Red Scare - Eclipse Loveline *TEASER*

Episode Date: April 8, 2024

Taking your burning love and sex questions through earthquakes and eclipses. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, Anna Rindasha. First of all, I'd like to say thank you for all the inspiration you've given me and the skinniest I've ever been. I finally did it. I got a boyfriend that's older, richer, and a little more conservative than me. so recently he's been complaining, I guess, that he would like me to get laser, uh, everywhere. And I'm quite hesitant to, I guess, get laser on my behind. And I don't know if I should push back or just do it because I love him or yeah. Anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks. Bye. I love when Amy Therese calls her. Yeah, her black... I didn't see her boyfriend once and he got laser.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's interesting. She's the behind. But her booty hole, she didn't want to get her booty hole laser. Well, she's actually right. Is that the most painful? Technically and medically, it's not that it's the most painful. It's somewhat pointless because it ends up growing back. I've never gotten the full Brazilian laser, but I know many women who have, and they say it's
Starting point is 00:01:32 basically a waste of money. Because of the hormonal hair growth. Any hormonal areas. So like you can get your legs, arms. By the way, the happy trail, whatever. The single laser. Oh yeah, how's your laser going? I've had the one session and already, well, it did the thing initially where yeah, it got like. It congested stuff. Yeah, kind of. Yeah, I was like. You can literally extract them.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yeah, I was like, what is that? I was like, oh no. Somehow my follicles are projecting the laser and I'm going to be have even hairier legs. But now but like in overall, I'd say I'm yeah, I'm looking forward to the subsequent laser sessions because I'm already seeing such an improvement. Yeah, it's amazing. The pain is kind of fun. I don't mind and I have that amazing a Belarusian I don't mind. And I have that amazing Belarusian woman who tells you how 19 you are. How skinny and youthful I am. And we talk about our homeland together, which is great. I think laser is a great female bonding experience.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yeah. If I had a dollar for every aesthetician who's told me beauty was pain. Advice to this girl. I think it would afford a lot of laser procedures. Yeah. No, my advice to this girl is make him pay for it. If he wants you to undergo some sort of procedure, seems like he should foot the bill.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I think he, it seems she's mentioned he was wealthy. Yeah, but he should, A, we have to get that out of the way and make that explicit. But even so, I think she mentioned he was wealthy. Yeah, but he should, A, we have to get that out of the way and make that explicit. But even so, I think... And I think she should get her legs lasered just for the peace of mind. I would not do the Brazilian laser, nor would I really do the underarm laser. Yeah, I haven't done that. I've done the like front part of the pussy area and it just does grow back. I'm just not, I like my pubic hair.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I like also the, I've grown attached to the pain and ritual of the waxing. And I like the kind of, like the growth period and then the wax. I like the frizz. The frizz on. It's so crazy that people think that we're like a racist and sexist podcast when it's basically this is a podcast about enjoying the pain of getting your pussy wax. That's like the main plot line.
Starting point is 00:04:05 That's why we started. The main part was to afford hair removal procedures. But it's nice for a busy woman on the go, such as myself, who like lays in bed all day and sends tweets.

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