Tell Em Steve-Dave - #592: Never Surrender

Episode Date: March 31, 2024

Negative internet comments, SI pride, baseball, Q looks on the sunny side, eel hijinx, Sage Channels Winston Churchill....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Save your brain and get rock hard boners? Like, this is a gift from God, man! And it's 2024, baby. That's it. That's all you need to know. I identify as a brunette white male. That is brutal what those poor princesses have to go through. I know, their life must be so hard. It's gotta be difficult to be a fucking princess.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Tell em Steve Dave. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell em Steve Dave. Walt is here. I am. And BQ is back, baby. Back in the saddle. Hello. I heard I missed a banger of an episode. Ming Chen.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Ming Chen. Ming Chen Extravaganza. Ming Chen dispensing advice. Handing down life lessons to all who want a podcast. Oh, really? That's what it was? Well, some of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Walt solicited some questions from listeners to, uh, see what they were, they wondered about Ming and the podcasting game. Ming couldn't answer most of them though. Yeah. The Maverick, uh, came up short. I felt on plenty of those questions. In fact, I don't think that's why he's the Maverick man. What's more Maverick than that? He avoided every question. Now he's throwing pizza people on the streets. He's fucking, he's causing all sorts of problems everywhere. Yeah. If you haven't, uh, if you haven't seen the pizza, the pizza deal, go to Ming's Twitter
Starting point is 00:02:00 or X or whatever at a Ming Chen 37. And you can see Ming Mix it up with what appears to be a homeless guy Wait that guy was homeless. I believe so. I mean that's what makes me said he sort of thought that was the case I haven't done it in quite some time, but I hope you guys don't mind but can I Dedicate this episode to a listener Sure, whenever it in the past, it's always seemed to be worthy. Well, I think this one is definitely worthy. I had a listener contact me and tell me something that warmed my heart. He was working in a retail situation and he was wearing
Starting point is 00:02:41 something four-color demon related. and a customer came in and knew what TSD was and started talking shit. What? What? Yes. Started talking shit about TSD. He was saying shit about Bri saying shit about VQ. But it was when he said that Walt Flanagan was a self-righteous,
Starting point is 00:03:08 uh, what was the other? Egotistical. Egotistical prude. This, this listener got out from behind the counter, fucking, and threw this customer out of the store. What kind of store was it, do you know? It was a drug store. A drug store?
Starting point is 00:03:23 Good. I mean, I would have him rather him throwing them out when he was offending me in BQ. He didn't have to get to you. He did say though, which I thought was funny, he said, it was only when he said I was a prude that it annoyed him. When you said that you were a prude? Yeah, when the guy- A self-proclaimed prude? No, when the guy accused me of being a prude.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Oh, when the guy said you were a prude. That's when he got, that's when it was, he had said too much. He felt, and he told him to get the fuck out of the store and not to come back. All right. That's how a young BQ got his start. He's got said he's going to try to send me the security footage. That would be amazing. Oh, that would be fucking cool. If we could put that up on our YouTube.
Starting point is 00:04:07 He's not worried about losing his job, treating customers like that? I, that's why I don't think the security footage is ever coming because then I could probably get him in trouble. But I told him I would, I would tile it out, you know, and make sure he, his face can't be seen or any of the establishment, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:24 but we'll see, see if we can get that footage. But I thought that was awesome because I think a lot of people walk around thinking that they can talk shit as if they're online in the real world nowadays. They get this comfort zone that like, well, I said it online, why can't I say it here? I don't find that with people. I find most people are postseason season don't say shit in public. Yeah, me too. Oh no, man.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I see, I see it all the time. People say shit and they kind of fucking realize they're like, oh my God, I shouldn't have said that. I didn't type that. Yeah, I didn't type that. I said that out loud. And then they backtrack so fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I, uh, I did. That has not been my experience. I find that like, yeah, I agree with Brian. Like most people, again, like I think the type of person that goes online and writes like sour fucking missives and shit like that, nasty little fucking comments. I think like in person, I don't know, I think, I don't think they would say it like the type of person that goes online to be like, yeah, bitchy little comment, bitchy little comment. It like gets the joy out of that. It's like in person, like you wouldn't even want to be around that person. So it's like, you probably, I don't
Starting point is 00:05:39 know, I probably wouldn't run into that person because no people don't talk like that in real life, but country little comments and like shit screaming into the void constantly about like things I don't like about that. I've rarely met people like that in the real life vault. You're telling me you see that in the real world? I've seen it. Yeah, I've seen it at stores, people like talking to employees pretty harshly and, and being, you know, jerks and just like, you know, flexing their muscles because they, you know, they feel that
Starting point is 00:06:12 they're online and they're not online, you know, and it's gross. Whatever happened to, when did it evaporate? When did this become not doable for most people? When did, if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing? Why is that so hard to do in 2024? Cause talking shit is easy. Coming up with nice things about people is difficult.
Starting point is 00:06:39 No, no, just being, if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. Oh, don't say anything negative at all. Well, fuck, I'd be a mute. I'd be Helen Keller over here. But why is that so far? You think today in today's world? I think that, I mean, I've said it before.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I just, I think people are unhappy and I, I think that in the modern society breeds. Yeah. I I've said, like I've said, man and I think that modern society breeds... And they want to spread the misery? Yeah, like I said, man, I don't think happy people go online and make little... You know what I mean? If you're happy with your life and you're fucking... Because I've done it in the past and every time I've done it, I've been a fucking little piece of shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:21 So I just think that people who feel good about their own lives and stuff like that don't go online and scream and make little shitty comments and stuff like that. Because look, it is fun at times to do that. Like nobody's saying it's not, but like there are people who just do it. Like it's their identity. I don't know, man. It's just- Well, it is fun to troll people.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I think just people are unhappy. But it's brutal though. You see what some of these real famous people have to go through like the princess. What she had to go through and all the trolls and all the nasty comments and it's just – how do you deal with that if you're getting that kind of level of hate and – Which princess? The princess who had – Meghan Markle? Or Kate Middleton? Both of them. at if you're getting that kind of level of hate and- Which princess? The princess who had-
Starting point is 00:08:07 Meghan Markle? Or Kate Middleton? Well, Kate Middleton, I think, is favored over- nobody likes Meghan Markle. Why though? What did she do so wrong? Because she's one of these Hollywood inside type people who think she's hotter than shit and I think that's why people don't like her. Why do you assume that though?
Starting point is 00:08:23 What proof do you have that she thinks? I'm saying what I glean, what I gather from reading, you know, press. I just think it's brutal what those poor princesses have to go through. I know. Their life must be so hard. It's got to be difficult to be a fucking princess. If you saw, if you did a deep dive and just saw some of the fucking heinous shit people write about them, I think you would be Sure. I think you would be shocked. I think you would be absolutely appalled. What could be worse than wishing death upon somebody though?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Because I remember like, remember when Kevin got that troll and somebody was like, instead of making him an issue, he would have died. And that somebody wrote that. Wow. Yeah. And like what's worse than that though? I don't know if somebody made fun of me in one of our YouTube videos that I dyed my hair still. Really?
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah. I was like, what? That's worse than dye. That's worse than wishing death upon him. They were making fun of me. It's a different type of dye. I want to be able to tell that person, I hope they're listening, is like, I identify as a white male with brunette hair. And it's 2024, baby.
Starting point is 00:09:26 That's it. That's all you need to know. I identify as a brunette white male. Fuck, fuck off. That should be enough. I should not have to hear anybody say anything about my dye job. You shouldn't. Well, that's the world we live in.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It's not a world like that. Like if this were back in the day when it was, it was like, hey, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all, it might've worked. But somebody's like, all right, dye your hair, will you? We'll just see about that. I think like for me, there's, you know, I could look back at fucking 10 years of criticism online, like, you know what I mean? Like just people ripping on us and shit. The only time it's ever bothered me was when I agreed with
Starting point is 00:10:09 them. Like, you know what I mean? Like where somebody says a nasty comment that I'm like, ah, they kind of got a point. But like that happens so fucking rarely that you just got to water like it says more about them than you and you just, just ignore it, man. Who gives a fuck? I mean, who gives a fuck? You know what what I mean like who cares what they say about your hair fuck them stay offline It's easy unless you agreed with them, then it might sting No, I don't agree with them, but it's easy to say that though you know it's easy to say that and then You know who cares who would but?
Starting point is 00:10:41 It's it's I just think it's easier said than done. And look, man, that is a lie that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. That's bullshit. It's bullshit. Words can hurt just as much, if not more, than sticks and stones. Yeah, but I mean, like, if I go online and see somebody like say some shit about me like whatever look at this fat fuck right? I was like I'm like alright so what who gives a fuck somebody says like he's not funny I'm
Starting point is 00:11:13 like okay it's like sure I have a fucking highly successful career in comedy so I'm not you know what I mean like you're just like I don't if I don't give a fuck I don't know well I think you just got to like, fuck him, fuck him, bro. I know, again, it's very easy, you said that, but I'll show you a guy, I'll point to something I just watched online. It was on Apple TV, it's called The Dynasty, and it's a multi-part documentary
Starting point is 00:11:39 about the New England Patriots, and they have coverage of Bill Belichick and some of his head coaches and they have footage of them like listening to talk radio, reading the newspaper, the columns and being highly annoyed about the criticisms that they're facing even though they're fucking at the top of their game. Yeah, I think there's a little bit of a difference Walt between getting criticized in Like a national news program or a national paper as opposed to one fucking dickless asshole online Who's got no better to do than to be like here's a fucking funny little nasty comment Maybe remember me like like I think it's a little different. I
Starting point is 00:12:24 Disagree, I think it's the same different. At the end of the day, I disagree. I think it's the same thing. It's just a different context though. They were telling Belichick that he didn't know what he was doing and like these idiots, we got to get rid of all of them. They're making all the wrong decisions and then bam, they win multiple Super Bowls and they still can't stop listening to talk radio on the way to the job. They're listening to talk radio and getting agitated about the ignorance of the callers, critiquing them or criticizing them.
Starting point is 00:12:55 But that's like, if say you're a contractor and you have the homeowner come in and be like, oh, I don't know if I would do it that way. Are you sure you're supposed to do it that way? It's like these armchair people who like, Belichick should be like, oh, I don't know if I would do it that way. Are you sure you're supposed to do it that way? It's like these armchair people who like Belichick should be like, these people don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. He should be. Yeah, he should be able to just – Just like you said, you tell these people to fuck off, but it's hard as a human being
Starting point is 00:13:18 though to – But like somebody saying like, hey man, Walt dyes his hair. It's like that's just a fact. It's like it's not – Well, they didn't say that. It wasn't – it wouldn't be that bad if it was just a man, Walt dyes his hair. It's like, that's just a fact. It's like, it's not going to be hurtful. Well, they didn't say that. It wouldn't be that bad if it was just, hey, Walt dyed his hair. No, it was like, Walt looks like an idiot dying his hair at his age. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Well, I don't know. I'm sorry. I didn't want to say it. I could put it out there on Broad Street. Well, it does help clarify a little bit that you're not that easily offended. Like, Walt dyes his hair. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:13:44 What? I'm not denying it. But Walt Dyes his hair, who said that? What? I'm not denying it. I just like – but I think it's like why did that person feel the need to say that and hurt my feelings? But I see you all the time and not once has it ever occurred to me like, oh, he looks like an idiot. Yeah, but you're – it's different though. It's just different.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I don't know why that person gets up and is watching and is like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to write this. Yeah, for me it would be- What purpose though? Yeah, definitely. For me, if I'm watching something and I'm like, oh wow, that guy fucking is dying his hair, it's obvious. Howard Stern, obvious case of somebody who's either dying their hair or is wearing a wig and is denying it. The dude's hair is jet black at 70 years old and people have called him on it and he insists that it's his real hair.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Not once have I don't think it's his real hair, but not once have I ever been like, I think I'll tweet in. I think I'll tweet in. Like Tom Brady was in this documentary called the dynasty and I really think he's dying his hair too. If I had to guess if I had to weigh big bucks, I'm almost positive he's dying. I couldn't see one white hair on that guy's head. I'm like, but I would never go – well, I just did now and said that. I would never be prompted to go write a review or write a comment online that I think Tom
Starting point is 00:14:57 Brady is dying his hair. He looks – what a joke. What a vain asshole. It's hard to call him a joke. It's tough to call Tom Brady a joke, regardless of what he does anymore. But I guarantee you though, even Tom Brady, I bet you when he looks at online comments and if he sees something, I just think even he is probably annoyed or stung by some criticism. I don't think so, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I don't think he cares. If he was to admit it. How could he care? If he could be brutally honest. Because why would Bill Belichick? Why would Bill Belichick? He said he's reached the mountain just as many times as Tom Brady. Well, actually one less time than Tom Brady. but he was at the top of his game.
Starting point is 00:15:47 He was called the greatest coach ever in the, in the entire history of the league. He was considered the greatest coach that ever coached and he's still finding time to listen to criticism, listen to fucking people who are fucking making donuts. But yet are telling Bill Belichick how we should have coached the team. And he's still finding time to be agitated by it. He shouldn't because like sports is made for trash talking. Like modern sports is a little like sanitized, right?
Starting point is 00:16:22 But like we all know that when guys get on that field and start playing each other and there were no rules and no penalties. No Mike's trash talk and no Mike's it's fucking trash talk. Arama. I think it's built into. I think sports has lost something. Oh, well there's definitely penalties. Now there are certain things you can't say.
Starting point is 00:16:41 You can't call somebody you know, you know, you know what? Sure. I understand that. That I get. If the referee hears it, you're going to get a penalty if he hears that word. No, let's say you're of the same, same color. Can you not friendly? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I don't. I wasn't. That wasn't the word. Oh, that's not the word? No, no. I, you know, I think it's a word that, you know, you, you know. Oh, okay. Not very nice to gay people. Yeah, okay. Oh Yeah, well look I
Starting point is 00:17:12 That's you know, I Guess you know, there's some people that we I don't know there are some people that would get hurt by that I guess you're of course like that But I mean like if you're just like just ripping on someone and calling them a fucking bitch or like calling them like they say, I don't know. Like I just think trash talking is built into it. Um, so maybe he should have a thicker skin. You know what I'm saying? Bella check. Because I guarantee when he was listening to the radio, when he was just a fan, he was sitting there going like, Oh fuck Yogi Barrow, whoever the hell he was playing you know what I mean like it's built into the sport I think that's a long difference
Starting point is 00:17:50 from someone how did somebody comment on your your hair where was that Twitter or I was on YouTube look at this clown still dyeing his hair I mean that person I tried to get it removed from YouTube but but YouTube wouldn't, they wouldn't strike it. I don't think the person that said that is happy is a happy person because a happy person does not go on. A happy person doesn't give a fuck about your hair. Okay. And then if they do and want to have part of the show, part of the spirit of the show, you know, there's ways to do it that are fun, like a little tongue in cheek. That's not a happy person.
Starting point is 00:18:28 But what if you found out and what if I found out he's absolutely happy? I think that's impossible. Really? Brian, is that impossible? I don't think a happy person does that. I don't think it's impossible. I don't think it's impossible. No, I wouldn't say that, but it does speak of having the time to go out of your way to
Starting point is 00:18:49 – and it doesn't take long to leave a comment, but it's just as easy, in fact easier to not leave a comment. It's easier just to not say shit, to just think like, oh my God, look at this guy. That's it. Move on with your day. But to go down – who is it for? It wasn't addressed directly to you. So is, like why is he even writing it? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It's serving something inside of them that needs to be, the fucking guy, he can't stop. He needs something to make himself feel better. Whereas a happy person has a wife they love, has a house they love, has fucking whatever, does not worry about going on to comment about die jobs. It's good advice, Q. And you know what I did do? I went out and I brought a darker shade of dye. So fuck this guy. I was like, fuck you. I'm going to dye a darker asshole. My wife was like, are you sure? I was like, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Jet black, that's the only way to go. I'll show him. Like the dye box has a black guy, has like a black guy on the cover. Yeah, this will match that. I saw something. I did a show, who are these podcasts? A show that I like. And shout out to our friend, Trucker Andy, who was repping Four Color Demons with a cap
Starting point is 00:20:08 on the show. Nice. But I went back and I looked at the comments to see what people were thinking. And one of the comments struck me that I was just like, I don't agree with it, but it was like tell them Steve Dave used to be the best podcast out there until Brian Q got these big egos and after that it's I guess so according to this person. I was just I was trying to find evidence of it. I was trying to think back
Starting point is 00:20:37 He never mentioned me he didn't mention you no, okay. No nothing about your ego or your hair or anything No, nothing about your ego or your hair or anything. Look, I'm a human. I'm sure there have been times I've displayed something akin to that, but I think anybody who knows me overall does not think that I have a show ruining ego. I wouldn't think so either. Yeah, I read that and I tried to think about like, I mean, is there anyone more self-deprecating than myself? Is there anyone who admitted to self-hatred more than me?
Starting point is 00:21:11 Like where, I just don't get where the ego comes from. Oh, they were talking about you? They were talking about me and you. Oh, we ruined the two of us. Together we ruined it with our big egos. I mean, that's mystifying to me. I couldn't think of it. You have a big ego.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah, me, yeah, I have. All right. But that's the thing, like that's the thing about art. And if we consider podcasts an art, which why not, like it's open to interpretation. Right? Right. So at least they're talking about you. You know, he didn't mention me though. He didn't mention you. Well, you should, if you really want to see some vicious comments next, next time we're together, what I'll do is I'll sit you down and take you through all the comments in the episodes that were released after Joe left the show of Practical Jokers.
Starting point is 00:22:13 It was a fucking bloodbath. It was a slaughterhouse, man. Bloodbath. I'm not watching the show without Joe. No Joe, no show, which we always found funny because it's just like, well, yeah, there is a show. There is a show without Joe, so I don't know what to tell you. But like, you know, we, we, we get slaughtered and like I'll get, I'll see people on Twitter or X, whatever the fuck it's called being like, the show sucks now without Joe. I've never watched an episode without Joe. And you're like, Hmm. Then how do you know? How do you
Starting point is 00:22:41 know the show sucks? Yeah, I know. It's like, but these are the people you're dealing with. Like, why is a person hunting me out on Twitter to write no Joe, no show to me? Like, what does that person get from that? Yeah, you've got to wonder. That's why I would love to like meet people like that and talk to them. But that's the same type of person that if he were to see Q in the wild, he'd be like, oh my God, it's Q. Can I get a picture? Hey Q, I love the show. Oh, and even if you sat down a person like that and be like, look, dude, we're responsible for a hundred people's
Starting point is 00:23:14 fucking, you know, incomes. We have a contract to make the show. You know what I mean? Like if you explained all these things, like we still want to do the show. I still love doing it. Why should I stop? Cause you can explain all these things, like we still want to do the show. I still love doing it. Why should I stop? Because you can explain all of that to them and it wouldn't change their fucking mind to say they'd be like, no Joe, no show. So it's like, not to mention Joe left of his own accord. Joe left. I didn't want him to go.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I fucking wish Joe was still on the show. Of course I wish he was still on the show. He did most of the fucking work. Did it upset any of the guys? No, we, we... Look... When you read the comments, I mean. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:23:54 No? No, I don't think so. Well, you guys are... I mean, I don't know. I guess it says more about me then that it bothered me though. You know, I don't know. Maybe a little... Were you human? Well, just like a snipe out of nowhere for no reason. You know, I was a little, yeah, it's like it says something about my self-confidence then or my vanity.
Starting point is 00:24:15 They know? Or my, I don't know. And again, I think you're 100% right how you should proceed when seeing things like that, but it's hard. It's hard though. It's hard. You're a human. It's not like I'm perfect.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Like I said, sometimes I'll read comics where I'm like, ah, I kind of not agree, but like I see where they're coming from type thing. You know what I mean? And it hurts. You know, it does. I can't say that I've never gone online and Read something bad about myself or people who try to dig up like personal fucking shit like psycho you know what I mean, like that that hasn't bothered me, but I
Starting point is 00:24:56 Would say 90% of the times I'm like, this is a psycho This is a fucking person who this is an unhappy person This is a miserable like you're able to like see for where it's coming from But it's not easy Walton. I've I've I've gotten bothered by stuff, too So I don't want to sit here like I'm some sort of fucking Buddha But for the most part you feel you have like Kind of a duck Body it says more about where you have not like not your body shape. I mean like your father like a dog
Starting point is 00:25:23 Or you have not like not your body shape. I mean like your father like it No, like it's like water off the back of a duck I meant I Truly feel it says more about them than it says about me. I do. Okay. Yeah that's a good way to like handle shit just like just keep reminding yourself of that, but You know, I got a work. And also stay offline. I don't go online. Yeah. Yeah, I could do that.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Like any time I go, yeah, just stay the fuck off. Just don't even go. Yeah. That's right. Yeah, I don't read comments either usually just because it's like, then I would have to address them. You know? Yeah, that's the idea.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I try not to do that. I try. I like to address things. Feel it's a, it's a bad move. Done it. And then always just like what a waste of time. Well, you can't win an argument online. It's not possible.
Starting point is 00:26:11 We have a man here that's won. I think he's like, he's almost got like a 900 percentage win record. Get him, Steve Dave. I wish he could talk about all his victories online. This is a man that wins nine out of 10 arguments online. No, are these people that concede? Are they like, all right, all right, you got me. No, he pretty much proclaimed himself the winner.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Oh, he did. And moves on. That's what we should do. We're the winners. Why not? Why doesn't his opinion holds as much weight as these fucking psychos online. So if Gideon says he won, who are we to say he didn't win? He won. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Very, very true. Yeah. Nobody's opinion matters and we'll all be dead in a hundred years. So what the fuck does it, you know? Gittem's right. But when I die? Fucking hair is gonna be black in that coffin, bitch. Good. Hell yeah. It's going to be darker than the fucking wood finish on that fucking coffin.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's going to be staining the satin in the coffin and shit. When we dig him up in a hundred years, his hair will be perfectly preserved from the chemicals. Yeah, it's like women dye their hair. Like nobody says a goddamn word about it. Well, look, like I said, man, if I identify as a brunette, that should be, end of story. Who's the saying that? End of conversation, right?
Starting point is 00:27:34 End of conversation. It's supposed to be. It's supposed to be, but it's not for certain. We don't have the same protection as other folks. Nobody's looking out for us. What do you mean, brunettes? Nobody's looking out for us. What do you mean brunettes? You know what, Bud?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Can I tell you this too, Bud? I hosted this Make-A-Wish thing in the city today. For about five hours today, I was spending my time talking with kids who have cancer, kids who have debilitating disease, kids who are in wheelchairs that can't walk, kids with deformities and like really I just got home from it. And it's like I was immersed in it all day and you meet these kids and you see their capacity for joy. You know what I mean? And I remember when I was
Starting point is 00:28:27 young I would be like, life sucks. You know what I mean? And I'm depressed. I don't feel down. And then you see these kids and it's like, the doctor's literally like, we don't know if we're going to be able to beat this. The mother's crying while she's talking to me and these kids are just playing with each other and talking to you. And it's like man they are facing things that I have never had to face and probably won't have to face until I get old and my health starts going and you know what I mean and so in the face of that it's I think it's good to keep that in mind and it's hard to worry about what some fucking dickweed says about your hair when you have two beautiful healthy kids a Beautiful healthy family, you know what I mean? Like it's I know this is what I'm saying. You're happy. You're happy
Starting point is 00:29:13 You know you have a great life a great family Like advice brother. Yeah, you're you're 100% right. You're you're fucking This goes for everybody here everybody who deals with like – I wish Meghan Markle would listen to this podcast and all the people like her all the years. She doesn't listen to little people like us. No. She's Meghan Markle. I think even Mrs. Five doesn't like her.
Starting point is 00:29:39 That says a lot. Wow. Really? Yeah. I think she's not crazy about her. Could be wrong just in case I don't want to smirk Mrs. Five and her relationship with Meghan Markle. Did you go see Ghostbusters? I saw, well, I went to the premiere, I saw Ghostbusters. Yeah, I saw Ghostbusters. I saw the part. They had the change. I was supposed to be, I was supposed to have a little thing
Starting point is 00:30:01 in it. Anyway, a bunch of things happened. So I saw where I would have been in it and I was like, oh man. Could have been me. I was a little depressed. It could have, it should have been me. It could have been me. But you know, a lot of it takes place on Staten Island. I didn't know that. I was not aware. Are you going to see it, Walt? Oh yeah. Will you go see it? I'll see it. I've always enjoyed Ghostbusters. I think Hugh's age group worships Ghostbusters, like
Starting point is 00:30:27 Ming. Ming is your age, right? Yeah, a little older, slightly older. I like Ghostbusters, and I think Hugh's demographic, like his age group, loves Ghostbusters. But I've always liked it. I've liked every version of it. There hasn't been, even the girl one, I was the only one championing the girls one. I thought that guy, Thor, was great in that one. I went online and commented about you. This one looks good too. I heard it's the best opening of any Ghostbusters or something like that.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Is it? Yeah, some crazy. I had fun with it. I had fun with it. A lot of people I know saw it had fun with it But I have some people that I know and like who hate it So I have to go see it again because I was like, oh that was fun But I saw it at the premiere and I had Annie Potts to like once two seats down to my left Dan Aykroyd was sitting up front, you know what I mean? Like Bill Murray was there
Starting point is 00:31:22 It's hard like I can't give a fair shake to it because I had such a good time. You know what I mean? Like anytime anybody walked on screen, everybody was like, yeah. You know what I mean? So I was like, so I had a lot of fun, but people I respect are like, ah, I didn't like it so much. But people I respect are like, they love it. And, and there is something to knowing that, you know, the Ghostbusters new home is on Staten Island. I have that pride, brother. When I see that, I'm like, yeah, yeah. The Ecto-1 going over the Verrazano Bridge, I'm like, yeah. Gets me all ready, man.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Gets me excited. What is it about Staten Island that captivates people's attention? Now the Ghostbusters are there. What we do in the shadows set in Staten Island? A lot of stuff comes from Staten Island. That's a good question. of Staten Island. Why has it become the jewel of the shore all of a sudden? Because say what you will about Staten Island and people say a lot about it. It has a reputation, it has a personality, it has its quirks that are known now nationwide So it's in kind of an easy target, but once people kick something enough
Starting point is 00:32:29 You know then a kind of affection comes in so I think we're in the period where people like What am I gonna do make another joke about fucking Staten Island or am I gonna embrace it a little bit? I think we're in that I think when that error or at least that's what I like to tell myself. I think New Jersey also has a kind has the same kind of feelings. We've always been made fun of. Like New York's little brother. I was watching All in the Family a couple days ago and Archie was comparing two things and he's like, it's even worse than Jersey.
Starting point is 00:33:00 We've had our share of barbs thrown our way too and you know, we've tried to make the best of it Fuck them. I wouldn't have it any other way man What do I want to do what I want to be the fucking top dog? I want to be the underdog, you know what I mean? I want to be the fucking guy that everybody's take, you know Give it to me. That's where the interesting shit is. What are you go to fucking Queens? Who gives a fuck about Queens man Anymore? Nobody. Nobody gives a fuck about Manhattan or the Bronx or the Queens. Actually, Staten Island might be the most popular borough right now. Really?
Starting point is 00:33:34 You said it. You said it, not me, my friend. After all these years of dissing Staten Island and pretending it's part of the city. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to go too far in this because like there's a lot of, there's a lot of bad stories about Staten Island flow. They are not handling this migrant crisis well at all. Oh no, I've seen some of that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I'm a little, you know, you're a little bit like, not that, you know, not that the pot, the politics of it, I'm not really that interested in, but the behavior of people is a little bit like- That's where the Staten Island comes out. Yeah, a little bit. I wish it wouldn't. Even if I agree with some of the things, I'm like, guys, you got to be shining flashlights into little kids' beds if they're trying to sleep.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I don't know if we need to do that. Is that what they're doing? Yeah, there was a protest where these fucking dingbats were outside one of the shelters and like shining super bright lights into the room and stuff and like somebody was like, yo, there are kids getting terrified in here, man. And they didn't stop.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And you're like, dude, like, I mean, you know, do you want to be the person that's doing that? You know, it's like Walt's fucking die job. Like, why do you want to be the person that's? Doing that even if you'd be known. Yeah Yeah, so I'm a little disappointed in that but no no no that aside, you know, I love this borough with all my heart and soul so What are you excited today was opening day for baseball? I know you're big Yankees fan I was going to be excited, but then I completely forgot about it because I was in the thing today. I got to get back in, Walt. Honestly, I've been going to fucking more Mets games in the past few years
Starting point is 00:35:16 because of my friends are fucking Mets fans and stuff, then I have Yankees. I got to get back into it, but I want to be back into it, Walt. I want to get back into it, but I'm, I'm, I want to be back into a Walt. I want to get back into a full time. It doesn't feel like it's baseball season. Does it though? It feels too cold still. It's cold and wet and muddy and shitty. Fucking sucks, man.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I've been in Florida every weekend for the past three weeks. So to go down there and it's 80 degrees and then to come home and it's fucking 30 degrees, I'm, I'm crying over here. It gets me pissed off. It makes me want to go online and make nasty comments about people. Well, you can make nasty comments about the weather. If you want to criticize the weather, that's okay. Take it out on the weather. Yeah. But why not, why not, and you can tell I just came from a room full of kids with cancer, why not celebrate it a little bit?
Starting point is 00:36:06 The weather? Yeah, the cold sucks, but what are you going to do? You know what's worse than the cold being dead? True. This is a very optimistic look on the sunny side, Q. I love it. Do you? Some is coming, baby.
Starting point is 00:36:22 So I like going over to Q's house and sitting there and just fucking ragging about shit. Really? Oh, love it. Love it. Oh, that's always available to you, Brian. Well, because we make ourselves laugh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:35 misery loves company. Yeah. Is that what's going on? Could be. Yeah. I don't know. Well, I find when Brian and I get together, it's like, we're mainly, we're mainly ripping on ourselves.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah, we're just trying to make ourselves laugh. Yeah, we're just really making fun of ourselves. Yeah, I don't know, Walt. Today, I remember the last time I did a Make-A-Wish thing like this. I walked away feeling the same way. That shine lasted for a few months. Right, well, yeah. Maybe I'm annoying right now.
Starting point is 00:37:09 It really affects you in a good way, I imagine. It makes you more appreciative and it has to. I mean, you'd have to be fucking insane not to like walk out of, you know, dealing with something like that and then realize, you know, insane not to walk out of dealing with something like that and then realize all the shit that you were bitching about before means nothing to what those kids are going through and their families. Yeah. Yeah. It's heartbreaking stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Right. I remember that effect to me when we were doing a comic book, man, this family came in and they were on their way down to Philadelphia to the children's hospital because the girl had eye cancer. She was fucking six or seven years old. I wonder if like you were saying, Q, like they're all playing with each other and they seem happy and they're doing their own thing. Maybe like conceptually, like it's different for them because like for them to conceive
Starting point is 00:37:58 of death may be very difficult whereas for people our age is like, oh shit, look at these kids. They don't know how fucking raw they have it. I don't know, man. I think these kids have faced like a lot of painful surgeries and, and, you know, and realities and stuff. I don't think they're ignorant to their, their plight. That's not the sense I got. Um, you didn't complain a bitch in front of them.
Starting point is 00:38:23 You should have seen how long it took me to park. Um, you didn't complain a bitch in front of them. Yeah. I was like, fuck man, dude, I was like, I worked a fucking 14 hour day yesterday. Kid, how do you fucking feel about that? Let me read a couple of things to you boys real quickly. If you don't mind. Let me read about prize picks the largest daily fantasy sports DFS platform in North America. PrizePix is the easiest and most exciting way to play DFS. It's just you against the numbers instead of battling thousands of other players including pros and sharks.
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Starting point is 00:41:56 You take it and then you revisit your days back when you were 18 and the boners were rock hard. Well- Came plenty. Is the commercial officially over? Because I want to say something about it, but I don't want to directly have the company endorse what I'm saying. So I can say the commercial's over.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Commercial's over. And maybe Get-Em could look this up, but I read something the other day in the New York Times that said that a new study came out that said taking the active ingredient in Viagra reduces your chances of getting Alzheimer's by a significant amount. Yeah, I heard that too. If that's true, that is fucking incredible, man. What's better than that?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Save your brain and get rock hard boners? This is a gift from God, man. Blue chew is like a hand coming down from heaven and handing it to you. That's wild. It's supposedly supposed to take the plaque off your brain, right? If I remember the article I read. Yeah. That's significant, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Do you ever worry about that? Alzheimer's? Dementia and Alzheimer's and stuff? No. My grandfather started getting demented towards the end, so it's a concern. I think if you've had relatives. My mother's been demented ever since I can remember. But I would imagine, yeah. I haven't had any, knock on wood, any relatives suffer from dementia so I don't it wasn't
Starting point is 00:43:26 something that I thought about like oh my god that my does that my is that my fate in you know in the future but yeah if I think that they're going to probably come close to not if not curing like making major strides in dealing with dementia as hopefully by the time in 20 years, they're being like they could get it really under control and make it keep it to a minimum. That would be nice because it's a pretty ugly disease, man. Oh, yeah. It's awful.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Although I saw this thing once. It was a lady, the older lady, you know, with her old husband and she had to put him in a home. And when she went to visit him, like he didn't remember her and he was like, hey, do you want to meet my girlfriend? And he had like an old lady girlfriend there. But the lady was just like, I was happy for him because he was happy. You have to, I guess it's tough.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It's tough after like, I mean, how long you've been married, you know, like 50 years or whatever. And then suddenly your husband's like, oh, here's my girlfriend and I don't remember you at all. Yeah, they're just basically a different person. Yeah. Yeah. That's when you head right over to Fantasies and you start your own path. Walt, could I do a quick, I buy comics.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yes. Because I have a recommendation that I think, I don't know if you've even, this is more for you, but there's a comic book, there was a comic book last year called Superman Space Age. Have you heard about this one? No. Okay. It's, the art was by Mike Allred, who we know as the good man man.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And it was written by a guy named Mark Russell. And the reason I'm bringing it up is because one, the series is excellent. And it's a different take on Superman. It's like set back in the 80s and whatnot. But remember how we bagged on Pariah in Crisis so bad for being like a whiny, cryy-like bitch? They've managed to make Pariah like a fucking cool ass character that I'm like, oh man, I hope that they do more with this. They just released the first issue of a Batman version of that series and Pariah is in it. And for
Starting point is 00:45:36 the first time in all my years of reading comics, I got fucking excited to see Pariah, dude. It was wild. The art is great. The stories imaginative like Superman space age. And so far, this first issue of the Batman version is is a home run as well. I think you would like it. It feels like old school fucking cool comics. I'm going to check it out. What's the Batman one called? I think Dark Age. Barked. Okay. It's Superman space age Batman Dark Age Dark Age. And they're all retro.
Starting point is 00:46:06 They're set a little bit in the past. And dude, it felt like I was reading the comics that I read when I was younger. You were growing up. Nice. Yeah. And they made Pariah cool. I mean, making Pariah cool is something I didn't think no fucking way. Even Perez couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:46:26 No, no, not at all. Not at all. So there you go. That's iBuy Comics corner today. Want to hear about a Vietnamese dude with an eel in his ass? Of course. Kind of question is that. Live 12 inch eel removed from Vietnamese man's abdomen after it slid up his anus
Starting point is 00:46:46 Now I have to you guys are gonna have to put on your detective caps and see if you believe this a Vietnamese man had a live eel surgically removed from his abdomen and doctors believe it slid up his anus They think the sea creature entered the man's body through his anus slid through his colon and Then was found after doctors performed an ultrasound and x-ray which showed a foreign object was in his digestive tract. It says the rectal area has a lot of fecal fluid and is easily infected with bacteria but is performed safely so the surgery did not have any problems.
Starting point is 00:47:18 The eel caused intestinal perforation and periottontis. Periottontis, a condition that causes inflammation in the stomach or abdomen. And then the man was kept in the hospital after having abdominal pain, having mild abdominal pain after waking up. So my question is. He definitely got it swimming. Like he just took like maybe a skinny dip.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And the eel was just like. I don't think there's any funny business going on. I don't think there's any funny business going on. I don't think I don't. Why would you jump to the conclusion that he put it there on purpose? Well there was also statistics of like people who are like, it says over 400 people per year in Vietnam or, or the UK. I can't remember which one show up to the hospital with objects in their ass weight trying to get them out like light bulbs and eels and all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I think you have to be twisted to put a live eel there though. Well, what about like hamsters and gerbils? I think those are urban myths. I don't think that's ever happened. I don't think it's ever happened. I think that's the Richard Gere thing and the Rod Stewart thing. I think they're all fucking urban legends and they never happened once and they just became lore. But yeah, I think no sane person. He might, if he did do it on purpose, he has to be insane then
Starting point is 00:48:37 to put a live eel. There's some- Are they electric? Some are, not all. I mean, electric eel, I think he would probably, he might have died because he's zapped pretty strongly. Have you ever seen like a person touching electric eel? It gives them a shock, man. It like knocks them back.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Yeah. So they're trying to jam it up your ass. But that may be what he was going for though. Oh, like a vibrator almost. Yeah. Yeah, you might be right. If that's what he, if he was doing it for pleasure, I think it was just a one in a million chance.
Starting point is 00:49:07 He was just going for a skinny dip and you'll happen to be there. You know, they're laughing here, you don't think so? You don't think it's possible that he just, he was unlucky and he just happened to swim in it and saw a hole and Thought it was like cavern. I Mean that would point you just clench. I mean how much has got to get in there before you like whoa? Whoa? Whoa? Yeah, well you think like this is a disappear like a spaghetti and clenching It's an eel. It's gonna keep going You can't clench forever you
Starting point is 00:49:42 It's gonna keep going. You can't clench forever. You can't clench the eel. What the fuck is up with this eel? I don't think that it's gonna wanna go up to a clenching, dirty, freaking out asshole. Well, compared to the Indian Ocean, I bet you that, you know, I'm sure it was a fucking day at the spa, that guy's asshole I don't think it was I don't think that the EO probably thought it was dirty at all you make people shit in that ocean I don't I you know the guy definitely
Starting point is 00:50:19 stuck an eel up his ass seriously yeah of course he engineered it. Yeah, of course. No way. No way. What maniac would do that? Then he's mentally ill then, right? Like, he's a guy that's not like, I mean, seriously, like, like he's probably like, he doesn't have a grasp on reality. He's that out of out of touch with reality. I I believe so. Yeah. Yeah institutionalized I Mean for life hurting besides an eel just let him go like you let him fucking stick doing his own thing. Why care? I? Know a dude Okay in a major award right one of the three or four major awards a maverick
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yeah, like entertainment woods who like told me for a fact that that like He's used his award as a sex toy. I think everything's gone up people's fucking on another person uh Unpick difference big difference. Well, I want, big difference. I want to fuck you with my Oscar. I didn't say it was an Oscar, but I wouldn't necessarily say that knowing this person that they didn't put it up their own ass at some point. I think I think if it exists, it's going up some dudes ass, but it's still It's still a writhing creature like it moves. It's a it's a living creature That's the best part is it's it's not just like stationary. It's not static. It's like it's wiggling around in your butt
Starting point is 00:52:00 It's all wet Making it feel good. No way Neil I your butt, it's all wet, making it feel good. No way. It doesn't. I think it was a total accident and probably felt it but just wanted to deny it to himself. It was like, no, I just didn't feel something go up there. Right. Probably then by not acting on it and trying to deny reality, it slithered further and further and further until it became like-
Starting point is 00:52:29 This isn't happening. This isn't happening. And then it became like I got to go, and no one's ever going to believe me that it was an accident. Cue's commenting it online right now. Be a boy. It was a boy? What's up, Beelzebub?
Starting point is 00:52:43 It was a guy, yeah. It was a man. It usually happens to men though, so that kind of like, it always blows my theory out the water though. It's usually like, you don't ever see girls run to the fucking emergency room with some weird eel up their ass. It's always some wacko. It's always some dude, yeah. It's always some horny dude.
Starting point is 00:52:59 If it was a girl, would you be more able to believe her if it was an accident? Well, no, because you've seen that tentacle porn, right? What's that? I said you've seen that tentacle porn, so it's entirely possible. Oh, that is the most repulsive fucking thing, that tentacle porn. Man, I can get through behind a lot of fucking crazy shit, but that tentacle porn is So you think that you think that the man with the eel was into tentacle porn Is it possible think that there's probably there's probably an overlap
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah, somewhere there. It's horrible. How come he can't how come he can't sue the hospital for releasing his fucking records Well, I don't think they said they just said said it was a guy. They didn't give us. But somebody, somebody at that hospital though, leaked it though. There's only so much you can do Walt, if a guy comes in with an eel up his asshole, like we're all humans. You gotta tell someone. You should be able to find out who leaked that though. Because that's wrong. You're not supposed to find out who leaked that though. Because that's wrong.
Starting point is 00:54:05 You're not supposed to leak medical issues like that, man. They should open an investigation and really fucking bring down the house on this guy. Where was it in? He's unidentified. In Kashmir? He's in the Quang Ninh province. Oh boy. Wherever that is.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Somewhere in Vietnam, I assume. I think the doctors are being nice to him by saying like, yeah, you probably just slid through your butt. We don't suspect you of anything. Yeah, but why is it being reported though? You saw it online. Right. You know why.
Starting point is 00:54:36 The only reason it's salacious. Sure. It's an oddity. Do you think he started in like trying to get a girl to like jam a finger up there or something and then he moved on to a carrot stick, to like a little vibrator. Then he moved on, like he went up and up the ladder until there was nothing left besides like I need to fucking heal up my keister. Could be diminishing returns from the fingers and the carrot sticks and shit.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. You don't, you don't start at an eel is what I'm saying. No. Like there's a journey there. So you think there may be different animals that have, that he has gotten to get up there. Or do you think this is the first live animal? Maybe like an earthworm at first. For all we know, this is his fifth eel and this is the first one that went wrong. You know, maybe the four eels before were just fine.
Starting point is 00:55:30 He was able to get them out with no problem. People eat eels too, right? Yeah. I went to the fish store one time and they had a whole batch of eels in there. I was like, who the fuck would eat this? Get him every eaten eel? Nope. Get him says no.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Me and get him want to do a YouTube video. whole batch of eels in there. I was like, who the fuck would eat this? Get him every meal. Nope. Get him says no. Me and get him want to do a YouTube video about how to escape from quicksand. We're talking about it today. Oh yeah. Yeah. We just don't know if there's any quicksand in New Jersey. I would think probably not. Wasn't it something you always feared as a kid? I think Sal does a bit, doesn't he? He's a, he's a, Sal does a bit where he's like, I think quicks, I always thought as a kid quicksand I think Sal does a bit, doesn't he? He's a, he, Sal does a bit where he's like, I think Quicksand, I always thought as a
Starting point is 00:56:06 kid, Quicksand would be, Quicksand would be a much bigger problem in life when I got older. But like as a kid in the seventies, man, you saw it on every TV show. Yeah. There was always somebody getting caught like Gilligan's Island or, or land of the lost or something. So how far do you think we have to travel to find a real plot of quicksand? Where quicksand would exist? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I don't know. Let me check it out. Could we make it? Could we make you like a quicksand pit and see how it works? How would you go about that even? It doesn't have to be like a natural occurrence? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I mean, they used to make it for movies, right? They used to make quicksand. I don't think it was functioning quicksand in the movies though. Says from Alaska to Florida, but hotspots include the marshy coasts of the Southeast, such as Florida and the Carolinas and the canyons of Southern Utah. Southern Utah, Northern something or other. He told me he knows a sure far way to get out of quicksand too. Oh yeah?
Starting point is 00:57:08 Yeah. I would like to see get him in quicksand. Battling his way out. He told me with like with such arrogance and bravado that he'd be like, I'd be out in two seconds. He'd be out of the quicksand in two seconds? I don't know. You don't believe it? Neither did I. he'd be like, I'd be out in two seconds. He'd be out of the quicksand in two seconds. Well, if you do make the video, just disable the comments.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You got to go Q? Uh, yeah, I got a couple more minutes. Okay, great. Yeah, I mean, unless you just want to fucking wrap it up. No, no, I know you said you had to go out. Yeah, I got a sick family member I gotta go deliver something to. Never ends, bro. You're out there, man. You're fucking- Taking out there, man.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Taking care of sick people all day. It is the fucking every fucking weekend is a tour weekend. There are travel weekend for some shit. I need a fucking day off, but here I am delivering. I'm like a fucking nurse running around this goddamn island, delivering, delivering hope to children of Manhattan. I'm delivering drugs to old women on Staten Island. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I'm happy to be alive, Walt. I'm happy to be able to provide this service for the people. Assistance.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I'm here to serve. The greatest thing a man could do is serve. That's right. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. But I got another 10 minutes or so for the old TESD. I got an email. Oh, wow. Did we know the results of the poll?
Starting point is 00:58:56 We do. I can look them up right now. Hold on a sec. Oh, right, right. The Will Rogers, Tom Mieleczewski? Did I just hang up on him? Yeah. Are you still there?
Starting point is 00:59:06 No, I'm here. Okay, good. Yeah, I'm here. All right. Let me see here. I know I was crying about my hair, but I kind of looked at some of those comments about, about that episode. And I don't know if I should be crying about, about my hair.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Oh, why they would go, people were like weighing in very seriously. Yeah, of course. There's always some people who just fucking take it and just go over the line. I don't know what it is with, with today's listenership that they use. Some of them, not all of them, but man, they just gotta go, just gotta go over the line and be mean. I don't, I don't get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Why be mean to us? What'd we do? And by us, I like, like, all the people who are good enough and kind enough to come onto the show and try to provide some entertainment, you know? Don't scare them off by, like, fucking obliterating them and making them feel like shit. Well, I get the feeling Tom's immune to that, right?
Starting point is 01:00:03 Tom? No. Oh, I don't think so. No, no, no, no, he's sensitive, man. Yeah, Tom's immune to that, right? Tom? No. Are we talking about- Oh, I don't think so. No. Really? No, no.
Starting point is 01:00:11 He's a sensitive man. Yeah, he's just a boy. Really? Tom is? I saw one time, I felt so bad, he said that, he just wrote, I feel like I'm the Jar Jar Binks of TSD Town. He wishes. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Right? Like it just ruined my weekend. Yeah. I felt so bad. That's not true. Did you go after him like you used to go after Jar Jar? Like it just ruined my weekend. Did you go after him? Like he used to go after Jar Jar. What do you mean? Did you say, like you had said, someone say everything's about Jar Jar and he, uh. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Somebody that Tom wrote that, that he felt like he was the Jar Jar Banks of TSM. Right, right. And it ruined my weekend because I felt that, yeah, I knew how, how he was feeling down and I felt horrible that like he felt he had to write because I felt that, yeah, I knew how he was feeling down. And I felt horrible that he felt he had to write that. He felt that down that he would go online and write that. He had to tell somebody. He wasn't telling his wife.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Right. Because once you'd be like, who the fuck's George R.R. Pinks? And secondly, he was like, what do you mean he's the loser of the Star Wars universe? Was that recent he said that to you? He didn't even say it to me. I just happened to see it online and I was just like, and I tried to send them some, some pick me ups without trying to let them know that I had seen and post that.
Starting point is 01:01:15 You know, See the shame. You know, like trying to be a, give a little like, you know, you're, you know, that was such a great job you did on this and this whole thing that he didn't realize. I was just like, yeah, give him a little, give him a little pick me up. Yeah. Yeah. I like Tom. Everybody that comes on, we're all friends. So I don't know why people don't realize that we are all friends. So there is no need to write, sometimes even write me personally on my email account to tell me how much you don't like somebody or how they are destroying your enjoyment or something.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Just dial it down a little bit and just before you send it, just do it yourself. Read it and go, do I need to send this? And I bet you 99 out of 100 times you'll say to yourself, I really don't need to send this. And I bet you 99 out of 100 times you'll say to yourself, I really don't need to send this. I'm not going to get anything out of this. Yeah. Well, what people need to understand too, and this is like the same as like back in the stern days, it's like a huge cast of people. It's unlikely that you're going to fucking love every single one of them. It's not like a guy like say Rush Limbaugh, right? Where you're like, you either love them or you hate him or you just don't give a fuck,
Starting point is 01:02:26 but it's one guy. He didn't have a group of other people that he would bring on, like regulars? I don't think so. I think he was too busy yapping. But with a cast of characters like we have, it's like, sure, not every personality is going to be suited to you. You might not like that person, but it's like, so what? You just got to live with it because that's the way it is. That's the way it is.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Yeah. Plus like to me, it's like, I mean, we've been doing this for so long. Like, who's still getting riled up about this show? Be surprised. Jesus Christ, guys. You would think, yeah, they all crossed over an age line that they don't have the energy anymore to fucking get to write nasty emails or post nasty comments. But now it's worse. They're all ornery and cantankerous and shit.
Starting point is 01:03:16 I think it's out of all that blue chew. We're not too far away from these people opening the newspaper and seeing that that someone from the show has died and how are they going to feel then? Right. You know what I mean? Horrible you would call it. And they have Robert Bruce for example, you know? Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:35 But what do you got on the poll? Who won? It's at 64% to 36%. Tom, the Jar Jar of Tell'em Steve Dave Town has taken the title. Has taken the title as Mr. Overkill. As Mr. Overkill, yeah. I think if you want to make somebody feel better, I think Will Rogers isn't feeling too good about it. You know what? Will, we'll find you another Mr. Something. You're going to be Mr. Something.
Starting point is 01:04:02 You mean like Mr. Cleanup after we shoot something. You can come and help the hammermen. Really, if Tom is Mr. Overkill, we'll come up with another Mr. Title that you can go up against somebody else. Yeah. What if he loses again? That's okay. Then we'll come up with another Mr. Blank.
Starting point is 01:04:20 You know what Sage always tells me? Sage is one of these people she goes, she goes, never give up. Right. Never give up. Never give up, Dada. Mm-hmm. I'm like, you're talking to the wrong guy. Tell him, Steve.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Sage and- Oh, sorry. Sage, go ahead. I was going to say Sage and Winston Churchill have the same advice about life. That's pretty cool. We'll fight them on the beaches. Yeah, exactly. I don't know if they're going to rally Europe the way that Churchill did. Yeah, probably not. Wait, what's she talking about?
Starting point is 01:04:54 Before we do jump, because I have been thinking about Tom and Will since we recorded that. And I honestly thought Will, first of all, you didn't lose by that much. He only lost by like 10%. That's, you know what I mean? It's not that big of a gap. I don't know what math you guys have on Spatial Island. It's more like 28%. Well, you know, out of a hundred. It's fuzzy, man. It's not an island. Math is racist.
Starting point is 01:05:21 It is. But I thought he did a great job. I thought he clearly, it was important to him and he loved it. I felt like maybe, just maybe, we didn't explain to him the assignment as well as we could have. I don't know if that's accurate. Come on, Waltz. Waltz, Waltz, Waltz. Come on, Waltz. I don't want to take the blame for something that wasn't my fault when I specifically and clearly wrote in a text what we needed. But that's okay though because when he, both of those guys came in and provided, I
Starting point is 01:05:58 thought a banger of an episode and they will both come on again in the future and provide more content and Isn't right at the end today? That's what all that really matters is doesn't matter who won or lost it was the episode good I thought it was some people did some people didn't Just like fucking every other form of entertainment sure right right and every episode of the show right? It's it I I don't get it sometimes it is confounding but We'll find something. I think this that mr. Mr. Will Rogers will become mr. Will blank Rogers It's not overkill. It's not overkill that ship is sailed. Yeah, right
Starting point is 01:06:39 But he's but like we say I think we said it to him off air where it's just like dude You're already you're already. Like you're already in like, your foot in the door. And once you get your foot in the door, it's, it's hard to like, you know, to find your way out. Right, right. So he, his loss was exactly what we needed from him. And he gave it to us. And he's working on something right now that I am so excited for that I can't wait this Halloween to announce. And it's going to be awesome. And he's great for TSD, as is Tom, as is everybody. Everybody's a flower in TSD town. If you don't have something nice to say about somebody, say nothing. But if you do have something nice to say, scream it from the hills of TSD town.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Now if you have something nasty to say, just come tell me privately. Tell them Steve, Dave. We fight your friends. We fight your great-awesomes. We fight your great-grandsons. Grandsons fight your aunt. Fight your aunt Alan. Girls love the baby. Fight your little bitches.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Fight your grand-grandsons. Fight your great-grandfathers. And your sweets. Fight your great-grandmothers. So it's rather.

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