The Tim Dillon Show - 380 - The Diaper Spa

Episode Date: February 3, 2024

Tim dishes on an upcoming new artist, giving the country to Taylor Swift, a creepy New Hampshire business and a disturbing father & son moment. American Royalty Tour 🎟 SPONSORS: Factor Use code: TimD50 at To Get 50% Off! Manscaped & use code 'TIMD' For 20% Off ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to the channel: Instagram: Twitter: Listen on Spotify! #TheTimDillonShow Merch: For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same. #TimGivesBack

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't hate it. Is he white? This is a new artist I've come across, Justin Moan, right? MOHN. He's a new artist, Justin Moan. I'm lucky enough to be able to do what I do for a living. When I find somebody who's an artist, I share what they're doing. Justin, M O H N, Moan. Really good. Play the other one too. This is a, uh, an artist out of where is it? Pennsylvania? Yeah. Levittown, Levittown, Pennsylvania. And it's someone that I think, I think this guy's coming up. I'm gonna say it right now. I'm gonna go out on a limb. I will go as far as to say this.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I think in the next year, he's gonna have, you're gonna know more about him than you ever did. Coming up soon. You're not my son. Why, mom? Cause you're the one. Why, mom, cause you're the one Why'd you go so far out of your way To try to kill me? Mentally, hilly, hilly, outside of Filly, filly they tried to
Starting point is 00:01:36 Kill me, kill me, they drove through The hilly, hilly it may sound Silly, silly, but really Spies, runner, cities Reds and Colts, roaming freely, filthy sissy's tricky, tricky, They knew the weakness of the killies, bad dogs never do for guilty, They were for the piggy, piggy, make your head feeling dizzy. I mean, I'm tired of part of this family, or is everyone just tricking me The very talented Justin Moan Coming out of Levittown, Pennsylvania
Starting point is 00:02:14 He's an artist, he's a composer, writer, singer Triple threat, a guy, he's out of Levittown, Pennsylvania Justin Moe. Taylor Swift in the news, again, always all the time, Taylor Swift. We can't get away and we wouldn't want to. Why would we want to? There's nothing to get away from. We have it all.
Starting point is 00:02:38 We have love. We have, you know, intrigue. We have politics dating Travis Kelsey, the Super Bowl, there's sports, you know. I am at the point now where, you know, because now the scuttlebutt is that she's going to one day soon endorse President Biden and the Trump people are figuring out how to counter that. There's all these lurid conspiracies about what is happening behind the scenes. So that's where we are. We're all fighting for the affection of Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 00:03:26 If you live in this country, you must be blessed, knighted, if you will, by Taylor Swift. So then I guess the people that are, the Trump people are going at her. Risky move, it's a gambit because she's incredibly powerful. I think we give her the country, give her the country. Why have an election? Give her the country. She's gotten to that point now. Give it to her stop. Let's stop pretending. This is a country Give it to her how bad
Starting point is 00:04:08 Can she do? The president's not really running it the guy Biden's not even awake in the meetings The wife is sitting in the meetings bringing him back information. So at the end of the day It's like how bad could Taylor Swift do just give it to her Ask her knock Ask her, knock on her door in one of her homes, and knock on her door and ask her if she has an interest in being the president of the United States. And if she says no, compel her to be the president. But how about instead of endorsing Biden, run in his place, run, run wheel. We don't care that you don't have any experience. It is of no interest to us. We
Starting point is 00:04:57 don't care. Just run in his place. And endorsement is wasting her capital. Her social capital right now is so high that in order to fully take advantage of it, she must run. She must run and announce it. Go, I thought about it, and I've decided that the best way to safeguard our democracy is if I run for president. Let her do it.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Let her do it. I don't care anymore. If all, let her be the pre- if everyone's just going to talk about this woman every day, all day, which is all anyone does, and now I'm doing it because I've noticed that other people are doing it. What am I going to talk about? You want me to talk about Greek mythology? I'm noticing what's going on around me. What's going on around me is it's endeavor ending all day every day discussion of this woman and who she
Starting point is 00:06:00 likes, who she doesn't like, who she thinks is going to be a good president. likes who she doesn't like, who she thinks is going to be a good president. And what's her take on the Barbie Oscar snub? Has she weighed in, make her the leader of the country? Why not? Oh, it seems to follow logically that if you have an unhealthy obsession with this person that's rooted, I don't know in what, but I, you know, in nostalgia and growing up with her and her making you feel good and the music evoking emotions, she's the greatest, whatever, it's not true.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's not true that she's the greatest entertainer. It's beyond, it's not true, but it doesn't matter because nothing matters. So make her the president. Make her the leader of the United States of America. Let her fire nuclear weapons. Let her kill the Palestinians. Let her do it. You know why? Because we need somebody who can put a happy face on some of the policies that people are having trouble with. Let her write a song about Gaza as we bomb them into a smithereens, into a, you know, as we obliterate it, let her write a song about it and how sad it is. And people go, you know, Taylor wrote that song about as sad it is that they're being
Starting point is 00:07:36 bombed and they're dying. I mean, why not? It's, it's, it's an idea. It's certainly an idea to have this lady just take it out, just go, we're at this. We are at the point now. We are at the point very soon where we're gonna just hand the country over to someone.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Someone. We're just gonna give it to someone. We're going to kind of say, we're just gonna continue to do what we do and you can have it. So before it's China, let it be her. Let it be Taylor Swift. I don't mind that. I do not mind that at all.
Starting point is 00:08:23 She challenges Trump. She wins. And you know, it's just happy. We then need, you know, just sit, we're singing songs. Everybody's in love with her. They're happy. We'll still do everything we're doing. We'll ramp it up. It'll get worse. We will, okay, if Taylor Swift is our president, the things we will do, the blood that will spill will be like nothing you've ever seen. And it'll be okay because it'll be the most beloved figure on planet Earth. I wonder if she realizes how much power she has. It's probably got to fuck her up. Realizing that she could sway presidential elections, you know, whatever she wants to do. It's got to kind of make her go, wow, I had no idea, but she can. She is now the the most important figure in America right now, Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 00:09:27 It's, that's it. There's, this is, by the way, this is not any type of exaggeration. Taylor Swift at this moment in time is the most important figure culturally in our country. There's nobody, I don't know how this happened. important figure culturally in our country. There's nobody, I don't know how this happened. It happened without my involvement or knowledge. I'm just reacting to it and I'm going with it.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I'm going with it. I'm going with it. I'm asking you to deliver the country to her. Give it to her now. Give it to her. I'm asking you to do it. I'm asking you to do it, please. So that there's a reason that I let her, Travis
Starting point is 00:10:06 Kelsey live in a White House and fire drone strikes at our enemies, the Houthis and all these other, let them do it. Let have the CIA come in and say, Madam President. And she'll say, call me Taylor. And that's her new album. Her new album is called call me Taylor and Kara Swisher and the rest of these people whose brains have been eaten. Like fermented alcohol, just, you know what I mean? Like a fruit rotting, their brains have gone. They can all go, and you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:36 You know what the, you know why her new album is called Call Me Taylor? Because the CIA director came in to give her a briefing, the presidential daily briefing, the PDB. And you know, she just sat there and she was looking so smart. And she just looked at him and she said, call me Taylor. And he was amazed by that because she doesn't even that. That's how big she is. She doesn't even need the title. Do it. Give it to him. Give it to her. I will not resist. I will not resist. I will cheerlead for her
Starting point is 00:11:06 Because we want to live in North Korea. We want it With like all of our the we want our loyal are our this woman our Undying Obsession with this woman Proves that we really want to live in North Korea. Let's do it. Give it to them. Give it to them. They want the people out there that you see on the Chick-fil-A line that loops around and around and around and keeps going or the in and out line. It
Starting point is 00:11:39 goes back, blocks and blocks and blocks and blocks block the people that are sitting that they have the time to sit 45 minutes an hour and a half for shit food it's not good it's not that good they have two hours to sit and wait for french fries that by the by the time they get them will be cold because they've been sitting there let give them what they want. They want, they want God's, and they want someone to worship. They want someone to worship. Give them Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Give them Taylor, and then she can, you know, she can really solve a lot of problems that haven't been able to be solved yet. She can really solve a lot of problems that haven't been able to be solved yet. She can fall in and out of love with migrants and the country will react to the migrant crisis based on who she's in love with. So if she's in love with like a North African guy who came over, it's like hot.
Starting point is 00:12:45 But if she dumps him, no migrants, then they get kicked the fuck out, which by the way, Topeka Kansas, I love how bad they're doing. They're, they're literally going, give us migrants. Topeka Kansas is going, we've got nothing left. The main industry that Topeka Kansas had was the God's God hates fags church. That was their main, but it was their main industry that Topeka Kansas had was the God's God hates fans church. That was their main, but it was their main industry. It really was. Their main industry was like hate. That was their main thing. And they've got nothing left. So Topeka Kansas is basically telling migrants like, Hey, we're out here. We've got nothing. This article came out, I guess it was in the Times or something where Topeka Kansas is literally advertising for migrants are going please. Kansas Capital hopes to lure migrants with work all through the day. How great is it?
Starting point is 00:13:34 You're a migrant, you just got here. And they're like, what about Kansas? And even they know, they're like, oh, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know about Kansas. While many American cities are struggling with large numbers of newly arrived migrants, Topeka is inviting anyone and everyone with permission to work in the U.S., anyone and everyone. Like a lot of smaller cities, the Kansas capital is grappling with near stagnant population growth, an unemployment rate well below the national average, and an unemployment rate well below the national average and an unemployment rate well below the national average. According to city and economic development officials, finding people to fill it's roughly 60, 600 open jobs has been a struggle. So there are 6,600 jobs in Topeka, Kansas that People don't want to fill. They don't want to go.
Starting point is 00:14:26 For Topeka Mayor Michael Padilla, a Democrat in a largely Republican state, the effort to attract immigrants along with Americans living in other cities just made sense. Because there are Topekas coming out and going, if you are a fucked, that's Topeka Kansas. And by the way, that could be a good, it's really not a bad way to attract people.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's like, if you are fine, if it didn't work anywhere else, come here. Did you fail in Austin? Come to Topeka. Did Miami not pan out? Did you not ride the Bitcoin wave of Miami to Star Island. It didn't work out. You don't live next to Jared in Ivanka on Indian Creek Island. Come on down to Topeka, Kansas working a food truck.
Starting point is 00:15:12 That's nice. You serve a couple of burly lesbians to mention a lot of this every morning. Come work at a food truck. Put the hash brown in the burrito. Thank you. Come work at a food truck. Learn all about Native American fry bread or whatever the fuck they serve. Come down to Topeka, Kansas, live in hell.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And that's nothing wrong with that. Come live in hell. Come work the front desk at the Hilton in Topeka, Kansas. You will wish you were back in fucking, you know, I don't even know where the hell a lot of these people get Libya. You'll be, you'll wanna go back to Libya when you are standing and working in the last remaining Pizza Hut in Topeka, Kansas,
Starting point is 00:15:53 serving the morbidly obese baseball team at the high school, their fourth pizza in Topeka, Kansas. Come on down. Come on down to Topeka, Kansas, a hollowed out meth hell. And I, I like Kansas. I'm not saying anything bad about them, really. I'm just stating facts as to what's going on over there. Cities with something going on, they can't have all the migrants in here. They just don't want it. They don't want it. New York's going, we can't do it. Martha's Vineyard's like, hey man, we're on the small island.
Starting point is 00:16:25 We can't handle this. Topeka Kansas go, we don't care what you did. We don't care what you did in your country. We don't care rape, murder, torch, come on down. Work in a food truck, serve this burly lesbian, a chili dog so she can go to her fucking shit job working for the energy plant with Topeka Kansas. Come down to Topeka Kansas.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Our biggest industry was Fred Phelps. He's our national celebrity, and our biggest industry was the God Hates Fakes Church. It was our biggest. Come on down to Topeka, and by the way, this is where the migrants should have to go, so they will stop coming eventually. They'll go, oh, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:17:02 They'll go, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it is not good. It's not the movies. It's not the movies. It is not the movies. Have the migrants work at this new diaper cafe that we're opening in Massachusetts. Have the migrants work in the new diaper cafe where adults who have a diaper fetish, a woman is, and by the way, I can't, for example, open a restaurant.
Starting point is 00:17:24 I've been trying for so long, but it's so difficult to get a restaurant off the ground. Somehow this bitch has opened, and I kid you not, a diaper spa. She has a diaper spa in a tiny New Hampshire town. So I can't open a restaurant because of red tape and regulation, but this bitch somehow can open a diaper spa
Starting point is 00:17:48 for perverts in a tiny little New Hampshire town. A diaper spa to those of you who don't know, if you're an idiot and you're like some type of prude, an ABDL, an ABDL is an adult baby diaper lover. Adult baby diaper lover. It's a diverse community with various individuals and their unique wants and needs, the owner said. A news box catering to diaper wearing adults
Starting point is 00:18:15 who want to role play as young children, and what could go wrong, has opened in a small town in New Hampshire, alarming some local writ. Now by the way, how cheap is it to just maybe that's where I should open a r- I mean this bitch can just open a diaper? Colony? The diaper spa in Atkinson, New Hampshire says it is an age play friendly adult diaper spa. I love the idea of this being someone's dream. You know, like she's like, well, one
Starting point is 00:18:47 day I always wanted to hang out my own shingle. Working for yourself is the American dream. And I believed when I grew up, if I worked hard enough and I saved enough money and I believed in myself, I could open up a place where adults who want to wear diapers and pretend to be children could get off. Because it is sexual. This is clearly, she's like, it's a, I'll tell you my favorite line in this whole article is coming up. The spa is a safe judgment free zone.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Well, number one, of course. Wait a minute, really? The diaper spa is judgment free? Yeah. I like how she just has to reiterate that. She's like, don't worry, this ain't no country club. We're not looking down on anybody here. We're all in diapers. It's a judgment-free zone.
Starting point is 00:19:35 By the way, that's how fucking cunt-y everybody's gotten about everything that she has to specify that. This isn't one of those upscale diaper spas. We're going to have a real laissez faire attitude. This is a judgment, a safe and judgment free zone for visitors to pamper themselves with snacks, playtime, storytime, nap time, you take the migrants and you put them in the diaper spot. They have to watch adults in diapers in New Hampshire, pretend to be babies. You do this, you publicize it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You, but I'm telling you right now, they will just go to Europe. Just let them go to Paris. We have in our country, and this is the great thing. We have the means to solve the migrant crisis. We have it. Bring the people in and give them jobs. Make them go to Topeka, Kansas. Send them to a little town in New Hampshire to cradle and rock a 45-year-old pervert in a diaper. Do it! The spa is a judgment-free zone.
Starting point is 00:20:48 And this is for people. They're all regular adults. And they wanted to play time, story time, nap time, cuddle time, changing time, changing time. Let the mic... Please God, please. Let the migrants have to change a 37 year old adult. Let make the migrants change the diapers of these people and then if the migrants stay, then they are citizens. Oh, say can you see if the migrants
Starting point is 00:21:32 will change the diaper of our very, very, very, very sick people that live here in New Hampshire. If the migrants are willing to change the diapers of these very healthy but very unhealthy people, they should get to stay. Playtime, nap time, cuddle time, changing time, coloring, nursery rhymes and sing-alongs! Services Advertise include, quote, adult baby diaper lover, nursery spa care at 300 an hour,
Starting point is 00:22:06 include, quote, adult baby diaper lover, nursery spa care at 300 an hour, virtual play dates at 200 an hour, and an all day premier spa experience for the little one inside of you for 15 hunch. 1500! In the summer, you can play with your water wings and floaties poolside, picnic under a tree with your teddy bear, play marbles on the patio or swing on the front porch swinging and serve tea to your dollies on the porch in the winter. We can make snow angels build snowmen drink hot cocoa from beneath clouds of whipped cream and sprinkles and decorate gingerbread men or sugar cookies. The spa's website advertises.
Starting point is 00:22:40 But now think of this. I'm very disappointed in these people in New Hampshire Some residents are not happy about this. Can you imagine that some residents are unhappy about this? Some residents not that happy It has a there's this is a little town. It has a Population of about 7,000 people Mother of three K. Legagher told the Eagle Tribune that she is concerned because the spa is close to a children's park and fears that it caters to clients with a sexual fetish.
Starting point is 00:23:11 What do you mean, Kayla? This is something that I will never be willing to expose my kids to, so now we will no longer be able to use that park. Local resident, Mike Vigliata was against a spa for similar reasons. Can you imagine telling Mike Vigliata about this? What's going on over there?
Starting point is 00:23:33 They're adults in diapers. They're running around in diapers over there. They're shitting in these diapers. These sick fucks. You gotta see where I'm living. I'm living in this place. They got a diapers. It's a spa, but it's for adults who wear these diapers and they shit in them. I kid you not. Vinny, I'm telling you, from my hand to God,
Starting point is 00:23:56 there are people in here that are shitting in their diapers and people are cleaning up. These sick fucks go in there. Vinny, they pay 300 an hour for this. They put on a diaper, they sing the nursery rhymes. He is Mike Vigliata. I'm against this. My name is Mike Vigliata. Spot owner, Dr. Colleen Murphy. This is my favorite.
Starting point is 00:24:20 She was all about trauma. This is by the way, this word, trauma, this is my favorite. She was all about trauma. This is by the way, this word trauma. This is my favorite one. You know PTSD trauma like this is going to be this one is going to be hijacked and used for I mean you have no idea what's coming by the way the trauma it's so funny it's like traumatic. This is trauma you're getting over the trauma. It's still funny, it's like traumatic. This is trauma, you're getting over childhood trauma. It helps them process whatever trauma it was. A lot of times it's childhood trauma when they were in diapers or just getting out of diapers
Starting point is 00:24:55 and they wanna feel that safety that they had before it. Listen to this, okay? So there are people now that are upset with this. So people are angry and they're trying to get this shut down or maybe it hasn't opened yet. They're trying to stop it from opening. Okay? So listen to this.
Starting point is 00:25:18 This is my favorite one. This is my favorite one. Okay, so this is the woman Murphy who's opening the diaper spa One of the most common misconceptions about adult baby diaper lover Is the association with pedophiles perverts and sex offenders. She told fox news. This is not true And this is my favorite line. I have read in any article So far she goes and I have never encountered anyone of that nature in my work Really not one not one She goes, and I have never encountered anyone of that nature in my work. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Not one! Not one pervert ever! They, while in, in a, whilst in a diaper, being, uh, rocked to sleep in your spa. You've never encountered one pervert, not even one guy, not even one guy in a diaper you thought pervert, not even one guy, not even one guy in a diaper you thought was sus, not even one Murphy. It seems like you might be lying. I've never even encountered that. I don't, not in my work or research, but this is a great point. I mean, it's like, let's, this should be tough. Number one, don't shut this down. Make this
Starting point is 00:26:23 bigger. Make this bigger because we got a lot of migrants that need work So do not shut this down. You need this needs to be this needs to be the size of like a football stadium They'll be enough people to fill it. Don't worry about it You remove the stigma get them all in there and the migrants you go welcome to America I'll go down there three blocks away from where I am in New York City right now. I will take them right here. Welcome to America. Welcome to, do you want to work in a spa? And they're going, yes, yes, we're going to a spa.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Good, good, get in the car. We'll go right to the spa. And it is, we tell them what it is. Now they're not going to understand it because it comes from cultures that are not as advanced as us with our adult diaper lover, baby, cuddle, cuddle, you know, with the rattle. We're gonna say these are adults because of their trauma, because of their trauma. What's your name, Inez?
Starting point is 00:27:16 These are, Inez, let me explain to you what you'll be doing. You're going to be changing diapers. Oh, that's good. You love children. You have a few. Okay. C.I.N.S., let me just break it down a little bit for you because I know you come from a very simple culture where people just, the only people who wear diapers are babies, right?
Starting point is 00:27:37 And El Salvador, pretty much. Right. Or very old people. I understand. Right. Right, I know. Well, we've got something else going on. That's a little different, but I know you're excited to be here and you're a team
Starting point is 00:27:50 player. So we just want to let you know that you're going to be serving a very important vital function for adults who are processing their trauma by wearing diapers and shitting in them. Okay. While you rock them to sleep and tell them nursery rhymes. Yeah, do you know Little Bo Peep? Can you imagine that? You just got to America. You imagine this?
Starting point is 00:28:14 You're coming from like San Pedro Sula in Honduras or something, right? You just get to America, okay? You're looking at a guy that looks like me in a diaper. Who'd your shit in it? And you're reading him little bo peep. And you're reading him little bo peep. And you got to think to yourself, how bad was it? How bad was it in Venezuela? You start thinking yourself, did I have to eat every day? Maybe I was being a little bit ridiculous here. You know, like maybe that three day a week where we ate three days a week was actually fine. It's intermittent fasting. I mean, that's all the rage. You know, if you're looking at a guy like me and a diaper and you're reading me a nursery
Starting point is 00:29:08 rhyme and I have like a, uh, what do they call them? The nookie? What do they call the thing? Oh, Binky. Is it a cold Binky? But what's the real name for it? Um, the thing that babies have my God, son's over it now. He's three. You don't have them anymore at that age. Passifier. Passifier. Yeah. So if I have a pacifier in my mouth and you're reading me, I don't know what's another one. There's a little bo pee, but what's another one? That's not a nursery rhyme. Kat in the hatch. That's a Humpty Dumpty. You're reading me Humpty Dumpty and I'm there in my diaper and I've got a pacifier in my mouth. I'm looking at you and you're from Venezuela or Honduras or any of these places.
Starting point is 00:29:48 You got it in your head. Can you imagine like the first call you have with your family back home? Like the first call you have, you go, oh. How is America? How is America? Oh. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. How is America?
Starting point is 00:30:08 How is America, you go? Oh. It's got real problems here. I want to hear little Bo Peep again. They go, they're a grown man in diapers and I have to change them and I have to read them nursery rhymes and then we have music and what else did it say it's like you can have hot cocoa
Starting point is 00:30:31 under the stars yeah there's nap time there's nap time yeah nap time what else we got nap time all the different things anything a child making snow angels hot cocoa decorate gingerbread men why it says you can just you can relieve yourself at will and your diaper too. Oh, well, that's the point of the diaper. Well, that's the core. I mean, that's, by the way, they don't even have to say that. No, they don't even have to say that.
Starting point is 00:30:54 You're in a diaper, you're going to use the, how crazy would it be to wear a diaper and use the, can you imagine that guy who's like, no, I'm into the diaper play, but I don't want to take it that far. It's like, Phil, will you stop going to the bathroom? Just shit in your diaper. Phil, it feels like you're not comfortable enough for leaving yourself in your diaper. You keep using the bathroom. Yeah. Well, I just, you know, don't like this mouth. Phil, Phil, I just want to see these migrants because you got to prove
Starting point is 00:31:24 here's the deal. I'm not against the people that come to this country for better opportunities in a better life, but they have to prove they have to prove it. And working at the diaper spa is the best way or living in Topeka. They all decide to go to the diaper spot. They go to Topeka for five minutes ago. We'll go to diaper spot. Thank you. We'll go to diaper spot. But it's a way to prove,
Starting point is 00:31:51 you have to prove your loyalty now to live in this superpower. And you also gotta know where we're headed. We're headed to an interesting place where everyone's gonna be getting their trauma out in different ways. And I'm not trying to shame anyone, kink shame. What happened to feet? Can you just lick a toe?
Starting point is 00:32:15 You know what I mean? Like, isn't that enough for people? Just lick a toe, God, Jesus. What about polyamory? Can we just do that? Just fuck a bunch of different people. Can we at least settle on that? Can I just request it?
Starting point is 00:32:35 We just do that, I guess? Can we stop it licking a toe? How about that? You got feet. You don't need to be in a diaper all the time. Can you imagine what's the marriages? This thing's gonna, you know, the wife says to the husband, go, you seem really tense. I think you should go to diaper spa. John, John, listen to me. John, I want you to go to diaper spa. I know that's where you've been going.
Starting point is 00:33:06 You don't have to hide it. I think you should go. You need some time. Go to diaper spa and be swaddled. You need to be swaddled in diaper spa. I can't. I just can't. I just want to see the looks on these people's faces from El Salvador, wherever they come in North Africa, Libya, the Middle East, they would come in and they're a diaper spot. And they're wiping the ass of a man who looks exactly like me.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And I just look at them and I would go, welcome, welcome in, welcome in. I'm telling you, factor is big. This is a big deal. Everybody's doing meal prep. You cannot, don't let the year get by. You know, all your resolutions are still intact. You still have time. It's still very early in this year.
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Starting point is 00:36:12 grooming game without a prescription. Oh my God. I mean, sorry, let's do this again. Valentine's Day is coming and you guys gotta get ready and the way to get ready is Manscaped. Manscaped is the best, I'm telling you. Let's talk about the hero of Valentine's Day, the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra. The electric trimmer features skin-safe technology guarding your V-Day treasure against any grooming mishaps. It also comes with their brightest LED spotlight yet.
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Starting point is 00:37:38 Because you're grooming upgrade awaits. This guy who beheaded his father, we played his music earlier on the show, he's I think a rare talent, can I say that? Can I say he's a QAnon believer, accused of beheading federal worker, dad Smurks, in new mug shots as it reveals he waged legal war with government over student loans. Now, I don't wanna get in trouble. And we discussed this earlier. And I don't know what we can do here.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I just, what can happen here? Can anything happen? I'm asking you about this visual. What can happen now? I don't even want to let them know. I don't want to let the people at the YT. What can happen here? Well, I mean, they've been-
Starting point is 00:38:34 Can I just- should I have a fake head or- but even that, I'll get in trouble for that. So we're not allowed to play this video at all. No. Simply because there's a human head in it. Yes. I feel like YouTube was gonna win on this one. Like I feel like it's gonna be tough for me to even defend this.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Most of what they get upset at, I find them to be a little absurd. But in this case, in this rare instance, I will say that I do believe some caution perhaps is needed. Because there is a human but in this case, in this rare instance, I will say that I do believe some caution perhaps is needed because there is a human head in the video and he holds it up. We can't play it. We can play after we can play when he's talking, but the first 20 seconds are, are you sure we can do that? Um, no. I mean, maybe we just all at him bar going him. Yeah. no show. No show.
Starting point is 00:39:28 So we can't play any of this But here's my problem with this. I just can I from this man's point of view? Uh-huh This man goes to the trouble to cut his father's head off Which by the way is not easy. He used two knives. He used a machete and then a large steak knife Which by the way, a lot of these knives are dull. They're not great. I'd love a knife sponsor because I do like cutting. Now he cuts his dad's head off, okay? And he puts it in a bag. And then he goes on for about 14 minutes
Starting point is 00:39:57 to make great points about, not all of them, but some great points about how unaffordable things are, you know? He went to all this trouble and the idea that we can't play any of this, what he said, he's only 32. He's really given his life. He's given up his life, you know? And we can't, can we read some of it?
Starting point is 00:40:26 We can read like transcripts of what he said. Yeah. Look at this. America's white male meltdown starts with Taylor Swift and ends with Justin Mahon, the Philadelphia Inquirer. The thing that's interesting about journalists now, so I'm going to tell you what's happening in journalism. Not that you care.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Journalists now for the most part are one paycheck away from living on the street. This is true. Journalists now are they are their only hope is to go mega viral. So they have to write these crazy articles like American white male meltdown, starts with Taylor Swift and ends with Justin Moe. Like ends with this guy who beheaded his dad. And then they just got a very public meltdown in MAGA world over the pop store and feels a more dangerous, deadly toxicity embedded in our society.
Starting point is 00:41:19 So they just have to conflate at all these things. So they basically have to be like, if you don't like Taylor Swift or you criticize her, or you say that maybe she shouldn't pick our president, you're, you're almost at the phase where you're going to start decapitating members of your own family. And they have to write this. Now I don't, I don't even know what this guy said. I only heard a few of what he said. He, I shouldn't say he made great points. I didn't listen to the whole 14 minutes. I'm sure he said
Starting point is 00:41:50 things I don't agree with, but the whole thing is I listened to like three things, but I thought he was kind of doing that RFK thing where he's like, you know what I mean? Like stage street, Vanguard, they're taking all our money. I, that I get, right? So I didn't, I thought he was just doing that kind of, kind of that populist rhetoric, which I can, everyone can get behind Vanguard, black rock. I thought it was more like, fuck black rock, but apparently some of it was racist. I don't know. But so here's what I want. Um, listen to this, right? A white utopia is nevertheless a fairy tale that lived on
Starting point is 00:42:28 in the warped mind of a young man named Justin moan, who were treated into Leviton's labyrinth inside his parents' home on upper orchard drive. One is 2014 degree in agribusiness management from Pennsylvania State University only resulted in a series of occasional mick jobs call center. Well, I mean, can the media, by the way, can the media ever not like be constantly, there's nothing that these people, they're, they're all almost dead. The media, they're starving, they're laying them off left and right. They can't do anything. They have a mick job. You have a mick job. You writing for the Philadelphia Inquirer, that is a mick job. So he calls a mick job because only resulted in a series
Starting point is 00:43:16 of occasional mick jobs. Call centers, cubicle farms, a Jersey Mike's subway shop. So by the way, if you work, just to give you an idea of what the media, what they think of you, if you work at Jersey Mike's and you make sandwiches for a living, the media thinks you are scum. They think you're scum. If you work at a call center, they think you're scum. And if you work in a cubicle farm, whatever that is, data, collect your entry. So I, it's, it's amazing. Over that decade, Moan made it clear what he blamed for the struggles that kept him living in his parents' house in his 30s, affirmative action, which he believed meant he couldn't succeed as an overeducated white man, overeducated or not.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I'm like, well, deal with this, deal with this. Moan apparently did his own research in an interesting online existence. That included a failed effort to launch a national militia in a YouTube video. In his most recent 14 plus minute production, Moan rented against BLM and Tifa, Invasion of Immigrants, LGBTQ activists, and an overreaching all powerful federal government. So you have schizophrenics are going to do crazy things because they are schizophrenics. My mother was a schizophrenic.
Starting point is 00:44:36 She never beheaded anyone, by the way, because I'm not saying that mental illness necessarily provides a justification for evil behavior. But I am saying that when your synapses are firing, but they're not quite linking up and you don't have control, you have a mental deficiency in illness, you can get into some bad stuff. And this guy was a psychopath who cut his father's head off. A lot of people are going to do things like this
Starting point is 00:45:07 and a lot of them are going to do it for myriad of reasons. Some of them are political, social, cultural, whatnot. That, you know, there's going to be these weird manifestos that these people write and then people are gonna glom onto them and say this one proves, so what is it, you know, this one proves that, you know, if, if you criticize Black Lives Matter and this guy criticized Black Lives Matter, well, then you're this guy, you're, you're cutting heads off. You just don't know it yet. You just don't know it yet.
Starting point is 00:45:37 This is the exact same way they tried to beat Trump last time. The way to beat Trump was to let Trump beat Trump and, and The way to beat Trump was to let Trump beat Trump and not go at him, not fight, because when he's up against the ropes he's great. He's amazing when he's up against the ropes. He's skilled. But towards the end of his term and then after his term ended he was kind of everybody in his inner circle they were all fighting with each other and he was kind of, you know, his fan base started to kind of desert him a little bit. They went a little bit to DeSantis.
Starting point is 00:46:05 There was certainly more consternation in that world than there was when you go at him and when you start charging him with all these bullshit things, he's able to very easily, you know, he gets the support of his supporters who feel like they're coming to his defense. This is obvious, By the way,
Starting point is 00:46:25 you could explain this all to a seven-year-old. The way that they tried to beat Trump last time was to basically say everyone who's voting for him or who's even thinking of voting for him is a neo-Nazi militia member, but they don't know it yet. They don't know it yet. It's not, it's stage one or whatever. It's not detectable. They don't know it yet. But if we ran all the tests, if we did all the diagnostics, we would find out that they are card carrying members of the American Nazi Party. And that's what they tried to do, and they tried to shame people. They tried to go, aren't you embarrassed? You're a Nazi and don't know it? Aren't you ashamed? You're a Nazi white nationalist. You don't even know it. And then people go, aren't you embarrassed? You're a Nazi and don't know it. Aren't you ashamed?
Starting point is 00:47:05 You're a Nazi white nationalist. You don't even know it. And then people go, no man, I'm really just concerned about the border. I think the economy's not great. I don't understand 13 year olds getting, you know, permanent medical operations when they're confused. You know, maybe they should wait
Starting point is 00:47:21 till they get a little older to transition medically to another gen. No, you're a Nazi and you don't know it. And people go, I don't know, maybe they should wait till they get a little older to transition medically to another gen. No You're a not seeing you don't know it. I have people go. I don't know man I I'm I don't think so and this is the the the tack that they've taken Trying to defeat him. It's failed. It's always fails It always fails. It's you know, he Is very good at not playing their game. See, in order to beat someone in a game,
Starting point is 00:47:51 they have to play it. This is what the media doesn't realize. This is what the brilliant people in the media who've ran their own business, by the way, into the ground. They've ran their own business into the ground, calling people he couldn't. just he graduated from the university at Pennsylvania and he only had a stint of mick jobs he only had a stint of mick job okay so the reality of the situation is in order to be someone in the game they have to play your game
Starting point is 00:48:21 and trump doesn't really play that game he doesn't apologize. He doesn't, he doesn't play the game. The only way that it would work is if he were to play that game and go, I'm sorry, I didn't really mean that or I used your dad. He doesn't play it. So here we go. Philadelphia, your inquirer says, I keep coming back to something Mone said in his beheading video where he declared that the flood of desperate refugees crossing the Rio Grande is actually an invasion from third world countries. They're coming here with health issues. They're uneducated, unemployed, and all they do is commit crime on the street.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Oh wait, I'm sorry. That wasn't the Bucks County beheader. That was Republican Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick, who was speaking this week on Fox News, inspired in kind of rhetoric that might inspire a moan militia. Well, also this week, obviously not every immigrant comes across the border committing crimes. We know that. But by the way, has any politician not been prone to like overstatement and I perp that's all they do. That's all they do. This week there's a video, I don't know if you have it or certainly a photo of it, of migrants attacking the NYPD because we don't know if you have it, or certainly a photo of it, of migrants attacking the NYPD.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Because we don't know who the fuck these people are that came into America. I do know that they're gonna work at the diaper spa. This is literally from NYPD. They're there and the migrants attacked the NYPD. Are we saying that none of the migrants will commit any crime? Is that the goal here? And I'm not trying to agree with the guy who beheaded
Starting point is 00:49:51 his father. I'm against beheading your parents. Can I go on the record? Can I go, can I go on the record and say that I'm against beheading your parents? I'm against it. I'm also against living in Levittown, Pennsylvania. I'm against a lot of it. If my son made that song, play the second song we played, not the first. If my son made it, so do you know how far away I'd want to be from him? If I heard this song coming out of my son's room,
Starting point is 00:50:21 imagine you have a kid. And you're not my son. Why, mom? Cause you're the one. Okay. You hear that one day. You're going about your business. You're getting cold cuts.
Starting point is 00:50:33 You're getting cold cuts. What's the Pennsylvania supermarket? I don't know. Don't look it up. It doesn't matter. The point is, whatever Kroger is Ohio, I think. Here's my point. Pennsylvania, you're getting a call cuts out. You know, you get to Turkey, you get to crack pepper turkey, boar's head. Can you sponsor me? If I'm going to do it for free, I'm going to put it out for free. You get to crack pepper turkey out
Starting point is 00:50:58 for the boar's head. You get to sliced white American cheese. Don't be an animal. Get the white. And you put it out. You got some nice wheat. Maybe some wheat. And then you go walk up to your son's room because you want to knock on his door because you're about to make some a sandwich, which will be the honey wheat, which is white bread, but it's a different color. It's the same thing. Wheat bread is fake, but that's neither you nor there. You take the honey wheat, you put the turkey on it, some white americans, some mayonnaise, some cracked pepper, and maybe if it's a summer, you get some sliced tomato.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Don't do tomato in the winter if it's got the white in the middle. Don't do it. And lettuce number one is not, the type of lettuce you're gonna buy isn't really great for you. Anyway, a rugalic, it's stuck in your teeth. And the lettuce, when it's on a burger or a sandwich the food just slides off so stop putting that iceberg lettuce on a
Starting point is 00:51:48 burger unless you shred it because if you put a wedge of iceberg lettuce on the bread the whole burgers it's everything slides off the bun. As you're making your sandwich which is if you're smart, crack pepper, turkey, white American cheese, mayonnaise, wheat, bread, and, um, who knows, maybe a little avocado, whatever's in season. You walk up to your son's room because you will are also on. You put a little potato salad, a little macaroni salad as well with that. And you're, you've made a nice plate for yourself and you think, you know what? I love my son. I love my son. And I, you know, he went to Penn State and he work
Starting point is 00:52:30 hard and now he's working at some call center. He's having a rough go of it, but I love him so much. I've just made this meal for myself. I'm going to give it to him. I'm going to offer it to him and I'll make myself another one. I'm going to say, you know what? Do you want it? And you go and you hear this by you go through the hilly, hilly inion may sound silly silly but really spies runner cities threads and cults roaming freely filthy sissy at that point when you hear that you're you're filled with it oh there's a coldness in your chest
Starting point is 00:53:00 because you realize something very bad you You don't know what it is, but you just, here's what happens when you hear that. You walk right back to the, your center island, okay? Your center island with granite. Still granite, huh? But granite. And you sit down on your granite center island and you eat the sandwich in silence
Starting point is 00:53:21 and you are really terrified because you know this woman came home and found her husband's headless body in the bathroom. And by the way, I wouldn't even try this case. I would just say ladies and gentlemen of the jury. They work for the piggy piggy make your head feeling dizzy Aren't I part of this family? So here's what's interesting about this guy this guy's kind of like a What's interesting he's an interesting archetype person he seems kind of like a musical theater gay militia guy
Starting point is 00:54:06 Like that seems what he know. What is this like?'s, that's musical theater. He's doing like, you know, then and then and then silly, silly comic, you know me, the CIA runs all our cities and this is that. I mean, there's something going on here with this guy that he, um, but no, when you hear something like that coming out of your son's room was however old 32, you say to yourself, you go, hey man, I mean this is like fucked. This is not good. And you gotta get, you gotta move. Can you play the neighbor? The neighbor had a great reaction to this because the neighbor is basically just like... Judy? Let's play Judy's reaction.
Starting point is 00:54:43 You just don't wake up in the morning and think, you know, I think I'm gonna, I think I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:54:53 what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:55:01 what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not sure township police were called to the 100 block of upper Orchard Drive in the Levittown section to find the victim. 68 year old Michael Mone decapitated in the downstairs bedroom. According to court documents in a nearby bedroom the victim's head was found in a clear plastic bag set in a cooking pot. It just makes you aware of you know the issues that are prevalent in our society.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And, you know, it's a horrible, tragic incident. Investigators learn of a video posted to YouTube by the victim's 32-year-old son, Justin, in which he rails at the federal government and lifts his father's severed head to the camera, tracking his cell phone police trace moan to Fort Indiantown Gap nearly two hours away, driving his father's severed head to the camera, tracking his cell phone police trace moan to Fort Indian town, gap nearly two hours away, driving his father to the car. To say one of the worst things about this story is the father can't retell the story.
Starting point is 00:55:54 You know how great it would be the father to retelling the story is like, my son cut my fucking head off. He cut my hat, my son cut my, I wonder how he did it. I guess he killed his dad first. I Don't want to get too gruesome here But he did it he did it he did it he decapitated his father He cut his father's head off Can you imagine that I?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Was sitting down to somebody today. We're having coffee in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is so severe. Everyone, the energy there, everybody's like these white people, you know, this, this comic, this guy Jeff, really fun and comedian. I started with, he used to say that people in Brooklyn all act like, um, extra, they all dress like extras from the wire season two, like they're all dock workers, it's in car and heart and everything. And all these people, the type, the strain of intellectual pursuit in Brooklyn, it's all very heavy and severe and none of these people look like they're having fun. And every coffee shop has a sign that says end racism. It's like, now, now while I'm eating my scone, and you're just sitting there and all these people are
Starting point is 00:57:04 their old reading books or they're on theirs, and they're typing away furiously. Everybody seems angry, man. When I was talking to someone, and I was telling them, I haven't been around in a bit. I've just been on the road a lot, and I've lived in LA, and on and off, in Texas, whatever, and I spent time in Florida, New York, whatever. And even when I'm here, I'm not here. I'm here briefly. And, you know, it's just funny
Starting point is 00:57:29 because I forgot how severe that environment could be. And it just seemed like one of those places where they put up the hostage posters and people ripped them down. It felt like that's all they did, all that. I feel like no one there had a job except putting up hostage posters and people ripped them down. It felt like that's all they did all that. I feel like no one there had a job except putting up hostage posters and ripping them down. I feel like that was the, like the Jewish hostage poster
Starting point is 00:57:51 goes up and then somebody rips it down. And that's what I felt like it was. And I was reading about this guy while being there. And it was, and I was reading about his behavior. And it was, you know, it was just a very, I had to take a walk. I'm like, this is very heavy. I'm in this coffee shop and everybody's heavy and I'm reading about this guy and he's, and it just feels, you know, felt like there was heaviness all over the, but the person I was with was, I was talking to them about this and they were like, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. It's always someone that says, I go, what, what, what?
Starting point is 00:58:33 I just don't understand. I think people really, I think people think that everyone who disagrees with them is capable of this. And that's the problem we have now is that I don't think everyone, I say everyone in Brooklyn is severe and a bit annoying. I don't think they're all beheading people. I don't think they're all, but it was just interesting the way they said that.
Starting point is 00:58:52 They were like, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more. I'm like, you're surprised. People don't cut their fathers heads off in a bathroom more often. Really? I was kind of surprised at this one. I was kind of shocked at this. You're telling me that you're not surprised. You're like, you're what's surprising to you about this Brooklyn guy. You're surprised that this isn't happening on the day, on the daily,
Starting point is 00:59:20 like every day, somebody's not hacking their dad's head off. How what kind of world or we have we created? That's someone's like, oh, they got that story where he cut his dad's head off Surprise that doesn't happen on the hour You go really and I don't know if that's something people just saying this is tougher hard or cynical or I'm like, I don't know man Like I understand a fraction of what he's saying to a degree. Cause I've said versions of it, but it was really rooted in this idea that like, well, yeah, well he lives in Pennsylvania and he, you know, he doesn't think, you know, he doesn't believe the things I believe. Although aren't all those people killers? They're all killers.
Starting point is 00:59:59 They just don't know it yet. Um, and then the MKLTRA people like this guy's been activated, right? That's the other part of the internet. I haven't looked into it. I'll they'll accuse me. They'll like, he's the cheap. I haven't looked into it. I haven't looked into it folks. I don't, I don't know. I don't know. I, I close the door on nothing by the way. The only thing I'm certain of is that Sandy Hook happened and get me and get me what my money is. My money is. No, but I always believe Sandy Hook happened. You know, I, the only issue I had with Sandy Hook is they were describing it as a, as a really wealthy community. And I was like, it's not Greenwich. That was my main issue, was the classification of, but by the way, quick little update on the Gigi Gilbert Goons. They're all getting arrested now. We'll cover. I broke the story. I'm responsible
Starting point is 01:00:57 for the justice happening, but I'm not taking credit for it because I'm not that guy. I'm not the guy that runs around and goes, Hey, look at me, look at all the good stuff I do. Look at me solving murders in my spare time. No, but I am the person that called national prominence to it in attention. I think many people know that. I think many people know that. And the chips are falling. They're starting to fall. One of the main suspects, they just put their house up for rent. Supposedly. I don't know. I check in on this Reddit like five minutes a night. I just read whatever the Reddit says. The people in the Reddit now have gone completely insane. The people in the Reddit now are like,
Starting point is 01:01:38 the it's the, it's kind of like storylines from Breaking Bad on the Reddit. I'm like, guys, I don't, I just read it. And I think they've all lost their mind. Like it's, but they are the ones who got anything going. So they are emboldened by the, that this citizen slew thing, activism, whatever you want to call it, is what got the wheels of justice in motion. So I understand, but then there's people there that have completely lost their minds and they're like, this is deep.
Starting point is 01:02:04 This goes to cartel. It's deep. It's like, no, it's not. What cartel? What folks? Um, you know, I wonder if any of the goons have listened to my episode with the Ovan. He's got a lot of young fans. My episode is being very well received because it's a great episode, one of the funniest episodes of anything I've ever done. Are the Gilbert Goons listening? Perhaps., we have a massive announcement coming up by the way.
Starting point is 01:02:39 We have a massive announcement that I don't even think I can announce. I'm not going to announce it. Go to my website, to even think I can announce. I'm not gonna announce it. Go to my website to see where I'm performing. I'm not gonna read the whole thing. I'm not gonna do it. If you're dead dumb, I'm not trying to convince the dumbest people in the world. Like, CAA will be like, well, you asked it too because some people can't read. I'm like, well, then I don't want that. Well, then they don't have to come. They don't have to come if they, but if you are like blind or something,
Starting point is 01:03:10 there's other ways to find out. If you're blind DM me, I'll tell you where I'm performing. The point is I have a huge announcement about a European tour, a big deal. We're going to spend the spring, some of the spring in Europe. And we're doing one of the most amazing iconic venues in the world. I'm very excited about it. But let me just do it for it to be nice. The pageant. St. Louis,
Starting point is 01:03:37 Missouri, Indianapolis, West Niaq, New York, Boston, Massachusetts, Foxwoods in Connecticut, Chomburg, Illinois, Dania Beach, Florida, San Jose, California, Port Chester, New York, Atlantic City, New Jersey. And lots of stuff happening. We've got new merch being announced, kind of really fun. And then we also have a very big European tour announcement UK as well. So would you appreciate listening?
Starting point is 01:04:09 We're on Patreon every week as well. Give the country to Taylor Swift, let Taylor Swift be the arbiter of justice for this man who beheaded his father. He should be presented. He should be presented and Taylor Swift should be ahead him in the middle of the Super Bowl Stadium with Travis Kallstein. She should hold his head up and she should go ahead for ahead
Starting point is 01:04:31 and everybody goes nuts because why Not everybody loves Taylor Swift. I bet they're gonna play her music on loop in the diaper spa

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