Red Scare - The Lady Doth Protest Too Much *TEASER*

Episode Date: April 28, 2024

The ladies discuss the campus Palestine protests, the second guy to self-immolate, right wing women, Harvey Weinstein's overturned conviction, and the Will Stancil phenomenon....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 No, yeah, I mean, I did feel the impulse like Clara, you know, but as Kate Moss says, never complain, never explain, you know? But I didn't even realize because yeah, part of it is I get drunk, then I go on. I saw this protest. I had an instinctive rep on. I saw this protest. I had an instinctive repulse. I didn't, it wasn't it.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I know, I know, I know. A lot of it is innocent from the heart. You know what feels so good is when you're drunk and spiraling and you wanna like alienate people and also get attention, but you don't send the tweet. And then you wake up the next day after you blacked out being like
Starting point is 00:00:51 What embarrassing thing did I do on the internet and then you go log on and there's nothing That's that must be a nice feeling. Yeah, that's what that must be like what being sober feels like Yeah, you don't have this constant weird dread that you've done. I mean, internet addiction is an addiction. For sure. It's like literally. But I'm my my Lenten hiatus was was very good for me. And it caused me to reflect on the sinful nature of quarreling in general. And you can really see how like, yeah, the impulse to like be a little shit star is like, so like.
Starting point is 00:01:38 But that's what people are responding to. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like they can tell that you want to stir some shit. I'm yeah. I've got one in the chamber. So they're meeting you in kind. I'm really sick of people saying that Jackie Kennedy is ugly. Jackie Kennedy was not ugly. And I'm going to fire that.

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