This Is Important - Ep 194: Hot Guys Reading Aloud

Episode Date: April 2, 2024

Today, this is what's important: Babies, Stanley vs Yeti, a great celeb sighting, Dwayne Wayne, mustaches, chair guys, psoas muscles, hot guys, & more.  Buy your tickets to the LIVE This Is Impor...tant in Atlantic City HERE! See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up? I am Drammo's host of the Life as a Gringo podcast. This is a show for the NoSabo kids, the 200 percenters. Here we celebrate your otherness and embrace living in the gray area. Every Tuesday, I'll be bringing you conversations around personal growth, issues affecting the Latin community, and much more. Then every Thursday, I'll be tackling trending stories and current events from our community. Listen to Life as a Gringo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your
Starting point is 00:00:29 podcasts. Imagine you ask two people the same seven questions. I'm Minnie Driver, and this was the idea I set out to explore in my podcast, Minnie Questions. This year, we bring a whole new group of guests to answer the same seven questions, including Courtney Cox, Rob Delaney, Liz Fair, and many, many more. Join me on season three of many questions on the iHeart radio app,
Starting point is 00:00:52 Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts. Seven questions, limitless answers. John Stewart is back in the host chair at the daily show, which means he's also back in our ears on The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast. Join late night legend John Stewart and the best news team for today's biggest headlines, exclusive extended interviews and more. Now this is a second term we can all get behind. Listen to The Daily Show Ears Edition on the iHeart radio app app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey guys, guess what? Huge news! This is important is going back on the road on Friday, April 19th, that's right, a 420 ETH. Myself, Blake and Anders are hitting the Hard Rock Casino Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City
Starting point is 00:01:49 to bring TII Nation another live show. Is it the last one ever? I don't know. Possibly. Tickets are available now at Hard Rock Hotel or you can go to the link in our bio on our at pod important Instagram page. Get your tickets now because they're going to sell out. Come party with us in Atlantic City. Welcome to This Is Important, a production of I Heart Radio, the show where we only talk about
Starting point is 00:02:18 what's the most important bottom line critical thing happening on this planet Today on this is important. I would love to marry either of you and this guy comes in and he's dressed like a fucking Bozo the clown dude. He just is wearing like leather trash bag pants If they appreciate you they'll give you another piggy Buckle up. Poop dollar! Poop dollar!
Starting point is 00:02:50 Oh, Blakey, is that T. Kelsey right there? That's T. Kelz. Travis Kelz. I mean, when you hang around with the best podcasts, you know. Trickle down. The best podcasts and the funniest podcasts. Yeah, they won best They won best podcast. We won funniest. We hate to bring it up. They should also come on our podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:10 It's weird that they haven't reached out. It's honestly weird. Yeah. I'm going to come. They should come on our podcast. That would go viral. Yeah. That's the what?
Starting point is 00:03:20 The second or the third and fourth guests. The first were my dad and my child who just read Yeah, like do this with your hands. Damn it Adam pulled it away That's cool. We're kind of doing a little this feels right. You know, you're doing it with the opposite hand. Am I no No, no, no, he was right. Am I opposite? It's left hand to your head. Oh, I was right hand to the head Mine's my right. It's cool. It's like the Professor Xavier pose. I like why are we flipped? How is this something that's real? Yeah. How is it flipped? I think Zoom flips you.
Starting point is 00:03:51 You can go into your options and you can flip your screen. So some one of us is flipped. I dervish. I think it's you. I think it's you. No, I think you're flipped. No, because look at the right because you can read the writing. The writings on the wall, pal. Whoa. I think Adam slipped. No, Adam. I think you're the flipped one Fuck it no cuz my my dimple is on my left side and this left hand well This is my left hand. This is my right hand
Starting point is 00:04:17 Is it am I flipped Wow little flip? How do I flip back dude? Is that your rap name? How do I flip back, dude? Is that your rap name now? We're back! I also have been accused of the funniest podcast in the world Already got me in starting off hot hot hot hot
Starting point is 00:04:36 So I am one month into having a child Fatherhood One month Over it? Are you over it? Yeah, you're done so far. I'm not I'm not over it yet. I'm not over it yet. Okay, cool. It's still enjoying it Yeah, I do. I really enjoy it dude. It's nice. What's nice about it is like I'm I'm like an away dad a working dad So I'm leaving I'm leaving the house Is that a genre I can pull and use?
Starting point is 00:05:06 There's stay at home dads and then there's stay away dads. Yeah, stay away dads. Right now I'm a stay away dad. Because I'm having meetings and stuff up in LA, so I have to drive up there, I have doctor's appointments, that kind of thing. So for the past four or five days, I've gone up to LA to do shit.
Starting point is 00:05:22 That's cool. You just have to say, sweetheart, I have another doctor's appointment I gotta go right I know and dude and I'm and I'm like for my back is all fucked up and my hips and everything You know, you know all my ailments. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we've heard about so I added another specialist What another one and Chloe's like very cool another one So another appointment right because I'm doing all this stuff, but it's not because I Dislike hanging with the child. I do really love love him. I love him
Starting point is 00:05:51 Seems like you're overcompensating. Who are you convincing? Yeah, it seems like you're convincing yourself. I do no no no no it's nice to I will say it's nice to be away for a minute And then come back and realize you just have this like dope little baby to hang out with. It's really fun. Yeah, it's fun. Oh man, I love this for you, Adam. Yeah. It's really great.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah, isn't it fun? I mean, you know, Blake, you got a two-year-old at home. It's not like that far off, you know? Yeah. It's kind of fun. I also have a two-year-old. Two years, just give it two years. We have kids that are, I believe,
Starting point is 00:06:20 only 10 days apart or something like that. Oh my gosh. Something like that. They're gonna have, are they gonna have like birthdays together, like throw big ragers, a double b day? Well it was news to me, I think we're doing Easter egg hunt at my house.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Oh! Oh my God, dad life. Christianity. And I guess, and Adam, you guys are invited if you wanna come up, I was gonna call you and say when can we get down there and meet little Bo off the Richter scale? Yeah, that would be really sick.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, no, I for sure should come up. I'm excited to do exactly that. I was thinking today about his first birthday and how send little flyers out, like Bo's rager, his first rager. And then we all just get blackout drunk with our children. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:09 That's what the first birthday is about. That's where he is for the parents. The first birthday of the first kid is huge. We had like 75 people. We had Aerosmith play. It was fucking crazy. You're amazing. I do feel first birthday, you got to do like fireworks. Yeah, crazy. You're amazing
Starting point is 00:07:29 I do feel first birthday. You got to do like fireworks I go on the first yeah, cuz that that birthday you know what who is for where's the baby? It's for mom Yeah, it's for mom throw a party in her honor. Yeah, it's for the community is you know takes a village? Yeah, you know so it's it's for us. I'll bring a buzz ball biggie to the park. Don't you worry about it. Oh, you're going to treat me to a biggie? Yeah, I got a biggie with your name on it. Oh my God. I do love the idea of you showing up with a buzz ball and then like, Adam's like, here,
Starting point is 00:07:55 let's switch. You take the baby. I'll just go put the buzz ball in the fridge. And then like 45 minutes later, he's holding the buzz ball, kind of shaking it. He's like, wait, why is he shaking it? Patting it on on his butt. Baby's in the fridge. Yeah, just not looking. Baby's been in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Baby's in the fridge. Whoop whoop. Whoopsie. Yeah, that's a sitcom. That's a workaholics episode. No, that's that's a sitcom. I'll tell you that much. Hell, you get down with it. And what's that? What's that baby getting into?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Probably my Zoa energy. Uh huh. It comes out just fucking stoke. It's ready to party. Yeah. Do you mix a little Zoan with the milk? Get that baby going. Well, I I sneak Zoa into Chloe's drinks. So it's coming through the breast milk.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Right. Good. That's dope. And Blake, just so we, before we go through down the line, what are you sneaking into your wife's drinks? Yeah. What are you sneaking into, to women's drinks, Blake? Just pre-workout. Oh, okay. Good. That's crazy. I'm sneaking in post-workout. Yeah. A lot of whey protein. Yeah. Hey bro. This is some really whey-y milk, man. Whey-o.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Whey-o. Yeah. Whey-o. So yeah. But it's better to do it when they are breastfeeding, so kudos to you, Adam. Yeah. Your boobs are huge.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Well done. Yeah, I wanted to go through the whole process, because he could only, the big rule, you know, because I had pickles out, and I was like, maybe we feed him a pickle and Chloe's like, you can't feed him a pickle. Right. I'm like, no pickle. Yeah, you can. You can like just like let them stick their tongue out and like drag the pickle across so they're like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like a lemon. It's so fun. I don't think you could do that with a true newborn.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I think you have to wait until I mean, I don't know Two months three months six months. Hey Blake when it out into such a pussy Prank your baby, dude, you didn't do anything for April fools Come on. Yeah, baby. Do you do baby pranks? It's hey, I'm Adam Devine and this is Baby Pranks. As a new father, Adam, have you thought, not that you should have or would have, I just remember one of the funniest things I'd ever seen was in Jackass, probably the TV show,
Starting point is 00:10:16 where they put like a fake baby on the roof of a car. Oh shit, yeah. Like in like a little carrier and then they got in the car and drove away and everyone around would be like And it was out of control because you saw like true hysteria. Oh, yeah true panic Yeah, I became a dad and I was like this isn't funny at all. Yeah I thought you're gonna say I gotta try it. Oh, man. It's a it's a good one Yeah, cuz you see like true people's most purists. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's fucked. Yeah, cause you see like true- People's most purists. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah. I mean, it's fucked. You're like, your baby is on the roof of your car. Dude, it is next level. And it's just sliding around like a cup of coffee. Have you ever, I've drove all the way, you know where I live. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:00 All the way off the little peninsula. Go ahead, we're gonna scroll his address around the, across the bottom. Yeah, everybody at home knows where he lived. Yeah. All the way up to the top of the hill. And you know where I live. That's a long drive. That's a few miles. Sure. And it's but it's a straight shot. There's no turns. The cup of coffee state. It just stayed right there. And it was when I was at a stoplight way up the hill on that incline. Yeah. And this is a good time to say we're brought to you by Yeti Tumblr.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Send us all your shit. Thank you. Goodbye. I should have said it was my Zoa energy blew it. Well, of course. And you got to keep that in a Yeti Tumblr. It's the Yeti Tumblr, the thing that everybody was like flipping out on. No, these are Stanley cups. What the fuck is this? What happened? I know we're like 2000 late to this issue, but what the fuck was that about? Instagram the algorithm it worked. Yeah, the algorithm worked perfectly
Starting point is 00:11:51 I mean, I like read a little something about it and Their sales went up like a thousand hundred percent. Yes. It was something my fucking crazy Let's go. It was this new CEO and he came in and his big idea was making a giant tumbler. That was it. Just one big ass one. And for whatever reason, it took hold at every mom. It's like Beanie Baby style. Yeah. Yeah. What the moms have like shelves on shelves on shelves, like teenage girls are like scrapping at school cause they don't have the like best one.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Gotta collect them all. Dude. And like a lot of families have like in disarray because they can't afford, now they can't afford diapers cause moms have too many Stanleys. Dude. Just a wall of Stanleys and they're running out of gas on the way to school.
Starting point is 00:12:42 My Stanley! It's really sad, it's really sad the addiction. Yeah. That being said, brought to you by Stanley Tumb school. My Stanley. It's really sad. It's really sad, the addiction. Yeah. That being said, brought to you by Stanley Tumbler Stanley cups. It is wild. It's crazy. It just shows you how like malleable we are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:57 But all it did was like keep beverages like hot or cold. Right. It's just a fucking cup. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Like what? I mean, what do you think? What else is there to do? I'm like, what? What was so special about this thing? I just don't know. It's like Levi's jeans. They're just for your legs, right? Yeah. There's lots of styles. Well, I guess the Stanley Cup is like one style, right? It's got a little handle on it. It's just a brand. It's brand equity.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's a brand. Is it like indestructible? What? Why am I buying this thing? Why are you yelling at us? Because I'm fucking pissed now. Wow. Wow. I honestly think that it's it's a fine cup. It's less expensive than Yeti, which I think is probably is it perfectly priced and, you know, it's a good product.
Starting point is 00:13:46 They're really made well. Pretty, I really want Yetis. What's your deal with Yeti right now? You really want to. Yeah. Yeti guy. Yeah, I got a couple stuff. I got some stuff. Yeti is very expensive.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Some people are just not going to spend that kind of money on a fucking Tumblr or whatever we're calling these things. Sure. Is that true? Is it more expensive than Stanley? Stanleys are a little cheaper. And you know that for a fact? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Oh, okay. I thought Stanley was more expensive, but. How expensive is a fucking Yeti cup? What the hell? My cup game. They're priced just right for the quality of the product. I don't use cups. Blake, do you not ever put anything into a.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Blake has stacks of red cups cups I drink from my hands Pour it in my hand for a dime. Well, I know you just used Plastic right glass. No, you're straight plastics and plastics. Yes. I one use plastic. He's one you she's throwing them out Every time have to have a straw have to have two straws, actually. Couple of two or three straws. Yeah. Double lid. Can our producers do a price comp on, on Stanley and Yeti? Hey, well let's do, do you guys want to play the prices right or something?
Starting point is 00:14:55 And you like guess the over under? Hey Blake, I would love to. Yeah. I think Stanley cups are $7 cheaper than Yeti. $7? That's huge. Yeti is $65. Go ahead. seven dollars cheaper than yeti. Seven dollars? That's huge. Yeti is sixty five dollars. Yeti sixty four ounce.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And that's a big sixty five dollars. Dude, come on. That's a big bitch. And that's sixty five. Stanley's sixty four ounce is sixty. But that being said, give me a little love. I said seven dollars and there are five. Last time I checked, five Christ, a little love. I said seven dollars and you said and there five last time I checked.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Five is pretty close to seven. But also, hey, dude, if you're spending all right, I'm mad if I'm yeti. If you're spending now, I'm pissed now. If you're spending sixty five dollars or if you're spending sixty dollars for Stanley, just five more bucks. If you're spending sixty already, five more bucks. If you're spending sixty, if you're spending twenty and five more bucks if you're spending 60 already. Five more bucks if you're spending 60. If you're spending 20 and five more bucks, that's a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:15:49 But what Stanley did, Yeti was kind of like a dad to quality products and like moms who want to have like the nicest shit. Stanley was like. I take my Yeti to the construction site. Well, Stanley was for construction, it's been around forever I guess, but they started marking it to the kids and then the kids were like, I take my Yeti to the construction site. Well, Stanley was for construction. It's been around forever, I guess. But they started marking it to the kids.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And then the kids were like, I gotta have it. And then the moms were like, this is the cool hot shit? I want that too. And then there's some dad who's probably had it for 50 years who's like, y'all ain't got this, this retro right here. Throwback. Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It's sort of like when my dad was just like covered in Carhartt his entire life. Yeah. And now just, you know, working for the railroad his whole life. That shit's important. He was in a way to. And now he if he wore his like work outfit,
Starting point is 00:16:36 he'd be considered like mad fashionable. Oh, yeah. He could just go through like Soho in full work gear and someone be like, I take your pictures for my blog. I would love that. Overalls and a handkerchief around his neck? Come on, man. That guy's looking cool.
Starting point is 00:16:50 They're like, do you play for Mumford and Sons? What's going on? Oh my God, he's the lead singer of Mumford and Sons. Oh my God. That's Mumford. This is Mumford himself. Are you the dad or one of the sons? Are you Andy Mumford?
Starting point is 00:17:05 I don't know if that's- Yeah, it could be. It could be. Dang, these Stanley Quenters. Maybe I should buy one. No, no, they'll send you one. Oh, I had a big celeb sighting, dude. Okay, Dennis Rodman, what are we talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:17 You see us all the time, Adam, it's no big deal. Seriously. Gotcha, bitch! Well, I mean, I'm having some big ones. I ran into Mark Wahlberg a few weeks back and now I'm running into motherfucking Kanye West Oh What is this the same person as yay the multi-hyphenate the multi-hyphenate is this yay? Yay, you know what the crazy part is is I saw a guy come in and he was dressed like a fucking
Starting point is 00:17:43 buffoon. Come in? Wait, come in to where? Your home? Wait, where was it? No, no, no. I was at the Chateau Marmont every day. Oh. Hollywood big time.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Hey, hello. Dude, I love going there. I know it's like kind of bougie. Yeah. That's where you're meeting your specialist? Yeah, yeah. Oh, shit. That's where I go to get my body work done.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah. Oh, I bet you do. I bet you do. I, uh. No, because it's so, it's so Hollywood. It's so cool and like classic. It really is. But so I'm there having this meeting and this guy comes in and he's dressed like a fucking bozo the clown, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, okay. He just is wearing like leather trash bag pants. Oh, sir. And they're very, very blousy. And then a tank top, black tank top with a puffy vest But his like bellies kind of showing So far I'm liking the fit I'm entering this into my AI engine and a diamond crucifix Okay, his braids were in the back were parted like one and one
Starting point is 00:18:42 And then very thick black sunglasses. It's very dark in there. I know for a fact. You couldn't see shit I'm not kidding you when I say I was like look at this guy I said I'm like what he's dressed like such a fucking idiot I looks like he was dressed by Kanye West and then me and the guy I was having the meeting with kind of chuckled Not a great joke, but I was being like he honestly did right and then he proceeded to sit down in no less than four chairs You tested different chairs I thought he laid across for That's a boss move. That's what I was thinking like cheerleader style
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah No He he like went to one table sat for like a minute got up went to another table was like shaking his head No, like looking at the table and stuff went to another table and then finally found the table Which obviously was the table the back corner if you're scouting tables for Kanye West Yeah, you're going in the back you go to the back corner. Right. I don't know why he tried the front chair. I'm like, that's a bad chair. You don't want that.
Starting point is 00:19:47 They're just like us. But I had no idea what he was doing. I thought he was a lunatic. And then a few minutes later, Kanye West comes in and they walk right back to that back chair because he scouted the table. Oh, this was his scout. You're fucking disaster, my guy.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I thought the guy you were describing was Kanye West. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is just a man. Oh, what the hell? Dude, yes. This is not Kanye. This is not Kanye.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So you're telling me when me and Blake saw Prince, it was just a dude trying out a chair for him? Yeah, see? I told you, man. They send in imposters. Yeah, same. No, no, so this guy, he didn't look anything like Kanye.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I said he dressed like Kanye. Okay. I'm sorry, yes look anything like Kanye. I said you dress like Kanye. Oh, okay I'm sorry. Yeah, I know, but I thought you were like doing the whole this guy looks like him They takes out the sunglasses, and it's a dun-dun-dun no no no I understand that that was confusing now My beam it was my beam no, okay? Okay, so so Kanye has a a chair scout that he sends before and he has this Does he sit in every chair to see if they're like rigged to fall sort of like a pure luck scenario? That's pretty good. April Fool's. Yeah, dude, I don't know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah, he's like, if there's like a booby track there, he's going to get snagged. Yeah, he's going to get snared in this booby trap first. Kanye swore he will never get pranked again after one time he had a chair pulled out from underneath him. Right. I didn't know that, Blake. He sat in all the chairs, then Kanye comes in, also dressed like a fucking moron. Like dressed like a fucking idiot. And then I was like so vindicated, I'm like Mike. He did dress Kanye did dress this man That's all Kanye's bullshit that he's pushing now. Uh-huh hand me down
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, just the though, you know dressing in trash bags that sucks Yeah, he's like you're not leaving the house till you put these these glad bags on He's like put them on and go test out the chairs right where this scented trash bag. What a gig though It is. Yeah, what's that guy pulling down? Yeah.? Oh yeah, he's making money if he's got the big G. It has to be six figures. You're working for Kanye, you're not making less than six figgies, right? You have to be.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yeah, come on, I hope. Yeah, I hope. Yeah, as far as the figgies go, it's gotta be six. If we're talking figgies, it's gotta be six of them. By the way, it'd be cool if it was seven for no reason. Yeah, that'd be cool too. And come on in here, I'd like to tell you that I'm giving you a raise. I'm adding one more figgy to that paycheck.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Congratulations. You're doing great. I mean, dude, you're so stoked if you get a raise and it's a figgy. Oh, yeah. That's an incredible. You just got yourself another figgy. That's a bump. That's a real bump.
Starting point is 00:22:22 That's a total bump. Sweetheart, I think I got a raise. How much. I think I got a raise how much I don't know I don't know you go back there and you ask him for another figgy right now Do you think he's that seems like too many figgies? You don't understand too many figs if they appreciate you they'll give you another figgy They'll give you a piggy stop acting like a bitch and ask for your figgy. Well, I got fired and ask for your figgy, well, I got fired. What up? I am Drammo's host of the Life as a Gringo podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Now, this is a show for the no sabo kids, the 200 percenters. Here we celebrate your otherness and embrace living in the gray area. If you ever felt like you were always too much this while also never being enough that, this is the podcast for you. Every Tuesday I'll be bringing you conversations around personal growth, issues affecting the Latin community and much more via my own personal stories along with interviews with inspiring thought leaders from our community. Then every Thursday I'll be tackling trending stories and current events from our community
Starting point is 00:23:23 that you need to know. So much of what makes our community so beautiful is our diversity yet too often those of us who don't fit into this dumb stereotypical box of whatever it means to be Latino are left without a voice or just forgotten about. On this show I celebrate the uniqueness of our culture and invite you to walk in your authenticity. Listen to Life as a Gringo as a part of the My Kutura podcast network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast,
Starting point is 00:23:48 or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey everybody, welcome to Across Generations, where the voices of black women unite in powerful conversations. I'm your host, Tiffany Cross. Tiffany Cross. I want you all to join me and be a part of sisterhood, friendship, wisdom, and laughter.
Starting point is 00:24:06 In every episode, we gather a seasoned elder. But even with a child, there's no such thing as the wrong thing if you love them. Myself, as the middle generation. I don't feel like I have to get married at this big age in life, but it is a desire I have and something that I've navigated in dating. And a vibrant young soul for engaging intergenerational conversations.
Starting point is 00:24:35 I'm very jealous of your generation that didn't have to deal with Instagram and Tinder. This is Across Generations, where Black women's voices unite. And together, you know how we do. We create magic. Listen to Across Generations podcasts on the iHeart radioio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. I don't understand what the big fat ones are. You don't put those inside of you, do you? I mean, you do?
Starting point is 00:25:03 This is a show about women. OK, so I just reapply my lip gloss after eating a delicious lunch. We are headed back now to the European Political Systems class at Baruch College. Woo! Finally, a show about women that isn't just a thinly veiled aspirational nightmare. That's it. that's actually the name of the show.
Starting point is 00:25:27 It's not hosted, not narrated, we're just dropping into a woman's world. It's like reality TV, on the radio. I found out when my dad was gay when I was 10, we were in a convertible on the 405 freeway, listening to the B-52s. And looking back, I should have said, this is gay. This is already all gay Listen to finally a show on the iHeartRadio app Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts And so then Kanya comes rolling in. He didn't fall out of the sky?
Starting point is 00:26:07 Wait, like a... Cause guys like him just don't fall out of the fucking sky, you know? He has a full grill now. It's really cool looking. Like a mouth grill? I thought maybe he was about to start cooking some asada, baby. No, a mouth of just bedazzles. It's really, it's fun looking.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I love that. He has a, he's got a full chrome grill now Yeah, is that what it is? I think he had all of his teeth removed. Yeah, and it's just a chrome top and a chrome bottom He was uh, he was like watching James Bond and he saw the character jaws and he's like I want his teeth Well, dude, it's wild because he's his pants look like trash bags. His face looks like foil. He's always ready to do some work around the house. This boy's ready. As a bagel, he looks like a monster made from garbage.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Like if someone threw mutagen into a fucking trash garbage truck. Yeah, that's what Kanye West crawls out. He comes out and has to fight the turtles. Yelling slurs. This motherfucker is a walking tool shed. Yeah. The hell? And dude, the people that he was with,
Starting point is 00:27:18 he rolled with a guy that was like a little older. He seemed kinda, he was also wearing all black, but he seemed a little normal. You know, for a fact, he was was like I'm not putting on the trash bag pants right yeah I will wear all black like like all of us and I was gonna give you another piggy on the paycheck but yeah I'm not wearing all black right and then two girls that looks like they just walked off the set of, uh, Idol. That HBO show. They were... Oh, and what does that look like?
Starting point is 00:27:49 Loose butthole. Oh, you didn't watch Idol? You didn't watch Idol, the weekend show? No. I mean, with that girl's, uh, legitimate vagina lips hanging out? You gotta check it out. With Johnny Depp's daughter? Can we break early? I'll go check it out. Can we pause? Yeah, you have to check it out with Johnny Depp's daughter. Can we break early? I'll go check it out Can we have to check it out? Dude the show was bad, but for whatever reason I can't watch
Starting point is 00:28:17 For whatever reason I kept watching I don't know it yeah, it was bad, but it had a hook Oh, he was like, I don't know. I'm not really into this show. And I'm like, there's something to it, right? Right. Is there something to it? Huh. Pussy punani, Vagani. So they're dressed in the, they're naked women, right? They're naked women.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Sure. Well, yeah, that's his, is it his girlfriend or his wife? It wasn't. It wasn't those that her girlfriend was. That's her whole fashion cue. So maybe they're also bar and outfits. I think they were. But they were, it wasn't those that hurt, but that's that's her whole fashion queue. So yes, they're also I think But they were it was less than that. It was more there were more clothes than she I've seen her wear Right, but I don't like you guys telling me to show my tits. It was it was wild for like a
Starting point is 00:28:57 Wednesday Meeting at the Chateau. This wasn't Wednesday clothes. You know what I mean? Hit it blazer I thought you were hitting it. This dude over here licking his... He was looking at the computer licking his chops. I thought he had something up his sleeve. That's...
Starting point is 00:29:15 That's arguably the greatest sighting you can have at this moment. Yeah. Yeah. That's the best. I know. I can't believe I'm kind of two for two with cool sightings recently. You don't normally catch those sightings, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:30 No. I know, what the heck? Yeah, I don't know what's happening. You got to see Yeezy in the flesh. I'm on a real run. Yeah, who's next? Remember when he was my neighbor? That was crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah. That was wild. That didn't last long. That didn't end well. Well, I guess it was his first Hollywood house. Hell yeah. And then he was in the process of moving out when I was moving in. There was only a maybe three month overlap or something.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah, he's like, oh shit, I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go, I gotta go. And then it was a lot of me driving past and paparazzi looking at me thinking I'm gonna be I'm driving right like slowly right past his house because there's that curve right there. Nothing makes you feel worse. And then they put their cameras down.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Yeah. Makes you feel worse. Oh, it's just the, it's just the fucking workaholics. Adam, he flips up his Dwayne Wang glasses. Nope. Nobody interested? No? Hello?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Okay. I will say if I was gonna make a swing like fashion choice, it would be those Dwayne Wade glasses. Oh yeah, the little sunglasses. Where there are sunglasses and then you flip them up and they're just actual glasses. Yeah. It's a cool look. Undeniable. Undeniable cool look.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I'm not for the trash bag pants, but I am 100% Those are deniable. Yeah, those are very deniable and recyclable as we've covered Is that our thing? you know how like when you get older like a lot of actors or comedians like they just kind of get a hold of a Thing and they're like I'm the guy like howie Mandel's glasses game is super Super strong. Yeah. He's like maybe maybe that's my thing. I have like sunglasses and then I do a flip ups.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yeah. Flip up. I like how you're like my thing is going to be the thing that's already some other dude's thing that's named after the other guy. Well, I don't think they're Dwayne weights because remember, I used to have a pair of those Dwayne Wayne Dwayne's Dwayne Wayne? Dwayne Wade is a basketball player. Oh, well that's who I thought you were talking about. I thought he had a- Dwayne Wayne is from a different world.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Wait, what glasses are you talking about? I do not know- It's a different world from where you come from. What kind of sunglasses was Dwayne Wade wearing? He probably had a pair. Dude, I had assumed Dwayne Wade has cool glasses like that. So he was saying Dwayne Wade and I'm like. I'm sure his eyewear is good.
Starting point is 00:31:47 He's in Miami. Yeah, I'm assuming he has cool eyewear. I'm not trying to bring it back to Sinbad this week, but it's a different world. It's where like Lisa Bonet went away to college from the Cosby show. Okay, that was after the Cosby show, right? It was during, but yeah, it was a spinoff.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Okay, no, I mean, literally the Cosby show was on and then a different world came right on afterwards. Yes. Oh, that's a spinoff. OK, no, I mean, literally, the costume show was on, and then A Different World came right on afterwards. Yes. Oh, that's a one-two punch. I think for the most part, that was my bedtime. Mama was tucking me to bed. You were sleeping. Yeah, I'm a little younger than you,
Starting point is 00:32:18 so I think I didn't have the time to watch that one. It was about bath time. She was like, away, Dad's not here. I got to put you one. It was it was about that. She was like away. Dad's not here I gotta put you down. Yeah Yeah, let's get you let's have you watch a Cosby show and have sweet dreams, right sweet She's like Cosby's fine this other show. I don't know I'm gonna put you something make some about Cosby makes me put you to bed. Yeah, you're getting very sleepy That was an allegedly it was actual Put you to bed. Yeah. You're getting very sleepy. Allegedly. No, that wasn't allegedly.
Starting point is 00:32:46 It was actual. Yes, he's in prison. Yeah, so I couldn't watch though. So his name was Dwayne Wayne? Yeah. Dwayne Wayne, yes. Yeah. Oh, see.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And you knew exactly who he was talking about when he said Dwayne Wayne. Yeah, it's iconic. No, don't put words in Blake's nut mouth. Did you know? No, of course I do put words in Blake's nip mouth. Did you know? No, of course I do, yes. That's the whole Kanye lyric, when Dwayne Wade became Dwayne Wade.
Starting point is 00:33:11 When Dwayne Wade became Dwayne Wade. Yeah. Yeah. So what was the lyric? Cause the lyric is about Dwayne Wade. It's about Dwayne Wayne. No, it's a, so Dwayne Wayne was kind of like a dork. He was kind of like a nerd pining after Lisa Bonet.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Okay. And so Kanye was like, I was, the lyric is when Dwayne Wayne became Dwayne Wade. Dwayne Wade, obviously very famous, popular basketball player, married to Omaha's very own Gabrielle Union. It's science. So it's about his progression as a man.
Starting point is 00:33:49 See, I literally just thought of who was saying Dwayne Wade twice. I'd never heard Dwayne Wayne, not once. I always, every time the thousand times I've heard that song, I thought it was when Dwayne Wade became Dwayne Wade. I thought he was like No, I mean, but that's a much more clever lyric. I just literally never heard. Yeah. Yeah Okay, and then I'm learning something. Yeah, I'm learning something. That's cool years later
Starting point is 00:34:17 Well, did he start those sunglasses? Those glasses? It was that literally was he the first one? I mean he put him on the map, right? Yeah. Yeah. OK. What were those like the Hitler mustache? Like, yes, much like that mustache was was fairly popular at the time. Like people had that mustache. So, you know, I don't know if they did. People were rocking Charlie Chaplin was.
Starting point is 00:34:38 But did he but did he put it on for The Dictator, the movie he made of making fun of him? Oh, I don't know. I think he was... This is where we need Kyle's dumb ass. I guess I'm just like, we know those two guys had it, but I don't... And Michael Jordan. So like kind of all sort of huge figures.
Starting point is 00:34:57 We have said Michael Jordan's the only person who could have undone the Hitler-ness of it. I do think it was a mustache. I do think it was a mustache I do think it was a mustache I think people had it and during that cause you watch boardwalk empire and there's people with that stash. Oh really? Yeah Damn, that's a bitch ass mustache. I'll be real with you. I've much preferred Durs's cookie duster That's a nice mustache mustache. No chill. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Relax. Whoa dude. Wow. Hey, is there a negative points over there? Kid button? Can you hit that one? Jesus. I mean, yeah, I guess I wouldn't want that either.
Starting point is 00:35:33 But who the ones that are like just the low pencil, those are fucking fire, dude. Oh, like what? Who's the who's the director guy? Uh, Jonathan, John Waters. Yeah, his mustache is sinister. Oh yeah, the pencil thin. The really pencil thin. That's a skeezy stache though.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Remember when I had that blonde mustache, but it kind of was darker right here in Kyle and Ders? Yeah, under the lights, it looked like a Hitler mustache. The light was hitting me just right. On tour photos, it looks like you rocked a Hitler mustache on our TII tour. Yeah. So that is kind of cool. And I wondered like why so many guys with like shaved heads were coming up to me and saying,
Starting point is 00:36:16 I really love your mustache from like, that happened a lot. That happened a lot on tour. They kept saying, hey man, your facial hair is in the zone. The zone of interest. Yeah, I really get it, your facial hair is in the zone. Yeah. Zone of interest. Yeah, I really get it. You're a fucking disaster, my guy. And they're fucking winking. Yeah, they do a little wink. And they're like, that's a movie that just came out. I didn't see it. I know it won an Academy Award. I just watched it. It was fine. It's pretty disturbing. Oh, yeah? Oh, okay. I truly had no idea what you're saying there, Dyrs. Zone of interest. Hold up.
Starting point is 00:36:45 He thought you said Dwayne Wade. What is that? It won an Oscar. Oh dude, I don't watch that shit. I know I was with you. It did, for best screenplay, I don't know. It was, it's the movie about like just like, this family and like the dad is in a way dad and he's got a big job.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Oh boy. His job though is running concentration camps and finding ways to like get rid of more Jewish people. So like this this team comes in with like new plans. That's a weird sitcom. Kind of a kind of a black comedy. Yeah it's's a little. It's not, it's not. Okay, I'm sure, I'm assuming. I mean, but hey, there's a, what is it, Rogan's Heroes? That was at a POW camp and that was a comedy during World War II. Was that Hogan's, Hogan's Hero?
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, what did I say? Rogan's. You said Rogan, which would be cool, like a Joe Rogan spin-off. It was Hogan's. Wait, but there was- It was about Hulk Hogan and, sorry. You are right, it is Hogan's, but I wanna say there was also a Rogan spin-off. It was Hogan. So wait, but it was about Hulk Hogan. Sorry. You are right. It is Hogan's,
Starting point is 00:37:46 but I want to say there was also a Rogan's Heroes that was something else. And people listening at home, you can slide in Blake's DMs. Rogan's is a show about sports, Isaac said, and also a popular podcast. And maybe because you, I know you listen to all of them. So yeah, you're probably thinking of Rogan. Yeah, you're you're a Rogan head. Yeah, that's where I get my horse trank. Yeah. Ivermectin. What a hard time he got for that.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Brought to you by Ivermectin. Everyone's like, people use this. I don't know why we're calling it a horse tranquilizer. People use this every day. It's science. Dude, COVID was a weird time. Is it is it not a horse tranquilizer? Yeah. I mean, yeah, but sure. But it has other properties that apply for other stuff and see, yeah, you got crucified.
Starting point is 00:38:32 But guess what? Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, they're back on Spotify this week, boys. Are they? They're back? Nucky grandma! They're back! Were they not for a while? Yeah, they left because...
Starting point is 00:38:42 Yeah, they pulled it. Dude, this is the podcast where I just truly don't know anything. I don't know anything. Nucky grandma! They're back! Were they not for a while? Yeah, they left because... Dude, this is the podcast where I just truly don't know anything. We're kind of covering a lot of old stuff. But when you're funny like we are, well, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Yeah, when you're the funniest podcast in history. We're gonna go viral with this one. For the year, for the year. During COVID, essentially, Neil Young was like,
Starting point is 00:39:08 Joe Rogan's spreading misinformation. If he's on Spotify, I'm not. And then a few other people were, including Joni Mitchell. But now, I guess Joe Rogan made a deal where he can be on anything now. Oh, fuck it. And so Neil Young's like, okay, well, fuck it. I guess I'll put my shit back.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Well, I guess I'm off everything. He was like, I can't do that. Take a stand. Have a backbone. Hey, by the way, Joni Mitchell at the Grammys, that shit was off the hot. Girl, she still got it in that chair. I was like, dude, in that chair, you guys watch the Grammys. You guys are so we watch award so. We watch award shows. We're award winners.
Starting point is 00:39:46 You, yes. The only award show that I livestream is the. Nickelodeon? The I Heart Radio podcast awards. That's the only one. We should have watched the weekend show. What's it called? Idol.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I think it's just called Idol, dude. And it's not good. I'm not going to sit up here and say it's a good show, but for whatever reason Can't put my finger That's all I'm saying. You know what, Chloe, I think I'm gonna go watch the second episode in our room. You kinda wanna keep watching. Can I just say, I think we just did like a full on like 80D seven tangent circle.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Cause we were talking about something and then I was like, but the thing in the book and then, and now I'm like, what were we even talking about? He's in a good one. We were talking about award shows, number four cups. It was like, oh, Dwayne Wade. Dwayne Wade. Dwayne Wade.
Starting point is 00:40:53 That got very confusing, because I know a lot of people are like me that they can't hear. I know a lot of people are going to listen to you and hear Dwayne Wade. I guarantee there are some people that also never put that together some big fucking bozos For sure and I'm excited that we learned something together. Yeah, we learned today. That's cool. That's really cool You know, that's the truth. Yeah What up I am Drammo's host of the Life as a Gringo podcast. Now, this is a show for
Starting point is 00:41:28 the NoSabo kids, the 200 percenters. Here we celebrate your otherness and embrace living in the gray area. If you ever felt like you were always too much this while also never being enough that, this is the podcast for you. Every Tuesday, I'll be bringing you conversations around personal growth, issues affecting the Latin community, and much more via my own personal stories along with interviews with inspiring thought leaders from our community. Then every Thursday I'll be tackling trending stories and current events from our community that you need to know.
Starting point is 00:42:00 So much of what makes our community so beautiful is our diversity yet too often those of us who don't fit into this dumb stereotypical box of whatever it means to be Latino are left without a voice or just forgotten about. On this show I celebrate the uniqueness of our culture and invite you to walk in your authenticity. Listen to Life as a Gringo as a part of the My Thuradep podcast network available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey everybody, welcome to Across Generations where the voices of black women unite
Starting point is 00:42:32 in powerful conversations. I'm your host, Tiffany Cross. Tiffany Cross. I want you all to join me and be a part of sisterhood, friendship, wisdom, and laughter. In every episode, we gather a seasoned elder. But even with a child, there's no such thing as the wrong thing if you love them. Myself, as the middle generation.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I don't feel like I have to get married at this big age in life, but it is a desire I have and something that I've navigated in dating. And a vibrant young soul for engaging intergenerational conversations. I'm very jealous of your generation that didn't have to deal with the same issues and dating. And a vibrant young soul for engaging intergenerational conversations. I'm very jealous of your generation that didn't have to deal with Instagram and Tinder. This is Across Generations where Black women's voices unite and together, you know how we
Starting point is 00:43:17 do, we create magic. Listen to Across Generations podcast on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. I don't understand what the big fat ones are. You don't put those inside of you, do you? I mean, you do? This is a show about women. Okay, so I just reapplied my lip gloss
Starting point is 00:43:45 after eating a delicious lunch. We are headed back now to the European Political Systems class at Baruch College. Woo! Finally, a show about women that isn't just a thinly-veiled aspirational nightmare. That's it. That's actually the name of the show.
Starting point is 00:44:03 It's not hosted, not narrated. We're just dropping into a woman's it. That's actually the name of the show. It's not hosted, not narrated. We're just dropping into a woman's world. It's like reality TV on the radio. I found out when my dad was gay when I was 10, we were in a convertible on the 405 freeway listening to the B-52s. Looking back I should have said this is gay. This is already all gay Listen to finally a show on the I heart radio app Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts If you were Kanye's level, would you have a chair guy would I have a chair guy? Yeah, would you have a chair guy? You know have a chair guy? Yeah, would you have a chair guy? You know what, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Maybe I would. I know I'm only like three tables away from him, but we're not in the same world. Right. We're not even in the same, we don't live the same life, even a little bit. Well, we kind of talked about, when you get to a certain level of wealth, you start to have guys.
Starting point is 00:45:05 You guys talked about how, like, De Niro had a cheese guy. Kanye has like a chair guy. Yeah, sure. What kind of guy would you want? Yeah, you want to know what's your first? What would be the first guy you hire? Hot guy. Well, OK, Blake, what? Everybody knows. Would it be Adam?
Starting point is 00:45:21 No, I would have a And I'm about to go there Cause if I start my production And I'm not feeling that well I might pull the trigger on this I want a physical therapist In the trailer So that's a hot guy? I think that's the same Hey it could be
Starting point is 00:45:40 A strong woman It could just be a strong woman with some strong hands Very different You think there's a woman strong enough to fucking squeeze your shit, bro? Come on. Yeah, I think I think so. I have a I have a physical therapist right now. Sam. She's a woman and she's absolutely fantastic. OK, strong hands. Yeah, you got to have strong hands.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Are you positive it's a woman? Yeah. Yeah. I guess children. Yeah. Yeah. Can't ask. You do not ask. I didn't ask. I didn't ask. But there's those tells there are Yeah. Yeah. I just children. Yeah. Yeah. You can't ask. You do not ask. I didn't ask. I didn't ask. But there's tells. There are tells. Yeah. What are you seeing? I her family, her husband, her kids, just, you know, there's some tells. Good luck with that. Good luck with those being identifiers. But I, but I do want, I think that would be my. Guess what? A lot of people can have a husband these days, Adam.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Anyone can have kids, Adam. Right. You want a husband? I'll get you a husband. Tomorrow. Blake will get you a husband tomorrow, dude. I'd love to be your husband. I know you would.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I know you would. I would love to marry either of you. I would have a physical therapist on hand, or like a massage therapist or someone like that. I think that would be a good guy to have. Just ready for a rub down, ready to really get in there and dig, I mean, it's insane. Like my psoas, I guess it's all my psoas.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I guess I have a thickened psoas. You got it. Thickened? Great ass. Yeah, they're like, it's hyperfetri. Psoas. Hyperpterfied. Yeah, they're like, it's hyperfitri. So ass. Hyperpterfied? Yeah, is that the right word?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Hypertrophy? Great ass. I've never heard that word before. Sure, man. It's basically when your muscles grow. Sure. And they're strong, and they're big. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:47:18 So your so ass is too strong? Yes, essentially, and they think it's from the cycling, and it's strong and really, really tight and it's just yanks everything out of place It's tight and it yanks and what did you just did you just cycle for an hour a day and then never stretch? I never stretch once I never stretched. I don't even really I didn't I'm now learning how to stretch I didn't even know besides like touching my toes. I would touch my toes and pull my leg back I would I would that's cool. You know how like Brett Favre would... Those aren't even the muscle.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Well, yeah, I guess the pull your leg back one. Yeah. You know how Brett Favre would like pull his leg back twice and then go play a football game? That's who I thought I was. And it turns out I'm not that guy, pal. I'm not that guy. Right. He would just grab some grass.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I'm not that guy. So do you have the thing with the two little fins and you lay on that? Oh yeah, I lay on that shit all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, what's that thing? How we call it? I think it's like so as release or something and it's just a piece of plastic and a u-shape and then to like basically kind of like balls or ridges that you lay on and it pokes both sides of your hips and It's supposed to release it doesn't do shit for me because I'm too tight, but now I'm uh I'm going like four or five days a week And they're just digging in there trying to release it before I leave for Charleston because I don't know what my physical
Starting point is 00:48:38 It doesn't do anything for you. No, even though you haven't worked out in months. No, dude I haven't worked out in months and I haven't ridden a bike in a year and a half and I'm still so so tight Huh? You need another four inches. You need another four inches and they also think the Festiculations has something to do with it too. So I think yeah, that's what I was gonna Blake and I were talking about this Offline I texted you like the yes for sure the festiculations bro, but like I didn't want to say it I'm glad that's what I told you guys That's what I mean when I tell you guys every little detail about my health The fact that you don't remember every detail really upsets me because I've told you no I remember the
Starting point is 00:49:17 Vesticulation yeah, yeah, there's the spasms essentially and that's they think I have some kind of autoimmune thing They can't figure it out, but It goes in tandem with it's keeping my so as tight which is that fucking everything up So I need to pull that for the board keeping your so as tight Yeah, I can only imagine this person you're hiring like just putting your legs behind your head telling it's all part of it Yeah, tight one. Well, it is insane because they do have to dig in. It's right at your crotch and their, their, their thumbs are just really digging, get your idol really digging deep. Do you get, do you get aroused at all or
Starting point is 00:49:56 no, no, it is the most painful thing that you could do. You do feel a something, you know, unlike your balls, when it, when your balls go up suddenly for some reason, Oh yeah. They kind when like your balls, when your balls go up suddenly for some reason? Oh yeah, they kind of like scare. You feel the pole kind of behind your pelvic bone? I feel that when I've had my psoas, I guess you'd call it tingled. Yeah, you get it tingled. Mine's a power wash. Mine's wild. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I gotta try this. I'm like doing it right now and it does it does feel interesting. Get closer. It shouldn't feel interesting. It should feel like white hot pain. Right. Really? Yours is probably tight from running. Yeah. Offline. Let's discuss it offline. Hey, so that's my guy. That's my guy. Okay. I want a psoas releaser on call ready to release so as is and help help me help myself Okay, okay. I like that. Who's your guy my guy? You know how like you see people playing like accordions My guy is kind of like that, but he's holding a spindle of gyro meat Okay, oh like and he can no matter how close or far I am from him, like within reason, he can just go with a knife
Starting point is 00:51:08 and the piece of gyro flies towards me and I catch it in my mouth. Whoa. Wow. I can't stop eating. I will say the one bummer about that guy is you always, you then would always, always have to smell gyro meat.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Oh, well. So I like, I do like. You act like I haven't thought about this, Adam. Yeah, yeah, I do like the smell, but I feel like all the time, that might not be a good vibe for you. I think you would end up getting fired off of sets. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah, I do. Cause it smells like gyro? Yeah, I think like a vegan or a, a lot of these directors are vegan and vegetarian. Like, you know, Kyle. Let me tell you something. When you have a guy who slices Giro meat with you, nobody's firing you. Oh, you mean you're at that level that you can have that guy.
Starting point is 00:51:56 The Wotri guy. Yeah, we're not talking about right now. No. Well, that's also a good point. But I just think like the intimidation factor of it's like, do I really want to tell the the boss like to fire the boss Of the guy who slices meat this well like because if I'm fired he's technically out of work, you know Like that makes a lot of sense. He's gonna he's gonna hit a chop I think I would probably just hire somebody to like read everything for me. That would be kind of the guy
Starting point is 00:52:21 I like yeah somebody who like would read everything aloud to me. Well, Blake, that's just how much are you, how much do you have to read now? Yeah, I've made my life so that I don't have to read much. So anytime I have to read, it's really. Is reading that hard for you? Reading is like a pretty simple. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:42 What about like translating it into like emojis? Like Jordan Peele used to do like translating it into emojis? Jordan Peele used to do movies in 140 emojis. Remember that? That would be kind of cool. It was pretty great. Yeah, that would be kind of cool. He could just do that. I'm into that.
Starting point is 00:52:54 You think Jordan might be available? And then you would read that then? You'd read the emojis? Yeah, that could be kind of cool if they just translated it. OK, well, I'm a little bummed. I am a little bummed about mine, because mine was like a very real one. I thought we were trying to go real with the actual guy.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I'm being real. I'm being very real. What are you talking about? I think we're being as real as it gets. No, no, no, no, no. I'm being very real. You guys were doing, you guys were doing chucks, chucks and gigs.
Starting point is 00:53:19 No. And ha-has. And I was trying, I was finally trying to be real. Hey, Adam, just because ours is funnier than yours Like you know, it's not it's not a contest. I'm just saying I know it's not a contest I wish I would have done something different and I'm and I'm sorry. Hey, we're not the fucking healthiest podcast We're the funniest spot think of the way Blake. No the way Blake started it was he wants a hot I'm going on me and he wants a hot guy and I go. Okay, that makes sense for Blake started it was he wants a hot guy. Don't go in on me. He wants a hot guy.
Starting point is 00:53:45 And I go, OK, that makes sense for Blake. And he was not joking. Yeah, we're going real. I wasn't joking. Yeah, we're going real. So then I went real. It did set a tone, Blake. It did set a tone.
Starting point is 00:53:57 You went real right out the gate. So then I had to go real. So you had to match it? Yeah. You said you wanted a hot guy. And then I just, I do want to stand by my, I still want to stand by mine as being kind to go real. So you had to match it? Yeah. You said you wanted a hot guy. And then I just, I do want to stand by my, I still want to stand by mine as being kind of pretty real. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I feel like you would have a different guy. If we are being real. Blake, for sure, what's a hot guy? That makes a lot of sense for him. There's no reason that each one of our guys can't be super hot and do the things we said. Well, that's, hey. That goes without saying.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I mean, for sure. That goes without saying. Yeah. That goes without saying. I mean, for sure. That goes without saying. Yeah. That goes without saying. Yeah, my guy who's reading aloud to me is fucking hot as fuck. Who's he look like? Who's he look like?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Um, he... I was gonna say Brad Pitt. Is Brad Pitt still hot? He's your go-to. Is he still hot? Jesus Christ. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, easy. Do you have eyeballs?
Starting point is 00:54:45 Easy. I thought you were going to say like Stone Cold Steve Austin? No, no. Stone Cold's not hot. I don't want to crush on Stone Cold. Oh, shit. You know who I think is kind of hot? What's going on? Was that one guy's name like Dev Patel? Oh, yeah. I think he's kind of hot.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Not only is he hot, very tall. I think he might even be taller than me. Oh my God. Tallest man alive. And he's way younger than I thought he was. Yeah, I think he's hot. Did you ever see that one movie he's in? It's called like the Green Knight or something? That movie sucked though, right? Dude, he gets J-O.
Starting point is 00:55:18 It was a tone poem. I did not watch it, only because everyone that I knew was like, you don't have to watch that one Don't watch that one. No It was cool. It was I watched it on it was as the kids say it was a vibe It was and the vibe was he I hate vibes, dude. I'm I'm off vibes. I think you just like Shows where shows where you can see pussy Stories and I want stories and vaginal lips.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And that's about another episode. Any take backs, brother? You got any take backs? No, I stand by everything. Hey, do you guys think this is worth adding to our production? I mean, it would give a little bit more work to our producers, but they don't do a damn thing as it stands now. No, they don't do nothing.
Starting point is 00:56:09 You lose! Yeah. Yeah, that being said, we did thank them when we won best podcast. Yeah, that was weird for me. Yeah. Best comedy podcast. Should we do a week after, like, corrections from previous? Because I do feel like we probably say a lot of wrong stuff
Starting point is 00:56:26 and it would be kind of fun to tally the wrong stuff. Oh yeah. Maybe for, what if on the- That is a good idea, yeah. You know what, coming up we have the 200th episode. Maybe we go through all of our errors throughout the 200 episodes and we correct them. Well that's a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Oh buddy. You're gonna make them relist in a 200 episodes? I'm saying, Jesus Christ. Wow. That's true. That's 200 hours of work buddy. That's a lot. That's a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Todd. I mean. Todd get on it. Because you know there's 30 corrections an episode. Per episode. So that's a lot. So, that's a lot. This one alone has a lot. We fucking went at it. No, I think we figured that we got to the bottom
Starting point is 00:57:11 of everything in this episode. Yeah, that's true. This one too. If anyone knows how to get to the bottom, it's us. Absolutely. I don't have a take back, but I do have a freaking shout out. I got a shout out to Atlantic City. We're coming your way, baby
Starting point is 00:57:27 Atlantic City here we go Dice hot and the slots loose Lots delt dude. I do like that Like calling slots loose like who is the first guy to say that? Like they're loose. That's kind of a very sexual undertone. Provocative, sure. Yeah, loose. Lose.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Lose slots, baby. We like that. Yeah. Let's just pull slots all weekend. Wait, we're only there a day, huh? We're there like a day or two, yeah, a couple days. I mean, I'll pull some slots with you. I never pull slots, because I don't even know when I win.
Starting point is 00:58:07 You know what I mean? Yeah. They're really gotten so hard. Yeah. It seems like a total waste of time. Maybe we find like a fun game, like a Wheel of Fortune type game. You know how every once in a while, there's one of those and you're like, hey, let's play this one. Let's just like it's like it's the movie, but it's a fucking slot machine. Yeah. Willy Wonka.
Starting point is 00:58:26 I remember I was pitching very hard, and then of course Isaac didn't do shit about it. I hate him, I hate that man. I was like, we should have a slot machine, or like a pinball machine or something. I was like, the fact that we were a very culturally significant show, we could have had a slot machine, and you know we were a very culturally significant show mm-hmm we could have had a slot machine and you know what you do to the slot
Starting point is 00:58:48 machine. We met Larry King. Go ahead. When worse shows off the air you just peel the sticker back and it's always sunny or whatever. Always sunny. Yeah. You just peel the sticker back it's fine. Right. We did try to get a pinball machine made because Comedy Central has a there's a South Park one, it's fine. Right, right. We did try to get a pinball machine made because Comedy Central has a, there's a South Park one, but it's a pretty involved process. How did South Park get a fucking pinball machine and we didn't? Yeah, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:59:12 WTF. Yeah, the fact that that show that's been on for like 25 years got a, that's still currently on and they've made like five movies. The fact that they have a pinball machine, that doesn't make any sense to me, dude. Doesn't sound like a good move, Bally. Yeah, you could have had a workah a pinball machine. I don't that doesn't make any sense to me. Yeah, it doesn't sound like a good move Bally yeah, you could have had a workaholics pinball machine
Starting point is 00:59:29 I blew it but she blew it you blew it or was it Isaac that blew it? I can't tell I don't know. There's no way to tell put it on I think I mean How do you compare him blowing it when it seems like everything's been? And you know like what's a real disaster when across the board it kind of seems like a fail Yeah, this is the way anyway that being said I love Isaac and he did show us His tits on a couple occasions in Oakland and Omaha So yeah, we've seen him naked and if you're lucky Atlantic City you might get my god there at Isaac's rack, baby Oh, I don't like you guys telling me to show my tits and that that's a big maybe. I bet he's not gonna want to,
Starting point is 01:00:05 because now we're hyping it, but I wanna see them peak, those pink nips once again. We have big plans for Isaac. Isaac's gonna kind of be the fourth member. Basically, since I can't watch the show, The Idol, all the time, I gotta see pink nips in other places, you know, and that's Isaac. So that's the guy you would have,
Starting point is 01:00:24 a pink nipple guy. I feel like I already have that guy though, that's Isaac. So that's the guy you would have, a pink nipple guy. Yeah, and I feel like I already have that guy though, it's Isaac. It is, and we love him, bud. And we love him. Hey, I came back, I'd like to take back, I shitted on Isaac earlier, I really do, I love that. Like just now?
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah, just now. You know, I was going a little hard in the paint, and I do love this guy. Yeah, but this is how you kind of, sometimes you gotta motivate by just really putting him down and making him feel horrible. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah shit them down and build them up I mean, I guess yeah, that is true. And was that another episode of this is important this
Starting point is 01:01:04 Baby the day before the day. Punk rock, getting radical. It's a two day holiday. It's a two day holiday. Punk rock, getting radical. Hey guys, Hidge News. This is important, is back on the road on Friday April 19th. That's right 420 Eve. My fellow stoners, I don't smoke. Adam Blake and myself Anders are
Starting point is 01:01:36 hitting the Hard Rock City Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City to bring TII Nation to another live show. Tickets are available now at Hard Rock Hotel,, or you can go to the link in our bio on our at pot important Instagram page. You are so dumb if you don't get your tickets right now because they will sell out hot, hot, hot. Yes points. Come party with us in Atlantic City.
Starting point is 01:02:08 What up I am Drammo's host of the life as a gringo podcast. This is a show for the no sabo kids the two hundred percenters here we celebrate your otherness and embrace living in the gray area. Every Tuesday I'll be bringing you conversations around personal growth, issues affecting the Latin community, and much more. Then every Thursday, I'll be tackling trending stories and current events from our community. Listen to Life as a Gringo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Imagine you ask two people the same seven questions. I'm Minnie Driver, and this was the idea I set out to explore in my podcast, Mini Questions. This year we bring a whole new group of guests to answer the same seven questions, including Courtney Cox, Rob Delaney, Liz Fair, and many, many more. Join me on season three of Mini Questions on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts. Seven questions, limitless answers. John Stewart is back in the host chair at The Daily Show, which means he's also back in our ears on The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast. Join late night legend, John Stewart and the best news team for today's
Starting point is 01:03:20 biggest headlines, exclusive extended interviews and more. Now this is a second term we can all get behind. Listen to The Daily Show, Ears Edition on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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