Red Scare - Dirtbag w/ Amber A'Lee Frost *TEASER*

Episode Date: January 29, 2024

Amber A'Lee Frost is back to discuss her new book, Dirtbag: Essays....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the kind of like doomsday prep. You're a prep survivor. You're a prep stress. I am, I'm a prep stress. I'm just on prep. I am. I have a Costco card so I can get it for you wholesale. No, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I do, it's fucked up. Socialism, Costco membership for everyone. I would vote for that. I would vote for a socialist candidate if they provided Costco memberships for everyone, free or on the cheap, and if they gutted the NGO complex. I have a real g-hot against the NGOs. So much money in that. It's all money laundering for wealthy people. Wealthy people used to have to like fucking build a gorgeous library in Pittsburgh to keep everyone from killing them.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah, they had to do something for diversity initiatives. Shell oil. The bless of Bleach is just dead. No, and it was it was already shit. We used to be able to bitch about that. It's like, I wish we could bitch about that. I know. Like, I wish we could bitch about doing like free operas on Thursdays. Well, I have a question. What do you think about?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Sorry, I'm sharing her Bill Ackman meme. It's like him exposing the NGO complex and he's like pulling the mask off and it's just him. It's monstrous, it's horrible. And it's not even like some people work, they're really trying to do good work and sometimes they just don't know yet. And sometimes they're just like, I don't know, man, I'm just fucking punching in.
Starting point is 00:01:29 But a lot of them are seriously believing it. Well, that's almost scarier. It's so much scarier. It's like you people could kill someone. They're like, it's like that Solzhenitsyn quote that's like, they know we know they're lying. And they know that they know that we're lying. It's like a John Leclerc master tool. Wait, but so what was your question?
Starting point is 00:01:55 I wanted to ask what you think about RFK Jr. as a candidate. Crazy. I mean, and well, all Kennedys are running through a mimeograph that is running out of ink. Pfft. They're getting fainter and fainter.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Actually, I think they're getting like chopped and screwed. Is that still a thing? Is that still an aesthetic on Twitter? I don't know. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. What are the children doing these days? Or I guess it's just people my age that are still on Twitter, I don't know. Yeah, I think so. What are the children doing these days? Or I guess it's just people my age
Starting point is 00:02:27 that are still on Twitter. They're racist. Ha ha ha ha. They're racist now, Amber.

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