Tell Em Steve-Dave - #583: Now! Git ‘em free!

Episode Date: January 14, 2024

Git em gets the boot, Jewish tunnels, airplane snafus, Maribeth turns 30, Walt and Frank5 go to Detroit....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Like you could literally be the Dalai Lama in my eyes, like you're like you should people should be coming to you for had a handle shoot. I thought I said a kid's shirt I ripped off. Complaining about his autism. How low can you go? I'm sure they could go lower. I've seen some of these trolls. I don't give a fuck. Tell them Steve Dave. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell them Steve Dave. I'm here with Walt and special guests straight through the tunnels of airport plaza
Starting point is 00:01:06 Sunday Jeff So they Jeff what is going on with you people? Why are you tunneling under the ground? Why are you burrowing? Yeah, did you read about this? No, no, I don't watch anything. You know, I don't watch the news I have no I heard something about it. I couldn't figure it out what the The reasons for it were I don't I never heard on Anybody like say why they have tunnels. So I really didn't follow I read a couple articles I can't figure out why they have these tunnels, but man do they want them They're like these hardcore like rabbinical students that are like they think that I think that they believe that the elders of the church
Starting point is 00:01:48 Aren't doing something that they should be doing so they tunneled under the ground To connect these like four buildings or something that they're sending out to these four buildings for some reason They they want these tunnels and they're like guarding them. Like the cops came and they were like, they wouldn't come out of the tunnels and the cops were like, look, we're gonna pour cement in these to shore them up. And they're like, we're not coming out.
Starting point is 00:02:11 If you found out that me and Gunn were had to turn into a tunnel network. Underneath the airport plaza. Did you have playing concrete there the next day? What would you be? What would you be? What would your I am so I am so bored with my life right now. I would get my shovel Anything anything I Join now, but where we go. I'm boys China Easy work though, bro. You say you like I'll get my shovel at every day
Starting point is 00:02:42 You know like as soon as you're like you hit with it an hour with it a route you know what the fuck man where's the dynamite get them out of the mulch is yeah so fucking that that's good enough that's two kinds of like just that's it I saw how he mulches so yeah I mean I would definitely be curious as to what it was for we said they're in between Senagogs it's like a synagogue that's attached to four other nearby buildings or three other nearby buildings,
Starting point is 00:03:08 something like that. We're gonna walk above the ground and possibly get shot at or, or beaten up or protested against or something. I thought possibly I heard somebody float that, maybe they were built back during the COVID lockdown so they could attend church. Oh, look, yeah, they were real big on being like,
Starting point is 00:03:24 fuck you and fuck COVID. This is real or is this the? No, this is a Brooklyn. It isn't Brooklyn. Oh, I thought you talked about Hamas and Israel over here. I don't know. Oh, no, not those tunnels. Now, this is in New York. So yeah, no, no one, they may have come out and said why they had these tunnels, but I don't, I'm like, I'm not as oblivious as Sunday Jeff is, but I'm trying. It's very easy. I'll show you how to do it. Got a shovel. Like, what do you talk about all the time?
Starting point is 00:03:54 If you don't have any awareness of what's going on around you, I mean, I get some stuff on my phone. Like, you know, the stuff with the aircraft interest me with the big Yeah, that's a great hole in the airplane. What do you get? That's a guy who worked on airplanes. Well, that's that call my Taxi. How does that happen? What we're talking about is there was a plane that took off and then like a gigantic hole was ripped into the plane and they had the door ripped off. Yeah, it's actually not it's it's a it's not really a door. It looks like a door, right? Because the way that the aircraft are, you can configure seats as like to the aircraft to the way that the airline wants them.
Starting point is 00:04:30 If you have a certain amount of seats, you have to have another exit. That's where the exit would go. You wouldn't know it unless you look on the outside of the plane, because you would see it. On the inside of the plane, you'd never see the way you would look like a door.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You would see like the plastic on the food. So I heard that it ripped the whole was ripped into the plane and then a kid's shirt was ripped off his body. I saw that. So weird. I'm telling you right now, like, you know, I know it's weird. The first thing I thought of was like, why didn't his pants get ripped off? That's weird, but I'm like, I don't get it. Why would not, why the shirt, but not the pants?
Starting point is 00:05:05 You would think, I don't know, maybe because he's sitting on them. Like, there's more weight, like there's some kind of balance. I was so nervous. You know it by luck. My pants would have got better. So they're in just the shirt and no pants. I'm the undies flying through the sky. His pants go on though.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I can see it in a movie, if you see a dude with no pants in a shirt on. It just looks weird. It looks bizarre. It looks so strange. Girls, it looks hot. Yeah. But guys, that little last cheek hanging out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I had a girlfriend. I should be dogs. I had a girlfriend years and years ago who was so put off by the sight of a guy in a t-shirt and note nothing like because she would go to the beach and she's like she would go to the nude beach in Tantopolis and all these guys would walk around like that with the wieners hanging out. It's just something about it. It's just the polling. It's just like it's a complete... I know even if the shirt was off it, it was still what wouldn't like be sexy to me, but even that's just the worst look. It's almost like socks and sandals if you're wearing oh, I thought for a second
Starting point is 00:06:06 I thought you're talking about your dog like socks and sandals. I was like what? Socks and sandals, it's like wearing white socks and sandals. Yeah, yeah That's to me how bad that look is a dude wearing a shirt with like bikini bottoms or no bottoms. Or no bottoms. Yeah. Girls can pull it off guys. Can't I know. But back how did that happen? I have no idea how we're shirt full of. No, no, no, no. I had a whole rip into the plane. Well, apparently there's bolts that are on there or possibly not on there now is what they're saying that they think that there might not even even bolts on there, that hold that actual pan one place. How many bolts?
Starting point is 00:06:49 Four, pounds. Just four. Well, they could be like, they could be fucking huge bolts. Okay, they could be like monster bolts. Yeah. Like Frankenstein bolts. Bigger. Bigger than the ones on his neck.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yeah, I would think that's much bigger. But still, why not go and eat just to be safe? It'll us the calls for two when they're going with four to be safe. Oh, man. What was the company again? Was it Boeing? Oh, yeah, Boeing was the yet, the,
Starting point is 00:07:16 what was the manufacturer last year? Yeah, last year, let's. But United already did an inspection on some other aircraft and they found four or five of them that are loose, that aren't tightened. What must have that have sounded like? Oh, what must have sounded like that? They're lucky they were not up cruising speed.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It would have been done. You'd done. Yeah, but it had to be sucked everybody out. Right? That's like, well, I thought it was on take off. It was on like like 16,000 like those oxygen masks go drop after 14,000 feet. You need them after they had to come down really fast to get to oxygen. They didn't have oxygen.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah, but I'm saying it's a lot better at that altitude than being cruising speed. I mean, it's just like I saw the video. It's the video. So fucked up. And I pretty it's like looks like there's like they're driving a convertible. It's just like, it's like, look at around.
Starting point is 00:08:03 The dude's hair's just flipping around. You don't know how you're're gonna act when I don't know How could you like you know thank God there was nobody sitting in in those seats? There was no passengers. I thought it's a kid's shirt. I ripped off the opposite side But it's just weird. How do you get your shirt? Do you just like lift your hand up? And it's just like the Jetsons Just flies off. I mean listen to button down shurk or something. There's no, like this is not,
Starting point is 00:08:26 I don't know how this would ever come off when I'm wearing it. Well, you probably the stitching, but everybody else had their shirts on. It must have been a T-shirt then. Like a T-shirt. Like a loose fitting T-shirt. You know, like button down shurk or something.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I mean, I would think that's the only way. I mean, when you sit on, you know, your arms are towards your side, you know, do you give a fuck like because like you say His shirt got ripped off in your case and your pants what he got ripped off But if your shirt gets ripped off, are you more worried about like are we gonna crash or are you more worried about your pants? I might be the one guy First I pray to God that you know, we make it and then my second prayer is please don't let my pants fly off. I know the shirt's gone can't do it about that
Starting point is 00:09:09 but I don't want the pants to fly off. Perfect world. I still have my shirt on but I don't everything down to the bear on. Don't command. Yeah that's the one thing that I would be like oh my god. I should float and out in the wind. It must have been terrifying though. I can't even imagine. Yeah. I mean look the one thing that I would be like, oh my god, like floating out in the wind. It must have been terrifying though. I can't even imagine. Yeah. Can't even imagine. I mean, look, the good thing about it is like they were able to land a plane, nobody got hurt or killed or anything.
Starting point is 00:09:32 So I mean, obviously it's a... Are you doing? Yeah. Even though Gimstenon on my keeps still making his presence now. Making constant noise over there. Just stop touching shit. He's got himself a new fit bed. He's messing with his computer Sunday you don't know some some things have transpired in TSD
Starting point is 00:09:51 Tounties last time your own like as much as I don't know about that. I don't know about TSD. You don't read the newsletter? I don't get one. Apparently Makes too much noise. There's too much gittum on the regular show. What do we do on the regular show? On the regular episode like this, like it episode like this. A regular, the free TSD. They know they've got no chance on say a Sunday Jeff show or a Dungeons and Dragons. A page.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I've never heard one complain about gittum on the on the Patreon content, but I cannot say the same thing about the regular show and the amount of emails I've gotten that I didn't even mention. I don't even reply to, I don't respond to, but I'm going to ask Sunday Jeff as a businessman. Where would you put yourself on O'Scale 1-10 as a businessman? Well, you would know that. I mean, pretty high. Pretty high scale.
Starting point is 00:10:44 You would like an atrocious. I know, pretty high. Pretty high scale. Okay, like, are you in like an entrum? I know he's like fucking war and buck it over here. I'm gonna say at least eight. Eight, I don't know. You're some eight as a businessman. All right, maybe seven. I'm just wondering what he has to back it up. I mean, that's the way he's working.
Starting point is 00:10:58 He's coming down real quick. It's coming down quicker than I've played. I sure it's gonna be all in a second on. At least it was with my pants. So you're you're getting I know enough about work ethic. How about that? That yes. There you go. That's 10. That's a 10. There. Yeah. There's no one ever going to take that away from you. But let's say you're getting a lot of complaints from your customer base. And they're saying, they're threatening,
Starting point is 00:11:26 I've been a lifelong listener, I'm not listening anymore. This is the only way I can make my voice be heard is if I tell you I'm canceling everything and I'm not, I'm unsubscribing if you don't get, get them off the regular feet. Really? What? Signed by Johnston.
Starting point is 00:11:42 What do you do? What do you really do? Oh? Well, I haven't heard and talk so I guess I guess we know the answer But he's like a church mouse over there, so not really from all the fucking He's doing over there with all this computer. That's just banging fucking Maybe I should give him to that after after the show Don't get me fucking piece of don't get my new tech point Yeah, he's squealing like you just saw helicopter But what do you really do? Well, honestly like nope shit and giggles. What do you really do?
Starting point is 00:12:16 You know he's you throttle back a little bit. He's a friend Yeah, you don't want to you don't want to hurt his confidence and he also does at times he he Will offer interesting stuff stuff that like we wouldn't know That's what you get hate me. Oh, but he also Throws out a lot of great zingers and to be fair a lot of bad ones Obviously a lot more bad ones. He does. They're have some really good zingers So I'm really kind of shocked and disappointed that I've gotten so many emails regarding this
Starting point is 00:12:50 and his participation in the regular pod. But my first instinct is to be like, fuck off. Yeah, this is our show. You know what, let us do what we do and just fucking stop. Is it this or Patreon? It's both. Oh, man. So then, but then my second... Patreon, get them, you're out.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I fight. I fight. And think this to be like, well, should I give it a little bit more weight? So I don't know, what do you think? What's your opinion as a businessman? I like to say, just draw about what's you been doing What's your opinion as a businessman? Uh, like I said just draw about what like what's you been doing like filling in for Q like? Yeah, I know. He's been like fourth might he's been like on the fourth. Oh, even Q's here. Yeah, even okay So you just draw it back just you know, just you know don't have to be on the top. What about poor items feelings though
Starting point is 00:13:38 Look at over it That's a business man right there He's moved the couch into the hallway. You want to advise him attempting to change his personality and become more like a... No, not change. Just like, you know, like spread the episodes out a little bit. It's hard for him to throttle it back though, I believe. Because he likes to talk. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way he's talking about it. I'm talking about the way it's been taken away. I had somebody weigh in about the nervous like, hmm, hmm, hmm. It was like whenever someone says something, he has a sort of like, like, a cruise or something like that. He has some sort of like noise to a firm that he's listening and they say that is definitely,
Starting point is 00:14:41 you know, some sort of autistic trait and to not. So all you people out there who work bitching about that. They're shaming them. Yeah, come on. I mean, autistic. I want you to feel shitty now. Talked you like. No.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I'll get a piece of dog shit on the bottom of Gidem's shoe. You should. Is your worth scraping off now, like complaining about his autism. How low can you go? I'm sure they could go lower. I've seen some of these trolls. I don't give a fuck. I'm sure they've gone lower on Gidem even. But we're going to see how you're if you want to know Gidem now you're going to get it and then I I'm going to can't wait to fucking sit back and have everybody weigh in about like I miss Gidem.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I miss Gidem. You think that's what we're gonna get bad no more get him We're holding him back for a while And then you'll be clamoring for when where's when's get him we miss get him When's get him coming back right that we'll see it. Well, that's right. So you got this get him still alive You don't know what you had till it's gone, right Sunday? Oh, yeah. So there you go, people. Have you put in those situations? You don't know what you had?
Starting point is 00:15:51 No, you know, no way. I cannot imagine the circumstances. No. Where Sunday people don't like, you're a fan favorite Sunday. No, or you didn't know what you had until it was gone. Yeah, there's been times in my life where I've done that. Yeah, is it usually a lady? Actually, it's the opposite.
Starting point is 00:16:11 A guy? Well, no, it's actually. That year of exploring and exploring. Where you can find, you know, where you can... No, I love this. You don't... I love this. I got this on.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah, I mean, I love this. I got this on. Yeah, I mean, I love this. I love this. I got this off. Yeah, I mean, like, as you get older, you see things for like how they are, and like when you're in a different relationship, it's almost like, like, I appreciate what I have now compared to what I had before, because it's like... Night and day.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Well, you know what, if you're with somebody for that long and you're in, you know, like, it's like not really a good relationship, it starts to become toxic. Right. And then, you know, because I don't think I ever talked about this with, you know, with my daughter and everything.
Starting point is 00:16:57 She, you know, she got in the middle of, of everything, which you never ever do with a kid. You never put a kid in the middle of stuff. But, you know, it's just, and then the, you know, the person I'm with now, it's just like, it's such a difference being with that kind of person, you know, seeing what a real relationship really should be like. So, I hear you, brother.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And I would give you that. If I didn't have that right now. So, and for those who have been listening a long time, and I don't think a lot of our listeners, probably none of them know that, you know, that you, I've been divorced for like seven years. We never revealed it on the episode though but that was private. Yeah, I mean, it's like I don't like until you bring it up. Yeah, I mean, for us to bring that. Yeah, but
Starting point is 00:17:32 you know, it's like, look, I mean, sometimes I'm much happier. My daughter's much happier, you know, so it's just like, you know, there's a, you know, what are you going to do? Life moves on and just I'm happy and that's that's, you know, that's the thing. You don't really run into many people who once they're divorced is like this sucks. Well, yeah, I think you do when it's, when one of the people is still in love with the other person.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Then, yes. But for the most part, you know what, my mind is usually relegated to women. Like, if I talk to a woman like on the cruise or something, you know what, my mind is usually relegated to women. Like, when I, if I talk to a woman like on the cruise or something, you know, they're like, I'm gonna get divorced or I got divorced and going through divorce. There's a couple of 13%ers I know that have just gotten divorced
Starting point is 00:18:14 and they're like, it's awesome. Like they fucking love it. It was not awesome, trust me. But you know what, I'm gonna move with it. I don't think, I think that was just, you know, you changed. I think it was not in a good no I remember that yeah that was awesome that was awesome
Starting point is 00:18:28 he got over it but I did everything that right but I do everything that you know do it the right way and you know just it's you know children as they get older they start to realize and see things for themselves and and things definitely change in the future you literally could write the book the textbook on how to handle things the right way, so much admiration and respect for the way you dealt with shit.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah, because it's, it's crazy. You were like the pillar of how to handle your emotions, and because I would not have handled them, saying, well, I know them, I would have. That's what it is. That's why I would have thought. I have to do the right thing, because the courts automatically look,
Starting point is 00:19:13 look, it comes after me, or whatever, just like that's how it is. It's just like, you lose control, you have to stay. And it's fucking tough. It is tough. But it's just like you do everything, and unfortunately, the laws weren't put in place for people like me. I'm the one percent. It is tough, but you know, it's just like you do everything and you know Unfortunately, the laws weren't put in place for people like me. I'm the one percent the me men
Starting point is 00:19:38 99% of people the laws, you know, it's you know the law exercises on questions So it's just always you know the laws weren't meant for me I do the things the right thing and it just you know, it just happened. That's how it is and you do things the right way and You sometimes you feel like well, why do I keep why am I doing things right way? They're not doing things Oh, I felt that way plenty of times but at the time will play out That if you do things the right way you will, it'll be better for you. Well, it does. Well, you know, again, my-
Starting point is 00:20:07 Even though you're tempted to not do things the right way, because you get angry or upset, if you could just remain disciplined to constantly let in, you do- It's tough. It is tough. My thing was my daughter, you know, it was just hard not, you know, because she's just being poisoned and- But my kid, you know, see, my daughter, she, you know, I spent a lot of time with my daughter. So, like, you know, it's like, her mind, her mind was being poisoned. She wasn't literally being, you know, it's just like, I'm saying, just a specify.
Starting point is 00:20:34 The whole DZEDA, she gets older, she'll see things for it. And it's just, you know, it's just like, she's just, you know, she has to side with, with, you know, that, that person, like almost like a captor. It's just, you know, it is what side with, with, you know, that, that person, like almost like a captor. It's just, you know, it is what it is. And just, it's very similar to that. I don't know, you know, but, you know, look, right, I wouldn't be with that person either. I mean, I want to marry a person like that. Just that, you know, there's, there's some problems with her. She's got some stuff going on in her brain. And she's not the same person that I married. And that's, you know know she just did some wacky things and uh...
Starting point is 00:21:08 I remember there was a moment where I asked Sunday Jeff because it was deep in and uh... things were not swinging his way this particular time and I asked him if you want to be the do a do a little recon you know like me immediately turn me down to the no no he said he was right i of it to it the right way that you said is it from paul walnuts that that that that that that that that that that that that that that's what you
Starting point is 00:21:34 handle everything and like you could literally be the dot lilamma in my eyes like you have like you should people should be coming to you for how to handle shit because i've never seen you not handle it proper. Yeah, it's just that's again, that's what you have to do. I mean, it's just like, look, I mean, I saw like all the shit that you see on like my mother was saying, well, they can't do this. They can't do this. It's like, this isn't court TV.
Starting point is 00:21:59 This is not their doing it. This is not how the real world works. You know, but the shit that I had to go through and the hoops that I had to go through just to see my daughter, because all the bullshit, because you turn the laws that are meant to be a shield is turned into a sword.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah, so, and it's true. But again, I put on my gladiator outfit and. came like and you came this all this was going on while you are you not entertained You know, we're doing the all new Sunday Jeff shows all the shit was going on I still have I still have responsibilities don't want to work I still did you know look I never ever gave up talking trying to reach out to my kid all of your every time Whether she responded whether she made You know, it's didn't say and you know whatever, you know, it's just like you know, that's that's I just did what I you know Still want to do regardless just know that I don't because if I didn't this is what they're done
Starting point is 00:22:56 Well, see father doesn't care about you doesn't talk to you doesn't say you know It's just like tried to cut off my communication. I did whatever I had to do to keep her in my life. Because it just tell her, just look, your father's always going to be with you. And to this day, my daughter is like, she apologized for just saying that I didn't want to do any of this stuff. She's like, she's like, she don't have to apologize. I know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:23:21 13% are listening right now. We're going to have to mop up afterwards. They're so turned on by Sunday Jeff and his fatherly bullshaw here. Like the misdeeds. I'm sure there's plenty of listeners right now who are going to I don't wish that for anybody. I just don't wish that. It's hard to do. I got a lot of emails from people who say that they use TSD as a distraction for their divorce, their issues, so a lot of people are going through it. Yeah, I mean, this is so long ago already.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'm sure people, like I might have slipped some things up, but you know. I don't think so. Yeah, but I'm saying, I don't go into, like, there's no reason to go into details now. It's just like, you know, I'm so much happier with the person I'm with right now. She's a beautiful person. And it goes to show you and the listeners that, you know, we are dealing with the same shit that they're dealing with, you know, and human beings just like them. So, the next time you fucking fire off and ask the email about, get them. Remember, he's a human being. He is a human.
Starting point is 00:24:23 It's easy to forget, we understand that. Don't fucking set right me such a shitty email and that I should, you know, jettison him from the company because he's annoying. Oh, it's hard to get rid of him? And that's the thing, it's like not only, he's been a friend for years and years. Yeah, it's shocking.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Like not only is he just a human, but someone is unbelievable in some of the emails I've gotten. Yeah. And I get like, I'm aware of this. I used to be. Well, I don't believe it. I just this, I just delete them. I don't even respond to them. No, because I don't think there's, I don't think there's an answer. Well, I think I found it. It's get them up. The other show. This is me showing them what they're missing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Like, you know, this is me, you show him, like, okay, you wanted it, now you got it. And I can't wait for you to beg me. To those emails to come in begging for me. Please bring them back. Yeah. And I'm going to read them on air. I'm going to grab some drops of him going,
Starting point is 00:25:22 ooh, I just put him in this episode That's not me Boy, let me tell you boys about something real quickly called factor get started on your resolutions with factor You got any Sunday any new years resolutions Sunday. It's just your birthday recently, right? Yes, it was happy birthday Thank you. Any health, what's it called, resolution? Resolutions, yeah. Now they're making the resolutions, I said no.
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Starting point is 00:26:42 That's that's pretty much what we get to. It's I don't want to refrigerate. Prohibitively expensive. You do, it is. It's gotta keep the leftover. The rotator in Pepsi. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, more soda. And I'm like, no more Pepsi. I've kept it. You maybe drink a water right now.
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Starting point is 00:27:43 They have cold pressed juices, smoothies, energy bites, extra protein, veggie sides, and more to keep you energized during frantic times. Head to slash TESD50 and use code TESD50 to get 50% off. That's code TESD50 at slash TESD50 to get 50% off. Pretty good deal. Thank you, factor. Yeah, that's pretty decent deal. So, Walt, you took a trip. Yes, took a trip to Motor City. Detroit Rock City? Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And it wasn't looking good at first because the Noreaster came in. Oh, you hit that all that weather, huh? No, we... Well, you would've got snow out there, right? Yeah, it was snow, but we didn't see any snow. We kind of missed it both ways, which looked out. We drove to Canada to get there.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Were we shorter to go through Canada? Yeah, it really went up to me, Frank V. Ameri, and then he drove us from upstate new york across canada and the border crossing into detroit literally was like you could throw a stone and hit the hotel we stayed at uh... really from the from the border crossing into trite so it was like nice was awesome and we missed all the bad weather we had some florist it of game day which was pretty cool
Starting point is 00:29:04 you know because you're walking to the stadium and it's it's snowing it feels like snow Yeah, I can hear John Madden, you know Doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo dood wind is a pirate. Football is it. And it was so surreal. I have never seen any Detroit Lions fans in my life. So to walk amongst a hundred thousand Detroit Lions, I just want to run up there. I'll be like, I'm from Jersey son, I'll pay a stake. I just wanted to run up there and be like, I'm from Jersey and I love Detroit Lions too! It's got his devil's, you should have like, maybe I kiss you have like half devils, half Detroit. Yeah, what is this fucking guy wearing? I just want to scream from the fucking top of my lungs and like, I'm from New Jersey and I'm just like you guys.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I love you guys! I like I'm from New Jersey and I'm just like you guys I love you guys and The game what it was just the stadium was so fucking killer. It's a dome So you walk in from that snow and it's a bottom. I've never been in a dome. Yeah, so I have 70 degrees You can see there's a big window if you look up into the Yeah, the one side you can see the snow come down while the game's going on, but so bright like the colors of the uniforms, the helmets, I it was just like overwhelming. Jeff could see a little bit. We had really good seats. We're on the 15 yard line
Starting point is 00:30:38 down low. I mean if I could have thrown a pass and maybe hit Jared Gofft, the lines played all their starters They didn't win they didn't win 30 to 20. I saw 50 points I saw bombs. I saw I saw Need was Brady So I brought a couple hoodies Two hoodies and a little plush Distributed shirt though So I brought a couple hoodies, two hoodies and a little plush dish line. That's short though.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Um, stop that in my broof from my daughter as a little souvenir. $130. For what? For two hoodies and a little plush line. Wow. Yeah, $130. You think that's bad? Oh, no, no, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:21 $230. All right, I'm trying to say because that's $230. That's like $45 for each hoodies. That's not bad. It's $100. gonna say because that's like $45 for each 20. It's not bad. It's the $100 looks like it doesn't even look like a professional. It looks like it's a college team. Yeah, it looks like high school.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Yeah, like it probably was high school. I know. That's not the colors. It's not even any of the colors. Got like what? There you go. That's the little tiny thing. If that was, you know why?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Because if it was bigger than that, it would have been 260 out. No, the hoodies were $100 each and the little plush was $30. Fucking pizza that rivaled Cece. Little Cece, little Cece before, they had Sicilian. You never had little Cece. Oh, I loved it Better almost as good as I can tell you're gonna have to try but I can tell you one is I want to know cuz I'm well under drive to it was that good
Starting point is 00:32:15 If it's still there We got these little Barry Sanders. Oh, yeah, Bob. Oh, it was giveaway not a bob ahead. It was like a statue I immediately flipped them for $100. Covered my shirts cover get cover shirts then on eBay. Frank, give me yours. What? Mary, give me yours.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I told him to sell his to, you know, recoup some of the money on the trip to and I don't understand, Frank, he won't give his checking information that eBay, I don't know. Like he's one of those cats. It's like, you know what? He's like the kind of guy that goes to shop right and covers up the video. Yeah. He covers up the video.
Starting point is 00:33:00 But there is a but. Uh oh. but there is a but. Uh-oh. We got into Detroit around 6 o'clock on Saturday night. I got jacked. He took our tires. Took my original hoodies. So we checked into the hotel and Frank fucking booked the wrong night. He booked the night prior to the game. So we couldn't even cancel the night after then. So it's like you guys already didn't book and messed up. He should have booked the sixth. He booked the seventh.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Because the game was on the seventh. Oh okay. He just kind of got confused. So we're like, oh shit. So we're on the same room. And it's not selling in bubbleheads. But thankfully they found him a room when a crisis have heard it. So there were upstairs and we're trying to find a place to eat and there's a casino. You could see it from our hotel. It literally looks like you could just walk to it in two minutes. There's this big casino and there's places to eat inside. If there's one thing Frank loves
Starting point is 00:34:11 Kisses, you know, those casinos go like casinos my wife is been on a hot streak. Oh, yeah She's been she's been wanting to go to casino for a while. Oh got the bug. She's yeah every time she goes she cleans up so we go and And it's dark And we turned out I know I know it. I know I'm gonna hear about it that people are gonna dismiss me as being, you know, from a suburban fucking dork who, who, who any, any chance of being outside my comfort zone, of course I'm gonna be, I'm gonna imagine things. Hey baby, I lack that hoodie. Leave me alone. So I'm over here, sugarcakes. So Frank, and Mary and Deb are in front of me. They start to run.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I wish Mary were the same. As we're walking towards the casino, and it is a deserted street. And from around the corner come four men. Oh no there was no I had no on that it wasn't until since I'm the last person in the group before as it so they're talking amongst themselves and they're kind of oblivious Because as they pass out of my peripheral vision I See them stop and turn around and I kind of turn across over my shoulder and I could see them staring and they're looking at each other and they're I know all they're waiting for like we got a rob these guys
Starting point is 00:35:45 One of them to make a move and I think they're all for. Like we got to rob these guys, right? Or are we waiting for it? It's one of them to make a move, and I think they're all going to make a move. They're kind of looking at each other like, like, like, these are. Like, are these the guys we're going to rob? Yeah, I think. And every- Like, I've got the Jersey boy. Every fighter of my being was like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I think we're going to get robbed right now. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I work. I'm not lying to you like every my stomach sank and I was just like What am I going to do here like what is going to happen because I think it's really I think I was convinced it was gonna happen Hey buddy your shoelaces on ties so I'm and they're like walking head kind of like laughing and they and they they, and they're not, they don't even realize it. And I'm like, well, how far do I walk? I like, do I turn around? Like, walk backwards? Yeah, what do I do? Just keep walking away. You're going, and they end up, and it's just for 10 like, you know, you could just see that they kind of had like, they missed their moment. So they didn't do it. I, I'm almost certain. That's what was going on. Right. I'm almost certain. That's what was going on. I'm almost certain. Of
Starting point is 00:36:47 course I can't be 100% certain, but it really really felt like that. I felt like Bruce Wayne's kid. I'm kind of like you've super relieved because I really felt like there was something almost happened right there. So we get into the casino and my wife hits for money. And I'm like, oh, fuck. The problem is still out there. You've been back to the casino. Now because now because this one, the first one only I was cognizant, but on the second instance in the casino, she goes and collects her money. I think she won $300 and you got to put it in and get it out of the machine. Somebody was so you give us that a ticket, right? No, it gives out cash. It's out the cash.
Starting point is 00:37:34 You just get you put them you put your ticket in. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It gives you it gives you a voucher and you bring it up to the right. Well, you put the voucher to the machine. It's like ATM machine. Yeah, so it gives her the money and the vatric and machine it's like ATM machine. Yeah, so it gives her the money and I notice, you know, come little, you know, I get it, maybe I'm being paranoid, but I notice two guys watching us. But I don't think anything of it. I know we're not leaving. So I'm like, could they want to get something to eat? And there's this food court. Basically, it was like the shittiest food court in a mall that you've ever seen that hamburger place got a little ceasers here There was no pizza in this food court, too, which I'm weird, but there was like tacos and maybe Chinese food or whatever
Starting point is 00:38:15 so we get a hamburger and we're getting ready to leave and The girls say they would they got they want to use the bathroom before they go for a walk. And when they come out of the bathroom, I noticed those two guys are standing by the bathroom. Really? Same two guys. And I say, this time I go, I don't know, I'm crazy. I said, but those two guys are over there.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I know they're watching when Deb got her money. And so they look over, when they look over at them, they kind of like pretend to go into the bathroom. Like they look going to the bathroom, because I don't know they're pretending, they actually go into the bathroom. What was that? And-
Starting point is 00:38:55 Where are four? Within two seconds, they come out of the bathroom. So they only walked in and walked out of the bathroom. So they walked into the bathroom, they took a step into the bathroom and they came out of the bathroom. Right, to me, it looked like they're doing something. Yeah. And then they saw us still looking at them and they went back into the bathroom. And here I am, like, what the fuck is going on? Right. So I'm like, let's go back to the casino. Like,
Starting point is 00:39:16 I'm not leaving. And we walked back at the casino. And we live here now. We took it. Yeah. I was like, let's get a new verb back. I go and I say that. Who's that money? I say that. I say to them. I reveal I was like, look, I think we were almost fucking jacked walking in here. I said, and I didn't say anything. And of course they're like, Frank's like teasing me.
Starting point is 00:39:38 But then Mary goes, I saw it too. Oh, really? She backed you up. She backed me up on it. And I want to say like that. And anybody who's gonna dismiss Mary Just because she's a housewife or you know because she lives She fucking we basically live in fucking
Starting point is 00:39:54 Mayberry compared to where the Franks live from the tour that the Franks gave me oh really There are local pizza par somebody just was shot The last time we've had any shootings at any of the pizza parlors we go to, shot at a pizza par. Yeah, shot through the window of a pizza par that it was a hit. All the carcasses, all the, all the crime, all the spots were all the main part. So maybe that's why Frank was the way he was. In terms of like dismissing.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah, just like I hear gunshots all the time. Where he should be more vigilant. Any's the son of dismissing. Yeah, just like, I hear gunshots all the time. Where he should be more vigilant. Any son of a cop. Yeah, but like, so anybody who's ready to dismiss just because Mrs. Five was the only person that back me up. Yeah, like basically where we live, easily is Mayberry compared to where they live.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And when the crime they're dealing with. I believe it, like when I see like local police blotters and the crime that goes on they live and it's when the crime they're dealing with I believe it like when I when I see like local Police blotters and the crime that goes on around us. It's not it's not people getting shot that kind of shit And there's like a lot of crime where they're up by so it's not like here. I didn't know that yeah I didn't know what either until I was like I was like shit man It's working to be worse than where you guys live with all the fucking and all the things you're showing me all this It was a person who died over here. We got killed over here I thought it was like in upstate New York someplace. It's a beautiful beautiful neighborhood, but there's a lot of crime
Starting point is 00:41:13 Yeah, so that was my Damn Frank lives in the ghetto. Yeah, what was what skin I'm showing you The where the shots were fired in O'Neill square the story for the For the pizza place. Yeah, The one you just told me. Oh, it was made the news, huh? Yeah. I don't think the guy died, but he was shot. He got hit.
Starting point is 00:41:34 It would be tough. Like, if you know, if you're the victim of an unsuccessful hit, now what? I guess I'm gonna rest your life. Okay, let's just say, you know, let's say I go to a same piece of parlor every single day at 11.30 a.m. I hit the same piece of par, I get my same thing. If the day before, I was like, what happened to the window? Oh, George got shot yesterday. He's gonna make it, but he got shot.
Starting point is 00:42:02 I'll be like, see ya. There was a hip. I'm not going back to that. Right. And that's something we don't deal with. Seasons. The world. Seasons, maybe. It's in there. He's going to pull proof. But overall, yeah, I mean, that was, I mean, we also stopped that. It's a city. I mean, you're in a normal mistake, because we like Frank needed gas,
Starting point is 00:42:26 and then we're all like, we couldn't use the bathroom, because the bathrooms were jammed to get out of there when we were leaving the stadium, so that everybody had to use the bathroom. And we walked into one of those gas stations with a, like a mart, you know, like a grocery mart, and when you walked into like a mart, you know, like a grocery mart. And when you walk into that grocery mart, every like every single worker was behind
Starting point is 00:42:54 bull proof gas glass. So I've never seen none of the customers are. The two guys in the bathroom were falling. The girls didn't want to use the bathroom there. And I decided I was like, I need some of the drink. I'm really thirsty. And they don't even scan the bottle of water. There's no contact. It's like this little slot you put the money through. And I guess it's all on like, you just got to go on the employees honesty that of what he's selling
Starting point is 00:43:20 because they don't even scan it. What do you PC? Because there's no contact with any of the customers. Right. Physical content. You put a money through a little tray and then they push your thing and the money goes to them. That's the kind of story and we walked outside like, yeah, we're in Detroit. She was like, frankly, we got to go. He's like, I got to put the GPS coordinates in. She's like, no, we got to go now. I got to put the GPS coordinates in. She's like, no, we gotta go now. All right, Frank, listen to her.
Starting point is 00:43:48 We gotta go now. It's underneath the seat. Yeah. I didn't want to be that way. I didn't want to, because I heard, you know, little jokes about, oh, you're going to the toilet. You pack your bulletproof vest. I was like, get this fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Stop. But now you see, huh? Yeah, maybe I should have listened. Are they high on the crime? Apparently, yeah, they are. I mean, city-wise, like New York's towards the bottom. I mean, I don't know about like, what city. I mean, well, we got Camden.
Starting point is 00:44:15 You got there's places around here that are, but we don't know those places. Yeah, it was the last time you were in Camden. Yeah, we don't walk around there, and we don't know what it's like. And so, like, I didn't want to like walk around there and we don't know what it's like and So like I didn't want to like just dismiss we got a no work. Yeah, we do no there's a big police presence in You're going from a parking garage to a game There's tons of people and there's tons of people and the police presence is absolutely not a lot of police presence around the
Starting point is 00:44:43 No, well on a Saturday night the game the night before the game. No, there was nobody on the street Oh, so this is when you were going this so this wasn't the same night that you were at the game No, okay, that's I'm like saying like what why would you be walking around I mean I would measure a lot of people around then There was nobody on this nobody walking around the city on Saturday night at 7 o'clock and that's an issue in itself Don't you think it's having a car? He drives't you think? I was at 7 o'clock. He drove to the hotel, I was like, oh, it's weird, there's nobody walking around. But it was, I wonder why.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Nice city though, it looked very clean. Outside. It is the fourth most dangerous city in the country. It's not more. Chicago. Birmingham, Alabama. Really, I would not have thought that. See, what do you think, Frank?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Second, New Orleans third in Louis fourth Detroit then fifth is Memphis Camder's not even on there anymore Wow Camder now right can't know new Jersey cities we really are dropping the ball I just saw you um we're Mayberry now basically like the hazel it looks like Mayberry
Starting point is 00:45:43 something don't chuckle because I know where you live. It's fucking Mayberry too It's fucking it's it's a fucking offshoot of Mayberry. So don't give me that chuckle like you live in a fucking Swamp over there Fucking cowbells walk around nude with fucking what it just strap hundred thousand dollar bills to your body and nobody would bother you See what you even care. No way to bat an eyelash. Go back to Detroit. But did I ever tell you the story?
Starting point is 00:46:12 Before you bowed out, before you got sick on the trip to the Grand Canyon, we stopped that some sort of antique center on our way to St. Louis because Frank wanted to see a soda place that made you can make your own soda. I remember that. I remember you told me about that. And so there in this antique building that was huge and I stepped outside and a local, a really old man was sitting on this bench. And I sat down and I'm looking at my phone and he goes where you're from. And I go, you could tell him, I'm not from around here, he goes, oh yeah, you could tell, I could tell he's laughing, I go, I said from Jersey, he goes where you had it.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I go, St. Louis, and he goes, what? And I was like, he goes, you don't want to go to St. Louis. You go, you got your family here, right? And I go, yeah, he goes, don't. He's got this boy. He's easy. Don't go to St. Louis. Promise me you're not going to go to St. Louis. I'm telling you, don't go to St. Louis. And I was just like, I'm a big believer in fucking signs. And I was like, guys, I don't think we should go to St. Louis. And this is a guy that lived in Detroit? No, this is a guy on the way to St. Louis.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Well, our way to Grand Canyon a couple of years ago. And I told the caravan, I was like, I don't think we should go to St. Louis when our way to Grand Canyon a couple years ago And I told the I told the caravan I was like I don't think we should go to St. Louis because this old man told us not to go and Frank is like But I want to go make soda. I was like You can get so none you are frank I go I just I mean this is a sign from above. I think this is an angel You know this is an angel sent to me right now. You I don't want to discount this guy's warning. I said, why would he say all this shit? Because once you got there And then something happened to be like why the fuck did I listen we didn't go?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yeah, we didn't go to St. Louis because of that old man's warning the The country's most dangerous city to fucking mix up some soda for yourself seems not worth it But you know, I never would have thought that though. I wouldn't have either. I don't really hear a lot about St. Louis, but I don't think so. We drove on the outskirts. We did see the arch because we stayed on the highway. We didn't go into the city, but we saw the arch.
Starting point is 00:48:16 You know what? That was good enough for me. Sorry, Frank, no soda for you too much. We'll get extra soda. You know that whatever soda he makes is not going to taste as good as regular soda. And then he could put your own label on it. He was talking about that. Oh, that's what he was talking about.
Starting point is 00:48:29 That's what he was talking about. Oh, okay. That makes sense. There's a lot of good Photoshop. You can do that at home. Just take a fucking can of Pepsi and put something else. Frank's, Frank's cola. He was, he was disappointed though.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Mary was not. No. She was like, we got to listen to that old man. Yeah, Mary seems to have her head on her shoulders. Frank's like out his head in the clouds. He's just he's just wandering around dopey. Yeah, Frank once in an adventure. Yeah. It's like a fucking hobbit over there. I'm not the I'm not as adventurous as Frank. No, I'm willing to like. Well, this is your idea to go to Detroit, right? To go see that. Yeah, right, but I didn't, you know what, I, again, it could have been my imagination.
Starting point is 00:49:09 It may have been, but every... Oh, you're in an area that you're in, I'll know chart, you know, uncharted area. You know, uncharted land for you. So you have no idea what to look at. And the way that they behaved just gave me like, this feeling of like my stomach sank. I was like, these guys ain't acting normal.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Like I'm sure, I mean, everybody has definitely walked down certain streets or whatever, and just like just keep walking. It's just like, you've been, I mean, it doesn't matter what city you're in, there's always that. I mean, even when I was in New Orleans, I mean, New Orleans got a real high population of,
Starting point is 00:49:39 you know, of homeless people. Yeah, tons of homeless people. And it's just like, you're just, even like the homeless people coming up to you, just like, just don't even want to even associate with it, because you don't know what they're, you know, what they're really going to do. I mean, it's just, but, you know, for the most part after being there, I mean, we're there for a while. And, you know, it's just started to be like, okay, it's like,
Starting point is 00:50:00 not as bad as I thought, but still, you know, you're in a place that you have no no idea of your surroundings. Well, it's like anywhere you stay in the touristy areas. Don't, don't, don't look for the adventure. Oh, we're in New Orleans. I mean, Q went down to the cemetery and people later on were like, are you fucking insane? Like, do not go to the, nothing happened. So you can, nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yes, you can walk away and be like, what was the big deal? But something could have happened. I like said, there's a first people who are more adventurous than me, uh, plenty of them. And Frank is one of them. And I'm happy he's married to somebody who's not as a person. He's able to be like, we're not going. And he's like, all right, I guess we're not going. And was he pissy about it? No, not at all. But he will, he will listen now. And um, he will listen now and he will take some good advice from his wife. I would hope so. Yeah, that was fun. I mean, like I said, he saw a win, got so well.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah, I didn't want it to game the end. That's how weird it was. At a certain point, I was like, I can't believe I've seen the shit on TV. So often, and now I'm seeing it, it was just really, really weird. First football guy I ever saw too. Professional football game. Wait, you'd never been in... Never been in giant stadiums. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:08 I was at the parking lot that when we went to the tailgate and see the cowboys and the giants, that was like, for a long time. Okay, so you've never been in stadiums, so it is a different experience because everything is so vibrant when you're at the stadium. You look at the grass, it's like, this is not what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Everything's like, I don't care if it's a fork. This is like better than, well, it's real. Yeah. I mean, you're seeing everything. It's just like, this doesn't look like what it's a fork. This is like better than, well, it's real. Yeah. I mean, you're seeing everything. It's just like, this doesn't look like what it does on TV. It's just, you don't get the scope of things unless you're actually. And it was, it's so bizarre, like on television.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It's quiet though. It's quiet as long as it's in your hair, it's like it's only in the plane. If the lines are on defense, then it's loud. Yeah, but I'm just saying, you just hear like, you know, like people a little chatter and then you just hear like, how about it? And then somebody makes a play, then they over to you like is it's like hockey
Starting point is 00:51:47 You don't have the announcer and everything else at home But on television that football field that hundred yard field looks like it could be 10 miles long Yeah, but when you're at the game, you're like it's small. Yeah, it's more like why are there more touch counts being scored? This shit is so fucking just like a rena football It really really really did. It really looked like fucking a rena football. I was like, I can't believe there's not a hundred points scored a game
Starting point is 00:52:10 because it doesn't look that long of a field. It's because it's right in here. It's because it's right in here. Yeah, but it was cool and they played their starters, which was neat too. And I was assuming they weren't gonna play their starters because they're not. It meant nothing to them, right that they're already had that
Starting point is 00:52:26 playing the playoffs this Sunday night. So wildcard. I don't think they're gonna win. I think that their defense in their secondary is fucking brutal. They give up so many yards through the air. So but at least I got to see a win but I'm really hoping that
Starting point is 00:52:39 the plan is the Rams. Oh, playing the old old guy, huh? So Stafford, but it's a home game. There's going to carve up that secondary. I think man, that secondary looks like I know this feels like the pack of my hand. Yeah, I don't know, but I hope they win, but at the very least they can all roof for the grounds after them. I don't care. Without Brady, you know, it's the lines are not.
Starting point is 00:53:00 The football's dead to me. Did it did a matter to you one way or the other with Bella Chicks departure um there was a little bit there was a little bit of like see see how shit turned out because you thought you could do better with operating you thought that you could do better with operating and look what happened it was a fucking dumpster fire your team was a dumpster fire and you thought that it was because of you and it wasn't, and you wanted to show the world that you didn't need Brady. Well, guess what, you showed the world. Show every team he's a quirk.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I mean, your team is not really, you know, your own he's gonna be a quirk. But this is a genius. How can the greatest mind and football be like, I don't, I don't think there's anything left in Tom Brady. It's ridiculous. Oh, he was about a year or two premature. He was two years too early. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:53:52 He deserved the right to retire as a patriot and things would have been so much better in Foxboro. But never one another super bowl possibly. No, but at least he would have gotten to stay and not be told basically. Yeah, you're not wanting. But you know what? In the end though, he, you know, he accomplished and showed. Yeah, I mean, just within the first year took a team, you know, not only that first overtime, first home game, you know, so is, yeah, but what do you think ends up, Bellashek? Uh, Rogers.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Well, he don't need these like 14 or 15 more games for the record right against 20 for against you, but you know, I still think he could coach. I mean, it's just that I don't know, I don't know what team he wants to coach. But I'm saying it depends on what team. I mean, you got your fucking loaded, man. You got your quarterback. You need a team that you're able to, you know, like short term where it's not gonna take you. He doesn't, he's not gonna sit there and be there
Starting point is 00:54:48 four or five years and just be like, okay, now I got the team the way I want it. You know, it's like he wants to get to a team that's. What are the charges you got A-bear and he fucking, you know, if he's a West Coast guy, if he wants to go to the West Coast. You know, he's always been on the East Coast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:03 You have to see. Yeah. Yeah. That's a price I made you a radar. Bill, check. Oh, yeah. I was in a chili's the other day and I said it came on. So yeah, I noticed that. That and the Aaron Roger stuff. He's off the Pat McAfee show.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Then he's back on the Pat McAfee show. And he's like, he says, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He gets a lot more fucking hate than get him get him out of rod makes a lot more money to that can take all the heat in the world if you make one or a Roger's making you know how much pat mac if he paid him to be every appearance take a guess I this is what I heard I could be wrong
Starting point is 00:55:44 five thousand five thousand yeah like for for an guess. This is what I heard I could be wrong. 5,000? 5,000? Yeah, like for for for an episode. No more. 10. Is this a very popular show? I'm really probably the most popular sports show on the planet right now. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:56:01 Okay. So I heard it was a million dollars. A million dollars. That's a lot. Yeah. heard it was a million dollars. A million dollars. That's a lot. Yeah. I'm starting to five great. I'm going to play football anymore. Terrible business man. That's what I heard. And I could be wrong and I could be just a rumor. But it was money well invested though because he became not because of that. I'm sure he his trajectory was still like, you know, going, going, going, going to be the best and be the most popular
Starting point is 00:56:25 even without our own Rogers, but that really propelled him into the public conscious having Aaron Rogers come on and just say wacky shit to get picked up all over the internet. But I heard it was a million dollars in appearance every Monday. He would come on. Maybe that was for the season, a million dollars for the whole season, but I thought it was a million dollars per episode for 17 weeks. That's a lot of fucking $12 million. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I could be wrong. It's weird whenever I go to, you know whenever I eat out, usually the TVs in the restaurant will have like sports related stuff. And I just like, I look at the salaries and shit. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:57:02 what is it like to be like, oh over the next three years, you're gonna make $200 million. What does it feel like for somebody to fucking say that to you? And the only way we're gonna get babe to pay those guys is why that's why I had to pay $230 for two hoodies in a fucking flush line. Yeah, no doubt. Because that shit, you know, that would cost to make it in some overseas. This hoodie, my two hoodies probably are less than $5 each and that line was probably less than a dollar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:30 The line's probably the kind of thing that you get out of the claw grab machine at the arcade. It's great. The paint still wet as he's bringing it to his car. But that's how you, and then the food was asked what. I don't know. I don't know. Two bottle of water is $40. Oh my god. Oh my god. I live in over there.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It's a good thing your wife won Jesus. It was worth it. Awesome. Yeah. How do you time? I drive it to Canada though. I don't know what the fuck I mean Canada is just like they got to build a fucking they're gonna build a mall or something. Nothing there. Nothing from the canony. You're so vast, man. It's huge. It's not that there. You're in the middle of the country. I mean, you're not Toronto. You're not in Quebec. You're not you're that stuff something the other side of Vancouver. There's a lot of a lot of just uncharted area in Canada. The whole thing is true.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Why was it Tim Hortons? I think every fucking Canadian is there. Oh, yeah. What's there? Donkodon? It's like there was just one Tim Hortons and I think every fucking Canadian oh yeah, what that's their Dunkin Donuts I There's just one Tim Hortons and I think the whole fucking country was it was going through the drive through We're just like fucking Anything there but yeah, it is a fucking desolate part of the world Canada Driving through there and that part that you're in you know, we had to go through the checkpoint four times
Starting point is 00:58:46 And did you get slowed down at all? There's no reason why I should be nervous, right? No, any reason why I should be panicking and my heart should be like Palpitating and like I should be sweating and find something on me not unless you're crossing the border with me Then maybe you guys have a look like you know, get them Steve day And the whole time I'm like, well, what if, you know, I don't want to get tripped up because the last time they, I'm a pulmina. So what do you do for a living? And I was like, what do I do for a living? I'm not. I'm a publisher. And they're like, publish magazines. I was
Starting point is 00:59:22 like, yeah, I publish magazines. Could you have? Not a lie. And the next thing I know, I'm stuck. I get they pull me out of the car, and you're in a family, and we're like, they know, they know I'm not a publishing. And they tear our car apart for two hours. Two hours they did this?
Starting point is 00:59:36 When I went to Canada in the summertime because my wife was so mad. Where are the camera? We going to Toronto. A Niagara Falls. Yeah, so Toronto going to Toronto. Really? My wife was like, why did you act so weird?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Why did you say those things? I don't know. I didn't think they were going to ask me what I did for a living. I didn't want to say what you just say what you did. It's like, because it sounds like a douche. I don't want to look like a douche in front of that guy. I'd rather waste two hours. I sound like the biggest fucking douchebag in my world.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Fuck. Let me through. I sound like a biggest fucking douchebag and we were podcast Let me through Fuck a talk about you. I'm like podcast. Yeah, you can do it anyway. Let's jerk off. I'm an actor I just should have said I was retired. So when I was telling Frank, you're like don't just tell him what you do And I was like I'm just gonna tell my work with the college you I said Don't say you work okay like I'm just gonna tell my work with the college you I said okay I'm gonna say I'm your student this isn't a sanctioned trip from the college I'm gonna say I work at the college I want to say I'm a professor too a professor of what? I'm publishing and and Frank two hours that's a long time be detained. They made us watch as they took a port the car
Starting point is 01:00:48 Like they put us on a bench outside and we watched four people come over and just tear through our luggage and look through The linings and underneath the the door things. I went to Toronto. I gave him the passports It's like what are you doing here? I'm going on vacation. I was on package that my daughter had not opened What are you doing here? I'm going on a vacation. Amazon package that my daughter had not opened Like it had hair extensions in it and they were like what's in this package? Who's Alicia? It's my books and I'm like That's Alicia I do a firm with you like that like they were Who was she? I go that's my daughter and she is what's in the what's in the package and my door is all nervous. I'm American for crackin' I'm like,
Starting point is 01:01:26 we're neighbors. And they're like, permission to open it. And I was like, God, God, I was like, go ahead and it was hair extensions. Yeah, they were, like they made, they intimidated us. So yeah, well, they're making an example out of you for fucking whatever reason.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Like they know God damn well, you don't got anything on you. They fucking know it. Yeah, but- We addressed that line. Well, though it probably doesn't help when you're like, I don't got anything on you. They fucking know it. Yeah, but we dressed out lions. Although it probably doesn't help when you're like, I don't know what I do for a living. I'm sure they're like getting out of the car. Oh, he's like, yeah, yeah. And you're a, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:01:54 That's what Frank should be. He's got a lot of time right. He just doesn't remember anything. And I go, what he says, what do you publish in magazines? I'm like, yeah, magazines, that's a ticket. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm trying to eat. Funny bucks. I'm working funny, no, I'm not jeans. Funny bucks.
Starting point is 01:02:05 I'm working funny bucks. But I wasn't lying. You ever hear the Lauren Deb? Yeah, I published plenty of magazines. Yeah, that's true. It was three. Did you give him to one of those tell him Steve Dave magazines? And I'm sure afterwards.
Starting point is 01:02:18 I'm sure afterwards there's no apology or anything. Oh, yeah, you're free to go. Oh, no? I just can't believe it's that one. That they actually do. Two hours. And so I had to use a Oh no, you can't believe it. It's that one that they actually do. And so I had to use a bathroom. I never heard of that. I said, can I go to the bathroom? And they're like, no. And I go, well, I really got to go. I said, is there any way that somebody could come with me? Will you drive them? Yeah. And so they like, I'm not trying to get rid of anything and look, you can search for me. You could watch me go to the bathroom. I said,
Starting point is 01:02:43 you're on over a foot. in fact, I prefer it. I go, I got to do number one, it's not number two, so I got to go to bathroom, though, and he was like, he goes, give me a minute, and that minute was like 15 minutes, and someone let me go to the bathroom, yeah. Yeah, it was really very intimidating, I was like, And you thought Detroit was bad? No, Detroit was way worse. I knew that.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Rather be two hours. Rather be detained for two hours hours and that two seconds where I felt like my world was going to end. Yeah, I got detained at the border. Were you? Yeah, you're with me. Yeah, because we were just sure it's you. Yeah, before we yeah, it was me this time was you because before before we started doing the show, Walton and I were talking about how common my name is. And sure enough, when I got stopped at the border, there was a Brian Johnson, I guess he spelled it the same way who was involved in some bank robberies or something like that. That's right. When you go for a more existing robbery.
Starting point is 01:03:36 This issue was so bad. Have you ever lived at this address? Oh, 9-11. It was like, it was right after 9-11. And I was convinced it was because he had the beard. That anybody would long beard, get in stock. I'm fucking been lying. Good Johnson.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Before we get out of here, I got to ask you guys something. I got a wife who's turning 30 tomorrow. Seems like it's a big deal to turn 30 for a woman because the past week has been not pleasant. Really? Yeah, and I'm looking at her like, get the fuck out of here. Try turning 50 bitch. Like it's older, like it's over the hell of 30, huh? But it's not the first time I've heard it because I remember when Jordan muses wife turn 30. I was talking to her and then she was like, yeah, that's when it's over for a woman,
Starting point is 01:04:25 like you start falling apart at 30 and all this other stuff. I would hope not. It doesn't appear any different in the 30s. Pretty fucking young. What'd you do to assure her that she was full, be acting foolish? Could be worse, could be 56. That's pretty much what I said.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Because like I said, we were at Chili's on our waitress was like, oh, like oh about to turn 29 And you know, I can't believe it. I'm only your way from 30 and I was like you guys come back when you turn 50 And then you'll know what it's like to be like holy shit. I'm getting old But men get distinguished as they get I am distinguished All right, thank you. You're you're you're oozing. You can you can I clean up nicely? Yeah Apparently that's not the case. I guess society you're oozing. You can, I clean up nicely. Yeah. Hmm. Apparently that's not the case, so I guess society, I guess women become more invisible as
Starting point is 01:05:12 they get older. We're a little more haggish. No, I think invisible in terms of like they don't get the same attention. Oh, they don't get the attention. They don't get the same attention as they did when they were younger, I guess. That's what I've heard in terms of what society says. Right. Well, that's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Well, what are you asking us though? What should I do? Sunda, you're just the fucking sage. Sunda, you have any? Oh, you have any? Sunda, you know how to handle this? Shit though, what do you do? Like, I was like, what do you wanna do?
Starting point is 01:05:41 Do you wanna go out? I don't know, maybe I'll just stay home. Do you wanna do this? Cause I'm gonna plan a trip to Vegas for so she can see your parents. I was like, what do you want to do? Do you want to go out? I don't know. Maybe I'll just stay home. Do you want to do this? Because I'm going to plan a trip to Vegas for it so she can see your parents. So that's like the big birthday present. No blue October.
Starting point is 01:05:52 No, we're already going to get a fuck of block to a concert coming up. I don't want to add to the mix. And I got her a cat dog pop that she's been wanting for some reason. Yeah, loves it. Loves that show. That was like her Her time period. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly
Starting point is 01:06:13 You know, I guess like you said, you know for that thing it might be like Just harder, you know, I guess women just don't I've nobody likes to get old But I think it's just like more like they worry more about their appearance maybe than like Mendo. I think like men, I don't think they really care. I mean, how old you get it, you know, but I think women really care about, you know, they, they care about their appearance and they just, maybe they, they look at things differently than how Mendo. But you just say, look, you look as beautiful as the day I met you. Yeah, she knows that ain't true though. just say look, you look as beautiful as the day I met you. And she knows how to be true though.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Well, you show pictures, I mean, it's just like, you know, it's like, look, you haven't changed. You're the same person. I have pictures ever when she was young. She looks a lot different. Oh yeah, don't show her those pictures then. Can you have some sort of fake age-related episode to like really like kind of like make her forget about her age
Starting point is 01:07:03 because you're dealing with like maybe you pretend you felt that like a shower fall Yeah, there you go Scream in her name no better way I can get her expected You can get some makeup maybe you can get some blue wish makeup I'm and put these fake bruises all over you and then really and then really milk it you know and have her like can't wait on your hand and I'm on her birthday Don't remember her name oh yeah, no, if I say that then she then she notices that the fucking makeup fucking is weird.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Are you pretending you're suffering from precine ill dementia? I don't know. I didn't know what to do for your birthday. What would you do? Tell them Steve Dave. dementia? I don't know. I didn't know what to do for your birthday. What would you do? Tell them Steve Dave.

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