The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 632 - The Blackburn Cult

Episode Date: May 7, 2024

Comedians Gareth Reynolds and Dave Anthony examine The Blackburn Cult.  Tour Dates Redbubble Merch Sources   Aura Frames - Code Dollop Squarespace ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we are also brought to you by Airbnb. Now look, there's actually a couple times a year when a big group of my oldest friends and I, and they are old, get together and we will rent an Airbnb and stay in it for a few days over like a holiday weekend or something like that. It just always makes the experience a lot better because, you know, we're in a home. But on the road, if I ever have the choice between a hotel or an Airbnb I always go Airbnb just because it's better. I like a home over a hotel.
Starting point is 00:00:31 But recently I did start thinking well while I'm gone can I turn my place into an Airbnb? And the answer is yes. It can be as easy as putting your place up and then having a little more scratch generated from someone staying at my place while I'm on the road. So whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something more fun, your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how and how much at I have dollop tour dates to announce for the year 2024 of our Lord J town. We have our 10th anniversary show coming up
Starting point is 00:01:06 in Los Angeles on April 27th. Guests are Karen Kilgareff and James Adomian. And then we are going to Australia starting on May 13th in Perth, May 16th in Sydney, May 18th in Brisbane, May 20th in Canberra, May 22nd in Melbourne, and May 24th in Adelaide. You can get your tickets at Permission to treat the co-hosts is hostile permission and I granted You're listening to the dollop on the all things comedy angry podcast this Is American history podcast for each week I friendly Dave Anthony redistributed from American history to angry Gareth Reynolds.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. There was no anger. There was no anger. You're just being, you're doing what you do. You do this. This is what you do. This is what your dad did. This is what you do. You do this. This is what you do. This is what your dad did. This is what you do. That's not what my dad did. My dad didn't talk. Oh, your dad talked to me. My dad had a fart chair. Huh?
Starting point is 00:02:13 What, Dave? I think the show should end right now. Had a fart chair. And by that I mean, he had this chair that was, it's like crushed velour type. A Norman Lear's. Crushed velour type feel to it.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Orange, bright orange, round, that he could turn in, right? Turning spinning chair. That's all he sat in watching TV. And he would fart in it so much that the chair smelled like farts. This is the worst. Literally, literally. Who knew the worst fact about history would come from your personal life? That is the most I cannot even imagine how many people have just stopped listening. I know I did.
Starting point is 00:02:58 That's the worst thing I've ever heard. I'm only going to ask questions just because I'm a journalist. We're taking questions. How long did he have this chair? Years. Ten? Yeah, probably around ten and people would, no one would sit in it because it was terrible smelling like you couldn't.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Did the room smell? No, just the chair. The room didn't smell. It was just his chair. And me and my sister called it the fart chair. Because it was like his chair, but you called it that because it was just one of his favorite activities. Because he would just sit in the chair and fart and then it would go into the chair and
Starting point is 00:03:41 then the chair couldn't release it after a while. Stayed in the chair. I wonder if the chair, and then the chair couldn't release it after a while. Stayed in the chair. I wonder if the chair had a chair. I don't think the chair had any friends or any other chairs. That chair took a bullet for everybody. Cue the music! And called it, quote, his jam pad. Jam pad?
Starting point is 00:04:02 I'm the fucking hippo guy! Dave, okay. My name's Gary. What is Gary? Wait, is it for fun? Andatch? I'm the fucking hippo guy! Dave, OK. My name's Gary. My name's Gary. Wait. Is it for fun? And this is not going to come to Tickly Clock, Gary.
Starting point is 00:04:10 OK. This is like anarchy! On a five-part coefficient. My room's a place! Now hit him with the puppy. You both present sick arguments. No sleep, tell hippo! No sleep, tell hippo!
Starting point is 00:04:20 Action, pardon. Hi, Gary. No. I see dad, my friend. No. No. I said, done, my friend. No. No. Roda, Roda, in the court. Karath, we are going to be on tour starting this week. We should bring Fart Share with us.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah, we should. In Australia, we'll be at Perth. We'll be doing some three pastimes episodes as well in those in Melbourne, Sydney and a Perth. You can find that on the website, website, doll And then we'll be doing as the dollop as a touring team. We'll be doing, we'll do a Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane. And we'll havera, and Brisbane.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And we'll have guests, exciting guests. There'll be farting chairs, pets, there's going to be pets. And Gareth will be doing a native plant, native Australian plant lecture in Newcastle. Yep. Yeah, so tickets for that aren't moving. But you can get tickets to that. Basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a bite out of every plant in Australia
Starting point is 00:05:36 and we're gonna see what happens. So join me for that. Yeah, you can go to for that stuff. Also, we should point out we have a Patreon, if you want to join that. We have a lot of stuff on there. It's wild stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Wild. I haven't even told you the pitch about a Patreon actually we should do that has been talked about for a long time. Is it my mom going to want to do it or am I not going to want to know you're going to be all for it? Okay. It only reflects horribly on me and it will stress me out.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Oh, the map thing. Yeah, it's time for me to go. We should do that for sure. We can do that one more in Australia because we'll have the cameras with us in the hotel room. That's going to be horrible. Yeah, yeah, that's going to be great. That's why we do it. That's just going to be.
Starting point is 00:06:34 It's not going to help stuff for me. All right. 13, 12. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. August 2nd. Wait, I'm forgetting something. Our 10th anniversary show is still,
Starting point is 00:06:48 and will be for sale for a long time up on Veep's. If you wanna hear us talk about the wonderful Jim Caviezel and our guest is. Go to Veep' slash The Dollop with James Adomian. James Adomian. Yeah, check that out. You get your money's worth, go get it. Money's worth. Thank you it. Money's worth.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Thank you to the doll heads too. All the people who threw the doll heads on stage. Our fans. August 2nd! 1881! Yeah, my lord. J-Town. By the way, J-Town.
Starting point is 00:07:25 By the way, J-Town is selling fire flame decals for your car or bike, if you wanna get those, or you're bored. Oh, you know what else we should say? Go listen to the pastimes, because we have Randy Bly from Lamb of God on our show. How do you say his name? That's great.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Randy Bly. May Otis on our show. How do you say his name? It's great. Randy Bly. May Otis was born in Storm Lake, Iowa to Matilda and William Otis. William died before April 1885. So under four years, she had a dad. Good. That's great. And then Matilda- More than you had. Okay, then Matilda got remarried
Starting point is 00:08:06 The new family moves to Minnesota as a teenager may may is attractive and a lot of a lot of dudes are into her When she was 16, she married a Canadian gent Augustus when she was 16, that's when you do it. That's when you're married. It's 1881. She's lucky she lasted that long. Augustus John Weiland, and then they moved to South Dakota where the marriage just fell apart. And May said she left him because he was a gambler who would get mad and then she wouldn't when he wouldn't give her, she wouldn't give him money. He'd get all angry so she she couldn't take it anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah. Okay. So not a great gambler. So when they split, she was pregnant. A gambler of her own? And then she had Ruth Angelina Weiland on July 25th, 1889. Soon after, May got a letter saying John had been shot and killed in California in a fight over a mine, some mining stuff, mining business.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Okay, sure. It was just standard. Mind your business. Is that what they used to say when you'd be like, that's what you did? We work with miners. Mind your business. That's right. Mine is our business.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Mind your business, boys. That's right. Mining is our business. Does this happen? Does this happen? I don't know. I'm getting there. Yeah. Come back to me. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no, I probably won't. May then goes to Minneapolis and leaves Ruth with her mom. This is just good. This is just good. She's Ruth's mom. I mean, she's like 12. So of course, you don't want to have a baby. Right. This is just good. This is just good. She's Ruth's mom. I mean, she's like 12.
Starting point is 00:09:45 So of course you don't want to have a baby. Right. So she may meets a guy named Rudolph Schultz and then they get married on July 1st, 1901. How old is she now? She's 1901 something. Yeah, she's 20, 20 years old or 19. She's a month under under 20. Christ, two marriages under 20. That's pretty good. It's pretty good
Starting point is 00:10:07 May did not tell Rudolph. She had a daughter Okay, kind of thinking leave out Yeah, you know, it's not a big thing. Yep. No, so Ruth's mom moves to Washington State and May starts pestering Rudolph to move to the northwest so she could be closer to her mom and her daughter that she doesn't know about little sister. Ah, yes. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yep. Yep. By 1905 they're living in Portland and may visited Ruth often but did not tell Ruth she was her real mom. visited Ruth often, but did not tell Ruth she was her real mom. Have I told you this? That this is in my this happened in my family to my brother? Seriously? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:53 This was like my mother had my brother at young, teen, 18, something like that. And because it was not a, you know, at the time, not what her parents wanted to hear, and she was working in London, my brother was raised to believe that she was his sister until he was like, my brother is, for the amount of things that happened to my brother, my brother is the most chill motherfucker of all time. I mean, granted, they didn't have a fart chair, but yeah. And then they just one day were like, all right, look, update. I would just say this, that in the future, I think all families will have a fart chair.
Starting point is 00:11:40 IKEA starts selling. Ikea starts on it. It's a repatriate. Okay, so by 1905, I already did that one. Ruth thought her grandmother is her mother and Rudolph is a waiter at a Portland hotel. May really like to spend money. She was very into spending money. She demanded 125 of his 150 a month income for her use. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:15 What is she buying? Well, that's what you're supposed to tell me. Oh, in 1906, May told Rudolph that she found evidence that her first husband, John, is actually still alive, not killed in a mining accident or mining fight. She should stop sniffing around this and mind her business. She said that meant her marriage to Rudolph is over. Null and void, because the first one is still active. It's true, but I think she's lying. I don't think it is true.
Starting point is 00:12:49 But it doesn't modernically dissolve the other one. It just means now you're married to two people. Yeah, but it's like putting a hat on a hat. It's like, yeah, but you still, the main hat you're wearing is like that first hat. But you're still wearing two hats. Yeah, but the hat that's touching your scalp that's your main go-to hat is that hat. That's not a rule. That's your first hat.
Starting point is 00:13:10 That's not a rule. That's not a... It is. Shut up. What do you find if that was the thing that ended the podcast? Super weird. I don't know, it's like kind of the dumbest argument I've ever heard. Things start out fine.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Dave was talking about his dad's fart chair. Dave talked about how his brother was raised to believe that his mother was his sister. And then this hat thing just blew up on him. It's just like in the press. Like, look, I'm not going to get into it, but the first hat you wear is your main hat. Dave can't see that, screw him. Dave Anthony seen walking out of Nobu with two hats on, a clear sign to Reynolds.
Starting point is 00:13:51 He's not that good. They call me Two Hat Anthony now. It's crazy what he's doing, to be quite honest. So, it would be... So it's a sin for them to stay together if she's married to the first guy. Right. He's like, please stay, please don't leave me.
Starting point is 00:14:11 She refuses and she leaves. And John is actually alive. Oh, okay. But May left Rudolph because she had met a new guy, Fremont Everett. So she used the John thing as an excuse, May left Rudolph because she had met a new guy, Fremont Everett. So she used the John thing as an excuse, but in actuality she was going.
Starting point is 00:14:31 She's not even going back to John. She was three bro in it. She's going with Fremont. They call it three bro. Right. He was a rich lumber tycoon. So you can understand, I'm in her corner at this point. Yeah, he's got wood money
Starting point is 00:14:45 He's also married which is you know can be considered problematic. Yeah, but she's already got two husbands. She does like So that's kind of a perfect setup for her because she can get money without the pulled marriage She likes money. Yeah, she likes money. We all do I'm a huge money guy. Yeah, you're big big in the money. She likes money. Yeah, she likes money. We all do. I'm a huge money guy. Yeah, you're big. Big in the money. I love money. Everett wrote her love letters on company stationary as you do and sign them with his real name. Smart. Yep. Smart. I don't know what can go wrong. Most rich guys are smart. Why not? We just what I don't know. People have such a hard rich guys are smart. Why not? We just, why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:25 People have such a hard time covering their affairs. Just Dear woman, I'm cheating on my wife. It's like changing the photo on your phone to your mistress's picture. Yeah, right. The screen. Your home screen. The home screen.
Starting point is 00:15:39 So he allowed her to take pictures of them together. So May got the court to let her divorce John, and Rudolph is still super into her. And five years after she left him, he, Rudolph is still begging for her to come back. This dude's, this dude's hard up. He's really, yeah. He need to be in his life. Time let it go. He's the second hand. Yeah,. He's really- He moves on. Yeah, the time to let it go. He needed me in his life. Time to let it go.
Starting point is 00:16:06 He's the second hat. Yeah, or third. And you know what? She got rid of the first hat and he's still second hat. That's not even close to a thing. But the hat that she's wearing now that's closer to her scalp is technically him. But she's got another more important hat
Starting point is 00:16:26 on top of that hat. Okay, so that, nope. Nope. What? Why? Absolutely not. Absolutely makes sense. Your whole hat, fucking, it's bullshit now. No it isn't. It's not bullshit at all. If it's a hat on a hat and the second hat is on top of the first hat, then that's the fucking hat that isn't part of the equation is what you said before.
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's how, yeah, but she's flipped the hat script. She's that's Dave, we do this show because it's interesting. And this woman has completely changed the hat paradigm. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've never hated anyone more. Are you exaggerating? So, um, may finally petitions for, uh, to get an annulment from Rudolph and that happens in 1912. So she's done with Rudolph. One hat.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Cord records show may now had property valued at $50,000. It's a lot of fucking money for back then. now had property valued at $50,000. It's a lot of fucking money for back then. In 1915, May marries a singer, George Blum. So she's still seeing what's his name, the lumber tycoon guy. Fremont Everett. Fremont. She's still seeing Fremont.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And now she's got a new guy that she's marrying. And she keeps the affair going with Fremont Everett. Fremont. She's still seeing Fremont. Yes. And now she's got a new guy that she's marrying. And she keeps the affair going with Fremont. Right, because he's still married. Yes. So Bloom had just got a $3,000 settlement for being injured on the job. Okay. The settlement was listed in the paper and he met May right after that. Interesting. Are you trying to say something, you devious little monkey? Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm. Okay. He's not a great guy.
Starting point is 00:18:19 In 1912, he had been arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor girl. It was the third charge of that offense that year. Oh my God. May didn't care. She did not care. She marries the guy. She wants the money. But the marriage is quickly over as Bloom goes to prison because of the whole minor charge thing.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Right. On his prison form, he said he was single. So, that'll tell you something. I can't go in there tied down. Imagine that. Can you put me in the singles wing? What's that? How does this work?
Starting point is 00:19:01 Is there a little, is there a mixer cell? Men only. Wait, what? So Ruth is now an adult. She's one of the hottest young ladies in Portland. She gets a role starring in the first motion picture made in Portland. Wow. Right after she got a part in a comedy short, the films were hit. Portland, people love them in Portland. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:29 But the film company was set up and funded by May just to make Ruth a star. And May even wrote the screenplay. Okay. I mean, so outside of Portland, no one cares about the movies. It's a financial disaster. May had put most of her money into the movie. Wow. So then May's like, I'm going to take a roof to Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And she goes to Fremont. I don't want to call him Fremont because that's a town. So she goes to Everett. Oops, that's also a town. So she goes to the Tycoon. And he gets in her apartment and everything in it. 25,000 all in. She's set up.
Starting point is 00:20:20 So in 1918, May and Ruth move to Los Angeles and May tries to get a job as a director, but no studio hires her because that's crazy. So she has no experience? Well, she does have experience, but making those couple movies. Are you saying it's crazy? Why is it crazy to you? Because if you make your own movie and then you're like, look, I can like if you pay for those couple movies. Are you saying it's crazy? Why is it crazy to you? Because she's a woman, sexist prick. If you make your own movie and then you're like, look, I can,
Starting point is 00:20:48 like if you pay for your own movie and you're like, look, I can do this. Of course my daughter was in it. Like it's all bad. Well, yeah, it depends on how good the quality of the project. Probably not good. Oh, I'd love to have a look at it. So, um, she's upset. She's talking around the house. Uh, then she starts reading the Bible a lot. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Ours and our greatest screenplay. Yes. Ruth is making money working as a taxi and quote, Oriental dancer. Taxi dancer is a girl who dances with men for money. And taxi girls were known to make money as sex workers after the dance hall closed down at night. Okay. Oriental dancers were basically exotic dancers, but on a stage. Okay. Don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I don't know. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, I mean. Well, those are the names that they use. Sure. Okay. Great. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:54 So Ruth meets a railroad clerk, Edgar Rickenbaugh, and they get married in 1919. Okay. Then May got married again. How many times has May been married now? This is four? I mean, yeah, it's gotta be four. Four and she's still seeing Everett. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 So her last name is now Holmes, but no one knows anything about Mr. Holmes. But she's. Holmes. But she's may Holmes. Okay. Okay, strange. After a couple of years, Ruth's marriage is not going well. Jack is very jealous and they're fighting and his wife's dancer, which he doesn't like. I love those guys. Gotta love those guys.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Marry someone. She's a dancer when you met her. Yeah. What? She's a dancer when you met her. How dare you? Yeah. You betrayed me with the thing that you did before I came into the picture.
Starting point is 00:23:00 You were supposed to be different once I married you. You should change. So they end up splitting because of his jealousy. They can't afford a divorce, which is a little expensive. So they just agree to live apart. May is just staying at home. She's not really ever leaving the house and she's reading the Bible all the time. She's just full Bible.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Sure. In 1922, Ruth told a new man that she had met who was a field hand, that she was writing a book with her mom that was going to explain the origins of the universe, the purpose of man's existence, the nature of God and how to find hidden treasure. Finally.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Ah, there we go. There's a little seed we can water for some time. The combo. Holy shit. The classic. A lot of stuff. Yeah, yeah. They all go together. I love that it's a lot of stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They all go together though.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And I love that it's also a treasure map if you turn it over. Yep. That's right. So that'll be good. Well, here's how they knew. Here's how they knew all this. An angel was telling them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Uh-huh. Yep. Yep. Okay. So yeah, good. So yeah. No, I have no problems with this. Yeah, no, there's no... It's stuff you have heard and believe to be true. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's just some little gossipy angel. That's right. Write this down. Write this down. So the field hand, he borrows money from his employer. And he
Starting point is 00:24:50 gives it to Ruth, so she can pay for a divorce and then quit her job. Okay, so she can divorce Jack and quit her job as a taxi. slash. Yeah, not gonna say it to answer. Yeah. sexy slash, not going to say it to answer. Ruth then tells him that she and May had quote, been commanded by heaven to create a new religious order centered on the book's teachings. I told you that once. That religion doesn't exist yet?
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah, well it's about to. I feel like we already have that one in a couple of shades. Well there's always new versions. I mean what I do like about this new one, treasure. Treasure. Treasure. Like golden plates and stuff. Yeah yeah. So they're obviously gonna need money for this thing that they're coming up with. Sorry, no they don't. They just go to where the treasure is. So that means she's gonna have to go back to dancing. But they know where the money is. She's gonna have to go back to the dance.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Seems strange. So the field hand dude can't have that, so he borrows and scrapes up money wherever he can. He's just trying to get money to keep her from dancing. Starting to see how this religion finds its treasures. Over 150 bucks. He pulls it and Ruth is like, I'm going to pay you back all of this when the book is published and start selling like
Starting point is 00:26:20 hotcakes because people are going to buy this book. Absolutely. But then the book keeps being delayed. Well, that happens though. Just sit tight. I mean, good Lord, you're going to get your money. Yeah. Yeah. And the boss of the freelance boss is like, look, they're paying that money back, bro.
Starting point is 00:26:40 You need that money back or you're going to get fired. I need the money. I think I'm going gonna have to start dancing. And then the Field Man's dad goes to May and demands money. And May and the dad argue. Not a good look when you're a grown man and your dad's like, Give my boy his money back definitely not after may contacts the field hands mother and said she would kill the field hand if the dad comes back check Check. Wow. His dad gets home, I gave her a piece of my mind.
Starting point is 00:27:31 She's gonna kill him. You can't go back. The field man gets fired and he joins the army. Now Ruth and Mae. It was quite a move by them. Yeah. Really changed the trajectory of this field fan's life. It certainly did.
Starting point is 00:27:50 It certainly did. Ruth and Mae decided to go back to Portland where they have good reputations and they're known. They move in with her mom, stepdad, and herbrother, and the Blackburns. So May starts telling people that when she was a child, a quote, spiritual dove and mental voice was with her wherever she went. Pretty ordinary, that's just normal.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Well, I mean, I'm kind of waiting for the twist because I mean, I had a baby dove. And a voice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then when I was like three, it was a pigeon. Uh huh.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yep. And then I still have a pigeon that kind of guides me on most of my decisions. I have a spiritual fart chair. Your dad still sort of lives in it if you think about it. Yeah. His soul lives on. It would have smelled better if he had died and stayed. It's really the worst thing I've ever heard. No, it's pretty... And the stuff, the way we're talking about it is awful.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And it's just like, dare I say I feel bad for your dad because the idea that he would have something. Hold on. Let me get through it. The idea that he would have something like that and then, you know, to tell to tell that story on a podcast after you're dead is like, yeah, it's kind of a nightmare. So we all have our our legacy. Yep. That's right. Yeah. The old FCS legacy. Yeah. Yep. So, so they're living with the Blackburns. She's got the spiritual dove and the mental voice. And Mesa's Ruth also has the exact same gift. Sure. So the voice had appeared as an angel when they were living in LA and the angel said quote, I am Gabriel and you are the two
Starting point is 00:29:50 witnesses. God has chose to announce the end of the world. Crazy. He's coming in hot. So the and then Gabriel is a big angel. He's one of the talking about a big shot. Yeah, he's a big angel. He's one of the yeah, we're talking about a yeah big shot. Yeah, he's a big dog Apparently the Gabriel the angel Gabriel
Starting point is 00:30:10 Would come by every night Get that I mean look I know he's a big one, but you got to be like Here he is again Hey Hello again Hey, hello again, ladies. Hey, Gabe. I come with big news. Big news.
Starting point is 00:30:28 We were just going to bed. Well, what do you say we burn the midnight oil a little bit? I'm really tired. We got to dance tomorrow. We got to dance tonight. I've got big news for everyone. You guys have your pens and paper? Okay. I feel a little frisky.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Hey. Okay. So this is what we did last time. But look, should we make some bread? Where are your wings? Almost repaired. The guy's like two days away at this point. I mean, it's been like a year.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I know. This guy screwed me. He kept finding different things wrong with them. You know, first he said it was the cartilage was off. So we fixed that. But now he says there's a feather coverage issue. So once they fixed that, I guess they have to order the part from the dealer.
Starting point is 00:31:28 All right. Well, I guess let's go to bed to bread. Let's make bread. Want to watch? All right. I'll let you guys go to bed in one second, but you get to pick one or two dance moves. I have one's called. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:31:44 One's called Hawaiian Sl slice and the other's called fart chair. Well, obviously a Hawaiian slice because they're both fart chair. This podcast is sponsored by Squarespace. We both love Squarespace. They got a lot of tools. They make stuff super easy. They do websites. They're an all-in-one platform. You're an entrepreneur.
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Starting point is 00:33:22 It's great, it's sexy. You can have video collection. You can host video content. Or what about a merch store? Organize your video library and showcase your content on beautiful video pages. We are about to add using, we are about to probably add a merch store to our dollop store.
Starting point is 00:33:36 We are going to add a merch. And yeah, you can do custom merch right there on that. Thank you to Squarespace. They got all that. They got the whole ball of the wax. We have all our websites at Squarespace because we love them, both emotionally and sexually. Okay, they're gonna have a problem with that.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Head to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch, go to slash dollop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Boom. Garrett, we are also brought to you by. Sorry, my name again? Garrett. We are also brought to you by Aura Frames.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Mother's Day is coming up, mothers love pictures. What a great thing to get for them is a digital frame that you can just send them photos from your phone. So they're popping up. So they're sitting there. I don't know if you have your, my mom's tied up in a shack and she, but she can see the videos. I mean the pictures.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I sent your mother an aura frame with just tons of pictures of me. Awkward. It's awkward for everybody, but at least she finally got a picture of a person. Yeah, that's what I'm saying Yes, you can keep them up to date on stuff You know parents are you know they're always wanting pictures, and they want pictures of the kids and everything else so But for Mother's Day great great idea right now Or has a great deal for Mother's Day listeners can save on the perfect gift by visiting to get $30 off
Starting point is 00:35:07 plus free shipping on their best selling frame. That's A-U-R-A, Use code dollop at checkout to save. Terms and conditions apply. Go get it. Go get it. And we are also brought to you by Airbnb. Now look, there's actually a couple times a year when a big group of my oldest friends
Starting point is 00:35:28 and I, and they are old, get together and we will rent an Airbnb and stay in it for a few days over like a holiday weekend or something like that. It just always makes the experience a lot better because, you know, we're in a home. But on the road, if I ever have the choice between a hotel or an Airbnb I always go Airbnb just because it's better. I like a home over a hotel. But recently I did start thinking well while I'm gone can I turn my place into an Airbnb? And the answer is yes. It can be as easy as putting your place up and then having a little more scratch
Starting point is 00:36:00 generated from someone staying at my place while I'm on the road. So whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something more fun, your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how and how much at slash host. So Gabriel in those evenings, he would dictate the book to them. So boring. So Ruth may show the book to them. So boring. So Ruth may show the book to the people in Portland. As proof.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Because they wrote something down. Yeah, the book's in a trunk. As you can see, it is written down. So this angel is visiting us. It's parchment paper bundles. They're all tied together. The writing was, quote, unintelligible metaphysical gibberish. He's hammered when he comes over.
Starting point is 00:36:49 He's really hammered. The other day, he just told us how to make spaghetti. I don't know why I had to write it down. And by the way, you don't make spaghetti the way he said to. No. He said you put the raw pasta in your mouth and drink a bunch of water and slush it around. Yeah, that's not. So. So. So this is, this is their, this is what it is.
Starting point is 00:37:09 There is a fourth dimension and it made new realities, but Adam and Eve had fucked that up, so everything is out of whack. If it could be fixed, humans would live forever. And Ruth and Maynew what to do, but they needed more people to help with their divine mission And if you join it is it's huge you you live forever You learn the lost measurements of Solomon and it's gonna help you find gold and diamonds What are the lost measurements of Solomon? How do you not know that? Solomon and it's going to help you find gold and diamonds.
Starting point is 00:37:45 What are the lost measurements of Solomon? Come on. How do you not know that? Half a baby? How do you not know that? How many courts in a Solomon? It's when it's a height thing and then around the barrel of the chest. So it's bust?
Starting point is 00:38:10 Yeah, that's correct. You're calling... so bra sizes are your Solomon's? Yes. I'm going to look it up. Some people are screaming at us because they're like, how do you not know the lost measurements of Solomon? Let them scream. Let them scream. The lost measurements of Solomon refer to the dimensions
Starting point is 00:38:28 of the temple built by King Solomon in Jerusalem. Oh, okay. So that's... Okay, or as I call it, who gives a shit. Yeah, yeah. The realtor. Apparently people care about that. Once humanity is fixed with this information they have. Yeah, yeah. The realtor. Apparently, people care about that.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Once humanity is fixed with this information, they have. Fourth dimensional information. Quote, a royal family of the chosen 11 would be established. Oh, okay. So 11 get picked and they're, I would call it, if you're religious, I would call it their hot ass, hot ass. Sure. Right. The royal hot asses.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah. Okay. Much like the dirty dozen. No. What did your dad have? Oh, fart. The fart chair. I got it. If James Fostein does not draw this fucking beast chair,
Starting point is 00:39:28 it's just the worst thing I've ever heard. I think everyone should listen to this on a date night. Oh, my gosh. This is one of those ones where you're just like, someone's like, yeah, listen to it. The show's horrible. What is that show? The show's crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:44 horrible. What is that show? It's just crazy. Um, so the chosen 11, it will be Ruth, May and 11 women. So that's 13, but I don't really get the, and they're going to reign over earth as queens. Okay. They would get marble palaces and gold and diamonds that were currently hidden under the ground in Bakersfield. Absolutely. Well, clearly Bakersfield eventually finds that and taps into it. It's just, why would you do Bakersfield? Well, because I don't know what's so funny for those of you listening Bakersfield is one of our best cities in California It's like if a fart chair became a town
Starting point is 00:40:35 Bakers feel But also I don't understand this idea that it's like hey, okay. Yeah, we've got this huge You know idea that it's like, hey, OK, yeah, we've got this huge, you know, biblical windfall coming our way and we get palaces. It's like, what is the deal here? Are you living forever in the fourth dimension or you just need nice homes? And there's gold on the ground in Bakersfield. Bakersfield.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Bakersfield. What if Gainesville was worse? Oh, my God. What if a man with a metal detector became the city? The only town that Bakersfield looks down on is Bowling Green. Yeah, which we've been to and is horrible. If you dig far enough in Bakersfield, all you'll find her teeth. That cry. What are these? Okay, so they're going to be... each queen would get a harem of 11 kings.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Each one gets 11 kings? Would the woman actually want 11 dudes bothering her? No. No. Somehow, I wouldn't want a harem of that women. It's just all like, okay. Well, no. I mean, this joke has been made before, but the idea of when, you know, if you martyr yourself and you go to heaven and there's like 500 virgins, you're like, what? This sounds like a fucking nightmare.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah, total nightmare. Somehow, Mae found people in Portland who are into this idea. There was Jenny Toy and her husband Arthur. They were in. Arthur and Minnie Knight were in. Arthur is such a cuck. Howard and Margaret Schutt, Floyd and Dorothy Miller, and then Martha and William Rhodes. She was a Christian science practitioner. But they didn't get 11, though. They just got some. That sounds like they have 10. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Well, you need 13. That's 10.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah, but I thought it was 11 women. Oh, that's right. So that's five women and five dudes. So you're short, but it's a Bakersfield dozen. So there were some really disturbing rumors about the Rhodes. Martin William. One was that they had a son who had died when he was nine, but they refused to give him a Christian burial and instead buried him in their front yard. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:43:01 That's fine. Okay, that doesn't bother me. Another rumor was they held ceremonies at the grave at night. Okay, so it's about that again, which is, you know, a little stranger to do it every night, but whatever they're grieving. In 1909, a Klamath, Klamath, Klamath doctor wrote in a local paper that Martha claimed she could heal the sick and raise the dead.
Starting point is 00:43:28 She said she had come back to life five times. Oh, fuck me. You're really, this is, you're bringing up, like you already have your own ideas about the, the diamonds and gold under the ground and the live forever stuff. You're really bringing in a kind of crazy factor into your thing when you're like, I'll have someone who's been reincarnated five times. Well, not reincarnated, just real live.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Real live five times. Yeah. No, it's so it's like you're playing with fire. Let me just say you've already got your own. It's not. Yeah, it's a it's like you're you're playing with fire. Let me just say you've already got your own It's not yeah, it's a different feels weird. It's like pardon the pun Dave. It's a hat on a hat It is a hat on a hat and by the way the one that doesn't touch your skin the top one. Yeah The fart hat at some point the roads met May and they hit it off. Sure.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Because how could they? They were like, boy, you are out of your tits too. We should get coffee. You are really a frickin nut job. Now, May. Oh, well, I should point out I'm a little groggy today because I passed away yesterday and had to re-bring myself up. Now, May is really into the Rhodes 14's 14 year old adopted daughter, Willa.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And she gives Willa a leadership position and said she was a priestess and the queen of the order, or and queen of the order, not the queen, and queen. So she's a queen of the order. She's one of the queens. But by the, okay. So you have 11 to 13 queens essentially. I do. No, this person, this like chapter.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And so there's no point in being a queen. Doesn't matter. No, no, it matters. Doesn't not matter. Because if everyone's a queen... Not everyone's a queen. There's 11 queens, I think. 11 queens, okay. 11 queens and you have 11 kings and harem. Yeah, but I'm saying if your title is queen and it's all queens. There's only 11 queens. It's not like everyone's a queen.
Starting point is 00:45:37 There's only 11. So it's still a sweet gig. This is our dumbest conversation and I remember Fart Chair. I remember the hat conversation. Stop. That was a winner. So she called Willa the tree of life. That's a lot to take it. 14.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yeah. You're four. It's hard enough to be a 14 year old kid. Now you're the tree of life. Like who can deal with that? And that is a big part of their fix the world sort of thing. Tree of Life, like who can deal with that? And that is a big part of their fix the world sort of thing, plan, mumbo jumbo. Basically, the Tree of Life is the key to it all.
Starting point is 00:46:12 She was saying Willow was the link between man and God. Jesus. That's hard to take, that's hard to take in. You're just dealing with acne and other stuff. Yeah, you just wanna play with your friends. Yeah. When May and Ruth had enough followers, they made a charter. The group was named the Divine Order of the Great Eleven. Martha Rhodes brought a friend to the Great Eleven. His name was Gale Banks.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And he was sent to Boston to the Church of Christ scientists headquarters to get the great 11 recognized as an official church scientist group. That didn't really go that well. Banks, he's kicked out of the church and he had been a church member for 25 years and they were like, what the fuck are you doing? Get out of here. Can't we have, we're Christian scientists. This shit's already fucking nuts. And he had been a church member for 25 years and they were like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:47:05 Get out of here. Can't we have a work Christian scientist? This shit's already fucking nuts. What are you bringing to the party? Well, we're just, it's 11 Queens. So we just got the 11 Queens and then each one of them is 11 Kings. That's not, we believe in something totally different. We're going to find the bounty of treasures that are buried beneath the soil of Bakersfield.
Starting point is 00:47:22 No, where? Bakersfield. Yeah, I get it. I can see you guys rolling your eyes and puffing out your chests a little bit, but guess what? Beneath the earth's crust in Bakersfield is a bounty of treasures your minds can't even fathom or process. I'm talking about emeralds and gold. Hold on. I got really hung up. Potentially a big pirate ship filled with coins. It's going to be like the Goonies, but in Bakersfield. Okay. I got really hung up on Bakersfield.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Why? Because it's Bakersfield. Like you're- Yes, but beneath it is a bounty of beautiful treasures. Why didn't you just say Fresno, dork? Like what? That's not where the treasures is. God, we're never-
Starting point is 00:48:02 Aren't you Angel Gabriel? No, Gabriel came in and he talked to these women may Gabriel look Gabriel came in and he told us all about this. Okay. Look we even have a dove that raised you Where's your inner voice? We started our own thing here Christian scientists I understand you know what we didn't do include Include Bakersfield. Do you know why? No one's going to buy it.
Starting point is 00:48:26 It's a bad fucking script. It's a bad script. Go back, do a rewrite. Do a solid rewrite. No, there's no rewrite. Gabriel gave us the notes. You laugh, you sit there on your high horses, but have any of you ever even bothered to till or drill in the soil of Bakersfield to see what's beneath it? Yes, Bakersfield
Starting point is 00:48:46 Do you know what's under there? Yes, like dog and rat bones There but beneath those if you dig even further then there's human layers of Arby's roast beef wrappers You will find emeralds and diamonds. I don't think so. I don't think so. Well get out I am get the fuck get the fuck out of here with your bullshit Bakersfield weirdo religion. You will regret this. Does Greyhound even stop in Bakersfield? I don't think it does. Greyhound does not stop at Bakersfield. Okay. Because you can't, on account of all the treasure beneath it. Nope. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:35 At this point, May is splitting time between LA and Oregon. She's sending followers in Portland down to live in LA and she starts having a relationship with her stepbrother Ward. She's 40, he's 20. He greased his hair back, he trimmed his eyebrows into thin slits and had a Fu Manchu mustache that went below his jaw. So he's like, ready to go. Look I'm going full weird. I'm gonna take weird up to 50. Hey Ward, what's going on with you? I'm dating a 40 year old. She's the queen. I decided to be very angular. Yeah. He would wear dirty clothes for days on end
Starting point is 00:50:27 He's not he's not smart. This is not a bright guy A schoolmate called him quote subnormal Okay, who wouldn't who would have sex with that He's also over to be a child molester We've got a lot of those on this one have a little sex with that. He's also rumored to be a child molester. We've got a lot of those on this one. But May is delusional, she's self-absorbed, she's probably a psychopath.
Starting point is 00:50:54 She hates being touched. Like you. Only Ruth could touch her. Also, May had an odd fascination with young girls, women like Willa, the 14 year old. The tree to the heavens. May once approached a woman in a store and asked her to give her daughter to her. May I have your daughter please? Hello?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Hi. What? Hi. Hello. Hi. What? Hi. Hello. I would like... We're just buying some novelty soaps. Hi. The little girl? I would like that.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yes. Well, she will have a couple of soaps too. The soaps that she has? I would like... I believe there's... I would like the child. One's shaped like the Eiffel Tower. You'd like the child to what?
Starting point is 00:51:42 I would like to take the child. I would like the child to be... To where? First of all, no, but to where would you like to take her? Well, first of all, Bakersfield. Because she needs to find... She actually has an allergy to Bakersfield. The gold and diamonds that are there. She is going to be the Bush of Life.
Starting point is 00:52:00 And... No. She's going to live forever as long as she's with me. If she's with you, she's going to live forever as long as she's with me. If she's with you, she's going to die soon, probably next week. Okay, take her. Can you hand me that flower off the top shelf? I already said you could take her. So if you're trying to distract me, there you go.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yay. Have her. There you go. Bye babe. Enjoy Bakersfield and the eternal life you will receive once you're there. May told the woman she would dress the girl like an angel and the woman was like, yeah, I'm not really actually going to do that. It's my daughter.
Starting point is 00:52:33 So another time May stopped a car in front of the house where a child was playing May's driver got out and walked toward the child and the neighbor came out armed and the driver ran off. Fine. We'll leave it. Jesus Christ. All we're trying to do is steal a kid. Christ.
Starting point is 00:52:54 It should be out. Chain it up if it's not allowed to leave. Anyway, May and Ward get married on January 11th, 1942. So she married her stepbrother, who's a freak. Great, good for him, he sounds fine. I always love that where it's like, okay, so you have the pathway to eternal life, another dimension, gold and all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:53:18 and you weren't able to take a kid out of a yard. Remind me again who's at the helm of your plan. You know what I mean? Like that driver like, man, wish we could have gotten that kid. Well, we're dealing with fourth dimension stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Okay. So May Otis is now May Otis Blackburn. And in the spring of 1924, May Ruth and the Blackburns moved to Los Angeles. Ruth finds a new fella as she was one to do. 17 year old Samuel Rizzo, she's 24. So Sammi had served nine months in jail for bad checks.
Starting point is 00:54:01 They get married on May 24th, 1924. Sam's mom, pretty cool with it, quote, we did not hold it against Ruth that she was of a different religious belief when she married Sammy. And by religious belief, I mean completely batshit. I mean that they believe that there's treasure in Bakersfield So now up until now The people may attracted were very down on their luck kind of blue-collar types who were just needed a break Very desperate for a break. Can I make a prediction? Go ahead. We're about to get a Richie. Oh interesting
Starting point is 00:54:42 So these guys when they hear there's diamonds and gold in the, they're in, right? Who? Any guy she brings, people she brings in, they're like hearing diamonds and gold. So, May needs, like you said, rich people who have actual money. Yeah, affluent morons. They need a nice place. They... Yep, always. A millionaire rented a three story ten room home in the Wilshire district to May.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And May turned all the rooms into apartments for her disciples. Okay. Which I've done before. Walter and Ward Blackburn bought a building and set up the Walter J. Blackburn publishing company. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And started turning out a pamphlet. Seventh trumpet of sorry, seventh trumpet of St. Gabriel. Okay, so they got a pamphlet business. Yeah, well, there is spreading word of business. Yeah, well, they're spreading the word of the, uh, yeah, the Bakersfield. Yeah. Samuel Fort quote, May shared with a baffled public her insights into the four varieties of flesh that form the seamless body of the universe of the 70 chosen ones linked by conquered to the prophecy of st. Gabriel and the inability of any person to exceed the age of 10
Starting point is 00:56:14 due to the cycles of the universe and there's also seven sacred dogs in there somewhere she's talking about like you mix you're mixing all these beings up to sort of like a biblical power ranger. It's a seamless body of the universe. So it is, it's like you're taking a bunch of flesh and you're kind of mixing it into like some sort of weird Frankenstein. I don't know if they're mixed there. It's I mean, it's hard. I can't.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Well, Dave, explain to me what sort of flesh is stitching together this beautiful deity. Well, it's her insights into the four varieties of flesh that form the seamless body of the universe. There's four varieties of flesh. Four, that, four of the, you should know this already. Did you not go to school? I do know it. No, I have this pamphlet.
Starting point is 00:57:01 One reporter described the pamphlet as unfathomable. So you want me to explain this, but this is bullshit. What did you think? Can we get a quote for the back of the pamphlet? What do you think? Yeah, my quote is what the fuck? Impossible to process. Thank you. Even with all the mocking, her people stick with her.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And one woman said she was, quote, a dynamic individual, richly endowed with personal magnetism and persuasive eloquence, capable of swaying the minds of those less gifted. By the way, that is like the idea that you're complimenting her for anything. And you're really like, boy, can she just spin a yarn on an idiot.
Starting point is 00:57:44 really like, boy, can she just spin a yarn on an idiot. So May also worked with con artists who would help her fake miracles. Wait, fake? Are you saying that this isn't real? No. Because I'm in. One con man made piles of gold magically appear, but then the piles would disappear. Why? Because the cult members had sinned in their hearts.
Starting point is 00:58:20 May also told members that God would punish them if they left. I think that's pretty standard cult stuff. Yeah, no, I gotta keep Ruth and sammy's, uh marriage starts to fall apart if you can believe that I wonder why Ruth is now quote the royal warder of the purple robes Cool Um, that means she's like big shit. She's Right top dog Cool. That means she's like big shit. She's right. Top dog. Being a Catholic, Sammy isn't really treated great by the cult because he has weird belief. Catholicism? A little weird, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:58:56 You believe that bullshit? Well, he won't take part in the rituals and he wants Ruth to leave the cult. So that's not great. In July, 1924, they argue and he slaps her. He tried to slap the cult out of her. I assume. Not okay. So, uh, then he leaves. She says he left and never came back after the fight.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Okay. That's not true. What do he left and never came back after the fight. That's not true. What do you mean? He came back? May went to a pharmacist who's in the cult and asked her to come to the house. Then May said the angel Gabriel had told her to kill Sammy with poison. It's a fucking angel. From the pharmacist. The angel's kind of a dick. Strange.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah. Hey, it's me. We need to get someone to make poison. Okay. We got to kill Sammy. What? Okay. He's just such a dickhead. No, he's... So sick of his bullshit.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Okay. Also, can you... So sick of his bullshit. Also, can you get a bunch of pineapples and some knives? I'm just really fed up with his shit. We're going to start poisoning a lot of people, by the way. This pharmacist could be big for us. What's the pineapple thing? I just feel like a bunch of pineapple. Oh, okay. Yeah, well hang it up
Starting point is 01:00:26 Then people come over if they're swingers So let's get the pineapples and some knives and a bunch of poison, okay Okay, see you later Do you get some cush Get a little cush Get some cush too. If you can get some Kush Get a little Kush Get some Kush weed. Okay We're gonna make a gravity bong. I wish you would stop talking. Yeah. Hi fucking this motherfucker Jesus fucking Christ. Yeah. What about him? I talked to him this morning
Starting point is 01:01:02 So the so the maid tells the pharmacist this and he's a little like, ah, that's not a great idea. I'm kind of trying to help people. I try not to kill. It's not my thing. And may assure the pharmacist quote, don't worry after he is dead, he will come back to life. I will resurrect him after I publish the great six seal.
Starting point is 01:01:22 So that's that solves that issue. Oh, I forgot about the Great Six Seal. I'm going to bring him back so no one's even going to... Right. Yeah, it'll be fine. Should we just talk to him first before we kill him and have you bring him back after the Great Six Seal? No, it's not that we're doing it.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Well, here's what I don't like about the first plan, and I trust you and I believe in you so much, mate, is that... and I trust you and I believe in you so much, May, is that it's like in the third, in the dimension we live in now, it just could really be traced back to me. Oh, well, here's the thing. May said she needed a poison that could not be detected in the body of a drowned man. Right. So you're following where I'm going with this. Yeah, it's just a lot.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Is this coming from Gabriel or this is you? I mean, we thought Gabriel was saying Kill Sammy for sure. It's Gabriel. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't. And we're gonna make it look like a drowning. Well, Gabriel, this is when Gabriel said it, I went like this. Oh!
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yeah. And his whole, the whole problem with him is that he slapped Ruth and his Catholic. Well, and Gabriel's not down. But the drown him will poison him and then throw him in water. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. It's just so excited for this fourth dimension. So I really. Yeah, no, I don't wait to get in there and it'll be good. Muck it up. So the pharmacist is like, I don't know what could do that. Like, I don't know what substance could do that. And May is like, we'll go find one.
Starting point is 01:02:52 So May asked the pharmacist, a month later May asked the pharmacist again. She's like, well, you got the thing, the goods? And the pharmacist said she saw Sammy at the home then. And this time May wanted a substance that would rid him of the teachings of the Catholic church and allow him to accept the ways of the great 11th. So now she wants a different poison.
Starting point is 01:03:15 She wants a poison. The one that'll knock the Catholicism out of it. Yeah, if they could get rid of the Catholic. Do you have a poison that gets rid of Catholicism? God damn. If we had a poison that could get rid of religion, we would solve a lot of shit in the world. And then not harm them. So that's the...
Starting point is 01:03:35 So get the Catholicism out and then not harm them. The pharmacist is like... I mean... That's really... I don't know. I'm really like... I don't know if it exists to be honest. But it has to be actual poison.
Starting point is 01:03:50 OK, so just can I just run you through what you're pitching me real quick, just so I make sure it's clear? We want to get a pill or some sort of powder that will make him not Catholic. And we want him to stay alive because then we get rid of the Catholicism. But also we want it to be a poison. Yes. And the poison that will kill him and make it look like a drowning?
Starting point is 01:04:11 Well, no, we moved past that. Oh, we did. Okay. The lot's been coming at me. I guess that was a one. So the pharmacist doesn't want to kill someone. I completely get the pharmacist's problem here. He's like, man, that fourth dimension sounds awesome, but it's just like, wow, I don't
Starting point is 01:04:30 know, making a poison. The murder thing is a... It's a murder. It is a murder. May said, quote, remember you have sworn to the Holy Ghost, and if you reveal one word of this to a living soul, your bones will crumble and you will drop in a heap. And the pharmacist is scared and agrees to do it. My bones will Jenga?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Yeah, your bones are gonna Jenga, Jenga bones. So she and her husband talk it over and they decide they actually don't want any part of this. And then the husband was like, well, you should demand $750 that we gave to me back. I mean, if we're going to leave this fucking cult, what this is no, just get the fuck out. Go. So the pharmacist tells me to return the money or they would go to the district
Starting point is 01:05:24 attorney and tell them all the shit that's going on. Run. No, you're going to die. And May screamed and then said the pharmacist should leave her husband who was clearly not meant for her. Which is like, that's obvious. If you listen to the story, that guy's fucked up. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Oh yeah. The pharmacist's like, I love my husband. And then May called a male cult member in and told him he was going to marry the pharmacist. This is your wife now. Do you see how it works? We always solve a problem. Do you understand? We're always finding solutions, which is just so great over here.
Starting point is 01:06:07 And then the man said, I'm already married. Yes, I know you are. Your wife is no longer your wife. We're kicking her out and she's going to marry her husband. It's called power couples. Gabriel told me all about it. Mary, May said, well, okay, so you're going to marry again. You're going to double. Yeah, we got a new one for you. Don't even worry about it. Yeah. The man, quote. But mother, first it was Mary, and now I'm married to Nettie,
Starting point is 01:06:31 and now you're telling me it's Eleanor? And May said the angel commanded it. So Gabriel's like, you're going to marry this new one. He comes in, really, he just makes, he's just, his decisions are like, you know, all over the place. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He needs Adderall. I'll just makes, he's just, his decisions are like, you know, all over the place. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He needs Adderall.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I'll be honest, he's been drinking. Yeah. Yeah. So then she's, get the pharmacist the single and she'll marry Hank. And that'll be good to go. Okay. So the pharmacist runs for it. Smart.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Uh, and she gets back to her husband, but now they're scared. They're scared of May. Terrified. So they give her this harmless concoction and they say it's poison. Okay. Um, and then they quit the cult and they just bailed. In August, 1924, two LA Times reporters interviewed May and they said,
Starting point is 01:07:30 the reporters said the grade 11 members were in a circle when they arrived. There was, quote, a Negro couple, a Miss Stewart and her 15 year old daughter, a young man who answered to the name of King Gale of the Four Winds and another man who was King Arthur of the Four Horsemen and his wife Queen Nellie. Oh my God. King Arthur and the Four Horsemen, party of two. Your table is now ready.
Starting point is 01:07:58 It's like he walked into his shitty D&D group. Yeah no, seriously. So this article can't be that long. What can I call you for short art? I go by King Arthur of the Four Horsemen. That's the short version. Can we go with horse art? That's the short version.
Starting point is 01:08:16 That's that is the short version. That's my that's the nickname. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, cool. King Arthur of the Four Horsemen. I heard you.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I heard you. And he who hath taken the blade from the lake. Excalibur or some bullshit. Right. Great. Well, not bullshit. No or whatever. Yeah, no, I'm saying it's impressive, obviously.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Yeah. That's good. Good for you. But please put that in the paper. Yeah. No, that's... Yep. Everything seems on the up and up here, that's for sure.
Starting point is 01:08:45 May and Ruth told the reporters about the angel Gabriel and his messages, and they showed the writings to him, right? All those writings that are all wrapped up in the paper. Thousands of pages. Thousands. But they wouldn't let the reporters touch them or read them. Then Ruth did an Egyptian dance while someone played the piano. This is how you do an interview.
Starting point is 01:09:12 This is like worse than a Charlie Sheen interview. Yes. Yes. Right. Yeah. The Times chose not to print the story. They're like, no one. Why would the fuck would you not do that? Because they're like, no one's going to believe this. But that's what you do.
Starting point is 01:09:34 You're like, look, I went over to Mae's place and holy fuk. So after two months, Mae tracks down one of the reporters, who is a woman, and told her Gabriel had appointed her Queen of the Great Eleven, but it didn't work. The story still didn't happen. Oh, cool. Yes, he's very excited to have you in the group, but he would really love to get that article printed, especially the part about the Egyptian dance. And by the way, King Arthur and the four horsemen and his wife are a little
Starting point is 01:10:06 peeved too. Yeah, all the horsemen are. Yeah, the horsemen are all pretty upset. In August, oops, sorry, I heard that. Sammy's family starts to worry about their missing son. starts to worry about their missing son. So Sammy's brother, Frank, who was 16, goes to the house. And he's told Sammy had hit Ruth and then left and they never saw him again. Franklin asks if he could work as May's driver. He wants inside acts. He's trying to figure out clues. Yeah, but he's like, so he's like, where's my brother?
Starting point is 01:10:50 And they're like, he hit Ruth. And then that was last time he saw me. He's like, ah, can I be your personal chauffeur? What if I have a job where I can hear most of the stuff you say? Like obvious. Oh, OK. May I drive you everywhere? I guess he got it. So when he found Sammy's, when he found Sammy's stuff,
Starting point is 01:11:13 which proved that he didn't run away, he goes to the cops. But the cops came to the Rizzo's house and just said, Hey, keep quiet. You know, keep it down. to the Rizzo's house and just said, Hey, keep quiet. You know, keep it down. It's not. It's so, that's the ultimate ultimately be moment. This keeps happening for hundreds of years. No, no, no. We're trying to find our son and his stuff's there. Hey, is there a crime going on here? It's amazing that you took the time to go somewhere and it was to our house. May and the Blackburns moved to a new house in Los Feliz.
Starting point is 01:11:55 On August 8th, 1924, May ordered Jenny Toy to be chained to her bed for 75 days because the angel said she needed to be quote on point. Oh, okay. Okay. So we're just gonna saw her. Great. Okay. This is where the phrase on point. I'll tell you what, if this Gabriel's off or not the real Gabriel, boy, we're gonna have some egg on our religion's face. Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. No, for sure. Jenny's also fine with it.
Starting point is 01:12:27 She's like, that sounds like if you want to keep me on point, that's a great way to do it. 75 days is nothing. That's perfect. She would later say being chained to the bed were some of the happiest days of her life. Absolutely. But there's other people. We can find people that would agree with that.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Everything's fine over there. Yeah. Joy! Yay! I'm drinking to a bed! And having the best time. Can someone empty my waste bucket? Oh God.
Starting point is 01:13:00 So the Rhodes finally leave Oregon and come to LA in November 1924. William not as into the cult as, but he still gives into the move. He's like, okay, I'll go. Look, you want to be near your cult? Okay, fine. All right. As long as I can watch the game on Sunday. He's also married to a woman who thinks she's died and come back to life five times.
Starting point is 01:13:30 And of course, young adopted Willa is still a queen of the grade 11. When they arrived, grandma Jenny gave Willa seven puppies as a gift. And you tell me that doesn't have meaning. You tell me seven puppies? I'm worried about this thing is taking off. Baby. And are you telling me that you don't think we're pretty close to heaven after getting an armful of puppies? Then come the seven seven puppies. He gave us seven puppies and on the Thursday seven puppies give us
Starting point is 01:14:02 to the willow. Willow. And a woman is still chained to a bed. Yes, and a woman's chaining enters day 48. Oh, Christ. This is a crazy house, man. No, I don't agree. Um, on Christmas Day, Willa is sick.
Starting point is 01:14:25 She's got an ulcerated tooth. And Martha had been a Christian scientist, so she is not gonna take her to a doctor. Yeah, that's what she's gonna say. And this happened to a friend of mine recently, ulcerated tooth can lead to blood poisoning. It went into his heart and he almost like died. Like this is like, you want to take care of your tooth.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Well, but also have some respect for God. Or just go to Beggar's Field. Yeah. So Willa's throat becomes constricted. She has a fever. Her face is swollen. She's getting better. This is all God's way. Yep.
Starting point is 01:15:02 And Martha is like, well, since she's not getting better, then God obviously wants her dead. Sorry, babe. He chose. But she goes to Willa and she says, look, not all bad news. You're going to be resurrected. Yeah. This is going to pass pretty quickly.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Yeah. Yeah. And Willa dies on New Year's Day. She's 15 years old. And came back on... Sixth of... On Jan 6th? We're gonna bring Willa back from the dead.
Starting point is 01:15:40 So Martha immediately tries to resurrect her, but May is pretty clear that's not going to happen until the book is published. Guys, can you imagine standing around a body not moving being told it's resurrecting and then May is just like, it's not going to happen until we get the book printed. How is that? Well, it's all about the publishing date. Say what? It's just random house is pretty specific.
Starting point is 01:16:07 They said actually the contract that we're not able to resurrect it to publish. So the cult talks about what to do. Some want a barrier, some want to cremator. May said the angels told her Willow would be resurrected so they couldn't turn the body over to authorities. So that makes sense. That makes total sense. You can't. But by the way, the jurisdiction of resurrection will not function if the police are involved.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Right. And also the book. Again, I have access to the fourth dimension, but we can't bring her back if the cops know about it and if we don't get this book published. Pretty weird. I mean, it's all hangout on Harper Collins. Let's go. Another hangout was that the resurrection would not happen until after Passover when the great sixth seal book is published.
Starting point is 01:17:05 So that's the day of the passovers, the publishing day. It might have been good to tell Willis some of this before she was dying. Totally. It's probably gonna be about six months because of some legal stuff. So May has the body removed. She tells him to remove the body from the Blackburn house
Starting point is 01:17:20 in Los Feliz and they put it in a car and they prop it up between a couple of people in the backseat and they put it in a car and they prop it up between a couple of people in the backseat and they drive it around. Just imagine being one of the people who's got his blanket. But this is kind of what happened with that cult that was in Kauai and then went to Colorado. They were driving around with a corpse. This was a couple of years ago. Oh, I know that one.
Starting point is 01:17:43 It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. And they were like, couple years ago. Oh, I know that one. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. Yeah. And they were like, they were like, she's fine. But she was like silver. She's silver because they were putting shit in her. They were silver because she was having so much silver. They were like, tell you what, am I the only one who thinks she's getting a little better looking? She's been dead for a month and a half.
Starting point is 01:18:02 So in the house, the bodies, they drive her to new house. In the house, the body's the driver to new house, in the house, the bodies put on slabs of ice in the bathroom. Keep it fresh. Got to keep it fresh. Yeah. Which makes no sense again, for a resurrection. No, you got to fresh. Keep it fresh. They have specialized for bodies for resurrection bodies. They have resurrection ice. You can get it at 7-Eleven. for resurrection bodies. They have resurrection eyes. You can get it at 7-Eleven. May then said the puppies had to be killed and laid next to the body because they were... Dave, it's called Christy gnoming.
Starting point is 01:18:37 They were hinges to Willa's heart. Oh my God. I mean, imagine being there for that part. We gotta kill the puppies. Wait what? Yeah, puppies gotta go. Oh wait no. Yeah no.
Starting point is 01:18:51 No no no no no no. No because they're bridges to her little heart. So, do you understand? I feel like some of you don't understand how this all works. I don't at all. So let me walk you through it one more frickin time. Okay. Willa's coming back. Okay. She died from a blood infection, but God decided that's what should happen. She's coming back. Okay. Yeah, we got that. Okay. We got to keep the body on ice.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Okay. Great. For a little while. Yep. Because we can't let the body, we can't let anything happen to the body or she's going to come back all weird and wonky. It would smell, well I think that's gonna happen anyway based on what I'm looking at. No, but we want her to look as good as possible when she, shut the fuck up, listen to me. I'm just saying, she doesn't look. Shut up. She's gonna look great, okay? Okay. We just need to wait a little while. Okay. Once we hit Passover, the book, okay, dummy, gonna come out. Okay. And then it'll be time. Okay. Okay. But what things, other things that are gonna fuck that
Starting point is 01:19:56 up, if the cops know, if anyone goes to the cops and starts telling them. Yep. If it starts rotten. Mm-hmm. If it just becomes gross. That's why just becomes gross, that's what we're putting it on. Well, 7-Eleven has resurrection ice. Look who decided to come back to the brain party. Okay. Now someone help me kill these seven dogs. What are you talking about? Because they're British. They need to go because they are not going to. Look, every single thing you said made sense until the end. Every single thing you said made sense until the end. I admit the dog parts a little weird. It doesn't make sense. They're puppies. They need to die so that we can make sure that we can keep her going.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Hey, can I tell you some good news? I might be able to go with you on this if they were work dogs. The puppies are going to be brought back to life. Okay. Well, I'm in. I'm totally in. Okay. Have you ever seen Pet Sematary?
Starting point is 01:20:55 Or read the book? I have. It's been a long time. It's a Stephen King book. Yeah, I know Stephen King. Yeah, they don't come back right. Hmm. So, have you read Monkey's Paw? The Monkey's Paw?
Starting point is 01:21:06 It's a book. I know the short story. Yeah, the short story. Again, he doesn't come back. He doesn't come back great either. Well, but they just they don't give him a chance. It sucks to have to use your third wish. I've been like, no, no kill him. It sounds great. I mean like everything everything you said, I love him. Like, awesome. Yeah. Just like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:29 We want to make a lot of money. Your son's dead. We want him back. Your son's here. Kill him again. Boy, these wishes were not great. Gareth, they killed the puppies. Are we about to do an ad?
Starting point is 01:21:44 No, Will's body was later put into a bedroom. Good. So she is gonna be in nice surroundings when she's resurrected, like it's really nice. Yeah, yeah. And remember, she's the tree of life. So she's supposed to be the portal through which mankind is gonna receive immortality.
Starting point is 01:22:02 So she's important, She's important. Yeah. On February 6th, 1925, it comes to the day May said her book, The Seventh Trumpet, will be released. By the way, I bet you that morning she woke up and she went, It's gonna be May. It's not released. What? And that's the same day Ruth is questioned
Starting point is 01:22:26 by the LA prosecutor's office. He's not happy about the great 11 pamphlets that are out there and he wants to know how the cult is living and what the leaders are doing. Nothing. Chill, dude. There's nothing going on here, weird. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:22:41 A week after the questioning papers report that a metal box is found in a field in Topanga Canyon. Big deal. Inside of it, photos of a couple and love letters from Fremont Everett to Maine. Buried love letters, sure. The LA Times makes the connection. May then happily answers reporters questions and she says the box was buried a long time ago. And it's a coincidence that it's found just after Ruth was questioned about the Ammonian stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:20 It's a coincidence. But she did it. She wanted to throw the prosecutor off from how she was really making money. So that's Fremont. Fremont is denying that there's an affair. I don't know how, I don't know. She must've just left the box not, like it was just, it just must have been in a field.
Starting point is 01:23:47 She knew people would find it like probably near a trail or something that people walk by. And she was like, oh no, oh my God, they discovered it on their lawn. And so she wants everyone to think she's getting money from Fremont. Right. And he's like, he's like, we're not having an affair. He denies everything. So the cult is actually just making money from members. Like Clifford Dabney gave 45,000 his
Starting point is 01:24:12 oil rights and even a truckload of chickens. He gave 45,000 oil rights and the truckload of chickens. Garrett, this was a I don't know if you're aware of this, but the Los Angeles at the time was a chicken based economy. Right. And that was the currency. Is this how El Pollo Loco starts? Exactly. Well, I could also throw in my truck of chickens. OK, yeah. Like, how do they get there?
Starting point is 01:24:42 How do they get there? But those poor chickens The roads gave 30,000 Nelly banks gave 11,000 the shuts gave 25,000 and these are they just the ones that are known about All together 2.6 million in today's money. Oh, fuck. It's a lot of fucking money, a lot of fucking money. Mary Stewart gave 25,000 and her house in Santa Monica, and that's where the cult goes next. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:14 2327 Main Street, Stewart also gave May her own house close by, and now they had to move Willa's body to the new place. Well hopefully that ice is helping. Yeah, well you just put it in a van? Well the one thing about ice is it doesn't turn into water, so it's probably not going to just become a kind of spongy gray bit of matter. At all, not gonna. So they decide to build a secret compartment in the rear of the house that is just big
Starting point is 01:25:49 enough for a bathtub that they would fill with ice for the body. Fucks. I mean, just like just you and another person in the cult having a minute alone. We're like, hey. cult having a minute alone where you're like, Hey, does that all seem weird that they're like, uh, we got an ice tub for Willa? Like, I mean, you know, I usually- There's a little rinky dink for something where we're talking about going to the fourth dimension and we got an ice tub for the worms.
Starting point is 01:26:17 No, I usually go along with stuff, but this one seemed a little off the beaten path. There've been a couple of red flags along the way, but I'm like all about this fourth dimension. But I'm also just like, these are really the chosen people when the best solution they have is they just gave her like a, like we'd use an ice. Yeah we're cold tubbing a body and it's not great. You know what I mean? Yeah. That would seem great.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Yeah. Anyway, I'm still down. Yeah, yeah, no, for sure. I guess I'm gonna have to narc on you. So yeah non non-believer Sammy too, they call you. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not Okay, so miss Rhodes builds two coffins one for Willa and one for the puppies She seriously is like the puppies are coming back? Fuck me. A puppy coffin. Oh, fuck. So the body and the puppies are- It's like in Dumb and Dumber where they fill a briefcase full of IOUs.
Starting point is 01:27:19 The body and the puppies are moved to Santa Monica and they're put in the compartment. And many of the cult members don't even know that that happened. Just a select few. The ice deliveryman bought 600 pounds of ice a week. Because it must just be like the back of the house just must be melting. There must like it's going to be a water. Yeah. The water's got to go somewhere. Yeah, it's ice.
Starting point is 01:27:45 It's the neighbors have got to be again. It's like, so you are the chosen people and you've got to keep ice on a body like it's an appendage. You're going to reattach. They told the deliver man that they were meditating. We're having a kagger. We're having all kagers all thegger! We're a frat! We're having all keggers all the time.
Starting point is 01:28:08 We're a frat! They're saying that it's melted ice for baptism rights. They're melting. You mean, let me, hey man, not to bother you, but they sell a cheaper version of that called water. Yeah, but it has to be new water. Yeah, you can has to be new water. Yeah, you can get water from somewhere. No brand new. Like I just melted ice water. That's how. 600 pounds a week. How many babies you dunking? Yeah. No, we're doing a lot. What? It's fucking thousand a week. Like a whole bunch of puppies worth.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Yeah. What is this? I'm just thinking of measurement things. Oh, is that a Solomon measurement? That's like in England they have like a stone, you know, a stone, weight, wide, but this is like older than that. It's puppy, puppy, puppies. I'll tell you what, you're a real interesting dame. Yeah, it's good to see you. Would you like to?
Starting point is 01:29:02 No. You want to be part of a harem or I'm out of here No, you're not May had the roads by a small house in Venice and Then she says that they'd need to bury Willa Apparently the was with all the ice well apparently she's now's now, she's like, well, like the resurrection, because the book's been published. So now she's like, well, it's way off. The resurrection, it turns out, is going to be a while.
Starting point is 01:29:34 So two men dig graves under the floorboards and they build a trap door so Willa could get out when she's resurrected. You got to have a door. If you don't have a door, then it's just you're it's fucked. Like you need a door. I assume with a handle that you turn. I mean, at some point you've just got to be like, what are the rules of her coming back again? I'm just trying to figure out like what their parameters are.
Starting point is 01:30:14 So Martha is set to a druggist with an ancient formula for embalming. Hi. I don't know where they found that. Can you film my embalming prescription? Which she then puts on Willa's skin. That body's gonna be starting to stink now. They put Willa back in the coffin with her knees drawn up to her chest and her hands crossed. Which is how... that means you're ready. So you want that for when the resurrection happens. So you can spring up.
Starting point is 01:30:40 In like... what's your pop-up time? What's your corpse pop-up time? She's gonna wake up doing a burpee. up in like, what's your pop-up time for what's your corpse pop-up time? She's going to wake up doing a burpee. Um, the puppies are put back in their coffin and they put them into the ground under the, the house in Venice. And from that day on the roads would sleep in a room near the daughter's body as, uh, Samuel Fort wrote, quote, a box and a box of murder puppies.
Starting point is 01:31:12 So it's just a room underneath it is a box of puppies and a body. So the grade 11 cult is really bringing in new members. It's a fucking hot cult by 1925. This place fucking stinks. That's a great space, but boy, oh boy, it ain't easy on the nostrils. There's over a hundred new members. They are spread out in houses all over LA. They're doing rituals at night. It's a whole, it's a fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:31:48 And, uh, there, uh, there's animal sacrifices. Uh, so they have these seven pup, uh, fucking insane. Well, once they killed the puppies, they probably had, she probably had to be like, we got to kill animals all the time. Like, it's like these puppies, we got to keep alive. Hey, let's kill these cats. There's burials, those exhumations, exhumations where you dig them up, they bury them, they dig them up, bury them and dig them up. It's called the ground hokey pokey. It sounds like the rituals are irritating neighbors who are saying they're called the cops. I don't mind if you're just burying, digging, redigging, reburying, but can you do it during
Starting point is 01:32:26 the day? Yeah. Yeah, no. No. A little loud. So May decides that she's going to create a colony in Simi Valley and a rich cult members buys them 164 acre piece of land. There's no houses, just tents pitched all over, which is like an awful rocky land.
Starting point is 01:32:50 It's fucking useless land. And they use fire for heat and lanterns for light, and they have to carry water buckets long distances. How long until we get to that new dimension? I'm like 58. There's no roads. Over a year, they built the road. Takes them a year.
Starting point is 01:33:14 And then they start building buildings and they built their Golden Throne Temple. Inside is a shrine where the Lord's furniture set was. He likes an Ottoman and a loveseat. And then two remotes. Apparently, apparently everything. Does anyone know the Lord's Hulu password? Make sure that's all set up when he's here.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Apparently, once everything is ready, uh, a white Messiah would appear. They have a five, get the furniture set up and like, okay. And he said, here we go. Um, there's a 500, left the pillars again. There's a 500 pound throne. Fuck. Angel. An angel had told Mary how to build it. So they knew they had the right specs. The only black guy in the cult, they assigned to guard the temple. He's like, I'm going to get murdered for sure.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Are you kidding me? And May and Ruth had a cabin built for them called the Watchtower. And it looks down on the animal stalls, some of whom are sacrificed. Some are not. There's a horse named Biff who was sacred, sacred Biff. There's then there then there starts to be. A rift in the cult. And shocked that it has taken this long. I know right.
Starting point is 01:34:54 It's between Martha Road member. I said Martha Rhodes fucking she died five times. It brought all the baggage. Well, she's the problem her and may start having a problem. Because you can't bring in someone like that. Everyone's got to be fresh. Nobody's died before. It's just... Well, Will is dead.
Starting point is 01:35:11 But she just died once in the cult. You don't want people who came into the cult being dead a bunch of times. Sure, right, yes. Martha's unique. So, they've always had tension, Martha and May, ever since they... Because they were like too... She just won't stop bringing up those resurrections.
Starting point is 01:35:30 I mean, they were kind of like two cults of merch, right? Martha had brought in her people. So Martha's all about raising the dead. That's like her thing. And May was more about the reborn mankind and universe stuff. Right. The two very specific normal angles. more about the reborn mankind and universe stuff. Right, the two very specific normal angles. Yeah, yep. So 1926 becomes a real problem. And May creates two religious groups on the Simi Valley land.
Starting point is 01:36:01 The Divine Order of the Royal Arms of the Great Eleven and the Church of the Divine Science of Joshua, the branch, the headstone of the corner. It seems like she named that one, that name is longer so people wouldn't go to it because you just don't want to say it. Or it was like the guy was writing down and he kept looking up like, it doesn't make sense. Like say it like you keep adding on a little. So what's the second one called? The Church of the Great Divine.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Okay, great. Science? We'll get some, oh, the Church of the Great Divine Science? Science of Joshua. Sorry, the Church of the Great Divine Science of Joshua. Yes. Okay, so we'll get some signs made up and then we'll get those up there. Is that going on?
Starting point is 01:36:53 Comma? Comma? The branch? The branch? Sorry, the Church of Divine Science of Joshua, comma. The Church of the Divine Science, comma. The Church of the Divine Science. Sorry, comma. The Church of the Divine Science, comma. The Church of the Divine Science.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Sorry. You got me messed up now. Well, no, but you're... It might be lengthy. Sorry. Sorry. The Church of the Divine Science of Joshua, comma. Comma. The branch. Branch. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Okay. Comma. Okay. Well, I Okay. Okay. Okay. Comma. Okay. Well, I feel like, can I just say as a... The headstone. Okay. So, the church of the divine science of Joshua, comma. Yeah. The branch. Yes. Comma.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Yeah. The headstone. Okay. Of the corner. Of the corner. Of the corner? Of Joshua, of the branch, of the headstone, of the corner. No, no. Just corner.
Starting point is 01:37:56 The church of the divine signs of Joshua, comma, the branch, comma, the headstone, of the corner. Comma, the headstone. Okay. Okay. There'll be big signs. So we'll get those, we'll get those going. The other one's smaller. The other sign's smaller. Yeah, no, the other one's better. Yeah. But only because this one exists.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Yeah. What? Thank you. So it's pretty similar to Christian Science. The new religious group got its Articles of Incorporation on March 29th, 1928. Guy approved that? Yep. Hey guys, we're incorporated! You're an S-Core.
Starting point is 01:38:42 On February 3rd, 1927, colony neighbor Lewis Volz disappeared during a rainstorm. And happens. Her husband said she had a rain complex, which meant when it rained, she would go out and turn her face up to the rain. By the way, she's not in the cult. This is just a lady who's a neighbor who lives nearby who when it rains, she goes out and turns her face up. Like who does that?
Starting point is 01:39:16 Doesn't an animal do that? A bird? Isn't there a bird that does that? Sure. So they, so people start to think, well, the cult kidnapped her. And, uh, Lois was never found. And the circumstances did sort of point to an abduction. So there's, um, a young man whose parents are in the cult.
Starting point is 01:39:41 He's in the cult. They're all in the cult. And one day may ask to see him. are in the cult, he's in the cult, they're all in the cult, and one day May asks to see him. And she had given him the name King of Peace. Quote, King of Peace, I have been assigned a mission by an angel for which you are needed. And he's like, yeah, sure, I could do that.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Sure, yeah, this makes sense. You're like an angel secretary. This has been going good. And she said, quote, it is God's will that you will be shot. Can I talk to someone else? No, they get, uh, angel Gabriel, you know, once he says stuff, it's kind of sad. This worked out really good for Willa, by the way. She's. Yeah, no, I saw her in an igloo below the house, so that's good. She's gonna be here. So there's the idea that I'm gonna be shot and brought back?
Starting point is 01:40:35 Just in the foot. Oh, ha ha. Boy, talk about burying the lead. Ruth and May drove him to get bandages. And then they went to the colony and shot him in the heel. And that was it. They did that. And so, but the thing that happened, the thing that came out of that from that day forward, King of Peace has a lot of resentment towards May, because she shot him in the foot for no reason. It just doesn't make any goddamn sense. How's that blood going?
Starting point is 01:41:13 One Grade 11 member had a paralyzed sister who was unable to speak and in constant pain. May decided they would cure her and had a brick oven built up on a tall hill overlooking Simi Valley. We're going to bake her. So that's what she would see when her health returns. The oven is then heated up until it is quote, searing hot. And the cult member carries her sister and puts her in what the fuck what she can't she can't speak and she's in pain she can't speak
Starting point is 01:41:57 she's cooked and she dies uh in under an hour they said in under an hour they said. Hey guys, cult's off the fucking rails completely off the cult's completely off the rails now You just have a leader who's like one of us like to shoot some in the foot one of us like to cook a person Like you have a fucking lunatic. Let's build a brick oven and we'll slide her in like a slice as Soon as May realized she was dead she jumped into her Lincoln and sped off. This woman is on fucking real. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:42:37 I guess like, I later. The brick, the brick oven was taken apart and the bricks were used to make a path to one of the cabins and they got they somehow got a corner to sign off that it was a normal death. That's that's eugenics. That's a fucking that's a corner who's like they were like she's better off. I guarantee you that's that's fucking just a eugenics. That's a fucking that's a coroner who's like they were like she's better off guarantee you that's that's fucking just a eugenics guy Okay
Starting point is 01:43:11 May 1928 the cults coming apart because there's some decisions being made that are not good for Honest the past five to ten minutes there have been a couple things that have perked my right there's been there's been some stuff There's been a couple ones made. perked my ears. Right there's been there's been some stuff there's been a couple ones I don't know. Yeah yeah yeah uh once right but now completely broke and in debtor's court Clifford Dabney had tried to leave May but instead she forced him to sign over an oil lease and took his royalty checks. Okay. Again, this is all on behalf of Gabriel. Right. What are you going to do? He says stuff. So one of Dabney's uncles offers him 75,000 if he will prosecute May. And he's not the only one who's thinking about reporting May, the King of Peace and Jenny Toy are considering it.
Starting point is 01:44:11 And Martha has not been able to raise Willa from the dead. So she's mad. It's not like they're not taking care of it. Like she's, she's iced up. She's fresh. Yeah. They call it fresh's fresh. Yeah. They call it fresh.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Yeah. Others are leaving because things may said we're going to come true or not coming true. Some try to leave, but they're stopped. I'm noticing that some of her predictions have been a bit off. Yeah, just a couple. A man who drove on to the colony one day said a woman jumped into his car saying she was scared for her life and then two men with guns came and dragged her off. I like that this guy left that there.
Starting point is 01:44:58 That's just like being in Hollywood now, though. Yeah, that's true. Aurelia Hilton left because members of the colony were, quote, starving. Others were completely dependent on the cult and couldn't leave. Morale, obviously really low. Morale was not great. Everyone knew Willa and Francis Turner were dead and that Sammy's missing. And they wonder if May did something to Lois Volts, Louise. Nellie Banks sent a letter to a detective in June 1929 just breaking down all the contributions
Starting point is 01:45:45 she had made and Clifford Dabney then finally leaves the cult in July. He said quote, May didn't raise the dead and there were a number of other fabrications. I don't know where to start. I mean, there's a cooler full of dead dogs. Will is gone, she brick oven to paralyzed woman. Sammy's for sure dead.
Starting point is 01:46:09 She's I don't know if you've seen the King of Sun or whatever. His name is here. It's not good. Peace. Yeah, he's living limper. We call him really not happy. King of Peace, who's furious? Morning, King of Peace. Fucking. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:46:31 He began legal proceedings against the cult. He files five lawsuits in September. He went to the police to file fraud charges. The cops hear the story and they're like, this guy's an idiot. He'd just given up. He'd given up his money. But they have him go to the district attorney and then other cult members are interviewed. I don't know why, but it was called the bunko investigation. Because it's a lot of bunk.
Starting point is 01:46:58 I guess it is bunk. I guess it's right. So they they learned of the paralyzed woman who couldn't talk, it was thrown into the fire. Brick oven Betty. But they can't find anything. Well, she was incinerated. In October. In October, the LA Times reported Marion Ruth were charged with 15 counts of grand theft and that cult members
Starting point is 01:47:25 had vanished. There's an anonymous caller who tells investigators about Willa and gave the address of the Venice house and they go and ask Mr. Rhodes for proof of Willa's death and where she's buried. Oh yeah, she's right back here. She's in the juice box cooler. She's oh, she's legally buried under the floor. Watch out. She and a tub of ice.
Starting point is 01:47:52 She might spring out if you open that door. Careful, we're expecting a burpee at some point. When they asked for proof, Martha moaned loudly and started crying. Female officer consoled her and Martha said, quote, I will tell you everything if you promise not to desecrate my daughter's grave. Yes. By the way, it's a cooler. It's a cooler. She's in a cooler grave.
Starting point is 01:48:23 So Martha spills it all. Homicide detectives come. Martha told the lead one quote, My daughter's body is buried under the floor in that bedroom there. We buried her there with her dogs, which I believe are a symbol of the power of resurrection. They were her pets and one of them died the day she passed away. We killed the other six and laid them in a row in a casket similar to the one in which we buried Willa. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Oh, you have the right to remain silent. I'm going to just go talk to a few more people who I work with and come right back. And of course she said they had to preserve Willa until Gabriel sounded the seven notes of his trumpet. So they show the cops the body and they remove the caskets and take them out to the front lawn and people look at them and photographers take pictures. They pop open the dog one. May and Ruth turn themselves in. May tries to counter Martha's statements by saying they weren't a cult, but a scientific group working on, quote,
Starting point is 01:49:34 the study of resurrection. It's a science project. Absolutely. Anyone who doesn't get that's an idiot and not going to heaven. Thank you. And everyone making charges against her are jealous. Yep. Yep. This holds up. Yep. Her lawyer's like, hey, shut the fuck up. Stop talking.
Starting point is 01:49:56 I think I'm on the path to something. They found out the names of the other people have disappeared. Now, Clifford Dabney, the guy who started squealing, he starts getting death threats. They have to put a police guard on him. Ward comes out of hiding and he talks to reporters. I wonder if he's still the same eyebrow mustache. I fucked her. She's my stepsister.
Starting point is 01:50:23 All right. You go back inside wherever you just came from Have you seen them the video fucking your stepsisters call away? Lady go away right now. Okay right now Quote I was the homeboy My duty was in the house and I remained at my point by keeping tabs of traffic in the weather When we lived on Wilshire Boulevard,
Starting point is 01:50:46 I counted and made a report to my wife. When we moved up in the Santa Susana Hills, I counted the trains. When the weather was clear, well, it was clear and I made a record of it. When it rained, I put out a coffee can and measured the water when the storm was over. So he's not, he's not there. Here's the headline we're gonna go with. Someone married this. He's not, yeah, he's got some issues. I counted the weather and I know how many trades there are. Jesus fuck, this is...
Starting point is 01:51:19 On May 16th, Ruth is released due to insufficient evidence and she refuses to leave her mom alone in jail, so she doesn't leave. Finding the cult members talk her into leaving. They're like, you know, it's a jail. You should go, yeah. At the colony, conditions are fucking terrible. Without May, there's no food.
Starting point is 01:51:43 She refuses to release any money so they can buy food. But she does allow one member to work as a carpenter so he could make money to buy the other one's food. So that was nice of her. I mean, that's called, yeah, that's magnanimous. May was convicted on eight counts of grand theft in order to pay Clifford Dabney $40,000. That's it?
Starting point is 01:52:08 He's still getting death threats. She files an appeal. It goes to the Supreme Court who reversed the decision on a technicality. No one is charged with the deaths or the disappearances. Dabney never gets his money, but he did get his oil leases back. Ruth divorced Sammy and married a barbershop owner, and he was put in charge of collecting the paychecks of the Grade 11 members who are now working in tomato packing plants. When does the portal to the fourth dimension come out. How was nobody charged with? I mean, I guess Willa died of natural causes, but because she wasn't taken to a doctor,
Starting point is 01:52:53 I guess puppy murder is not a crime then. Well, not a crime now either. In 1940, May and Ward lived in Huntington Park. At least 35 Great Eleven members lived nearby. So funny to have a Great Eleven and there's 35 members. She died of a heart attack on June 17, 1951. Ruth lived in Sacramento. She got divorced again, and then she married Lucky Williams, and they moved to Lake Tahoe with other cult members.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Ruth would buy over a dozen properties in the area, and the cult members legally swapped properties for years. And then Ruth died in Sacramento on December 19th, 1978. Man, it really is like it's. It's almost just like. You know, you should just become like a. It's such an easy path. Yeah, it's really if you hit you hit. Yeah, if you're a cult person and you nail it, you really get to just.
Starting point is 01:54:01 It's crazy. So just yeah, you just. I mean, you just... I mean, you don't have to work. These are people who like took it to the furthest... Like, there's a phase in here where she's on easy street for the rest of her life. And they just start like, you know, it's just like the messages
Starting point is 01:54:19 from the deities become more confusing. Well, she's very much like, this is like an unconscious thing of like, no, make me stop. Make you guys. Yeah. I'm pushing you to the limits. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Like it's like, yeah, the shooting the kid in the foot, like that's what everyone should have been like, okay, she's just, it's over. Puppies. Throwing the woman in the fire. Like, yeah, the puppies weren't great. I don't know about this. Yeah, it's really... Good for her.
Starting point is 01:54:52 It's really a story about love. Ah... What do you think about it? It's definitely... I mean, people, people really, they hang in there. I just, I can't, it's just the thing that people hang in there for all this shit. Yeah, it's crazy. Well, that was the story of the divine, the name of it is wrong. It's a line.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Fuck, it's Blackburn called by the divine order of the Royal Arms of the Great Eleven. Wow. Congrats. Everybody lost the main source for this. Cult of the great Eleven by Samuel Fort. Very good stuff. Yeah. Proud of you. Goodbye everybody. So long. And we are also brought to you by Airbnb. Now look, there's actually a couple times a year when a big group of my oldest friends
Starting point is 01:56:10 and I, and they are old, get together and we will rent an Airbnb and stay in it for a few days over like a holiday weekend or something like that. It just always makes the experience a lot better because, you know, we're in a home. But on the road, if I ever have the choice between a hotel or an Airbnb, I always go Airbnb just because it's better. I like a home over a hotel. But recently, I did start thinking, well, while I'm gone, can I turn my place into an Airbnb?
Starting point is 01:56:37 And the answer is yes. It can be as easy as putting your place up and then having a little more scratch generated from someone staying at my place while I'm on the road. So whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something more fun, your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how and how much at slash host.

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