Red Scare - Don't Die w/ Bryan Johnson *TEASER*

Episode Date: January 11, 2024

Anti-aging mogul Bryan Johnson joins the ladies to share his life philosophy and skincare tips....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I noticed your your Lenin biography. Yeah, I just finished Lenin's biography. Napoleon FDR Truman. Yeah, I've read hundreds of biographies. Hmm. And when you when you spend a few hundred pages with somebody reading their letters and hearing them talk about the world, you create an intimate relationship with them where you really understand them. And I feel like I have a relationship with so many people throughout history.
Starting point is 00:00:37 And I guess maybe oddly, I feel the same with the 25th century, where I personally care more about what the 25th century thinks of me than I do what people now. And that's really what motivates me is because when I look back, I appreciate people throughout history who have done things that we all benefit from in society. Society is pretty remarkable. Do you have a favorite historical figure? They're all different. I don't have a favorite. They're all unique and I'm grateful for all of them and what they contributed. Is there any one person that you identify with the most? Everyone in just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Okay. Do you got any women, faves? Yeah. Any female faves? They didn't get to accomplish much until recently. Yeah, the most people have a handful of attributes
Starting point is 00:01:50 that allow them to achieve remarkable things. And sometimes they're universal, sometimes they're appropriate to time and place. But I find that if in caring about what people think of me right now, I find that it's a straight jacket of sorts on how brave I can be and what I want to do because the majority of anyone living in any given moment, it's basically a representation of the past. They're living the ideas of dead people. The future is already, you know, the future is always here. It's only a question if we can discern it. Can we see it? And so in this moment, the future is here. We just have to look out in the world and see if we can identify it. But to me, that's really my relationship with time and motivation is.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Do you ever read negative comments about yourself or engage with the haters? Do you name search? I read all of the comments and I gleefully interact with the haters. Okay. Yeah. You know, and I think honestly, I love the haters so much. You got to love them. I do. And if they work extremely hard to come up with the best zingers and they want you to hurt
Starting point is 00:03:12 so badly. And I respect the effort. And I think the reason why I have such a positive relationship with them is because my depression was the hater in my own mind for a decade. And that- They give you attention. And their allies. They reflect your inner-
Starting point is 00:03:33 Honestly. What is back to you? Yeah, my depression ran my comments section for a decade and that version was so much more brutal than anything I get today. Everything's pretty lightweight. It's having gone through that. No one's going to come at me in a way that really bothers me. much more brutal than anything I get today. Everything's pretty lightweight.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It's having gone through that. No one's going to come at me in a way that really bothers me. It's so true.

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