting point is 00:33:16 and it's like the celebs being into you. They're like, hi Barbie, hi Barbie, hi Barbie. Horrible. I feel so bad for Margot Robbie that she's still is dressing like Barbie. I know. Because it feels like that movie came out so long ago. She's like ringing the mileage out of that one. Well, they're making, I feel like they're making her and she looks great basically,
Starting point is 00:33:39 you know, all the time. But she's like a Hama hostage. She's like a marionette that they're like, you know, she's caught. She's doing so she's working. Just I wanted to know she's seen. She's like, hi Barbie. He didn't rape me because his wife was in the other room. It had nothing to do with me being over 30 and hitting the wall. That girl's not over 30. I know, I know. I know. I saw a New York Post article today about how Zoomers are terrified of turning 30. Because they don't want to be like old.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It was just like some fake out, you know, someone like compiled some TikToks and made some, I just, I almost sent it to you to be like, I was like, well, we can't even discuss it. But now I am anyway, because I'm like looked at it. I guess What was they saying There was like a screenshot of a girl's like I'm 29 so first one not a zoomer actually sorry babe And I'm like terrified of turning 30 because I'm like don't want to get old just like I don't know terrified of turning 30 because I don't want to get old. Just like, I don't know. You can find all sorts of people talking about aging online and then make it seem like something's going on. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, are people really that scared of aging? I'm beginning to think that's a sigh up too after our interview with Brian Johnson. I do think we live in a, one of the things I wish I would have said is he kept kind of harping on how we live in this culture that like ups is obsessed with death, but actually I think we live in like a very perverted kind of like youth culture in a lot of ways. Yeah, that's like the Well-Beckyy thing. We live in a culture of old kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:27 It's people like staving off their mortality, which I guess is a weird kind of ass backwards obsession with death. Yeah, there's a preoccupation there regardless, but did it for him? He's obsessed with death. I mean, who isn't? Yeah. Why would you dig tunnels if you are obsessed with that?
Starting point is 00:35:49 So please, I'm getting closer to the nether world. I Love them. I love the Jews. Me too. I'm very sympathetic to Jews as individuals, but I can see why they grate on people as a group. I totally get it. Yeah. Especially when you're, you know, I just think, yeah, Jews were not the... Well, they don't Israel are real disservice. They what? Don't Israel are real disservice. Who?
Starting point is 00:36:19 Jews. I know. Like, I don't know. And now we're really between a rock and a hard place Because it's hard to support Israel given all of the victim mongering and pity partying like and just like yeah the kind of relentlessness of the Is it a siege is that the word is out there doing?
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah, I'm not gonna throw out genocide the way the way people do because I don't think that's, and I think that's a little bad faith. Yeah. But it's something. Yeah. It's something bad. We need like a new term that's like a lighter and softer version of genocide, like not quite genocide. I guess it's just like war. I guess of genocide, like not quite genocide.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I guess it's just like war. I guess they're just like waging war. Genocide, I don't know. Well, there's ethnoside. Yeah. But that's kind of like a soft power thing that happens, but it's still. But on the other hand, you can't support Israel, but supporting Israel's enemies is also a non-starter because they're equally annoying and retarded. Well, tell that to all the people outside my apartment. Bongoes.
Starting point is 00:37:31 He's sick. Oh, twice. What? The other day. What? There was two. There was one in the afternoon, two propelists and demonstrations. Today?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Like, yesterday or the day before I like woke up out of like a coma it's like like drums like a raucous yelling in the afternoon was like the fuck and then again at night and there's chanting Israel go to hell I really have my finger on the beat of I, I know. Demonstration. This is maybe the best thing that's happened to you. Moving to the UN. You should dig your own tunnel under the UN. I just finally gained entry. I gotta get in.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah. I still haven't even taken like the tour. The Red Scare delegation. Let me in. Like, man, we heard about you. I have to move because I got I got a restraining order from the UN. I live too close by.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I would hate that. That would be awful. Yeah. But crazier things have happened. Than getting it evicted from the- No, than me getting in, you know, becoming a person of some pro- Well, so many people really hate the UN. Basically everyone kind of does.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that likes the UN. And I just don't really see what the problem is. Like the sanctions they impose are pretty like meaningless. And like everything they do kind of is pointless. But it like keeps some it's just some keeps something going. It's just something nice you can like depend on. Yeah, gives a lot of people jobs. Yeah, all over the world.
Starting point is 00:39:31 And like, oh God, oh no. Oh, she's starting. Never mind. Every country gets one vote. You know, that's nice. That seems unfair. No, it's super fair. Because the votes don't matter. Because the most don't matter countries of true and then also like countries differ
Starting point is 00:39:53 by population. So completely. Well, it's not a populist project. It's a globalist project. I'm trying to own the UN with facts and logic. Every every country gets a vote, but the votes don't matter. That's the- What do you mean they don't matter? They just, what are they, who cares? Who cares about resolutions they're drawing up, like they're meaningless. So wait, so did they close the tunnels?
Starting point is 00:40:18 Apparently, yeah. They like soldered the entrances shut and then like poured cement into them or something allegedly Who knows I would have really liked to make a field trip to the tunnels. I know but I don't like to leave the aisle I'll do the episode yeah You know that would be great if we could have games men and hats. Oh my god, sir We should have a citic got Well, he can't look at us or shake our hand.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I know. We're like trying to flirt with him. I'm like, so how old do you think I look? Is your eye color real? How do you get your curls so glossy? I'm asking, are these stylish tips? They use a special gel, I've already looked into them. They use baby se glossy. I'm asking, are these stylish hips? They use a special gel I've already looked into them. They use baby semen.
Starting point is 00:41:08 No. Oh God. That's I'm out of takes. The brisk thing. Well, you know it's as fake as the golden globes. What's that? Another kind of Jewish fake news items. They're trying to do the Epstein thing again.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Oh, right. I can't believe it. I know. Again. What's the deal with that? They want to release the names in the black book? No, they've already released the black book. They're unsealing.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So what is, what's the innovation? They're unsealing more documents. They already have that were, I looked this up because I was like, what is it? Why are we doing this again? Because Maxwell's now on trial, Virginia Guffrey has like a suit against her and the judge from that is like unsealing more documents.
Starting point is 00:42:02 But we already know nothing is meaningful. Nothing will ever come from this. Yeah, and it's like just the same. It feels so... That does feel like a sigh of meant to like make us like glitch and like, you know, like consume another news cycle that we've already been exposed to. Yeah. We've already talked about all those people. I know.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It doesn't matter if he has a client list. It's not going to come to light if he does. If it does, it'll be fake. And we already have the black book. We have all the information. The only interesting points in this case are, A, where did he get his money from to begin with? And b, what was the nature of the blackmail operation? Yeah, well, we're never gonna
Starting point is 00:42:51 get answers to that. Never. And those are the two interesting points. I don't care about the sex trafficking ring. Well, it's not as if it's obviously like I understand why that's like the front runner. It's salacious. Yeah. It's like salacious, sensational, whatever. There's like, and it's all part of it. It's like the sex trafficking is connected to the black man. And the, but it's not like there's going to be. Physical evidence of like Bill Clinton raping someone.
Starting point is 00:43:23 There might be. I just don't think if there is, they've suppressed it. There probably is, but it doesn't exist. And also every time some like, old geezer is on the flight logs and people are trying to like cancel him posthumously like Stephen Hawking or whatever. I'm like, does being on the Lolita Express necessarily prove
Starting point is 00:43:46 that you were copying handjobs from underage hookers. Well, that's part of the operation is that to cultivate like a list that's so long of associates that some are culpable and some are not and then you doesn't really you know because everyone is like guilty by association no one is guilty in any real way. Yeah and it's like that's well said and as far as I'm concerned there's two types of Jews there's sex perverts and guys who are just flattered to receive an invite to the science conference and too oblivious to be a sex pervert. I think we're gonna say book Jews and money Jews. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah. But it's true. There's like a type of Jewish man who is, I won't name names or maybe I was gonna redact, but who are clearly not perverted in any way. They're just like oblivious blowhards. I'm gonna bloop those names out. I wouldn't go so like, I bloop those names out.
Starting point is 00:44:59 What are those people that's noted like, orgiastic? He's not a pedophile, you know, but he is like a sex freak. I'm like a lot of Jews are sex freaks, but that's okay. That's one of the things I like about him. Me too. Who are the most perverted guys? That's like a redeeming ethnic, you mean as a group? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Well, I guess it depends on your definition of perverted. Like, slutty and kinky and down for what ofs. Well, some groups are more like high in sexual openness, right? They're more promiscuous but they're not necessarily like perverted. They have like a purely kind of procreative, kind of libidinous drive. And I think when you say pervert, it's someone who's like,
Starting point is 00:45:55 sexuality has been warped. Yeah. So like Indian guys, obviously super horny, but they're not really perverted. They want really like mundane kind of vagine and bobs. They want like normal stuff. They want to hold her hand while they are drinking with broomstick. I think like obviously the Germans have a huge reputation
Starting point is 00:46:17 and basically are, yeah, like super twisted. The Japanese are warped and the Jews, I'd say, are like the most perverted kind of. The axis of evil. And then I'm sure like Scandinavian people have their own kind of thing that don't code as explicitly the way like the Germans and their like poo poo stuff does. But like they probably have their own like twisted games that they play.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Does high IQ correlate to higher perversion levels? Probably because you can think through. Yeah, you're so like certain Yeah, you know she alities. Yes, I'd say perversion Probably is correlated with Hierarchy for sure Because you're so like cerebral That you just can't get off on yeah, you like a regular kind of normal like yeah irregular kind of
Starting point is 00:47:22 Well, that's also why The sort of buried story with the Epstein stuff is that Trump, I think, is functionally exonerated. Cause there's some transcript that was released or like, not totally obvious, I don't know exactly what went on, but we've said this before,
Starting point is 00:47:41 I don't have the impression from Trump that he's particularly pedophilic or even that sexual Exactly, but there was some transcript where a witness was asked if Trump ever was like they ever had seen him Even getting like a massage and someone said no Yeah, he seems like he would be the type of guy who's uncomfortable to get a massage Well, he's also he's a germaphobe, right? He's like seizing up when somebody tries to touch him. When the Russiagate like P tape story was happening
Starting point is 00:48:13 when they were saying that there was some video of him like getting pissed on by Russian hookers. It's just like plausible. He clearly does not like getting pissed on. I'm sorry. Being able to get a massage is really like an acquired skill. Yeah. Unless you're Australian, they're just handing out massages
Starting point is 00:48:34 and being like super flexible. I mean, there is something. I think the massage, look, we all like a good massage every now and then, but I think being overly fixated on massages is often indicative of, you know, because you're already so comfortable with like, No, it does sound like a total leftist, but you are like commodifying someone into like, you know, you're really like, it's you're paying for a service where someone is touching your body. Right. And it's unique in that way. And then, but similar to other types of things that are more problematic.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It's really like the threshold of what we consider like an acceptable transactional intimacy. I know, but that's why I say it's like an acquired skill because it's like that scene in Tara where she goes into the massage parlor in Thailand and then runs out immediately and bombets everywhere. Yeah, I got a massage in Thailand and I felt super uncomfortable. No, like worse. You felt like the rapist. Yeah, because they are such an exploited and like servile and like friendly people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And, um, you know, in Thailand, especially it's like so little money. And at one point she was like crouching in front of me and like washing my feet and stuff. And I was like, you don't have to do that like You know, I'll wash your feet It does it is like and and he's and someone who is really comfortable I guess with like having someone slavishly tend to them Something's like kind of wrong with them Yeah, I think they're yeah
Starting point is 00:50:25 You're the pervert. They're like entitled and tyrannical. Yeah, if like nothing enters your mind. And you other humans is like lower life forms. Yeah. That's so true. Yeah, that's like why I've seen stuff, I think is kind of notably gross, but besides the point.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I will maintain what I said from the start. I remember like at the height of the Epstein scandal when it first broke, I was on a plane to LA and I touched down at LAX and tweeted like boring and people are like, you're just jealous and want attention but it's always been a boring story because we're never gonna really find out what happened. And we're certainly not going to learn any of the actually interesting and meaningful details of the case. And well, Epstein is dead now. So there's really no justice for
Starting point is 00:51:16 the victims. There's a trust. There's some justice. Well, they get some money. But also, it's a very like iffy gray area thing, because I also recently learned how much some of. Well, they get some money, but also it's a very like iffy gray area thing because I also recently learned how much some of these girls when they were like basically underage trafficking victims were getting paid. Yeah. And it's a lot of money. And you know, speaking as someone who was a teen girl once, I had to ask myself the question would I have gone for it then for that payoff?
Starting point is 00:51:45 And maybe not no. I think the payoff really varied. I'm sure it was like any other business negotiation. It's like you have to ask people for money. Well, it was also especially sinister because it was kind of like a pyramid scheme. And I think the girls that were probably at the higher end of the pay grade
Starting point is 00:52:03 were also recruiting other girls. Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, so it's like, I think it varied, I think. But it's like, what's that saying? Like the squeaky wheel gets the grease? Well, I don't know. In that case, the squeaky wheel might get like, merm. You don't want to be too squeaky.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Well, and another interesting detail about this case that a friend of mine brought to my attention is that there's a lawsuit, I think out of Florida that alleges that girls as young as nine to 11 were trafficked by Epstein, which you would think as far as like the sexual exploitation angle of it goes would be the smoking gun. Yeah. Like if I was a conspiracy theorist on the internet or a up and coming prosecutor looking to make my star, that's what I would focus on. But strangely, that's a subject that's not really often discussed. And I wonder if that's because there's really no legitimacy to those allegations, or if it's for some other reason reason because that
Starting point is 00:53:25 would kind of like blow the whole case out of the water. But not really because as you said Epstein is dead and I think it's similar. But I'm saying even like at the point when he was still alive like you would think that more people would be concerned with. That's why it was so mysterious when he was arrested in the first place because he had already been given this kind of sweetheart deals and there was all like he had been operating for some time and who knows like the information they were getting now is definitely like bogus and nothing that's valuable is going to come to light really for anyone and it's become well I remember when you tweeted that because I was in New York and I was having
Starting point is 00:54:07 some problems with my medication and I was extremely triggered by the Epstein stuff and then had kind of a subsequent, in hindsight, a kind of manic episode, but I really channeled it into something productive, which is the film that I made. And now people, because I made the film, a lot of people ask me about like the Elaine Maxwell, they assume that I still have some kind of like- Girl, people think I am going to go to the Maxwell. Thanks to your movie.
Starting point is 00:54:44 But yeah, people are always asking me what I think about, you know, various details of the continuing litigation. And I have no opinion because I feel like I've already like, ex, I made- Yeah, you got it out of your system. Yeah, I got out of my system. Some faggot on the internet
Starting point is 00:55:03 because I responded to something that Nicolos had was like, you're really going to die on this hill because your friend made a movie and blah, blah, blah. And I was like, listen, like there's a big difference between being inspired into making a work of art based on real life events versus like adjudicating boring and annoying details on the internet. Well, that was always and also hypothetically, hypothetically, by the way, even if we disagree on this point, it doesn't matter because it's like, I didn't make the movie. I'm not responsible for the actions of another person.
Starting point is 00:55:40 What are you talking about? I did act in the movie. So well, I forced you to. And, you know, I didn't make a fucking documentary. I know, I know. I made a movie that was very much about, like, something I felt to be very emotionally true during the time. Yeah, yeah, that's not boring to me.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Which I think is more important to me is, like, people digging literal Jewish tunnels, trying to figure out what's going on in this case, fixating on it. As far as I'm concerned, like the Epstein saga is to leftists. What like UFOs and the moon landing are to right wingers. It's like a like a surrogate activity, a distraction activity from the reality. Well, the Epstein stuff. Much more mundane, but much more horrifying. And also, I do have to reiterate that teenage sex trafficking is a very common and widespread thing. And most girls who are trafficked don't get to fly on the Lolita Express to little St. James, not that that's like a prize, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:45 their fate is even more like disgusting and depressing. If you're like a Russian girl who's already a sex worker, aka sex slave, that's probably a good way to end up just speaking pragmatically. Obviously the ideal would be that no one would be in sexual slavery. Absin Island or runway model. That's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario is you end up somewhere in like,
Starting point is 00:57:17 Houthi territory because you thought you was going to Dubai. There are sex slaves as far worse fates, but it's not. Yeah, it's called being Ukrainian. I mean, a lot of girls were Ukrainian. Yeah. And also another thing that never gets talked about in any of these high profile cases where minors are involved is the stuff that preceded the grooming by like an Epstein or an Arkelly, which is what is the parents role in this?
Starting point is 00:57:52 Well, a lot of the girls are from broken homes and like, of course, but like it's like Virginia Guffrey wrote a memoir about this, right? Where she talks about her experience as a teenage runaway and prostitute long before she was even found by Epstein. Yeah, I know most of she was already in that life. A lot of them were preyed on because they were already in very precarious circumstance. And yeah, and the other thing is again, speaking as somebody who was once a teenage girl, when you are a teenage girl, you think that you have a lot more agency and power than you do, even if you live to regret it. And usually you live to regret it. Fair. And I think like in the case of the Epstein scandal specifically, those girls were victims,
Starting point is 00:58:44 but part of the reason that the strike such a chord with women, for example, scandal specifically, those girls were victims. But part of the reason that the strike such accord with women, for example, is because all of us can think of instances from our past were really bad and sorted things happened. And you're encouraged every step of the way to like over sexualize yourself, pimp yourself out. And then when you do come to get like buyer buyers remorse, the only recourse we have in our society is like to blame men when at the time you thought you knew what you were doing. Yeah, but where the Episcene thing comes full circle is, and this is also a very like
Starting point is 00:59:32 is also a very like left deity point, but like, yeah, he prayed on people who are disenfranchised. Yeah. And was part of a network of like politicians and like extremely powerful people who also were like, responsible for a lot of, like Bill Clinton is a perfect example because he caused a lot of families to, you know, lose their job, like to become disenfranchised. And then he molested their kids on an island. That's like, that's where it's all kind of like, oh yeah, that's the whole, but the actual like salacious.
Starting point is 01:00:11 And I think it's like the black book where it's like you just kind of oversaturate everything with like these salacious details of like sex abuse. So much so that it ceases to kind of like really register. But when you actually look at it all as a system. Well, it's also like a weird design. That way for people to indulge their own like titillating horny fantasies while maintaining some moral cover, like a moral high ground, especially where like
Starting point is 01:00:43 conservatives are concerned. Well, that's also partly why I made my film because I first saw that there would be a lot of like content and like docuseries that would come out that would really focus on the more salacious details. But also, if you watch my movie, it really is about also the futility of pursuing these sorts of like forbidden knowledge about the world. It's like, somewhere deep down, I think it's like, there is something. There is some, there is like the world's worst secret. And it's somewhere out there, but like, you don't want to know it. Yeah, because the movie first and foremost is not moralizing. Like it doesn't tell you either way how you should think. Yeah, it's a...
Starting point is 01:01:32 It's like that abortion scene from girls that's been making their rounds recently. Oh my God, that actually drives me crazy. Because it's like, because there's so, okay, people are not super online. There's a clip from a late season of Girls where Adam Driver's character, what's his name on the show?
Starting point is 01:01:56 It's Adam. I think it's Adam. He's stating the Mimi Rose Howard character who is kind of this like annoying bitch who's like an antagonist to Hannah and there's a scene where she tells him that she can't have sex or she says there's some things I can't do because I had an abortion the other day and then he really gets to showcase his acting abilities and flip out and you know get upset about the fact that His well she didn't consult him. She didn't consult him. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:34 And it's like a perfect encapsulation of that dynamic where like Men get mad at women for kind of handling stuff without their knowledge behind the scenes Because they want to get mad because frankly at the end of the day there's Some part of them that feels relief Mm-hmm, and had they been consulted Yeah, who's to say in in our milieu it probably would have ended up The same way mm-hmm, right And well, especially in the dime I curtee had with Mimi Rose milieu, it probably would have ended up the same way. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:09 And well, especially in the dime I already had with Mimi Rose, where she would have just insisted. Right. But yeah, it got it sort of circulated into the most tone deaf circles. Yeah, and it's that's the beauty of girls that everyone is wrong and everyone is unlikable. And that's what makes them redeemable as characters, because we can, they're relatable, and we can extrapolate to our lives and whatever. And it's all done without any moralizing. Yeah. And depending on where you stand on the retardation at the political spectrum, you can project your own interpretation onto the events. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Like, Libfems think that Mimi Rose is a hero, right-wing and on think that Adam Driver is a hero. But it's all based on this like 80 D s. It's just a clip from this. Like it's missed. There's so much context that's missing. They don't know who Adam is. They don't know Adam flips out all the time. They don't know that Mimi Rose Howard
Starting point is 01:04:11 is kind of this weird bitch for like many episodes prior. They don't even know that there have been episodes of girls. There's an episode where Jessa or Janna, Jessa is gonna get an abortion or plans to. And there's probably not some like little clip of it that would encapsulate it. But that episode is very much about, is way more like pro-choice than the memebers Howard storyline.
Starting point is 01:04:41 This reminds me of a very inside baseball viral moment that happened on Twitter a few years ago, which is how I first caught wind of my favorite show, The Shield, when the right-wing guys were circulating a clip of like Vic fighting with Shane's girlfriend Mara. Yeah, I still haven't seen The Shield. And she's this kind of like, um, Lib-tarded girl boss bitch who's like, I don't like you and I don't understand why you're coming around here. Don't try to have a relationship with me because you're trying to insinuate yourself into your friend's life because you haven't been there.
Starting point is 01:05:13 And that clip was bandied about on right wing Twitter as evidence of how, um, grandiose and delusional women have become things to feminism. Yeah. And again, I was like, guys, guys, guys, this is like a fictional depiction taken out of context from a TV series. People really fall short. And it may or may not have resemblance to real life events. That's the whole beauty of art.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yeah, I think now more than ever, people are really like misunderstanding the magic of the movies. They're just not getting it. It's like anecdotally correct, but it's not like empirically proven that this is how women behave, you know, it's not a documentary. But, it's not. Yeah. But I blame, I'm gonna sound like a babooner, but I blame like TikTok for making everything, like people on TikTok are incentivized to make everything seem like some kind of like slice of life. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:23 And I think people have internalized this way of consuming media. Well, it's like social media in general. That's super like literal and autistic. Polarization, yeah, it's the fact that when you participate in these online economies at the expense of socializing in real life, you start to lose touch with reality.
Starting point is 01:06:43 And really has. Yeah. Yeah. And like the worst thing that's come out of this is that nobody extends any like- Charity. Charity or goodwill to the other side. Yeah. That they too may be capable of like irony
Starting point is 01:07:00 and self-deprecation. It's like what you were saying about the woman posting L's account, right? Yeah. That it's this rage-baity woman-hating thing that doesn't permit that the women that it's roasting or dunking on are like in on the joke and are just making fun of themselves. Right. That they're capable of self-awareness and self-deprecation.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I mean, it also reminds me of that iconic moment, also from LA when I was drunk on Twitter and I posted a selfie and said some bitch at like, how do you say that restaurant takes, tikes? Yeah. Said I looked French. The subtext being that she thought I was weird and ugly. I didn't look like a cute California surfer girl.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And a friend of the pod camp bot zoomed in and was like, you're ugly. Yeah. And I was like, yes, that's the joke. That's the joke. That was the original woman posting L's. You really posted an L there. People got really upset at me for saying color
Starting point is 01:08:18 in house was fat. Well, he is. He is. And he posted this picture of him in military fatigues. We're like fruit snack wrappers. Yeah. And he looks bad at shit. And typically criss-pams.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Yeah. And he said, I'm exhausted from training all day. More training tomorrow. No, come on. He's not bad at shit. He's just moderately high BMI. He's not just husky. He's a bugle boy
Starting point is 01:08:52 But I was just speaking I was just like he's clearly not has a training for the Twitter flame wars It's just yeah, he clearly had him in training. He gives me a similar, though not exactly, but like a Gypsy Rose Blanchard where he's like courting a lot of like- He's like a social media hostage. Yeah. I've been doing this myself. He and Gypsy should get together when she inevitably dumps her like oversized munchos
Starting point is 01:09:22 and husband. I ship them, yeah. There would be an interesting couple for sure. But yeah, he's someone. Is it an age gap relationship? Probably yes. He's much younger than her. How old is Gypsy?
Starting point is 01:09:38 She's like 33 or 34. No. I think so. She's in her 30s. She looks great. Or like, you should try some of that anti aging technology. Just go to prison. Oh my God. I'm looking. Oh, she's behind.
Starting point is 01:10:04 She was born in 1991, yeah. And Kyle's 21, which is like, you know, he's not a kid anymore. It's time to slim down. Who needs to get chatted? I don't know what he's eating. I was very happy when he was acquitted of the charges and then my happiness turned to regret and horror.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Because he became such a whore. He started wearing the like smeedy and suit jacket and like palling around with the most despicable. Yeah. Well, he had the. Normie Collins celebs. In his defense, he had to kind of parlay it into a media career. Cause what else was he going to do?
Starting point is 01:10:43 He's always going to be fucking Kyle written house. He like, you know, um, he just like me for real. People offer me speaking engagements. Do you want to do dissident discourses or the heterodox to me? Yes, queen. He like has to, on some level, I assume.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah, he has no choice. But I, calling him fat really touched a nerve where so many people were like, oh, he killed one of your, you know, he killed some of your team and stuff. Like people had this, I was like, what? And people were like, you bitch, like how many people have you killed?
Starting point is 01:11:32 They're like, none. And what? And yeah, people really bought into his like PR campaign. Yeah, people really bought into his like PR campaign. Is his body count lower or higher than mine? Uh-uh. Yeah, a lot of body count jokes, which is fine. But I don't, you know, I said what I said. He was asking for it.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I always forget that body count refers to literal murder. Yeah, it's actually not how many guys you've had sex with. Mm-mm. It's how many pedophiles you've killed. I mean, also, I mean, he shot some people with a gun. Like if I had a fucking machine gun, I could kill somebody. Like, I can- That's not true.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Because think about, because you're a woman, think about the YouTube shooter. True. I know, I overestimated myself. I know. Yeah, I'm like, my killer, right? What? Like, I mean, if I had the same resources, I eat a gun. Like, anyone could kill them with a fucking gun.
Starting point is 01:12:53 I'm like Michael Fassbender and the killer, like, listening to the Smiths, trying to murder them. I don't want to shoot anyone with a gun, but I could. I have an enemy. Wearing air pods. I have an Indian. I'm wearing AirPods. And a Beams vest. And I'm sure I'd kill the right people if it's like Kyle. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha one I've just shot Kofi, you know. Come quick. Oh God. I got into true crime lately. I told you the Murdoff family. Oh, I mentioned this on the internet. Yeah, yeah. Like their name literally sounds like murder. Yeah. Which I thought was cool.
Starting point is 01:13:45 But when I was reading that Jew letter about inclusion in Hollywood, I noticed that one of the signatories was Michael Rappport. He was destined slash doomed to be a stupid little wigger because he literally has a rap in his name. Yeah. Yeah, Rappport. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he was also in the article I sent.
Starting point is 01:14:09 He was one of the celebs pictured and he had two star of David Neck with his aunt. He had two. Call me by your name. So yeah, some chosen people issued a letter calling for Jews to be kind of included into the DEI framework. And the updated DEI standards, the Academy of Motion Pictures issued in 2020.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Yeah. Probably on the heels of like the George Floyd protests and the racial reckoning and all of that. And in following with, you know, like the DEI, I vacation was kind of happening and the DEI, I vacation of black people. I'm going to read from the letter, the absence of Jews from quote, underrepresented groupings implies that Jews are overrepresented in films, which is simply untrue. They just love saying the quiet part loud, don't they? There are very few films about Jews aside from ones about the Holocaust.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Moreover, when Jewish characters are featured, they are often played by non-Jews, a rare practice for other marginalized groups. Well, while there have always been Jews working in the industry, the industry has only accommodated a certain type of Jew, the toned down Jew. A more flagrantly looking or observing Jew has never had a home in Hollywood. Even with today's increased standards of inclusion and diversity, that Jew continues to not be welcome. Have you seen The Fiddler on the Roof? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:15:48 Have you seen Curb Your Enthusiasm? Have you seen Seinfeld? Have you seen, I mean, I guess, yeah, there's not that many movies about Jews that aren't about the Holocaust, but that's because the Jews that are on Hollywood are always making movies about the Holocaust. That was my favorite part where they were like,
Starting point is 01:16:08 there are very few films about Jews aside from the ones about the Holocaust, blah, blah, blah. I wonder why there are so many movies about the Holocaust. Who made that happen? Yeah, who's making movies? Who came up with that one? Why is that happening in Hollywood? Yeah. Again, classic example, premier example of like Jews being completely like oblivious
Starting point is 01:16:32 to the fact of how they play into and ratchet up the anti-Semitism. It's crazy. Yeah. It whole, with the tunnels too, it all feels very like, Yeah. farcical. And again, like them calling every disagreement, every conflict, antisemitism really just permits no nuance
Starting point is 01:17:01 and betrays a certain arrogance, which only drives up the antisemitism. And it becomes like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm frankly impressed. That they... Yeah. Well, okay, I will say, I do agree that there is a kind of phenomenon of like Jew face Kind of there was some movie That came out probably like ten years ago. I can't even remember it had like it had
Starting point is 01:17:35 Tina Fey and like Bateman in it and stuff And it was about like a Jewish family and like none of the actors were Jewish But they all were just like brown-haired They do often cast kind of I mean they cast Tina Fey and Rachel Senna as Jewish girls. Yeah, Rachel Senna's not Jewish It's funny how she's like the symbol of like cause our milkers and cause our milkers and she's like a Catholic girl. Chippa baby. Yeah, so there are a lot of like working actors
Starting point is 01:18:09 in Hollywood who portray Jews while not being Jewish. That is true, but. But like Scarlett Johansson was slated to portray a Japanese girl. Not exactly. Well, whatever. That's not really true. The anime character, whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:24 But anime characters are white. That's not really anime character. Whatever. But anime characters are white. That's true. The fantasy of anime is that's yeah. That's a separate issue. I would love. People, it's called acting for a reason, people portray all sorts of different other people that they're not actually in real life. And the point they make that this isn't the case for other marginalized groups, so that's because other marginalized groups are different races. Well, Robert Downey Jr. donned blackface.
Starting point is 01:18:57 That used to be a thing. It happens. We have a long history in Hollywood of black and yellow face as the Jewish letter points out. Yeah, but not for a while. That hasn't totally been in vogue. And I think, yeah, and I think non-Jews should be able to play Jews for sure. But I also have a lot of nostalgia for like, I mean, Elliot Gould. Like there are no Jewish leading men. I mean, you could also use plain on Jews all the time,
Starting point is 01:19:27 case in point, the graduate where Dustin Hoffman plays, quote, Ben Braddock. I'm supposed to believe this like, schnazzy five foot four guy as a wasp. Well, but yeah, it is really a man, it's really like impressive how Jews have basically manifested their chosenness by repeatedly insisting upon it. It's and like all ethno narcissism, the flattering implication is that behind all
Starting point is 01:20:03 the exclusion and discrimination is jealousy on the part of others who didn't have the good fortune of being born Jews in this case. Which is true in many cases. Sure, but people are jealous of Jews. Yeah, but not for the reason they think. Jews have this idea in their heads that people are jealous of them because they're chosen, which in our secular times basically means morally superior. But the real reason that people are jealous of them is because they're completely oblivious to the effect that they have on other people and the audacity, the brazenness, the hootspa it takes to orchestrate that on a mass scale is again truly impressive.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Bravo. Yeah. Like they keep getting away with it. How do they do it? I mean, in this honestly, I blame the Jews for, is that they have not produced like, kind of stars they used to. They're used to be like legitimately,
Starting point is 01:21:20 and trust me, this is something I'm like very interested in and would love to see is like a Jewish leading man. Bradley Cooper. Adam Driver. Like there are- Paul Newman. Paul Newman. But not anymore, there have been in the past.
Starting point is 01:21:37 No, there have been in the past. Dustin Hoffman, Paul Newman, Elliot Coble. There have been a lot of like- No, Tony Curtis. Paul Curtis. There have been a lot of like. No, Tony Curtis. Paul Curtis is my childhood pediatrician. Is he Jewish? Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:54 By the way, I also would like to point out that this letter is especially funny in the context of Hollywood because. Don Gordon. Jews are the default in the entertainment industry. They're not like, not as actors, I guess. But as writers, producers, whatever. Exactly, it's all of that.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Yeah, no, clearly, yeah, they're not. And they themselves at some point insisted on this kind of waspified, toned down portrayal owing to the quote ordeal of civility. And now they're like crying wolf about it. That's the crazy part. Yeah, as it's like, that's y'all's industry. You could you don't have to write a letter, you can just talk amongst yourself.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Yeah, so why would you? Yeah, I know. It's like if you go to another person and you tell them one day, like, you're jealous of me and they're like, know what? What are you talking about? But you keep insisting and insisting and insisting and at some point they have no choice but to like fall in line because you're so persistent about it.
Starting point is 01:23:14 And so convinced of the fact. And at some point they do start to envy you because again, you just keep getting away with it. Because you're doming them. Yeah. You're topping them. Yeah. It's like it is that dynamic between like the grandiose and covert narcissist where like covert narcissists are forever seething that grandiose
Starting point is 01:23:38 narcissists can get away with so much because you personally can't. They don't have the huts, but they do it. Which you rationalize by saying like, well, I have principles and standards and I'm not willing to do what they're willing to do that sort of thing. You know what letter I'd love to pen slash sign that I don't think people have talked about.
Starting point is 01:24:02 I don't know who's really underrepresented. And Belarusians. Well, Russians in general. I know. There are like Mila Kunis is probably the most successful. Jewish. Jewish. But she's the most successful like Russian American
Starting point is 01:24:19 Yule Brinner. Celeb. Lots of people have like distantly, you know, Russian roots, but there are no like any, also I could, in my letter, I would point out the fact that Russians are often castes like, you know, amoral villains. Right. Or even worse, it's not even Russians. It's like a Serbian or Croatian guy playing a Russian guy, like Boris the Blade. But there's all these like actually racist, like cold war vested for trails of Russians constantly.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Meanwhile, well, Anton Yelchin, dead. But he was like kind of primed to maybe have a good career as a Russian-American person. The most prominent Russian actor in Hollywood is one of the most prominent actors in Hollywood period called Leonardo DiCaprio. Yeah, but he's not... He's a mix now. No, I know, I know. But he got the full load of the Russian genetics in spite of being Italian and German also.
Starting point is 01:25:25 That's true. No, there are like people with... This fra babushka is called Elena Smirnova. Really? Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure Skarjoz, Distantly Russian... She is...
Starting point is 01:25:40 Lisa Kudrow. Bella Russian. She's Jewish and Scandinavian as far as I remember Scarjo and when you cross Jewish and Scandinavian you get slovoid. Totally. She's a working Russian actress. We sound like my mom now. My mom is like, did you know so and so is Jewish?
Starting point is 01:26:01 sound like my mom now. Did you know so and so is Jewish? But otherwise, and when I like, David Dukhovny. Oh, Dukhovny. So true. When I started trying to work as an actress, and I was just getting kind of like real like bottom of the barrel auditions
Starting point is 01:26:28 for whatever it was like. I'd say probably three quarters, maybe four fifths of them were like sex slave, Russian prostitute, like troll farm operator. You were really tight. Yeah, but but that's just because I had like, I spoke Russian, so that just gave me like a slight advantage from like a casting director's perspective. And so when they casted those parts, that's like the roles that I was like up for.
Starting point is 01:27:01 But that, I bet a lot of like, Russians working in the industry are like on that same grind where they're like constantly playing like mafiosos or like they don't get as much. And that's because Hollywood's full of libtards who are like Russophobes. That's true. And also because Russians don't really have such a stronghold in America as Jews do. No, not at all. They're not really like a historic population.
Starting point is 01:27:36 But I think they're uniquely discriminating against the United Nations. Yeah, just shit. Ha ha ha ha ha. What's that? That Bruce Willis franchise. Die Hard? Die Hard.
Starting point is 01:27:48 There's a Russian actor in that who plays one of the German villains. He's like a shaggy blonde who's a former ballerino who defected to the West. And he's buried in Hollywood forever. His name escapes me, but I remember looking at his plot. The real reason that Russians don't really like non Jewish Russians like Slavic Russians don't haven't really made any headway in Hollywood is because they all die of alcohol. Yeah, they can't stick around long. Natalie would Natalie would was a total secret Russian, but also dead. It's not Jewish, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:27 But she... And she pretends she changed her name. She... Yeah. And pretended basically not to be Russian at all. Yeah, and she like mysteriously like, quote, fell off a cliff while looking at the moon, Sophie style. I can't even think about that, Natalie Wood.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Murder. Mm-hmm. I can't even think about that Natalie would murder I'll have another My think about that one too much But yeah, and she looked Very Russian as well. Oh and of course last we forget big teddy queen Helen Mirren Adriana middle on the boat. she? She's Russian, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:05 She's half Russian. She's half Russian, half British, I think. Okay, well good for her. Like, she'll end Max. Okay. Good for her. Okay, that makes me feel a little better. There are Peter Ustinov,
Starting point is 01:29:20 there are a lot of like secret, or not so secret Russians in Hollywood, but they don't form like a voting voting block within the Academy of Motion Pictures. They're too drunk to get the letter off the couch. They're not a special interest lobby group. I like that Vincent Gallo quote that was making the rounds. Well, I'm not gay or Jewish, so I don't have a special interest group of journalists who are promoting my interests.
Starting point is 01:29:50 You think it's hard being a Jew or a Russian Hollywood tribe being Italian, all you ever get is mob movies. No, no, no. And then like, I don't think that's true. I think there's a lot of wops out like because they're so ubiquitous. They're so well assimilated. Yeah. Yeah. That they're just, you know. And after the Rico predicates, there were no mob movies anymore. So guys like Robert De Niro are forced to play like Jewish dads.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Is he Jewish and meet the Fokker? No, I don't think so. I'm like, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the flush the dog down the toilet. Wait, what's the, um, Scorsese Indian movie, Killers of the Flower Moon or whatever? I didn't see it too long.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Yeah. Too long of a runtime. Can't make the commitment. Stand down old man. But Hernd, it was good. But he plays like a random nondescript, like ethnically ambiguous white guy in that. Yeah, Italians get to do that.
Starting point is 01:31:10 All kinds of people get to do that. A couple Russians in the mix. But I do feel that there is. Well, but yeah, this is again, this is another like Daniel Daylouis is Steve Saylor. He's going to go deep method for that one. He's going to notice like never before. He's in the closet. He's not coming out.
Starting point is 01:31:37 That show, the Americans got Russians a lot of work, but that was like a Cold War era, you know, and the main actors in a, uh, Carrie Russell. Yeah. And then like Felicity and then that hot guy who's like Dodgers and then I don't know, Welsh. No, I think he's Welsh. Um, that they she ended up getting married in real life.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Oh, so romantic. They have kids now and they like really the Americans is like a amazing document of their Love but they of course not Russian at all. Mm-hmm main protagonist of a show about like Russian people But then lots of like Russian character actors got to work on that show. So That's good So that's good. But since we're opening up the de-act conversation, let's get Russians in there.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Like, I know, like, we're not feeling so good about them right now. Yeah, I've been war. But I've been like desperately trying to understand the Gonzalo lyric case. Oh, which I briefly told you about. Yeah. I really don't understand what's going on. I had some men man-splain it to me and I still can't make sense of it. An American journalist. Yeah, he's like a Chilean American journalist like sub-stack journalist who I guess was like quote embedded in Ukraine. Are you fucking a Ukrainian woman, and was recently murdered in a Ukrainian prison,
Starting point is 01:33:10 and that made big waves, and he was featured, or his story was featured on Tucker Carlson, and- Yeah, his brother came on or something? His father. His father. And people were joking that we traded like a Russian arms dealer for an American WNBA player and he didn't figure into the equation, which I
Starting point is 01:33:34 was confused about. I was like, what does that have to do with anything? I still don't. He was a political prisoner? Well, he was a guy who- But in Ukraine, not Russia. Yeah, exactly. I was like, these are now definitively two distinct entities. So how is there like, what is Russian prisoner exchange have to do with the Ukrainian prisoner exchange? He wasn't part of the yeah. And he was a guy who went into a war zone and proceeded to antagonize the Ukrainians with his pro-Russian sentiment. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 01:34:08 So it's very sad what happened to him, but it seems like every step of the way he was sort of asking for it. Sounded, sound, I don't know anything, but sounds like he had a death wish. Yeah. To even put himself in that situation. Yeah. Damn. The idea is that situation. Yeah, damn. The idea is that like... They gotta wrap this bore up. We got other, we got Yemen in the mix now.
Starting point is 01:34:33 The idea is like the Biden administration wasn't willing to go to bat for him, even though it would have been a relatively easy extradition process because we're allied with Ukraine because he was famously very hard on Biden and so they kind of and pro Russia and pro Russia so they kind of just like Turn to blind eye and let him have it But also, I mean what do you expect? just
Starting point is 01:35:03 that's Kind of the cold hard facts, you know? That's... I saw a picture on Twitter that was like, channel your inner Zelensky. Like, how could I get even shorter and squatter? How can I beg for more money? I mean, I still can't, I still can't wear an olive drab t-shirt. I know.
Starting point is 01:35:27 He ruined the olive drab t-shirt for all of us. The most famous Russian actor is obviously Zelensky. We'll leave the more Zelensky Jew. Doesn't count. There needs to be some, I'm not gonna do it, but... Some Slavic initiatives people... He should get cast in like meet the fuckers. He's like, well, I'm some kind of a fucker.
Starting point is 01:35:59 What does fucker mean? Что значит «фокер»? Что, охуели? У меня есть сиськи «фокер» Я надеюсь, что это видно Я надеюсь, что видно Реабилитация I'd love to see that. I mean, yeah, I'd hope to see him rehabilitated as a comedic actor. Zelensky goes around to various awards ceremonies, panhandling for money. I want to see him star in a major big budget, Zelensky as Napoleon. He's got the range. He could do it. a major big budget as a landski as Napoleon. And he really cuts Napoleon too. He's got the range, he could do it.
Starting point is 01:36:52 One man who dare take on the establishment. It's good enough for me. Yeah, let's call it. Cause I don't know who he's. I don't, I tried to read an article and couldn't. I was like, what? They're Yemeni rebels. What?
Starting point is 01:37:21 Why do we, why do we bomb Yemen? Because we can. I don't see you. We need more. No, because we need more. Bodega boys in the United States. Anyway, see you in hell. you

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