rSlash - r/Amioverreacting My Crazy Fiancé Broke My Arm!

Episode Date: May 12, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:08 Broken arm 2:33 Baths 7:55 Tax returns 10:21 Cheater 13:02 Item swapping Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 UV rays don't skip a day. Neither should your SPF. Introducing daily UV moisturizer from Umbrella. Broad spectrum protection and all-day hydration in one lightweight formula from the number one recommended brand by pharmacists and physicians. It's the unskippable SPF for your unstoppable day. New Umbrella daily UV moisturizer now available online or at your local retailer. That's the sound of unaged whiskey, transforming into Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Around 1860, nearest green taught Jack Daniel how to filter whiskey through charcoal for a smoother taste, one drop at a time.
Starting point is 00:00:47 This is one of many sounds in Tennessee with a story to tell. To hear them in person, plan your trip at Tennessee sounds perfect. Welcome to r slash am I overreacting where OP's fiance breaks her arm in a moment of rage. Our next reddit post is from Rosalyn. Should I marry my fiance after he put his hands on me? My fiance is an amazing guy. We first started off as friends, so the foundation of our relationship is pretty strong. He's so perfect and good to me in every way that a man can be good to a woman.
Starting point is 00:01:21 However, he can be very controlling and territorial and because of his childhood, he has a lot of trust issues. He owns his own trucking company, and sometimes is gone for days, even weeks at a time. Recently he went away, and he was coming back and I was excited to see him. When he came back, our neighbor's car was parked in my driveway. Normally, he never parks there, but I gave him permission to do it this time because he had an event at his house and our HOA doesn't allow parking in the street. When my fiance came home, I was in the bathroom shaving and all of a sudden he came in yelling, WHO THE F is in the house and checking the shower, closet, bed, etc.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I remember feeling so confused I didn't even respond. He grabbed me by the arm and kept shaking me and calling me an effing liar and saying that I was like his mom and a lot of other hurtful things. When he found no one in the house, I eventually realized that he saw the neighbor's car and thought that I had another man there. There were also a man's boots on the steps, but they were his pair of boots, so I'm confused of how things escalated in his mind so quickly. Turns out my fiancé fractured my arm, so I had to go to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Now he's apologizing and I feel like if I marry him, I'm allowing him to think this behavior is okay, but another piece of me feels like he's a good man. I've distanced myself from him ever since, and he keeps bringing me expensive gifts, jewelry, roses, and other nonsense. I've never experienced this side of him, and we've been together for two years. I'm so torn, and I don't know what to do. For context, I'm a 29-year-old woman, and he's 36. OP, the first two sentences you wrote were, should I marry my fiance after he put his hands on me and then my fiance is an amazing guy. Those are completely opposite statements.
Starting point is 00:03:11 This entire post is just cope. It's you coping, yeah, well, he does this, he does that, he does that, and you know, he broke my arm. Whoops, tee-hee. Lady, he broke your arm in anger. If he did it once, he could do it again. If he did it to you, he could do it to your kids. If anything, you are underreacting here.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Am I overreacting after calling my ex's girlfriend of less than a year a predator P word after finding out that she's been taking baths with my 8 year old daughter? I'm a 39 year old woman and my ex-husband is 40. We were together for close to 10 years. My husband's name is Andy and Andy and I have two kids together, an 8 year old girl and a 5 year old boy. Andy started dating this girl about a year ago. Let's call her Bridget. Bridget has a 9 year old boy and only comes up on the weekends. I had no issues with her and I did try to get to know her personally, but I know what the kids have told me and she seemed to be really good to them and that's all that mattered to me.
Starting point is 00:04:08 We weren't enemies or anything like that, just kind of indifferent towards each other. She came to my kids birthday parties and I thought that all was well. That is, until a few weeks ago. It was Saturday and Andy sent me a text telling me that he had just left the emergency room and he had the flu. So I had to go pick up the kids as soon as possible. On the way home, I was asking my daughter what all she'd done that day, and she replied that it was just like every other weekend. She played with Jacob and her brother, she did makeup with Bridget, and they took a bath.
Starting point is 00:04:38 The way that my daughter phrased it made me feel the need to ask if they each took their own baths or did Bridget stay in the bathroom to help if needed. That's when my daughter told me that they all take a bath or shower together at the same time. My mom was in the car too, and judging from her expression, I knew that I wasn't tripping by being absolutely speechless about what I just heard. But not wanting to cause a scene, I didn't make a big deal about it. But I did tell my daughter that I didn't want her to ever take another bath with Bridget ever again. I was so blown away.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I've got a history of being abused sexually by a close family member my whole childhood. He's dead now. I always said that I would never put my kids in a position where that might happen. In fact, my kids have never been left alone with anyone except for me, my ex, or our parents. I came to find out though, Andy's been working on Saturday afternoons, leaving them with Bridget which is when these baths occurred. Andy is also well aware of what's happening though. Given the flu diagnosis and my emotions being so high, I waited until the next day to say
Starting point is 00:05:41 something about it. I asked him what was up with his girlfriend and why the F would she be wanting to take baths with my child? And why the hell would he sit back and let that happen? That's when he tried to act like my daughter was to blame. What? We'll name my daughter Lennox and my son Asher. So he starts trying to tell me about how Lennox just goes inside the shower when Bridget is
Starting point is 00:06:04 in the shower and she begs her to let her in. I don't believe that for one second. So I just told him that they make door locks for a reason. And if she didn't want my daughter Lennox to be in the shower with her, then it's as simple as that. I also made sure to let him know just how unreasonable, inappropriate, and predatory the whole thing seemed to me. I mean, in what world is any 30-something woman going to actively want to take a bath with an 8-year-old girl and not be for nefarious reasons? When Andy and I got together, he already had two kids, who are coincidentally the same age as our kids now.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I reminded him that, in all of our years together, his kids never so much as saw me in my underwear, let alone be naked in a room with me. And just how gross that is and how much my sense of safety for the kids when they're with him has been shattered. He said that it would never happen again. I said, if it did, I wouldn't call him to talk about it again. So two weeks go by and my kids are on spring break. Lennox wanted to stay at Andy's Monday night, but Asher wanted to come home so we pick him up. After being home for a few hours before dinner gets started, I'm putting things away in my closet and Asher is sitting on the staircase right next to me.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Out of the blue, he tells me that Bridget doesn't sleep with clothes on. I asked him how he knew that, and he said because he saw it. Once again, my mother was there to hear that too. Instead of waiting, I immediately went to my phone and called my ex-husband asking him why is he trying to date a P-word, because now my other child is talking about his girlfriend's privates too. Of course, he says it's all just a misunderstanding. He says that Asher is making a bigger deal about it than it really is.
Starting point is 00:07:47 He said that she was wearing his boxers and they happened to ride up. And I replied, so her privates are so big that they'd be hanging out of her shorts if they rode up? I'm 5'10 myself and pretty much all legs, so I know about shorts riding up. But never once have I worried about exposing myself around kids. I said that this is the very last time I will ever hear about this woman's body from my kids again, and that I do NOT want this predator around my kids. Bridget's been up here the last two weekends, but her and Andy both have been crying to Lennox about how it's all my fault that she can't come
Starting point is 00:08:23 up to see her anymore. Am I wrong for thinking that she's a predator of P-word? OP, you should be talking to a lawyer or the police, not Reddit. Like what is with this woman? It's like every single time she's around your kids, her clothes just magically come off. If the genders were flipped and a 30-something year old guy were bathing with an 8 year old girl, people would be grabbing torches and pitchforks. So OP, you are definitely underreacting here. Our next reddit post is from IntrepidSpend. My new girlfriend wants proof of divorce and income. I'm a 32 year old guy and I've been seeing this 29 year old girl for 3 weeks.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I got married young and divorced in 2020. I've been dating for one and a half years, and I've dated two other people seriously during this time and the issue didn't come up with them. Twice lately when we were bantering, she would make a joke about whether or not I was previously married but then get really serious and say something like, Can you tell me why I can't find that public information though and understand why it's even sketchier that you were defensive about it? like. Can you tell me why I can't find that public information though and understand why it's even sketchier that you were defensive about it? I feel like we have a great connection, but I'm getting tired of the mystery BS. Like you say that you're financially stable, but you're living with your
Starting point is 00:09:35 25 year old brother, like it doesn't make sense. And you can't get mad at me sending this via text, but the confusion you've caused me is just upsetting. If you don't want a girlfriend or a partner, then I'll move on because I'm tired of having these questions come up in my mind. I'm 29, I don't play games, I'm looking for someone to do life with. For the record, I've now agreed to show her my divorce certificate, but when she said, I can't possibly be the first person who asked for the proof, I said, you really are. Which she said was gaslighty? Huh? I don't really
Starting point is 00:10:06 want to show her my tax return though. It's pretty normal. I made 92k in 2022 and 100k in 2023. I kinda think that we should end this immediately because she's got some deep insecurities that are going to make my life hell if I stay with her. We have a good connection, our love life is amazing, but I'm kind of getting some red flags out of her. Am I overreacting or is she crazy and I need to leave? So I might get some flack for this, but I think it's fairly reasonable for her to ask you about the marriage certificate, or rather the divorce certificate. Because I don't know, maybe I'm jaded because I've just read so many stories about spouses who cheat on their partners and they tell their
Starting point is 00:10:47 mistress slash boy toy that they're separated or they're going through a divorce or something. So it's like a really common lie to say, oh, yeah, I'm totally divorced. I'm totally over my wife. So even though she's being untrusting here, I think that's a okay thing to request. However, asking for tax returns after three weeks is pretty crazy. And then she says, I'm 29, I don't play games and then proceeds to just play games with you. Opie, you gotta listen to your gut here. You are not overreacting. This girl is sending out some major red flags. Our next reddit post is from Deleted.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Four years ago, my wife had an affair with a coworker. We had been married for three years at the time and were trying to have kids, but we had fertility issues and both were having a hard time with that. I caught her because another coworker reached out to me to let me know what was going on. We were incredibly close to divorcing, but through counseling we made it through and we've had a pretty good marriage over the last two years. We have a date night once a week that I plan. I bring her flowers at least once a week.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I write love notes, etc. I don't want to lose her. She left that job so that she wouldn't be around that man. She went completely no contact with him. Fast forward to yesterday. We were at the gym and I was waiting for my wife to get done showering. I'd forgotten my phone at home and I grabbed hers to kill some time. I wasn't trying to snoop. It's been at least two years since I felt I even needed to snoop.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I open up Instagram and start scrolling through pictures, but then I noticed that she has a message. I knew that it was wrong to click. That's too far of an invasion of her privacy, but curiosity got ahold of me. It was him, the coworker that she had an affair with. Two months ago, he reached out to see how she was doing. I read through all the messages. There was nothing wrong with what they said, it was them catching up about life and work. He still had his old job. If it had been anyone else, I wouldn't have even cared.
Starting point is 00:12:40 But this was the man that helped almost ruin my marriage. I took some screenshots and sent them to myself. I waited until we got in the car and then I asked her why she was talking to him. She starts screaming that I shouldn't have looked at her messages, saying that I don't trust her. I apologize for snooping, but I told her that I want a divorce. She stopped talking to me and left the house as soon as we got home. I have no idea where she went. Even this morning she hasn't responded to me. Waking up this morning, I still believe that I want a divorce.
Starting point is 00:13:10 The pain of the affair was too much. I know they aren't having an affair right now, but the fact that she's even talking to him is insulting to me. Especially without telling me. Am I overreacting? So in my opinion, I think that her talking to the guy is just grounds in itself for divorce. But then on top of that, she starts yelling at you and screaming at you and saying, how dare you not trust me? And then just vanishes for the
Starting point is 00:13:36 entire night. Well, of course I don't trust you. You cheated. So the fact that she had such an emotional aggressive over the top-the-top response tells you that there's definitely something more going on. Yeah, maybe the text messages were innocent, but I think clearly she has feelings for this guy that are coming back. Or maybe they never even left. So OP, you're not overreacting. Our next Reddit post is from individual Taylor.
Starting point is 00:14:00 My girlfriend won't stop swapping out my real groceries with small versions of the items. It's basically what the title says, but the weird part is that my girlfriend won't ever admit that it's her. She just sorta looks at me and pretends to be confused when I confront her. Basically every few weeks I come home and some of my groceries are missing and replaced by miniature plastic versions of themselves. Come home from work looking forward to a Coca-Cola?
Starting point is 00:14:26 Oh great, my Coca-Cola is gone and there's a miniature plastic version instead. Break something small and need to tape it back together? Oh good, miniature duct tape. Make eggs and want Tabasco? Oh great, miniature Tabasco. You get the point. It's kinda funny, but pretty annoying too. So far, whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Clearly my girlfriend thinks that it's some sort of funny prank or practical joke. But the thing that's weirding me out is that she never acknowledges that it's her. Even when I start to get genuinely upset or frustrated, she insists that it's so strange that random objects are shrinking in our home. This all culminated to last night. Last night I came home and I'd been craving something sweet all day. So I started baking blueberry muffins. My genuine favorite treat for myself.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I get everything together, preheat the oven, and I'm about to start making the batter when I open the cabinet and… Oh look! The flower is gone and replaced with a miniature bag of flower. Haha, so funny. I immediately call her and ask her where she put the flower, but she keeps playing dumb. I start making a slightly bigger deal about it and I'm like, look, I went to the store to get fresh blueberries.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I've been looking forward to this, can you please tell me where the flower is? She still won't drop the act. Like what the hell? Before we ended the call, she slyly dropped, as if you need more muffins, and hung up. Like what the hell? I haven't even called her back yet, so we haven't talked in over a day. I'm pretty mad at her over this. I went out of my way to do something special for myself, and she wouldn't drop the act
Starting point is 00:16:03 when I made it clear that I was genuinely upset. Then OP posted an update. Turns out it was my brother playing the prank on me that he saw from TikTok. My girlfriend apologized for her snide comments about the muffins, but suggested that I have been gaining a lot of weight lately and was annoyed that I have been pointing the finger at her. That was r slash in my overreacting and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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