The Joe Rogan Experience - #2143 - Tulsi Gabbard

Episode Date: May 1, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard is a Former United States Representative, Iraq War veteran, host of the "The Tulsi Gabbard Show," and author of the new book "For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Trained by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. Cheers. Here we go. My friend. This is the second time we've ever worked out together. I know. I feel great.
Starting point is 00:00:19 It was awesome, right? It was great. It's a great way to get the day started. It was perfect, actually. We do these, the comedian boot camps. So we did it today, we did it with Asan and Derek and Shane, Shane Gillis, and we have fun. So you get the workout in and you talk a lot of shit
Starting point is 00:00:38 and you get silly. It's really fun. It's just like real silly. Yeah. You know, we have a good time. Yeah. Yeah, thanks for the invite. It was- real silly. Yeah. You know, we have a good time. Yeah. I, uh, yeah. Thanks for the invite. It was, it was, I've been on the road for, I don't know, for weeks.
Starting point is 00:00:51 And so, you know, if you're lucky, you get a decent hotel gym, right. You got to be really creative. Yeah. Uh, most of them, the best, they'll have her dumbbells and you know, that's it. Uh, I just realized you're the second celebrity to do that with us and the second Hawaiian. Because the Rock did it. Samoan. There's something going on. Samoan pride here. Something going on with the Hawaiians coming here.
Starting point is 00:01:16 We'll have to figure out, you know, Max Holloway is Hawaiian and Samoan too. He didn't work out though. Max, last time he was here, he was just off of his wind. He gets a break after that man. Wow. Yeah, take some time off bro. I was telling you like the sauna I am definitely like from the islands because I'm okay with heat. So 20 minutes in the sauna was good, was, but it was good. Yeah. The cold, however. Yeah. That ice bath. I've done that like a quick polar plunge briefly, jumping in, jumping out, but.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And that one was at the lowest setting in terms of the jets of water. Okay. So what we have is called a blue cube and blue cube is the type of a cold plunge that has a, it has an engine in it that you can turn on to higher higher levels of waves So if you turn it like to the highest level, it's just rushing at you like a river. That's that better or worse horrible
Starting point is 00:02:14 Okay, it's horrible You never develop a thermal barrier. Okay, so if you can just like cold all cold water immersion is very good for you. It's good for cold-shock proteins nor epinephrine mood Stabilization makes you feel better all those things are good, but the still cold is much more tolerable for whatever I don't know what's better for you. See that's the question like is it better Is it just as good and more tolerable or is it better to be more to suffer for the full three minutes? Because if you turn that bitch on- Suffer more. Is the benefit proportional to the suffering is really the question, right? Yeah, I'm not sure. I'm not sure if you suffer more if you get more
Starting point is 00:02:54 benefit or if there's a point where you're actually hurting your body. You know, like maybe there's a point, I mean, obviously if you stay in the cold water too long, you'll die. That's what hypothermia is. So, but there's a level where if you just get a few minutes in, it's really good for you. So I don't know if it's better if you're miserable. Yeah, right. I don't know. But if you wanna test your mind,
Starting point is 00:03:17 that blue cube is the one to do because that sucker gets fast. That sucker gets like a river. So you're just laying in there and it's like, shit. An assault of cold water. The moment it sucks, when you climb in, that sucker gets like a river. So you're just laying in there and it's like, shit. An assault of cold water. The moment it sucks, when you climb in, that moment never changes. That's the difference. Because in a regular cold plunge, after a while you develop this thermal barrier.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And even though it sucks, it only sucks like 80% of what it sucked when you first got in. With the blue cube, it's 100% sucked. The whole ride. Sucky, suck, suck, suck. It just sucks. So it sounds like you got gotta try it at least once. Yeah. And figure it out.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Well you did the, just doing it the way you did it for three minutes, like I said, the first time I did it, I did it like a minute and 24 seconds, I was like, whoa! Well I couldn't chicken out in front of all the guys, you know what I mean? It's like, when Hassan says, well I did it three minutes to show up for the Rocks,
Starting point is 00:04:01 like okay, I'm not gonna be the one who chickens out at a minute. That's not an option well you did it you know it was good it was good it was very challenging it was good I we don't we don't have a we don't have a cold punch like okay I'm not I'm not gonna go in like fine bags of ice every single day from 7-eleven and dump in the bathtub so I just when I can I just like dump my face in ice cubes and water. That's good too.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah. Yeah, I mean that'll wake you up. Yeah. All that stuff's good. There's some pretty reasonably priced options for coolers that you could actually do in a bathtub now. So there's a bunch of different ways you should do it, but if you've got the scratch, like one of these blue cubes or something similar, Morosco makes a really good one too.
Starting point is 00:04:44 They're really good. Yeah, I can see how that feel, the after feeling gets kind of addictive. I'm sure someone will reach out to you and try to get you to use their shit. It's very good though. But it's also like the camaraderie, the fun. For sure. You have fun, listen to music. For sure. Laugh a lot. Exactly. Yeah, this is perfect. Yeah, it's a good for sure laugh a lot exactly. Yeah, this is perfect
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah, it's a good way to get a podcast started. Yeah. Oh by the way Congratulations to the marijuana enjoyers of the world because the DEA officially rescheduled marijuana to they're gonna reschedule to schedule three Wow Which still it should it shouldn't be illegal. Yes, we know that I agree but baby steps Yeah, you know the fact that it. But baby steps. Yeah. You know, the fact that it's making progress at all just shows that the, you know, the collective will of the people is being heard, at least somewhat. There was, I'm trying to remember who it was. Somebody was telling me that, like the decriminalization crew, they gave an American flag made out of hemp to a member of Congress to fly above the Capitol. Because it's a normal thing. Like, you know, I would get people when I
Starting point is 00:05:52 was in Congress calling and saying, Hey, it's, you know, my friend is retiring from the military from 30 years. Can you fly a flag in honor of him or her? And so you get a little certificate with it. And this like there are many flags that go up and down every day that are given as gifts to people. So someone did it with a flag, American flag made out of hemp, and apparently it caused major problems within the DEA and within the administration saying how dare you, how could anyone allow this to happen? It made zero sense whatsoever, but it just pointed to the backwards mindset and thinking and the sensitivity within the DEA and the government around cannabis, hemp, marijuana.
Starting point is 00:06:38 It just seems a massive lack of education, too. It's not as simple as you know you're thinking of it in connection to marijuana. It's hemp is a commodity that has existed forever. In fact canvas that writers paint on or that painters artists paint on that the original word canvas came from cannabis. It was made out of hemp. They made hemp paper is a better paper. They made hemp clothing. It's far superior to cotton. The only reason why they, this is where it gets weird. There's a bunch of things that took place that took hemp away from being a common source
Starting point is 00:07:20 of paper and clothing. But one of them was making slavery illegal. Because before they came out with the decorticator, what the primary way they used to process hemp fiber was really painstaking. Because it's an incredible plant. It's a very light plant, but it's insanely durable. Like, hemp clothing is so much more durable.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I have a hemp jujitsu gi from Datsura. And that sucker never rips. My cotton gis, they're good for like, you know, you wear them for like six months, a year, they're gonna, shit starts going. Even like really strong, stable cotton threads start going. These hemp gis are like, they're invincible. It's crazy. And hemp paper is so difficult to tear. It's like a completely different kind of paper. It makes no sense. It's an amazing rope. It's like you could use it to make concrete. They
Starting point is 00:08:15 make hemp. Have you seen that? Where they make houses with it? Yeah. My dad is a state senator in Hawaii. He's the chair of the agriculture committee. And for years, he's been the state's biggest advocate for hemp as an economic driver and and to try to help revive agriculture in Hawaii. And so he's talked endlessly about the houses and just everything all of the different benefits of hemp. He's got some hemp aloha shirts and and the whole deal. This thing that you're talking about though, the federal government and the classification
Starting point is 00:08:47 is the biggest barrier to this actually becoming a really viable and thriving industry in our country because people are growing crops of hemp, but they've got to go through all of this crazy THC testing and I've talked to people who are farmers and business people who are investing in this and they've had to throw like entire crops away because of, I don't know the details about the testing, but it just, you know, one plus one doesn't equal two when you look at the reality of the benefits of hemp and the farming process and the concerns
Starting point is 00:09:24 that they have within the DEA. So is the concern that it has any level of THC at all becomes illegal even if you're just processing it as a commodity and you're not using it? Right, correct. But did they understand like it's very valuable as a commodity? Yes. It's so stupid. This whole thing is stupid because we're always concerned about, and rightly so, about cutting
Starting point is 00:09:44 down forests to make paper. Right. Right. Well guess what? Hemp paper, you can grow an entire, like first of all it's much more viable. You have much more product. It's much more durable and you can regrow it quick. Exactly. It just grows right back again. Whereas trees takes years and years to grow them back. Hemp, you got another season. Whoop. Okay, here's the hemp plant. Grows crazy fast, super light, super durable. Yeah. Just got to think about it as a commodity and stop connecting it to marijuana. Exactly. And you're going, well, this is invaluable because this could solve a lot of our problems, especially with deforestation. And then if you look at it for building materials, like, wait, this might be the greatest building material we can use. It's incredible insulation. It's very durable
Starting point is 00:10:29 and strong. And again, renewable, like instantaneously. It grows so quick. Yeah. What's interesting, I mean, for us in Hawaii, I mean, tourism is the biggest economic driver we have. And every time there's, you know, in the post 9-11, when people weren't traveling so much during COVID, when everything shut down, businesses go out of business, small businesses are driven out because if they don't have that driver. So the conversation always comes up about, okay, well, we've got to diversify our economy. And this is one of those areas that has huge potential for a small island state like ours in Hawaii. And what's interesting is Mitch McConnell, I believe he's from Kentucky,
Starting point is 00:11:11 their state is also a state that is promoting hemp as a major agriculture driver. So there's opportunity there, but it requires a lot more education from those both in the administration and in Congress to actually take down those barriers and allow it to actually truly be an industry in America. When we first started selling hemp protein on it, we used to have to get it from Canada. You can sell it in America.
Starting point is 00:11:36 You can't grow it here. I was like, what? It's just food. It's just hemp seeds. It's really good for you. It's full of amino acids and rich in protein. And they're like, no, can't grow it. That shit's illegal.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You know what's nuts too is the military, people who are on active duty in the military, they can't put hemp seeds in their smoothie. They can't use any CBD bomb that you can buy at the freaking gas station or anything at all because of the bomb. Yeah, CBD bomb, anything that has your energy drink that has CBD kill cliff. Yeah, not allowed. You could you could seriously get punished. So they get you are caught. Are they testing blood for CBD? They they're not testing blood for CBD. So it's just illegal. So if you get caught with the product, if you get caught with the product, correct.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And their fear is like you're going to piss hot because you know, you take the, you know, random your analysis tests and everything else. But so so that I laughed, you know, I mean, again, it's lack of education, it's fear, and it's like, well, this is banned by the federal government. So the military must comply but at the same time the guy Within the army the civilian who was putting out this policy He also said you're not allowed to eat anything with poppies. You can't eat a poppy seed muffin I was gonna because you might piss hot this one. Well, you will yeah, you will like you can go to Dubai
Starting point is 00:13:03 No, if you go places where it's like seriously strict Saudi Arabia. They'll test you for heroin It'll you'll test positive for heroin. Yeah, I'm happy seeds are rough. That's scary one It's like wait a minute bagel poppy seeds Lemon poppy seed muffin what they tell you if you go in for a drug test do not eat poppy seeds before you go It's crazy Bagels right as your test right that test at a point. Yeah, how like technology? Biology like all this stuff you guys You're gonna put somebody cage for eating a bagel
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, but like for a guy in the military that could be the end of your freaking career good You could be kicked out for it. Yeah, and you know just being at a party and people are smoking and you know you get secondhand smoke and you'll test positive. Yeah. You know those tests are probably pretty rough because people definitely get high from secondhand smoke. I've seen it happen before. I've seen sober people go into a room that's filled with pot and everyone comes out like a little loopy, like you're breathing in the same air. You're breathing in pot air. I used to have a dog that I got, she was astray
Starting point is 00:14:12 and she was a little prone to anxiety as it is. And if she was in the room, when people smoked pot, she would get high and she'd get paranoid. She started hiding under tables. I was like, oh, Lucy, let's see what's that. Not good. You can see what's that. Not good. She's sad. You can see her getting pregnant.
Starting point is 00:14:27 She's like, no, she feels like the world is dangerous. She used to live on the street. So it's just, I guess it's a good thing that they've scheduled it, schedule three, but for sure, forget about the drug part. They should be encouraging hemp production in this country. It's an amazing food source. Hemp has all of the essential amino acids. It's very rich in protein. It's easily digestible.
Starting point is 00:14:54 As far as plant-based protein, for me, is my favorite one and the easiest one to digest. Just easy. It goes down smooth. It's no problem at all. And it's very good for you. And CBD is very good for you. But easy goes down smooth. There's no problem at all. And you know, it's it's very good for you Yeah, and CBD is very good for you. But forget about all the hat Just just for a commodity and for building construction and clothing
Starting point is 00:15:13 Do you know the first draft the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp? I've heard that. Yeah Yeah, like it was it was used for everything. Yeah was used for ropes for Yeah, like it was it was used for everything. Yeah, it was used for ropes for sailboats Yeah, they made sails out of it. All that's the canvas those all made out of cannabis initially. It was all hemp It's just it's it's just I mean I introduced legislation in Congress to de-schedule it completely because it shouldn't be Things how it happened in the first place the wildest thing how it happened in the first place is because it was all thing is how it happened in the first place. The wildest thing how it happened in the first place is because it was all William Randolph Hearst and Harry Anslinger. And so what happened was William Randolph Hearst who owned Hearst Publications, he also owned not just newspapers but he owned paper mills and he owned forests. So he had all these forests that they would
Starting point is 00:15:59 cut down the wood and use it to make paper. Well, if they were going to transfer over to hemp, this is going to be very costly. And the cover of Popular Science Magazine in, I think it was 1930, find out what year that cover was. It says, hemp, the new billion dollar crop, because they came up with a new machine and it was called a decorticator. And this new device was a device that allows you to effectively process the hemp fiber in a much quicker and easier way. So it's this machine that grinds it up and so once they do this they go oh boy we figured out we they've solved this problem of hemp where it's really it's very durable but it's really difficult to break down to the actual fibers. So 1938. Oh wow. So this comes out
Starting point is 00:16:44 in 1938 hemp the new billion dollar crop. And so it's the cover of Popular Science magazine. Do you see this? Do they have the cover so you can see what it says? Oh, just an article. Oh wow. Popular Mechanics magazine. I'm sorry. So the article is from 1938. And so when they come out with this, they talk about this new invention. See if you could find a photo of the decorticator, because it's like this grindy kind of thing. Is that what it looks like? Hemp the new billion dollar crop. So once they had this ability to really quickly turn it
Starting point is 00:17:21 into fibers, then big industry starts getting involved. And what they start doing is they start making these stories and putting them in the newspaper about Mexicans and black people smoking this new drug called marijuana and raping white women. And marijuana was not pot. Marijuana was a wild Mexican tobacco. It was a slang for a wild Mexican tobacco. It had nothing to do with marijuana.
Starting point is 00:17:52 So they started attaching this name to something and calling it a drug because they knew that cannabis was so ubiquitous. And hemp as a commodity, everybody knew what it was good for. So they had to come up with some sneaky way hemp as a commodity was everybody knew what it was good for. Right. So they had to come up with some sneaky way to get it through so they come up with the word marijuana. So marijuana was not a term for pot.
Starting point is 00:18:13 It wasn't a term for cannabis. It was a term for this wild Mexican tobacco. And so when they started making marijuana illegal, Congress didn't even understand that it was the same thing as hemp. And so they had to come up with some sort of a tax stamp that you can have in order to grow hemp while marijuana is illegal. And then this is like right after prohibition, right?
Starting point is 00:18:37 So prohibition ends, you got all these cops that were used to busting people like, sick them on the farmers now. And this is what happened. And then they come up with these dopey movies that are amazing to watch today have you ever seen reefer madness mm-hmm it's crazy it's like people smoking pot just jumping out of windows and killing people it's just like it has this guy smoking like about some propaganda oh it's the worst propaganda but it was
Starting point is 00:19:01 really effective like this is it I've got a few of these posters we're that I have them I have them framed because these movies were insane and they were just propaganda crime sorrow hate shame despair find the movie find a clip from the movie reefer madness we just watch it without playing but it was so nutty like and they scared everybody. Yeah. Oh my god. Oh my god Oh my god, so Understand that media has sucked forever. Yeah, just understand that this is a reefer madness So that dude on the piano he's a reefer man So that dude on the piano, he's a reefer man
Starting point is 00:19:50 The burning weed with its roots in hell With which this vicious plant can be grown in your neighbor's yard rolled into harmless looking cigarettes hidden in an innocent shoe or watch case. In this startling film, you will see dopesters lure children to destruction. We're going over to Joe's place. Why don't you come along? We have a date to play a set of doubles. Oh, you can play any time. Come on, we'll have some laughs. Can I go along with you? Sure. Hey, I'll see you dinner, sis.
Starting point is 00:20:23 If you want a good smoke, try one of these. Who will meet Bill, who once took pride in his strong will, as he takes the first step toward enslavement. Enslavement. Smoking the soul-destroying reaper, they find a moment's pleasure, but at a terrible price. Debortion, violence, murder. Reef or they find a moment's pleasure, but at a terrible price Wow, but she's gonna jump out the window Apparently it makes you act terrible too. Right. Terrible at acting. Look at this guy. Play faster. She's actually playing pretty good for someone who's stoned.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yeah. You know, imagine being hammered and trying to play that. Oh my gosh. Yeah. So this was the propaganda from, and what year was that, Jamie? 36. Wow. So this was the propaganda from and what year was that Jamie? 36 so this is all They're all like trying to stop hemp as a commodity Wow, that's really what it's all about
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah, it's really not isn't it fascinating just to see just you know the repetition of the the propaganda information Warfare to be able to serve a special interest Yeah, it's ridiculous and it's ridiculous that it's always existed. Fomenting fear and... Yeah. And that it was going on almost a hundred years ago. And what's also important about it is the problem with something like that is that now you don't trust the media, right? Now, if you don't trust the media and then you go
Starting point is 00:21:59 out and try it yourself, you don't have real accurate information. Because now there's like this, there's these narratives that have been created aren't based on truth And so you don't know where to go You don't know what's real and what's not and then you have people that tell you it's harmless and then you have people tell you Yeah, there's people like me they go Because I'm like it's not harmless. Yeah, it's not marijuana is not a harmless thing You definitely shouldn't take it when you're young and here's what's really important Some people can't handle it for whatever reason and it's most likely some
Starting point is 00:22:27 biological thing just like some people are allergic to aspirin right or whatever like there's some people they don't mix well with that stuff and there's a real connection between schizophrenia with some people that maybe are perceptible to schizophrenia. Alex Berenson wrote a great book about it called Tell Your Children. It's very interesting because there's real instances of people taking high doses and getting schizophrenic. But if we're being lied to about it,
Starting point is 00:22:56 no one knows what, who's gonna give me the information? Where's the truth coming out? Because if one group is saying that this is a schedule one chemical and it's very dangerous and then all your Friends are just smoking weed and going to the movies. You're like, well, clearly this is not that dangerous Yeah, like jujitsu people and surfers. They're all getting highly What's real here? Yeah, and because we don't have the ability to just honestly talk about things without Everything getting so weird and and like the hemp thing.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Like having a hemp flag. Like this is a problem with the DEA. Hey guys, don't you have fentanyl to worry about? Why are you fucking with flags? Seriously, it makes no sense. There's only 10,000 DEA agents. I think there's 10,100 some DEA agents. You guys got time for flags? How many pounds of fentanyl is coming through that border while we're talking? While you and I are talking, how much fentanyl is making it across in people's shoes and underwear and where the fuck they're hiding it? No one's checking everybody.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah. No, it's true. And then of course all the medicinal qualities of CBD as well and how many people and kids and just people are benefiting from that. Well Dave Foley told me that his arthritis was so bad that his fingers were kind of like locked in this position. He had a really hard time straightening them until he started taking CBD. And then it's like, it's so much better now. Just like my fingers have full range of motion now.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I know so many people that take it for like aches and pains and and it actually helps some people with anxiety too which is interesting. The conflict here is as you know you know as majority of states in the country have legalized it in some fashion whether it's medicinal or recreational or whatever all these different levels but because of the federal prohibition, essentially, you know, you've got banking, it is a multi, I don't know, multi hundred million dollar industry, at least at this point. But in order to be able to conduct business with the bank, the bank and the business owner faces potential, a potential federal charge of a crime. And so it's, you know, the second, third, fourth order of effects of this scheduling of cannabis
Starting point is 00:25:11 is very, very far reaching and creating a worst problem which, you know, is, you know, okay, so we do this on the black market, is this just becoming a cash industry or where does this go? Yeah, and the problem also is by having some states have it legal and some states have it illegal then you still open up a market for illegal sales in the country and what happens is the cartel comes in and they start growing it on public lands. I had a guy on the podcast
Starting point is 00:25:39 named John Norris and he started off as a game warden so he started off as a guy who's gonna check fishing licenses and stuff. And one day they find that a stream has been diverted. And they're trying to figure out why, why the stream has dried up. So they make their way up the stream and they find this irrigation system that's set up for an illegal marijuana grow-up
Starting point is 00:25:59 in the middle of public land in California. So then they develop a tactical team. So it goes from him being a game ward to now they have dogs and bulletproof vests. They're getting in shootouts with the cartel. So they're, because they're making millions of dollars, but they're using really dangerous chemicals and pesticides that are illegal to use on crops in America.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And they're just using that shit up there. So who knows what the fuck you're getting if you're living in one of these states that has illegal pot? Because when California changed the law and made marijuana legal recreationally, they made growing marijuana without a license. It's just a misdemeanor.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So these guys that are just doing it now from the cartel, they're like, you have nothing to risk. It's a misdemeanor and we can make millions and millions of dollars. And so they have these guys up there, they have like rosaries and all those like photos of Jesus and shit they find in campgrounds, and they pay these guys to go out there, grow their stuff, and then bring it out.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Harvest it and bring it out, and they're selling it. He said that, I think, believe, John said at the time of our podcast that 90% of all the marijuana that's being sold in the states where it's illegal is all from these grow ops, a lot of them in California, on public land by the cartels. 90%.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah. 90. That's huge. Even good old fashioned American pot growing entrepreneurs, the illegal ones, they keep up with the cartel. And this is because it's illegal. And this is the same reason why fentanyl is coming in.
Starting point is 00:27:30 The same reason, I mean, don't do heroin, kids, okay? But it should, if you keep everything illegal, you're going to just prop up the government of these countries that is allowing this stuff to come in and they're allowing people to grow it or they can't do anything about it because the cartel has so much money and so much power that the government is basically helpless and it's being propped up by Americans. 100%. It's a rough thing to deal with because we don't want to say let's make all drugs
Starting point is 00:28:06 Legal because my god the last thing you want is your kid to die of a drug overdose So nobody wants ever kids to be doing drugs, right? But also if you don't do that You're just gonna empower our neighbors to the south who happen to be drug dealers some of them and they They're making billions of dollars selling drugs to America. And you're killing kids at a rate higher than ever in recorded history. People are dying. There's 100,000 plus people every year that are dying from opioid overdoses,
Starting point is 00:28:38 which is nuts. That's so much. It's crazy that it's happening here in the United States of America. And the thing is, this is where it's hard. It's happening because it's illegal, which sounds so counterintuitive. It would, the problem is if it was legal, there would be a long period of time where it would be really bad. You know, I think if it was legal, too many people would try it, that wouldn't try it. Wouldn't have otherwise.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah, they're not going to go to a drug dealer. But if they can just go to CVS and buy heroin, like, let's see what the fuss is all about. You know? That's spooky. I think that this is the conversation that needs to be had, though. You know what I mean? It's the same thing about people unwilling to even discuss what is the right path. How do we handle this crisis that is a national crisis that's taking so
Starting point is 00:29:32 many people's lives? Yeah, that's just telling you. Tell people not to do it. Yeah, right. Okay. It's like... I don't know. Well, that works out. That doesn't work. It doesn't work. We're in a weird spot. I was in San Diego a few weeks ago. We went out kind of to film a little mini
Starting point is 00:29:54 documentary about what's happening at the border in San Diego. There's a lot of attention being put on you know Texas and Arizona but California's border is a whole different dynamic both because they've got, you know, a long stretch of border where you're crossing in and you're going straight to mountains, you know, big open spaces, but then you've got the very dense urban corridor, I suppose, where people, whether they're coming in through the water, they're just coming across the border, where they can disappear into neighborhoods very quickly. But what was there, there's a few things that were very eye opening and interesting. Number one is we know that the borders are open
Starting point is 00:30:34 because we know how many people are coming through the numbers that are being reported. I think it's close to 9 million now, just over the course of the Biden administration. What I saw there were just over the course of the Biden administration. What I saw there were people coming in and we were just driving around and we saw groups of people gathering in different locations from all over the world, illegal immigrants, and seemingly happy and going to the place where they were told to go or they knew that Border Patrol was going to pick them up and knowing that they will get processed, claim asylum, and most of them will be out with a plane ticket anywhere in the country within 24 hours. And so it's, it's, I, you know, and I've talked to some of the Border Patrol agents and, and
Starting point is 00:31:19 you know, they're, they're not allowed to say anything on the record, but just the frustration that's being felt where they can't even do their job. What is the justification for the plane ticket? They don't have the ability to house people where they are. So just like- Where do you wanna go? Is it- Utah, okay, here you go.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Where do you wanna go, New York City? And I went and I talked to a lot of them. I sat down and talked with people from Brazil, from Egypt, from Colombia, from Venezuela, from, you know, different parts of Eastern Europe, people from all over the world coming here with the known plan in this well-oiled machine. And I'm talking about this because it is very directed to the cartel, directly connected to the cartels who are being enabled in their multi-billion dollar human trafficking operation across the border by our policies, by the
Starting point is 00:32:17 Biden administration's policies at the border, which is connected to their ability to move fentanyl and other drugs across the border. And so we spent a couple of days at the border there and then went into the city of San Diego and went and started talking to some homeless people and talking to people who were clearly, clearly extremely high on multiple drugs. And we're walking around with one of the community relations police officers there. He was just plain clothes. He're walking around with one of the community relations police officers there who's just plain clothes he's walking around and keeping an eye on what's going on there but we talked to this one guy who had a crack
Starting point is 00:32:52 pipe in his hand he seemed barely conscious but we had a he was engaging in a long conversation with us and you know I was asking him about fentanyl and he's like oh yeah I take fentanyl sometimes. But I usually take it at night to help me go to sleep. I asked, like, aren't you afraid of not waking up? Like, he's like, yeah, I've had a lot of friends who died from fentanyl, but I know how much to take and I know how to manage it. And have you? He's like, yeah, I almost died twice.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And I was revived. But and then asking him, the police officer asked him, He's like, yeah, I almost died twice and I was revived. And then asking him, the police officer asked him, what would it take to get you off the street? What would it take to get you to a place where you can get some help and to get off drugs? And he said, he's a 27-year-old guy, nothing, nothing. He said, there's too many rules in the places where I could go and stay,
Starting point is 00:33:50 and I want to live my life this way. It was so heartbreaking to see him, you know, his eyes were barely open and clearly in an altered state of mind, but even in that state in this conversation. How do you help someone who doesn't want to be helped? You can't. It's the problem. I mean, you could talk to them. You could hope that they can get some information from you that shifts the way they think about
Starting point is 00:34:20 things, but the addiction gets so deep. And there's this thing that some addicts will say is that I feel better when I'm high. That it's the only time I feel good. It's the only thing good that I have in my life is when I get high. And if you take that away my life is terrible. And if you've been an addict for a long time, the longer you're an addict in fact the more that's true, right? Because the more your life is a wreck and then you're forced to deal with it when you come off and you realize, like, oh my god, I'm 45 years old and I'm a heroin addict. Like what the fuck? How is this?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Exactly. And then now you're sober and your life is in shambles, and you try to figure out how did you go so wrong? And then the only thing that made you feel good was heroin. You want to go back. You want to go back to that. And's also people like get really scared of success even success and staying sober they get scared of doing things well and They seek comfort in failure because they've they've become accustomed to failure
Starting point is 00:35:16 So if they the pressure of doing well and of like staying sober and like keeping healthy like it's almost staying sober and like keeping healthy like it's almost too much. Yeah. Just, just the maintaining the psychological, the anxiety, all the, all the fear that comes with failing that you just want to fail just so you could just feel comfortable again. Because then you, you don't have, there's no pressure. Yeah. You don't have to deal with the pressure. Yeah. It's scary. The human mind is so susceptible to so many different things, whether it's cults or addictions or, you know, I mean, we're very weirdly vulnerable to a lot of like very strange things. And a lot of these things, I think a lot of the mental issues
Starting point is 00:35:59 are accentuated by social media. I think that they exacerbate them badly. I think there's a lot of undiagnosed mentally ill people that are just killing themselves by being online all the time. Yeah, I believe it. I really do, I think it's terrible for you. Yeah, I mean it's so easy to get sucked into it. It's so easy, and people that are like,
Starting point is 00:36:20 arguing with people constantly online, like, my god, what a terrible waste of time. Yeah, when that becomes your reality, dealing with people and perceptions and measuring yourself against whatever you're seeing and all of it and you slip out of the real world and building real relationships and friendships and having real conversations.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, comparing too. The comparing is something that you and I didn't have to grow up with. Exactly. And we're very, very fortunate because especially young girls today and Jonathan Haight's work on this has been really interesting. His book, The Coddling of the American Mind is a great one. And it's all about what you could see, like exactly when social media is invented, all this self-harm and all the suicidal thoughts, suicidal ideation and suicide all goes up for girls. And it's comparing themselves. It doesn't surprise me. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It's such a bizarre thing that a person can get super duper famous just dancing on an app that goes online and then they make millions of dollars and they're like your age and you're like what's wrong with me? I'm a loser. You can't just live your life and hang out with your friends. Yeah. Everyone is in constant comparison with impossible people that shouldn't even exist. And then you and then you add the layer of AI on to that where you have complete, you've got videos and pictures of people who are a digital construct. Not just that.
Starting point is 00:37:50 People are paying to talk to them. Right. There's this guy, they found this, they were doing this study on AI girlfriends where people have like interactions with AI. This guy was spending $10,000 a month on his AI girlfriend. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. ISIS could get that guy. They just gotta find him. If they just find that guy, they could month on his AI girlfriend. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:38:05 ISIS could get that guy. They just gotta find him. If they just find that guy, they could talk that guy into anything. If you're willing to get, if you're gonna get an AI girlfriend 10,000 bucks a month, yeah, you'll join the Moonies. You'll be in whatever comes along grabs you, son.
Starting point is 00:38:21 You're vulnerable. They'll get you. But that's, you know, you look at what's happening on college campuses across the country right now. It speaks exactly to that, that vulnerability of being manipulated or, you know, sold an ideology and then grabbing onto it as though you now have a sense of purpose. Yeah. That's the problem. The sense of purpose is so attractive to people that there's so many kids that want to be so righteous and they just want to criticize and yell at other people who don't feel the same way they do. And so you're seeing these Israel versus Palestine things on school campuses.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I'm like, my God. Which brings me to, this is an interesting thought. What's your opinion on this potential TikTok ban? I oppose it. I oppose it on the grounds of free speech and civil liberties. You know, this is, speaking of fomenting fear, this is one of those pieces of legislation that's, you know, if you just read the talking points for those who support it, and it's supported by many people in Congress on both sides of the aisle, you think like, oh my gosh, we've got a national security
Starting point is 00:39:43 risk and you've got concern for our kids and all of this other stuff. But when you actually read the language and understand the implications of what this legislation does, it's not really about TikTok at all. It's about government being able to choose what platforms are acceptable and what are not and what we as Americans are able to either get information from or Put information out and then you look at okay Well, if they're giving themselves that authority, how will it then be enforced? Then you get into the civil liberties concern of the Fourth Amendment of government overreach and trying to figure out Okay Well now I'm gonna have to look into your phone and figure out if you're the guy who's using the VPN
Starting point is 00:40:27 to illegally download this app. Then you're looking at, you know, the designation is that if you have 20% or more ownership stake or stake in a business that has been designated by our government to be illegal because of its association with a foreign adversary. There are a few countries listed there, but the president would have the power to designate any other country a foreign adversary without any kind of, you know, Congress wouldn't have to take action. It's a unilateral move. You are also implicated if you are someone who the government determines to be influenced by or connected with one of these
Starting point is 00:41:15 countries that is a foreign adversary. And so, you know, Elon Musk has talked about this. It is not outside of the realm of the not only possible but the probable that if they wanted to say okay well you know Elon Musk is doing business with this country that we don't like and oh he also owns this platform called X, X should be shut down because of this association. I think Ron Paul said it best when he said that this legislation is the most, and I'm paraphrasing, but he said it's the most egregious violation of civil liberty since the are very eerily similar in invoking national security concerns and the language and the way that's written is intentionally vague that puts far more power into the hands of the executive branch just like the Patriot Act did to single-handedly say well this is a good
Starting point is 00:42:21 guy and this is a bad guy and this is a bad guy. And that has a direct implication on Americans. And wasn't there another recent thing that passed that allows more observation of people through cell phones? Yes. Yes, and both of these things were actually wrapped up into that same bill that was just passed through. They lumped together a whole bunch of different things.
Starting point is 00:42:47 They were separate previously, but the thing that the TikTok ban was lumped together with was the bill that would reinstate or extend the FISA authorities, the Foreign Intelligence Security Act authorities for another two years. Section 702 of FISA gives our government the authority to surveil foreign actors, essentially, to try to identify terrorist threats. But part of that is they have the ability to capture all of the conversations. If you talk to somebody in another country that they're interested in, they can then go in
Starting point is 00:43:28 and capture all of your information as an American citizen. And they can do this without a warrant. This has been in place for quite some time, but this legislation that was just passed recently expanded those authorities so they can go and actually look at like your your Wi-Fi history. If you're connected to Wi-Fi they can look at everything that you did connected to that Wi-Fi signal and in some other ways. It took an already
Starting point is 00:43:56 bad problem and made it many many times worse and again they're just saying well it's for national security. The problem here is that's the thing they always say. That's the thing they always say. And and it's like, you know, the I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said if if you know, if you are choosing security over liberty, you will neither be secure nor will you have liberty. That's not an actual quote. but that's basically the point here. And that's the false choice that so many of these politicians are are forcing on the American people is you can either be less free and more safe or you can be more free and oh by the way you're gonna invite more terrorist
Starting point is 00:44:37 attacks or more national security incursions on our country and it's just it's just BS it is BS it's also very un-American it is here's the problem with government overreach the government is just people yeah that's the problem like you know if if you thought of them as something other than a three-letter like DEA, CIA, NSA, just a bunch of people. Yep. You would go, well, why is this like the DEA? Why is this 10,000 people telling all these other people what to do?
Starting point is 00:45:14 That sounds crazy. There's way more of them than there are of us. If it was just in this room and Jamie turns out to be the cop and he says, hey, I'm going to put you two in prison because I heard you like hemp yeah Jimmy fuck off that's crazy but if if it's a government agency with a three-letter name you're like oh this the government the government is just human beings and there's just a natural inclination that people in power have is to try to gain more power. Yes. Rich people want to get richer, hot people want to get hotter.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Like, that's what it is, you know? Everybody wants to improve. Yeah. And the governments, they're in the business of telling you what to do and they want to be better at that business. Yeah. And the best way is to be able to like constantly be able to surveil everything you say and do.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Right. And again, it goes- We shouldn't let them. No. And this is the problem. This is the problem is that every elected official swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Yet, as we saw with this most recent example, they are so ready to undermine our Fourth Amendment
Starting point is 00:46:22 rights in the Constitution in the name of national security. And I know some of them are doing it with good intention, but without actually considering that the challenge and responsibility of those in government and those who have this power is to strike that correct balance between ensuring that our liberties and our constitutional rights are protected. You swear an oath to do this when you take this job while also ensuring, okay, well, we can do both and we must do both.
Starting point is 00:46:50 We can be safe and secure and also be able to live free without worrying about every time you pick up your phone or you make a phone call wondering if the government is surveilling us. And then you add onto that what's happening now where, you know, like January 6, for example, I was working out in the gym, Marine Corps gym in Hawaii down the street from our house, bumped into a guy who I met. It's a long story, but I
Starting point is 00:47:16 met him when the rocks stunt double was getting his traditional Samoan tattoo. And it's a whole ceremony. It was a seven day thing. And so this other guy is Samoan tattoo. And it's a whole ceremony. It was a seven-day thing. And so this other guy is Samoan. We met and became friends. So I saw him in the gym and he's with his 14-year-old son. How's it going? This and that. He's like, oh, the FBI just came to my house out in Laie, a small rural community on the island of Oahu. I was like, what's going on? He's like, yeah, they came and knocked on my door because he said, I took my son to go and witness democracy.
Starting point is 00:47:47 So they were part of those thousands of people who were out there on the lawn of the Capitol. And they didn't arrest him. They didn't charge him with anything. But how is it how is it that, you know, years later, years later, they go and find this guy and his family in a rural Mormon community in Laie in Hawaii. They're capturing all of the data of people whose cell phones were pinging within that vicinity during that period of time, not only on January 6th, and they are continuing to widen that net, looking at flight records and who bought tickets and who booked
Starting point is 00:48:23 hotels and all of this stuff. For what? You're going to go, the FBI is going to go and investigate people who showed up there on the lawn on the Capitol. You look at what they're, and this is, this is my thing. It's, it's, it is absolutely scare tactics. So we look at the power of the government and how they're now turning on the American people for political reasons, we can see where even the best of intentions with some of these pieces of legislation can lead to the very worst places. What to speak of the fact that we have limited resource and limited people. What are they not investigating? You talked about the DEA, what about the FBI and all these millions of people
Starting point is 00:49:07 who are coming across our border? Are they tracking who they are? No, they're not. Are they tracking where they're going? No, they're not. We have no idea. People coming from the Middle East and Asia and Eastern Europe and Venezuela, gang members,
Starting point is 00:49:21 like all of this stuff is happening right before our very eyes. And they're going and knocking on my friend's door in Laie because he brought his 14 year old son to Washington DC that week. And here's the question. Was the FBI there? How many how many of you were there? And how come they don't have to answer that?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Exactly. They don't say why not be transparent. Also they should be there. Like the government should be there in case some shit goes sideways. Exactly. Right? So I'm sure they're there.
Starting point is 00:49:50 But are some of the agents not good? Just like some dentists suck. Are some of the agents not good? And are some of the agents encouraging people to go in? Because that could be true, too. Because if we look at what happened with the governor of Michigan, right? It was in Michigan?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Or Minnesota? Michigan. That story is bonkers. It is. When you find it, what was it like 11 of the people involved in the kidnapping scheme were FBI informants? What? And these two dopes who just like, just dumbasses,
Starting point is 00:50:24 like ADIQ dumbasses like 80 IQ dumbasses It's just get tricked into this fucking they cosplay and they Stupid yeah, and those poor fucks have to go to jail Yeah, exactly the whole thing was scheduled and set up by FBI informants like that seems and set up by FBI informants. Like, that seems crazy. Aren't there real problems, instead of like creating problems and then arresting people for those problems?
Starting point is 00:50:50 Aren't there real problems going on? And if there's not, like, you guys good at your job, we're trusting you. And there are, like, you know. For sure. I know some great FBI agents, and there are people who are doing good work. Absolutely, I've met great FBI agents. Phenomenal are doing who are doing good work. Absolutely. I've met great FBI agents.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Phenomenal. Nice people, good people, patriots. Absolutely. But they're like dentists. Some of them are great. Some of them suck. I mean it's just you know it's yeah I can say the same. Humans. Militaries and law enforcement like yes you are going to find those few for sure. They are there.
Starting point is 00:51:22 But with so I've talked to different people than the FBI and what they've shared is that there's kind of like a bifurcation in the agency where there are people who are really, really angry and frustrated about the politicization of the FBI that's occurring by the heads. And then there are others who are just like, full send, we're on board, let's go. And it's creating a lot of friction and a lot of fear within the agency. I don't know if the agency, people get confused, that's the CIA, that's probably some similar things
Starting point is 00:51:58 going on there, but within the FBI, a lot of fear that you gotta watch what you say around even your own colleagues and your own peers because there are people who are on different sides, which is horrible. Like you are on the side of America. You were on the side of the American people and upholding the rule of law and securing our country
Starting point is 00:52:19 and going after the bad guys. Well, when the bad guys now become your neighbor down the street, we're in a very different realm, a dangerous one. It's just how it is with people. Red Sox fans hate Yankee fans. Just like in the same country. You're gonna have conflict even inside the FBI. You're gonna have conflict in every group. You're gonna have power struggles. You know, you're either with Bob or you're not. If you want to make it in this business, you want to get to the top of this agency, you got to stay with Bob. And Bob's fucking calling the shots. I'm on team Bob. You know, like fuck Mike. And then that's what happens with people.
Starting point is 00:52:56 It happens in everything. And you have people that are, they go in with good intentions and they get corrupted by systems that are corrupt. That's where for the, you know, across, whether it's the FBI, the Department of Justice, all of these, it matters, you know, who's in charge. These are all civilian led organizations. They are political appointees. And, you know, in theory, they are the people who should be held accountable,
Starting point is 00:53:22 but they are setting that tone. Did you hear what AOC said? She said the people that are coming in to this country, most of them it's because of climate change. I didn't hear that one. It's amazing. It is straight out of South Park. It's straight out of South Park. Wow. Like what? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Oh, that's the only reason? I'm like waiting like, oh, like, is there more? Has the climate changed more than I know? Do you know something I don't know? Like, what are you saying? What's going on down there? The best are those clips. I just saw one on Instagram the other day from like 1985 where a newscaster is, I think it might even been black and white, and she's saying, the climate change scientists tell us that we may only have 10 years before the earth is destroyed. 1992 is gonna be the year. And then whoever made this clip, they juxtaposed her clip with one from Bernie Sanders saying the exact same thing with a different date, you know, how many decades later problem is
Starting point is 00:54:27 when you fear monger you Distract people from the real issue. Yes, like what is really going on? Like how bad are we fucking up the planet, you know, here's one that doesn't get discussed enough. We've killed everything in the ocean The the ocean is depleted. What was the number, Jamie? Like 90% of the big fish are gone? Some crazy number like that. Because of just, just imagine how psychotic it is to have a species that goes into another dimension that it's not a resident of and uses nets and just takes everything it can get
Starting point is 00:55:09 and catches a bunch of dolphins and shit in there that doesn't want anyway and they all die. Exactly. A new global study concludes that 90% of all large fishes have disappeared from the world's oceans in the past half century in 50 years. So that's a cataclysm. That's a disaster of epic proportion when it comes to like ecology and when it comes to the just the environment of the world itself. We're killing most because we like sushi. We're killing most of what's in the ocean. It's bananas.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Yeah. And so that is getting ignored because everyone is talking about fossil fuels. And I wonder how much of this is pushed by foreign countries through social media. Because there is a thing that you can do and nudge conversations in a certain way with bots and with fake statistics and with fear mongering and meanwhile China is opening hundreds of new coal power plants. They're doubling down on coal and I think through TikTok and through probably Facebook and YouTube and all these different things and Instagram. I'm sure there's
Starting point is 00:56:25 Countless bots that are putting out videos and pushing narratives and find the way into your algorithm and they affect the way people think about things and guess what if you go to Chinese tick-tock, it's all academic accomplishments martial arts demonstrations Science achievements and you can't go on after 10 p.m. Right. And neither America, it's dudes with fake eyelashes reading stories to toddlers.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Exactly. And it's everybody telling you the ocean's gonna boil. Yeah. It's weird. It's Osama Bin Laden's Letter to America. Yeah. The Letter to America thing was wild, too. Everybody was like, wow, you knew Osama Bin Laden had a point.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Oh my gosh. That's, I had dinner the other night with a family. It was during the holiday of Passover and this question came up about what would happen if another 9-11 style terrorist attack or some major incident like that came up in our country today? Would it have that same kind of unifying effect that occurred after that attack on 9-11? And when you look at things like that, like the Osama bin Laden letter and you look at how there is, I mean, there's an entire, not an entire generation, but there's a lot of people now who I wouldn't be surprised if they mean, there's an entire, not an entire generation, but there's a lot of people now who I wouldn't be surprised if they said, well, you know, such an attack was justified and not have that same kind of sense of unity of like, hey, no matter
Starting point is 00:57:57 our differences, we got to stand together as Americans. And that's a, that should be a serious concern. It should be a serious concern also when you really take into consideration how many genuinely dumb people there are. And when you have a situation like October 7th in Israel, I saw within days before Israel did what they did in Palestine, within days I saw people justifying the attacks on October 7th because of the treatment that Israel has given to the Palestinians. I'm like, hey, that's crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:34 That's crazy to say that you think people should be indiscriminately shot and killed and just en masse at a fucking rave, like paratrooping. You think that's okay because of what Israel's done. But guess what? Those people didn't do that. Right. Those people at the rave and those people that are on the border, those are apparently according to Ari, those are the hippies. Right. They're the ones who want to be the other ones who don't believe that we should be believe in borders. Yeah, they don't believe in borders. They want to be close to the Palestinians. Right. Exactly. And that that's where you know, some of the things that they're chanting
Starting point is 00:59:03 it at that these protesters are chanting at Columbia University and some of the other ones. We hope that October 7th happens 10,000 times over, they say, you know, celebrating Hamas, this Islamist terrorist organization. It is. It's, you know, I don't think we can just dismiss them as just being stupid. You know what I mean? These kids are going to Ivy League schools. They are being absolutely manipulated. And there is a very intentional ideological war that is being waged in this example by these radicalismist groups like Hamas.
Starting point is 00:59:41 And they had planned this. They've been doing this for hundreds of years. And they're using technology and they're using other means to be able to to achieve that end. No doubt as is Russia as is China they've infiltrated universities you know the the famous Yuri Besmanov speech from 1984 it's which is crazy when you hear it today because he called it he knew it was gonna happen and it's happening and it's happening from college campuses outward. So the most radical of these ideologies are being promoted on colleges because the kids are the youngest, they don't have jobs and real
Starting point is 01:00:14 world experience, they don't have, they don't, they're young. They have ideologies, they're a little bit unrealistic and they're all captured by this status game that's going on on campus Where you're trying to be the most radical like oh, he's so radically pro-palestine. He's so hot You know and then yeah that really becomes a thing you become virtuous and you become attractive you become interesting without actually being interesting Just because you have this rabid Adherence to an ideology that's right now in vogue. And that's really what it is. And I think a lot of that is funded by foreign governments.
Starting point is 01:00:51 And there's a lot of evidence points to it and we should consider it as a possibility and don't dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. Consider it as a possibility. And so this is the question about things like TikTok like and Twitter and all of them, all of them. Because I guarantee you it's not just foreign countries, kids.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I guarantee you there are people in this country that are using it. I know businesses do it. I guarantee you people do it to try to influence the way people think about things. And when you see posts, I've seen posts multiple times saying Outrageous things and I'll just okay Let me click on this guy and it's usually some letters and the numbers and name Maybe and a bunch of numbers and then I click and I'm really a fake person. Yeah, just go through all this stuff Yeah, it's all just retweeting
Starting point is 01:01:43 inflammatory stuff and it's nutty fucking crazy politic takes and like really aggressive takes on things and like wow, how many of them are there? Yeah, there's no question that this is happening and the social media algorithms are feeding it and playing right into it and in our attention and our minds are the commodity. 100%. And if they can just trick you into buying some stuff along the way, that'd be great.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Exactly. Exactly. Who would have ever thought that your data would be so valuable? That's the thing about when you and I were younger, it meant nothing. Your data meant nothing. Like nobody, what is it?
Starting point is 01:02:23 What are you talking about? My data. Exactly. Who's ever what is it? What are you talking about? My data. Exactly. Who's ever had my data? Right. What is that? Why would anybody be interested in that? I remember my first inclination that data meant something was I bought Dianetics. I bought that book in like 1994 when I first moved to Hollywood.
Starting point is 01:02:38 And Scientology never stopped sending me things. Like we got one. Yeah. I was like, oh, that's how they get you yeah, and then they get you to join I guess you have to give them a piece give them a taste which do it turn the group Yeah, and so data now is responsible for the largest corporations in terms of like the amount of money Yeah Like think about Apple how big Apple is and how much data Apple has. And Apple's better with data than Android systems are and Google's terrible with it.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah. Like it's just like they're just siphoning up your data. Yeah. And that's the fallacy and that's kind of the falsehood of the argument who are, for people who are pushing that TikTok ban bill, is if they're claiming they're concerned about data security and privacy and making sure that our data is protected. You got to do it across the board. Because every single one of these social media or big tech companies collecting as much as
Starting point is 01:03:35 they possibly can. And if you think they're not selling it to the highest bidder, whether they be an American company or a foreign company, of course they are. This is their business model. Soterios Johnson wasn't there some controversy about one of the DNA companies, whether it's Ancestry or one of the other ones? There was. Where they sold their data to China. Soterios Johnson I think so. I don't remember which one.
Starting point is 01:04:00 You sold everybody's jeans? Like, I didn't know you could do that. I wouldn't have signed up for that. You could sell my jeans to China. Like, if China was like offering free DNA tests. No, it wasn't China. Was it? No, it wasn't. They didn't sell it to China.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Who'd they sell it to? KlaxoSmithKline. Big Pharma. Ew. That's even scarier. Who do they sell it to? They could sell it to anybody else too, right? It says 23andMe sells anonymous DNA data to a drug company for $20 million. Bah! That's not even scarier. Who do they sell it to? They could sell it to anybody else too, right? This is 23andMe sells anonymous DNA data to a drug company for 20 million.
Starting point is 01:04:27 That's not even that much. It's just anonymous, guys. It's anonymous. Yeah, of course. Guys. Of course. Wasn't there one with China though, with Ancestry? Yeah, this is 23andMe. No, this is Ancestry also.
Starting point is 01:04:41 This is Ancestry as well? Interesting. $20 million. But see, I remember something about China. I mean I just typed in data sold and that's what comes up. I might be on the wrong forums though. I might be on some conspiratorial forums. I might have gone too deep on the JFK rabbit hole the other night. This is what you said.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Oh, okay, China. There it goes. It's the same thing. A groundbreaking move that has sent shockwaves through the biotech industry, 23andMe, the hole the other night. This is what you said. Okay China there goes. Groundbreaking move that has sent shockwaves through the biotech industry. 23andMe, the leading personal geonomics and biotechnology companies officially announced the sale of its entire DNA database to the Chinese government for an astonishing 10 billion dollars. Wow. Yeah so that's the one I was looking for. I'll just add that that's only coming from a medium article,
Starting point is 01:05:27 not any other articles that are saying that. Jamie, why you gotta fuck it up with facts? I'm just trying to understand what's happening. Jamie is on it. Why you gotta fuck it up with facts? Yeah, who knows? But your data is extremely valuable, and That's weird. And it's also valuable to humans. It's humans selling other humans' data. Whether you call them Facebook or Google
Starting point is 01:05:51 or the DEA, it's just a bunch of people. And if they don't have to follow the same rules that you follow, then we have real problems. And when you have entire groups of people that are dependent upon technology that's controlled almost entirely by one ideology. And then you let the government get involved, like they did with Twitter, and you see the Twitter files, you're like, oh Jesus, this is bad. You let the government have a back door, and they started sneaking around and telling you
Starting point is 01:06:22 what to do and what not to do, and you were complying. Right. People were telling other people that they couldn't have experts from Harvard and Stanford talk about medical problems. Yes. You gotta stop this. Stop those experts from talking. Remove those posts. Ban those people. Like, the government is saying that! Exactly, exactly. And even if they're not saying, hey, do this or else, even if they're not making an explicit threat.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Just the fact you're getting requests from the government to do something like that. Exactly, like what are you gonna do? The FBI is calling and saying like, hey, we'd really like you to do X, Y, or Z. In my mind, I'd be like, okay, like, what am I going to be investigated for outside of this if I say no? Also, what are the consequences going to be?
Starting point is 01:07:10 If you're a person working at Twitter, right, this is not you. They're not investigating you. They're investigating someone else, right? So if they're going in, they're talking about these posts like, hey, this expert is spreading misinformation and this is like, they're causing vaccine hesitancy or whatever they're talking about these posts like, hey, this expert is spreading misinformation and this is like they're causing vaccine hesitancy or whatever they're causing. We need to stop this, put a stop to this. Like why is the government being involved
Starting point is 01:07:35 in a dispute between doctors and the pharmaceutical drug companies? Like what are you doing? And how do you know? Did you guys adjudiate this? Did you guys get in front of a court? Did you guys adjudiate this? Did you guys get in front of a court? Did you guys get in front of experts? Did people testify? Did you have someone who's pro and con this? Someone who lays out this
Starting point is 01:07:53 argument? Did you examine this? No, no, no you didn't. They just contacted Twitter and Twitter said okay because what are they gonna do? They're fucking executives. If you're working at Twitter and this old Twitter and you like super woke right and you know You just been drinking lattes and going into the meditation room. Then all sudden you get an email from the FBI Like I don't fuck up this job And you like okay, what do I have to do? Yeah, I'll do that. Yeah, exactly do that and that's not good It's not good to have that kind of power being wielded by other people They're just people you could call them the FBI and call the DNA
Starting point is 01:08:30 They're human beings and human beings that have that kind of power over other human beings in a country That's supposed to value freedom that that's the thing in and of itself is Un-american and that that's where this isn't just like some rogue FBI agent doing this or some rogue, you know, bureaucrat in an agency who's going and doing this. This is an expressed policy coming from the Biden administration in this example to go and use big tech to silence certain people's voices and to decide who does the government want to be heard and who needs to be silenced. And obviously, we could talk all day about the cozy relationship that many politicians have with Big Pharma. And it's
Starting point is 01:09:19 not a surprise that they're going to act in favor of Big Pharma rather than in favor of the truth or free speech or people's health and wellbeing. But the fact that this was and is the Biden administration's policy to decide that they are the arbiter of what is misinformation, disinformation, what is information, what is true and what is not, and that they will use the tools available to them
Starting point is 01:09:44 both within the government as well as outside of the government in the case of big tech and social media to be able to enforce that. And that's really the, you know, for people who aren't paying attention to this stuff at home and are just trying to live their lives and, you know, go to work and take care of their kids and just live their life, it's easy to fall victim to like, well, the government wants what's best for us and they don't want us to be manipulated by misinformation or disinformation. And so this is the line that they use, like we're doing this for you. We're trying to protect you. So once again, we're going to take away some of your freedom and
Starting point is 01:10:21 some of your privacy and tell you who you should be listening to and what information you should be getting. The king knows. Yes. The king will tell the people how to live. Yes. This is how you wash. This is coming from the same people who are telling us that boys can become girls on any
Starting point is 01:10:42 day of the week because they feel like it. Yeah, and Rachel Levine is the first female Admiral. Exactly. Yay, women win. Which is insane. And then they stand there and say, well, we are the champions for women. If they cannot even accept objective truth. We're living in the strangest of strange times.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And I also think that a lot of that stuff is being accentuated by social media, manipulated intentionally. Because I think if you can just get those narratives out there enough that affects the gullible people, that affects sensitive people, that affects people on the spectrum, it affects a lot of people, and then they start getting rewarded
Starting point is 01:11:20 for leaning into one type of ideology. And then it's affecting people. We are affected by our environment and to pretend otherwise is just silly. Especially when you're talking about young people. Young people are particularly susceptible to propaganda, which is why they have young people wear suicide vests. That's why.
Starting point is 01:11:42 You can't get a 50 year old agnostic dude to wear a fucking suicide vest. You know, he's going to go, what am I going to get when I blow up? I'm going to go to heaven? Can you show me? You got a video? Is there a YouTube video I can watch? What are you saying? But you could talk a five-year-old into it, and that's what they do, and that's sick. And it's just as sick to try to like indoctrinate them into these crazy ideologies because It's just people want other people to join their fucking team. Yes. It's a common thing that people do that's what's so concerning about like we are seeing the fruits of the shift in our education system away from actually teaching about the Constitution and, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:26 the founding documents and the Federalist papers and the thought process behind that went into forming the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in our schools. Basic government, basic 101 on what is this country really about? What is the foundation that we were built upon? And what does it mean to you in your in your everyday life and talking about the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment? And going down the list Because that has been absent largely from our education system for so long it Creates again this vulnerability of young people being susceptible there is. They're not rooted in ideology of freedom and what that means in our lives and why it's
Starting point is 01:13:09 important and why we will fight to defend and protect it. And so then they're like, well, I don't know. Maybe what Hamas is offering is a superior ideology or superior values system than what we have here in America, which a lot of these kids are saying. Whether they realize fully what it is or not, they are falling victim to that ideology, that radicalismist ideology, which would be completely oppressive in the lives that they are trying to live here. Yeah, the whole proposal behind it is best highlighted by the meme
Starting point is 01:13:48 Queers for Palestine. Yes, and then Palestine for Queers exactly the difference between Like that idea is so crazy. Like what you're saying is so nuts. Yes, and it's just this fuck the system Fuck the government fuck the patriarchy, it's this ideology that gets promoted that's, it's like frivolously wanting to destroy the foundation of this country. And they'll say it openly, we wanna just stop colonialism. Okay, and then what? Then what happens?
Starting point is 01:14:19 What do you have? What do you have? You have warlords? What do you have? What's gonna run the country? How are you gonna run it? What are you gonna do with all the guns? Well, that's where, you know, this, again, Hamas had this whole thing planned, like, you know, gaining the compassion and the sympathy of the world.
Starting point is 01:14:35 How did they plan that? How did they think that they were gonna do that? That they knew how Israel would react. And they were ready with social media and all of the means of communication to play on the sympathies of people, the compassion and kind-hearted people around the world, and turn people's attention away from the 1,200 people that were murdered and killed and the people that were raped on that attack on October 7th. Their goal being ultimately to influence populations around the world towards this Islamist ideology
Starting point is 01:15:17 that they want to govern the world under Islamic rule, under Sharia law. And we've seen already how it's been successful in some parts of the world, even in Europe, in France. Somebody was saying that I think it's 25% of France is already living under Sharia law. And so this ideological war that's being waged is not, it's being waged by one side and there's not a counter narrative, there's not a counter war being waged on the other side to defeat it with a superior ideology of freedom and what we value as a society. And that puts this mission and this effort, and it's not just Hamas, obviously Al-Qaeda
Starting point is 01:16:02 and ISIS and the other terrorist organizations around the world, they all have that same objective, which poses this great, the greatest short and long term threat to people who value freedom and to civilization. And we're also so uniquely vulnerable in that we do have this sort of democracy. It's obviously heavily influenced by money, and then with the open borders, so you have all these people funneling into the country, and so you have an erosion of confidence in our entire system,
Starting point is 01:16:41 because people are very aware of that, and the more people are let out of jail after they commit violent crimes, the more people are aware of that. If you looked at the whole picture, all the things that are in play right now, particularly like with the open borders and giving people plane tickets and flying them to all these different cities, like if I was going to try to destroy the country, that's how I would do it. If I was going to try to destroy the country, that's how I would do it. If I was going to try to destroy the country, I would radicalize the kids, I would give them the stupidest ideas and run them in their head.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Boys can be girls, girls can be boys, boys can compete against girls in sports if they think they're a girl, Queers for Palestine, the death to the Jews, yell it out unironically on campuses and have the presidents of those colleges and universities defend it, which was wild. Completely. With cameras on them. Yeah. Not even by closed doors. It shows how scared they are.
Starting point is 01:17:38 It shows how afraid they are of actually calling out what is right and what is wrong. I think it also shows how they live in a bubble. And I don't think they interact with the real world. And I think when they did, the shock was probably, it was probably horrifying to just realize how most people feel about what they said. Like, it's not harassment unless it's actionable. Like, what the fuck are you saying?
Starting point is 01:18:07 Exactly. You're saying death to the Jews, so you have to kill Jews, and then it's harassment. Exactly. Isn't that a little late? I was shocked like everyone else at not only their statements, but how every one of them sitting at that table on that day said almost the exact same thing and Knowing how much preparation because when people come I don't care who you are But when you come and testify before Congress you go through preparation if you're the president of an Ivy League University You're gonna have a whole team of people sitting there telling you. Okay. Well, here are the questions
Starting point is 01:18:38 You should probably be prepared to answer the the question that Elise Stefanik asked was not outside of the realm of like, here's what the frequently asked questions would be. And the fact that their answers were all the same and how they were smirking as they were giving that answer, I was very surprised by. Maybe I shouldn't have been as surprised given what they're doing. I think we're sending our kids to cult camps.
Starting point is 01:19:09 That's what I think. I think they get indoctrinated into this. They don't all. Some of them skate through. Some of them are wise. Some of them realize this is crazy. Right. Can't wait to get the fuck out of here and get my degree and then go to work.
Starting point is 01:19:20 But some of them just get locked in and then it becomes their identity. And it's dangerous It's dangerous also because look Kids don't want to listen. Okay, and if you have kids they don't want to listen to you They want to rebel and when they finally get to go away somewhere and be on their own and your dad's a banker You like fuck that asshole capitalism is bullshit like You wear a che guavara t-shirt
Starting point is 01:19:41 Capitalism is bullshit. Like you wear a Che Guevara t-shirt, you don't know what the fuck you're doing. You use a chat GBT to answer your homework. Like the whole thing is nuts. And then you're allowing those young people to just trying out being an adult with a voice and an opinion and trying to be profound. Yeah, and there's no consequences to actions.
Starting point is 01:20:02 No, it's weird. It's weird. It's weird. It's weird. It's weird that people can't see it. And I'm glad that some people are pulling funding. Like, there's a lot of people that are donors like, hey, fuck you. Like, this is crazy. Yeah. And so that's fortunate that there's some sort of a blowback. But, you know, even that woman from Harvard, you know, she got
Starting point is 01:20:20 she was caught plagiarizing. Exactly. Many times. Like, if you were a grad student, you got caught plagiarizing. That would be a wrap for you. But meanwhile, she keeps making the same amount of money. They just gave her a different job. They didn't even fire her. No.
Starting point is 01:20:33 The whole thing's crazy. It is. The whole thing's crazy. It's like, that's supposed to be Harvard. It's supposed to be the smartest people amongst us. And when you heard that lady talk, you're like, hey, how did she get to the top? That seems bananas.
Starting point is 01:20:48 It seems like you probably had some better choices. Like, was there any other considerations into how she got that gig? Exactly. The play drills in bed don't freak you guys out? Isn't that like opposed to everything that you stand for? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Yeah. So what are you doing? You're not the best and the brightest anymore. You guys are doing nonsense. Right. This is a cult camp. You got a cult camp, you're indoctrinating people, and where are you getting your money?
Starting point is 01:21:15 Like, and how much of that money is coming from China? And how much of the influence is coming from Russia? How much of the influence, like, in the past has shaped these people? So you have this system where academics go to school, they learn, they get indoctrinated, and they start teaching, and they never enter into the real world. And they make this cycle. And those are the people keeping indoctrinating more people, and now they're infesting these social media apps, and they're infesting all of these
Starting point is 01:21:40 tech companies. And everybody else is like, what are you doing? Exactly. This is crazy. But it's all coming from universities. It's coming from the kids that get indoctrinated to these ideologies. And I remember when I first started talking about this in like 2015 or 16,
Starting point is 01:21:57 whenever the Jordan Peterson thing was happening, or it was at first it was Bret Weinstein and Evergreen College. And people were like, why do you care what's happening in these obscure colleges? I go hey, they're gonna graduate Yes, like when I see fire and it's five miles away. I don't go. Oh, it's five miles away I go hey, we gotta get the fuck out of here now get out of here now fires come in Yeah, get out like this is like you don't see that these kids are gonna leave school if they're so crazy
Starting point is 01:22:23 They believe that you should have a day where you tell white people they have to stay home When it used to be that it was an appreciation of people of color so they could take the day off and they would get paid And you go oh, I really miss Mike. You know I really miss Tanya It'd be great if she was here and boy it's hard not working with her You know and doing her job and my job at the same time. Yeah. Okay, that makes sense. But telling white people they have to stay home
Starting point is 01:22:49 and then threatening them with baseball bats if they don't have people roaming the parking lot with bats. When I saw that I was like, this is crazy. And so many people were saying, why do you care? Well, they're gonna go out in the world. And if this is happening there, it's not an isolated situation. It's happening to other people. And then the Jordan Peterson thing in Toronto and like, okay,
Starting point is 01:23:10 guys, now everyone is sort of realizing like, oh, this is a real problem. This is an infesting the world. This ideology is pervasive. And it's not well thought out. Now, is this not just like fact based objective assessment, being kind and understanding and taking into account all the variables. No, it's like a cult. Yeah, the problem is not everyone is is seeing what's really happening. You still have the AOCs of the world and many people within the leadership of the Democratic Party who this is this is the direction we are headed.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And that's a very dangerous thing for so many reasons, but obviously because they're in a position of power and how they're using that power and how they're undermining the rule of law and choosing, again, who gets to speak freely and who gets to go and do whatever they want, break the law, gets to speak freely and who gets to go and do whatever they want, break the law, you know, disturb the peace, acts of violence. No, because what you think that their cause is justified. But meanwhile, others who would do the very same thing, be charged with a crime. Imagine if AOC got to write history books and they said, why do people sneak into America in 2024? Oh, climate change. Like, 20 years from now.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Climate change was so bad that people were walking from Guatemala to get plane tickets to fly to Michigan. Like, for real, are you sure? Are you sure that happened? Maybe there's other variables. What do you think? Maybe he's encouraged. Maybe there's a whole Red Cross map that they could follow.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Hey guys, yeah, maybe some of the stops along the way, they only speak Chinese and they have Chinese signs. and it seems like there's like a concerted effort to get people in from China. Hey, something going on? Yeah. No, just climate change. Oh, so simple. So nice to be able to just, that's just, that's just as bad as the, you know, people who break into stores in New York City, they're just hungry and trying to steal bread for their starving kids. Yeah, that was a good one too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Yeah, that lady. Forget like the guys who go in and like steal 50 Apple iPhones from the store and run out and jump in their car, all of these other things. It's hard to believe that a person who's a member of Congress can say that with a straight face Well, the best one was diversity the conversation that she had with the news reporter with a reporter was asking her to clarify her thoughts on Israel and Palestine. Yes, I did That one's wonderful. She had nothing to say. It seemed like she didn't even know like where they were If you gave her a map and this had no names on it,
Starting point is 01:25:47 like which one is, which one of these is Israel? Like what do you know about the history? What do you know about, what happened in 1947? Anything? Like what was going on before that? Who lived there first? Like you know, what's Judea? What's that place about? What's the biblical significance of these locations, Annie? How long has this dispute been going on? What's happening? How much are we funding this? There are these girls who, again, I don't know where this video is, I'm sure it's everywhere now, but they left Columbia to go and stand with the students protesting at NYU. And somebody said, well, why are you here?
Starting point is 01:26:29 They're like, oh, we're here to stand in solidarity with the protesters. What is what is NYU doing that you're protesting? Oh, I don't really know. And then she turned her friend, she's like, why are we here? What are they doing? That's wrong. And the friend said, I wish I was more educated because I don't really know either.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Well, you know. They're just out there being virtuous. Somebody asked us to come, so we're just coming to stand in solidarity. Well, there's this thing that you can do now where if you just yell out the thing that's popular, now you become cooler than you really are. It's a new thing you can do.
Starting point is 01:27:02 And if you're like really rabid about it, and then you can demand other people do it on their social media. Like how come you're not putting a black square up on Tuesday? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this this all of these things, these were major drivers for me in leaving the insanity of what has become the today's Democratic Party and where I have seen and heard directly from so many people who who are or have already woken up to that fact of literally just being common-sense minded Americans who are just... There's no explanation. There's no logic. There's no rationale that you can give for these kinds of things happening and not just by some rogue member of Congress. I mean
Starting point is 01:27:47 it's happening from the very top. Yeah and it's the consequence of money being involved in politics and that seems like that web is so deep and those roots run so deep that to try to stop that now is almost impossible It's almost like the only way to solve this is to give corporations conscience it's like the only way to solve this is You've got to figure out like who is funding what and why? why is so much money being spent on this versus that.
Starting point is 01:28:29 And one of the things about AI is that if AI is asked at a certain point in time when it becomes like sentient or really super powerful, like what is the solution between the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And what's the cause of it and AI gives like a real comprehensive analysis of the US government funded coup from 2014 and how NATO has been moving arms closer to Russia and like lays it all out and like this is the definitive objective no Ideology no bullshit reason why this is happening.
Starting point is 01:29:06 And these are the companies that are pushing the conflict and this is the amount of money they're making from it. And here's the amount of money that's missing because there's corruption involved in Ukraine. As much as people don't want to admit, one of the wildest ones was Candace Owens on Twitter where the New York Times, they tweeted her like, what evidence do you have of corruption in Ukraine? And she's like, from your own fucking newspaper? She's posting links. And it's like, do you guys not even check before you tweet out publicly?
Starting point is 01:29:36 Do you not do journalism? Well, they were also the ones that said the New York Times said that that bomb landed in the hospital and killed 500 people. And it apparently landed in the parking lot and killed a small number of people. And it probably was not from Israel but was actually some one of the Islamic terrorists had launched a bomb and it accidentally landed in the parking lot. Yeah, yeah, and no effort to actually truly not not in the fine print on the back page of the paper, but actually make sure that they got the facts right.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Well, and certainly no equivalent coverage of the actual true story versus the original story, which you should do. It's like, yeah, maybe you got bad information. Explain how you got bad information. Same people read the newspaper, read this, now they know. Like, let them know. Don't just fucking hide it. Don't pretend you didn't fuck up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I mean, it's the same reason why with Julian Assange, you know, back when, you know, his criminal charges were first coming up, they were saying, hey, this is a threat to journalism, that you can't suppress the free press. It is a violation of the First Amendment. And if you go after Julian Assange today, they could go after a New York Times journalist tomorrow. I think we were seeing it from the Washington Post and some of the other mainstream traditional news sources. But the script was totally flipped and they shut up real quick and turn their sights against Julian Assange after he released Hillary Clinton's emails.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Why? They're a political, they have become unfortunately a political arm of the Democrat elite. And it's the same reason why they stopped reporting on actual corruption in Ukraine, because they get, OK, what's the narrative that we've got to push? And they're not going to go against it. Not allow facts and journalism to get in the way of that. It's spooky. It's spooky for people that count on them for the news. Because it's like, okay, now who do I have to trust? Who can I listen to?
Starting point is 01:31:36 And it turns out it's like a lot of independent people. And those are the only ones that are, they're free. They're free to actually report for now. These laws are passed. Did that TikTok thing pass? It did pass. So that's done. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Jesus. Yeah. Do you know Adam Curry? It will be challenged. I'm sure it'll be challenged in court. I don't know. I don't know by who or what the next steps will be, but I'm sure it will be challenged. I believe that President Biden signed it into law. Actually I know he did but the timeline of execution you know I think what they gave something like 180 days for TikTok to be sold to an American company. Oh great. Give it to Bill Gates. But but even even if
Starting point is 01:32:23 that like you know that that's a pretty a pretty tight turnaround when you look at that, but that doesn't negate all of the other provisions within that law that further violate our civil liberties. Do you know Adam Curry? I don't. Adam Curry used to be an MTV VJ. He's the original podcaster. He's the pod father, the real number one, brilliant guy.
Starting point is 01:32:45 But I had him on the podcast quite a while ago and he said that all this uproar over TikTok is total bullshit. He said what it is, is the Chinese are eating our lunch. Like they've developed an app that is more addictive and collects data just like our apps do and we don't like it. We don't like it because their one is way better. And so they're trying to do something to shut it down because they're using it to influence us
Starting point is 01:33:11 and like, hey, we're the only ones allowed to do that. And that's what he thinks. And when he said that, I was like, I never really considered that. Because I always was like, oh, this TikTok is really bad. You've got to read the fine print. And it is bad. I mean, if you look at the just the terms of service,
Starting point is 01:33:26 like when you're, you're dreaming, you know, the conditions that you agree to, like they, they get to monitor your keystrokes. So that means they can probably monitor your passwords. They can probably check out all your emails. They get to monitor other computers that are connected to the network, even if they don't have TikTok on them. Like it's bananas, yeah, but
Starting point is 01:33:47 Who else is doing that yeah exactly That's the point when you and I are having a conversation and then all sudden we talk about Toyota trucks And there's an app for a Toyota truck like hey Did you guys know that we were talking about are you listening Google? Google meta Facebook Instagram all of it. You know, and I'm interested in right exactly Cuz they're trying to sell you things They're all you think of course, of course. Yeah, and the best way to sell people things is find out what the fuck they're talking about Yeah, what do you want? Yeah. Yeah. I mean it makes total sense. Of course like
Starting point is 01:34:19 Elon and X was well Elon specifically was the only one who stood up amongst our American big tech companies to say, no, this is a very bad bill. The others, to my knowledge, were very, very silent or they were actually coming out in support of it. Competition, makes sense. The other piece of that is, other than X and TikTok, the Biden administration has been very successful at working with Google and Meta, Facebook, Instagram, in being able to control quote unquote disinformation
Starting point is 01:34:56 and information. So when you look at from a government standpoint, well, why, if you're concerned about data security and privacy, why aren't you doing it across the board and treating every social media company that Americans use with that same standard? Well, maybe they're just going after the ones that they can't actually control and intimidate into doing their work for them, which is why it makes sense. Why Elon Musk and others would say, well, of course, if today it's tick tock, then why wouldn't it be X tomorrow? It's interesting to me that people don't seem to understand the value and importance of a guy like Elon. Yeah, he's just wild billionaire character looks to dunk on people like that guy being like, did you see that thing that he posted the other day?
Starting point is 01:35:42 Because there's one of the guys who was like from Facebook, I believe, said that what Elon is doing is corruption on like an Enron level, I think he compared it to. So Elon posted a photo of a dog laying its balls on another dog's head.
Starting point is 01:36:02 I did not see this. And was like dunking on this dude. I'm like, how wild is this guy? And then someone said, did you really spend $44 billion on Twitter so you can dunk on people? And he writes 100%. He's like, I don't know how he is. Time for this.
Starting point is 01:36:21 I don't get it. I don't understand it. It doesn't make any sense to me. But he does. And do everything else that he's doing. He's time for this. I mean. I don't get it. I don't understand it. It doesn't make any sense to me. But he does. And do everything else that he's doing. He's a fascinating guy. Yeah. I mean, his brain is a fucking tornado of information
Starting point is 01:36:34 just flying around all the time. And I think it helps him to be able to just fuck around and be silly. Yeah. But he was the only one that recognized that there's a real problem if you have the entire narrative being controlled by one ideology through all the social media apps and that's what's going on. Exactly. They're all tech companies. Tech companies have hired people that are coming from universities and they're all
Starting point is 01:36:56 infected by this ideology and it's nuts that that's the case. Yeah. And then they've done a really good job like if you go to like gab or any of them, especially initially like it was so nuts You're like, oh my god, I gotta get out of here Yeah, it was like like going to a Nazi party like oh like even if you're not a Nazi like there see Kyle in the corner Like shit, I gotta get out of here Is now but I guarantee some of that was fake too I guarantee when they came up with these alternative platforms that they, people wanted to squash the idea of having people that were free outside of Twitter and Facebook that were reasonable
Starting point is 01:37:36 people that just wanted objective conversations. I guarantee most of them were. Most of them were tired of being censored on Twitter and shadow ban and all that shit. So they try these other, whether it's gab or truth social or any of them were tired of being censored on Twitter and shadow ban and all that shit So they try these other whether it's gab or truth social or any of them, right? I guarantee you if look if I was a Intelligence agent and I was inclined to do I would get in there and start Sieg Heiland. I'd go crazy I post the most racist memes and have everybody salute. I go nutty I'd have fake accounts liking those things and getting excited about it and reposting it
Starting point is 01:38:07 because that's how you make a place toxic and that's how you kill the competition. I would do that. I would do that if I was running Twitter. If you were just, I obviously wouldn't do it, me as a person. But if I was an evil fuck, I would be like, this is the way to do it.
Starting point is 01:38:20 It makes sense. It makes sense. How do you make it a place where people don't wanna be? How hard is that to do? You hire a bunch of people to do it, you get algorithms, you develop them, you start posting memes and shit. Easy, now you make it toxic.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Now I look in there and go, ugh, gotta get outta here. And so then you don't have an alternative and you go back to Twitter and you just deal with the fact that you're being censored and you deal with the fact that if you're a left-wing person you can say the most outrageous shit shit even call for violence against people Twitter caught selling data to government spies while complaining about surveillance in for a penny in for a datamined is this recently what is this
Starting point is 01:38:57 saying now they have a deal with a company called data minor and was data minor do uses AI technology to constantly monitor public activity on social media and other parts of the web. In doing so, its clients often law enforcement can receive customized real-time alerts on what's brewing online, which helps them to respond to natural disasters or more ominously spy on protests notes the intercept. Okay. But also does allow them real time alerts of what's brewing online. So you're not saying they're censoring people. You're saying that they're allowing them to look at data. So that data could be like how many people are posting about some sort of a protest where they want to burn down a church or whatever the fuck it is. You're talking about a different
Starting point is 01:39:50 thing than banning people from posting things, especially these people that are experts from Harvard and MIT and this is a different thing. I've seen, I've seen, I mean there's a data miner app. I've seen how the information flows through. I don't know what the, it says the story revealed the surveillance firm pays for special access to a fire hose of data from Twitter. I'd be curious about what, yeah, what does that fire hose, fire hose of data is. This Data Miner has a unique contractual relationship with Twitter whereby they have real-time access to the full stream of all publicly available tweets. But it's just publicly available tweets that are already available. So it's like a very high-level search function?
Starting point is 01:40:38 A company representative sent an email to the government agency per the report. So is that like a search function? Because it's all public tweets. So they have access to the stream of all publicly available tweets. But doesn't everybody have access to the publicly available tweets? Yeah. Not with AI software monitoring it. Right, but if you did have an AI,
Starting point is 01:41:01 say if you had an AI, whether it's Google's AI or any AI, and you said, hey, go look at Twitter. Tell me who's talking about Nazis. Right. Curating the tweets that are coming into your feed. That's part of what he's been complaining about online is how many people have blocked access to many programs that did have access to the API because it costs money for them every time someone's taking that.
Starting point is 01:41:22 So they just kind of cut it all off. Like I used to use TweetDeck to look at Twitter all the time. That doesn't work anymore. You have to pay for it Interesting how come because I Honestly don't know Arguably would just be like it was a good feature So like I might as well make people pay for it because you make money how much tweet that cost It's part of the pros. You have to pay for it because you make money how much tweet that cost? It's part of the pros here. They pay for pro okay And then there's the other thing where like Apple takes a slice of that if you're getting it off of your
Starting point is 01:41:51 iPhone right if you get from the app store if you that's where as if you if you pay for it on like Twitter on The website no, but if you use the phone app on your phone That's what I'm saying Apple's got the wildest thing going. They do 30% of everything They have so much money. They have more money than countries There's a lot of believe it don't have as much money as Apple. Yeah, I believe it. It's pretty nutty. That's being challenged I feel like in a lawsuit too. Yes. Well, there's certain there's certain things that Apple does that are thought to certain things that Apple does that are thought to be anti-competitive in a kind of a creepy way.
Starting point is 01:42:29 And one of them that they just recently got rid of is the lightning connection. So up until iPhone 15 or 16, 16? What are we on now? 16? We're on 15 now? So up until 15, you used you have to use a lightning connector, which only works on Apple devices. Now you can use USB-C, which is way better.
Starting point is 01:42:50 It's better for connectivity. It's better for charging, get faster charging. Like the Android phones, particularly like Samsung Galaxy, to go to full charge is like an hour less time. Because it takes faster watt charging than the iPhone does. And for the longest time, it would be much better transfer of data because of USBC. It's just a better, more efficient system. But Apple's like, yeah, you got to use that.
Starting point is 01:43:17 So the European Union, I think that was the problem. They couldn't sell them over there. They admitted it illegal. So then they had to switch it over to USBC. So now everybody at least has a universal thing. And then there's the problem. They couldn't sell them over there. They admitted it illegal. So then they had to switch it over to USBC. So now everybody at least has a universal thing. And then there's the problem with text messaging. So if you have an Android and you send me a text message, it comes out green.
Starting point is 01:43:34 And I send you one, it comes green. Because it's text. It's SMS. And so now they're going to adopt RCS. So the idea is since you can't have iMessage on everything, at least you'll have encryption and you'll be able to send large file sizes and that's what RCS is. Which is like a higher level of text messaging that's been enjoyed by
Starting point is 01:43:55 people use androids but not when they communicate with iPhones. iPhones were forcing people to use SMS. It's shitty, it's inferior, you get blurry images and videos, not the same resolution, it cuts it all down. It compresses them. Because it has to fit in the SMS format. So now you'll be able to share photos just like you will with an iPhone, with an iPhone to iPhone.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Interesting. Yeah. So no more green text messages? No, the text messages will still be green. Oh interesting now Yeah, they want to make you feel like shit. I want you to feel like shit for having a different device I think I yeah exactly it works. It does work the thing with kids. I think with teenagers see if this is true I believe I read that it was something like 86% of all teenagers. It was some high number Of all teenagers use iPhones. Hmm They like you're shunned. Yeah using Android. Yeah, which is crazy. It is crazy weird Yeah, but that's how tribal people are we're tribal about our cell phones
Starting point is 01:44:59 It's nuts. We're tribal about the kind of computers we use kind of sneakers. I'm gonna do this guy fuck Nike You know like people are crazy. Yeah 87% of teens in the USA have an iPhone while 88% Expect an iPhone to be their next phone according to a survey from investment firm Piper Sandler. That is a monopoly It's a huge monopoly. That is wild. Yeah, it's wild and how they control their apps and how much money they make off of the apps. Well, also their whole ecosystem is amazing. It's really good. Like they figured out a lot of really good things.
Starting point is 01:45:32 Yeah. Like it's so convenient that I can write on my computer and then I can transfer it to my notes and it's automatically on my phone. Exactly. I don't have to do anything else. I use it all the time. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:45:43 That's so good. You can do that with Samsung. You can do that with Android. It's so good. Yep. That's so good. You can do that with Samsung. You can do that with Android. You can do that. It's just, you know, you'd have to switch systems and like relearn how the, it's not hard to do. They're pretty intuitive.
Starting point is 01:45:53 You know, I have a Samsung phone. I have an older one. I have a Galaxy, one of the ultras that I used to think took a clear photo of the moon, but it's actually bullshit. Yeah. Do you know that story? No. You don't know that? No. They actually bullshit yeah they got me they got me there was a
Starting point is 01:46:08 feature that's still a feature it's kind of amazing it's called moonshot and so you could be looking at the moon if you look at the moon with your iPhone I try to take a photo it looks like dog shit it looks terrible because it's just like this blurry thing yeah if you zoom in it looks terrible. But with Samsung's when you zoom in it holds a square over the moon and it enhances it and it gives you like a hundred X zoom. So you get this crazy digital zoom, you zoom in on the moon and it looks really clear and you take a photo. But it turned out it was AI because Yes, because some clever internet people, because you can't fool the internet, what they did
Starting point is 01:46:46 is they took a blurry image of the moon and they put it on a desktop computer and then took a photo with the camera of the blurry image on the desktop computer and it filled it in and made it pretty. Wow. How are you? That's kind of smart. That's a smart hack to figure it pretty. Wow. Yeah, how are you, faggot? That's kind of smart. That's a smart hack to figure it out. I've seen people try to argue away and say,
Starting point is 01:47:08 well, it's actually no different than how AI enhances normal. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, I missed right this UFO exactly you're trying to tell me yeah the mothership is her circling around moon And you're lying to me you guys are liars But oh man the technology is actually superior on those phones the Samsung's oh, yeah It's it's quite a bit better the screens are quite a bit better the screens have an anti-reflective Coding on the new s24 ultra so even in bright sunlight when you're outside, you could read your screen perfect. It doesn't, you don't have the glare that you do when you're trying to look at your phone like this.
Starting point is 01:47:49 You don't have to do that with Samsung. You also have superior battery life. You only have like a tiny little circle that's missing from the screen for the camera. You don't have that big ass stupid bar that's in the front for face ID. There's a lot of things that are there. has a pen you could write on it like it has AI features It lets you translate in real time you and I can be having a conversation You could be speaking Spanish and it would show me in English in real time
Starting point is 01:48:18 And then I could speak to you in English and it would show you in Spanish So the phone gets split down the middle so this side faces you and that side faces me and we would show you in Spanish. So the phone gets split down the middle. So this side faces you and that side faces me. And we would have a conversation and I could read what you're saying. And then you could wear these earbuds and it'll translate it in real time. Oh wow. Which is crazy.
Starting point is 01:48:36 That's incredible. It's crazy. I tried using the Google Translate app when I was down at the border and talking to different people from different parts of the world and it sucked Like the intent I think was for that to happen is like you just turn on the microphone and then I could speak and they Could see in the screen like it's translating into their language and but then they could respond in their language And you're just seeing it play out real time, but it didn't work
Starting point is 01:49:02 It didn't work. It just didn't work. The thing froze or it didn't translate and then you got to push all these buttons and then even then... Well the Sampson one is using AI and I think it's the most advanced version. It also has a thing where it lets you organize your notes in AI. And also it'll change the tone of your text messages. Like it'll suggest things that are more polite or more friendly. Yeah there's like modes that you can do. So you can do AI for that. You can also... That might piss me off sometime if I don't really want to write a polite text message. Right. Well then you don't have to. You can write it in your own language. You can write it however you want. But then you can also ask it to make this more polite. Oh wow. Okay. That's what
Starting point is 01:49:43 it is. So it's not as if you say, hey Tulsi, how about you be a little nicer? Right, exactly. It doesn't do that. Okay, so it's not policing me. It also will summarize webpages. So if you go to a webpage, you go, I don't want to read all this shit. Yeah. Give me a summary.
Starting point is 01:49:57 And it'll instantly, bloop, it'll say, this is what's going on, this is the problem, here's what's the dilemma. Yeah. And you're like, oh. It'll break things down to you. So it's using AI on the phone. In constructive ways. But 86% of kids don't have it.
Starting point is 01:50:12 Yeah. Weird. Have you heard of this unplugged phone that Eric Prince is doing? Yes. Yeah, I have heard of it. It's interesting. I just got one.
Starting point is 01:50:24 I haven't set it up yet. But it is what they're saying is the most secure means of communication. Obviously, technology is never 100% secure. But the fact that it does not have the same ad ID numbers that every one of our other phones has, Apple, Samsung, whatever, makes it so that we are able to protect more of our information than we would otherwise. Right. But do you get to use apps with that?
Starting point is 01:50:54 Can you use Instagram? They have their own operating system and their own apps, but you can also download whatever apps you want to download. But if you download Instagram... And they're the settings. The settings you are able to actually make it so that Instagram is not able to collect the kind of data that they would otherwise. Really? Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:17 So what is it operating on? Is it like Graphene? What is the operating system? I haven't set it up yet. It is an operating system? I haven't set it up yet. It is an operating system. They got the guy who, as their CTO, who created the Pegasus system. Oh great, you can trust him. That was my question.
Starting point is 01:51:37 If you're gonna make, well first of all, if you're gonna make a honeypot phone. Yeah, there's two sides of that. Is if you created it, then ideally you would know how to protect against it, right? Yes, for sure. Or you would say, look, the kind of people that want a phone like this, these rah rah,
Starting point is 01:51:54 fuck the government people, like, these type of people that might get visited by the FBI, give them a phone, call them like the Patriot phone or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. And make it a nice little honeypot. I'm not saying that it is that. Give them a phone call them like the patriot phone or whatever the fuck you wanna call it So I get a nice little yeah, I'm not saying that it is no no no no well I just I asked them like It sounds like this is the perfect kind of phone for people in the military or people are conducting different kinds of operations Because of all of these protections and so on and so forth and they said they're intentionally not selling to the US government
Starting point is 01:52:24 Because they don't want that doubt to be in people's minds that this is some kind of op that's happening that will allow some kind of surveillance to take place. Anyway, it's interesting. That is interesting. There are other phones that do that. There's phones that operate on,
Starting point is 01:52:43 they operate on an operating system called Graphene OS. We take a phone, like a Google phone, and they de-Google it. So they remove all the Google stuff, and then there's a bunch of detailed instructions of how to do it. And then they put this new operating system on, and when the new operating system works, all your shit doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:53:02 Like all the normal Google services and all that stuff. It's a completely different operating system works, all your shit doesn't work. Like all the normal Google services and all that stuff. It's a completely different operating system. Yeah. Yeah. There's, there's, they have figured out how to do both. You can toggle on and off what mode you want to be in and it's got the VPNs and everything else. Hmm. And that's the suspicious hippo face. Yeah. Yeah, suspicious hippo face. Like, hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:25 Yeah, skeptical hippo. Yeah. Yeah, if someone did figure something like out, that would be great. I asked Elon about that once, because I had read this story about a Tesla phone. He's like, oh God, I hope we don't have to make phones. But it's the way he said it,
Starting point is 01:53:38 I hope we don't have to make phones. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because when you look at the interconnectedness between, you know, Tesla and you look at obviously the power element and then the car element and then you look at the content platform that they are building X into, like the vision
Starting point is 01:54:02 that they have for it to be the one-stop shop, not only for all different kinds of media, but for payment and interaction and business and commerce and everything else. It's interesting when you look at that direction of connectivity. It is also interesting that if you have a Tesla and I have one, I love it. You can't get Apple CarPlay. It doesn't come with it. No Apple CarPlay. Fuck off
Starting point is 01:54:27 Fuck off stupid use our shit So what can you use then just they're organic You can Bluetooth your phone like you can play music like if you have Spotify hooked up to your phone on Bluetooth you play a Song on Spotify to play on that. Yeah, and you also have like there's a lot of options like Spotify's built into the system spot like so you could just like tell It you get to be like press it play notorious big and just start playing random song You tell what song to play interesting you press a button you say hey navigate to a TV steakhouse Okay, bam. It'll take you there. Okay, so and it's got this big-ass Huge screen. I've seen the screen. Yeah, I don't know how long it is. How long is the screen
Starting point is 01:55:06 on our cars? It's like 18 inches. Looks like that's about 18 inches, right? And it's just massive map. So like for navigation and everything, it's great. But if I was going to make a phone, I wouldn't allow Android or Apple to like have CarPlay., right. Fuck off. Use my shit. And then once you develop an X phone, I wouldn't be surprised. I could see it. I'm sure he's thought of it. I'm sure he's thought of it other than me saying that to him. Yeah, sure. That's not the first time he thought of it. Yeah, because if anybody could pull it off, it's probably Elon, it's probably Twitter and X whatever. If they came up with a SpaceX phone, all the nerds would be like, gimme, gimme, gimme.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Come on. Especially if it was good. And especially if people move to more secure messaging systems that are end-to-end encrypted like Signal, which also I get skeptical about. Like wasn't, I read something on some, one of them forums where they were saying that a signal was funded by CIA money Is that true? Which is not that's not good. And then there's whatsapp, which is owned by Facebook
Starting point is 01:56:14 Yeah, but the whatsapp is Not a secure form of communication is not no, is it sauce? No, it's more than sus. Yes It's confirmed? No. Is it sus? No. It's more than sus. Super sus? Yes. I just want to hear you say super sus. It's confirmed sus. How about that? Freedom of the Press Foundation acted as Signals Fiscal Sponsor between 2013 and 2016 to project receive grants from the Knight Foundation, the Shuttleworth Foundation, and almost three million from the US government sponsored open technology fund Yeah What does that say down there on reddit article claims signals origins as a US government asset are Asset are public record and a lack of funding is because of the CIA? Found this article that makes it claim that signals origins as a US government asset are a matter of extensive public record
Starting point is 01:57:12 Even if the scope and scale of the funding provided has until now Does anyone here know what public records they're referring to here says if So does anyone have links to these public records this're referring to here. It says if so, does anyone have links to these public records? This means Signal is a honeypot. They also say that Signal handed people over to the CIA. I'd like to know what actually evidence of that exists. If it's true, that kind of sucks. That's what it says there. But Tucker said that he was communicating through Signal and that the government contacted him and said, we know that you're setting up a meeting with Putin because we read your
Starting point is 01:57:50 signal. And he was like, I didn't know you could even do that. Well, this connects directly back to the FISA Section 702 law, because if they are surveilling certain foreign entities in Russia, then an American citizen like Tucker Carlson communicating with them, the government is then able to just immediately go in again without a warrant and saying, okay, we got to go before a judge. And even if they do go before a judge, it is a secret court. There is only one side that's presented, which is the government saying, we need to
Starting point is 01:58:26 go and capture all of Tucker's data. For example, I have no idea if this actually happened, but let's say that's the scenario. That court, and this is public information, that court approves 99.999999% of all requests that the government makes to go in and surveil American citizens. It's essentially a rubber stamp, which is exactly the problem. But that's where I could foresee, okay, well, Tucker's communicating on signal this surveillance law that just was strengthened recently when Congress passed it and Biden signed it into law allows that to happen. Pete Slauson So, it's all bullshit then.. So signal, unplug phone, all that stuff. If that's the case, if they have the ability to read signal,
Starting point is 01:59:10 don't you think they have the ability to read every single piece of information that gets sent from your phone, they can intercept it and read it? It just makes sense that they can do that. I believe it. I don't know how you're gonna protect that. Maybe I'm ignorant, but I don't understand how you could protect that with a different
Starting point is 01:59:27 operating system as long as it's using the same cell phone signals. It's like I understand that you're saying it's encrypted, but is that encryption impossible to crack? Like isn't that, is there a source of that encryption? Couldn't someone just get the phone and let's figure it out and back engineer it? Seems like they could. An interesting thing about, I asked the same question about this unplugged phone and if you're using, which I hadn't heard before about any other app, but if you're using their version of Signal, they're you know texting app that you can do calls and
Starting point is 02:00:00 FaceTime and whatever through with another app on another unplugged phone. Every time you connect a call or you send a text message, it generates a new encryption key versus Signal, which is when you download it and you set up your account or whatever, that is your key. So, but would you have to have an unplugged phone for me to talk to you in that encrypted app? That's what I I yes, I believe so you'd have to have it and I would I believe so because I don't know that their app is Available on Apple for example, right?
Starting point is 02:00:36 See that would be interesting if someone develops something that did that that Developed the generation of a new a new encrypted key every time you're using it and starting a conversation. It all seems like a futile race. It just seems like the boundaries between people and privacy. Signal facing collapse after CIA cuts funding. Oh, wow. Oh, Jesus. So this is an investigative journalist on a website I've then looked up his account his account is suspended on Twitter or X
Starting point is 02:01:11 I don't know why but this is an article that says some interesting things But it's I don't know how much of this is fact that's almost why I hesitated to bring it up But there's a a man a friend of mine so hold on a second never acknowledged in a serious way by the mainstream media signals origins as US government asset or a matter of extensive public record even if the scope and the scale the funding provided has until now been secret the app brainchild of shadowy tech guru Moxie Marlin spike by the way that it. He came on the podcast. He's not shadowy.
Starting point is 02:01:46 Did he really? Yeah, he's on the podcast. Wow. Not shadowy at all. Interesting. No, like regular guy. Yeah. Some of this is probably horseshit.
Starting point is 02:01:54 Real name Matthew Rosenfeld, how dare you Moxie? You have a fake name? Was launched in 2013 by his now defunct Open Whisper Systems. The company never published financial statements or disclosed the identities of its funders at any point during its operation. Some's involved in developing, launching, and running a message app used by countless people globally will nonetheless surely significant. The newly published financial records indicate signals operating costs for 2023 alone are
Starting point is 02:02:24 $40 million and projected to rise to 50 million by 2025. Rosenfeld boasted in 2018 that OWS never took VC venture capital funding or sought investment at any point, though mysteriously failed to mention millions were provided by the Open Technology Fund. That might have been three million that we funded in a year. Technology Fund. That's the money. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Open Technology Fund was launched in 2012 as a pilot program of Radio Free Asia, an asset of the US Agency for Global Media, which is funded by US Congress to the tune of over one billion annually in 2018 the then CEO Openly acknowledged the agency's global priorities reflect US national security and public diplomacy interests That sounds us is that super sus Is that super sus? That is super sus. I just like you saying super sus. Yeah. That's a little iffy. It's very, I would say so. If it's true, if it's not true, it's a disinformation campaign designed to cripple signal and to lose people's trust and signal. Yeah, perhaps. That last thing there though is a separate issue of concern of the United States government funding US propaganda,
Starting point is 02:03:55 essentially, in different parts of the world. I would like to talk to real nerds about this phone, this unplugged phone. The real nerds. I would like to have the real nerds look at this and go, yes or no? Like what do you think is going on there? Oh absolutely, I'm curious as well.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Is there reviews of the unplugged phone by any of them super smart people? Oh, but they have them. Brian Callan has one. Tulsi, you have one. It says buy now, but I don't. Let's see what happens if I say buy now. I can buy I don't know so it's not pre-order it used to be pre-order like till recently I'll just show you what I saw hmm pre-order today see right it says
Starting point is 02:04:40 the positive 499 but just go to the actual I did and that's where like I started So it maybe it used to be maybe that was the link at one point in time. It said pre-order Okay Be interesting if people use this but it's like I mean I need I need someone to tell is that is it? 1900 bucks I have two in the card. What are you buying phones? What are you buying phones, you psycho? What are you doing? I was trying to see what I was going to ship. You're a psycho. If it says shipping in three months, that means it's not available now, you know what
Starting point is 02:05:08 I'm saying? Right. What if we start using those? Hmm. I don't know. Yeah. It is very interesting because there are other phones that I've seen in the past who have tried this and not succeeded.
Starting point is 02:05:20 And I don't know whether it was a virtue of, you know, the time in our country where people maybe were just weren't that interested in Having a secure means of communication or a secure phone Uh, well people don't want the inconvenience and most people don't have to think about this, right? So they're not thinking about the government looking at everything they do. What are they doing? Right, just trying to get laid and try to have fun. They're just trying to do normal stuff. They don't care but if 86 or whatever the number was, percent of kids use iPhones, they are locked into that ecosystem.
Starting point is 02:05:51 You're locked in with your photographs, you're locked in with everything. Yeah, you've got Apple Pay and you've got the whole thing. Everything. All you need is your phone. You use your phone, I use my phone as remote control to control Apple TV, it's crazy. It's actually better than the real remote control. Because you could type on the keyboard instead of
Starting point is 02:06:08 doing that stupid thing where you have to go, oh gosh, yeah. Letter by letter scrolling. You try to find a movie, like it takes five minutes to type it out. You can just type it on your phone. Interesting. Yeah. The, the, the Apple remote control thing is fucking great. It's better. The problem is when you have these walled gardens like Apple's ecosystem, it's very difficult when you have everything over there, all your stuff. Your email, your this or that.
Starting point is 02:06:34 To jump off of that. It's hard. And most people don't ever do it. They just go, oh, too much work. Like whatever you're on, whether you're on Android or whether you're on Apple. But they try to make it easy. They try to lure you over. they try to lure you over,
Starting point is 02:06:46 you know, they try to get you to switch. Yeah. Nobody wants to do it. I think that's where it is interesting to me that more and more people are paying attention to government surveillance, their ability to reach into our private information, and who is allowing that to happen?
Starting point is 02:07:06 I think they count on the majority of us not being aware. And I think that is the case today. The majority of people are not aware and they don't think of it as a primary concern. The majority of people are way more concerned about climate change, you know, because that's what gets pumped into their head. You think it's a majority of people? I think it's a lot of people. They'll say it at least.
Starting point is 02:07:25 How much they know about it is weird. I've had conversations with people where they talk about, like, hey, well, they all agree, we've got to act now about the climate. And I go, what did you hear? Like, tell me what you hear. Cause like, have a conversation, let them just spill it all out.
Starting point is 02:07:38 Like, don't even challenge them. Just let them spill it all out. And it's like AOC talking about Palestine and Israel. It's like, I'm not really- It's like a centimeter deep. Not exactly. I'm not sure. They don't know what they're talking about. And if you say, have you ever looked at a video of the difference in the shoreline from like 1987 to today? Have you ever done that? Have I done it? Yeah, I've seen I've seen for Hawaii. yeah. What's the difference?
Starting point is 02:08:05 It's bigger. It is. Hawaii keeps getting bigger. Cause Hawaii grows cause it's a volcano. But when you look at the shoreline, there are a lot of places that kinda seems the same. And also these like fucking psycho rich people are buying houses like on the beach.
Starting point is 02:08:21 Do they know something we don't know? Don't you think if they really thought that the oceans were gonna rise 100 feet in the next week, that the fucking insurance companies would go, hey, you can't buy that. Or even the next five years, I mean, you know. Well, people are having a hard time getting a homeowner's insurance in California
Starting point is 02:08:38 because of the wildfires. Yeah, that's true. That's a real one. That's a very big issue. That's a real one, that's a real one. And, you know, but they're not having a hard time with the right next to the water. Yeah Like no one's getting it's not like tsunami insurance. Yeah, it's you know, I mean it like they even have that tsunami insurance I don't know. I want to say yes. I bet that's like carved out. I want to say yes
Starting point is 02:09:00 I want to say no I think if you're a dumbass that buys a 50 million dollar house in Malibu Like right on the wall. I want to be on the water. Okay, bitch You know much waters out there Well, we had you know the active volcano that we've had on the big island for so long but the actual flow that happened through neighborhoods when the the floor of the the volcanic shelf within the crater fell through, the lava went down and started flowing through all these lava
Starting point is 02:09:30 tubes that were running beneath fully occupied neighborhoods. People had bought land and built houses in those neighborhoods knowing it was, I think it was a lava three zone, which is like you're building on top of an active volcanoes, lava tubes. You have to know that you're assuming that risk. Well, when that happened, there were lava spouts and little mini craters that were formed within so many of these different communities. We were going around there. I was with the head of the roads division for Hawaii County and we would go and look.
Starting point is 02:10:08 And like, as soon as there was a crack in the pavement, be like, okay, we got to mark that one down on the map because that is, you know, the next day you see the steam coming up as though it's a lava vent. And then within the next day or two, you would have an active like 20, 30, 40 feet in the air lava spilling up right in the middle of like a normal kind of suburbia-ish neighborhood.
Starting point is 02:10:30 And this happened in over 20 different locations within this particular area. And it was mind blowing to go there one day after the other after the other and see how quickly a beautiful little neighborhood turned into a complete bed of lava. So this then begs the question like, well, is your home insured? There was one insurance company in the entire world that would insure homes that were built in a lava three zone. Did they go under? that would ensure homes that were built in a Lava 3 zone. Did they go under? Well, I don't think they went under,
Starting point is 02:11:08 because it's so freaking expensive. Most people just didn't have it. Most people couldn't afford it. It's a gamble, right? It is a gamble. And it was amazing to see how so many residents there recognized, like, OK, yeah, we knew we were getting this land. It was pretty cheap.
Starting point is 02:11:24 Built a beautiful house, knowing that this possibility could occur and frankly just it was amazing to see their respect for Mother Nature and knowing like we chose to live here. We rolled the dice. Madam Pele is doing her thing and yeah we're gonna have to figure out something else. So what is going on right now in Maui? Can I take a quick bathroom break? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a good one to talk about, right? It's a very important one. We're back. So we were just about to talk about Maui. So what is What is going on right now post fires? No one is rebuilding homes yet. Their mediation effort is still underway.
Starting point is 02:12:15 And the biggest challenge for the families who are directly impacted by that, who were left homeless, is the fact that they, they still don't have anywhere to go. You know, they've been put up in, um, Airbnb's or in hotel rooms for a period of time. On Maui, the hotels are like, hey, we need to be able to start welcoming in tourists back into the island. And so the governor is trying to work out a plan to be able to provide some form of semi-permanent housing for people. If they were to try to go out and rent a house on the market, it is purely unaffordable. And there are a number of families who are
Starting point is 02:12:50 now faced with the tough decision of, do we just pick up and go and move our life out of Hawaii and to the mainland? Which is heartbreaking given how many of those families, I mean, they've been in that community in West Maui or in Lahaina for generations. What is happening with the people that had mortgages? So if they had a mortgage and their home was burnt down and they haven't gotten money from the insurance company and they haven't been able to rebuild, do they still have to pay that mortgage while this is all going on? You know, I haven't heard that raised as an issue. I would hope that the mortgage company would recognize what's going on. but that's a good question.
Starting point is 02:13:26 I haven't heard it raised as an issue from either residents or as part of the conversation around housing for them. Why has no one been able to rebuild? There has to be... There are so many layers of toxins in the ground that have to be cleaned up and removed before people can go in and actually start to rebuild. But to speak of just the inspection and the permitting process and so forth. So the layers of toxins just from the fire?
Starting point is 02:13:58 From the fire and you had like a gas station with underground fuel tanks that burned like completely to ash on the ground. The toxins that came from all, you know, different construction and everything else that exists in the environment. So all that stuff burns, it gets in the soil, it gets rained on, so the ground is contaminated. Right. And this is the reason why they can't rebuild? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:27 And they knew from the outset it was a known fact that it would take, I mean, if it only takes a year, that is an expedited timeline, is what I've been told. How long has it been now? August will be one year. August 8th. The most insulting thing was the $700 one-time payment from the government. Who said yes to that? Who allowed that? And at the same time, releasing this number where they accidentally had sent Ukraine $6 billion. Remember that?
Starting point is 02:15:03 Yeah, they said, oh, well we we lost track of this six billion dollars And so now that we've found it because of some accounting error now We can go and send it to Ukraine and they were automatically assuming they were gonna send that anyway Oh, of course of course, but no consideration at all No, it you know I remember specifically when the fires had just happened the White House brought in the director of FEMA to talk to the White House press corps and someone asked the question, what are you, FEMA, what are you actually doing for the people who've been impacted by this tragedy? And the director stood there with a straight face and proudly said, well,
Starting point is 02:15:40 we have provided a one-time payment of $700 to everyone who has been impacted by this fire or displaced by this fire. And that was her big announcement that she was there to make. One single one-time payment of $700. That means you have 700 servings of ramen. Basically. Basically. I mean, you can't even rent a bedroom in someone's house for $700 It's just it's it's certainly you can't for eight months. No, that's what's crazy. No $700 is so crazy. It's just such an insulting and ridiculous number and the fact that they haven't given more It's like but yet they're flying people around on airplanes that come in
Starting point is 02:16:27 illegally through the border. Yeah. Just like how much does that cost? Yeah, exactly. What does that program cost? Exactly. Like what does that cost? Multi-billions of dollars if I had to, if I had to guess.
Starting point is 02:16:38 It's, um, you know, FEMA has other services. It's a lot of bureaucracy. It's a lot of paperwork and residents on Maui, they were being told like, okay, well, hey, if you accept this kind of aid from FEMA, you are ceding some sense of your sovereignty or decision-making ability with regard to your land or your property and all of these, all of the red tape essentially that caused a people, a community who were rightfully skeptical about government coming in and saying, okay, well, we're gonna help you
Starting point is 02:17:12 when that same government said, oh yeah, hey, we may at that time, and the governor said this, and then he corrected himself later on, but he's like, oh yeah, we're thinking about and talking about how we can turn this entire place, the government take ownership of it and turn it into some kind of memorial or some kind of workforce housing, which obviously made people really freaking mad to say like, well,
Starting point is 02:17:34 who the hell are you to come in here and say, you're just, you're just going to take our land. You're just going to take it and do what you want with it. So they're, they're obviously very skeptical and, and rightfully so about the fine print. What does it mean if I accept a few bucks here or there from the federal government? What power am I ceding to you to determine my future, the future of my family in our home? And unfortunately, the rest of the country
Starting point is 02:17:58 has forgotten about it. By and large, yeah. Yeah, there's always a new thing in the news. There's always a new thing to pay attention to. There's always a new fear. One of the things that has just recently come out, first of all, the Maui Police Department, they did an audit of what went wrong, what did we do wrong, what should we have done better. And kudos to them for actually doing this.
Starting point is 02:18:20 And I think they came up with like 92 recommendations on things that needed to be fixed. They shared that with municipalities all across the country as like, Hey, here are the hard lessons that we learned you guys should take note and try to protect yourselves from having to go through what we went through. Other agencies at the county level and at the state level have not been so honest or transparent about their shortcomings. And the most egregious one recently that our local news in Hawaii exposed was the head
Starting point is 02:18:53 of Maui's Emergency Response Division. He was off island that day. He was at, of all places, a FEMA conference on Oahu when the fires happened. And instead of doing what any compassionate and responsible person and leader would do, you'd immediately get on the first plane out. You get a notification there, this fire's happening on Maui. I gotta be there with my people
Starting point is 02:19:17 and I gotta lead my teams to respond to this emergency. It took him a few days to go back to Maui, first of all. But the thing that was, and I don't know if you can find this, Jamie, but they released his text exchanges that he had with his assistant who was telling him, and he's like, what's going on with the fire, LOL, and the assistant responding saying, ha ha ha, this place is like a circus their their exchange was so so Disturbing doesn't even put it lightly when you know there are people who are being burned to ash burned alive in their community and their text exchange is like
Starting point is 02:20:00 Oh ha ha ha is the fire still going lol., yup, now it's going in another place. I couldn't believe it when I read it. And this was the same guy, Herman Andaya is his name. He didn't show up and show his face publicly until like seven days after the fire. And then he went and he did one press conference and then he quit and resigned. But there has not yet, and I hope investigations are ongoing. There has
Starting point is 02:20:28 not been any kind of accountability at the various failure points that existed in this response. Nat. If the government wanted to take over that land, the best way to do it is to drag this out and make it so that people... Lauren Larkin Exactly. They have They have no other choice. They have nothing to do. They can't do anything. They just tell stories about it. We used to own that land. Right. There's a Native Hawaiian leader, famous surfer navigator for the Hokulea and traditional Hawaiian navigation Archie Kaleepa. He has been one of the most stalwart leaders for the community during this whole period in time, organizing emergency response and
Starting point is 02:21:11 food and shelter and, you know, community gatherings. People come and play music at the end of the day throughout this whole crisis period and has been leading the charge. He's very well respected in the community in holding that line and saying we are not giving up our land, but as you said it becomes a much more difficult argument to make when people, you got to live. You got to be able to make sure your kids have what they need to go back to school and all of it. And how can you do that when you're in a constant state of transition with no real timeline? Where they're they're not coming and saying okay. Hey, you can go and start rebuilding on this date, right?
Starting point is 02:21:50 So they're gonna have to do something to speak of the cost. I mean like Building a house from scratch right crazy. Most people don't have that money No, and then also like how long is this clean up gonna take and like what it when does it start? And what do they have to take and like what it when does it start and what do they have to do? I mean it is ongoing it is it is ongoing but it is massive excavation and and so it's ongoing it is ongoing. Do they have an anticipated timeline? I heard from one guy they were looking at well hopefully maybe it might be September it might be October but you know it's one of those things that one of the guys who's out there actually doing this is just saying well you don't know what you're gonna
Starting point is 02:22:27 deal with until you're actually dealing with it and it might take longer it might not take as long but it's one of those things that they're figuring they're not figuring out as they go but they are being confronted with things as they go is this one of those issues where you wish that maybe you still were in Congress yeah yeah because at least you could be talking about it so that was as they go. Is this one of those issues where you wish that maybe you still were in Congress? Yeah. Yeah. Because at least you could be talking about it. That was my hope. And I talked with leaders in Congress and people who I still know there and just calling for oversight and accountability from the federal government because we saw
Starting point is 02:22:59 many points of failure, everything from the immediate response to the whole water issue and the fact that there wasn't any water coming through people's hoses during that time. Now, why was that? The history of water on Maui is complicated. And it's largely attributed to that, of the fact that of the fact that the water is a privately owned utility and how that water is controlled. There is limited use of water at different times, how it's controlled and where it goes. And there was a state water management official apparently who had some say in this saying, well, you know, I don't think that we should turn the water on for this period of time, because we don't know exactly what's going to happen. But my point is, all of these things need to be very clearly investigated, because
Starting point is 02:23:55 people's lives and property were absolutely destroyed because of this. So was it because that water is a valuable commodity? They didn't allow it to be used by the people that were experiencing the fire? There was some implication of. I don't know. It was like, well, we want to make sure that the water is being distributed equitably. And so we don't want to give it to one group of people over another group of people. It really didn't make any sense what the argument was but it was like hey you missed that critical juncture in that window because you were
Starting point is 02:24:36 trying to ruminate. It was something to do with equity and and some theoretical argument rather than this is a community in crisis. There are fires burning in various different places. We need to get water to people who need it. There's also the thing about having above ground wires. Yes. Right? Which is crazy. It is. In a place that experiences storms.
Starting point is 02:25:01 In a place that experiences storms, but also on West Maui is traditionally a drier part of the island that also experiences wildfires, even small ones on a regular basis that if they're not immediately controlled, you end up with what happened. This is so disheartening that it's not receiving more attention. Yeah. Yeah. This is, this is, you know, you look at the things that we've talked about,
Starting point is 02:25:32 what, what, what are they actually focusing on? Yeah. And that's, that, that's where the opportunity and, and it is such a dire picture, you know, it's, it's a time where we're surrounded by literally insane people who are making decisions that further their own interests and their desire to either hold onto power or grow their power at the cost of the well-being of the people and at the cost of our fundamental freedoms. And that's where, you know, this election, our using our voice, our defending our freedom of speech by speaking the truth
Starting point is 02:26:13 and speaking freely, all of these things and our engagement with them as Americans, as citizens, it matters more than anything else. Because if we continue to go down this track, we will continue to see our freedoms undermined until we wake up one day and this will no longer be the America that we know and that we love. That's a scary thought. It is. Until the last few years, I never would have thought that was the case. I would be like, we're gonna be okay.
Starting point is 02:26:49 Yeah, now I'm not so sure. Because I mean, we've gone through, you know, the political power switch from one side to the other and back again. And you know, you figure like, okay, well, I disagree with this person or this issue or whatever, but being grounded and having the confidence in the Constitution and these fundamental rights and freedoms is kind of like, okay, well, you know, we'll figure out the rest. But all of that, for everything that we've talked about, censorship and control and big government overreach and all of the government surveillance,
Starting point is 02:27:26 all of these different things point to the very real risk and domestic threat that we face. Yeah, there's just so many factors that are simultaneously taking place. There's surveillance, there's the invasion, which is kind of an invasion. I mean you call the open borders You can call whatever you want. Yeah, it's people coming here that aren't supposed to be here And I'm for immigration just for them figuring out who's criminal like well legal Then this is the thing. I've got a friend of mine who's about to retire Special Forces Green Berets served over 30 years in uniform
Starting point is 02:28:08 retire. Special Forces Green Beret served over 30 years in uniform. Great American who has dedicated his life to service, he's about to retire. His wife is from a European country, and they want to invite her sister and her sister's family to come to the retirement ceremony. They're residents of Italy. They have been denied a tourist visa to come to America for two weeks to attend the special forces warrant officer's retirement. How is that? And these are like, hey, they got a family, they got young kids, they got school, they got jobs, and they were denied saying, well, we don't, you know, we don't think that you have, we don't have confidence that you will come back to your life in Italy. And yet, again, people are coming through the border every day being picked up, border patrol has become like this Uber drivers for people who are breaking our laws from the
Starting point is 02:29:00 moment they step across the border into our country illegally. And okay, so then they go out in the country, nobody knows where they are, who they are. Are they really going to show up for a court date in two years or three years? And nothing is really truly being done about this. Yeah, seven years, seven years between that other court date. Okay. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It almost seems like it's all designed to erode our faith and to make this whole thing something that's way easier to control because the way our system is set up right now with if you can express
Starting point is 02:29:40 the freedom of speech if you actually can do that it makes it very difficult to really to control a narrative. That's it right there. That's it right there. Control and power. And they're terrified of a truly free society, where we can have a truly free open marketplace of ideas. They're terrified of people being able to, you know, and I saw this when I ran for president in 2020, we're seeing it again in different ways in 2024, where they want to control what information you get about certain candidates, what information you're not allowed to see, who is being pushed forward and who is not, and undermining our basic responsibility as citizens, which is to cast an informed vote and engage in our democracy and actually have a government of, by, and for the people. They're terrified of us doing that and making what they believe is the wrong choice, so they're trying to take away our right to do it, so they can remain in power. And in their minds, I fully, I know many of these people, and they feel justified in what they're doing,
Starting point is 02:30:42 that they are the righteous ones, that they are standing up for America and standing up for democracy, so much so that they are willing to destroy our democracy to save it in their minds, which is a dangerous, dangerous mindset that we could see in foreign dictators in different parts of the world and throughout history. It really is. And it's astonishing how few people are willing to accept that it still takes place today. Right. They almost have this thought that those things have been sorted out and that you know that was the case in the past but and even though history is filled with it and there's
Starting point is 02:31:16 actually no instances of it not taking place. Right. Yeah like but now don't be silly. Right. Now we've got it. We've got to leave hands. And I had Jan Werner on here from Rolling Stone. Jan Werner. Yeah. He was trying to tell me that the government should regulate the Internet. My government, the same people that lied about weapons of mass destruction. Those people. And I was like, no, no, not those ones.
Starting point is 02:31:40 Yeah. Everybody wants daddy. Right. They want daddy to come along. No one is going not those ones. Yeah. Everybody wants daddy. They want daddy to come along. No one is going to save you. No, exactly. No one's going to save you. That's it. People in Maui know that.
Starting point is 02:31:53 They know that now. Yes. And no one's going to save you. Yes. And we have to be aware of how fucking crooked this system is. Yes. And I don't know how we're going to get out of it. I don't.
Starting point is 02:32:03 I don't. But I'm very happy that people like you, or at least you, have the courage to talk about it. And so few people do. And it's a strange time to be alive. It's wonderful in a lot of ways. It's amazing in a lot of ways. But it's also, it's like treacherous.
Starting point is 02:32:19 There's a lot going on right now. It really makes you wonder. There's so much fucking subterfuge and shenanigans and so much money being funneled around and moved around. It's just like, whew. I think that's where there is, you know, there is a silver lining in what we have been through through COVID and through everything that's happened since
Starting point is 02:32:41 is I think more and more people are waking up and at a minimum just questioning what they're being told. Is this actually true? Looking for information and news from other sources than maybe they had been before. And just what you said, no one's coming to save us. I think that is the message I'm carrying. I'm on the road constantly and I'm talking to people, whoever will listen at events and on different media platforms. It's what I focused on in my book, For Love of Country. The truth about what is happening in our country, the experiences that I had in the Democratic Party that caused me to leave the party and understanding that in this situation,
Starting point is 02:33:28 and there's a lot to be fixed across both parties and the government, but in my experience and in the situation we are in right now with the Biden-Harris administration, they cannot be allowed to remain in power. We can agree or disagree on different issues and it's good and we should and we should have those conversations. But when you look at the unprecedented abuse of power that they are engaging in, undermining the rule of law, politicizing our government entities, targeting Americans, targeting Americans who happen to be their political opposition, whether it's Donald Trump or the mom who's protesting at a Board of Education meeting to have a protesting at a board of education meeting
Starting point is 02:34:05 to have a say in what kind of education her child is getting. This is happening across the country. And if we, the American people, don't do something about this and stop them and hold them accountable, what happens in these elections? If they're allowed to remain in power, they will tell us, hey, you gave us a mandate, you said, hey, good job, thumbs up, keep at it, and we'll see everything that's happened just continue to escalate to a point where I have no doubt that our freedoms will be eroded to a point where it'll be virtually impossible to get them back. And where do we go from there? America no longer becomes the land of the free and the home of the brave. It becomes the land of people who are controlled by the government
Starting point is 02:34:51 and forced to comply or else. And if you dare to have the courage to speak up and speak the truth or say, hey, look, guys, the emperor has no clothes on, boys are boys and girls are girls, and that's just how it is then you will experience the the retaliation or the consequences of that action. Well said. Thank you Telsey. Show your book for Love of Country. It's out now. Did you do the audio? It is. I did. I recorded the audio. Excellent. There's a little there's a little line on the top of the cover there you might recognize. Oh, it's me. I appreciate your words, your friendship, your support, and your being such an incredible
Starting point is 02:35:37 stalwart voice of truth and providing a platform for real discussion, where people can come and listen to those who have different viewpoints, different backgrounds, different experiences, and maybe they walk away agreeing or disagreeing, it doesn't really even matter. But having this kind of platform is such a powerful thing for everyone to benefit from. The crazy things that happen by accident.
Starting point is 02:36:01 Yes. So I went and I was invited to speak at this Passover event a couple of days ago. But the guy who picked me up at the airport, his name is Avi, works in New York. Their family hosted me. And he's like, Oh, where are you going next? I said, Oh, I'm going to go to Austin. I'm going to see Joe Rogan. He's like, I am like, he's like, I'm kind of pissed off about how popular he's gotten
Starting point is 02:36:26 because I was one of the OGs from the very beginning. He's like, I know the roots of the Joe Rogan experience. Anyway, it was just, you got a lot of fans, but he was particularly owning the fact that he knew Joe Rogan before Joe Rogan was, you know, the Joe Rogan experience Isn't funny that people get upset when things get popular and other people find out But people do that with bands all the time
Starting point is 02:37:04 Yeah, that's the beauty though of what you like. It sucks though. Yeah. Yeah. That's the beauty though of what you've done is like, you've been you the whole time and there's, there's no like, Oh, Joe Rogan's gone mainstream and he's different or whatever. It's like you're, you're you. And I think that's what people are attracted to is just, you know, you are who you are.
Starting point is 02:37:18 I think that's what people are attracted to with you as well. And I'm very happy you're out there. And I'm very happy that you created this book. I'm really happy that you did the audio of it. Yeah. Because I don't really read anymore. It was in, you know, I, before I recorded it, I do a lot, I do more audio books as well than I do. I read every now and then, but most of the time I'm actually like if I'm on a plane,
Starting point is 02:37:39 sometimes I read, but most of the time I'm sitting there listening to stuff in the sauna or listening to something when I'm driving. For me, it's a use of time. Exactly. It's much more efficient. Exactly. It was, you know, I poured my heart into writing this book and I care very much about the issues that we were talking about and I care very much about our country. And so in some parts of the audio book,
Starting point is 02:38:07 you know, it was emotional talking about some of the experiences that I've had and while I was deployed and really truly conveying what's at stake and the responsibility. And so I go through a lot of the problems. It's important, obviously, to talk about the solutions and the call to action for every one of us as Americans. I don't care what your party affiliation is.
Starting point is 02:38:32 That's not the point here. I'm urging people to leave this Democrat party behind because they are abusing their power and undermining our Constitution. Just as our founding fathers did when they created these founding documents, they disagreed heavily on a lot of different things. They had fierce arguments and debates, but they came together around the most fundamental principles of our country that are centered around freedom, our ability to live in peace and pursue prosperity, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Now is
Starting point is 02:39:06 the time that we have to come together as Americans around those foundational principles and get our country back on track. That is the most important task before us as Americans. Otherwise, it'll be too late. Here, here. Thank you, Tulsi. Thank you for being here. I appreciate you. Great to see you. All right. Depressing Thank you, Joe. I appreciate you. Great to see you. All right. Goodbye, everybody.

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